PA(JS TV0 FCTS IBOIT TEA SERIES-So. S The Consumption of Tea Tea as a beverage is used In nearly every country in the world. It is estimated over 200 billion cups are consumed annually. Australia leads in tea drinking .with an annual per capita consumption of about nine pounds, which means that every Australian consumes from six to eight cups of tea every day. The consumption per capita in England is 8 lbs., and in Canada nearly 5 lbs. In the United States, it is less than 1 lb., but this is largely because Americans . have not been able to get fine teas until comparatively recently. "SALADA" is considered one of the choicest blends on the market, and is the largest selling tea in either United States or Canada. II SALADA" The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAtLY KDITIOh Temporary Check On Graham Island. 98 86 Monday, May 18, 1925. Forest Trees AndlTheir Beauty. Tlie three principal forest trees liore are the spruce, cedar and hemlock and the greatest of these, speaking artislicallvy is the hnilork. The spruce is the tree from which we cut material for building airplanes. Cedar is manufactured into hingles, ur cut iilto luifiher from which doors and window frames are made, llolh are useful woods. The .hemlock has only of recent years become recogpizetl as a commercial product, bul its popularity is growing., 1 it the forest, however, the hemlock has the other Two belileii. 11 is one of the niol beautiful trees that grows. This fs espePrally noticeablu along the muskeg glades where the country is rather open and the symmetry of the tree can be appreciated. The conifers are, all pretty when growing alone or in open groups, hach lias a beauty all its own, , but the hemlock, at liis time of year especially, exceeds all others in the north country in beauty. This Is The Time To . , Study The Wild Flowers. This is the lime of year to sludy the wild flowers and especially the flowering shrubs of which there are many Prince Rupert townsite offers Jt good; opportunity to find many of Ihe flowers which otherwise -could only be secured afler much climbing. Doubtless (he children now' growing up wilh ail the advantages of botanical study will know all the flowers and shrubs of the neighborhood, the lack of which handicaps sojourners in their appreciation of (he woods. Value Of Mill To The Community. . . If sohieone announced they were about to erect n new mill culling 2.1,000 feet of lumber daily here'.vw.e should look on the announcement with marked approval.- That wns what happened, at the week end. .1. A. .Smith, owner of the local lumber mill, arrived in town wilh the machinery for the new installation. It is a new mill to be run in conjunction with the oilier producing 2.",0W) feet a ijay and adding that much to Ihe production of the big concern, and employing a large number more men. The box factory machinery is partly here and the work of. erecting bolh these additions o Ihe ' plant will be going aheaiK at puce. M ' I. was supposed to have a capacity of I20;00c) fet; n ilaydiiit so'far all the company lias been alile to produce is 100,00(1 Jee'U,. This was clone, n( the week end for the first time. 1 ' '" ' -vs r . ..' i ', .( ' ; ..;',! :'; .' . i Recent visitors lo ite'lcbTUait Were &iieifM&$MWmfoi)?&i that cut 70,000 feel a day but here we shall have a mill soon tlint will almost double that capacity.' It is an industry of which Prince Rupert may be proud. There is a temporary check to industry al Ihe nnrlh end of uranam isiauu in the shutting down of the" Ruckley Ray mill and camps, but it is probable il will be for ihe one season onlv KEEPING SUNDAY IS DISCUSSED How and Where to Spend Day Question for Consideration by Lutheran League At llu evening service at fl. Paul's Cliurrli IjisI evening Hie I.ullier League iliscussVil I ho sulijeol: "How and Where to Spend Sunday."' The discussion )vas hase'd on Kxodus 20: H-H .and Kxodus 31: 12-17. (o?elher wilh Christ' teachings on Lord's Day iihservanre. :' The subject was opened by the President and was continued by: the Vice-president, Secretary, ' Treasurer, and other members of the League. i One day in seven is the Lord's Day. not because the Lord need if. hut because man needs what, is commanded concerning this! day. it was pointed out. Those! who make'excuses or not obey-1 ing (Sod's command are fooling' only themselves. The litest way1 to overcome the objectionable things is In be huy about posi-! live things for the moral and1 spiritual uplift of the commun-j ily. The "Salt" of any eonuuun-j ily are those who stand for tliei worship of Hod and the keeping oT His commandments. UNITED CHURCH HAS 667 MISSIONARIES Only Nineteen That Will Not be Under New Organization TOHOXTO, May 18. The United Church' of Canada- will iive about m() missionaries u the foreign field, according In the latest estimate of the Mis sion Hoards of the three Uniting Churches. There is at the present "titnea total of 007 missionaries in Ihe foreign service of the three church, and all bul nineteen nf these will continue with, their patent Churches when they enler info the Pjilon. The figures for the three hurdles' are "as follows' Presbyterian Missionaries.. 