Ii v ?9, 1925. landy Sped U IT AT! LTD BflOKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. ' Call for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1025. ORMES THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C.- HIGH CLSS -GROCERS PHONE 583 EEFriESHMCriTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE i r'SCE RUPIRT -nil IriSH ITini'r. lluiwri FOn VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ; mih 1iuMi pu4M iNMil' Krxiny W.Uu a 111. r STEWART ' ANVOX Wi-itnrmUiy. ll.Uflp.m en .CE JOHN fi.r Vauniltver VM QUCtN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, iury 1 4 . PASBCMGER TRAINS LEAVE PRIKCC RUPERT t t . SDAY, SATURDAY, i.uu it. t..r l'ri,..-i. -utt, EDMONTON. WlNHtrtO, .ii1 I mis tal 'Hi lailuiU, I'nll.-tl Matu. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. C ) Ti ll! Offlca, 623 Third Am, Prlnca Rupart. Hc:cerscn Block. Plvona 260. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST HONEST DENTISTRY MEANS RELIABLE DENTISTRY v iMpln't PKMSON M. iillrnl In iery T - : In' titi l kiml of !' m I i ( l h.ive to offer; 1 ji ilitiiiiiiil giiurnult'.e thai goes wilh my work GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST TUGBOATS Day ft n- 5 539 G:. C01 YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Rupert Marine phoKl r Red 618 Products Ltd. Gr- gj " "Mi 1 v Ac . 2d for the state and truly great Old Kentucky famed ; h the world's finest Bourbon whiskey. Ar.od to Perfection? A time honored fliuml ofyoara 'M J3 WjF vS. BOUHBON WHISKEY nnvwBMBk . . . OOTTLCD IN BONO UNGCR ItOtRAL COVTEMMrtT uiimuiimu ffTTf TTt-. I. ' niM.,nt,,;t s (((t ,,.,,,, 0. dismay,,,! by the ,u"r tloulrol Hoard or by the Government of llnli-.li Oni!iiiMa. ;: t 3'. porlanl. i Local and Personal i ll.C. Undertakers. Phone 11. IIayiii)r.. I nacriaker;. J'liunu 35 1 You'll 1 1 k Td Coal Co. our joalt Phone 7. Knits nl Fugluiid special Kri.lny night at fM, Jm We havo further reduced our Hock to clear by January 31. Look It over. Shockley Planing Wills. If II. S. Wallace is here on busi ness, having arrived from Vancouver on tin prince Runer! yes. 'iMilay afternoon. Son ami baughlnrs of F.ngr land whisl drive ajij social Fri tiny, January 31 it PJjO.in llos-ton Hall. Ad mission , 50c. V. II. . MeU SIViM'l rnluriii'd ltupi'rl yi'.lTdy a luii'f liuninesM of Fulton I lie J'rincP t'l'iioon from trip Houth. I.. F. f'.lianipfdi of '!'' f'4'aiili.v Slur.' Nl,, it iMiwufd IhroiiKb on lite 1'rini i' IUIjipH' yi'ttlprday af-Irrnonn I'lirotite Troin Vuncouvcr lo Anyoi. I.O.U.E. ltrliti's Fancy Hips-IJall in Klks'Jfriiiie, Friday, 0 from 7.3ii lo 12. Oliilil-roirjJSOr. Hpt'dalorn 5(ln. l ane. Iroji oplhiniil. William DotMi pafecil through on I tic Prltiee Rupprl yexlerday affpWon, nrtulo to Slcwavt Hpeenily h undrwcnl pccia Ireulmi'iil" at lite Mayo Clinic in RoclifHler, .Minmwola. Morman McLean lian rcsiimcil hi ilulU'A mt purser oif t It Hlpunicr lriHci Hnpirt, Jack Crawfnrtl now Uciiut on Iwlidayx. Fred Coram and an aotjng naili". siHlautfl. r ArtioUl Kvan Mrlan'g as ltri. . IK MrMo.-diR and' Mi-h 1. V. NiekeiKon. who have liwn visiting in Seal lie and Vanrou vhp, rplnrneil IkmiiIp on-fhp l'rinro Hupcrl yt'.ltrrday afternoon. Mr MrMordie wa areompiinip'l froir Mie mouMi tw hep wisler, Mrs. A. T. llarlin, who will visit her. Mr. and Alrn. .fa men 'J'urnbull nrrivwl on Ihf Mamr Prince lluperl yi'ieiJay aflrrnooii aftpr -pending llieir honeymoon in III' Minin atnl proceediHl by (rain In llii.elloii where tliey will take up 'heir rei.eiiei. The bride wa :. liirmerly Miss ilinnii) Horbury. Miss Aiiclnide Mors of Toronto who has hefii tissisfin;? Miss l.eiinut in Hie work of the Inpan-cnp inissinn liirp for the pasl four nioiilhs, sailed on Tuesday niplil mi Hi"' Rai'dcua for Vancouver and Victoria wliere slt will give addresspn before I lie Women's',-Auxiliaries before sni' iiiK from ' Vancouver on I-'eln-uary 0 for JajMin where sUo will re siime W duties m Hie mission field. niiie.' Cooflahle -V. J. Service arrive on last night's train from Smilhers liuvius in custody n Indian lad, Steve