HOSIERY D SALE 25c off each and every pair in stock emers Phone 27 P.O. Bor 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Ha I s.'V"i" occurred lo Ui;;t "111 mull Undo of lluiiBfliniil Help'' offered : or themsnlvfls .- il incapable oT f -u" t. rs controlled ,1 in. ' i :.v i lift already ni housewife. L:.' Mft i'Vh'c alono Is , ii imposing no w mil it i""S, iimJ ak-jjj f.nUicig I 'M your di :2l lo change May all? Phone 8 PHONE 8 r -y 60X392 PRINCE -r RUPERT DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. ' Phone B80. Night or Day. Wr 3UY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing and Misses' SHOES Ar I, I Prices Extra! Girls' MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. '. TOE DAILV NEWS LIVELY TIME jp -AT MEETING1! Amateur Radio - - - - Terrace Farmers' Institute Members Discuss Marketing and Other Questions TKIIUACK, Jan. There were several lively interlude during Ilie annual meeting nf llhe Kilsiiinkalum Farmers' ln-islilulc 1 1 1 1 1 in Progress' Hall, j Terrace, on Tuesday niglit. The I retiring president, II. A. Swain, j occupied Ilie chair, a good galh' jering being present in spile nf an almost nnprccedeiiled pack ! (if snow. The report (if Ihp directors, i read hy the cccrclnry, II. Ilalli-:Vell, slates Ihal Ilie year had : ! 1 1 an event fill one fur Ilie ilis-: Irist and even if the results were mil a rosy as they were ex peel -jed Ihey nevertheless const ilnled in very real step forward and 'eouiplclch falsified Ilie silly pro-iphcsies of the pessimists, j Afler recounting advnnlatus ; gained from Ilie CN.lt. for Ilie , ineinliei s. Hie report stales 'Ihal ia striking and extremely useful aeliievenjent during I he year was the building of a new varehnusi and offiee. This had lieeii ac complished by the .labor being ui itral ituotily hy several tiii'iiihi'i's and Ilie wholi1 eosl had llteen fuel. Marketing Fruit ! Til'- marketing of fruit showed an advance in point of (plan lily or 58 per cent oXer 1112.1 .and' lull fo!- the disastrous flooding I tin- market owing lo long aid dry periods Hie prices would have lieen -JO to 25 per rent higher than Ihey were. Financially (he year began in stress anil storm owing In Ilie i 1 n. a! is factory winding Ur of (lie t .i J ( loninc, hut the volume of i note had greatly expanded, .arliing a lotal or ll,r.2f, and 'In- yen i- ended wilh a credil hal- :t rt if 22:i heller Hum a year! .IK"- J. Wanie called attention to an item in the liahililies. 50( note." and claimed Ihal Hie directors had exceeded llieir powers in borrowing 111. it money. The chairman contended Hint power wjis given in a I when V. II. McDonald as an nnsnccessfiil candidate for Ihe directorate. Mr. Mrilouald luioM'd the resolution, unit it was I passed by Hie mceliiifr. ! Mr. McDonald: "Ihal is not 'true. I was never n candidate 'for directorship of this outfit." r the Chairman: "Yom can deny' what yon like. Mr. McDonald. I was present and know what took place and I have also seen ilv in Hie minutes." I'llinialely, on the motion of II. 1.. Frank. Ihe meelinff ajrreed lo honor Ihe note. ! Eliminate Fruit I II: L. Frank llien moved that 'the institute murine its future I otieriil ions lo powder alone and :cul out Hie fruit business which I wn only a loss. ' The Secretary pointed out dial Vancouver Daily Province ass Extra! adds Sunday Edition Hijili rira.le Magazine .Herlinn. (loliired (Uumc Seclimi. Jjimrruu. Kpecmi Fenluros. ALL OF PMOVINCK STAND- INTRODUCTORY RATE "AII.Y AND HI' DAY I'llOYINCM by mail In any nd-'"'0:'' ' Hntisli (Jolumljin oulsi.Ie (Irciiler Vnnemiver. Sun 4 Months - $1.00 im.i.y'!"',v ""I'i'riptions not acre nl cil fit l,m-M A KNTH. 2r. p0r m,mh. Sunday Edition Be pep copy SUBSCRIBE NOW rimiugli Local Agetil or Poslninslcr. , '""in Nolo - All regular rale. MATH crilier. will receive ''IV cilt I ii in m-.ii. .... ....i.,.. ,.i. ir o,.i...i.ii,lions were ni. I ,,iin 1 1 1 r I (Oilier. II nill'.