PAGE TWO Elevator Operation It To Be Discussed. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Why Not Sell Canadian National? An judication of the general trend of given in Iho proposal hi sell some of the be done qune easily. - Attitude of .Country - Mae Nnt Rn Fl(. Days Or Money Back Women who wish tottbnulateth growth of their hair thould use Van Liquid Scalp Mastage. A glorious head of strong rigorous hair surely follows its consistent use, and consistent use is easy because Van Esa comei fitted wun a patent rubber applicator that feeds the ciedicament directly to the roots of tht hair. And the flexible nipples of the applicator brim a health) circulation of blood to feed the hair tacts. Buy your Van Em on !Ki-dy treatment plan. MSScy Back if it fails. O RIMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert. B.C. The Daily News SPRINGG RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Everj' Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. -H. P. PULLRN, Managing Editor. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month j .-; $1.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United Stales, jn advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising,..-. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80, per inch Local Readers, per insertion. ... . .............. ,25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion , ...2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion...., ..15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day' preceding publication. -All advertising received subjcci to approval. . Member of Audit .Bureau of Circulation. DAILT KDfTIOI BPE Tuesday, July 3, 1025. railway affairs is Canadian National lines to American railroads. Tho Financial Post, which publishes the story telling of tlje proposals in an article which is reproduced' today for the benefit of Prinre Rupert readers, js looked ii poil as a careful paper. It is probable that there is some basis of fact in the suggestion. While it may not mean much, it shows that Ihe mutter is under consideration and that it may yet become a question of practical politics. Would Welcome Sale Of Road. It is to. be presumed Hint Prince Rupert neonle. sneakinir generally, wmld-AyleTma the sale 'of jlje road to .-jo me company other than the Any concern taking it over in ihu way would do so with the object of making it pay and to make it pay they would have to encourage business. If this were n competing line with the C.P.H. for transcontinental business and transpacific business it would very soon become very busy and Prince Rupert would be a real port. The present transcontinental system is made up of two roads, the National Transcontinental, including the firand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Northern. If the New York Central Railway, for instance, were to purchase the old Grand Trunk Pacific, which, apparently .the Canadian National does not want, it would give the American line an outlet on the Pacific without interfering with the business of the Canadian National. They could still continue their Vancouver business over the old Canadian Northern line. This would relieve them of a .burden and would be a great acquisition to any live railroad taking it over. Road A Liability Not An Asset. t The" railroads today are a liability to the country and a heavy one. .They are nol an asset. If they were sold, the country would He relieved of a heavy burden and there, would be more opportunity for development. It would look like n mistake to break up-the system in the east .by lopping off some of Ihe roads, but in the wet this could j No oMirtiiuityhas; beeiv giyenty-feel(A!he. pulse'of .the coilhtry generally' iiiTegan1'to the.jalei iJl'XSL'jm&P mattejVlias not been seriously discussed. It is possible the peo-j pie may be opposed Id it, but if they are shown how they can be relieved .of n big annual deficit, they may possibly take to the idea j Prince Rupert is but n'small part of the country, but if it was riiitto a vote, here, we. 'a re inclined to believe n big majority would .vole for 4he sale of the road. ' Tonight the Hoard of Trade will discuss the operation of the elevator and possibly may take some, action Willi n view 10 trying to make sure that Ihe new structure will be mnde to function as soon as it is ready. Recause the elevator is such nn import ant factor in our future development, .it is to be expected that most of the members .of the board will be present Ibis evening. Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small size. Sniall regular deposits soon amount to a substantial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any bnnch of the Union Bank. r "1 UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager FINE SCENERY WELL AS MINES Dunncr a short visit . 'to the Stewart and Premier .Mine (lis under Dale Pitt and his assist ant. Hart Smith, anil a most efferent staff of officials. I never have seen any organization which ran more -smoothly and in which I here seemed to he less waste. We also hear about adjoining properties on Ihe Salmon River side of the mountains in which a number of Prince Rupert people are .interested "and which some day are almost sure to be for tune makers if efficiently and economically managed. . Then we hear" of mines on the Hear River side in which there is preat hope and which also in the near future are bound to be money makers. Magnificent Scenery Hut. the part we do not hear much about is the magnificent scenery up the -Salmon and Hear River valleys. The round trip to Stewart, while a delightful jour ney, gives no idea oi wnat a treasure is in that .district lying upon the surface and free to all who care to take of it. The scenery on Ihe Salmon River with the Clacier. its sheer precipices a thousand feet high, its fairy waterfalls, its winding roads and beautiful trees. The view of the valley from the high est workings of the Premier surely jcaiiiivU be CJtcjelled ' anywhere." Then 'ff any Prince Ru pert citizen wants to see the niosl exquisite hit of nature that can be seen anywhere, he has only to lay over a boat at Stewart, en gage a tafci to lake him out to the Portland Mine by the Hear River and In ask the chauffeur to lake him up the trail to Ihe falls from which thai mine got Us power. If that visitor is not enthralled by the magnitude and beauty of the place, then I would hi? hope less aboul him being impressed by anything; he may ever see "Sec British Columbia first," Is a good motto, "but see Northern R.C. Is a belter one. At our doors, at small cost, can be seen Na ture al its veVy grandest and ils very best Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 3, 1915. The Hoard of Trade will Invite l'residenl Roosevelt to visit Ihe city during his wesfcrn tour. The president of the Canadian Manufacturers andothers' of the asocli1ion' will "Ke asked to pay Prince Rupert a call. Ketchikan look from the local both players on Do- minion Day, hy a score of 10 and Ihe second by a, score of 9-L Over one hundred excursionists sailed today by the Princess Royal for Ketchikan to take part in the celebration there on July 4. Reports coining to tho city from the fishing grounds arc to Ihe effect that fishing is very good on 'the Skeena. One cannery to date has put up a pack of I.0QQ cases. The private car of Ihe Ceneral Superintendent, W. C. C. Mehan, was attached to the regular train which reached the city last even ing. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John McCoy, Vancouver; James A. Miller, Mrs. M. 1L Hales, Sinilhers; C. A. Procunier, Sunnyside; K. S. Mag- ill, Winnipeg; Mrs. H. 1.. Frank and daughters, Win. C. Sparks, Terrace; Wm. II. Ross, A, J. BOYS' BAND IS CONSIDERED Stewart Is Extremely Attractive Rotary Club Refers Matter to as Resort for Tourists Says i Committee For Recommen-Archdeacon Rlx I datlon The matter of a hoys' hand -whs neain discussed briefly al tricls I could not hut ho impres- ,(, j0.,ry club yesterday and resell with something that one very fpn.Pj 0 the Hoys' Work Com- rareiy near annui whips tiiiltrn for a report at the nexi deacon Rix. Our informalionn,pPtjnfr. was introduced it!, from there tells of the Premier Mine, which deserves all that is said about It. It is not only Riving the great dividends to Ihe slock holders, but it is doing that for two reasons: The first is that it has .a large and rich body of ore, ami the second is, what even an amature can see, that much the luncheon by J. . .Mclions,) who said that they already had about a dozen boys in the Regi-mental Hand and many others had applied to join. Parents and others had shown great interest jn