Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience Ir.stinp eyes and f i Hint? glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North Cashian Cloth for tho Ensemble Fashion's newest decree funis fulfillment in this fabric which makes up so beautifully. A wide range includes Jade, Olive, .Sand, (irey, Tan, Oranjre, Cardinal, (loyal, etc. 3G inches wide. lies. $2.50. Special per yard $1,85 West of England Store Phono 753 CALL 189 or 112 Your ilrtiyage will he attended to wifh moderate charge. Our Taxi Service is the best. Cars are thoroughly cleaned every nay und Ihe price of 50c is within tho reach of everyone. KINDLING We arc Ihe ONLY Agenls handling this Kiln Dried wood from the mill. This quick fire starter is what you have been wailing for, for Ihree years. Order now from The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Srd Avonuo (Opp. Old P.O.) Call 183-112 or Red 461. KEEP SWEET Chocolate Special Here is your opportunity to slock up vtith Oanong's Chocolates for the picnic, af home, or parly. OANONG'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Reg. Prire GOc and 75c lb. special Price for this week, Per lb. 40c. Mixed Candy, reg. price 50c per lb., special price for I Ins week, per lb. . . 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84. Fifth Ave. East Dr.F. P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 Nearly $200,000 Earned During Three Months But no Dividend Announced .i:V YORK, May 1 8. Th Oraiiby Consolidated Mining, Smelling und Power Co. has is sued a statement covering; the firs I three mouths of the year showing Ihe total value of copper produced to ife $ 1, 21)2,73 i-S jairtt the "operating' costs during same lime to be $1,010,148.10. in il .. I. .....I l..i .1 had been paid there was a balance to- the sood of $105,000.23. In explaining 'present situation J. T. Crabbs, the president says thai Ihe combined production from the smeller and concentra DOMINION COMPANY TO CAN PINEAPPLES 0NFIJ1 ISLANDS Will Share Profits and Losses with Government of Colony Result of Rushton's Visit Si. YA, Fiji Islands, May 18.-As a result of the visit of th' Colonial Secretary, II. H. Rush Ion, to Canada lasl year, ai LAND ACT. CA6SIAR LAND DISTRICT IHMilit of 1 '.ashlar. Stiklni' Invlsltm. TAKE MiTli.h thai I. Waller Juliu i I'.i'tiu-iiol Siilillci-'. -if Ti-lemli crtvk i il I i.i i iiiial Ion Mui-r. lulrii. to aiil. rur 1'fiiiii-liin lo urt-tiae tlie fulluwiiu; ilet-rrllml lands: at ml planted auoii nnc mile at ,r Mi-(.-mU skmirli I lie Mlklnv Itlvrr ami alxint 3 lull)' Mjiitliwot of Teirrali Creek; theim north 811 Hialm; tlienre ra-t in rlialn-llit'lire Kotllll )0 -li.itlis; tlienre et O rlialnt to H,int of CiiiiinH-iit-i-iiient am t-oiitalhliig sit acre, limn- or leu. WALTtll JI IJA.V. Applicant. April IQlli. IDjS. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnc Rupert Electoral District. Mackenii Eltitoral District. MiTICK Is. Iiereliy rlvrn that I on Monday. I lie Idtli day (if May. IVi m i lip lionr of III n'clork in the fomiooi at the Court limine, I'rlnie Itiiix-it. hold slum? or i he court of iicvimoii rr Hi purKiM of revisinjr the list or voter t' tlie Mill Klerloral District, and or liearln and (leleriiiliilnir any and all objections I ihe retention or any name on me ai lifts, or to l ho registration as a voter i any applicant for registration; 'and f the other uirpowi ml furth in the "i'r vliiilal KI"cllons Act." Hated at I'rlnen linpert, II. C, tills Ct lay or April, ms. lleKl.'trar of Voiers for the Prim-lluperl and Mackenile Elector IiMlrlrls. HHf 1 I II I "II 11 CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL. TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON Ausonla ; j:i, June i7, Aug. A.M:anla June n, July tl. Auk. i Antonia June III. July 18. Atlfr. TO LIVERPOOL Auranla May u. June 'ID, July It TO GLASGOW. Atlienla . . . May it Lelltia . . . June : saliiinla June I. July I' FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Srvtliia . . Mav 3.i Carniunla . . May :i I'raiH-oiiia .. June r. rjirnnln .. June l:i TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON A(iiltaula May in, June V, July t KeieiiKaiia ny X. June i MaiirilHlini June 3. 