~ CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS - * : a f : as i Classified Rates | HELP WANTED—MALE | ae eae ee ed Red Shield Nets Half Of Objective Halfway mark has been reach- by the Salvation Army in their current Red Shield cam- ¢ be aeee ~ PERTH BRS JALGARY (CPX— A branch of the University of Alberta’s book store in Edmonton will be opened 5 wT. | BLACKWOOD on here for use of Calgary classes. Officials estimated at least 3,000 textbooks would be available here, HANDY ‘fz 4 ridge Business ey Professiisy adds Aa 7 ri). -«-nJ,, paign with total monies coWect- re oe MESSENGERS warited with own 1240 Kilocycles - to date $1714.45. Objective a a biieation, | Bicycles, opportunity for ad- RADIO DIAL is $3500. Following are Satur. vious to publication. vancement, free transporta- f f old dae " Classified, 3 cents per word per} tion privileges, holidays with : : day’s donors: By EASLEY BLACKWOOD John F. L. Hughes, Oc. HANDy ‘ : nner a i haha ae to Grade 10 edu. (Subject to Change) Friend $15.00 MA | insertion; minimum charge 50; pay. Must have Grade 10 edu ’ Ro ‘ong S le CHIROPRACTOR HOME cents, cation, typing knowledge Ca-| se"s"s"s"s""s."".""."5..5."5958"8 W nes Cartage 15.00 Mr. Muzzy’s Error Snarls Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 SERVIC ‘th Notices rents: nadian National Telegrapl MONDAY H. Whalen 5.00 ee g ‘ , aes 130, 2: ; ca mirth Notices, 50 cones; Se) Se scl kee as (222) | pw a A. Kristmanson 10.00 Defense Against This Bid Eves.: by appointment only of Thanks, Death Notices,| _ ee S86 Mees ae Dr. L. W. Kergin 10.00 21 - 23 Besner Block GENERAL co qnsscveiearegaeg soasbipmscd en en ee is eo Mr. Bidsvik . 5.00 Mr. Muzzy made two mistakes in his hand—) Phone Blue 442 ‘| Building and Re Neapemeny AnnouTcements, | — seit — a ei — se sper Sar ade eetois : . i ° s a : } n ne "Serk Piode eae "582 Lv: , j rea Senn i which is by no means a record for him. Mr. € eT ds aciin] isplayv double rice. clerk none ool yr I< es JC : oe i , ne a. " ¥ ee POY Suubie peice. | Gresme Gres 218) bikes J. P. McDonald 6.00 Jed the eight of clubs and Mr. Muzzy was permitted pa NOUR BOR nOOrS — Cig os ine NOE NTS ? toun hada hy . : ce ad 0 OIL OUNCEMENTS _,| STENOORAPHEM for tity office + Today Aig te) to win with the queen. He returned a club and again oo BURNERS Presbyterian Bake Sale Mc-| Apply T. Norton Youngs Real ev > | . ter winning with the iack. Mr SAUNDERS BROS. : Rae's Store Sept. 20. 10:30-3 Estate and Insurance. 213) 9; G. Reade $00 Mr. Dale ducked. After winning with aon er We Pour Cement For Less PHONES; Pei Alaska Muse Trl lel | oa . a i. Champion led back the trey of clubs. Mr. Muazy dis Phone Blue 939 P.O. Box 1679 gert, Civic Centre, Sept. 24, 8:30, SEM WANTED, MALE FEMALE 10:10 “C1 si ¢ |W. . Scott 2.00 carded the deuce of hearts and Mr. Dale had to win ., Sv vroan, vi0-' EXTRA CASH FOR YOU. Sell 5 Weather report and Sign-of |P. Rosang 2.00 ith the ace Pep apr OS, FRED nist, and BPO, relies Name-On Christmas and i ‘eines ae E. M. Lugrun 2.00, With tne ace, Sousa Gaaier | -©.W.1 le Satur-| E yday assortments Ai AM we Mrs. J Simipeel 200' Mr. Dale entered dummy with! Both sides vulnerable PRECISION SAW FILING ae 7 ' rummage sale Ss - “veryaday assol ‘ * . I 2 Mr. I , : . - ME" day, Sc ptemb« r 27, 11 a.m. Store), ‘enest commuasions. Over Go) 7:00 cast W. C. Petersen 2.00', heart and returned a dia- (Men. Keen) Lawn Mowers Sharpened SMETRISt next Royal Bank | outstanding items, terrific) % G. W. Graham 2.00} mond. Mr. Muzzy played ths S—-AK173 215—Ist Ave. W Room 10 Stone By _ = salee Appeh. SES menco us) 2S H. Livingstone 2.00\seven and the finesse of the H—A QJ o0Ne Phone Blue jy Lutheran tea, Sept. 27 values including 25 card De-| ‘°° N. Christenson 2.00! queen was successful ak Phone 909 Open Frid - ——| luxe Christmas assortment.| 3.5, no SS re =. | Aare «is . Be | Cat , ay Evy S.O.N. whist series beginning Christmas card boxes inc! ee W. Bauer 2.00 Crossing to. dummy again} wet Fast as wu 3 Velvetone, “Holly Box, 2 ~ ee |Mrs. G. E. Freeman . 2.00' with a heart, Mr. Dale led an- (Mr. Champion) ne Mem) P.O. Box 72) a chek: < Brite metallics, Christmas! 8:45 Lit |} H. Britten ‘ 2.00 ‘other diamond. When Mr. Muz z 7 3 H—9 6 5 42 Rebekah Bazaar, October 4. Capers, Beloved Authors, Ca-| 9:00 BB |Capt. H. Calderwood 2.00 zy played the king, he let him J 10 4 D—K 7 ‘ - nin ae i. natian Winter and Mountain} 9:15 M aan Jackson 2.00 ek - At sieke point the de-| - K a 843 C-Q 5 : HELEN’S H. G. HELGERS 4 ene a anders Scenes, English or French) ,,\. .° Mrs. Antrobus Bo0| fhnse waa dead. peat i. BEAUTY SHOP LIMITED BU Rear ai. , rn urs Pageant assortments, Ev 1O-1k, Ee as" ; be Sapam ith the spade ae. Be : Branch Saturday, October 4, in ay. religious. ersofia ah aa at )C. Stokle . 2.00; Mr. Dale won with the spi 5-9 6 4 Permanent Waving 7 Church Hall, 10 am. till 5 p.m oe weero os Shak Gen eee eee R. W. Corregan . . 2.00 return with dummy’s king and H—K 10 8 Beuuty Culture in all REAL ESTATE & 18] Coffee and sandwiches for sale.) (ards ribbon, napkins, 11:00 A Man and His Music Mrs. Burke 2.00'since two diamonds were split A . a 3 ° its branches Phone 96, Evanings 3 SiS tholi - Fall Bazaar Oct. 8 tionery. Gift wraps, Kiddie’s/ 11:15 “Roundup Time |James Stewart 2.00 | 3-2, he was able to win two mort The bidding 204—4th Street Phone 655 ws cece . Christmas stockings, Books,|!1:39 ¥ ca. 20% |F. G. Daniels 2.00 tricks in that suit which, with south west North Rast — : eittnitnnn ©, CN-OULS, Weite for catalogue iis, feet Friend 2.00 two spades, three hearts and aj 1D_ ma 6SéN? At Pee Over 70 Banquet Tea, Civic and samples NOW »-On : 45 Scandinavian Melodies Leo Micholuk «.ow..... 2,00!club, gave him his game f rh Fas id " . ALITY REPAIRS LING THE TAM Centre, October. 16. Stationery Company Limited,) pm |Ballinger Bicycle Shop 2.00/ Mr. Muzzy had erred in the|.44 now let's see Dale win nine QU P. Tailoring - Alend Dept. B4, Room F, Yonge! 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies | . - aelledailh “ik aii y | ene , . 7 For Downtrodden Heeis g e aad sa, adie ob the E I re Z os Je (H]) (12:15 CBC New Mrs. F. Judd , 2.00 defense. He now erred again by tricks without letting me in.’ cad “Wun Mctae “is oon ne ” bag ee ee OS wane en | Mrs. C. Moore . 200 daring to criticize Mr. Champ Mr. Champion was right. If | r Se Royal Purple Bazaar, Oct. 18. . ~ ie nish” Beniccnake la : : 7 : avisa mei. .