-i I l , 'nn "i n,lv"1"'1' nt f'"'' PT month, proper credit will he 11 1,1 Hu'ir nccounl in due course. I.ocal radio fans were much inlereslcil recently in listening lo the "lleauly Shop" put ,on at Calgary last week end. 't he choruses came through well hut the spoken parls were not always clear. Thai was. the result of Ilie speakers not standing near Hie micraphone. II 'is quite cvi-di'til Ihal Hie players could mil always he near the lillle Attempts have heen made- at various limes lo gel good results with receivers in the downtown section, hut not with much success. Sels operated on Ilie hill or in almost mfy oilier pari of:al the creditors had passed the i to financial statement which sliow-ilo lo ed a profit, of over x'.UM under Hull head. I. A. McKinnon sufr?eslml that lime, fertilizers ami seed grains he added lo powder in Mr. I'rnnk"s motion. .Mr. Frank ajtreed and the motion wiW Hien carried. motion' ,,"' ,,,;c'"l: iia-eil at a meet ins in' l'.)2l Directors II. I.. Franks, C. Hamlin, T. II. S.o(l, K. Olson, land II. Ifalliwell. I Amlitors W. J. Oooiiwin and X. Sherwood. Delegate lo district convention The new president. The directors afterwards met and elected II. I.. Frank presi dent, T. II. Scott vice-president,.! II. llalliwall secretary, and jl.MPs. midniaht the wear1 members jj j,, made I heir way home. TERRACE NOTES Fred Slnrk. M.I'., was in town on .Monday and held an informal merlin? of liberal. Major Arklaml of Hie Mounted Police made Terrace last an ollicial week. visit lo The Willing Workers were entertained al dinner last Sal unlay bv llieir leader, .Mrs. Par sons. ;' Miss Di'war of Copper Illvn was in ipiel. lown for Hie Hums', han- Mr. llaney spent Ihe last two week ends in lla.ellon visiting his wire who is in Ihe Ilazellon Hospital having undergone a successful operation fur appendicitis. 'the Terrace branch of Ihe SI. Andrew's society held their annual bamitiel Friday on Ilie an niversary of Hums birthday. It proved one of Ihe most popular function of the year, so popular Ihal I here was 'pot sealing cal-arilv for all who wished lo al- jleiul. .Sir. Anderson, Ilie presii dent, proposed Ilie toast of The jiving. Mr. Hepburn the loasl to llhe ImtnoVlal Memory and Ihal iln Canada was proposed by F.. T. Kenney. Hums' address lo Ihe Haggis was delivered by Tom Young in a most dramatic manner and fraternal greet lugs were received from Ihe Prince Ituperl Society. Afler justice was done lo Hie substantial dinner, tho meeting adjourned lo Ihe pro gress Hall when a splendid pro gram of songs, recital Ions Ihaf 1 urn afraid to let my children (fo out upon Ilie streets, hut since I have huill my radio set Ihey are content to stay at home." .Jim I.ee report Ihal he is pelting exceleli. results from! his set out on 'vent.li Avenue,, 'I'hey pel. any of.f.Hie larger sla- lions ones. and many of the smaller I he cily seem lo receive a great ' deal louder than at Hie fool of Several recent Hie hill along 't hird Avenue. lliiglainl say Ihal San I'rancisco's Chiualown holds Ihe local record for Ilie j?rcalcsl nuinher of aerials lo the Muck. In one sipiare there are 2.'l sets. The picluresipie Oriental roofs Are a maze of these wires. The elder Chinese like Ihe music liesl. as it Is difficult for IIkmii' lo understand radio talks, hul their children, all students at American schools, interpret Ihcnr rapidly, (ion San-nuie, interpreter for the immigration service, recently wrote lo oiie of Ihe liroadcasl inft stations: ''AiilonVohiles are so numerous in Chinatown on Sundays A radio nmaleiir in the lillle village of Mcnars. a lillle village of Ilie French Pyranees, recently succeeded for ten iniuules in heariiiK the radio station ll'WA I'okfo, Japan, irrivals from radio is used hy almost everyone there. They heard a niiiiiher of receiving sets; and say Ihey noticed hardly any interference. 