IliL 5 XV, NO. C TAXI nnd Ambulance Service invwhera at Anytime. ,nd Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. ROOF ,,IV ' ns'in. 17, who i,Hir- 1 be lilolltiT wns found by '" ' i" insane. The "Juxz was iiysio, ,. for an hour 'In iliri was announced, liiii mi . , iy in,,,,,,,.,! orfoils " 1,1 '"'"'V lii have her ud-''' "mi'" IIMil sjilod wilh Hie ''ni1 11 She was sent In the ' i,,, iiiii Tlnirsdav uflee- in. ir ... . " oi miner sue "I" 1 il'll r.... il. . "P"iu nir I II IT IIIOI- m VESSELS LOST IN STORM ON JAPAN SOUTH COAST r'KK). Ai.i-.i ii m .... , 1 .Mirny i s i. .1 iiioiisiiiiiv ""'liner Tin. i . I, " ' w ii... . . . i 'MIT ,, 1'IMSSIMM. .!' souiii roast of persons are dead POME SHOCKS WtKEST THIS YFAR v m JAPAN YESTERDAY I'I". April '""'i nuke i,. ... .. urii'ii ,, "lie year Mil IHI liny Kl'eoihl lie rn ii in: " The sharp. eastern 'I'luirsilay ' Seven. "' "aim side or lasllnu shocks "lulil at 0 SCOTTISH CUP WON BY CELTIC TWO TO ONE OVER DUNDEE (H.ASfiOW. April II. The Celtic fool hall "lea in was the winner of Ihe Scollish Cup. iH'atiiiK Ixindee hy a score of two glials to one in Ihe finals played here today. mt 4 PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR AIRPLANES TO PATROLFISHERIES According to word received from Vancouver, preparation are are heini; made al Ihe Jericho Heach slahon of (lie lloyal Canadian Air Force Tor Ihe seudiim north of machines lo patrol llu fisheries, out of Prince lliiperl strain this summer . The planes comlii.' here lliis year will he siimilied for Ihe firs! time with parachutes ami Ihe olllcers an now reeeivin? special t raining in Ihe use of these safety devices. I he first naiachiile leap ever 10 111! Ill.'ll In mi Ibis coast from an alrnlane was made this week al Jericho hy l'lyinn O Hirer A. Carter of llih Hiver from a machine which was piloled hy Squadron Leader Ttidhope. WASHOUT IN BULKLEY CANYON WAS CAUSE OF DELAY TO TRAIN On account of a washout In lliilkley Canyon caused by sprint;, rrcshels, Ihe passenirer Iraln, due rrom the I'.asl yeslerilay morn-iiiK al 7 o'cloek, did not arrive here until I.JIO lliis arieruoon. About nlnely feel id (rack went out and ii temporary bridge bad lo 'be thrown across the uap. The rreiuhl cxlra which hdl here lale ycslerday afternoon with Ihe special cars of J. ! Ialyrnide, ic.e-presidenl, and his parly was' delayed slightly but reached Smilhers Ibis morn-iw. ' The reaular way rreiuhl K'd I" ycslerday ariernouii rrom I'nei-fle and brought some passengers here rrom inleriociliale points. iit.L NOW CUTTINO Word is brought from Queen Cbarlotle Cily by the steamer Prince John that the mill al that point has started ctillmK lumber on a small scale. HALIBUT ARRIVALS HEAVY AND PRICES PAID TODAY LOWER. Halibut arrivals were heavy today ami prices went down. A total of .'l4l.nn pounds was sold and the American boat Ton'mosl, i not satisfied wilh prices ofTernifc', cleared Tor Seal lie with 83,000 pounds. American prices ran rrom 7c lo He to !l.:ic and :ic. Canadian received Truin 7c lo 7'jC fur first class T.di ami 3k. Tor seconds. lloals market in;; were: Kanalak, ;!(5,0UO; l.enore, 7,noo; Hilda, H.."(in pounds, lo Itoolli. Chelsea, . '15,000; lloyal, 1 1, mm. and Siritis, U.oo In t'acific. Arctic, :iG,uui; Sentinel IH.OOO, lo Cold Storage. Alias .S5.O0U l"i lloyal, , Marjr. 7,000;- Hallic, lo,0oo iid I.Uinen to AIIITi. .... ! , - ; Canadian : " lleveillc, KI.OOO; Scrub, 7,000: .Mil. 10,000; ''I'oodie, O.OiiO, lo kdd Sloratfe. ' Hose Sjiil, (i.oiiu; Dumas, 3,-iOO; Fanny F., and Inured il. H.000 to Atliu. Setma, 10,000: F.. Lipsell, 10.