+ INMe 1952 lor in Halls Adds tarm to Home Entrance entrance hall is primarily a pas- netween the front door and the interior of homemakers thoughtlessly slight its d decoration, LIGiTy 15 pet it day, September rf arc Decorators and architects spe- itial im cify these paints because they mr the are available right over-the- otive tail counter, with no wait for cus- on the tom mixing 1 snoute To add decorative variety to a vatieie hall, two or more contrasting hy or ligrmonizing colors may be a used Way 4 A sophisticated touch is ach be Kept jeved with salmon pink side relied walls. brown front wall around pleasing the door, off-white for wood he home~' work*and a beige floor coverine padi Less formal is a hall with ft al putty green ceiling, stark white walls, and maize and brown light in| woodwork and floor e colors Hall colors should be integrat I or ed with colors of adic ine rooms. If the hall open ; ly into the living room, the same should to unify lirec colors be used the two In both area j + i he at Adrian . tau HOUSE | PLANNING BUREAY | other 10 or 20 years? when, insulating, Accordir tors, mine ig to building cvontrac- 41 wool insulation can GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors * NEW CONSTRUCTION -“ REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS Phone Blue 293 B44 Summit STRAW HATS... are fine protection on a hot summer day . . but pretty sorry in a beating. rain, OME ROOFS... also leave a good deal to be desired when those fall rains start. Coll us NOW and be prepared for those drenchers that can damage your home and furnishings so quickly. BY & SONS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT HOME BUILDERS itd Avenue and Cow Bay Phone Blue 156 PHILPOTT EVITT & CO., LTD. BUILDING SUPPLIES AND COAL PO BOX 748 d Concrete ¢ Finest Home Foundation For healthful, basement Safe comfortable, rooms or Storage space in howe of yours, quality foun- “Quality STs aon ,,. and truction cat basement ¢on- N calls for URED CEMENT pert Cement Products Ltd. PHONE: OFFICE 60 — PLANT 564 a ane service, if properly that ft be properly installed and |US°d, however, it is common| ms a Cases are on record in the requireg thickness While practice to completely fill the a =a . — Sa ee - er sci it is preferable'to have the work | Spaces between the walls and} — vue aD s a story and a| W are still operating effect- : : se fi i 4<] Ew THE ADRIAN is a story | ieee after 50 on f ek |done by a qualified contractor, | ?°U" the loose fill between the } ini oe half building without base- + alter o0 years of s ce. | certain forms of insulation such jattic floor joints te a depth of | _ ones _ eras | BE ment, but equipped with a Because it is made from inor-|g, mineral wool blankets and|‘0Ur inches, making sure that | j ee