the proposal, A competent instructor could he assured for $30 a month and many of the par- Of the financial success is mie.n(fi o( n,e .children were . willing In the magnificent management' purchase instruments if the instruction was forthcoming. He urged that Ihe Rotary Club lake the matter up and help. The question will probably be discussed further at Ihe next luncheon. Doc. Walker, of Ihe Ketchikan Rotary Club, told the local organization that they .had in Kel-rhikan a boy's hand and they paid their instructor $50 a month. This amount was paid by the city council. Their city manager was a hard shell Welshman and it was difficult to convince him IhaK it was the right thing for the city to do. FOUR FREIGHT VESSELS TO PLY FROM RUPERT AS SOCN AS ELEVATOR IS UP. (Continued from Page One). bushels in 1921 or over ten thousand per cent Increase, No port in the wnrbl had ever shown such a marvellous development in an fqual period. Imports to Japan After telling of Ihe' expected C.C.M.M. service to the Orient Mr. Dawson showed how imports to Japan were increasing. lie had no figures for China but for that country there was also an increase. Wheal increased fromj $1,1)79,210 in 1923 to $3,831,013- in the year ending at the end of January this year. What was true of .grain waslrue to a less r degree of chilled beef, butlrr. hides and skins, dried salmon. aluminum products, electrical apparatus, lead'tind lead products, zinc ami zinc products. In every case there was a erahle increase, and that in spite of the fact that the buying of Japan was restricted hy the earthquake. Telling of the value of having ships plying out of hrrc with grain, Mr. Dawson said it cost from $1,000 to ?5,000 lo fit o-it a ship for carrying grain and this would give business (or the-mill as. well as labor In fitting them out. Other Business "This port will .be Ihe galeway lo Ihe Orient," declared Mr. Daw son, imports coming tins way will include, silk, tea, coffre, spices, saigo, tapioca, beans, jute, rice, ,and general, f merchandise. Rice" jtfas ah; ilapoftiahti cargo but rice mill ;wouii nave to he es tablished here. ThJs;Woiibb,add lo the local ;lmiiii's ,Ifj addition houses, grain brokers and others. The government and the. rail way were not in the grain busi ness but it was for Ihe people here lo see that Ihe -elevator was used Coal bunkers would be needed and that was a big business in Itself. If people here wanted Ihe grain they must- go .after it. If rock, she works around II.. Hut she always digs worms and turns 1 I worms to conic to the surface? Did you ever hear one cackle because of hard limes? Nol on your life. She saves her breath for digging; and her cackle is a cackle of triumph she's laid an egg. j Step on Gas , "When you're driving and the enjgine slows down, you step oni the gas. If your business slows; down, step on the gas; increase your energy and enthusiasm. A man never goes broke pushing his business, but only when his business pushes him. i "When people nsk me how 1 1 find business I lell 'em 'by look-j ing for it.' The fellow that saysj he can't find business is like the; guy that takes a milk pail into Ihe pasture and wails .for the cow to hack up to it. If you want; milk go after the cow; she's wilt ins." eonsid-ijsh Columbia. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to. Lease Land j In Queen Charlotte 'Land Rc-j cording District of Prince Ru-j perl, and situate about one and a half mile easj of Massett Lighthouse at the mouth of Mus-j sett Inlet, Oraham Island, Urll- TAKH NOTICH that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, H.C., occu-' nation, Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Craham Island, British! Columbia, about one and a half miles east of Massett Lighthouse at thi mouth of Masselt Inlet, firaham Island, Hrrtish Colum-j Ida; thence northerly five chains,' more or less to low water mark; thence westerly, along low Water mark one hundred and sixty chains: thence southerly five chains thence easterly one 1iun-dred and sixty chains, more or less, lo point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. -LANfiARA F ISHtXO Si .PACKirfO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Ascnt. Dated June 10th, 11123. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Recording District of Prince Ru- rkitl n til u i 1 1 1 ii I n fi I kn i f I un m Una ' ' Hie elevator was lo Junction tbry,n m.