-100; and Cape Spear 7,000 lo lloyal. RESIGNATION FRENCH GOVT. Defeated In Senate by Vote of 156 to 134 on Confidence Vote PARIS, April 11. The French cabinet was defeated on a vote of 156 to 134 In a vote of confidence taken In the Senate last night. As a result of the defeat the Herrlot government tendered Its resignation to President Demourgue, who acceptod It but requested the Premier and his colleagues to carry on until tholr successors aro appointed. The dofeat or the government will probably see the end or the cabinet levy proposal. mlm PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's IUUXCB KUPKHT, H.U.,. SATLIlDAY, APRIL II, 1025. rtltrdy' Circulation, 14SS lr.l 8-ti 41 a. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with nrwly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed. ding parties. For rats, apply to Boston Sri!l. Third Ave, Phono 457. price fivk cents. 'Mnnrnnr i mirm hit nT iviArrn ICE-PRESIDENT OF C.N.R. MEETS BOARD OF TRADE ON LOCAL AFFAIRS ench Algerian Troops with Drawn Swords Disperse Crowds in Damascus anti-Balfour Riot liAMASCt S, April II I wo 'roti wmc killed ami eleven ..I.I M'l .1.... I. ..I I ... prnl ui hkiii iiioisw.ij im-ivvci-ji it moil opposed lo Ivm ffmir l mi nil! nyniiii ponce ami rreiicli Algerian troops. Aflcr i i Mir. linn Willi Ihc Itiiiiliiiliiii. festival a crowd of six! i .. I l 1 1. .. . I : i : i i. . . i I- ;ii c:. i-m il in inc uirccuoii 01 inc Victoria Hole w here lliii si; c w- slaying. The Syrian police (illcmplcd lo cheek I cmcirr ' .don Iml were sloped. I' ...... I .J. ...... I I II... tl ' 4 iic- i; iifiiiMUK rii-iiru nil imc Algerian troops were sum-1 il in iml llu: pom c. I Here were also disturbances in Ihei iCE ALBERT LOSES IN SUIT klralty Court Judgo Finds hit Vessel was Responsible for Damaqo to Cable Mi il L. .1 l, .: ... a 1 Bi "I ..: l A.!::. H .i. Hi? . i:ai Hie ilefi-mlaill il damage lo I lie r i otniiiei'fial Cable i i on bolli oe-t 'i of foir wIim Ii .uipany claimed '"- I : and 'Jl.l:i2. Ma ii in I lie A 1 1 1 1 1 1 f -Vn' I'ouxer lliis week liiiii nl against I lie Albert. The dahlia -'-SSI'll lly Mil Yf- w W '1 1'ii iehaiils and. 1 lias hern deler-" ai ion will he iiali0. lo sell (lie iw under arrcjl v roil r I iiiarshal likely Hie P IRDERER IS In made rince A I- SAID INSANE olh)f EllinMson Sent to lum by Jury After Trial at San Francisco AN THAXClsr.O. April tl. Jewish iiiarlers. I Algerian cavalry uallonini 1 1 linttifili Hie m reels wit h drawn avoids ami right armored cars 'manoeuvring wild Hie troops arci li-i-ciliifil willi having saved Karl Hal'mir from Ihi' holile mob whiili alleiniileil lo attack him al his Imlcl. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Ennllsh League DWj I Asloii Villa Manchester C I.v I Hurnley 1, Nolls County I. Liverpool i, Vx'csl llain I. 0. Tottenham o, Hirinlugliaiu 1, llollon Wanderers I. Leeds U. 0 llury 0. llmlilersrield 2. Nolls l-'orest 0, lllackburu It. Scottish Leaquo Dlv. I, Ayr I. I. Motherwell 0. Dundee vs. SI, Mlrieu not played. Falkirk 1, I'arllck Thislle. 1. Ilamillou I, Morion 0. Hibernians vs. Cowdenbeath not played. Kilmarnock vs. Celtic not. played. Oueen's Park vs. Aberdeen not played. Ha 1 1 Ii Hovers tl, Alrdrieoulans Hangers ', Third Lanark I', SI. Johnstone , Hearts ;i. KILLED AT BARCELONA HAHCMLONA, April II. Twenty persons were killed and one hundred injured in a collision between two chclrio trains. A parly oT younj,' men lefl Southauipion. F.ngland, lor Canada, where I hey. are lo take a i months course ia fann-"iiif,'. They arc shown talking lliing over wilh the captain of the hoal. Canadian National Purchase Fine Old Naas River Totem to Erect Here on Park Property Largely through Ihe effort of S. K. Campbell or the newly formed Paik.s Hoard, J. K. Ilalryniple, vice-president of the board or trade, ycslerday arranged for the Canadian Naliouui Itailvvnys lo purchase lie lolein pole al present stored in the ( shed. This