'Hie jfovernment does not allow sipieals hul en-courafres the use. of hisli srade instruments. A hill franlitia suliidy lo the new Itadiu Corporal ion of Japan, eslahlished for ilie promotion or radio intercourse between that counlry and America, will be introduced in Hie Iiel by the department of communications. II will provide foe an amount eipial fo 8 per cent of the capitaliza! ion of the concern. Ila.ellou over Hie week end visit Mrs. Tliomassoii who is still in the hospital I here. .Mr. ami Mr, l-loyti tiall re lumed to Suiilliers last ednes (lay. Mrs. Ill-id?" .V. ShcrwiMid appealed for ajof her more eiiiiealionai ioucy in nc pursued, but he ot no support. Salary Changed II was atrreed lo reduce the secretary's salary from. Si2iHl to 2ft -and !iay a commission on! sales. The follifwiiijj officers were M. Hall e'lterlaineii a 1'io'sday evenuiK in luoior (Jilesl Mrs. Floyd Halt. SNAPPY SNAP CLUB HOLDS FIRST DANCE Novel Stunt Pulled off During; Progress of Events; Prizes Presented A ileiijfhirul dance was held in Ihe llostou Hall last nihl. under Ihe auspices of Hie "SmippV Snap Club,'' lo mark Ihe wind-up of llieir winter card club lourna-ment, when some 5u couples Iboroufrhly enjoyed dancing.' until Ihe early hours. Duritm the evening prizes won in Ihe clnl. lournameul were, presenlcd to Jim Slurireori, firs I lady: Lemon, first gentleman. Miss Winnie l.arsen and .1. Slur- gcoii draw prizes. Consolalion prizes wenl lo Miss Lillian Worsfnbl and Sid Webb. Novel Feature Is your i m A novel and lanvhable feal lire : . small hand of ten idayers has diiclfoii of Hubert o Hie punch bowl prevented actual arrest, and Ilie appearance of the constable's wife (deorge Murray), who ran in and grabbed her man by the car caused much merriment. Music for Ihe dancftlg was furnished by Miss SI. Cyr, piano, ami Ceo. Itoric. jr., drums, aug-nienled by Kenney Hood, saxa-phone, afler supper; Mrs. H. P. Ponder relieved Miss , SI. Cyr during Ihe supper interval. Jim Sturgeon made an ellieienl floor manager and Mike Lemon was on Ihe door. SALVATION ARMY HAS A BUSY SIX MONTHS ri.. umtii nn 1 1 nl Pimm'! niiiiln formed. tiv Dm loenl corns of Salva- i ' f the the ! lion army shows Ihal consider-, r- able progress has peen mail lo j during Ihe six monlho Jusl clos- " wire wise an von IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thr n you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price il is offered. She ts certain of full satisfaction, for she knows advertised goods lioe up p their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Iwas inlrodiiced during Ihe second i(ieu orgaili.ed. A coriis cadet half of Ilie program when "con-1 brigade of nine young people va stable" Lance PollcMon entered the hall ami slopped Ihe music, announcing IIimI floor manager Jim Slurteoh was "wauled" for breaking info Ihe I'.H. Fish Market and stealing half a pound of sausages. The evidence was Buying advertised products is a band investmentnot a stock spsculacioi Jo those in need ami :i(Hl bund le,s ol clothing were di-l i iluilcit. Six inquiries were recieved foi missing people. l'.igbl names were added lo Hi'' rolls and a WILL TEA PRICES DROP? A shortage in Ihe world's tea upply, in I tic l ace of an enor- r ,.i I.. Hi,,', oeVel mii. I iliii.ifsiinniis dciiiafi.l, is forcing prices looked Jnd. However Ihe iulro- up lo very levels. Te-i merchants realise, however, lliat tea al a dollar a pound only; brings the day of a drop in pricej so much nearer. Tea growers j are making such irenieiiooos profit Hint over-produelion is bound lo come al any lime. DEAD WASTE Mr. Thrifty-- Doctor. don't think much or Ihal cough medicine of yours. Dr. Piii rem I am very sorry to hear that. What is the reason? ThrHly Whr. Hi,'1 i much of it dead waste. Curern Dead 'waste? Thrifty Yes. I hadn't tnken more thai a ipiarler of Ihe bol-iltc. when my cough had enlirely i disappeared ami there is Ihe Soml-Annual Rtport Shows Great oilier lhree-iuarters just thrown Activity by Local Corps. away. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert ed. 'I'here were held .'(00 indoor' January 29, 1915. meetings wllli an average al 'The cily council decided last tendance nf 2.10. Open air meel-.nlglil lo use the 101 i assessment lugs numbered 175, while "oflaguln Ibis year. The cily solie- and visits were made. War Oys sold ilor, Fred Peters, recommended Scolch slep dances Interspersed nutnbered 5,000 while Kin were Ibis course. Aid. .McClynionV llhe regular dance program wliichgiven away al Ihe hospital. Thejiad rreen In favor of a revision.! conlinued far into Ihe morning .paper Young Soldier was given - 1 awny lo Ihe minuter or inno, j Highland rc '.imeivis are ms , Joo Tlioiniiuisson inmlo a trl)l Meals and beds were suppllelinguisliiiig tlicmselves in tlic OMSK! fir rs 3 it & n 3 , II ffl 1 Oii fills (ireal War as Ihey have traditionally done in wars of Ihe pas!. Weston Cnyney was appointed city weighinasler by Ihe council last night. Other applicants iwere .1. II. Kroiser. P. Prenosky. W. (1. Smilh, .1. P. llawkinson, .lob n Knowles, Frank Harrison, N. Morrison, T. llailey and .1. McKay, ' LAND ACT. Nolle of intention to Apply to Purchait Lnd In Skrom I.nml nislrlrl, fr Prlnrr liiirmri Honinlinir Mtrini, nl "ilnnti-aiipiiitliiiiitclv "lie nil i' I"'1' mil's l or Sulvus stutkiii, on sulvii islmwl, Ski-cna lllvi-r. Take N'nllce Unit lluiloir I.nrssnn. nf IH3 cnrlrlmi St.. HiiriMby, nci-iiiallnii f.rtKR-cr, Inicnds li apply for pi'i-nilsi'iii to piirrllHM llw foltewliiir (lorrllel lands: ' ('.niiininni-liiK t pi.t planleil at Iln snniliui'M rnrner or l.nt 4n:i. Salvos Island; tlH'iirp soiith-.vcslcrly, pprixl-inalelv sun yard: I'neiv-fl iiirlhwrsliTly. mipMUliiiiilcly ROO yards; Ihcnr siinllierl.v, snii .vnnK lo imiIiii nr Iwirlnnliif in pl-lslin all that txirtloii nf Snlvus Island vest of 1.01 (KM and nmlalniiiK :inr ai-ri'S, iimiD or lens. THOMAS MILLS A t-it fur ntlo- LAnssoX. LAND ACT Notlco of Intention to Apply to Leaie Land I In Prince Itupprt Land tilslrlit. Im cnrdln IilstrIM of I'rlnra llnporl. and ' naif at liarnanl Cnvn, Prlnna Royal , Island. ll.C. Tuki' Xntlrn that Snmorvlllr ("anncr.x ' Company Limited, or Vani-nnvi-r. n.O.. In-1 triuls lo apply for permission lo least" the fr.llnwlna tleni-rlhed lands: Coiiiiiieni:;nit nt the head nr liarnanl Cove. Prlnei-as Iti'Viil I'landi thenee mat five ) ehalns; tlienec norlrt roflv M0i ehalns: thenre west ten i ini dm Ins, tnope op less, to Mw water maik; tliencn smith alona low water mark I" i(itt of 'omiiieii'-eineiit. anil ilaltilna fifteen (!"' arre. morn ne less. Si MF.HVIl.Li: NNEHY COMPANV MMITfn "Sum nf .M'plh .ml V J. Jerrer - in. Aaent Dated. Dc-rmber tub, Hul. PA "JE vvrr. Washer and Dryer ILis no Wringer, needs none. Won (iobl Medal al last (Juelice F.xhtbilion over al! American and Canadian M.n hiiies. Ca-lt l'riee S183.C0: al-u -old on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Dr. E. S. TAIT II DENTIST. Helgerson BlocK, HRIIYOE RUPliRT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 t C. Phon C33. Open Evenlngt Only Fr SpacUl AppolntmtnU. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage , Phone Cf. Cartage, Warehousing, and 'listriluiting. Team or Motor Hflrvice. )'oal Sand and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. 18