* ' ' |} Box 774 Second Ave. Clothes Made-to-My waked: : oa FOR SALF 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadeast |Fay Gamblin *... 2,00) ion Without a semblance Of Mir. Muzzy had played as sug- | 220 Sixth st ; Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar,’ __ : a es gts pre - seek Wesker |J. Hadden 2:00 an entry in your hand, Why gested, Mr. Champion could | MAC mee ’ ng meet © shies tne Red 471 BOOKS| 5 (30° Records at Random |Q. L. Holtby 2.00 didn’t you shift to spades after| ave got the lead with his jack | SHOE HOSPITAL — : : on of Shore _ (219) 45 Allison Grant: Comty G. MeKay 2.00 winning the first two club of diamonds before “Ms. Dale | eae ee . 3 18 Waltz Time |A. Logan 2.00 | tricks?” he asked could set up his fourth diamond. | PORTRAITS — ee FOR SALE— General Electric) 3:39 yarns of the Sea |Mr. Pluym 2.00 Mr. Champion did a sloW! ang that fourth diamond was Shipping and General Pilms Developed and LO.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem- washing machine $50.00, Roll- 3:45 Novel Time |Mrs. Skalland 2.00 | burn I did have an entry, Mr. Dale’s only chance for nine. Moving, Packing, Crating PROMPT SERVI ber. 20 away bed, spring, mattress $20 A) Musical Program |Mrs. McDonald 2.00 he barked, “but you loused it | prices Cartage and Storage CHANDLER'S 81 i -| high chair $4.00. Phone Blue ih auamn se tee | up. Just pitch your Ring Of] (jc css—emcunhdo-ie ian arsage 216—4th Street _& n a bazaar, Novembre r 2. 828 (219p) a cietis | diamonds on my third club lead Complete, Reliable and Effi- Phone Green Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem-|FOR SALE — MeClary Escort} 6 ‘ | O ay’s toc s : c ie ys cient Service. orn etn eke Prince Rupert ber 27. white enamel kitchen range oe ’ So an Sei cas T S * . s Canadian Liqui r Co, , re Price $65.00. Green 827. en, Acetylene and all Women of the Moose Bazaar, (219p) i (Courtesy 8 D. Johnston Cp, Ltd.) Britain Sees Flying a agony SCOTT McLAR Nov. ‘ . = > Pi udivee : ¥ : . q ~—_________ FOR SALB—One Kirby cleaner.|| Paper Invites ae Buses in Heliconters LINDSAY'S CARTAGE ||| CHARTERED acco ro rye ‘ 2 ; N 1¢ ot6 VeEriook (aiép? y ic T Oran Bazaar, Nouv. 19 p C t ib ti ns VANCOUVER STORAGE LIMITED James Block 608—3rd “st I De- NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- on ribu 10 ona a Ps GLASGOW Lord Douglas’ e & ‘A Prince Rupert, B sa . : ited, Distributors for: Mining, = sraiorne tleside. chairm: f Brit- Cor. 2nd and Par venues we Sawmill. Logging and Con- Of Social News BRX 03 ee cian that Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 Phone 347 PO. i reselinleeeer sie tractors’. Equipment. Enquir- Cariboo Quartz 1.40 pF 4 of a Seeaaier CARD OF THANKS ies invited. Granville Island The Daily News endeavors to| Congress 06 My ie cn a it”. round the western ss siicahiiad “The members of the Trades| . Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) | give all possible coverage of so-| Cronin Babine a “Sen £ Ser tland In fact, he + aie” Ga ge | i ae eee ein nT oat as nal news of town| Giant Mascot a = oo vrata and Labor Couneil wish to BATTERY SERVICE Clal oe - said, Scots will operate what Luxury teamer thank all those who helped to : ; stent 2 and district and will appreciate| Indian Mines Ale amounts ts ‘ flying bus service make the Labor Day Sports,|RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East| eontribufions of such items. Re- Pioneer 200 = “Soon,” eee eget 1958 Soap Box Derby, and dance aj 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re-! norjs of club activities,weddings,| Premier Border 20 Heal moni: ia ae ‘still in early y success. Special thanks is due pairs, recharging and rebuild- as and personal nutes are in- Privateer 05% aan I - a se i wna the prize donors those who ing. Work guaranteed 18) vited. To contact a reporter, Reeves MacDonald 3.90 tages EPs sabbei csp isciaagagle vs SAILS FOR ; contributed advertising space BOATS FOR SALE ne 749 . | Hea 044, Cannot make a helicopter with I those who worked out the pro-} hp i cose. ee - Sheep Creek “, fewer than 35 seats pay,” said gram, and the workers in the |#On ALBIS TU. rowboat With a Silbak Premier "ga |Lord Douglas. Until these are ancouver refreshment booth (T) |” inboard motor. Apply Boat) _-. ACCOUNTANTS aaliniee ogy, | forthcoming, the chairman said, (All Times Daylight icine FOR SALE—Gillnetter, 26 ft. 5) 23% SDeCiae. 2. S. | ’| Spud Valley 05 ae : : Fie 54 and V NEARLY everybody uses 99, (c)! h.p. Cheap. Write Box 1357 Stone Building; Red $83. :20m) | Silver Standard 1.76 — the helicopter era is de- | he a womeg STUMBING Antomatic Oj) heat_| Station “B.” (218p) | ——_— — —| Western Uranium 4.25 oe ieee ye eg : aha ss. Camosun 8 sag Pp aaet cee" ae a L “ ane FOR SAL: i WANTED TO RENT Oils— eo oO 7 5 : 7 va! ge | For KETCHIKAN FRIDAY ing, sneet metal work. SARS FOR SALE Pie - ey marlier, rd Douglas talked} 36 Coguitlam $8 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau. | - - - URGENT — Furnished, unfur-| Anglo Canadian 8.00 | about the experiment of using \ wees ya ‘E ARM, STEWAR (tf) FOR SALE—'29 Chrysler $75 00 nished suite or house py re-| A P Con 45 the south bank of the Thames| Comfort and Service ae oe IMP WE PAY cash for burnt out re ee ee hero sane a ee ee Semel tac ia a4 & posse helicopter bass: advertisement is not published or displayed by For Reservations Friday, Camosun, 12 motors, any size or make. Wil«| oe iq ra : Delivery Prince Ri: Me ea . 95 with a view to cutting time of | he Liquor Control Beard or by the Government it Call FOR NORTH QU ford Electrical Works, Cow! FOR SALE—1949 Prefect. 15.000 gig vy (217p) . bat & a : 93 travelling to airports OULSICE | pf Rade Colombia, on Write or coantormt & Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf)| miles. In good _ condition Perv : a Royal Canadian ....... 2 London and to nearby cities.|‘ weenie: cschiiideaete teas CITY OR DEPOT i : a1 Sept, 108 . ee Phone Red 140 (218) WANTED TO RENT—Cabin or TORONTO Several trial landings were made | : — OFFICE as Coquitlam, ti FOR SALE—1950 Chev. Pick-up.) Small house. P.O. Box 832. Athona 18% |}in central London and the re-| GEORGE DAWES PRINCE RUPERT, “FOR SOUTH a WATCH [ @iione Green 346 (221p) 17D) | —Aumaque 17%4| sult provoked considerable op-| AUCTIONEER CHARLOTTE f : : Hea . =_ $25.00 BONUS to anyone who Bevcourt 1.26 | timism | Phone Black 846 and Red 127 gs Coquitlam — ao aoe a = ee can find suite or house to) Buffalo Canadian 22'4| Britain, with its