i r o nei mers i Killed at San Trying to lUlLI UiVUijV U inch PREMIER Confidence Espi-gscd In His Policies F.e pelting Security With Gormany I Or (frmmbi'i- VAIU r "it.iki.il ff ill V EXTRADITION Will bj Brought to Canada Just as Soon as Papers Are Ready 4. u K t in. Usven I'iil.i'r, winded on "-' in Vaneniiver. h' "'i proceeding t "i i imm1 to OnhKrlq 'i' warrnl for hi S'Tiiled. HoMn i m c i-1 it iii wild the ' '! .-i:n fllllin and hl i Im'ii hi-Jne.kliig the i 'i '-iiluey. in Hie ttitf FOR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Mi ,. lit.' , "w III', 11 -III H :i, ll " II III III" 1 1 1 i'i'ii 'I'll! ... t liiii. -.".I. .-. new i' i':.i'i' I'lliil'ch co-it - ' 'j.i I00 is In h,. I'llH'i', HllinillillM y II. Mollis. They Til- 1 liaiiilsoiiie eillfiee in ! NOTICE. 'f (hniidian Fixhinif im A-MM'I Inn In. 111 liily Itnll at Ib siniMH: lo ton- 1" ' 1 1 '( I v 1,1 liufuaiiin.il ... , ( "IB"",' Sua l'itn'f- Viei-l'n.s,tM,t irxii was iaki'ii. WEI I tfMnWH PAPTAIM flLiLU mi ui iiim IS AT DEATH'S D99R Capt. Crmlston of Alasl-a Steam ers Is Seriously III at Victoria Hani. Harry Oruiision. skipper tf the lirHilboii!!' lender N'ewinn- loii in Ihis di.tlriei, reeenen a wire ymderday lo Hie effeel Ihnl hix hrolher, f'upl. S. II. urmi-luii, well known here (is skipper of die CI'. II. fdoniueri I'nneess Alice and I'rineess Mary, is lying laujieriiUKly ill in (he bnspilal al Victoria. I.illle hope is lieiii ml for his recovi'ry. . DIEDIN FRANCE" Eldest Dauahcr of The Late Janrfcs Dunsmulr Passes Away in Franco YlinoitIA, ' Jan. ' M Sin-nil lived Aiiilan. wife of Lieut. (I. M. Audan and eldosl diiURliler oT the lale Jaine.s 1 Miitstniiiii' of llaHey I'ark, died Inday at Kiwiu. I'ranee. II xecutive of the I'rinee Ituperl tlenerul lluspilal Association Mifiiln uiel represenlalies of Hie l'yne Min .Soeiely and ar-ranyenienls have been made lo Unvo Ibe ;iiiieie play produeml al Ihe l''.in!ress Theatre next Wednesday. The proceed.- o to Mil' HllMlil III. entiled Si Hi-Jack m er Francisco When Escape from Custody father Milo Eggers Escapes in an Aulo After ft Squirting Ammonia in Lyes of Constable :is;, .laii. 2i Aiurl "Happy" Bggew, wauled !;.,. mi a charge of I i 1 1 1 i r piracy, wu shot mid M ini Building heir yesterday ill ittlenipling In i.i.ulicr, Milo I'ggcrs, niter out' of If le liiulbei h iigc of i" in riMtii:i 1 1 1 1 1 an ammonia gun into .; I'.S. Marshal John 1 lumiully, who had Ihcm M " ' ' aped in um automobile driven by a woman. When Hie brothers lefl the. ennrl room Ariel turned on I ii-iinlly douched his fcr Willi acid and llir brolhcr then ran. Their wives, who bad accompanied ihcin screaming hysterically. Though blinded by acid Don indly pulled a (run and fired and Ariel fell with a bullet in bin back. Milo l. 'lied downstairs In the' atlHoiioluli', which was wailing With tho engine running and jii-d nwiiy. - ;i Hi runt of r- Allefed HI-JacKcrs lalisfci atnt VANCOUVKIt. .Ian. 3t. - Ar-I'ntadftC Her- conJiiif to 11" police hero, Hie I resign if Hip Kkhci hi ol hers were members wte prbiliug of a ttiarlellex on a hi-jacking ii- speooit es- craft whieh agatnut Her-1 miming pasi I be ( Pender l lb 32. This: whieh. A in tUp guv-n all ipM'S-ilie upcerii. he holding o i lie taxi resort ire hi'f seuur- held up the rum- gun lioal l.illuniH a Inland, llio owner o f tltMRled, ul u kiiii point wuh fuiei'd io. look on Hhile lit" fifleeu llioimuuit ilollar liUoi eursjo whs IruiiMfcrmi lo Hie hijacker cinfl. I'. K. Kelly ami Tom I'mwi am now nerving iwo yeHrs a. New Wiwl minuter ill imimnnlioii with IMU eniiue. II is aUochai'K ed thai I hi' lingers lirothem wor; ri'f.ionsihle for hi-jaekint the mu-IiiihI IlinU 'll. a rum runner al.u skiiipi'red by iuliid. Thin in:' misled win seriously . . . . . aril.