-AOR SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experi enced, registered optometrist. Qualified, by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods; and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WI BUY BOTTLES. Fox Farming Let CLKAKY HUO., willi their Celebrated Strain of BLUE AND SILVER BLACK FOXES Show you the road lo Financial Indep e ii d e n c e, Wealth, and True Satisfaction. AVrilu or Wire for Iteliuble Information. NOW TOD A Yl "On of World'a Largest Foi Farms" CLEARY BROS., Fox Farms, Seattle, U.S.A., 645 Empire Bldg. Member .Seat lie Chamber of Commerce. Iteferciices liradslreels. Marine .National Dank Seattle . St. Regis Qafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgarson Blook, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hour, U . Phone 68t. Open Evening! Only Fr Special AppolntmentB. COMMISSIONER WILL ENFORCE LIQUOR LAW Asks Hotelmen for Assistance but Declares Will go the Limit The Victoria Timr.s .says: Mr. Hugh Davidson, llritish Colum bia's l.iijuor Commissioner, told the. members of Hie H.G. Hotels Association at llieir banquet fh his honor that lie inlended to enforce 1 lie- Liquor Law of this I'rovince to the letter, lie. said lie was !'huilt that way" and reminded tli em likewise that those who observe the law will have others, that is another mailer. In particular regard to the bcer-by-t he-glass business .Mr. David-sou asked (lie lioleliueii fur their assistance and co-operation and promised (hem in return it fair and fearless administration. No Politics This is the. first time Mr. Davidson has met the hotelmen of the Province in a body and it augurs well for the future success of his important, task lliat a frank discussion of his own and the liolelmen's dilllcullies should have produced a harmon ious understanding and. glneral tdesirc lo see that the law is res pected in every particular. Tin' Commissioner did not heal aboul 1 1 he bush w hen he warned I;:.. I audience in plain language that neither political uliiliation nor social connections would save any licensee from the consequence of violating the beer regulations. Since be was appointed (o hrs NOTICE. All examination for Forest llainrcrs nil! lie held at liums Lake on Ma nil 31st, IVii. Application will lie rerelved up to noon or March "till by llw IU-liiri toresler, lioiirl House, prince lluxrl. from whom application furius and full particulars may be obtained, fee. l.tm. lUnullilati-c must he I'.rllMi subjects. H"l more than forty years of aire, resl dent In tlrillsh Columbia for at least on west of Uit n3 and ccintalninir 3i) nm, more or less. THOMAS MILLS 1 rent ror nt't"'L" lahsshn. NOTICE. I l THE MATTKII op AN M'PI.ICATIO.N ' for the- Issue or a fresh Cerlirirate or title ror Lola thirty (30i and thlrly-om-! (31 i. Block sevm (7). Section five r r. ! Cljy or Prince llupert. Map 0S3. naiisiarmry pnior or inn loss and de , striirtlon or the Cerlirirate or tllle rover I In the aliove lauds, liavlnir been priMlneed ! to me It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expiration or one month rrom the first ! publication bereor, a rresli r.ertirtrale or I title In the name of Edward II. Pierce. for the said land, which Certificate or j title Is dated the 30th June 1913, and is ouiiiijt-rt'u iivUil l. II. F. MACLEOD. . . lleulslrar or Tllles, Land lleflstry tifrice. Prince Iiuiiert. B.C. Januarv soth. tli) HAD BOILS ALL OVER HIM Tliwi? l wily one way to art rll uf boll ami that U by rolnr rtirht to the Ki-iit t.r the troiililr tliu blond is tlie bail blood in ii -I be maJc pure before Hie boll will illsannnr. ,BURD0CK BLOOD BITTERS rlfaiift I lie rf li-ni ami rrinocs ill the foul mailer from 1 1- blood lu a uay lliaf few liK'tllrtnes will do. Mrs. t:ha. Ilanklii, liulyis, Sask writes:-- "A few years airo my nunliami had a Irrriblc time Willi bulls, on one arm lie had 10 between tils elbow and rlt; rive on the back of Ills neck, ami several more tn different parts of