(herly direction from must go nut for the .busines..tinnilv ,lin, inaP, triinL I'rince Rupert would soon be off to a start and when it got slaried it would be impossible (o slop it. For the Knockers In regard lo the barm thai was done lo the port '.by people who were always knocking Mr. Dawson read an ilrrii which he said he Ihoughl applied here: "The calamity boys can'l pel business; and Ihe reason is that (he)' believe In calamity. A lot of us are always looping over and then we wonder why we're kicked. "Did you ever slop to think that hard limes mean nothing In a hen? If the rround is hard, fche HrralcheM harder. If IP dry, she digs deeper. If she strike a if - --- .v ..... V Graham Island, Hritish Columbia. Take Notice that Langara Fishing & Parking Company Limited, of Massed., J(.C, occupation flickers, Intends to npply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planteil two miles in a northerly direction from Rooney point, Massett Inlet, Graham. Island, Ilrillsh Col- ninhla: thence easterly five chains, more or less, lo low water tnnrk; thence northerly along low water mark one hunr dred and slxly chains; llie.iccj westerly five chains; thence southerly one hundred and iMxtyj cnnins, more itr less, io point or commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or lesd. I.AXOAIIA FIKIII.Nfl & PACKING Hummer, Halmoral; Mr. and1 Iheni inlo hard-shelled profits j J'ACKINfl CO, LTD, Mrs. Mcureaity, innipeg: Mr "Did you ever sec a Pessimistic1 Aimllcnnt ROOFINi Tui'."dH-. .Tub 3, 192". I Put Your Roofing Problem. Up To Us j Years of experience have taught us which roofings .'"look 1 good" and which are good. I We know no hetter value than Barrett Shingles.-They're . I beautiful. With a weather surface of real slate-red, green or blue-black they ndcf value to any house. And they're fire-safe won't rot or rust never need painting or staining. Low in first cost, they're lowest in cost per-year-pf-servlce. ii For a durable, moderately priced roof that . looks ei-jl pensive, nothing can compare with Barrett Shingles. There's a Barrett Roof for every type of bulldingr-. dwelling, garage, barn or factory. Come in. Let us J help you with your roofing problem. ... . J S. E. PARKER, LTD., Jobbers. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Sale by all Hardware and Paint Dealers. J Saturday Always a Big Day with us. Will be yst bigger when shared with those who take advantage of the big values we offer Tricolette Vesting In dainty shades for : flesh, salmon, mnis. Per vest length ... . iiiunier Ijugcrie, as while rose, lingular 'l;00 pr Drawn Thread Linen Vky. vard . 65c A very serviceable material fur stree.L picnic -or afternoon frocks, (iiiaranteed to wash well mid keep ils color :iQ inches. ' 'Worth SLOT). TflinyrrfSw onJ,. per yard . $1.00 Striped Cotton Crepes 4 III beautiful color combinations on white ground, nn rivalled for washing qualities for house or picnic dresses. 3d inches. Per yard ..... 45c Striped Satinettes A splendid value in this well known fabric; colors orange. Paddy, while, black; for costumes, slips and underwear. Worth It.'ic. Tomorrow special, yard 50c WEST OF ENGLAND STORE Third Ave. Phone 753 ORMES LIMITED Something Xew for the Children MAN IN THE MOON LOLLIPOPS A pure, high-class Candy in a new form. Kneh ... ., , 10o A Real Hargaln in VACUUM BOTTLES We bought this lot very cheap. ' On sale at each . . .... 55c RINEX , ;A guaranteed relief in eases-' bf Head Colds, Hay Fever, etc. , Your hioney hack Jf nol satisfied with rt-HiilU. ,Per ' .hot tic' $1.00 FREE ENLARGEMENT Uring your films and negatives in for us to develop and. print Save the coupons in the envelopes and tret a free enlargement. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 82 and 200 land Mrs. John Forrcbler, New hen Did you ever know of one per F, II Rimpson, Agent1 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Westminster. lolurvlng to death wulllng for thej Duled COWS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Botfud m Bond wider Dominion Government supem'sion Tlw Qualify Whisty of Canoda- sincel859 0(1 June JUIIU lJlll. llith. 1025, lUzu. Control Itnnnl ni liv Ilia Kiiun.nm.nt i n:i:,i. i.i- . . . - w. j , uuiuiuuiBUl Ul Ul 1 1,1311 nuiuujuia