21. Julv I TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW CHineronU . . May ii Tuwanla.. May in Asvrla .. June n i.leuilila .. June l.l . TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON Alliauia June 13. Julv 1 TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAMBURC Alidaula May V3, June 27. Auir. 1 Money orders and drafts at low'e rates. Full Information frnru Alrents n Company's orrices. 6SJ tlastluns St. W Vancouver. B.C. SPECIALS! Dresses SILK DRESSES . . . $10.50 DIETITIAN DRESSES $4.00 PORCH DRESSES ... $3.50 These prices beat Ihe mall order houses. "Demers" i House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 I I ssT" I ias- r ttie tor aggregated 8,887,751 pound? i -- - of copper at an average operat ing cost of 11.53 cents a pound. The absence of the usual midwinter thaw relied upon for the storage of water made the operation of the steam plant necessary and increased, the cost ol production but the liyilro-eleo-Iric is again being used. The company has not ac nounccd a dividend. mm G I LLSETT'Sj 0 PURE-IVC 0 FLAKE I LI L. el GILLETTS Mi agreement has been signed with the Dominion ('.aimers whereby that company is lo experiment in Ihe canning of the pineapples in Fiji 'on a share arrangement with the (iovernineiit of the colony. A cannery is lo be eslab-lishefl, each of Ihe parlies there-o bearing half Ihe cost and receiving half the profits or pay-ins half Ihe losses, as the case may be. The Fiji (iovornment will plant and bring lo maturity 100 acres "f pineapples and the cannery vill provide Ihe plan! ami oper-ite Ihe cannery, 'the lioveru-n nj of the qolony will erect the uihling ami allow the machinery n duly free. The marketing will e undertaken by the cauners. DIVERT AIR PASSENGERS LONDON, May 18. In the ulure airplane passengers' who ecome bored while flying may to able (o take in a movie during the voyage. "One of the large -aris-I.ondon air expresses was ecenlly equipped with a movie iciure projector, and, during a rial flight, a film was flashed n a screen inside lha cabin, ith 12 passenger as special ors. Advert;j .n Mi- Dailv New LAND ACT. Notice of Inte.T.Fon to Apply to .Leas Lands. ' In tlie Land llerordlur tUslrirt or rime lluperl, ami simile on I lie imrlll est r.-iasl or f'earsr Maud. II.C, appniv-uately three lnile., norlll from tlie iikjU Ii r Winter llarlmr. Take Niillre that Frizzed' l.liuitecl of tIiwt lluperl B.C.. i occupation nekei. Uiid lo apply f ie a lcae or Ihe fi.l-wlnif des'-rll)e'l lauds: CominencliiK al a p'ist planted approx .lately three miles norili fconi the iiionili r Wlliler llarlxir. I'ea-se Is'UihI; then i ii'tlivi st iwn (-.' ehalu. more or l i lo water in irk; thence soulhursl ionic l"V ualer mark ne tiundred sie' ity M '.ii chains; llieme soulhea-l o cliiius; tlieui-v uortlwatt on iiidred and sixty (tr.iii chains, more or to point or rummcm-etnenf and con Onlnir tlilriv -iwii cti acres, more or FIIIZKFJ.I.'H UMIJF.ll. Name or Appllcam. Ont.d May llh. IMS. LAND ACT, Notice of Inttntlon to Apply to Lat Land. in Ihe Unit lteeolliilc IHflrlit of i hi , lliipi i l. ;md .lluale on Hie norili i-i roal or larie l-4ltl. B.C.. upn-oy- m i'. Uii'i-e mile norili rroui the mouth T Winter llarlxir. Take .Noilee I lii l J. 1'leldluir Stranir oC miiuMite. D C iMTiinatlon ennnrj man iili nil? to apply Tor a lease or the' rl- nif (ieieriiiMi lanin 'inniwM'lliK al t'fl pl,intel npprov irom the mouth iialeiy-tnree three iiiiien nil I-, iiorlli imrin n r