Ills lu-i.lv iia j.vni-i'lliiii v lu eoitlil think nothing to fear; "but as for theJo, ,,,.., rP,lpr unM, llP ,wk n.irdork IIIimhI Hitlers, and to his surprise It completely relieved lilin of his boils. In a very short lime." D.n.n. has been on llm market for the pasi 40 years; be Mire you art it when yon as-k for it; put up only by The T. Mllhiirn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. important post as Liquor Commissioner fur llrilish Columbia Mr. Davidson has had very little lo ay for publication except to issue one or two plain state ments in connection with the development of bis plans. He has lost nothing by confining him'-, self to (lie point around which his duties revolve. His method lias added dignity and weight to lite position which he has been called upon to fill. It is a .'policy which begets respect. TENDERS WANTED Tenders are called for lite purchase and removal of the Old I'rcshyleriaii Church Hall on Fourth Avenue. Tenderers will stale price offered and will be expected to complete Hie removal of Hie Hall within a fortnight from dale oT acceptance of offer. The highest or any oiler not. necessarily accepted. Offers to he lodged by .Monday, March 10, at 12 noon with lleorge Horie, year, or (rood character and pliyelcai .ti ( 1 -noun Si-nnnl .WlllUt, Wi-mir West V CSS. condition, with wood experience ami, familiar with the practical side of loir-1, GO ring, nniuer rruisins. surveyinir aim roresi ITUUM ll'MI, ,,1111 kiio, it-OKi: Oil llii' Forest Art and able to organize work and handle nii-n. Tills etamliiitlon Is to-tvtabllali an eligible list for the licit year from which apl'iliituit-nts will be made as ranger arc. required, one rantrcr is required tiiime- diately. W. II. MaelNNKS. "Ivll Service Coiumlssloncr, Victoria. n.c. LAND ACT. Atlvertise in the Daily News, IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IRITISH COLUMBIA. I III the Matter of Hie Administration Act; I and lu the Matter or ttie folate of Jean Laurr. Iieceased. Intestate. I TAkK Ml IKK Unit by Order or lll In Ski ena Land lKlrUt of Prluce lluiwrl ; of "l,l.,ri Kcbriiarr, K-. M"!1- A.li. yu,.,!r' ."'! "" day llecorilltir IHslrirt TAKE MiTICK that George Little, Terrace. ILL'., orupation luuiberman, am: C. L. M. iJIrgcy, of Terrace. B.: oecu-p.illuii luiiilieiiiiau. Intend to apply fur liermlssioii to purchase the following lie sen mil minis, ror inouMriat sue of said river; thence follonlni; shore llm around island to point or eominenreniciit ronlalulnr Si acres, more or less. OEfinnE LITTLE and CLAIP.E L. M. GICfiEY. rnlleam LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land III Skrena Land nislrlel, or Prim-. IliilM-rt llei'ordlnir tuslrtel. and sltual aiirolmately one and one hair miles Wcr or Salvus Stilton, on Salvus Island, Skeetm lllver. Take Notice that Ituilolf I.arsson. oi i 1 43 Carlelon St Burnaby, occupation l.uiflrcr. Intends to annlv for nerinissiou ! to. Iiurrha the followlnir described land: Commeurln; at a iit planted at o. southwest rorner of Lot 1803, Salvus I was appointed viliiilul-liHlor or I He eMail- or the la'e Jean l.auer. di-cea,ed, and all parlies hav lug elallus airaiust the sold estate are hereby required to rurnish same tu mo. property vermeil. "ii or lierore uie Kisi lay or Marcli, I Hi... and all parties In Commenrluir at a mist planted at soiilli : "'ebleil to the said .estate are required to oikj or island situated near mount or mi- ' " i " r iiiniuiraiicfi- m sumKaiiuui liiver anu ivuiir near est n.nm , ."io. MUIMW A. .WATT. Offlelal Arlmlnlstrntor. Prince nupert. B.C. hated IliU 91. 1 ila '.f Tel.insrv. ttijS. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. It: the Matter or the Administration Act; and 1n the Mailer or the Estate or It. J. Bennett, iecened. Intestate. TAKE .OTICE that bv tinier or Ills Honor F. MrH. Ynmiir, made the Uih dav. or February. 11173. I was apimlnted d-mliiislralor or the estate or llw late It, J. I!.......tf .)