ete nn” \ 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Turk Broda Replaced in Leaf ON THE ALLEYS henner oni tname . ® * . P Net Four-for-One Trad First Night Jitters Hits Bowlers | “wah ; et on Four-for-One Trade | s its as | that beat you on | ers. Top man in the)game tota : rl TORONTO Ever since At Pembroke, where the Black By ERIC SANDERSON Thursday and opening night is/| ease was the writer of this} In group 1, Hi-Jackers took | }} = f Weight and age began to catch training for the| First night jitters struck 1ever a good criterion. leolumn who roled a 1735 for|top honors for a single aan By TED SMITS for Gayle Tall | ap With Turk Broda Toronto 2 season,|lot of bowlers on opening night But, without taking away the|three games, which included ey with 1,105 and Acme Clothiers albot i sn te hem henbing of the mixed five-pin league but from those who did shine, | high ingle of 270. In the top|rolled up the highest count wih NEW YORK—Two soler rq Harry Lumley as | success I ouess it’s nearly every play-| those who lost shouldn't feel too to see some of the lady} bracket with Sanderson wefe) 3048 points 7 nn, Conflicting ide : } n the Toronto Maple Leaf goa oy = gues ais sa ies ee _| badly wi the limelight. | Vern Chea of Acme Cloth- Here are the standings at | haw e been launched by leader rs of American g agit ” r’s ambition to with Toran Remember there’s always the Al those who beat the 200! ie with 274 and Cliff Silver-| the end of the first round I They go hey 0,” he s From the time you ; lers avy Brune » SAV : Goes ernyth he dealt four pl ire bag teh learning aay At return - match against the mark are some the iia best | sides, of Lucky Six, with 292 GROUP 1—Jerry's 4, Penguin | AV€l 9 un lage Says we shouldn’t bother to keg ' to Chicago Black Hawks fo he rit g about the Leafs : ' elty Males Se Res pops 2: Oe a Harold’s see score on the Olympic Games, Douglas R : ‘hy So papas idad lamptesget .: group 1. with a total of 579 for|g9: wHi-Jackers 4, Conrad’s 0; 8 Ro bust native of Ov Sou yardner y} me ¢ he group 1, with a to : E : | : i : : Ont. tie star : plete ae the 1948 a a. vgs her opening three games. This| Orphans 4, Miller Bay 0; Thom|54YS We better: buckle down and come Up With g Betis the Leafs in TorontOlgen cs toe 2 —_ a Jincludede a high single of 241./Shect Metal 4, Bulgers 0; Acme/ ter team in 1956 or Russia will beat ys. " with the Hawks and his former ote dae phe : ” si : ’ In group 2, top lady bowler) @jothiers 3, Booth School 1. | : ee we a . ane te said “that’s not bad.” He added was Agnes Hawryluk of Canada Sep 9..Diaabaiiheibiel: Jdx-| Roby is president of the Na- ; pen, Dewrolt Red Wing I'm not worrying. It’s for the : with 253. Top bowler for GRC ae tional ‘Amateur Athietic Union.| system of 19- "o get 6 r-old sccakMans cia Rife, with 4% ; sey Farms 0; Lucky Six 4, Wad- ; 5-4-3-2-1 4, BE ; é a a best. Perhaps another style of : ads s Peggy i | Brundage once held the job but} places or ind F A three games was Peggy Thomp CCC Woodbutchers 4 ; in all events minde dS f onion <4 ales ahicee: “tidak Eee on Wy. ’ eside -|me ; g lin I hockey will help. I was lousy son with 614. CCC Woodbutch- ~s 0 : Co. 0: Shent now he is president of the In-| medals were given, Where 200 to “205 pour sometime; nder, the system 7 “ate the top ahiie See Se Northern Glass o § aoe e 3 | vernational Olympic Commit-jthe same weight | This 9, up defencet here.” . ye ‘ame totki of tant ne 4, Headpinners 0; Canada Life ‘\tee. The two are closely allie rd | nastic leak an ae gy penire ma ? Mortson, who has been a Leaf Shenton’s with 3494 was the| 900k’ Jewellers 1; Fashion | in amateur sport but realism bon 100-metre das h . Rollins ai I LY i- | aver since he broke into the NHL best in group two for the three-| Footwear 3, Pushovers 1 is on Roby'’s