Old Kentucky famed as the world's finest Bourbon whiskey. Aged to Perfection. A iimo honored friend of yours Soups made with OXO help digestion -warm through and through and make the whole dinner taste better. No trouble to make with 0X0 Cubes. Use 0X0 Cubes in place of stock and serve a consomme that delights with its flavor and provides rich nutriment to rebuild body waste. ChiJdrn'ipinting book ant Ire, on receipt of four OXO Cub wrapper, bjr On limited. 232 Lemoin Street. Montreal, Que. J lni,nsof4-5 I0'30 THE GREAT BEEF ECONOMY The Daily News w PIIINOK BUPEBT - niUTJSII COLUMBIA Piililishnil livery Afternoon, except Sunday, Hie Prince Iliipert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRX, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION One Secret Of Vancouver's Success. One f Hi" secrets of purpose iif llu residents, talks fur Viiiicniiver, argues JsjD Tuesday, .lanuary C, l!)25. Vancouver's success is the unity of Everyone there pulls fur Vancouver fiii' Viiiiciiiiver and dreams of a del Icr Vancouver. Then- is un lialf-liearledness aluiiit their allegiance In their own town. They are proud nf il and let everyone know it. They make light. of its drawbacks and arceiilunle its g-tind ioinls. The result is Dial I lie city increases in size and influence. - The same thing can he done in connection with Prince Hu-jierJ. Those who have been here only a few years ami who mile lhe; improvements can have mi 'hesitation in looking forward wilh ciiiifidence to slill greater improvements' in the few years In enme. Some Feel Sure Of Rupert's Future. Visitors to Vancouver recently, say they were surprised In find Hie people in the south very optimistic in regard In the future of this city. They say that Vancouver people seem even more optimistic than do some of the local residents. There is a growing feeling that the change for vt lie lietter has come and thai if we do our part we shall have prosperity from now on. This change on the outside is something rather new and has heon caused hy (he realization that there is hound to lie a lug city hi northern British Culnmliia and hahility Hint it will he on Kaien Island. Need Of-Nice Little liy the extreme pro- There will he n lol of new' houses needed here Ihis Mri..ff ami so iai;4iiere noes noi seem in lie any move to provide Ihein. At present a niinilier of people would bring" their families here if they could, find suitable Imuses. I'ive and six roomed cottages are in greatest .demand. They niusl Jie well located, not loo far out. A dozen such could lie filled within two days if Ihey were available at present. Whether Hie rents would prove reniuneralive is for the people interested to rigure. Of thai we know noUiing, All we know is that there is a demand. New Mill Owners Will Approach City. The new owners of the Prince Bupert Lumber .Mill announce Hint they will be making a business propositi to the city in the near rulure and that they will then ask for fair treatment. If we guage' the feeling of the people here aright, we believe they will be ready to treat the mill owners reasonably We should all like to see the mill being operated once more anil If there is anything we can do to make Hint possible I we shall be ready to do il. , Steady Return Of British Money. II is taking the world a long lime lo gel back lo a pence bans following the great war. Many, Miuiilrie f Europe ,-,. sldl having rinanrinl difficulties., (.real Britain, a one of Hie countries most affected, has mn.ta l.e .p.ickesl return finnnci'-ally and the result y ,al lo.lay Sterling is selling almost al'par on thjs sue Hie Atlantic. Normally tlie.piiuiid is worth S,,Xo",-:i ...iM ,i .