1 k pack two tiik DAir.7 sews v Fi-: Exquisite Flavor I! is drawn from every leaf of SALAM The Daily News I'RIXCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA hinmeiil n H8D0 It is the most delicious tea you can buy. Try it &. be convinced. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited Third Avenue. . F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery by mail or carrier, per month St.no By wail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in .advance, per year .$0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.."0 All ndvcrlisipgVehonld be in The Daily News Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received .subject to approval. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 . 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOK Friday. April 2 J, Killing Of Fish By Passing Seal Herds. Just now the seal herds are passing up Hie mast and this is Hie lime when the salmon are returning. They have not reached the rivers yet but quilt; likely Ihey may be outride' where the .eals pass and may be devoured wholesale by. the herds Iravcl-Jing toward-Alaska. Al any rale it i very clear that while pass:-Ing our shores Ihe seals consume many tons of fish annually, fish I hat would otherwise be caught and w ill add lu the prosperity of Prince Rupert. That i- jusf one additional .reason why the seal hunting should he thrown open after next year. American Constitution And British Empire. Dean Inge of St. PaiilVtCalhcriral, London,. England, usu ally known as the "gloomy dean" who is visiting Yale sily where he is delivering a course-of lectures In he tud'ii?s. says the twn greatest achievements j f history are the American Constitution and the British Empire. Doubtless he put the American Constitution first out of respect- In the people with whom he is visitiifg. The dean often says things (hat are a little startling n:u sometimes" they are true. It would seem 'that he tifleu avs unconventional things just to set his hearers thinking. At jnnv rale he is the mosC spectacular of -all the., church digiiilarif of the establishment. DiHjJilless lie will enjoy Jijs, visit .'at yale at Ml Ihe students also will enjoy it. Hisvisit wilt help to remeu the meiMlhip that already exists between that nation and the British people, including Canada. . ' . . One Senator Is At Last Awake. One nf the Canadian, Senators at last has .an original idea and is uwake to the fael that he is something monMhau an "Inmate" of the Canadian Old Men's Home. This time it is a man named Lynch Staunton, who proposes to reduce the, rvpr'eseii-S tation in the House nf Commons. Possibly Ibis is a slap hack at Hie proposed interference by the Commons in the- const Him lion i r the "Senate. It was hardly to be expected that the Senators would have had enough energy-to fight back. They have never iir the past shown any indications nf activity except in trying to stop the wheels of progress from turning.' r , ' Lynch Staunton would have the basis of representation changed. Al present Quebec always has 03 and naturally if the rest of the country increases in population there will in time be, a House nf Commons as big and cumbersome as that of (ireat Britain. The big families of Quebec have su far Iwen the factor that saved the situation. The difficulty with the scheme is that Quebec will hardly agree to,- reduction nf lier representation. While there mav lie! mtire members. of Parinuiejit a. .present ;Jhanj eeiri necessary. I when ynu Innk at m 1tef4fa that they could not well be increased to any extent. Skeena ' for example, lakes in Queen Charlotte Islands, pnrtlaifd Canal and Atiin Mining districts south to Iwyoml Ocean Falls and, along Ihe line or railway to somewhere around Endako. All that has to be looked after by one man. If the representation is! v to be reduced the size nf that constituency ninst be increased.' Thai would hardly be reasonable. Direct Shipments From This Port. The era of direct and to the Uiiitel Kingdom and other pads of Ktirope seem to be npproaehing. feW shipment have al readv lu"i'ii ni!iil. I ... 