who wont lo Ketchikntf last Friflay for I ho purpose of taking pari in Hit ceremony of presenting I ho cliarlor to I ho Ketchikan Club at which Oovernor Frank Riggs of Portland, Orogon, offi-eialcil. Thosi- making Hip trip wore r. i. Dawson, Air. and Airs. flenrge Rryant, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Johnslon, Mr. and Mrs. James Loo, John Doro, II. F. Pillion, C. If. Ormo nnd Thus. Trnlier. Several local men went across on the Cygau which called horp Monday bill they arrived too lale for the big event. They were Consul Wnkefield, Jarvis MoLeod and T. II. Johnson. The visilors were taken in charge on their arrival by Harry Xunan, president of the Kolchi-kan Rotary Club, and a number of others and from thai lime on they were given the freedom of the oily. Autos were at their dis-J posal and they were dinner guests at n number of Ketchikan homes-. The F.Iks Club nnd oilier organizations made them welcome nnd the whole visit was n round of sighl-seeing nnd entertainment. Climax Monday The climax of the whole affair occurred Monday night when a big hamiucl was given at which members of the club and their wives were present. There the Union Jack iuterminigleil with the Stars and Stripes and everything possible was done to make the visilors feel thai they were welcome and that their Visit was The local speakers at this event were F. (1. Dawson anil C, 11. Ornie, the former responding , to an address of welcome and the lalter presenting the club with a standard and bell for the use of the president at meetings and a fine Union Jack donated by Sydney Johnston, a flag which be had brought from overseas ami which he prized much. Mrs. Johnslon sang most acceptably, surprising n numlier of her friends who were not aware of her ability in U"1 line. Tbe fdll prograni follows: 1 Anglo - American Anthem, All. 2 Dinner. .1 Roll Call nnd Introductions. I Community Singing, All, led by N. R.-Wnlker. Ii Address of Welcome, Rev. C. M. Van Marter. C, Hesponse, Fred Dawson. 7 Solo, selected, Mrs. Van 11. Fisk. : v H iPresenlalion of Charter, Coverum Frank C. Higps. 1) I'rosonlaMjni of Flag nnd Holary F.mlileni, Cyril Ornie. if) Acpi'plnnce, President Harry Julian.: ; : ' ii-Kii'ln, HoleclPil, Mrs." Syd'-" 'ney D.-Jolmston. 12 "Our Club in llotary," John ill. lleogle.. 13 -Remarks, Frank Pnrrish. 14 Address, Frank C. Riggs. 15 Solo, seleeled. F.d. Sando. 10 iParling Song, F.verybody M00SE11EART LEGION PARTY LAST NIGHT One -Hundred and Fifty Persons Attended Enjoyable Affair Held ln Metropole Hall Annul Kill persons iilleuueii an enjoyable whist drive nnd dance held last night in the Metropole Hall by (he ladies of the Moose-heart Legion. Prize winners at curds were: Ladies' first, Mrs. Cuiwlhorne.; Indies' second, Mrs. P. J. Ryan: men'H first, H. M. Simpson; men's second, 'M. -E. 'Edwards. Refreshments were serv.ed and dancing followed, music being furnished liy Hie Weslboline Orchestra. Joe Slaggard was Advertise in tlio Dally News. I master of ceremonies, Mrs. AIL Christiansen presided at Hie door and Hie committee in charge roiisisc,d of Mrs. Jack Judge (convener), .Mrs. Ed. Unger, Mrs. George- Cralo ami Mrs. Einat' Lnrseu, MARIANS ARE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMe I ? k ) i i ii .t V n'j.!-viu! u j j . I ir. i i i ( v - i i HONOR GUESTS AT KETCHIKAN MILK MENS Flag Brought From Overseas Was Presented to Club by Visitors From This City BANQUET ON MONDAY Arriving .home yesterday afternoon on the Princess Mary worn n number of members of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club mzwmtj -m rrraw-v- r war vr i I 11 r i i mm mmMmmmK' i i i x . i jr i a btttti l w 1 1 i a j r -r i 1 , .1 n lo approach the instructor of the North H.C. Regiment hand with a view to possibly bavin? llial band perform. 