II .,ar Mar 1P?5 LET IT AT! Ft. 35 felgorson Block. piones 423 530 The pure wholesome corn syrup, a Standard of Quality for over 25 years ask for it! Write or EDWARDSBURG Rtcipe Book. THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL FISHERMEN! I ', ni-r your First Aid Kil ami see Mm I il is v.om- I I. . i I. : .. . . . . . , ,jiti' are miiiiv 01 niu uiing- on mioiihi nave on . .... .... i i . Kim: Af W' M" iii -iu cu. IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK V ir voni" Personal Kil yon will also need .RAZOR - SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH - ' r -,ll'f,'ies limn ii ;nid be Mire ol receiving snLisl'urliou. ORMES LTD.- Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store IThird Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1825. They are Free. Y HIGH CLASS P''-' -GROCERY PHONE 586 "BULK COCOA 'J I,... lor 25c new -I .. U CAVA ft? Washer 0t T fAUL Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarino Prince Rupert." and Dryer Hits n Wringer-, needs none. W on (lold Medal al last Quebec Inhibition over ull American and Caumlinii Machines. Cash Price $185.00; also sold on terms. Ji Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 109. r. P. KENNY - DENTIST lie in Ksliniale on vonr I )'ti YV'urk CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK I iicomlitioiially (iuui -miiei 'd. 1 do all my ow n work. This means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE UGBOATS f- coi lack. 7,35, Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phonos G87 539 Black 735 Or. G01 -1 A W FURS m;T a ... I,, i ... i i... , .... I... , i cii b' i-.il,.. v "l yarn niKor-i ihismiiii- v.. v. in "- I WfNV NHH. lorwanMhe. hnrhV , b' "OBINSON & CONS, LTD. ncr,,Rbc0iv,ng Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Ind Vancouver, B.C. r u.r.ee nr ll.H.U. Hldg 4:t-r, Louise Sl Winnipeg. . ixsa. Mni1' Iiicorporuieu iwo ! Local and Personal ILC. Undertakers. J'lio'ne lleiiniaiii. Sale at I.inlic.s' Siort Uralilinan's. Stewart. Wallace's. Ill Sweater Mrs You'll like our joall Coal Co. l'hone 7. tf St. AinlrcwV tioervly. llcgulur iiieeliny Friduyj.nl. 8, ii.ni. MelhodVst4 Uhurch liunquei, Thursday, March 1-' at 15.30 p.m. Hcinuunl HcihiiuiiIh all kinil.s. Wallace's, Friday anil Sal unlay. 01 W. Williams returned on Hie I'rince lliiiicrl yeslcrilay af-lei-ntxni from a brief (rip lit Mis. .1. W. .Collier and iluupli-li'i', Miss 11. Collier, were arrivals from Hie south on Hie Prince IUiierl yi'slerday aflenioon. I. K. Miller and T. Mason, customs iiisjiectors, arrived in Mie city from Victoria on the I'rince Iluiicrl yesterday J. Frank Itreeze, manure of llic L. and I., initio at Stewart, was a tiasscii?'er f'oiiig north on Mi'' Prince lliiiert yesterday II. W. Martin, manager of the Victoria Mine.; Mil., was a jias-seiifter limind from Vancouver lo Slewarl on the Prime Itujierl ycsierilay afternoon. .1. W. Allen, frasboal iiisieclt.i Tor Hie I in i j 1 1 Fisheries department, arrived in the eil.v from Vancouver on tlie Prince lluperl yesterday aflernooii. Capl. and Mrs. F. McCoskrie. having leased their residence on Fifth Avenue West lo Mr. and Mrs. F. Millerd, .are now residing in the Federal JJIoek apartments Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Tooth. vio have been on a holiday trip, were passengers goiiiK through oj the Prince Hairnet . yesterday iifleriinoii tin lfiir - reulrn "(o Morle Onlg, after spiMnliu? a holiday oT about two months in Victoria. Seattle" ami oilier points solllll, relllllie.l ti Iluv oily oil I lie Prince Jlupert yesterday aflernooii. S. II.