Published livery Afternoon, except Sundaythe Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. P. PULLliN, Managiirg Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or earner, per month -5 1.00 My mail to all parts of Hie British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year ,. soon To all iilher countries, in advance, per year 57.5(1 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - S6 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 1 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOft sJj Thursday. Jan. 30.' 1925. NeedOf Unity In Any Civic Project. If any civic project is to ire carried through it has lo be by Ilic united efforts of the citizens. That point was emphasized al the banquet of (he (lyro Club last night. The district governor, who is visiting the city, urged it and a representative or the Rotary Club who was present also dwell on it considerably. II is absolutely essential lo success. Gymnasium And Swimming Pool. It seems as if the suggestion to build ii gymnasium and swimming poo) in Prince Rupert is being received with unanimity. It has been under consideration for some time and last night it was announced Hint negotiations were in progress look ing mi me securing oi a sue. ii uus project is to he carried out successfully it must be backed by all the citizens. We must forget who i hrinirin:' il forward and who are llje" originators of the idea ;iml remember only that it is ii civic need and if we want il badly enough wd can. pei n. u we wouiu ami mi tne permanency of the city and make it a more pleasant place in which to live we cannot very well avoid supporting a movement .such as this. United support is what is asked. Unity First In Securing A Site. First of all there must be a united demand in order lo secure a site. The Provincial Ooverumenl has some very suitable lots and the Railway Company also lias properly here which might possibly be used for the purpose. The government lots seem best localed and would suit the purpose best and if it wits made clear to the member fur (he district that Ihe whole city was behind this and that it was -not in any way a .sectional or parly or group moenient, it is possible the government might be induced to donate Hie property. While we have no particular information on thj, .uxi know .r no one who has, we know that in dealing with a government 'it is public opinion that carries weight. If the city council. Hie board of trade, the various societies and churches and dubs would all take action asking that the government either donate a piece of properly or ell it ror a purely nominal ftgnre to be used solely for Ibis worthy civic purpose, il might, facilitate action. Splendid Example Others To Follow. '( The Oyro Club, which arranged for Ihe matter to be mentioned last night, set a good example. This club, computed nr young men, many of whom are living on comparatively nia salaries, invited forty or riffv iiiin i n i ' ..!.. ,'!' '. ' ?''- enthusing ,u i'i"j"'i 'Mm won me uiea oi service in the community. It yvas a great example and if il-is followed I.v other ... should result in success. ;' ' v. s. . If You Can't Boost ' Keep Silent For Ever. 'Pliere may possibly be a few people in the city who have ' . m,,VPm,n "f Ihe kind proposed. All t hat .s asked of them l ,s that they do nolMisconnl the efforts o are ,r,ug o do something. If Ihey do not wish to do so H,,.re ,s need for them to contribute to the r..d. No one lias H-eii asked fur any money yet ami no one will til Ihe ' , " ' " " " "l,(,n lo anyone lo refuse. Those ho do not wish (o such M.,,M,r a project, if there are any in "Was Freed of Gal! Stones And Persistent Backache" Mr. Alexander Bradley, R.R. No. 1, Carp, Ont., writes: NEWBOX 'I sutTered from gall tonet, and commenced taking Dr. Chae't Kidney-Liver Pill. I feel afe in laying that these pilli cempletely overcame the trouble, ai it is some years since I was afflicted in this way, and I have not suffered from gall stones or even backache since. I have also found Dr. Chase's Nerve Food excellent for heart trouble and shortness of breath." Ir. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 35 itA. a U,x of 35 rills, Ixlrminson, Hair Co., Utl.. Toronto lyro memliers anil invited guest lo Ihe nuiiiher (tf 7.r were present al tlie St. Ilegis Cafe la night, when ceremonies in con nection with Ihe installation of Ihe (iyrn Club's 1925 ntli'Ce linu- crs look place. The alfair was an enlliusiaslir and enjnyalde one and a sirlendnl nroirram hail heen arranged by Leo Waiinh and ofher meuibei'S of his entertainment committee. Frel lirowu of Vancouver, district governor of I lift tiyro Club, was in chary of Ihe installation prncccding and had with him - another member of Hie Vancouver Cyrn Club in the pi'isou of Her! Roy. II. K. MrXaughlori was dulv invested with Hie responsibilities of the. presidenry of Ihe local cluti sur- ceeijinv .Milton (ionales. , Other nllreers installed were orris Pringle. secretary: Sidney Hazett- lonps, treasurer, and Leo Wausrh and Joe (Ireer. directors. After a tine liaunuet snread had been done full justice to. Hi installation formalities were proceeded with. The retiring president briefly gave an account oi i ne. work itial Had .liecn ac-coiiiiilished by Ihe club durins divergent ways In regard to matter of this kind. .Mr. Ill-own then spoke of the obJeeU nf the order. Ihe mail real u re of whieh was friend-do:., tie mentioned Ihe fonn.l liter if i J The Man in the Moon YS:- I T is said that Ihe sales al Ilic toenl liquor slofe nfe fallinj; otT.; .Mac is on the wujxon. XOW lhat the pound slerliiisf is back to 'par or thi-reabouls, I am lookintr for llial flow of Hrilislt eapilal thai wit io come ' into my slockiiij. , ' I A WlN.MI'Kii riewsnaner Writer" recently jjbed fie yiiatbei- man for notimakbiis.ittTeoRUHiiiuiih at the prairie melropolis. Theiil Old Koreas arose in his niiabii and the jiber in silent- jj, COXTKXTMKX'r T rt"en Jiih'I iinollier word ror lainess: furiansin is ueitfieii as a seiieme for ninkltlB it easier Tof t lie ineoinpeients arrd the idle. Till', radio is oonubir in snite or Ihe fuel llial 11. has no set appeal. S1XCK all Nllie high fain I in lodRes have falbsl 4r their pro , . 1 a . . lessen purpose.' ers s nr a - lodRe where the members all eelare Ihev arn mil fop n trn..l He iirncil lhat they lake lime, thai Ihey want lo tsi-i nwiry Me- fro m iiicie uiu 11,1.1 ii...., ,i... r.aircry and unite with the Itntary eare a hnllylmo wtral, lieeomea of .iun in tne proposal that had Ihe been made. II would be useless lime for the two orjranizaf ions to (?n selves ace Inn iiia in ihe menn- I IICV Cllelld to einov I hem. And let it be one where a every member ean be an ollleer. m i men or n Itw-K town is a place when- iherd.iire plenty ot iiroressioiiiii joiners. the ilrsl elub in 191.' at Cleve- . Mi . and Mrs.' (!. Ti. (lullek and land when rive men nol toelher! ramily relij ued lo ihe r iiy mi and mad . a beginning or nn or-; the Prince Huporl yes'inhiy uf-nanizaiion winch hail had a won tenionn. Tnev have lice ; on ;l ilerful prowHi The sell .slines- vnirriMmi ' m wtneh lock ttiem n of nusmens was uiuctiomtcd by fm van' u. ludiuna fetiing equalled to the apiiellatlon or "A Little Bit of OM England,' :uid the up-to-tl:-:crjes of a one of the principal tourist citiet of the North Pacific roast throughout the entire year. Victoria, which with its suburbs has a population of 6U)0. is also the capital of British Columbia, t:ie legislative builJiims frnmiriK an attractive picture for the new arrivi.l disembarking in the fnner harbor. The city, located on the southtast extremity of Vancouver Island is practically in the same latitude as Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg imd other eastern cltie?, yet because of the w: rm Japan current that fr'.n t BiiUdtt Columbia's const. Victoria enlora tli vpnr rn-.