...... I ...,( .11 ...... l.... tinted this ?sl day of february. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Mailer or the Administration Act; and In the Matter or the Estate of Charlea l.aver, iereed. Intestate. TAKE .(ITr.K that l,y Order of Ills II r V. Mi ll. Ii.intir, made the I Stli day r Krhruary, llliS, I was aiiotiiti-d Ad-liilnMiator of the estate of tins late :tiarles l.aver, deceased, and all parlies havluir claims airahxl the said estate arc hereby reuulred In furnish same, properly verified to me. on or before yt day or March. 11143. ami all name In. dftiel in tin. Maid estate are reuulred lo pay I he amount of their Indebtedness lo me forthwith. NOIIMW A. WATT. Offlcl.il Administrator. . . Prince llupert, B.C, luted tills sist day or February, m5. SPRING STOCK OF CURTAIN MATERIALS Just Arrived! Nets, Marquisettes, Madras, Cretonnes IN NEW DESIGNS. Season's Latost Dress Goods IRISH WOVEN LINEN 35 Inches wide. See Our Window for Engraved Oriental Brassware. GEO. D. TITE 3rd Avenue, The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 THIJ DAtLY NEWS Thursday Mar- h I IJ35 AIRPLANE FELL INTO OCEAN BUT NOBODY SEEMEDJBEALARMED LONDON. Mar. I- Certain resident), of the south coast ofj F.nglatid were much astonished recently when an air force flyinif macliiui- fell into" lite oceaii and the authorities showed no iindui anxiety about I he fale of tin pilot who, it was assumed, was aboard. After a while the nil- force liien ealinlv put out in a kilf and lowed Hie fallen plane lo shore. The secret then leakl'd out Hie llio machine . had been without a pilot and that Hie ac cident was brought about by the plane passing beyond Hie radius of Ibe wireless conlrolliiitr force. It Wits then learned for the first lime that (he planes seen for many weeks past circling ip Hie air over litis territory had all been without pilots; Hie control was by radio from a shore sta tion. GREATEST MEN IN WashiiiKlon if to have the figure of lite world' eighteen iricalcsl incii on its faciide. A li.il Iia jbeen inade tjtt by the L'niver.-ity of VVaslilnjHiou, u follows: . 1 Adam'-Smith, social .science. 2 Jleelhoven, music. 3 Da nl c", pcotry. i Darwin; biological science. 5 l.eutiarda de Vinei, art. G llcnjaiiiiii Franklin, iniblic service. 7 (.ialileo, (diysical science. 8 (ioelhe, jioelry. . . V tirulikj,"., iiiternalioiialv law. 10 tiulenberg, prinliui.'. II Herodotus, history. Ii' Homer, 'rorlry. 13 Justinian, law and adiuiu- slralion. Ii Moses,-l'tMiion. 15 Newton, mathematics, and pltysics. IG I'asteuiv'hicdical science. 17- IMalo', plillosophy. 1 8- Shakespeare, drama. The list is-'' inlereslinv; from its national a'sieet. 'There are three lliiglisliiiii'ii, Darwin, .Newton and Shakespeare. Scotland would elaim otle, Adam Smith, and lie- Uililed'Stales one, l!en- Jaliiih .I'l uiiklin, a .New KiuHatider of Kiil'IIsIi stuck. There are lliree uf the nueieul (ireeks llotiier, lleriuloliis and I'lalo, while l.einiarila" de Vinci, (ialileo and Dante Were Italians and Jus tinian would lie classed as a Human. There are three Hermans in the list, Iteetboveti. tSoellie nth (itilenbersr. (Irolius was a Dulehlnail and Pasteur a "ii.ii.i.. inn nr.(, niei mi i,iiiie. Oil-'., 'iir rlalins airalnst the said estate are 1 1' rPIU'lllliall. nereny required in riirnin same to ii,,,.., i.i,,, orofii.rlt ti.eirin.1 mi ,.f l..r..H. fl. m jl I ' I'" iilllll island; inenec southwesterly, approxi i iiav ..r March. os. and all iiarlle In . malely 8(iu yards; theme northerly a. (e,tm p, . .ni, are required hi proximately n yards; ihcnee northwest : pay the amount or llieir Imlcblediiess to erly approxlmalrly 80K yards; thence ! ie forthwith soutlierly 00 yards, lo ilnt or bcirlnnliiir j nn WATT niiupriHiia-an mat ixirtlon or salvus Island orrielsl AdinlnNtrator WORLD ARE NAMED Another Attempt Made to Pick from Historic Characters A new library building a; Moses came of the Hebrew race. MOVING MOUNTAIN IS MENACE TO PEOPLE IN RHYMNEY VALLEY ll.lt(K)i:i, Soiilh Wales. Mar. Ii. The natives of ItarKoeil, he-in a series of prayer services recently willi the hope of hriu.' In!