-un i.t, ii wjis ipmieii ai ..,(..ii,-duly ten points from Lveii in peace the price of Sterling varies, dropping now Iben several points below par. Named for the state and truly great n I II OldKcntucKy Bourbon Whiskey OTTLCD IN IOND UNDER rUL GOVWNMOfT WKJtVIMON This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Onvernment of British Columbia. par.: and the DENIES HE GAVE HIS CONSENT TO SEWER BEING TAKEN OVER .1. W. .McKinley appeared before Hie city conncil lit protest ngainsl n sewer built aiul owned by him being taken over iy Hie city council wjlhout his knowledge til' ClIIISCIll. Heading Hie report from the I lady -N'ews of .Hie council's derision lasl week lo lake over the sewer, .Mr. .McKinley suggested (that sharp nii'Hiods had lieeu ap-jplied ly someone in pulling the iinaller before Hie council in Hie llighl llial il had iieen. II was I incorrect llial he liad given his permission, lie did not inlend lo give over for Ihe benefit of Hie public . willioul some ennsidcra-lion a sewer llial had cost him several hundred dollars. Al! lie asked was thai Hie sewer be given back lo him as a mailer of justice. Major Newton and the members of Hie board of works assured .Mr. McKinley llial. in tak ing over I lie sewer, there had been no intention but to give him fairplay. II had been understood llial he had approved of il being taken tiver and, if he did nut, the council hail been misinformed. In view of Mr. McKinley s contentious, it was derided on motion of Aid. .Mc.Mordie, seconded by Aid. Casey, to rescind Ihe nun ion in inKc Hie sewer over The Man in the Moon 1 YS:- tiii: people secured furs worn by sonic city are said to have been by fkinniiis oals. A SCOTCHMAN' went lo a cabaret in Vancouver and now he says be will have i save for Ion years In make un Ihe nrice. TIIK person whose business is not a pleasure will soon have little of cither business or -M ON ICY talks hut Hie saiiou aroiiiiii . liere seem very loud. keep happiness lo himself. eonver- oes nnl r.VKnvHOHY is Vslillfalkiiig about Ihe Wonderful, lime Kiev nad. J licy iliv still living in Ihe pasl and Iryin? lo forget how they will carry on until the next pay check arrives. TIIK..Ialest name for a loaded llask 1.5? "a kick in the pants," KYKN a selfish man cannot W(tMK. will get men's wages in lime possibly next Saturday night. v SOMF, people, arc so awkward Ihey .do not know what lo do with their;. hands when idaying hridae. TIIK man wilh brains usually pels the merry ha. ha. from those who have none. Til HI. K. Is one thing, in the woi ld that liiiiiiejv Avill wnrit buy and that Is Hiivr.gnt tii stand In Ihe bread lino. ; VOU may have- heard1 rif Hie old maid who refused In alb.w Ihe mob to lynch a man in licr tree because she said she would not have any man hanging a round, her . house. TIIKHK is seldom any argu-l nient as lo who shall gel. up first in this kind of Weather. The woman is me poor sullercr. Slu has lo lie in bed. I TIIK man is apt lo lie in bod wlfen he retires at loo lale an jhoiir. What else could he do iwhen his wife asked questions? WIIKN you are out fisliinc llu lino k seldom busy, dilTering in I thai respect from the ordinnry i telephone. I Ten Years Ago J In Prinr- Rupert I -H January 6, 1915. Several men of Ihe first Prince. Illiperl contingent have been deluded In reinforce the Prinrest Palricin regiment. 