-.r-.H iir..... Acres ji tin Of t.H r;lv in the Dominion. The mean temp rature in wir.ter is 42 decrees and in ' is rerther made b"' u summpr (51. Pnnnlcil .ltVi tkU i .n ... .. - . . . v z ',",:: yeany rouiuui oi only ...45 inches, less than . . half .. the . average prccipiutlbn oil the adjacent - mainland. . . - With this salubrious climate outdoor sporta ar poaalble the entire year, five or six golf courses beinr; aratlable la ftsd Broua4 the city For he motorist, not only Vic.orta but the entire Vancouver bland provides drives of vin'in? lengths nto a territory that bia been named a "Thousand Mile, of Wonderland Gr . ; - fa 7 famous .Malahat Mountain drive running nr th r. ,7 ia "xcefled eet abVe m leVel 'rfor,,i wmSSS In and around Victoria are su thm comer busy for many days. Ti .t .! is. transformed within the laat dw - 'viand f ' eb-ubs, lawns, roses, wat,;f; -hysll with the second largest , .. i 600 1.riPv TWO T'uursday, .T;i t i? i n H y III' i win ii i i r y o mw GYRO OFFICERS Where They Play Golf AH the Year Round II III! ill ilillni ,i!iiii''"yi7ll,,,l"i"iin.1 ARE INSTALLED ULtl ' District Governor Fred Brown of Vancouver Officiates at Important i, ' . Annual Event SPLENDID BANQUET The Daily News IMILNCE R UP BUT - MUTISM COLUMBIA I Addresses and Musical Numbers Feature of Evening at St. Reals Cafe Last Night lt2i aJid handed the aravel lollie district governor who then look charire .of the meetinx. The n;wly electei) nllicer.s were called to the head table and the charge of their ollices were read In I hem nfter which they were duly de- lured lo be' in oflice. President Mc.N'ausrIiton, in tak ing oxer the chair. hrieflv acknowledged Hie honor Ihul had iieen done him and expressed Hie hope llial it would he his privil e?e Ift carry on Ihe food work that had been started. Program of Evening The I imuran i of the cvenimr included vocal solos by Art Has 'on, r. K. Camnhell. Iran: Moore. Hay YVorlork and J. .Morrison all of which were much en joyed. A vocal iiuarletle cnil- isliiifr of .1. II. Davey. S. K. Campbell, K. Wakerield and S C. Jackson rendered much appreciated numbers and selections by an orchestra consisting of A. A. Kas.son, Kenny Hood, (ieortn Horie, T. Wheeler and Miss Si. Cyr really enlivened the prn-ceeilinir.s. There were sevi-enl oiiimuiiily sonjrs under the lead-rship- of S". K. Campbell. V. Vauhan Imv-is was acconipanist H I lie evening. An address by F. (!. Dawson on early days in Prince Itupeit proved very entertaining and interesting:. In a humorous vein. Mr. Dawson recalled many incidents thai had occurred her luring I lie years iuoh and I'Jii'.i when all there was of 1'rinco lluier wib lociijed on Jnlirf Houston s selireiiM'nl called Knoxville. Particularly inlerosl- inR was Mr. Dayvson's addres's because he Had many 'bunioroiif Hiinjrs t6 tell ibihVl. well kn own and prominent characters of lhat 'one not a few of whom wero In attendance last niirhl. In con- cludinp Mr. Dawson exnressed the helief lhat in the, past there iiHd not been enough :if the real 'nnimunily spirit here, lie Ad monished all lo pull tofrelher like a srooil team of horses in. stead of like obstinate and' unreliable mules. Another interesting address was by M. P. Mcfiarfery who spoke on (lie proposal to establish a swimming pool and gymnasium in the city. Fred Brown . I'red Ilrown, in a happy and forceful speech, brought greel nigs from Ihe oilier clubs In III district. Ihe advice e (riven given bv by M. M. V. I. Me In the EmprM, Hotel Cardi. At the top. nt, a view oi the Ma!h, drive, Belo. one nf ,,e ,nny aoIf rr , ,r taken Ir. m the verandah of he c Hotel with a tlh,,,,,. . , . Vrlir, """t Bui Wln-I Camcd for a mild, equable clima'e. a scent.' - liiuiuqsl j'.ususn ncauiy spois, a restmtimce mhlcli h. s friendship. . . , . fieri Hoy said he earne five hundred miles in extend the! greeting of Vancouver lo the. I'rince Ilupert club, and these he! onyeye.d in a neal speech. i The tiyro Club fenlivities will I xlend into loiiiaht when the an-! uial ball, ror which elaborate : T-eparalions have been made, i will be liclil in the Auditorium. ! r1 J! Vlrinrla Ir famom and at th tliht a r' "Mri.