BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus IS ENDORSED ' 1 I I CPt COUU TMCR6 (I 1 f I'MCONNA, fee! v ( Om' HOW DO TOO Oo 1 L DaCT.SIN OH HVj- 4l TOP .T EVCN , ? Sug ZV-rZ & L. Council Against Salary -Xi A Increase for City Engineer to Aid Glace Bay Miners Tlif regular monthly mooting of tho Trades ami l.ahor Council was hold on Thursday night President S. I). Mardonald was in tho ohnir and Ihoro was a good nltondaiioe including1 reprosenln lives of I hfiv Carpenters', Plnmh ers', Typographieal, Shoot Met si Workers', Kngineers', Car Work ers' ami Deep Sea Fishermen's llnions. In response to a communica tion from the detail Merchants 'Association asking for co-oper ation against. Orientals, I li council deemed lo oirer lis co operation and appoint a com mittee of two lo go info the mat lor providing :i like committee is appointed by the detail Mor chants' Association. I A letter from I he filaee May Minors' Association was read and it was decided to vole the sum of s?'0 lo aid those miners in their struggle against the ltrilish F.m- jiire Steol Corporation. The mayor's action in vetoing a salary increase lo (lie city engineer, was endorsed with a unanimous vulo of the council and lie labor aldermen were request-01M0 vole in support of tho veto. TEA AND SALE BY BAPTIST LADIES Affair Held on Thursday Afternoon In Store of Llnzey & Davles, Sixth and Fulton A good sum was realized at a lea and sale of borne conking hold on Thursday afternoon in the store of and . Davies by the Ladies' Aid of Ihe Itaptisl Church. Mrs. Frank Morris was general convener. Mr.-Shi Ilanildin was in charge, of Ihe lea room ami lifr assistants were Mrs. S. V (Jhx, Mrs. Hert"Morgan, Mrs. fl v. Johnslnn, Mrs. (1. Campbell and (Mrs. W. Harlou. .Mrs. P. II I.inzey and Mrs. J. I). Thnrher were in cliarge of the home rrking (able and Mrs. K. Ci Titriior was rashier. fA AND SALE OF HOME COOKING BY . PRESBYTERIAN AID A successful tea ami sale nf home cooking was held oil Thursday afternoon by IJie; Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church at llie home of Mrs. 'I'. II. Johnson, Fourth venue F.usi. f.Mrsv Johnson and Mrs. Joe fireer, president of Uhe Aid, re-feiyed. Presiding at the. lea urn Vpre M-rs. 11. 11. firant ami Mrs. M W. (irievc and Mrs. I... W. Kfrgin, Mih. S. Darton, Mrs. '. 11. Wilson-Murray, Miss Lorraine ifranl and-Miss Lois Mellae as- Msled in soryiug. Mrs. 1), Mcl lliiuter ami Mrs. J. fl. Slecnwcre. in charge of the home cooking iahlc and Mrs. (ieoreo Horie was cashier. During Ihe aflernonn lhernf TV'oro vocal solos by Miss John son accompanied by Miss Iilanche Curlin. The, sum of 838 was realized. MR. AND MRS. PARKIN HONORED BY FRIENDS Presentation Made at Surprise Party Last Sight on Occasion of Their Wedding Anniversary A pnrly of friends formed a surprise parly last, nichl on Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Hii ltor- rion Street, lo help them celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their "marriase. 'llie feature of the proceedings Mas the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Parkin of a cut glaj8 water set and vase. I). C. Stuart spoke, liriofly ntid the presentation was made by F. O. Dawson. Holli Mr. and Mr.s. Parkin responded suil-ahly. The evening was spent informally In dancing and refreshment were served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Parkin, Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Stu-4rt, Mr. and Mrs. William Millar, Mr. and Mrs. David Tbom- son, Mr. and Mrs. II. Davie, Mr. .MS m Intx rrruf Scrvici InC 'vS jflffi flvT .tW.t Briuin ri.Mi J" - - ' oQffil JG&t&' ! .P N !J ISteftJ HEAD and ASTHMA BRONCHIAL COLDS No Smoke- No Sprays-No Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ-MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing. Quickly tops all choking, gasping and mucus in bronchial tubes. Gives featherings ong nights of restful sleep.. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drugs. $1.00 per box at drug stores. Send 6c. for generous trial. Templetons, Toronto. RAZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF FOR SALE BY and Mrs. II. I Woarnionth, Mr. mil Mrs. Arthur Mailey. Fred Dawson, K. C. (iibbons, J. 1 I rang I Simnyxiile . and Perry linker. The Man in the Moon Tlli:mrs nvmy. a sli belween waiter and lip. TIIKHK'S one thing about public speaking, if you make a mistake you can always blame il on Ihe reporter. SOMini.MFS there is little difference between a philosophy nf life and a prejudice. TIIFIUVS .one tiling about the present method of serving beer there s.. no moaning at he bar before gelling' half seas over. AVIIAT we all like a boil t the early summer monlhs is the joy of paying taxes. THINK what it must mean lo 'lurk to have a bobbed harem. l On Sunday the women Will go on a tool, Hill, whatever they wear I don't can- a bool, As long as they don't Appear on Iho street With flesh colored stockings And corns on their feet. IF this column seoms n little ipieor today, remember I bad lo eat bol cross huus for breakfast yesterday. r Ten Years 'Ago in Pi inc. Rupert There will lie nnotlier civfri election nexl week to fill the al- leriuanie vacancy caused by Hie resignation nT Aid. McClymont lo conlexl the' mayoralty against .Mayor Newton. hl. McClymonl, iterealed in thai allempt, say be will not seek re-elect Ion to ihe I'ouncil at Ibis lime. l'roni slaleiiiouls made by sail nrs there seems evidence enough to believe llial llie ltrilish Col umbia coast cities including Pritwo Ilupert were saved from "I was Greatly Distressed With Pains in the Back" Mr. Alfred McNeil!, Chapel Rock, Alt., writes: Freedom from Pain Neuritis Neuralgia Thouaandf of Canadians bava found thai T.R.C.'a stva quickeit and nnil relief from Pain. TXC.'i act dirartly ou the poiaooa that . cauae tin pain. They conUio no danireroua or habit forming drusa. Your dnnmlit recom. rnenda them. Send 10c. for leneroua trial. Tatnpletona, Toronto. tl X,UU Ofl RhaumatUm 0V,C 5uC. Haadacfcea N.urlti. Neuralgia SIZE Lumbaao SIZE Paina TRC's TEMPLETON'3 RHEUMATIC CAPSULr 31 ORWES LIMITED destruction by the blulT put over the (ierman squadron that a strong ltrilish ami Japanese tleet was present in the. vicinity. Confident that ho will he reelected in Hie folheoiiiing provincial election, William Mansou, M.I'.P. relumed lasl night nun a lour of the Bella Coola dis trict. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Ilahy ar rived from Ituckley Hay on the Prince o.llm yesterday morning and sailed on the Prince (leorge for Vancouver. J. E. DALRYMPLE MFETS BOARD OF TRADE REGARD TO AFFAIRS OF DISTRICT (continued from page one,) Little urged abmg similar lines. Mr. Dalrymple In replying Mr. Dalrympl said I bey always were glad to eo-nperale in any project for Hie liritiging of tourists to Hie nounlry, because the tourists not only left money with Ihe railway ainl with the localities visiled but also bey often became ner- iiiaheut investors. The Canadian .National was till) per 'cent wilh the city in this mailer. They wore already extending their serviee to Skagway wilh as long is possible' slop over here. The development of Jasper Park had been an initial step but they would undertake id tier work as soon as pifsible. Lakclse 1 1 o I springs were attractive ami Ihe Ofivcrumcul had been proposing making it a park reserve. The mailer of improving il had already been sllnlied by the company. Mr. Dalrymple said that he would make rcprosonlalinn in regard lo the I'orilpany purchasing niipjie. lie Jhou .mentioned r.'