side. Whenever) reckoning, thy United yt gan who spen ASO! Alin 1946. said . aa ‘|men strive together people ask: | after tr; ailing most of Stat Pittsburgh Horn Toronto's ‘imectorcone trade oh’ “What happened—who won?” |rallied at the viey earl 1 eet torire eagne yur-for-on ide >} | oe Hockey I farm cle t bacad pie Brundage sounded his warn-|6l4 to 553% for Rh to s ub. FUESS 1 | € > A 5 orn, as al a a es. ee a after the games at Now comes Roby ignoring this talk of Olym ie Me _ io-igepepenmmamarete a por siiue ysis and plugging aa 5 m Toronto Box- ice ing e linto a national competition |9- fisted attack on the ‘y - * | we'll have something different | ‘N° # » nh £4 f ® } as aaa TANI than we're supposed to have. If We literally ‘won jg . EL inet : | By JACK SULLIVAN this Becomes a giant contest be oe It is true we gamg -. | : i hat cis wee 10 wre? we : gold medal tH | Canadian Press Staff Writer tween two great nations rich in|. ea al Helsing g IN THE . } , talent and resources, the spirit) ”® C8"! afford to tost a a a “| TORONTO—Black cats models opera of the Olympics will be des. | /#urels e | : = ° tea ian te od.” uman nature being 8 4 iou s singers . helicopters ponies give-away eve: is, te odes oe s a »” | he So Brundage would ignore the e Peel AOD} a « jMights... $225,000 cash for new players. Add them) ynotricial team point totals and SATURDAY OOTB 3 a5 | together and you’ve got probably the greatest hellza-|concentrate on individual FOOTE a * championships The Russians, pig FOUR—o1t . Pee ae te ee ee | poppin’ professional minor-league ball town in North oddly enough, are urging the) orig a4 sn i. 4 . — ternational Cr tee “ti ae, Montreal 12, Hamil @ figure is sure to be had at a | America In gp gored sp to seb) 39 gs . ff. ' a aie any red-head, whether dyed or} 3P °9: FORMAT Veam Champ) wry pamoni ¢ Wallace's, Styled in the latest * — woe’ — ~~ jal : ,|naturally carrot-topped, ent ant o means, rypnad ry peg 9; Calgary 30 8 bad a re ehind the .gosnh-darndest ‘ > ;want to win it—and expect to oe? oe @ fashion direct from the market, a iyear Toronto has had in its ot + Marg nt’ for }do so another time | 20 a & ak. vear ternational Leagu oronto merchants we z : : | ORFU —'T @ new dresses are arriving daily. a 7. : ton Sr Satine the idea of giving prizes, even| Before the 1952 Games, most) |" ¢0 8 Ba 24, Wind 2: a jhistory. The paid abiendance,|to the extent of new cars. The|American and some interna-| ae seated @ For every day or party use not luding the current play : ~ is . : ; ae all loff series with Montreal Royals publicity jazzed up lagging turn-|tional sports re pastors and g Wallace's offer real value. a totalled 469.325—almost 120,000/ Stiles. They had a kid's night/news services agreed on a point Try Daily News Wont 7 @| CASH AND CORN—That’s what Owner Jack Cooke depended on |Over the previous all-time rec- as & PONY Bed GOGK COG’ Be | mere renee nersene ae neni ; 1 = Lin puishen r . atten e Toroy ord of 353,247 in 1949. nee ‘ 2 Sizes 12 to 20 g| tO lure recort aking 46 attendance to Toronto | Viasseitin 4 tr ‘eae EVENINGS 10, : ; a ao : pees Be The figure was the best in the audeville acts rom + loca “VENINGS 7: 9: pm, . 14), to 24', : aes . : b Beis a ee ee Tripl A thaeei And it reversed theatres and night clubs were TODAY and TUESDAY (Adult Entertainment) 4 Z Z any g m i ( cts Lac cats 11lxed t -~ * ow : Neate . ‘ j . “a : - ey taena 4t 2 iat paid out $225,000 |the almost-general trend of delive red at home plate in con a 40 to 50 oC : psa : Ka Seen eee \minor-league ball (and some) Vertbles to tentertain the } ca A and Manager Burleigh Grimes piloted the ais | tne Sed likes Akl ; : , crowds before games 2 | s gw cas) nd Manager Burleigh Grimes piloted the Leaf major league clubs) despite th ds bef gam One night | : wi t ( ion after taking over from Joe Becker at mid- | ¢a.