- lloskilis, povernnienl aveut al Smilhers, who lias been nil a trip lo Victoria, passed Mirnuph Hie city from boat to I ruin yesterday afternoon on bin way lo I lie interior. W. C. Arnetl, head ,of the company hearing his name which is divine gravel for Hie elevator rni in In t inns here, returned -from Vancouver on (lie Prince Itupert yesterday aflernoon. illiiun Noble, Slrwart liijuor vendor, who has been on a holi- ly trip soiilli, was a passenger Koinp Ihroush on the Prince llu perl yeslcrday afternoon bound north from Vancouver. Mr. ft. Seiirerl, president of Ihe Kmpejor ..Mines Ltd. will be nek in town hi the Knox Hotel iibotil March IK, timl would like lo gel in loiieh with all unit holders, of tint. North and South ind Syndiciilo lo arrange for Ihe alloliiient of their slock. i-' A. A. Cox, VuneoiiNcr are'iileet, arrived in Hie eily from Ihe soulh yesterday and expects to remain here for sever 'H days. He will complete plans for lln building lo be creeled by .Max llleilbrouer ami also lias oilier Ibuildiiig oneralions in prospect. i New Coals and Hals. Wallace's 01 V V ANNOUNCEMENTS Knighls of Pythias whist drivel ami dance, March 2;l. Musical eveuins' in Itaptisl Church, March L'O, lo 8 ji.m. If Calholie. Sjiring is'ale, aflernoon of April 20, Melropole Hall followeil by social evening. THE DAILY NEW3 PAOR THBP.1 VI 1 New lace's. aker's Cocoa There are twenty-five to thirty different grades of cocoa beans, but Baker's Cocoa is. made of high-grade beans only. That is one reason why it is better. KADI IN CAMA0A BY MerBuker&CaLimited tSUBllSMCO O60 MoMrealCnnada DorchesIerMass booku! or choice Kara son nice dripe broadcloths. Al your service day and nilil, Arthur I'asL Phone 078. Stand, next Klk' Home.. If You'll be can Imy al for l.(0. surprised what you the new Uollar Store 711 Thin! Ave. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Shockb-y ind family are sailing tomorrow morning' on the sleamer I'rince Ituierl for Vancouver where Ihey intend (o lake up their perman- nt residence in future. A. Scott, Lloyds' inspector, ar rived from Vancouver on the Prince lluperl.. yesterday afler noon lo inspect . tin sleamers Prince Huperl ami Prince (leort?e which nre inulerjroins annual overhaul al the dry. dpek. Mr. and Mrs. A... C. Head ami family arrived in the eily from Whilehorse on the Princess Mary ' yosterday morning ami proceeded on last night's (rain lo Terrace vlieru,,Uiey wil local e.i Mr. Head was formerly a ser- turn ul In the itoyal Mounted Police. Canadian W. .1. Mnssey, provincial prior of Hie Paclfio Coast district. sovereifTH sreal priory- of Can ada, arrived in Ihe city from Vancouver on the Prince Itupert yesterday iiflernoon and lasl night paid his nllicial visit lo Kincolth preceplnry, Knights I'ciupliir. He will return south tomorrow morning. Permits for two new resi dences have been taken out dur ing I lie past few days at Ihe eily engineer's oilier. .). .labour is lo build a s:i,unn dwelling on Sixth Avenue West near Taylor Street and .1. W. McKinley is pullitijr up a $2,500. house on Fourth Avenue Fast near the Pjesbylerian Church. . The lea and sale of lionie cooking held yeslcrday arieriioou in Ihe Nurses' Home by the Hospital Ladles' Auxiliary proved n very successful affair. Mrs. Harry Alkius was -easliier and Miss 1 1 I i 1 1 i McCaul, H.N., assisted Mrs. 'Dibit in receiving. The milling donated by was deferrei of a uiali joug scl Itulger 'Cameron C.N. II. sleamei Prince llupert, Cupl. I. Monuld, Which will enter dry dock here Ipmorrow morning, will sail about Monday for Vancouver where she- will await the resumption- of double service next monlh. ft. Knox, superinlendenl en filler r', who is supervising Mie overhaul of Ihe lluperl and (leorgc,. will 'proceed soulh with Ihe IhfpcrlT He fori! Arl F.assoii left he was given a little sendolT by liis coworkers at the Hoy nl Hank, About four o'clock before the slalT dispersed Ihey presented li 1 in with a scl of four brushes. Miss Mary Curler, as having I I been iu the employ' of Ihe bank 1 longest, made Ihe presentation Weekly Cinderella Dance, Sal-' in n neat lillle speech and Mr. urdiiy uli'ht, F.Iks' Home. 50c. 