4 slill most pnluet have lo go by way of some oilier port. Yesterday Francis Millerd drew attention to the advanla-c il would be u him tn make direct shipments, simifthiiig that huddles will be done another year. A Lesson in Success Teach your children to save. Open a Union Bank Savings Account for each of them. Let them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own deposits to him. r mmtit tomd t iwu i' thm uringt hmbit fPDOODO : wk UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manager MOTHERWELL ON FISHERIES Tells Rotary Club of Condition of Industry and Danger of Hasty Policy The value of the fisheries and Ihe present favorable condition of Ihe salmon market were meii-lioned yesterday by Major J. A. Motherwell, chief inspector of fisheries for the province, in his address tq the Hol.iry Club yesterday at their 'luncheon. After tin; war the canneries hail suffered considerable loss lit)! last year so hie of J hem were to retrieve those losses. This year, the inspector said ti poor socReye year was anitci- paled luil no one could tell what was going to happen. They may hi all mistaken. The difficulty' in making prophecies was that no one knew what happened to the fish while they were at sea from the time when they left 1 lie river until they returned. If all the fisfl were four-year fish It Would not be so difficult but st mie of them live five years. There was a I way : deprpid for ockeye luit Willi other varieties it was different. . , With Hie demand for salmon increased, intensified patrol wa-s lesiralde. Every salmon which was not' personally escorted by a fishery officer would be out of luck this year. Enemies of. Fish Speaking of the enemies nf salmon', .Mr. Motherwell said they were constantly trying to improve the ."pawning beds and dso remove obstructions from Ihe streams. At the sessions of the fisheries commission they had been asked lo destroy eagles, liear.frulls,,. dolly varden. trout, ducks and other creatures which it as allege'.!' killed off 'the salmon. They had killed off qiiau-lities of sea lions. Last year 2.-70(1 were killed and people in the districts" affected were appreciating the results. f,,ivinK..jn instance of misinformation supplied to officials 'W'dJljk'rnnK' demand for killing of ..supposed enemies of fish, Mr. Motherwell mentioned what happened in (he Mississippi ittver.Thc supply of mussels dim inished so that, it was difficult lo fret a supply for. the button factories there. It was asked that the government eliminate Ihe foarsefish. They set the .'Xperlsi to work to find out if that-action .. would be correct iney iook some or Ihe coarse fish and shut them in-tanks and watched Ihcm. Soon they discov ered that Ihe mussels propaga ted at Ihe base of the fins of Hie coarser fish, so if the fish had been destroyed there then would have been no mn.isfls. litis showed what care was necessary in determining, in Kill nlT any inimals nr birds which it mifdit he thought were injurious. Major Motherwell mentioned Ihe sealing treaty and expressed as his own opinion that there was jonhf Vhetner the treafv would he abrogated or not. lip ralher thought it would not. NOT AT ALL PLEASED WITH .AMERICANS WHO SEIZED THEIR STEAMER Engineer Says Employers Treat ed Them Well by Paying Wages all Time VICTORIA, April 2t. Dillerly resenting the seizure of their ship, which Ihey stale was 13' from this port to the Orient r',llps from shore when the American authorities took her, seamen or the sleatner Quadra are reluming lo Canada. In the service of the Canadian-Mexican Shipping Company they wereem-j DO YOU COUGH, COUGH ALL NIGHT LONG? j Terribly dlMresMn ami wearing Ihe ie)Hlu it I In- fiuul) ni.u nnw uu It' Present lljki,t aill j-,,,, rrtiii; i-uutii ill niiriu loiitr ami run' I (ret In lcp i DR. WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF Mr. John l.ymait, Kntirprie. Out., write: ".Uter Iwvlur Ia1 vtiiwipinit mil lih I mntrai'lfd tiroiwhill-i, and for day and nl(fiH"l ,nnijlxd rmitlJiuilly, .nut fuiilil (ret no