Wlnler llarlmr, Pfame Inland; tpeii e mllhwr.l two (ii rliiiint. Inure or lcio, i low water mark: thence unrtlical i It hi tr l" water mark one hundred anil lilv (1AH i chains: I hence Miiltheeai wo' (i chain: llienee oiithwet one Inuidred and culy (tfii rlnln. ufliri or f, in piiiiii or commencement aim , t-ou ainlng- tlili'ty-lwn CM) acre, inoin or ""' JAMKS FIKIOI.NO HTIIVMJ. Name of Appliraui. Hated May tatli, 0 a r. . Mm Borden' St.CharleLk lm iW Milk U put, rich, l&n country milk BB B Mlmh, from which more 1H 9K thnhllllinlutal kMH pH pE water IIH . picn M I H H moved, lucretmy Hf H m richneit make it ' theldealandecono. mB IB iiucainiiii.inrr.ci7 aaaau aaew recip" (JH,'om Ms mi BaV ai your (recer. ioutml lm-1 Mil Writ, tor Jl.Ch.rlai HocipoDook Jm oi farcin ia Limuia hbbbj Vn iirnuvp laaaaau Donations For Children's Ward Must bo In on or Before Wednesday Only two days remain in which donations may be made to the children's ward at the hospital, and yel a good many people have jforgotlen to. send in their conlri-I Outions. The' Japanese Association collected 8:.'. On Saturday Miss Nelda llllililrli held a fancy ! '.minis sale In which she netted ;Sl.Ciiic and in which she was nssisled by Misses Carleen Caii-dow. Frances Treniayne, Audrey Trenfayiie. Fuid Morris ami Megan .Morris. Ihe colleelioiis lepnrled to dale included J'revlous doiiallons ., .I0:M.7 F. (i. Dawson "5.00 Pupils or Ilooth Sclmol 10.00 Miss llildilch sate .... II. 00 Nels Forde . . . . K. Marlinseu .. I'eler Siilli . ... It. Ilingstad ... Ole Molaml , . . tVirl illemlhein Harold Tugdahl Olaf lleia . .'.? . ll.Tlraglland '. . A Mol her ... . Mnudaril Dairy II. Hiikalani- . . U. Suga ... , . ?. Shimizu . .'. Y. Nishikaze . . II. Vamanaka . II. Mochida ... K. Hayakawa , Ji. Obata Maple 'Cafe lub Cafe Ilirano ' A. Nishio ... .' I'. Kadiiuag a ... ... t I'. Fujiniolo . .- V M..1. ..1 r i. :aiiiAiiiiu ... .. .. V. Kauayu . . I. Ikeda I". Osaka M. Miida K. Kara K. Fniiyu I. Ilaiuiisaki . . . T. K ii wah ara . , v. Dabe , O. Kilagawn . . , Y. Suyeliiro . . . T. Oolo . . i K. Tsumtira . . M. Shikataui .. U. Asano ... . V. Takahaohi . . P. Nishihara . . K. Tsurui . . . Ilimula ... Yamauoiiclii MRS. CO0L1DGE SETS PACE FOR WOMEN OF 1.00 1.00 1.(10 2.00 i.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1. 00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.IM. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 t. no l.oo l.oo 1.00 1.00 1 .110 I. mi l.oo 1.00 1.00 l.oo 1 .00 1.00 1.0(1 AMERICAN CAPITAL WASIIINOTON. May 18. -So ciety leaders of the capital, ac customed lo moulding their taslfs lo those of Ihe first lady of the land, are slumped by the form of illversion selecled by Mrs. (Joolldge. Four to six niiles of walking daily is the program of Mi.. Cooliilge ami Ibis schedule II. .1.. ( I . H ! i no iiiiio i)i ii ireioeui wne Iiermils, rain or shine, winter or summer. Mrs. Uoolhltfc has refused lo be "jailed" In the While House She regards Ihe executive imin- sion as a home, and she ei poses of Willi Ki-aee and ease, and she enjoys Ihein, but (hey are kept al a minimum. Two walks a day is the favor- .1 ii : ,.i il Mr luiigi .mi. int,1 1 1 iij i u i ii su iiii is usually confined lo slioiipim;. r-AGE SIX THE DAILT NEWS Monday, May (8 1923. . Ill IGRANBY SHOWS ONLY TWO DAYS Diamonds SOME PROFITS FOR CAMPAIGN RRITISH COLUMBIA I i ii Alert,, thinking people who ure in touch with the trend of events and who do not fail to THINK, HEAR, SEE.& ACT know thai in buying a diamond I hey must depend largely upon the dealer. Our values are equal to of any house in Canada and cheaper than many. The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1023. llhS produced Minerals us follows: Placer Hold, $7(1,002 2(:i- (j f. 5a ai.or.r.; Silver, .