+ it was touch and go wheth-| 4 helicopter dropped down - in} : =| aso (‘CP PHOTO) |er the club would make the/Cemtre field with a comedian - _ . ‘ aboard. . 5 play-offs until late in the sea-|# tT 3 q Waliace S Dept Store . a mem son. “NUTS ABOUT BASEBALL” a : | ° |GOOD CONCOCTION There were nights for police- BEES RRR RA RR ERR Fi D t Y > R H If nothing else, it points up|™en, firemen, taxi drivers, ire es roys ace orses, the idea that basebali and corn ae rea a en All Gummed . are good mixers adies Appreciation yhen | Dacha ! B t Famed New York Track (ene i: 5 svee-o sos: bite imide, tne of hae, at ’ sC.und it 18 -year-olc or- ; e : oe be, ,.., | ear-rings, chocolates and alum- " 7 arn a ad C Shae a Py me es inum cooking utensils. A fash- Time Gallops 9 % Cooke w vug moding ¥ “ade as >88e in. ’ BELMONT, N.Y Ti two thoroughbred race horses |Leafs July 4, 1951, and some). Parace Was os ooh 3 burned to a inday night when a fire destroyed a barn | Mob-psychology geniuses who 2 on Saree hag Waa | Bi , : three-week mecting opens Monday made the fabulous Bill Veeck ytese as a fi oi a eee 1 wihk' eine natin ‘le iniuwed thee winw 160 Cleveland -tedians. and 64.) 9%" © SSaae of . I e saved but some so badly injured they may ; notion exploded in his well- ak : Wouis Browns fame a trifle dull, “Y’\’ XI . : A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE © acsu ‘ Gooke one-time $ll-a-week ‘@ilored lap and when the club I York’s m tam ce track | stoek e3 xchange runner, and his; “7? ear ee with fifth place—| promotion experts didn’t miss re aoe ae oa last Pee | Rae etitie wtin.. Ses seh leanne ‘ap berth—he fired manager Joe mate of valu the thor- v trick, a * = ‘ Scania : | F is Nenatads ob thcuunda os Beorte who probany dida’t Becker _and brought in Bur-| UN-MAKING pote se HIT OF THE YEAR! = khow a bull pen from second leigh Grimes wno piloted Tors | aah ctie alae” LS w ( , ; “/onto to its last pennant in 1943 ay NN art base went to the 24,000-capacity aie) G j a ies fie i They made the post-season) ya pall park on the shores of Lake YF ° » Ontario to see what went on | 5eres almost at the close of the , ae AN aes 5 en $ a e ig ain nder the Jights.. They wouldn't regular schedule A HT a ; be ‘surprised it'a.clown patrolled| Cooke paid $65,000 for a cleatt- if al daan iii ine outfield and a juggling act|ing job on the stadium this rs apy KIM nae . was held on third base season and some of it went to i ace or ennan Hard-bitten fans derided) paint this deathless sentence | “Friend Cooke and his cohorts for mix-|over each of the stadium's 10) vl Phony” wy , _ jing corn with baseball but they | entrances owe i. CLEVELAND (CP)—New York Yankees took|came back because the natilly Under these portals pass the | NEWS A Penn Pn ey attired Cooke used some of the|most wonderful fans in the | TUESD i a gigantic stride toward their fourth straight flag) juicy box-office returns to buy | world.” Hey, maybe they should | Shows 7 - 9:05 “TODAY and ie Sunday. defe ating Cleveland Indians 7-1 to increase players. Right now he owns 36) hold a Cooke night.” i i : ‘ outright and has 17 on opti ben ee MIN a st This adv shisha wick Guhitiied ox dest: nat their American League margin over the Tribe t0|to various American clubs = : Board or by the Governemnt of PBs ti (Pag andor tag ar Control 91/, sames | San Antonio, Scranton, Spokane, sat cis “ho on ee: Angeles 4. San Francisco 8,| Fulsa, Charleston cinnati Reds, Brooklyn Dodgers!) S¢attle 6, San Diego 9 JUST SLIP OF PAPER retained thei ir three game mar WIL — Spokane 2-4, Vietoria| When Philadelphia Phillie “A 3-0; Lewiston 4-10," Vancouver | pulled out their working agree in in he Vation League s : ‘t. Louis Cardinals drubbed| 1-9; Wenatchee 1, Yakima 6;) ment—and players—the