..L . 1..: 'f.Vi'u. hv. a 1 - "..'..''.. Ii"ill VMJ.r IVCv l. y " studying the rales charged lo the Islands wilh a view lo belter equalization. Last year they operated a linn I there direct and lost money which miht liavi been belter expended elsewhere, lie jirgcd local merchants lo go iifliT the business when oppor luuilies otTered. In urging the njieValiou of a small boat by a private oniiinany, he said Ibis coulu he done cheaper and more etfectively by a local company lo which the CN.II. would give During the winter of 1920-21, I wai greatly distrested with pains in my back and felt tired and dtpreued moit of the time. Particularly during the night I Wa troubled with frequent urination, tome nights having to rite almoit every hour. I tried lever-al different treatments without success, until finally I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Uver P;ii. .-J .l i' ...j aim mcjr iciicvcu my twn- dition before I had finished the first box. I am feeling better this summer than I have for years, and although in my 67th year, can work all day without any undue fatigue." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 85 cu. ft liox of 35 pUU, 1'Vtaunaon, IUtr ft Co.. Toronto eery possible I'liooiirniiciiioiil. However lliey 'already bad under eonshloralinn Hie placing of a .small itoal of from 75 lo 1 00 Ions on the rim if no local cain-pauy eoubl be found to undortakit (be work. Sir Henry on Job In regard to the opening of the epire Itiver, Mr. Dalrytnpht aid Sir Henry Thornton had studied the ipirslion thoroughly and lie thought of it niht ami morning and talked of it all the, lime. Any policy that was instituted was bound to benefit Prince llupeil wbieh would got Ihe same rati as Vancouver ami other ports no mailer what route was adopted Mr. Dalrymple said be would look iulo Ihe mailer of Ihe .station grounds. He was glad tr. he here, and lo moot the Hoard. II was Ihe first lime lie had had an opportunity of coming west in day time in four years. He was much encouraged at Die amount of development he saw taking place along the line. What they needed was a few ihore live wires like (llfif Hanson in the country. Church Notices First Presbyterian Church Hev. II. H. Orant, D.D., Minister KASTKIt Sl'NDAY SFllVICKS Morning Subject: "An Faster Message." Solo Miss N. Johnstone. Solo : S. K. Campbell Organist: John F. Davey Evening Subject: "The llesiirrecllon." iitbom: "Christ our Passover. Solo .Mrs. Larsrn. Organist: Mrs. Harlow. Baptist-Church Foster Services. Service of raise at 1 1 a.m. Church and Sunday school combined. Special program. Service of Triumph ;.fin. Subject, "The Con queror of Death and the Prince of Life." Soloist.4, Miss Jone mil Mr. Jackson, of Dighy Faster greetings lo all and a rordian iuvilatio;i o Ihe services of Ihe day. Lutheran Church St. Paul's. Fnslisli Lulberan Churcli, jMolropye JluUfj J.blnl 'i.i tii j-i'..' . Aventie . 'IMMie.rjF IKIij. pastor. easier services. .Morning il 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic The Faster Feast and tho miosis. ' Holy Communion. Sun lay school at 12 noon. F.venirig service at. 7. .'10. ITasler service. lie Is risen." Service of snug ind recilalion , by Hie Sunday School and Hie choir, wilh a brief nblress by the pastor. Strangers onnllally welcome. Salvation Army Special Faster services will be conilncled by Staff Captain Car- rulhers. Saturday at H.I 5 p. in Free and Fnsy. Sunday at 1 1 a.m. "Worship the llisen Christ. 2.30. p.m. Sunday School. 