pole was luoiighl from Ihe .Naas Hiver hy W. K. Collisoji, Indian Agent, who held it here in order lo prevent it gelling away front ihe city. The pole is lu he creeled at he lop of hill almost facing Ihe Canadian Halik of Commerce. This hill will he cleared of slumps and a winding path will -- - - be made leading to the lop. this will enable visitors to pel a good, view of Ihe harbor and see one of Hie finest Indian totems both at; the ohe time. i BUCKLEY BAY MILL ISCLOSJNG TIGHT Accunliiig lo word brought by Ihe Prince John, in rrom the Islands, Hie Massed' 'l imber Co.'s mill is to be closed light wilh only watchmen left al the plant. Some io men came mil mi the John aiid more will be leaving shortly. Preparations 'had only recenlly been made for an early reopening of the plant. No reason is .given for Ihe decision now made as to Ihe plant closing. Mrs. At, 'lie lloeks, who arrived in Hie cily ycslerday morning rn the I'rinee John from Walun Hiver. is leaving tonight by 'train euroule lo Fngland. MAY KEEP PRISONERS HERE INSTEAD OF AT OKALLA PRISON FARM The city may discoid inue Ihe sending of ils sliorl-lenu prisoners lo Okalla jail. The ipies-Iiimu came up al the meeting of the commission on Thursday, the suggestion beiuu: made by Commissioner Monli'-'omery on the uroiiud of economy. Large expenditures in sending prisoners and their escorts smith might be saved if il were1 possible lo have Ihe prisoners serve llielr i terms here. Cily "Solicitor Jones will look ml" Ihe mailer lo as. certain whether or not jail sen. cures of certain length may be served in Ihe local lock-up. Mayor Newton staled Ihal tin goverumeul had already ben asked lo establish a common jail here bul nothing furlherf bad come of il. v' Prince of Wales Experiences Intense Equatorial Heal on Gold Coast; Delayed by Plague .SLV.UN.NDKI-:, Hold Coast. April It. Tim Prince-of lnles sailing soiillivvard oil his lour of South Al'ricn, arrived yeslerduj nod I'Mierieiieed the inleusc heal of ciiu.-iloi'ial ATrica. Hclovv deck Hie lempcraliirc on II. .M.S. Iteiuilse in Ihe past lewv'oays reached I IS degrees. I he Priuet) was given a great reception. I lie viioeiowii was thVornleil ami ill the tiold Hiuisl. KIJ.MASSI, Ashailli, Ihe eciletiuinl vvns the gtcatcsl ever ktiuwu of Ashauli hi a grand palaver following bis arrival front Seeon-dee. The chiefs 'presented him with an address of welcome and a gold duplicate or the Ashauli sword of stale made by local goldsmiths-. The- hcene was a brilliant one, a perfect riot of gold. April II. The Prince mel the chief NAKWA. Cnlil Cftasl, April II : The I'rinee of Wales w ill M o main in the Cold Coast qidnuy uulil April I'l owing to an out break of plague al Lagosj ,?,hc next conleinidaled slop. HeVniay fill in Ihe lime by a isil lo'tiie lerrilory of Ihe Cold Coast b onil Ashauli. J. E. Dalrymple Meets Board of Trade Regard to Affairs of District i Will pat on Small Boat if Local Company does present. not Undertake Work but Favors Local Concern I The question or local boats operating out or Ibis iporj. lo nearby joiuls was Ihe most important mailer discussed hy Ihe Hoard oT Trade with J. F. Dalrymple, vice-president uT IIic'Cju-i ndiaii National, al a nict;ling with the executive or that -laxly yes-i Icrday afternoon in Ihe -council chamber, (i. W. Nit klTsuu pre-I siding. Artec Hie need j a local boat had been laid before him, Mr. Dairy-tuple said he realized the sitilalio'n and the Canadian .National would put on such a boat provided a privalc company wuiiiu not uo so. lie invoml nus work being dune hv vale concern and bis company, ' ' w ould co-operate w ith I hem. II is understood Dial repre sentations wen; made with Mr. I Dalrymple during his slay hens with a view lo the formation ofi company