'Ihey will leave Willows Camp al Victoria fur Ihe front Hiis week. Tonight there will be a patriotic, enlertiiimiienl in the llin-press Theatre. Canon O, A.'Illx THE DATL7 !.C7' January I'lie Trades ?lms endorsed Remnants A. lug variety of very low priced Bcmunnl Scrims. Voiles, While d ilon, (irey Ciiltou (Singh Prints. Mibbuns, I'nilirnid. ry, Flouncing and Laces. Ladies' Special and I.almr Council Aid. Kerr, Aid. Maillaod, Aid. Mouljrnmcry, John Mcholl, Frank Deny and Waller Shaw as aldermanie rmididales til Hie forthcoming municipal elect ion. AIR MAIL ROUTES IIAMIIFItn. Jim: 1.. London, Amsterdam, Hamburg and Mnl-inoe, Sweden, will be linked lo. grlher early next yenr by a daily air mall and passenger service. F.nBllsh arid Herman machine will be uued. 11I mis. Ladies' Flannelette Nightgowns, round neck and long sleeves. Meg. $.07. Sale price $1.25 Ladles' Figured Crepe Nightgowns, in pink ami mauve, round neck and short sleeves. Meg. !s:i.lr. Sale $2.25 Ladies' Monarch Art Silk Hosiery during the sale 1u sell for 75c Ladies' Green and Brown Woollen Heather Penman's Hosiery. Meg. Sl.2.1 and I. :!.". Sale price 95c Ladies' Woollen Crepe Skirts. Meg. iMI.nn. Sale price $3.75 Ladies' Blouses, Knglish I roadclolh, in white ami natural color. Prices .'!.:')0, $."1.00 and (.5II. Sab-price .... $2.75, $3.85 and $5.25 Ladles' Sweaters. Miuiirrch latest creation in Hie latest shades; Ihe VWiety is too big to classify but we offer 25 per ceitl discount on all our slock of Sweaters. Ladies' Good Quality Voile Blouses, trimmed with Val. and Filel Laces. Vaiues from $5.50 to $lt,75. Sale price $4.25 Boys' Specials Boys' Nightgowns. Bog. l.25 and $1,115. Clearing sale v prittiv . 95c Boys' Pyjamas. Beg. i2.25, Sale price $1.85 Boys' Monarch Heather Sweaters. Size 2(1-110. Sale , ; : price;. .., $1.50 15 per cent discount on all our stock of Sweaters. Boys' Mackinaw Coats. Meg. S.50, Sale $6.50 MERCHANTS TO SEE MEXICO II AM11I 11(1, Jan. ('.. A parly of flerniau inerchaiils and nianii faclurers will leave here Jifnn nry .'II for Mexico, where Ihey will he given an official welcome. They will lour Mexico for 1" days,, visilinjr Ihe indiislrial. mining and oil region nf Ihe republic. The travellers will land at Vera On., but their return nip will he made through Hi I'uileil Slates. Dr. Marlel'i Female Pills Rtv. M.iitnl n.tur. thmi.ende rM..l..thalf criiiurr. correc. nr e.u... nuiitiitio. un J ilrenilhenlnr orn. rellcvlnv IlKLAVKn nil I'AINr'UL MENSTRUATION, Nfcll. VOUSNE8S. IIACKACHK. DIZZINK8S, ete nodenirprouidruir.. fiiililanlvin ki.u. i i Cover TIN UOX wilh ouril(ntur.. Uruir.'t, I"." Z f. fr Jireel by mail, i.laln irk.r. 00 I.i.r.aflect.1 t,m,4f .rail., I... Circa l.r aula. r ve., ri r. nnl St., e r.aeeii. Tuv il.ty. January fi, 103. earance OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7TH, AND FROM THE LIST BELOW YOU WILL SEE THAT THIS IS THE LARGEST CLEARING SALE WE HAVE EVER CONDUCTED. EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE IS REDUCED WITH EXCEPTION OF A FEW CONTRACT LINES. THE REDUCTIONS VARY FROM 15', TO 33 1-3. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER, YOUR DOLLAR WILL STRETCH AS MUCH AS $1.50. SJwe Departrrtent Exceptional Bargains Men's Hip Rubber Boots. Heg. 7.7,"i. Sale Price $6.35 Men's Knee Rubber Boots, Itiiniiuiou make, red sole, guaranteed. Meg. $:.?.". Sale Price $4.75 Men's Rubbers. Meg. I.m. Clearance Sale Price $1.33 Boys' Rubbers. Meg. l.:t."i. Sale Price $1.10 Ladles' Rubbers. There is only a limited number (. Ii; sen for 50c. They are medium heel only, sizes from (ii S. Boys' Heavy Shoes, red sl'lch, sizes S to IiWj. Beg. -::. T r Side $2.85 Boys "Leckles"' Red Stitch. Sizes from j-TMt. Meg. 5.7.. Sale , $4.50 Boys' Multiwear Heavy Wearing Shoes. Sizes from I In 5 'it. Beg. 'i.7.". Sale $3.75 Girls' "Leckle" High Legged Boots. Meg. $T.1T. Sale Price $4.50 15 per cent discount on all Ladies' Shoes and House Slippers Men's House Slippers for $1.50 EXTRAORDINARY OFFER 25 Pairs of Ladles' Slippers and Pumps, to clearv a I $2.00 25 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords, , assorted sizes. Iteg. In ST.. "id. Sale $3.50 I Children's Specials Dr. Arnott's Children's Sleepers. Sizes from I -7. Meg $l..x: and S2.IMI, Sale price . . . . $1.50 .ami $..G5 Moodies' Hygelan Fleece Lined Children's Sleepers, sizes from 2-7. Meg. price I. 'HIV'!' I.7."i, Sale price $1.15 and $1.50 Children's Combinations, Penman's ii.'i. Sixes tip In .ill. Meg. :t.::. Sale price ... . '. . ... $2.50 Children's Combinations, Penman's tlVAfzes L'H lo Meg. l.:i:. Sale ... $1.75 White Cotton Children's Nightgowns." Iieg.'l.2."i. Sale price 85c White Flannelette Nightgowns. Meg. t . :ir. Clearing sale price 05c Navy Blue Heavy Serge Bloomers. Meg. .$1.11:1, Sale price $1.25 Children's Ballantyne Woollen Mittens. Beg. ti."ic. Sole price 40c Children's Ballantyne Gauntlet Mittens, in cardinal navy. grey, brown ami white. Beg. 75c. Sne60c Children's Touques, all colors, 75c, thle ami l.ir. Sale price 60c, 75c and 90c Children's Heavy Rib Black Stockings. Beg. .'tic lo 7-V. Sale price, :t fur $1.00 Infants' Black Woollen Cashmere Stockings, Penman s "Little King." Beg. ,0c and ."inc. Sale i p;ur-for $1.00 MEN'S SPECIALS Men's Penman's 95 Combinations. Meg. S5.50. Sale $3.95 Men's Heavy Woollen Ribbed Shirts' and Drawers Meg. !s2.tu a garment. Sale, per suit $2.95 Men's Fleece Lined Vests and Drawers. Meg. 1.50. Sale, per suit ... .. $2.25 Men's Heavy Working Socks, 50c. Sale. : pair's Tor $1.00 Men's Overalls "Iron llursc" Brand. Beg. $2.75, Sale price $1.85 Notion and Yard Goods Specials Extra Good Quality English Gingham. Beg. (lor and (15c. . Sale price, 2 Vj yards fur $1.00 27" Gingham. Beg. :15c a yard, Sa, '1 yards for $1.00 Light and Dark Color Print, :i() ami :2" wide. Bcgj)5c Sale, . yards Tor $1.00 Dark Striped Flannelette, :i(l" wide. Meg. :J5c. Sale. yards for .'. . $1.00 Ticking. Meg. (15c. Sale, 2 yards for . . ; ... ... $1.00 8oz. Duck. Beg. 55c. Sale, 2.M, yards tor $1.00 Vieyalla Flannel, plain while amf pink and blue stripe. Beg. $ I. ('m ami $1.75. Sale price $1.35 Canton Flannel, Uc a yard. Sale, :i yards for . . $1.00 White Cotton, :i(f wide. Beg. ;t5c. Sale, , yanN fur $1.00 Grey Cotton, .10" wide. Beg. :t(lc ay mil. Sale, 5 yards for $1.00 monarch Floss and Dove Yarn, 1 oz. balls. balls $1.00 Monarch Down. 2 nz. balK, hall fur .' . . Crochet Cotton, all colors. Beg. 15c a ball. Sale. :t .', .. $1.00 It balls ft ii- $1.00 Jabotir Brothers, Ltd. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. will be Ihe speaker. Proceeds will be used to provide ciuiiforls for Prince llupert overseas 1 GET IT AT!l 29 I ,1IGH CLASS I 1 1 PHONE 586 I I NEW YEAR GREETINGS WITH ALL GOOD WISHES. I "",,a4aJTe4TJT4aUaBMHH