-k Ii the c ilumn-.. " VH' parks feat c. -in u Beacon Hill Park viHuallr laf-it n In m m.nor tnore Un a hand red rhatiy Dear'ut. iittlu Ikijs alonir siv-:ity nillen of water tnatns; lur f.k'T. S::. -ar-e li:o '.-rati- of Juan de rut-a and 0 n ul the Paei.ic Ocean tides, v.hi:. others are almost landloc ked unn:i'f!(l wan rs. iv;iil n.- 10 Victoria iram tht mainland Is one of :: hol!!ay spent In the capital city. An 82-niilu trtp thro i !i !i-.t.-i rd v.:t. -s past f-.'::'' n islands, brinaa the trav. : t ouver. Mfiu; nt sorvlc? on psttatlal sleameis of the r.m.' i' r Itailway is afforded to Victoria fvmn V. ncouvtr and Seattle , to anali::o afiorda an outionnl route n:, - u Nannimo at. a iclnrin AS a fli'''!:' (lc. t lniiliXl l. V'lltnrin na Int.. ... . . . ,u ... u .. ,UVI 1'TI.IUI t Qardea, an el.-borate !: at center, is being en.-ct- l bmpfses Hotel. It will he r-n d for Victoria Day Ccleht .t., a steel and concrete Mnicu.-i" wttb 36,yiui square (ret e Surface. The centrnl feature of the Crystal ('rirden 'vlll b water swImmmK pool, the laiu. st on the I'.u iiic oaf L Nearby the Emprefs Hotc I. overlooks the inner har 'iour spacious ground beautiful alike in winter and -uinmer :th trees and other shrubs and f'oers. This d'-nvedir Don- .u.r.,r. 'at,. '-g. T I "j;i m, -....naiiiiviiiti tind H n now niv.r n k.'v c l.1""'1""' rctiturc .,p 'P of th .i" ?nny Kit warm dav. hetter nlace em.lil f,....i : . ' ": '"u-e. '-nut ... ' : ' 1 i ,,111.11. ., , ,,r w li'll a 1 1 v r,i'V h'i. f, t , . . t i , .. , , . " aTSweefcZ what ?Vh!l"lS on an lnvivomtthtT t-i.-.u .- : 1 whnr ,'l.,,.fc i. .L - ' 1 "'"""'ttcR life ai an Aa OiictV-.V ; 7 r. ru 'y HI- I'" thrmtrh fh rinir,Afl I.. 11 . ,r . SeVel, flay . ::!-. i v;t' i,. t i.-.,.,, It will :;,! ; tourhit, arrant! i.h 4. tO all u)rl,. ie friiht lliert iVH m Her v rv ...... j .tei. " to a greater : " iiuni: ii tlie w . i l- 1 i . t, r... Sports. ' ""me of Winti Instead of ff(.iiit in .!( r , -, , comes to life with the comb of'.row n?" ' effort fi,liw: , 1,5 g h . L,0"', "voir 1 sporttna arti.itir i I., ,, .,, . .' " nli list of ' h a hue, Hle:; i ' , t. .TT t ny nl attnet'ona to I ha lammia niuntln rtmfi- h hob uofiu iue wiuporary r.o-i:e tir IBOUsanfls or visitor. To the tourist from the inland rlttrs ei atally, Victor, a splendid Opportunity to Tiew the ever-lntiresting acencr of .in n p: Practically all ln-bound and out-bound Psrific liners mak .. of call on thetr way to Vancouver ami Seeule. in this way visitor tl brought closely In touch with tae movements of from Australia and the Orient Calgaiy and Banff to Unite in Carnival 1 rUnff , , they now vialt New Orleans in Mnrch for tW. wr' rM,.u0r ra?adenft tor the Rose Twurnsme r. Apart rrom Wter the glorious scenery, It is a perfect playground. Preparations are evn now under way for the n' Mmer C:arnlal. This, to be held from February T '. ,11 h inclusive, h planned to be the ifreat it yti. ii.',ary enthusIasU have decided to cancel their oJ ; 1,1 wr-tngenjeuts and to unite with the B eitrwna to mute It a ...... nmnri.hrnsi" till ' c?T,)nR? kitlnir. snow-shoeing, ski runninr iimpmtr, Hki.jorinp lobaggannlnft, trap-ihoollnir, Mt rig, and .swimming In the hot sulphur pools. For none rt th. se Hports could the setting or the convenience! excelled. For the adventurous visitor Lake Minncwanka offf '-yachting . Dog-sled rncca aro a never falling ; r."r"j 1,hpS8 rac(B ar often run down the rni Htroet, and, an in other sports, it Is often a case of th1; aog beH; a,, a t deB, of coml(, u played. (Ml often happens that an over anxious or Jealous contestant inn II l tn . . . . i 1 . .1, i . n ti . ' t nouna can waame norau b , ;. ; r':.' ln game, ana the game av easy i . : v , "' w gami Bami with wlth danclnir. cardu " or or Cl conctri- - tarnival amivai atl wh , h atwhi..h e, ca:h h one ila-a a part ln tho evening.