7.:in p.m. Salvation mooting. Com missioning of local otllcers. Mnn day at H p.m. Sunshine Hour musical proKram. Tuesday at .?I0. Hoy scouts. Friday al iiiri (iiianiH. inursuayai p.m. Public, meellng. Iliursday at 2.30. I.adicl Homo League Come and brlncr nnotlier. Methodist Church The Church of Service. Rev fioorgo O. Hacker, pastor. Mist Isabel Haddock, deaconess. Sun- flay services. Morning al tl deception of new member. Don' 1 steep in, Come and encnuran our new . nietnber.'. Sunday school at 2. '.1ft. Pobilst. John Iv Davey. livening service al 7..10 Hriglit. Faster hymns and nu in spiring Faster message. Colne Come! Come I I Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WAPITI WANTKD. Wanted lo rent a pleasure boat for summer, Particulars and rales lo Ho 2U. Dally News 87 WA.YtT.D.- 1 'sud range. I'hone Hod 57:1. FOR SALE 'OH SAM!. M Terrace, H.C several ten acre tracts and one I acre tract. Look Uieiii over ami uiaKe me an oucr. a. C. Lit He. TO RENT "Oil SAl.F. - Singer Sewing machine, good as new, in splendid coiiililion. Cheap at 35.n". IMione Hlne I f. 8K Oil IlKNT. Five roomed house wilh bath nod pantry on Second Avenue for rent May I Phone Utile (ill I. Ho llllMSIIHD Housekeeping Suite for rent. 4 K) Sixth Avenue, Fast. I'hone IHue 278. If 'Oil IlKNT. Clapp apartment Weslimhaver Hros. If BOARD HOAHD. Tim Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOAIID AND HOOM, or board only. Phone Hod 707. STENOGRAPHER Public Stenographer E. IVI. EARL Olllce: Dollar Store. Third Ave. I'hone: Red M. ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS, MINE OWNERS, LUMBERMEN, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, BLACKSMITHS, WOODWORK ERS AND IMPLEMENT DEALERS $136,000 Wholesale Hard war a Stock For Salo I he Slock of the Western Canada Hardware Company, Limited, Lclhhridfre, Now in Liuil-al Inn. This fine slock is now being sold to lit. iiiuintllies lo MJil. plirrhfi14ei:s; al at a a .rate on. the d.dnii'A:W v I'aints ... .. 0,000.00 Sporting Ooods .. i.tiOO.Oft llrass Ooods . . 1,357.80 Woodwork ... 2,0fiL'.91 Illacksinilh . . lt.7 1 ft.ftU iron Fillings 2.5 15.00 Holts .. .. . 3,071.01 Alabasline .. 2,080.0ft Nails .' 7.82rt.!t2 Sjilkes .... .. 4,5 10.30 Plow Shares . 0.115.11) Fence Staples 2.107.00 llnnesl Tools 3,820.11 Waste .. .. l,t55.8l Itellliig 1,375.77 Iron Pipe (1,00 Carbide . dO.U7 Dynamite' 501.12 Hope .. .. .. .. (, 385.00 Cutlery .. .. . 8,072.25 Shelf Hard ware . .,('.,n.13.07 Fnamelware . . . ll.fftft.0ft Heaver Hoard . . 2.828.71 Heavy Hardware 8,817.17 Mipe Supplies . . 0.811.78 Sweat Pads . . . 3,100.00 $ rt'rire "fJTsT Coverlriig Onods That May Interest You Will I be Mailed on Application. Slock located at Lothhridke. For Informalion apply: K. A M. Sales Co., Lethbrldge, or Dominion General Jobbers, Limited 17H McDcrmonl Ave., Winnipeg, Man, BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIUCFS OF FASTIIOl'F l-CYCLH Marine Fngiues t-H.P. without clutch $185.00 1-ll.P. cylinder MD 200.00 0-H.P. cylinder III) 150.00 8-II.P. cylinder 11D 75o.oo ' 8-11.1. cylinder MD 150.00 Kl-H.P. cylinder J.I) itr. a a All Hie above except Hie ffrt I p.'.'J.' V Ui' iV' lili'iuilt' inn ruiouus .iiii-i lie-' a r. nr verse dear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best thai money can buy. Haslliope Hros., 1717 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your service. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywbere at Anytime. Five pas- tenner Doilgn Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hales: fide for 1 or 2 passengers, 2.r)c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Uaby" at your sor vice day or night. Comfort Safely-Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lambly. 