II A- AGE SLt Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES Carefully trained, cxperl-, enccd, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best scrvlco possible, while oar charges will be found reasonable In every instencc. WE -REPLACE BROKEN LEHSE3 Diamonds, watches, : clocks, silverware, cut , glass, - ivory, genuine leather Goods, and a large ' stock of umbrellas. , ClJn MOTTO "Price and quality." i Inspection Invited ; Max Heilbroner i Diamond Specialist : 1 VUs CUTS SHORT ALL DISCUSSION OF Present British Government Objects to Council of Dominion Rep retenlativos LoXDUN. Jan. 2!. "tV.nsul-talion on .matters of Foreign Policy and General Imperial In lercsts" arc Ihe sulijeels discussed in llic eiirrcsoudnrc ' pub- lisl'C'l llclUiVII lllC lilllll'' government ;u:il those of the self-HH erninjj I loniinions. The opcuini: communication ilafi'tl June ::i last, ts a telegram from llamsa Macdoitnld, as I'fimc Minister. m ho various , Prime Minister.s of llic Dominium-, in v!iic!i lie raises Hie iues-jliim of 1 1st' adctpiacy of the present sy.slem of consultation Willi j'lllief self-you-ruing parts of ! Mie Knijiire mi nuttier nT' for-i-'inii policy mill general Imper ial inlercsi. In suggesting tliul ; Hii'se prniilenis he uiven a preliminary cxiiminalion. Itautsay WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 0 p.m. etty Compson ' in An adaptation of (lyitlliia Sloekley's novel, "It.illtt, Ihe I. ion flub." Male vs. Female in a gripping story of jungle, ami society love. The drunm of an imlamcd licnnly of Hie wilds who became a love lioness of society.. Was Kipling right wli4'ii he said "The female of .species is more deadly lliaii llic male?" Hewitt liing llelly l(;lls you in litis lavishly mtilllltiMl photoplay, llclly's llcsl lU't is Holly as a primitive girl ami a sociely woman with her strange love power ami her still stranger marriage pact. Strong cast: Warner Caxter, Noah Deery, Freeman Wood, Edgar Norton, Dorothy (Summing and others. COMEDY "FELIX IN FAIRYLAND." Fox News-Gazette Admission 35c and 10c January CLEARANCE SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Are the last Three Days of Our January Clearance Sale, Get Advantage of our Libral Offer Ladles' Rubbers at 50c a pair, and Men's Rubbers at $1.50 a pair are real liiirgaiii for Ihis weather. Ladles' Shoes at $2.00 and $3.00 per pair are exceptionally good Inn-gain- il von gel (tic right size OUR SUGAR OFFER LASTS TO THE END OF THE MONTH. GET YOUR SUPPLY AT 1c A LB. JABOUR BRQTI Phone 645. r IV LTD. Corner 3rd and 7th. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert . SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ten Floating Dry Dock Englnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. (lur plant is cipuppcd lo hiiudlt; all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38? SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE iu 5 different shinies. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. era HER NERVES SO BAD SHE COULD NOT SLEEP Mrs. lii .in klli lu ll. S wHIcs: "Ariel' li,ulli(f a imeutiiiilila I a lctt In Uiihii I. c.ii.rgn, Out., VM'IT uliaik nf u wi-ak uinl run million. My ni-rvfs were bail I cuiihl lot li' iiIkIiH. ami In llic lay lluii' I h.nl ti'iTibli' ralmliiir spells, caiii'iHl by my linuil VvUig weak. Finally I got no bad 1 liatl in take lu my tied fir w ks al a time, but one tlay I read about MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS I -sii 'diM'iib'd Im t: y iiii'ii . J .Vrti'i- laklnir our bn I ihi n sllirtil ! jirovenunit. I lime imw taken- rive limes', i. nil have gained ni punnU In weight. I ant now imire than able to do alt my ! uwh liousewmk u well us ewislilerable i utslile wink. 1 caiiiint rieoiiiineiiiJ Mil-l.urii'n II. & .. Tills luu highly rr Hium i Mifti'miir ax I did." Macdonald adilcd Unit a possiMc iik'IIkiiI might he lo liae a mcct- ng of two representatives of each country cone'erned lo cmi-sider the. prolilem.i and present .i report as a hasis fur further iliscuseiou. I'olluwiug I 1m receipt of ru-iilic.s from llic Dominions, J. II. Thomas, as Cnluniiil fSecralary, on Seplwiiber 15 di'spult'hed a clegrum lo llic Various (iover-iiors (iiiiteiiil slitting Ihat Hie rovemiiii'iils of Oanaila, South .r."tea, Xewfoiiiidland, and New Zealand had intimated I heir . itiihjjncy.s to lake part in the iro)iifed iinitiiry, and that tin ,-'o I'l'iiiiicnl of Australia was prepared lo participate if all the ilher Dominions were asrecahle. A reply was slill awailed from :he .Irish I-reo Stale, "l.aler Hie Irish l'V'e Stale wfijle slating Ihat Ihey would he. prepared lo :ake pari iu the suggested eon-lereiici. Stops the Discussion When the Conservative gov- Ml rnnienl look office L. S. Ainerv. ! In new colonial secretary, II I closed the correspondence witli it despatch, (datd December 2, iu which he ays: "While difficulties unduuljlcd- ily exist In making the nrescnl I system oT consultation rully ef- iicelive, II.Jli lovernmenl Iuimj irtive douhts whether some oh I the suggestions set out in llic j ailer pari of Haiiway .Macilon-dd's inessajfe would imtirove llic n'seiil system; (hey also ipies- ion whether at the present, -luge an inquiry of llic nature,' Uirgpsled would- lead to any iruetical result." j Willi regard o refcrenco made y Mr. Mrtcdonalil that it mlKht' ie worth while lo havn a further xaminalioh of 'the resululion op ;iu. negotiation, sfgualurc, anil ralification of Irraties passed a! 'he Imperial Conference of ID2U. 1 Mr. Amery slates Ihat II. M.. 'iovernmnt feels Ihat the lime viiieh has ea))seil since Ihcic-' solution wa iiassed is hardly ufficienj lo nuahle any very d- ! inite oitinion to he jtiven. For !lMinselvr. Ihpy would prefer to lefer a onhsidered judgmipnl un-'il Ihey hHvfl jiatl au opporlnnily of studying foe a lunger jierjod lie working of the resolution in praetlrr. Would. Work In Concert "For these reasons," con- eludes Mr. Amcry, "II..M. (invent-; inetil ilotibl whelher there would, 'i.e any advantage in imrsuintx; further, al this slafie. the pro-i liosal for a special impiiry into Mie mailers referred to in Mr. Itantsay Macdp'tiiild's message. On the other hand, 1 need hardly add tha'l. in carrying but the policy of working in concert with the Dominion governments in all mailers, af feeling foreign relations and (he common in- teri'sls oT the Mrillnh I'jnpire, Ihey desire lo avail themselves of every opportunity that may pre-senl itself for uersonal consul- "There is one pressing mailer raising Issues which affect Ihe villi) interests of Ihe whole. Umpire on which personal cni-Millatinn is, in the view of His Majesty's government, essential. I , refer to Ihe Protocol for the pacific selllement of international disputes. Willi regard lo Ihe arrangements lo he .made, for securing personal consultation. muuieale with your ministers allure?" a ery early ilale. i Advertise in the Daily New THE-DAILY VEW3 Thursday, Januar "o. ,5 Heg. value lo 2.17. Iu (irev or While. All sizes. Priced to Shirts and Drawers Combinations dear at per garment $1.45 Service Ui HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnco Rupert (ieneral J. M. Puss, Major (J. A.'Kilward and James II. Illakc. lalion helwcen ministers; or with! Vieloria; II. Myers, N. 1'. Sleary, such other rrprescnlalives asH. Wallace, Mrs. Johnson, A Ihe Dominion governnienls may Voting, A. H. Hoy, Fred Ilrown, A. al any llnie wish to cnlrust wllh Hoherlson and 11. 