Toniniy, who is lo .be Taken lo Hie Iniluslriii. Seliool Iwvinjr lieen found fniilly of theft. He will lie taken south tomorrow iiuwniui! losrelber will) J. Wagner, aii ineorrifaTlo from Terrace wflo will also to lo Hie Induslrial Hehool, ami Alex. Ilig-oir who was last wck simiUmicciI to two years in the penitentiary for foryi'ry. FRE ! EE With Every $5.00 Cash Ordor Get Ono Pound of "Wedding Breakfast'' Coffee Free Mussallem Grocery 423 Co. Ltd. Fifth Ave. Phono 18. Cast THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TMREP. Ray Commons, who arrived early in the wifftk f i!m Hums Lake, is sailiftaf; tjCBinn ow moi ti -ing on llir , J'jHnci' It 1 1 1 i-1 foe Vancouver. Auction Hate of salved malr-rial froin R.S. Kitniteeoll mi 1'i'lirnary 5 at i.JlO.lifiut.;!! u incial 8ov- vwnniMU svnnfWfi- iici-cimm- oil W'rpck. Tin' wjPUiottluta. jji'f I rain. dilayi'il1jy a&pfjiMjA Kwii'iilia. ur- rivud. iiv hcr kimryinlii at 11.15 nixlin liaur Tln line is now eltr 'Mfe. vfivi-n in SI. Aii'drrtw' iimmiih on Kri- ila Juhuafjf H.:o p.m. by Tligma iinri'yMti. II. I,. U'na'arhi'i ycsfcrilav nflvt'ituon on (tw I'rinri' HhikmI from' 'MtoJikW& will h-avf at J4r, eail bt'im "Wn-k for Port pfptiMMilH. Ife' f';iircijiiipaiii!'d liy A. loliertn. . . " A. 1. Cir'esHriiMll-. cnciiH-. i ii) chart) far A,.tt. Triii-s al Hie oW OTir Wily al Sli-wari. paed IliriMSjrltr'Oti Hie I'rim i HMPri J'Wwj arii'i nooi, ,mi- route north from Vancouver. Jaw H. IttnP'. iiiechauii engineer Wr Iti prn ineiul rnr-eMlry denariinenl, arrival from Victoria an tuu I'liiue Hupci yesterday afferhdnn and is re.'i- lered al Hie t'rlure lliiieri Hole!. His business here i in cnmicr-! ion willl (he ciiii' !;;;! i.. ;i of a cruiser for I he ilep.-ir1 ! n i winch in progress al I he i:rv lim-k. FOUR THOUSAND DEER TOUONTO, Jan. ;".. Four thousand is a coiisex alive estimate of I lie number id deer kill ed in Ontario woU iluring the annual hunliup seaon. As yet, however, there in no scarcity of deer in the province, and the Department of (tame a,nd Msher- tes does not see any necensily for restrictions such as Itmiialion of uliooliiiK permits lo buck deer 'wo!yearn pld or over. Us tin. oen sii(feU?il. Twenty sanctuaries have been set aside in I tic province,- and (he latest one, opened last Oelo-her, comprising about rioQ s-iaara miles in the liiumlcr Itay ilH-tricl. is already overrun, with game of all sorts. In addition X EanMI m a W " v.". . :T$2WA &HZ W&H-W KILLED IN ONTARIO! local FISHERMAN Sanctuaries Set Asldo arc Overrun With Came of Kinds Soon ail MARRIED RECENTLY AT PECE RIVER SI. James' Anglican' chure'li Peace Iliver, on Wednesday ecii- iwg, January It, al H'o'rloek was IHe scene of a very prsUv wedding when Miss Eulalla, yoiuigwl daugtiler o' Mrs. A. Broiightn, horanie the bride 'or Levi Fitzgerald of Prince Rupert. ll.C, and formerly of -'Whitney Pier, S.. Tint bride, who vva niven in marriagft by lier ei-iesl nrnirier,; w. u. iironguton, wa inosf becomingly gowned in white atm with bridal Veil ol tutle vaugli't to Hie head wild a coronet of orange blossoms, and ifarried a tiouquel of free. -i as am! sweetheart rosea. The, IjridtV niece,, Miss Horis Tallri, allehdeil (tie bride, and (o the sanctuaries Ontario doer; wore a dainty gown of yellow silk have been protected by resinc-jwilb black satsfri .bat, and carried lion o,f Ibe. season and issuatirft.u. shenf ld ylow and while n.,r- Lof Ii ii it I i it a- licenses. In 1V23 ioissi. OHs Broughtou. bndher I7.K77 resident deer buffers 'of Ibe hrie,, supported the licemses were tiinnteil, as well nsjaroolll. t.Ji? general non-resident li- The, church, whieh bad lieee censes iiisieiuny tiecoeaied- ror Hie oe- casinn, was crowded lo cnimeilv SEAGULLS IN LONDON ff' rt HARASS OTHER BIRDS The pulls which are London's welcome wilder visitors lie under u- serious charge, says the London Times. A correspondent declares that hordes of them liar-ass and worry all day long the pinioned dunks ami gecftc on our ornamental waters. "It is now almost in(possilie fur the ducks lo secure any food llifown them by