closeiy packed = es ae Aug. 20, Sept. 3a passenger coupe. In macu- : a iy : : p ‘ Mompsba ee nan eae eee asa za Ener g. 2 SI IN : : Pod & rent. Box 498 Daily News. Consol. Smelters 35.00 | cities and towns, has a great in- | A i ANA 8) iA eKIN ANNOUNCEMENT ge ced aoe eat (219p)| Conwest 3.60 ‘| centive to be first in the rotor- pRARE 5 © OF vache ng A ee | Donalda 52 | plane business, said Lord Doug- | i eal o wy AL Prince ae oh TOO SALS — cued ain Oe FOR RENT FAO A u sr and while the eo are | Third Avenu gpevve. MucsS, DAVEC roads. sj rte Sains ie eines ast. Sullivan z+ 7.10, Jbeing improved, there is no| : : i _ ie ae 1A LBs feat. E9600; “casttor Tek eee Sleeping ner, Giant Yellowknife? 8.75 Aweason why sites fot forts vet | tir! f aan San fe ; OF Foe ee MR i aa ve eee ie 8 “| Gods Lake ‘ 58 | not be selected and prepared | : : ' FOR SALE—Two house trailers| RENT a Singer portable electric; “Hardrock i aioe == | f is Al / FURNITURE —16 ft. one room model and machine. Phone 864. (ce) Harricana 0834 | | " — . . i nese AND GROCERIES 21 ft. 2 rooms. For further in- FOR RENT — One furnished| Heva 08 / kal = formation, phone Blue 756 housekeeping room, 1 ae Duvex 68 | Ch S y Cho | (220) room. Suitable for two shar-| Jjojjet Quebec 41°} | DINING op 2uey ~ DAWES omer raat ing. Teachers preferred. Box Little Long Lac 68 | Photo Finishin 1951 PREFECT SEDAN j FOR SALE—1948 4-door Dodge) 493° paily News (217p)| ‘athe Long i | 9 The real 54285 Open 6 pan. - AUCTION ROOMS sedan. Cheap. 625 Taylor 9t.)._1___*__ | «bynes ee e PLEASURE economy car .... wn ~ Phone Green 448, ask for FOR RENT — Sleeping room,| Madsen Rg aan. 1.80 195 MONARCH SEDAN e FOURTH and McBRIDE | Chris. (217p) heated, business section. 3! McKenzie Red Lake 40 = IN 0 f , minutes walk from Post Of-| MeLeod Cockshutt 2.90 DEVELOPING, PRINTING Ride like $ peri ...16, 1952 ___ REAL ESTATE fice. Possibly evening meal! Moneta . 38 ENLARGING SPARKLING NEW 6S sc 1995 || HoLtywoo FOR SALE — Very attractive, supplied to right party. Apply! - Negus 28 EXPOSURE METERS SURROUNDINGS 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN For Outside Ondes List Your Goods wartime 6 with new pembroke | Pele Ee aye ich sea Noranda 80.75 AMATEUR SUPPLIES Radio, heater, 54295 For This Sale bath, Bendix. washer and FOR RENT— Room to share.| Louvicourt ......... 92 i ommo ore qd e Seat Covers, Only eat | ones seienmaress Pg a Separate beds. Red * Pickle ana, ig 1.63 Phone Green 136 Box 478 SPECIA ! SPECIAL! "HONE: | $9750.00 with $3,000. whee Petrol Oil & Gas .... 1.14 L | balnce monthly. Immediate rere ssi ~ ,|eusttnetinemmememeiaaiiend t N H. : 97 or R le ' possession. Apply or phone FOR RENT—Sleeping room for Senator Rouyn 14 One Only— JOH xed |2/ or BIQCcK G. Helgerson Ltd., 216 6th men, Phone Green 438 Sherrit Gordon 5.00 F th MEAL h REFRESHES 1950 MONARCH C rtibl [ . &. gers : ; . onve e Street. > r Black 899 (219)| Steep Rock 6.60 ‘or LG : BUSINESS Girls P Bnecial ior es (219) ‘aL ee Silver Miller 1.51 e t at oan extra, 99975 JSINESS Girls Perms. Special) “"* US" OR RENT—Large housekeep- olden Manitou 5 a dream car ......., Girls Ament cere ets) SPACIOUS LIVING | ing room. Furnished or un-| Sweet Grass Oils 113 - hr Girls. Appointments to suit.