1.. 'I'ingley, I In lask or rciresenling their Vancouver; It. 0. V. I.flley, Otsnun own views -ir of ascerlaining! Falls; Mrs. 11. It. Young, Port timxc of Ihe Itiiiisli L'liveriimpiiLiSlinnson; M. I.anoosler, imn peg; A. I". Kineaid, llovelsloko; K. II. Lewis, Ualgnry; Mrs. 1,. Wurko, Terrace; 11. K. Allen, Hatiail; W. J. Serviee, Smithers. Contril a S. Croshy, Hckville, Alia.; ('ieorgc Williamson and Holier! Williamson, llclumnl, Man. li.M. government hone lo rum- ''Is Alice THE TEST of. u forgiving nu- Very. She oV'oft forgives her friends fur the Christmas prc-siiils they s,.,,, her." Meg. k I .':!.. Ier garmcnl I 85c COTAlMS NO AlU?.. )3fUM $1.45 iwersai. iraain Single Faced Velours Iu Hrown, Hlue, Hose, anil (Ireen. Sale Price, per yard S2.50 Double Faced Velours Iir Hlue, Hrown, ami (Itdd. Sale Price. P'i' yard $4.00 3rd Avenue. ' Shadow Clnths mm Casement Cloth Men's In large asxtrimcni el colors and' size- s Fhitinelellc ni ilen il :t.25. $1.85 Days more CLOTHING Your Last Opportunity Pure Wool Mackinaws Values i.i s I !..".'. To cleaV $8.95 Suits. Overcoats - Pants Etc. Priced to Clear Men's Heavy Pure Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers to reap the benefit of oar CLEARING PRICES on QUALITY MERCHANDISE that will not he duplicated in Prince Rupert for some tine Men's r.:cti;ng Quality" Si. lid leather. 1 1 J Krirvi! or Black. Willi or Wlllionl loe cap. Itcgular e lo !7. ."!). SjnTial $4:95 Odd Lines in FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR Wall Knawn Tiger Brand Days imre FURNISHINGS Caps Values lo ?.", To clcur . $145 Soxs Sweaters Collars Etc. At Big Reductions CASH AMD CARRY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY la gic Baking Powder 1 2 w.. I in ... . 3(4 III. Hu . . . 5 lb. tin v. ; . . !. ... 80c y 51.5 MALKIN'S BEST PURE EXTRACT3 Vnnillit or l,;moii , . 20c us 40c x CO PAILS PURE RASPBERRY JAM 'i Hi. litis. Special . CANNED PILCHARDS, lull Uilff. AdmA fling . S; for The Home of "2Qth Century" Clothes ... i . ,.'v G5s 1C0 TINS QUAKER BRAND CORN ON COZl, . - s f n-li 25e 3C0 LUS. FRESH GROUND COFFEE. Kxlia S,. Il. for .'. S1.00 NEW HALLOWI BULK DATES. Uminmiee.l In n 'i 'lis, for 35c ONYX BRAND CORN, 2 Ijns for . , 35c (Uuuiied VegeUthleH pe, min. Inlying 25: Satisfaction Renewals for Spring Cleaning READY MACE CURTAINS, MADRAS, SCRIMS, NETS, AND MARQUESETTES ON SALE UNTIL SATURDAY. Klrsch Flat Curtain Rods, Curtain Fixtures and Dlinds at Special Sale Prices. . . vrrtrl uuuB-b AIVD SINGLE FACED VELOURS Sun Fast Popljns l. nam, lircen, Hlue' and Hrowi Sale Price, yard $2,2! oil inches wide., in (Imun. Hint. Salo Price, iter yard ' 1 - i.ieh Hha.low Cloll.: Sale Priee. per r.(l inch Sl'mUOw Ululh, heav 11,11 S1.00 t.cr viinl ' ' 'VJc'v rt'"1' (3,oll,' bmvy ,,m,i,y' M Silk'si.miow'uiolh. . i,e s2.oo ., v...i 'p.. i . i. . . i--. ,'ni i in iiikc Advantage ol our Sale inches wide win mean a saving lo your. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Hdme Furnisher lll.SC 'ill 750 iiinl"' $2.80 Spei":1' $3.75 Phone 20