passers-by, as Uq gulls are loo quick for then. If the ducks! .lit tiiei,..il In itehtliiV u till Hiaii ' '" ..... ... ...v I hey ii "' fuii oimi iwO il inn lie awrelhnfi IhA exile or mallards from 'he lake in HI. James' l'ark; and suggests the firing of an "I'cnalunal blank i carlridue lo frighten gulls away. II seem- a noisy measure, if not a desper.it e one. U.S. GIFT AT PEACE PAIACE Till'. II At if K. slallie of .lusliii I'niled .Slates ; been received at Jan. S"J. A . I lie, gin of Ihr overniiieul, ha I he Wnw Palace and lias been planed., under I he dome over I he wi'Hiiil staircase. The slalyne is ihe work of Andrew 'O'Connor .r l'axlon, Mass A formal presentallon is lo be made shortly ny Hicluird M Tobin, American iiiinfsler lo Ihe Xelherlands, Advertise in the Daily News. TOO LAT" TO CLfiSSIFY FOR SAt.K. i 700 '.NYirdheiuier I piano for $250 cash, in excel-I lent condilion. Phone lllacl; '271. 25 church to Ilie Htrainw of Lohengrin's wedding Aarch, played by Mrs. 1". -Ai Hba. The - ltigbl Ikv. K. A-'. Itdliin", Bishop of Athabasca, pcrToi nnnl xtlav. ceremony, vveni-fftjr.ilii warlat, rolien and Ibe insigniav .r his dogree of Hoctrtr of liVinity of ffotonto I'niVerslly. Mr. arid Mjrs. Filzgojld will leaw nit rtl's Iraiu.snand Ibrlr hmjyuyiiMi in t&taftton, lu'fore Mf. Fl.gerald jpurrnf lo I lie OOaSl. ' ,' ; ; , ilr. Wouatliion is vneH.knowi' ire harried lil( they drop ""s ? . , To litis oersecution, or un-ir"r,r "".' ' '""l" V"" Iho K, Koslcr of Hie. Canadian!, Fish iUdd Storage ijo.' rioot. Rev. P. F. Haisler,; pastor of SI. Paul's Liilherati Oiiurcli, is sailing loinnrrow mnrning on the. Prince Rupert lor Vancouver. ANNOUNCEMENTS e ' l.O.U.K. Childreir Fancy Dress Hall, February fl. (LW.V.A. Atum4fatl, Feppft nrv 15. ' . G..WR. JMiiployes' February 17. Klks' Annual February 20. Annual IJall,! Novelty dance, Dr. Martel's Female Pills IUvi Iited nitur thound ramUithalf euntury. cornciing uum, liuHdmir tip nd trenirtheninff ortfin. rvlwvinic DKLAYKI). nl PAINFUL MENSritUATION. Nt.lt. V0U3NESS. UACKACIIK. DIZ4N ESS. He. nndmpirorou.druira. Soldontln 8it(dlUn- Cov.f TIN 110X with our ivnatar. DrunritU vry whero, nr dlnt by mall, t'Wn nukut tl 00 Kaitkerlwcltt Rm.Jy C... Tl E. Fnt it, Twiwh, r... riiv.i.riiiiiil.a en rwt. ( I mmmmii ii ii mini mi- ii i ii i ir -v..ipii ! in ii, in mi. i.l For Your Kitchen ! a. eg Table: 5 and Bow-back Chairs These are unfinished Iml have litis advaul.'c f I : ; i can varnish, tam or enamel ;iair lo ; j t onr ,.irlii taste. Kuperi risk Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties. In season. Smoked Fish Our well Known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Hfaldle "Thistle Brnd" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skaena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Sainton, &laok Cod, Grey Cod( Sli'eS Fish -Crabs, Shrimp, Oiams. I we nlar IIS Barries Home Fumisjiings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 Caaadkft Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prira Rupert. B.C. cwHBsl CANADIAN PACIFIC KAIlWAY Coast Sfvtce 5 ailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangeil, Juneau ano Skagway Jdnuary 12, 2S; February 0, 23 Far Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January Zt 16, SO; February 13, 27 S.-S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. To.r BMtedalo, Swanson Bay, Cast Bella Bella,- Oceai Falls, Nam u, Alert Hay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age-icy for all Steamship Line Full information from VV. C. ORCHARD, General Agent C. rf 4Kb S reet and 3rd Avenue. P-inee Ru&srt UNION STEAMSHIP COWANY OF B.C., LTD. sieiinm rniin rniii'o n' pi ri tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Stnon Dy, and Alrt CMy, Tutdy, B P.!. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Altrl By, tnd Sncn Bty, Saturday, 10 A.M. r ANVOX. ALICE ARM. 8TIWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. Fnr ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naa Rlar Cannar na, M3 Kna Anu. j. uarnalty, Aganu Friday A.m. ."Nnca Hupari, B.O.