-. wmiiiileil liv I Mi MlMlM neiiu e un- THESE HAPPEN?! Spiritualist Medium Predicts Somo of the Things That Are to Come Al a rei'Pin spiriiuulist se.tnee in Mm l iancisco, a iiicdium, Mrs. Plort'iico Ihicker, profCeU lo ciiinersii willi the spirit of lr. K. J. HriggH, who died T5II jears oko, oi' an liif spiitlunll-l' giM' it ' has reshJed ill tha oelestial realm for 750 yiuirs." Utt came lo MaHnachuseltM on Ihe lny-flower. The iiril of Ur. HriggB lidd the lady gome of thtf IIi'mik HihI would happen during the yar. Tin. fitlliinriutr :iri n f,.w f llm more inlrMtin;: - ! v infitit will b pleiily of nun in January and March. There will he a death in Ihe WHIN' Moifre tn-fore March i. Tiiniblii with Japan will be t'titiroly eradieHteil iIiitIiik the In Han l'rancicn (here will be a si'lious dislnrbanee iniplical-ing ('alholii-jty, a sort oT relig-loun viae, within five months. India Will le visleil liy a se. roll's, f limine resulliiif: in many dealN and cansinw llm Oi ienlals there lo lake up occidental cus-iomi. Xw York oily will suffer from a serious plaRiie in lale sum-uior. n (iermiiny will make Kieal sti-ii(ei. with her Kuld, but it will seise as a sliniulus lo resume Ihe militant spirit. Automobiles will be superseded by n Ihree-wheeled vehicle within eisht years. Itadio will be fur excelled by a new invent ion wliich a Herman is witrkiiiK mi al (he present lime. In five years radio will be displaced hy Ihis new instru ment. Hoiuiqunicnliiin with Mars wiH be delinllely established wilbin "leen nioiJ.hs. The iiinp'n is inhabiled and cimiiiiiiiiiealiiiii wild the nimni will be eslabllsbed Ihroupb Mars. Then Ibe moon will serve lo establish additional communications with many mllier planets wilbin Ihe next twenty years. ALASKA DEER ARE STARVING Steps 0hi" Taken to Relieve Animals Followlnq Hnavlcst Snowfall In Years Jtl.NKAt', Jan. '.".i. Hundreds of deer are slarviiiK In dealh on Ihe Islands southwest of here afler the heaviest snowfall in years. Steps for rnlief fo lb," aiiinitfls are bciny lakeu. Major (leueral J. M. Itoss, or-ficer couinianiliug Military Dis-Iriel No. II, arrived from Vancouver on ihe I'rinee Huperl yes-:erday lo inspect Ihe local regi-nienl. He is acVompanieil by Major Kdwanls. They will re-lorn i.nl li tomorrow morning. SOMTING Says Oun Was Fired Cohlnd Him and Prisoner Then Foil SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29. Depi'ty Marshal Donnolly ro ported to have shot "Happy" Eggers yesterday, when he attempted to escape from custody, gave his version of tho affcir today. He stated that whllo escorting tho two brothers through the corridor, ho was accosted by two man. The next monrxnt he felt ammonia searing his eyes and heard two shots flrod from behind him, one of which killed the prisoner. Federal building attaches expressed tho belief that the shcts wore Intended for Donnolly, whose life was saved by tho ammonia causing him to fall to the floor writhing In agony. Theodore Fgejers, third brother, who recently escaped from an Atlanta prison, and Milo aro thought to have headed from hero for Mexico after the shooting. ENTOMBED FOR SIX HOURS IN FLAMING MONTREAL BUILDING MO.Yllli:.l. Jan. Ul). After hasiiiK bet iil'iinbed in Ibe wreckage of !l,e llauiinK buildina oT I'ouliu & for six hours. Lieut. I)es.lar,iine of Ihe Montreal fire brivade was finally rescaied alive Ibis inoriiiiiK and was taken U Imspiliil. i V j. ' j. TAXI BOSTON GRILL and Large Upstair Dining Hull, Ambulance