| SF AL | furnished. No objection to ose uae einallalaene mas BES1 * FINEST When shopping for a Lome Jerry’s Beauty Salon for Bet-|Modern, roomy home with 3 child. Suite 2 Levin Apts. ror GOOD USED CAR—try P ter Permanents. Phone 855. bedrooms, fireplace, sunny (tp) a.¢ OF OF “The Home of ® Situated directly across from | kitchen, 2 bathrooms, sweep- ans British Arm i Friendly Service” Super-Valu. (217) ing view and landscaped -—————————————.-—— ‘ FOOD S 7 DELUXE TRANSFER” Ph —~| grounds. Only 3 blocks to ele- WORK WANTED ial J COOKING loka Bulget # sLUXE TRANSFER. woe mentary school and close to| FACTORY experienced repairs, Sends Women on Z Bob Parker lid. 0 va are ——_—_——__________""""""} High School. Plus .2 revenue!" “cunsmithing, outboard motors| “7 ' FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 Th J 1 suites with separate entrance , ite hi LOST AND FOUND in basement. Priced much| #84 marine engines. Fishing O J Phone 93 SS a: _. Sasemeas. : a rods and reels. 1337 First vers€as ODS BROADWAY CAFE LOST—Tricycle, blue, cream and less than replacement with Overlook. Phone Green 304 for red trim. Size 3-5. Reward. . Green 848. (817p) HELP WANTED—MALE _ A nearby rural Familex dealer- ship can be yours if you are an ambitious man. A fine op- portunity, to step into a pro- fitable business of your own! with our 250 guaranteed pro- ducts including cosmetics, Owner 32 11th Street. (219p) ae 630 6th Avenue “a sundry medicines culinary |) —— eet one extracts, spices, farm neces-|FOR .SALE—Modern Bungalow sities. tion write to: Familex, F Delorimier, Montreal. The Daily News Classified Ads Pay For complete informa- 1600 (1t) only $5,000. down. See this at- tractive home now. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Blue 192 evenings (217) FOR SALE—Harbor view home. concrete basement, furnace, garage, glass porches Two lots, back and front. Fully modern —basement, furnace, lot 1945. Phone Black 496. (217p FOR SALE—House—4 rooms ment room. Concrete founda tions. Terms. Phone Blue 884. WANTED—Garage to rent. Ask | (217 and half. Centrally located. Built and | Draw : oc bath, upstairs, 1 finished base- “ANTED—Oil heater. Box pick-up. (233) WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE — A small safe. Box 491, Daily News. (217) CASH for serap brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone LONDON (Reuters)—For the first time in its history the British Army announced today that it is sending women soldiers overseas to serve in the ranks of regular forces. Three officers and 54 enlisted members of the Women’s Royal Army Corps will fly to Gibraltar WANTED—Men’s suit and coat racks, also for Ladies’ Wear for store use. Box 491 Daily News. (217) 97 Daily News. (219p) ) )| for Allen. Blue 602. (221p) Sept. 30 to form part of a mixed anti-aircraft battery there. They | will work as fire-control oper- ators, telephonists, plotter 8, | drivers and clerks. Women have been sent ovefseas in the past | only for non-operational jobs. | ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS B =n i A Round Trip in the Suburbs | Classified Ads Pay USING MY RAZOR WHATS Pop HE THOUGHT] | TO SCRAPE GUM DOING IN THE IT WAS THE OFF THE FLOOR! CLOSET ? 3 By CHIC q |