rest ir lUwp, bill after Mklnir hih txiitlf nf rr. WVmrt' Norway fine Syrnp I round treat rHlef, and after liaWiia- taken leveral .Ixillkyi 1 w relieved of in'r trmiljle.1' ' ThU valuable cnM ami routh rpmily ha liprn uu the markft tor the pat JS yer; ynu rinn't pxpcrinifnt when ynu buy It: put up only by Tim T. Mllburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. pride of how sailors of the (Juadra were treated ihy their employers who gave them full pay and a shore-living allowance wnile Ihey were dclained in San Francisco. scoutsTresented " FIRST AID PRIZES Anyox Boys Examined by Dr. Learoyd and Made Good Showing ANYOX, April 21. The Jmy of the first cout "troop to h esialiiisued in Anvox. and who a I tended Hie First Aid Classes conducted by Kdirar A-hlnn throiihoul the winter months, were examined by Dr. Learoyd at nyox general Imspital. T.ie boys proved lo the salisfae lion of the doctor hat Ihey had at tained considerable knowledge in the matter of adiuinislcrin? lirst aid and had been well instriicli-d by Mr. Ashlon.' He enmpliment ed the boys on their interest and Ihe excellent manner in which they had profited from I hi in slniclion siven them. T.he suc cessful h.ys in the examination were Willie Cloke. Tom iray, Tom Cloke, Charlie Drijthl. Karl (iray. Stanley Sawrey and Willie Watson, hach one of these hoys has now been recommended for the Junior Hed Crns Orlificale In the hoys .irtitainiiijr Ihe highest marks. Mr. Ashlon pie senled prizes the-, prizes beim stijipiied Ihrnugli the' generom:y of Mr. Ashlon and several of hi friends. To Willie Cloke, w ii was first with the highest marl-, a walch was presented, while Tom and Karle (iray who tied f ir second place, each received a scout knife. The Man in the Moon ; THC liltle flurry of snow yes terday was just In let us know that a few swallows do mil ma.'.e a summer. The swallows ar rived last week. TIIK height of generosity j proincuous kissipjf r .IOJvKS aVeiail gliVf u see' I MMiu'fjrhe; HiflicullyT- lihl . Kianfr luyh; reljak on Ihtsli 1 r-.. -i WE all like spring but 'wish it did not affect the trains. IF we Till slowed down in spring like ihe trains, there would never he any business carried on. SOMK people are always Jelling us we should in m be natural ami yet when we art like hogs Ihey don't like it. TIIEHK are a lot nf people worrying today to see how Ihey ployed on the Quadra until she! may keep down Iheir income tax- was seiezd by coastguards. Cant. Oenrtro t-Wil ami ntlif era ! t- '---. ''.- i- .i .o- of ijie Quadra were sentenced In various term of lmprlonincnl by the Han Francisco courts.-and have since lodged appeal. 0. Winterburn, a young engineer who has been in the employ of the Canadian-Mexican I Shipping Company,, ha returned to Victoria. He has been In San Francisco and Los Angeles since early (lelober. In his opinion Ihe high-handed methods of Arneri- Ten Years Ago tn Frinra Kupcrt April 24, 1915. SI. George's Day was celebrated last nighl by the local Sons Of Kngland with a whist drive and dance jn . K. of p. Hall, (ieorge Hill mid Iterl Squlren were inaslers nf ceremony and gue included S. J). Macdonabl c.n in seizing lifpior-laden hIiIik and Cenrge P. MeColl represenl-otT the California wiasl are ex-4'ing the SI. AndreVu So'iely. Thn Iremejy tinjusl: Icommitlee in charge consisted of Kvery member of the crew ofjdeorge Hill, Harry Hircli, Sieve Hie Ouadra swears that the shlp KIng, H. I)ariori,"'Mr; Slocum, .1. was J3 iijje off-shore when I Day Hell. C. F. Kemp, A. Silver she was seized. sidcs nnd T. Silversldes. Mayor Mr. Winterburn spoke with Newton was anions Hioss pre- ent. At a meeting held today of Ihe city council and board of trade finjieries committees, il was decided, on motion of (. W. Nick-ersnn, seconded by W. K. Fislier, lo ask acting Premier Dowser, wjien Jje visits hern next week, to set aside pari of Ihe government wharf for I he use of the SMITHERS Mr. and Mrs. D. 1". Hall moved; pilo Iheir home on Tlurd Aeuue' liiisl the beginning of Ihe week.! Vic Williams was Ihe success-i fill applicant