'F.assoii suitably replied. H ere an ere The following; apt comment on the carelei motorist and hi ultimate fate comes from the Boston Transcript: "If a freight train at a crossing "Hits an auto fair and square "There's the freight train Where's the auto? "Echo answers 'Where T'" Trees at the rate of 20,000 a day ht.ve been planted by farmers in Western Canada during the last 20 years, according to a report of the Federal Department of Agriculture. A total of 150,000 000 young trees, the report shows, has been distributed to farmers in that section in 1905. Canada has entered into negotiations with Germany for a trade agreement which will give her the benefit of the most favored nations agreement. Exports to that country very nearly doubled during 1924 and at the close of the year Germany was practically in the position of being Canada's third best customer. A co-operative shipment of poultry to New York City, encouraged and handled by the Dominion Poultry Service, Alberta branch, brought good results. The ship ment consisted of two refrigerator . carloads of turkeys and the shippers received 25 cents a pound for their birds, the New York selling price being 41 cents a pound. Among the interesting books of the season is "Canada's Great Highway; from the First Stake to the Last Spike," by J. H. E. Secretan, C.E., (published by Thorburn and Abbott, Ottawa). Dealing with the early history of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the volume contains racy reminiscences of life in construction days as experienced by the author, who was a member of the company's engineering staff. Sailing from New York on January 14, the "Empress of France,", palatial Canadian Pacific steam-ship, began her 'round-the-world cruise, which is to last 130 days. The vessel was gaily decked with flags and filled with happy passengers eager to enjoy the experience of a lifetime. F. L. Wanklyn and Mrs. Wanklyn, were among those on board. Mr. Wanklyn recently re-ired from his position as executive assistant of the Canadian Pacific Hail way. The most novel Christmas card handled by the Montreal post office this year was one prepared for the redoubtable Colonel George Ham, of the Canadian Pacific llailwav. by a number of internationally known newspaper artists, creators of famous comic strip characters. In the centre of the card is a photo of the Colonel, while grouped around hin:, commenting on his good qualities, are signed drawings of Pa Perkins, Tillie the Toiler and Mac, Harney Google and Spark Plug, Our Gang and Dumb Dora. Colonel Ham is naturally very proud of the card. Union sleamer Chilkoot, Capl. Williams, was iu port yesterday aflernoon ilischargui lumber at Ihe Itig May wharf. The vessel proceeded to the Nans lliver lo unload cannery supplies ami is expected back here tomorrow soulhliound. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Take mil ice I bill Sixth Avenue, from Mcllride Street to Hays Cove Circle will be closed for three weeks, commencing March I ft. Itesideitls are reiuested lo get in their supply of coal, elc. before thai dale. F. W. PF.AHSON, 01 City Kngineer. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE MlTICi: l lii'iYliy iriven Unit tin tlx' 4lh i by r April iii'xi l In- iimli'raoriii'il hil.