-' ahout'lhe advent of dryer J wealher which il was helicvcd tain ami till the nearhy highways have heen eloyedjo traflic. Water mains stipiilyiiih' miire llian 100,-(100 persons in the Itliyinney valley have hcen hroken hy the pressure of I he moving earlh and cation. .1. Land.' BRTTJSH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1825. t Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer (iolil, $7,ytia,ati:; l0(c ' C.,(I55; Silver, !fO:,rill2,i555; I.ead, 58,t:i?,iHU ; Co.er, $ I7,i)i m. ' 00i,7.ri(;Misccllaiii'ous Mincrnls, $l,.08,2:7; Coal and Coke, $250.1,(58 iiv"'' 7 Stone, Hrick, Coinett'. etc., $311,4 15.2111 ; making is Mineral Production ' i,. '.i ''''"J ll2:i show mi W. Kin;.', port sleward for 1 1 1 Canadian National coa.-l stciiuters, arrived In the cily front Vancouver on the. I'riuce ltitiert yesterday, hi inision heiii in con ucct (1,11 with the resumption of service hy t lie uleaincr l'rince (ieori'e (ii-orfre Itryatit accoluiauicil hy Mrs. Hryanl is lu attend lite ItotmV convention at Portland as Hie reire.enlalivc of 'the local cluh. II is poside alu that Waller Vance ruuV In; 11 second rcinieiitatfc. SYNOPSIS UF L1ND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vncniil. unrenrvKl. nryeyf frown Uwln my li ir-int)tl by llrltlsli Hiilijot ovr I y'ira of tt. oil by ullrna on (lecl;lrlinc liilnli'in 10 l-wonm ltrltlfh ulijm. comll- ion.il iu-."m resilience, orcjiatlin. ml iinpruvtmi'iit for aricultura. mrpaeii. Full information com-prtilnu tWl: aliens ri'C.irillnic ire-emitlon la Kivwi In ltulllln N'n. I, Linil Heri, "Mow to i're-Hiipt Inil," copl ol vihk'li uin lie obtHlnrd fre of cliarga y ftdilrinilng the lirtmf nt of Uiimls. Victoria, U.O.. or to any Oov-ernment Awnt. KeconU will eranteJ covrrlnt only liin) aultuble for aerlculttiral iiuriOKfn, unit wlilch U not timber-iund, I.e.. carrylnu oer S.V0V board feot tier acre west uf the Coaat lUns; .nil 5.000 feet per acre east of that Kanxe. Applications for pre-emption art to b ndilrrxsotl to the Iind Com-inltiMloner of the I-nml Hecorilina; Division. In which the laml applieO for 1 altuntol, anil are inajle an prinleJ forms, copies of which Ciin bo ob-tnlnvd from the I -a ml CoinmhialonAr. 1're-fmptloiiN muat be occuvled foe five years ami Improvement maU to value of $10 per acre. Including would arre.tl the movenn'iils ofi clrrina; and cultivating at leaat five, Troedrhiwfuwrlj l.iounlain ticarl "ve't 0 M" here which has done great pro-1 I'or more detailed Information ae nerlv i1miii:il-.. nn.l l.oi-iimi- l."c ium "now 10 rr-mpi menace lo the coiiimiinily. I'rcsh fissures have itiieared at the foot of the moving' inoun- PURCHASE Aipllcatlona are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown landa, not being; Mmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum ! price for first-class (arable) land ta I $5 per acre, and second-class ((rax- ' Ins) land 12.50 per acre. Further In- i formation regarding purchase or lease j of Crow,, lands Is riven In Bulletin No. 10, Land .Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Uiidi." ' seventl l.n,,,,e,- work,,,,,, l.uvaj tlmber Unrxinr Oacr.i liet'll employeil lo make rcialrsl may be purchased or leased, the con-as rapidly as possihle. I Jtu1mnI),e.''nClU1ln'! p,ym,nt ot Seventl sections oT n newlyi HOME8ITE LEASES Constructed ninill trunk sewer Unaurveyed sress, not eiceedln 21 which cost more than i:i,000,000 j mv b Mhornslts. have already heen destroyed and erected in the firat year, title btin ill sonic places tin, pipes vvepsi obtainable after realdence and !ni pushed ':0 to .JO feet out of posi- ;nd in4 hia b ,urveved. lion. OH SERVE A3 NEST EGGS A witty author was sloiicd on LEASES For grazlnf and InduatrlsJ purposes areaa net eieeedlns; 140 aerea may be leased by one .person er a, company. m GRAZING the street one day hy a hure. of jne, t, divided into rratinar district! his acipiaiiilaiirc, who hcffutt: "f nd the rant adminlslsrad tindtr a siiv HlniiL I i I,, n.uibiill viiii ' Gr"'nc . Commlasioner. Annual sd, luunk, I want .