for the position, in Ihe local office nf Ihe Forestry; service and sjarled on his inw' duties on Monday. I II. II. l-'lenmg of Portland is a business vistlifr In town, havng jus returned, from a Iriii lo Man son Creek ,whre he slaU.il a niimlier of mining leases. Miss Durham nf t sk is spending a few days in 'own ihe gue! of Mrs. .las Ken. TENDCRS FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Nolle, to Contrition Sf A I.F.I) TKNIiKII rur llm .unlrurtkin' iMIIir-riMI lirtni r. iiiiiin iiin - ur-i u- unit. vmlii.. will ijf roivlfpil at 4tiawa, oniarlu. until Noon of Monday, May ISth, 1926. Injilrm IhiII 1m- x-iit III an 'ipaqii M-lfl enrdinx' nmrkiit "TriHler for fli-nin icipvalur'' ami aildrrHMsl t Mr. V. :. T. iilHrn. Heiiiy Mliiutrr. Ilemrl-liK-nt (if Trwlc ui l4uMHrn. IMIiwi. A Jump UHi Ciw Ihi- rk I ilo-lrcd. An arreiileil hank rlu-nu fur l'!ft TlHKjMUkt MilUr ( iil.iiuii.dll iiudr pay- j able tu l lie MlulfliT nf Traile and i.imii-nwif. HMit arroiBjiitny rarli lenitwr, ' wlilili ujii will lif rmTf llcil ir tU (nrlr lenrtnnir 4wlln-i lo vnlrr Inl'i a rimlrarl j fnr I lie vuik uii lh- iriu auird In Wi! ti-nrtr. Thi- rlirqnea "f iiniirreisrul li-n-j in-rer Mill le n tnnied. Tin- rhciiue f 1 lltr nri ff ul li-urtefci- will 1m it-uliwd, as srriirlljf fur llm our rHirHiifiit of ln iiUlrart to be entered: Into, nr rtiequi- majr ! j-eiiliK'nl with rciulvalent par valne f ! Iinril nf rlK. fulnlK) f tanada) . , j ' 1'lnii. -srn-rtrtmUoifci, and' all' tiw-Mrjr liirfii-iiialinn iricardiiij? tV nini'd work may In- (Stained frnni C. I. iMwe k ijijiipiiny, oo-iit t Intr Knulni-eri. WMalrn' UHlliUur. furt Artbilr. i tularin. Ix-pii-ll' ut one llnmlri'4 hollar a ino.iifl is re-' qiiln-d for plan and MMTlfieatliiDs, jlfn,ll to be Teinriwd mi renini nf frtsri and sH'Hrii'atlin In mmd i-nndMlon. i The luwent nr ani ti-nder will not ltertarJ)' lie aeerHed. , Hr order. I. T. O'lltllA. rieimly Minister. fiepartmenl of Tr.Kle mvl tiiuiiuierre, 1 Ottawa, April 9Ui, 1UJ.-,. POPULAR PRICES 9x6 - $9.75 9x9 9 x 7J - $12.00 9 x 10J 9 x 12 - $19.00 Third Avenue and 1st Street ''. Ail.-; ... BRITISH C.OLUMBI The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. Bus produced Minerals as follows: Placer Cold,' $707,102,203; ,,e r.3i,or.5; Silver, $03,532,055; Lead, $58,132,001; Copper; - J?t.0 tn.nOK : V,, ' t)0'i,750; Miscellanenus Minerals, $1,408,257; Coal and UA? .$250,!liiS. t , ,f Stone, Brick, Ceinen. etc., $39,i 15.234 ; making its Mineral -Prnduetion i., '11)23 show an f Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The ..Mining Laws rif this Province are- more liberal nnd thn fees, lower than any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Uieilrittsh Kmpire Mineral locations are granted tn discoverers for uorniii.il fees Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the secunh h i. guarauleed by Crown Grants. 1 "nil information together with Mining lti!jrl an! Majst may be? nblauinj t addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Mines Victoria, British Columbia. Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Hone Hrnsh used in brnli imparl tone and vigor and stimulate the -r hair. A oplcmlid head nf strung vigorou-its cnjiM-lcnt use. We have a shipment nf Whale Hone lb direel fnun the manufacturers in Kngl.-i particularly good ipiality and low in price i From $1.25 Up. Thev have nice backs and the Wli.dc lis up well under use. Come in and make v.. Our plant is equipped io handle al! kinds " MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 3F if. ORMES LIMITED . The Pioneer Druggists The HexJl Store 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK -SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattfrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. , " ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next door to Frizzel! Hiitchcr sh from the Kmpres Hole! We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll proprietor LINOLEUM $14.00 J $16.50 Barrie's Home Furnishings Phone 123 are sanitary and long wearing A i IXtX.o'is'. - . :1