1 MAYOR OF EDMONTON l I W'IS 1 I Cl Bnt.m ntht wica J 53 ) T 1 1 1 ' MEETING OF FAIR BOARD Tender for Printing Prize List Accepted May Obtain Services of Local Band The Fair Hoard held its monthly mooting last night. directors prrsent being Presi dent lU'ii Self, Frank Dibit. S. D. Maedonabl, D. .labour, Aid. Drown, John Hulgor, Fred Scad- den, V. D. Vance, A. 1). Plant and I). McD. liunler. Ilusincs.s was principally or a routine nature. Tenders for the printing of the 102 The only of Hose, prize list were opened, tender submitted, Ilia! Cowan & Lai I a, was accepted. The sports committee retried on behalf of the joint ctuu-uiitlee of the Fair Hoard and Elks thai arrangements for thei forthcoming .May Uueea carni-l val were well under way and that rehearsals were already being held -under the direction of Mrs. David Thomson in the Elks Home. The mailer of obtaining the services of a band for the Fair was discussed and it was ilecidfd MAY BE CANDIDATE Kenneth Blatchford Will Have Name Before Liberal Convention of Edmonton East EDMONTON, May 1.1. There is no prospective Conservative candidate in the field for the Ens Edmonton Federal ridihjr up lo dale, as Tar as nan ne learned. It is understood, how-eveiv that it is plr.nni'il lo put a candidate into Hie field and the Organizers will get busy within the next few weeks to gel Hie constituency lined up. There are three prospective Liberal candidates. Mayor Ken neth lllalchford, A. II. .McLen nan, M.L.A., nnd Joseph A. Clarke. These Jhroe haye all Skip is Yours I WELFARE J Thi. Baby Welfare Book and this Baby Record will be wnt you free on request. Write The Borden Co. Limited, VANCOUVER. Eagle Brand is the natural food for babie when mother's milk fail. Mt.i,ai' announced their inleniion ol allowing Uieir names lo go be-fm-e the nominitl iii' convention which is lo be hld on May 2Tr It is understood. I lial the tfa- servalive conveiitinn will not lie held until some time later. There i also likely to be a Labor candidate in lb; field. No .ittfinilc announcement has been made by this organization as yet, but it is understood that Lbey are laying plans and hope !i secure the support of Hie rural sections of this community. It is no! likely thai the U.F.A. organization will put a candidate into the field, because of the small rural vole in comparison lo the city. It has not been decided however, that this organization labor. will link up with Molorship Fairbanks, Capl. McKay, arrived in jutrl Ihif morning will) -'Id Ions of pal lailiuni concentrates for transshipment, east over the Canadian National Railways to Irvinglon smeller. New Jersey, from tin Sail Chuck mine, Alaska. you cross to Europe via the Anchor-Donaldson WHEN or Cunard Canadian Route, you make the trip under really ideal conditions. The steamers ire all 'one-cabin class boats. From the pio-ment you step on board, the entire ship is yours. All the luxurious equipment is at your disposal. You have the freedom of the palatial lounges, magnificent drawing rooms, delightful salons, library, writing rooms, wide promenade decks and the attention of courteous, well-trained stewards. The children's room increases the pleasure for travellers with children. The luxuries, conveniences, and the pleasant home-like atmosphere that have made the Anchor-Donaldson Service and Cunard Canadian Service so justly famous, are yours to enjoy for the voyage and in addition you experience the interest and educational value of the scenically beautiful trip down the historic St. Lawrence to the sea. For literature and detailed information apply to your local steamship agent, or write to THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED ill HASTINGS STRtET, W VANCOUVER ANCHOR-DONALDSON CUNARD 17V CANADIAN SERVICES GOOD TYPE OF -MENFORDEASE LAKEDIGGINGS While Number Going In Was Few, They Were Mostly Old Prospectors J. E. Miller, inspector of cus-loms, and T. Mason his assistant, who arrived from WmngeU on the PriiicesR Mnry yesterday say that the rush into Hie Ifc-ase Lake .'old diggings did not amount lo very much. Only 10.1 went up i. it Hie three boats that left on their rim trip while he was I hero and 25 went in over the ice previous lo that. A few others were preparing to leave. 'I he redeeming feature of the move was Hie finality of the men who were going in. 1 Iiey were mostly old prospectors who know Ihe game well ami who will do some real vurk in the country ami will girohahPy find Hie gold If it is rhere. The vessels leaving were the Hazel 11. 