333 Methodist " " 3in Congregational " 2t Total for lliretf 007 Ann-concurring Mission aries lit PRINCE GEORGE Ex-Mayor Hiram Carney ap peared before Ihe city council this week lo protest against Iho turning over of Ihe policing of Ihe. city to Ihe provincial police. He staled that ho was repre senting over ion residents. Mayor Alward slopd pal, how ever, and slated that he would veto any resolution calling for reconsideration of the action now taken in coining lo an agreement wilh Ihe provincial police. .Many Prince fSeorge people " were present last week al the opening of Ihe new bridge across the I'raser Hiver at Mcllride. II was Ihe greatest day jn Ihe his tory n .McIJnde since fhe arrival of Ihe railway sleel. .The brodge, which was li.uill by, Ihe pmvjfi'jlilVgoVprmrie'iir' at a cost of, 28,000, was opened by II. O. Perry, Mil, .A. in the absence of Hon. Dr; W. H. Sutherland, minister nf public works, who sent his regret thai he was unable to attend. Owen Ross, formerly clerk for Ihe municipality 'of Oak Hay When the differences between the interested parlies have been was ""' unanimous choice of the adjusted, Ihe mill will be operated again and Ihe mill al Port ly council la1 week lo succeed Clements is also likely to operale at the same time. n Ilie's- Ceorge, Resigned, as city meantime the dam cannery near is working full sviiigl(,,,,r'- there were iH applica-and giving sctllcrs an opporlunily to earn a little money to liflp i 1 f onn for Ihe position. Arthur along their farming operations. iCulhberl, formerly of Prince Hu- Tlfll ! I A Scientific Means of Destroying Rats and Mice No Traps No Poisons Not harmful to other animals or humaat. Safe to Handle Effective Write or aak for Inatructlv Azoa booklet. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. Phones 82 and 200. jpert, was one of the applicants "tar. J two new settlers, accompan ied by their families, arrived in 'he city las week lo make dieir homes nji Ihe east side of the Iraspr river. The newcomers are Hmil Larsen with wife. and Hiree children and Alfred Pear son wilh wife. and four children from North Dakota. The dale nf the Prince flenrge fall fair has been el by the directors for September I and 2 H will be Ihe first fair in the norlli Ibis year with Ihe exception1 of thai al Woodpecker which will lake place. Inward, the end of August. ) Mrs. P. K. Wilson, who has been dangerously HI in Hit w ?HP. jjail7' HET78 -V May 1R ,8, IDTonight iw to ton and atrnthtn th ertan of dijtion ana tllmlnaiien, improva pptlt, top alck haadacha. raliava bll-ieuanaaa, eorraal cenalipallaa. Thay act promptly, plaaaantly. mildly, yat theroucnly. Tomorrow Alright Get a . Yar 25C. BOX -.3 Druulal ORMES LIMITED Prince Cieorge Hospital, is now: on the road to recovery although' it will be some tune yel before she will he able lo leave lltej hospital for home. Mrs. Herbert 'Hodgson- and! little daughter have left forj Toronto where lliey will spend ? the summer. SELF DENIAL WEEK CAMPAIGN BEST YET . Salvation Army Realized $775.10 as Result of Last Week's Efforts The Self Denial week cam paign of Ihe Salvaijon Army which dosed on Saturday was tile lliosl successful yel conducted in the City and the llirg' st amount ever was collected. T ie fofieclioiis aggregated ?775.IO and, with returns yel tu be made. it is exnecled lhat Ihe objective of 80l) will he realized, Tolal collection' of ofliecrs and sol diers amounted lo 105.00: altar service gifls amounted lo $2l.'(). and 28K was realized from tue, tag day on Saturday, The highest taggers werrf .Misses Annie Smith, Dolly Smith and I'.vel n Pierce. In addition lo those whose names were nublislied .in Saturday. Misses Mary Herman and Annie Knits also assisted in lagging. QUIET WEDDING ON SATURDAY EVENING Miss Jenny Alfreda Jensen Bo- comes Bride of Arne Ben-diksen, Both or this City A quiet wedding look nla Saturday evening al'lhe Luth eran Parsonage. 2i'J Fifth Ave West, when Arne Hendiksen o.' I2H Seventh Ave. W'esl look lo h'ride Miss .Jenny Alfreda Jensen, daughter of Mr. itml Mrs. J:m Jensen, Kighlh Avenue and Me- Itride SI reel. Duly a few friend" of (he contracting parlies were present at the ceremony, Ihe of ficial witnesses being Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of Knclish Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hendiksen will make their home in Ihe city. ARISTOCRACY OF CANADA IN RAILWAY OFFICES IN OLD DAYS SAYS' LEADER OF PRO GRESSIVES. (Cinfinued if'r6' Page One) splendid al first sjghl, lo have all the railways of the country owned by the Dominion and run ih Ihe interest of Hie people, not exaclly for profit bul for service, bul it is Utopian, and we are not likely In See il