wilb newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service g . A 1 dances, banquets and wedding; unvwhere at Anytime 3rd Ave parties. Stanrf Royal Hotel, PRINCE RUPERT For rats, nppfy lo Bus in ana ton si. Orill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Noithern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 4C7. vol v N"' IMUNUli III I'KHT. ll.C. TIM i; MAY. .1 M'AHY 2 K M'-Jo. YeiUrdey't Circulation, 1,800. Street Stlei A. PRir.E FIVE P.K.MS 1 Ji..,y "aa: m ' ' i ..... Ill Sl id; EPIDEMIC AMEL -i mi T 7 Here's Karl Beelly as a huntsman, lie is shown, nl the rneel of llie (Jiioni Hounds ill Haikhy Hall. Leicester, reii'iilly. which Ihe 1'iiin c id W'alc- a'ld I'rim e Henry allemled. EGGERS SHOT IN MISTAKE If S f WINNIPEG HAS HANK ROBBERY . wi.VMPiri: .ihj"i . . Two iiinskiid lobbersitnSld up the -slail of Ihe hranrli, of Ihe Canadian Hank of (loiiiineree at the corner of tiouMihjf SI reel and I'orlape Avenue, scooped op sevural ioinilles of bills the amount of. which is3 not given and escaped in an automobile. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Prince Rupert Literal Association will bo held in the v Mctropolo Hall Friday Evening, January 30 at 8 p.m. I' Slmk, M.P.. anil oilier will address the meeting. All supporters cordially welcome. ULL A . CEDRGE GOULDING . IS BROKEN DOWN Vancouver Walker Was Unable to Take Part In Events at New York Last Night MAV YOllK. Jan. .!).- (?eort;e I'.ouliliii;; of- aneooer, vi'leran Canadian wall-er, was uuablu lo lake part in the inlerualional walkiitK evoiil last nlghl uwinjr lo a breakdown following 'lhc race on Tuesday. Willie l'lant. nierican champion, easily defeated I k l''ri:crfo, the, llalian (Myinie eliampion. in Ihe threi' mile walk. ENTER HOLLAND AMSTERDAM. Jan. 2 If. Tin lluao Sliunes ojjiicern nT tJer-iiuiny is Koiutr Tftlo Ihe soap business in Holland. It has ae- 'tuireil the plan) of the funnel Zwarle llntter. brewery al Maas- Irichl as well as the plant, (if u .snap fae lory I here. The' two :ire In lie ('.unbilled ill III a larucl' clicniic;il plant which is lo man ufacture soap, Hoda and castor (ill. OF li' LIF.lj Committee Trying to Secure Gift of Land For Swimming Pool UNITY IS STRESSED Era cf Prosperity at Hand and Citizens Urj!d to Lisa Efforts For Object llinl a committee of Ibe no tary and Jyro Uuhs were ae- liM'l working nil Uie seeurin Oi u si:e fi'oin llie l'ro ineial i!'ieniiiienl or die railway com pany lor the purpose of build-in;; a .swiiifiniiiK p'Hii and k.mii- nasium here,' was Ihe inessugc io Ibe member uf Ihe (vro (Muh and llieir Iriends who -were alL- ed nearly une hundred strung al llie iiHiiatioii baiuucl it i the .s. uegis ;aii; last infill, liicy Aantert to "rel a site given tlit'iu fur this i.urpose so. that they mid start riKbl. Mr. Mer.airery weni on to say that be found people were back ol Ibis piojftl. Willi Hie press and publie opinion with them all 4ltey BCwJ'J' win unity on the part of all CMiicrAed: f Powers of Disunion Those tliiiiKs ufiiolr' made for disunion, the sneaker said be usually found were re.'iyion. parly politics ninl nationality, it.'ilioii was not a fnetoe in disunion here, I banks lo Midi men as Ihe late Archbishop lu Yer-uel. Nr. (iranl and Ilishop lining. I'arly polilios at one lime was a disuniting power but not now. In rrirard lo nalionul differences lie did not want to find fault .villi anyonb I nit urped that they tie all Canadians just as ou the other side of the line all were Americans. .Mr. Mci.affery wenl on lo say that today pie were opltmis- lic. The elevalor was lo he uill and Ihe mill bad been pur-haei