1 ' lion-s 570 or 131. TAXI 532 1'HK DFPFN'DAHLK TAXI. Drj and .Night service, (iomforl and Courtesy is my mollo, PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: lliclunond' Ilooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nitr' Stand: .TOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from 3mnr Hole. FURNITUKE WE handle the FAWCRTr guaranteed copper bearint? Steel Ranges and all grades of high grade furnllurc wo exchange. ' PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE New and Secondhand Furni ure Store. NVe Uuy. Sell and Fx change New and Secondhand Ooods. GtO. PAFADOPULIS. 339 Third Ave. rhin '. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Record no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots. Songs anil Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call In and bear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Haggage and Express Northern Transfer. Day Plume lied 213. Night phone flreen 3i7. W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. MONUMENTS P. LeClalre Sub, P.O. No. I. Prince Ilupert, .. Agent for Oranlte, Marblo and Stone Monuments and Headstones. LAND ACT. In SkreriA !.nil Dimrlrt of Prince lliiprrl Iternrrllnor tlltfrlrl TAKK NOflCK llll Ornrire 1-lltlP, Of Trrrl,. Ii. C nccupntlon liirnbrmiin, rnl c. I.. M. n)rwy. of Trrrarc. H.C. rni. pniitin lumtieritidn, intend tn apply f"f pemillnn to piirdliia the foltowlnt cl-nrrinfrt nH, fur In.lnMrliil ultn: Ciinimenrlnir at pot plnnlril It onlli rml nf iJlunrt rltiinled neitr nioiilh nf Kit-iiinknlliim Itiver and Ivlnr near rt liank or Mlit rlveri tlienrn rollowlnr ahnrn line (i mil nil Ilim( in point nf coimiienerinent, CdnlalnlnK S5 arrea. more nr li'KK. flflinnK UTTI.K nrt ci.aiIie t m, ninor.Y. Appllrant!. Dttcd thli (Hi day of Jauutry, 10(9. Article Ut,nj WATER NOTICE. TAKE ,UIS,V"..,T0" Iter Vai-ii .in.. SUiHUrn i-i . HI ipi! : HSu rulm t. ? ' aalr mil riii . inn ! ralet. hr. . ci t . mi iii In divert,,) at ir iii.'' i n-d for ii.: land df'i'i u, This ii . i ttir Hli i. It'll Will' i i ItVrrto ami Will be ru. i MTnlr it . be )lliai. WsU-p In . f Vler li,.' VlrUiMi. C lit Hut . lurat tn-M 'i . . fM.btlrailt.ii ( lfi CA."CUll1 Be r t r TMI CORPORATION Of TH! Bill PRINCE RUPHT. TUtX Vil! i I. Tin til ll ' i lnir ii .4 : iMinr "f i ' ' Villi lie i al lit. . i , m linAeii r i, . III! Aieiiu.' Hilrly-eei llll-MH lit Wenue. I'- iKimn mi i ' " In lite if fKilnl emiii inlerarrti"!! t venile, ,1- i IMel' lu l"" l liiel alMitliDit il. rJit MK-li l r ' rlirrert i rSil Jn "l ' f. The . . ai " Ml. '"" Mid ti ii' i1 i meni i ti ' i mit 1. I'rr- ii- lilelertakint l'" ttst tiffon l in- I IHIert Hi ...... m al in ina .vr " -,," :. CUkvmDi"' the Mitl. ' ' the Mull' i ItiK-her tli Ii tie rel "r, I ( Serl,,n I -TAIK V" I' ' tie niaili' i ctiintWT ii 1 nMjri. H 1 Annl, VP, ... o'rlork in H ,'i I after a tin y ' half if ttli ."; " in nrdrr Out 1 . ttnrcd t" tlii f? ' :t IM1 yv i"' " t raid ippH'" ;i nt It .in : 'i: affidavit r ' . U! l. 1 the Sm "17 rilrd bercnv t PATH' ' day i.i Mm - COAST U" S "g RIQARDINQ IRDINQ DIITCvlW TAkE worm imi ..r v.ii, , ilv '. .. - i llfd. and carier Matt i i fur land, Provlnre l,K nt i'; ' -J 1 r- S I watrr Ini I,, i a !! lei, moru (,ati lnwi: itit Comnirn u tide lino n I,, .At Inlet distant e. tA rrwn the -1 i.i tiisii ' loan, ij.ieg.E., to U": ' .:.'i-W tnr"r " n. . , : im I f AO. it Die iMHilh b 'if' v .. i -if ', 't a disiam cornrr it.; htm ti'ii. ',:.' mmrnreinrnt, or it" ,..r l.nltir' .' PATED II f 3 IS Ml' 1 Al' . .Alii") A GOVERNMENT notice or 5 tmri ..i jittnir.v ilr'V ... Kit. .-i .iia t'w.. isn 1 ii oneen i mi Af, ' . rliln I.'"" : j,r fl I Hi no .,fiiplnl. ,.r I-"' 4 I It yiiif" forty-" n I l,ft Hal's i" pri.tr1'-., " ......nflnll llil I"" '. IMlfl