materialized. The only (ilug we can do is lo see to i (bul. hi two systems are run art profitably and economically as ihey possibly can be hi order to give the besl service lo the people. Immigration I am Iho'roughly convinced that we shall not -have a solution of Ihe, railway problem until there are a great many nnjre people in I his country. Sir Henry Thorn-Ion may practice idl llie economy he likes, and he may cut down capital expenditure, . . and do everything he possibly can In mako Ihe syslem Successful, but, I repeal, until we. have n larger population we shall not gel out Of our railwnn Intnhle. The leader or the ojinnsjliou Impl.led Hint Ihe ilitlicullicH In eonhcelion with the railways loilay were due lo Hie fact lhat' busbies' had sutfernl, for Iho-reason I suppose that Ihe factories Were not running as thev ought lo run. While I have nothing lo. say against the industrial acllvilies of Canada, I am satisfied that so I long as wo maiututii this allitudul There is No "Joker" in This State Dissolving o Partnership Sale A Genuine Sale embodying Gigantic Bargains The Entire Stock Must be Sold Costs do not enter into price calculations. This Forced Sale is Straight Business and Offers a once in a life. time opportunity. Our Sacrifice Stock Includes:-Dominion Linoleum Ruga- all sizes. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, all sizes. Dominion Linoleum Floor Covering. B. M. K. British Made Rugs. Chenille and Avondale Rugs. The Famous Fawcett Ranges. Dining Room Suites. Davenports and Davenettes. Kickway Couches. Brown Reed Upholstered Chairs and Rockers Hardwood Golden Chairs, Dressers, Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables. Ivory and Walnut Beds. Swayless Coil Springs and Wood Frame Springs- all sizes. Kitchen Chairs and Tables, Cabinets and Wicker Chairs of all kinds. Baby High and Low Chairs. Boat Stoves. Door Mats. Blankets, Bed Spreads and Flannel Sheeting. Cassell Window Blinds. Bed Room Tables and Card Tables, Curtain Rods and other articles too numerous to mention. ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLD FOR CASH - NO EXCHANGES We cordially invite you to come and see the many remarkable bargains for yourself Come early and get the pick of the goods PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION or RESERVE NllllU: IS IIKMKIIV IUVI..N Dial III, rPM-rvc cuvcrliiir 'rlaln l.ind- ii-nr the Junction ( 1 r iii'hUII iiihI sk-i'im Hlvi-rr il.'flnnilli'il I.11I !M, lliuilri) lUuist I He lllrl, I I'Miocllert, m:o. II. NAPKN, lieputy Minuter or IjiihH. Iippartiiii'iil nf l.nnd. VlcC;i:U., .My uii, juit. THE NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. R. 8. C. Chip. 110. The Cilimilliin I'Wiinic ('.(iinpnny i.lmllrj liprcliy iivp.i tiollen that It lias liiulcr Section 7 of tin' siild AH ilrpimltpil with Ihe MlnUti'r (t Pulillr Work nt inlaws anil In I ho ofIre or lli Heirlstrnr nl llm l.uml li?irltry l'.nnl lilMrlrt nt PrlinT llnpi'il, ll.i:., 1 ilcurrlptlnii nr the Kilo mil iilaim nf lit wlmrr, rnniu'ry, rnnniTy liiilhl-Iiik ami wink appurti-nant Ihtrplo Imllt prior to J iiiic ll. IBIS, In IVumt llciirli In rront or t.nt S0, Hiiukh 1, fiomt lUMilct, rriivliiic, nf llrltl-li tinliiiii- AMI TAKK (ITirK Hint nrior llm ( pliaUon or one month rrmn lln (Into nf Uin flinl iiiilillrntlon or thl Nollri. Tin. ('.iiimillan I lhlnif Conipuny l.imlleil will midi-r Section 7 or 1 lit. mud Art apply to tlx- Mlnlnier or pulillr Work at lil or rue In the r.liv or otlawa ror approval; or tin1 anlil ulip ami plun and ror ltnve 1 lo ron" irnrt the mi id cniinery and woi ku 1 Paled at Vancouver, ii.t:., tlila 7 1 li day or May, I92&. Tllli CA,NAIIIA.N HSIIINO r.OMI'ANY ' LIMlTtU Third Ave. we shall not solve our problems. I know very well mat lion members to my right, fur whoim I have every rosjierl, think when j I sjieak in Ibis way thai I ami Inking a seclinjial (mini of view;! they believe thai being a farmer i and knowing only 'about agrieul-! lure I am always har'dng on l hi' one siring of making agriculture prosnerous in Canada, l.el me, say, however, that I believe from the bolloui of my heart that there is no solution for our' problem in this country whirli isj liol based on agricultural pros- perily. You can build all the far(oris ypu like ami mako an aliein(ii )ii k,iK Wsiiu'iJ.H. going generally; bul tinless'vyni secure a pro-nerous, industrious mid numerous population living in Ihe country, Ihe urban industries will not prosper- So that our utmost endeavor al this lime should be tn find mil how we ran make agrieullure . FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate ' ' - including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, W PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COAXING SLEEP with a Simmons Outfit No. 1112 i Ih'd . (il.fV l" it, (MnsislinK of Now Cn.lury 1.I ea $45.00 r I'""''- Ca'n .Maltress, in Wnlniif or Ivory BARRIE S Home Furnishing 3rd Avenue and 1st Street.