-., lo consult 0U gr,tlng permits are lasued baaed on ahoul sunii'llijlig. I have a: numbsrs ranked, priority being riven couule oT iilims in ' inv y IhmiiI " I to established owners. 8tock-owneri '1 , I may form Mediations for rane Have you?' interposed the management. Free, or partly free. author. "Ami von wanL mv ail. I Pnnlts are arallable for settlers. ..! ... .. . . , .. oa-pera ana travellers, up to lea .ii-:. ii tu, my uiiiii: is; nrvp theip there, they may hatch." BIG end w Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304 320 Tli e Mining Laws 01 this I'rovince arc more lilicinl and Hie feus lower than 11 any oilier I'rovince in llic. lUini'miou, or auj colony in.llie llrilii Kin,,riJ m"1 Mineral locutions arc granted to discoverers for nominal fees. AIisoIiiUj Titles arc olilalncd liy ticvcloping such iuo.erlie, Hie ccurii.j 0r wi gtiiiranleed ly Crown Grants. r " Full information together willi Mining Meporls a-tl .Maps, may he oIjuhh-j g,i"1' addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF ftm Victoria, British Columbia. EGYPT NEEDS SCHOOLS CAIMO, Ksypt, Ma.r. II. -Kjiyptions who can read and write- do not uuuihcr In excess uf I. 000.000 out of a ojiulaliun of I I. 000.000, accordiiij,' to an cs-liiuali' made by the l''i;yplian (iazctlc tiiiM.-d on the cenus of several years ago. Tlin s.iinc (taper rives at aboul 1 00,000 the men wlto have li.nl higher edu Shoe Sale for Ten Days Only From Thursday, March 12 to Saturday, March H Here are five lols of Shoes vvhu h Ii c are offering lhaiit itl a price which wr c: quick. Lot No. 1 r I'.tirs I,adies' .Slippers, ir u .(i.0(l Id SS.riO. .Sale Price . Lot No. 2 .'ill Pails Cltildi en's lliillun .d , sizes from Q K Uegnliir ?:i..V. S Lot No. 3 '2 Pairs lidio' Strap Slmpc '! pi X I; (Iilllll heel. Ilegular lUMi. S.,i. p. Lot No. 4 liti I'jiirr. Indies' Suede Si i s ami high heel, in Mark, lirown ' nlar ijs.s.r.O. Sale p,ice Lot No. 5 :I0 Pitii Misses itml hi SV:r ;r Slua. i'ill 1 M ...bf i.ames Mines, apart irtim llio iiIihm' uti'i; .:::' ., give free it pair of Ladies' Silk lln-e Ut m. Ii 1 worth $1.75. Ami willi every ptin li i' ( ! from our regular slock we will ahsoimi1 g of cashinert! hose. SEE OUR WINDOWS. va I,.. i . . , .1. i . ii. ... - . lllllllll 17 Mil. 1I1' I I 1 1 I H I liese are linrguiu (neos ami ;itr ' 1 n Hjsj,lc. With every pui-rlmsc from our eg y i n t i I jaoour oros.? ua, Corner Third and Seventh. Phone K WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only 7 and 9 p.m. 1 1 IT ) Husbands and Lovers w;...., I... ....i.. ri I ... I ... if. 'i 'I'll' tli:.-, IIIIUHI l. I III I' , nil" -jj here are your hiishamls ami lovers just n tin' " v I.OVKIl, wilh llm hamly t.-,iiii,linieiil TIlR Hl1 .it.. ... . .. r: .1., .. I ;.. I.;. .. it.. .....I l,., ,inr I , . . i- mnr ' IJ 1,1 .illlt. I in, , it. in inn tliu till.., I'Mlnp ' , ilsflf WHICH im:iii iiiiirn' In 11 L'irl llii,"' f"' '' li.'iiiil is a lover, but every lover isn't a lui li:ni'l. J1"!' look that flies from a Inisl.aiiil's e.ves ami aimtlit'f "J' u lover's . This exipiisilely mutinied jdiom -I'' " ' IS '' tip on married life for every person -iiife'l'' .Something new ahoiil liusliiiiitls, lovers ami wive, w ' Inilli shown up in a vastly enlerlainiiif,' iaiiii',r c.tsl: Lewis Stone, Florence Vidnr, l.cw Li"l.v 1 Hall. Dale I'uller, Kdylhe Vorkc and olliecs. COMtTDV; "PORITinN WANTED TOPICS OF THE" Admission 35c and 10c Better Healtl Improved Appearance Absolute Satisfaction .....ii. tin Hy replacing lutiken down and mi" ,mi0r 1 sure HiriTKU .MASTICATION. Ih'lU'r Ma',i"l IIKTTMII M.ITIIITM.. Heller Nulriliou ",Ml1l'nci d IIKAI.TII, ami Heller llenllli iiisur IIAI'PIHH Ml-'H. . Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block. Phone 575 DENTIST Evening hy