$(13,5:12,(155; Lead, $58,i:JL0(Jl ; Copper, l7t,oii8 1)0' 04,75(1; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1, 108,257; Coal ami Coke, 2,"ioji'(lH iiv"i' Slope done, Hrick, Cemcn tic, $30il5,23i ; making its Mineral Produ. ,,, i, 11)2:! show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 Tlie Mining Cuws of litis' Province are mom liberal aiuMlio lec i.itter ,iail " uuy oilier Prnvineo in lliu Uomiiiiou, or anj coloiiy1u tliw llritish Umpire "M Mineral locations uro' gianlcd lo iliscovemrs for iininttiui fees. Atitlillllll 'PlllllU 1111 Jkl .1 ! I II II. I I . II ,!.... ill ii ...,.1. .1!.. .1 .III.TIII.HV IIIK-.1 UIU UWHHII.ll IFJ MK. I. 1 1 F J 1 1 I I (j 7IVII J HI I JMJ f 1 1 OS, UIC -' Ul'lt giiaraiilccd by Crown Grants. Full informalim! together wild Mining Hoptrls aid Map.-, mav be addressing iiiately t(i.iioi) acres. It is the intent urn lo double this nuinbcr f planting ue.xl year. FLYING EBONY WON THE KENTUCKY DERBY I.Ot'lSVll.I.i:, May 18, FlyiiiK Fbony won the Kenlucky Derby on Saturday, Captain Hal romiu in second and "Sou of John' thud. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply lo Lain Land. In I lie l.aml IKinnliinr liOlrlct of Crliiri- luimrl. ami lltilc on I lit? norili vril coail of I'car-r l-Uml. H i:., appro i iiiiairU 0c niiles imrlu from tttv inoiin .r Wliili r llarlior. TaWc Noihr Dial il.i.n- MlllcrU Llinllr. if Vinroiivrr. It.:.. htiiinHIhii parkw Iniiiiil to apply fur a lt-a.c of tlir ( IoIiik ilfscrllnil laiiili: rominciicliiK al a lt plauPil apprtif llnalrly five mllcn Imrlll (rum IIh' loMIt Hf Winter llarlmr, I'rarn! Inlaml; Uhmic ioriimci two ii inain-. iinirr or if-tu low water mark: tln-iicc norilMa alonr low water mark i im- liiimln-il an illy 1 1 aii i i luln: ilii-iicf. viiiIIm- two i rlmll.; Illflirc luinlliwcl on biiiMlrnl ami ltly (lu chain', more Irtw, to Iwiliil of iiininiilii flocnl anil con (tiling llllrty-tww .it' acre. UHiie n It. (;iiK MII.I.HlIi I.IUITKH. i .Name or Appllran l)4lcl May I till. I Ufa. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreaerviHi, aurvyJ frown lan'ls may b pre-emptwl by Critlxli ulijvt ovrr 1 yar of ax. ami by nllciia on drrlirinK Inlrntlon t bwoinM Urttlnh subject, condl- loiial iii.on realilmc1. occupation. jiJ lmtrovmcnt for aurlcultumj ourpoae. Kull tiiforinatlon coiicrrnlni; rKU Mtlona rcKardlnn prB-nnptlona la Kin in Ilulielln No. 1, IinJ Herlf. "!Iow lo l're-fmpt Ijtnd," copl of iiliich enn be obtaini'd free of chars 1y addrcMilnic tlie l)epal tmcnt of Lunl. Victoria, U.C.. or to any Oov. trninent AsenL Uevoril will be cranted coverlnc only -land aultable for UKrlcullural purpont-n. und which U not Umber-land, I.e.. carrylnc oyer 8.000 board feet nr acre weal of the Coaal IUntt sland, so far as Ihe demand on' f.m' 6 reot "r ac" Dl ,pai Atmlicntlont for pre-emption ar to be aitdreitned to the Lind Com mltwloner of (lie Land Heconllnn Dl-vUlon, In which Ihe land applied for la fdtuatcd, and are made en printed forma, copies of which enn be obtained from the Iand Oornmlaaloncr. I're-emptlona muat be occupied for i,., j1 rive years una improveinenia nwn 11,1 : I - I ... tIA .... I ....1 .1,1 1 n a lu vaiu ui eiv 'ci i .v.w.....i. fi . 'maintained the simple habits of i clcnrimr und cultlvntlna at least five llife she accustomed herself lo ih " b'for8 a Crown lSrant cnn b Ihe wife of a Massachusclls Iaw-i yor ln're detailed Information e Social fund ions she dis- the Mulletln "How to I're-empt Mind. PURCHASE Appllcullone are lecelved for purchase of vacant apd unrorvd Crown lands, not being; tlmberland, for agricultural purpoaes; mlnlnuim price for first-clang (arable) land Is 15 per acre, and second -clan (crai- Inc) lund 3.5 per acre, runner in- Mis. I'ooldiifC' Is well aCMUaillled formation recardlnir nurcliase or lease Willi Ihe stores here, and makes t-'rowr. lands U Klvon In un . i i i.i oi No. 10, Unil Series. "Purchase and hit w.iv iiiiuui i iiuiuiviy. nuv t,eage of Crown Uonls." knows prelly well what she Mill, factory, or Industrial site oa . .. . . timber Und, not exceeding; 40 acrts, wants before enterinn a sales- mTy be purcha.ed or leased, the con. ;room, and lakes Utile llino in dltlons Includlnit payment of miiLii.o- lii.i. M.ili.nllnti ! stumpaRe. Another walk in 4I.0 aflcrnuo,,; Um J6 "h... usually finds her enJoyinu; the ,.rna mv r.n iead hommit. Ifreedoiu of one of Ihe numerous conditional upon o dwelling bln ....I-- 1 ..I 11 1.. 