Leafs i lew Giants | >alem 3-6, Tri City 6-2 hooked on to St. Louis Browns ce pi New York nants SUNDAY ; ‘ 14-4 _ SUN and got nothing except a slip : : waa cis American—-New York 7, Cleve- of paper. Cooke, who owns a The Yan all important tri-| jand 1; Washington 6, Detroit 2; Toronto radio station and New fore th eason’s big-' Boston 3, Chicago 4; Philadel- Liberty Magazine, shopped : es 19,009. put ane phia 10-6, St. Louis 5-1 around and picked up player yankees thie Up Sve fat) Na tianes Cincinnati 4, wherever he could get them column over the Indians with) Brooklyn 0; St. Louis 14, New| ‘The idea then was to fill the on 10 games left to play York 4; Pittsburgh 2-1 Phila- stands and Cooke and his front- Ed Lopat and Allie Reynolds|delphia 5-2; Chicago 0-3, Bos*! office hired help teased the pop coll iborated in pitching the;ton 1-2 ulace with screwy gimmicks Yankee victory, with Lopat get-; PCL Portland 4-2, Sacra- along with some fair baseball ing tl redit for his ninth win.) mento 1-4; Los Angeles 3-4, San On Friday, June 13, anybody | at ee ot be. Mike Garcia, who hadn't been|F¥ancisco 4-5; Seattle 4-1, San| who could lay hands on a black Sh . DRIVE IN TODAY FOR A CHECK- IP cored on in 30 innings, gave Piego 3-3; Oakland 6-0, Holly-|cat—pedigreed or alley variety » HEN up four runs in the third dur-|W00d 4-2 —was admitted free. The omly||j]] — ..-----.--------+-|--sereeceensnnneoe|anseneeeceee sees eana|enee We won't tag your car “O.K.” for winter unless we’re certain ing a four-hit barrage and was 4 iBall ' 7 "9 rn ive oe ve en ved it} ; e v i i€e “2, t a o-d. é . ner z | that it will perform right through the cold months, under ae — ee his 10th loss. H f me ae bei ‘ oe ? ik PE it TE Sas Beas bcas 4 poe the worst winter conditions. ae WO ae bn ee eee ea ee a aaa Maa g a ea aaa a aaa aan nana aa’ | Scores 5 % | | * e SATURDAY - VW VE DL. eoeestesscenswenss |e oap restr emcee at emennayesncenians case] oasers | , | American—New York 6, Chi-| ¢ § | | uperior UTG DQO@TVICE!) | caso 5; woston 4, cieveana 3: |% ‘ ; a aa. 3 A w TED ee ; | Philad lelphia 11, Detroit 5 2 5 EH ne TE Lae | rd Avenue 5 LIM] Phone Green 21 | National—Cincinnati 2, New| 5, en 3; St. Louis 5, Brooklyn 2: \¢ GE DeLuxe Push Button Range : only $459 5 Sisiinie'd vd xcrene's owls pucks c osbidiclsita tae Lae da Eaacile | Pittsburgh 0, Boston 8. | of e| PCL—Portland 8, Sacramento! § GE Standard DeLuxe Range only $389 : | | 2; Oakland 1, Hollywood 6; Los 5 GE Fl p $ | lene | — oor Polisher nl “| 4 BUSES FOR SALE | 4 only $64.50 ¢ a | . ie , i ee Maxim Gets \$ GE Tank Cleaner only $414.50 : Number of Times ....ccssscsescssssseeee Enclosed Please Find 6 rf .¢ i co { 2 i¢ ce: ee z e 3 . ‘ « / Ge Four ae ny; cae ee buses oo Reinstatement 3 ° (3c per word per insertion—e.g. Number of words 25; cost, presently in operation mmediate delivery * (2? GE W $| , : : oe » 80c:) asher . SUC can be arranaed. Real Values If He Fights 3 . only $484.00 ¢ insertions for price'of four. , Minimurn charge, . | wey ieeeber ‘ e our words K uire . : a | NEW YORK (P)—Bob Christ-|$ | Add oe POX Depiber FOR a ; For Full Information Write jenberry told manager Jack|% GE Washer with Pump only $194.00 ? } ' if ‘ Kearns Friday to bring in alg 4 | ie . . | ‘ rn nt . : | i ’ ‘ |Signed contract for the title|% . ¢ i ~/ Western Canadian Greyhound Lines | ss iss"ientharrwstt No pthorn BC Power Co.Ltd. il 8 ei eit champioi Joey Maxim and| % ; e ° , CALGARY ALBERTA Archie Moore and his and 5 bei eate |Maxim’s suspension would be| Besner Block — Phone 210 Address its ee ee Phone No ie | lifted. |% Prince Rupert, B.C, Stewart, B.C 2! 7a a | ———- ——_—|% ae bs . see sified i! E : For quick results try a Daily. News Classified Classitied Ads Fay - Saha aaa ante toM ato eMaMat MaMa MeMe Mea tataMatal aaa aaa aaa aes