2, Hazel II. :i, and Hazel It. t. One of these lowed a b;rge which carried Irurtor, iiutomo- .liles, a team of oxen and avlcam of horses and n lot of other things needed in Hie country, in- luding nijyiv lyys of general supplies. Wliile Mr. Sillier was their. vord came from Telegraph dreek that the waler bail rieri four feH and therefore Hie boats would be able to reach' Jlielr des- inr.tion AMJulc the stream was fairly clear there was n still a i-rtaiii aiiniiml of ire cming lown whirfi .had to be avoided in avigaling Hip Slikine. While the visilors were at W-rangell Hie Commercial Club gave a luncheon lo Hie men who Aero planning Hie flight to the interior lo prospect Hie mineral oposil which had been found ears hefore anil which was lo le reached by airplane. The plane bad not yet reached Wrangell. I'ho plane is a large one anil will carry in three tons or supplies mil bring mil ore samples for assay. I lie ore shown ill Hie tub IuiicIipou was said to go Linn to Hie too in gold alone. Among Ihe local iiwn on the irsl party going inlo Hie IW-ase ountry was J. F, Rilehip. Jr. Mr. Miller lodk in. Jack;V.yuP ,yio is to iitnt aA ist(imfc Offieer Hie boundary on the Sllkfne 'liver. He had Mrs. Wynne and bird with him. MACKINTOSHES ARE DOING WELL IN SOUTH Eric Is Star In Olympic Football Club Which Cleaned up City Honors F. V. Mackintosh, who for ineriy resided here tor some six or seven years and who was a former manager for lite Fair board, writing lo E. II. Mortimer from Kan Francisco, intimates lltal both he anil his son, Eric are doinu well in the southern metropolis. Mr. Mackintosh is now chief accoiinlanl for the Fleishacker Playfiohls nnibr Hi San Franeiseo Parks Commis sion. Erie. Mnskinlosli, a forme star in local football circles, i now playing for Die (fatuous Olympic Club of Hint city. His team has not only won Hit local league hut nlso two cup series. The writer stale thai llur soccer game is played much faster down south and Hint there is a surfeit of old country talent. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrival from the, south on the. steamer I'rincc Georg-c, iCut. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE FOR SALE am! Removnl. House on English Hill. Olve pi'ice to P. Oaniula. Phone ,20rt. If OR SALE. Pleasure boat"Kcho" C. L. Ileindel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. tf TO RENT OR RENT. - Claim Weslenhaver llros. BOARD HOARD nnd Room, or board only. I 43 FWIh Avenue East. Phone Red 707. HOARD. The Second Avenue. AUCTION SALE npAi'lmeul tf In'taiuler, 830 Phone 137. AUCTION SALE will bo hold alj Mr. Voiiugman's house. Orn-ham Avenue on Thursday. May H, at 2.30 p.m. consist-in of oak dining room suite (six chairs, (able, buffet, and china cabinet) soft, oak chairs, small tables, heater, Itrussels anil Axminsler carpels, beds, bureau, chiffonier, MH'.lary range, bedding, elc PhiJpoll, Evill v. Co., Auctioneers. 1I3 COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue KNITTED GOODS SWEATERS nnd nil kinds of knileed goods made to order. Phone lllack 305. If Harry N'edden, Ibis morning in cluded the following: For Prince Rupert Rev. C. II. Short. Fred llourle. Mr. Wood bury, O. llrislow, W. II. Long, A. E. Wright. II. Davies. F. Tur in, J. E. Smith, F. Rail, Mrs. Al- lof, (ieorae Oibsoii, Judge F Mell. Young, H. K. Mcl.eod, .Mr. ami Mrs, W. I., Wilson. E. T, Cormait, ,D. Mi. Monro, Mrs. 0. A. Cltia n r tun , -, V; Th i n 1 1 r I ' E.vVl.' Moyer, .Mr. and Mrs. C. II.' Lewis, It. L. McKinmm, P. (irnhaiu, Mr. Whitehouse, Rev. J. Parsons, J. Smith, O. T. Scolder, W. A Clemens. Capt. L. II. Lindsay. C Anderson, D. (Srafton, Long Chew, II. J. Hacon, C. J. Farr, II. Smith, Mr. Mclver ami J Skinner. For Anyox F. L. O'llearn, A Dyer, C W. Smilh, i. C. R. Cox, E. C. Nevison, Mrs. II. flmitli, I). Mitchell. Al Miner and Ed, Pickett. Hums Luke -II.. Ramsey. Terrace--S. J. Miller and C A. Ilnmer. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. E. Hunling, llydor. Alaska Ross Draper, Jean Cilkor and Lillian Orogan, San Francisco A. II. Lund, Vicoria;,ThomaR J Underwood, M. P. Thorpe ami L E. Kyle, Vancouver; A, .1. Maine son, Port Kdward; illlnnclin Me draw, Juneau: Miss itieuevievi flrant, Sea Hie. Central I. D. I). Daimpre, Kilkalla. Tommy Ryan, charged In the clly pollen court Ibis morning with an infraction of Hie Pound Hylaw, was dismissed. The canine in the case, of which bn disclaimed ownership, -was or dcred destroyed as a nuisance. BOATS AND LAUNCHES RICES OF EASTHOPE 4-CVCLE .Marine1 Engines l-H.P. without clutch t-II.P. I cylinder Ml) 15-11. P. I cylinder ll! 8-11. P. I cylinder Jll K-H.P. 2 cylinder MD 16-H.P. 4 cylinder LI) All the nbove except the first include the Famous Joes Ro-vcrsc !ear, nnd full eloclrleal and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Enstbope llros., 1747 Ucorgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C Always nl your service. Prince Rupert Boat house, Agents Phone 3Ht. SHEDDON TAXI 134 $185.00 200.00 450.00 750.00 450.01) 175.00 Anywhere at Anytime. Ffve pa monger Dodge Sedan Comfort nnd Courtesy. Rates: fine for I or 2 pnssentter. 2.ptc for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCJl 'Oh Haby" at your cr vice day or night. Comfort Snfely Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lumbly. Phones 571) or 131. TAXI S92 THE DEPENDAI1LE TAXI. Day and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Cull George, Pnul or Oml-Prompt Service ami Comfort Day or Nle'.t Stand: 3083 BROS. POOL ROOM meeker Clock, Across 'from Kmnrisn Holei BEDDINQ OUT PLANTS. Plants Hi ilt grow ami repay you for kvonr labor. McCarthy's bedding out plants nro speci ally acclimalised ami can bo relied niton In produce the goods. Store Phone - Red IK3 (TennhousV'Pliobe Hlack I (58 MoCARTHY'S. FURNITURE HOSPITAL ml flcnernl Repair Shop. Re pairs of nit kinds promptly allended lo. Window draperies made to order. Carpet laying Furniture crating. Rear TOM BALLINQER Phono HI Sherman's Market, Fullnil Street CAMERON TRANSFER Plume 177 Bannane. Furniture Moving. If ou want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox tm. KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keilh's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now re-tiindelleil. Hp-lo-dale Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Munagor. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES - Wodnosday, May 13 High I a.m. ID.fl H. 17:03 p.m. 17.1 " Low 1 1:21 n.m. H.2 " '3:3a n.m. HA" Thursday, May 14. High 0:.12 a.m. 18.1 fL ll):lfi p.m. m.H " Low i:':20 p.m. 4.3 " O.T.f. "M" Jim! Avf 3nt Av. 3nl Ave. Notlca In SKi'MW .Article, Lo,t,nl rouaj,4c FURNITURE. New and Secoodhitd ure Store. We H,t..t, cnange ftew anrf s..,.iL QtO. PAfADopULI! oj in rn Av ni... . He i:.iii, Dry Fresi, -j 1' FIREWOOD. A. ISWsi.N T-ars X From Vancou Sunday! Weilif-il..- s FritlaN -Salnvil.i C.P.R Ma- H From Alaska II NORTHERN TRANSFER Cull for Nortliem Red L't-t . W. H. IWONTCOIIERY, JR. To Anyox, Alice Wedii' -iia From Anyox, Alice Pucsdaj's riiursiliiv Mnv I-' ailil Ii: MAIL SCHM For the East Vf rif ul iu .? . tkit r ' Ci1 urday- - From th East. Mondays. Weders'jr Friilny iln. To Vsncoutsr Tuesdays-Mail cIosm ,il Saturdays Mi' Charlotte i To Queen Wturf 0. T. 1' SUnn . at A 51111 k 1'ulK'H & mil ...oiUIll ir.-W SI mt SI : f i.-t. s.v i i To Stewart and ipn)tr- Satunlay- Uitml'iv w.' cfwai-t and Premier r l wm j TiiPHiIays . ...... , , mi . tg I u r r Points Thursdays Cmm Pori OiiiiK-" River Points Saturdays To Alaska foim- Mnv 8. 18 at ii ! " ,' ' V LftND ACT. T.aott H' trKt r 'T? ' fort W?;"V'- TKE .Mill" I'arklllK imi'1 .11.11 warrt. H.i : ,;. pen the and i n v ii. h i II MRU I r run i - Points Mnv 7 ami "I nrihsm BOX C0LI tit av. "n th ah, a " ; gill Avf. . tlttl li tttn Ar lri)i""" th '" nth A mv" iin Avr. fri O0I. pm. not 4 i ,,nri" .OVi 11(11 LEOTlO111 A.N ,1 I1 ..!'! I . I IB" Cl CHHiiicn. in ' ,", ,,l ' ,,r. Illltwl ,r5' l,..!!!' 'wf Ti.tVlcl: ti""1: l' " ....Mi . jt B III'".' - nif1 ... r ".Tii-t i ti ' , u7..f" -t: ... f H, I" wi:r., . thf w Sit I.nl ....,.nl. r .illlMlfin . '.era XJ& piled Mir fclllH nivrn fowl n t9-