11 ...... erectea in ine nrai year, nue umni iuiir, uui in" piiuiis '- obtainable after realdence ana im- Iconfined entirely lo parkways. There are few slreelH in the wide neighborhood about Ihe While House, sell led by every class of people, which she bus not I) Vrovernent condition are and Und has been surveyed, fulflllod LEA8E8 For grazing end Industrial pur-poses areas not exceeding 810 acres may be leased by on person or a company. GRAZING 1 un(Jer the orarlng Act th Itot- ENGLAND REPLANTING TREES 4nce In divided ln(o grating districts 1 and the range administered under a I Grazing Commissioner. Annual LONDON, May IH. In an ef-' grazing permits ar Issued based on foil lo nuke kooiI The deplelion "-.SSK of l.uulish finest , dllliliK the may form aasclatlons for rants war, the forestry comilljssioil of management. Fr. or partly free, .. , , . 1 permit are arallable for settUrs. Ihe uoveruineiit (Ills sear has carer, and travtlUrs. up to ln planted more llian iouiti tree-., cuvcrim, 30,0(10,000 upproxi-1; Ii bl;iir' j gri THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Mine? Victoria, Crltlsh Columbia. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Border Legion" One of those ilean. niii-. pui -in which Zaue (irey i laiimus, piodnirtl un 1 supervision of the nolhor. A -wifl-moMiif. Soiitliern IiIhIhi llordcr .unl of Ihe iiol'irm 1 amlcrs who ihIimI il. I'liiliot in porfreno- il is a preal lull by h grent nullior a Iuk j . big cast. Antonla Moreno, llcleno Cliadwick, flockliffe Fel-lowcs, Charles Ogle, Edward Gribbon and others. THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 7 ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c Dr. E. S. TAIT . DENTIS r Holgcrson DIocK, Princo Rupert, B.C. orfirc Hour- f i" ii. X-RAY SERVICE Phono 68G. Open Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings MAY DAY Shoe Sale OUR MAY DAY SHOE SALE STARTS FRIDAY, MAJ J 15th MAY 2M AND CONTINUES TILL SATURDAY, The we iire orrermff dr K 'the from III per cent lo IN per cent frtiin 2,-1 er rent lo ." ht cent on bnnv . i- THE DISCOUNTS ARE AS FOLLOWS 20 per cent on all our stock of Men's Shoes. 15 per cent on-all our Hock or Ladies' Shoei. ami Ca. 10 per cent on all our stock of Children's Shoos vas Footwear. Shoos. clearing line of HuriDii urlbnt 25 nor cent on a spoclal The prices i.u the broken lino n- , live or col I.ecaiiM' we have only from on-lo a line ami wo JiU' l cl''ir lliein. cPpcrs, m inrflA.i and Growina Girls' Patent Leather wipp s. ilium heels. Ileg. price from Price Ladles' Patent Loathor Slippers, one 1.... n. . u mi Side I'rice IM(. CtlH I' Ladles' Dlack and' Brown Suede Slippers, u. " iliutil heel. IUK- . w " ;,. An Assortment of Broken Linos ami rroiu 7.r,t (o .t.r.0. hint- 1 51 Pairs of Children's Button Shoes, M.t :t.r(. .Sale Price ; 30 Pairs of Girls' Buttoned Shoes, Hr.e Hale Pi .i' it.- A Spedal Vol of Ladicd' White Canvas Slippers ren's Running Shoes. Per I " .. . , n - Another Lot of Whlto Canvas Oxrords. BP V Jahour ores- Phono 645. nit'''1 $4.95 me V;i.l If $5.95 n..i. fr un " $1i95 ...... S J2.G5 and Child- 95c Siiie 51.50 f $1 Price ' s.ile 1 it 45 Men's Whlto Running Shoes, lie. White Oxrords. Me. !.:,. Sale p) THE r-iir-nx nnii ur MBEH TUMI "- " ' MF awn I ST0nv'?SEDovVETB0flN3 SHARE OF THE YOUR .Ltd and .h'