-nili Iu it 1- In tin' l.liinur Ciiiilml liixiril Tor II lil'I'll!' Ill t'l-Api'l't Iu ITISI'S lll-illlt purl Or lli'i Imllillnir kiiuwit in Hit. Purl l.lrlm-iil.i lluli'l, Kllmili-il lit Purl CIclln'hlH. i.Hircn i:lnirliiie IIiiiuN. I'rovlm'u uf lll'lllnll Clllllllllllll lipull till' l.llllN (l.'M-fllH-ll ii l.ul rive 1 5 1. liKn'k rmly-ruiir (Hi. Mlliillvlsloii i r l.ul seven lilimli i-il mill rmiy-nlx (7 tiii, (.iiiwii rjmrlutlc I'lsU-lrl. li. i... H4 Klnmn mi it rt'Klt'ml iiiup ur phi n ilt'piixtti'tt In tin' t.unil lli'lrislry Of rin- ut llii' 1 ll.v tr l'rliii-i' itiipiMt unit tiiiiulii'ri'il Unit, rur llif "iile ur lirrr li.v llii' ttUf ur I iv Hi- upi'ii iMiltle Tur t-iiii-Hiiiiiplliiii mi I lie pi'cmlxi'M. HA'l l li ill Prlni'i' Hupi'i'l. It.:.. Mil llh day ur MaiTli. IWi.-'. II I.. TIVilXT. owner. Applleuiit. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER .Milll.i: Is hereby Riven Unit on or after the Hull (lav ur March next, the limleroiiriied liitetiila Iu tpply to the Llipiur i:intnl liiiiiril Tur it lliTime In renperl uf pi'ftiiifi lielnir part ur Ihe btilUllnir ktmwii H i.iueeli'H llolnl, situate un I.ut 5, Main Sll-eet. Masfell, Oneen Charlutle Islands, In llio ui'iivliiee ur ltrltlill tiiliituliln. fur the. uah- ur Peer by the Rial or by the I tipen buiilH rur cuiiiiiiiptiun on Ihe pre. nile. Haled this I Old (lay of February, t OSS. MIPS. M. I,. ni!N. Owuur, Apiillettut, ht-,t, mi if Sunligh 1 I economy's sake I buy a supply and let it age91 says Mrs. Experience speaking of the economical use of soap. "I always keep a good supply of Sunlight Soap on. the shelf because I find that Sunlight actually improves with age, It becomes harder and so goes much further. . "With this added economy of lasting longer, I've learned that Sunlight is by far the most economical soap I can buy. The reason is that every particle of Sunlight is pure, cleansing oap--a little of it docs a lot of work. Sunlight, you know, is guaranteed to contain no injurious chemicals or harsh filling materials to make the bar large and hard. These filling mater ials, of course, arc just so much waste as far as cleaning goes. "To any woman who wants to get real cleaning value out of a soap for her money, I decidedly say, 'Use Sunlight,' and keep a good supply on the ?hclf." Sunlight is made by Lever Brothers Limited, largest soap-makers in the world. s-u t Soap FOUR NEW PATTERNS in RUGS 2 CONGOLEUM "GOLD SEAL" GUARANTEED RUGS and 2 DOMINION LINOLEUM RUGS. These two Canadian made products are Mie most sani-lary floor coverings manufactured cleanliness combined with heuuly of design make I hose rugs so acceptable to every housewife. Choose yours now from our spring stock Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street WINTER Phone 123 Steamship Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT full iroui Crlliee Itupert FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, liiicriiieUiale puiuli rucli Friday V.uu am. For STEWART unit ANYOX . WlMlhi.-siUy, II.UU p.tll THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" ! PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for VANCOUVER, via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND8. PA6SENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, H.IHI Ull. tor Prime Uvurge, EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, ill pumls Lasljiu Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckit Offlct, 628 Third A, Prlnct Rupart. llCANADIAN PACIFIC Phon 280. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway March 6, 16, 27 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle March 10, 20, 31. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 1 1 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salliiifr from I'rince nupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swinton B, ind AUrl Bay, Tutiday, I P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt 8. and Swinton Biy, Sllurdir, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON ind Nan Rlvar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Atrsnu. t. Barnaiay, Aant. Prlnca Rupart, B.O.