lo ope rule a boat out ol this port. A Vancouver firii ii also reported lo boj-cady: lo, gC into Ihe business provided in-' duceliieiils- in I In? way id mall subsidy are made. .Mr. Dalrymple discussed other j mailers with the executive or Hi. Nlckerson Speaks In opening Ihe meeting, Mr Nickerson mentioned that Hicr was need or another jiimpi'ug oil place Tor tourists between lier and Jasper aPrk and he suggest e.J the l.akelse llolsprings as a place that might well be developed for Ihal purpose. There they bad boating and bathing, fishing, hunting and mountain climbing. II would he of great alue In llu; company, lie thought. I'he question of the company uylng more supplies here and ngaging crews al this port was mentioned. This, Mr. Nickerson aid, would insure greater loyalty among nierciianis here. lu regard to I he hoal service, Mr. Nickerson urged the need of oualler boat plying out of Ihi port. Ihe mall subsidy was in tended lo apply from this port. lu regard In Ihe Peace Hiver opening, .Mr. .Mckerson urged thai If Hie Hue were built through lli-il ish Columbia il would be of more bene HI to Ihe country as Hie luduceiurnl Tor settlers to miii! was thes iiiosl important conshleral ion. D. (1. Slewarl drew attention lo the Tact that II was almost Im possible for Prince Rupert to do business with Port Fssingtou owing lo Ihe lack of hoal service. Ibis mallei' was most important lo the city. Station Grounds S. K. Campbell suggested thai the railway company should be gin to beautify the station grounds ami approaches m mo city, While the cily hud not done much toward boulevard: work, a parks board bad now been formed ami would have Hie mailer in hand. The policy of I ho railway company, he under stood, was lo conserve loleiu poles and other historic emblems. Here there was a fine totem which could be secured for a small sum which he thought the railway company might purchase ami erect on riiitwuy pro perly. J. C, -McLennan, Olof Hanson. D. Thomson ami A. C. continued on pae root') ILADY SEEKS pri- HEART BALM Sues ,D. J. Hancock, Formerly of Alice Arm, for Breach of Promise -- VANCOFVKIt, April 11. . An- illiee suit wild the iiliieel nf il- board and members were pleased ,ai'illK ..,H.arl .,.,,, m,m ., we at the frank manner in .which klHJVVIl ,., ia liafi;r cin.,,.s Ihey ,ad been met. . i , Thm-sijay when Alice ami O. W . Tourlcllollo were also f i. .. i i .i ,.u i-a.. i ...i. ..r promise to marry against David J. Hancock, a- Vancouver lit-oker. Hancock lived with his r.tmily at Alice Arm a few years ago bul is now separated from his wire, Miss Davis also asks for ait accounting .of monies she claims she advanced Hancock in connection witlt mining transactions. BEANS BURNED IN BIG FIRE SANTA HA II HA HA, Cal., April tl. flue eighth of llm seed crop of Hie Pacific coast was burned lu two large warehouses which were destroyed Thursday, a lineman met his death and Ihe price id lima beans took an ad-vauce id hair a cent a pound as a result of the fire al Camarilla, 150 miles east of liere. 'lite damage is placed at J250,00. NEW CRUISER FOR FORESTRY DEP'T TAKES TO WATER 'The launching id Hie new cruiser fov Ihe forestry depart-ni.'iil. which hits been built lit "lie local dry dock, look place al 2.10 lliis nuirning. 'The proceedings went without- a hitch. One td those present was I. II. Hlake. mechanical supervisor for Ihe " ' Ihe trial runs or llic cruier will take place shortly and Hi vessel is lo be ready Tor servieo before Ihe end of the iiUiulh. SUICIDE THOUGHT BE ARTHUR FRASER VANCOl'VF.Il, April II. - The man who cominilted sulfide Monday by leaping into Capilauu Falls is thouuhl In be Arthur Fni?er, a welt known Insurance man. who has been missing for a week ami whose body has not yet been recovered. j