b oVie of the liesl mill- uien iii llie liusiness and would e operated. They were looking for prosperity. Prince 'Ituperl was in a uuluue position in wliai would be the centre of Hie world's Iradp and it was uii to her cili.ens In do someliiiiiK lo help tliemsflves ami make the eily worlhy of Ihe position she was In occupy. lie urged that they do .soinclhiug lo make it alliaclive for Ihe married men wilb families lo eoine hi'li I'here seemed no reason why Ihcy should out support Ihis pro ject and he hoped all would ftel 'oselhcr and boost it HOCKEY SCORES Western Canada League Vauwnner. I; Victoria, 3; al Vancouver. Saskatoon. H; Calgary, 1; at Saskatoon. FREE STATE TOTTERS DUBLIN, Jan. i'J. Ihe Irish I'rce Slale is tottering and only complete inilepeuilence will giv? slabilily anil prosperity ileclareil F.aiiunon de Yalera. leader of the Republicans, in a speech. The program nf Ihe Bolar Club al lhc luncheon today was in charge of F. fl. Dawson, chair man of the business ethics com mittee, and the chief speaker win Fred stork, who dealt with the relations of Ihe retailer to his customer and also to his soui-ci of supply. There were only two quests Major (tctiernl lloss and Ma.i"i- ii. A. I'dwanls. mo: THERIA FOR PROJECT TAKES TOLL Fairbanks Despatch From Nome Say3 Both Whites and Eskimos Are Dying f AlintANKfc, Jaii.-2'J. The diphtheria epidemic al Xouii! is lakiii;; a terrible loll of life. The ae'ual nuiuhnr of dead is, not i;ien ie despatches arriving hero "nit mic message reads that "soM'ral while icoplr, grownups am1 ehildren, are included in the dead." The lurcesl tiec- '.elllap' of those a f feel ed arc Ks- Kiiuos. tour died on Iuesirny. Three Imnd'ed thousand units oi anii-ioxin were seal lo .ome today by dojr team from Neuaua. N(Ml'., Jan. 2'.K A slight im prove men t, is reported in the diphtheria epidemic following Ihe use of fie year old antitoxin. H is learned that a team con sisting uf x'll .iks left Xenana . esieriiny witli a new supply of ant itnxm. H INVITED HERE 'Tno Hundifd and Fifty Xnfghts Temp Jars nay Visit City n in vital iiiii to Supreme (iraml Master K .A. Mvans, (Juelnu: City, Hid olliccrs and inertlliei's of .soveieiKH (oeat I'riory of Lun ula lo pay a visii here in July on their way uuailcml llie trien nial conclave of the i.iand Ku-caiiitiiiient Knight Templars of Ameiira lo he held in Seal 1 1 3 from July 28 to 81. lias been extended by Kineol'b I'receiilory .No. 51), Knight Temiilai's, prince Ituperl. At Hie ( nclusion of till Seattle feslis-ities, Hie (iraml Mm si it and his . officer will at tend llrxir own regular assembly of the Ureal I'riory in Victoria on Auuusl .'I ami . 'lie Kincolitb I'receplory is endeavoring lo brin'-' the mem bers "of llie Sovereign Ureal I'riory to Prince Ituperl via Kd- inonlon llniice soulli by I.. .. It. steamer. Tentative arrange- incut arc in (be bauds of Canadian. IValioiuil railway olltcials and (tie idea is lo si art a special car al. Halifax. N.S., and pick up niMil inmtl members en route. H is aiilicipated there will be 150 members in Ihe party if the invitation of local brethren is ac-( epled. FULLER NEW ELKS' HEAD Officers For Forthcoming Year Wero Elected at Meatlng Last Night The local Flk' Lodge eleclpd officers for the forthcoming year last night as follows I'.xalleil llider I.. Murray Fuller. Kstceincd Leading Kniijhl - Charles Folsoui. Fsleeined Lecturing Knight -John1 I'iniler-iMoss. F.seincil Loyal Knight 1. A. Balfour. Secrelary W . I). Vuncc. Treasurer -ltichafd llowo. In net Hnanl IiOnCff, Pollcrtoi Tylor Kil.ftn Clapn. 'i'rustee fop; three -H. F. AdterlUe in the Dally News