L 25 TAXI Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding -A AmuII rtt anywhere a parties. L nnoyal Hotel. 3rd Ave. PRINGE RUPERT For rats, apply to Bostor ana Ori.ll Third Ave KUXT VIDECK. Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper -mmammammsmammmmmw Phone 457. H xv NO., 85. PIIIXCK HUl'KUT, H.C, Till HSDAY, Al'IUL I), 1025. Vlilerdiy't Circulation IMS Street ! 393 PRICE FIVE CENTS. IS COMING HERE MIA MAN , IS FOUND DEAD If1" of Phil R. Smith. Printer, Were Lying Over Gas Range ' TortlA. An ii ii hi, ii ii I'l. i";il 'lr ir i,r II,, i V'i-.t. .,.),, t II till Ml I1" -' Publishing Co. and P111" .!' Oil.,,, i.an of Ihe cily.l I an 'i' u.i 'his mornimr lv- I' V a j-as ninue on his me. I" 'I'' limi nrni j for .some m '"'" was worried on nc lO III :,ii,vt. .1 ,.!...-. I'eiinrla n hi 'in. iiiN nr ,i. 'in ' '' l'i rssiyp. ) WER MAKES FIRST CALL AT THIS PORT Brca Of lmn..l.i m 1 , ""Fm ii VJ I V-O. 3 " l Discharging 50,000 --"reis at Local Tanks l)n hr flM Pilll -uillpilny nl this '-I Oil Cm.'s laukei s a in otim r.d.mm r,,,,,, rr Li " l","lr- ''.1 lanU. ar. 'i I 1.- ........ . ' y 'oiijr and will re- K. , ', ,,rl,,'"'ioon bniiiu H, ... ... ",,u' vessel, ''"'ii.iaii.icl ,y j ' "'(ill I..,.. . . l;, .... ..." reii.sle. Iain. lm' Ko of it i mi lie '''I'll which is welt N0 P.R. CHANGES A.VClll Vl. i. . ' '-'l, AIIPll ft Ll ... , ,- inn ... ...... "ay, cnmi:.!!.,..!!.. ehaiiites i m liny are l'"l'-iuiinel of hiuh v tUPERT WILL SHARE WESTERN GRAIN TRADE RESIDENT OF U. S. HANDICAPPED BY STRAINED RELATIONS WITH SENATE resident and Senate of United States May Again Come to Grips Me Speculating on Alignment of Forces in Second Chamber; Balance of rower WASIIIViTON. April 0. Uy Canadian Press,. The I !iihv:': M i. lie President unil tin: Senate over die roufir- til dories Heechcr Warren of Michigan, winch ended in rlm-v tor 'lie Senate, has left rai which will mil soon In nl. Tin" effect- or lite light will In Irll in the coming rmi- - over liix revision, over tariff legislation, ami out ii I ll.'r llf lillllT llllllltTS. II will I! aid iii some tiinrler Dial llu; controversy born (lie I'ci idrnl ami llir rfeimle was not decided and was OEPENCIER li'TI a draw but tin: fart remains that the Senate I wire rejected the nomination oT the President of Mr. Warren for attorney gen- al ami, while the President was .illiug to give .Mr. Warren a re- ss appointment, Mr. Warren wa forced into a position where Address Daughters of Em- lie fell impelled to rcfue to ar- lr and Several Functions cept such an appoint mciit. I li king Planned In Her Honor questionably, he foresaw the likclijiood of. a - third, reject ion by the' Semite. A I !.' Pencier of Van- President Cool hive, in oilier r vv :(c of Hi-hop Dc Pen- word. el out to put a certain i; t an i jr. i n k secretary of man in the office of attorney Ii ai Mnici Daughters of general and found that, ty ren- I i.i llnlish Columbia, son of Senate opposition, lie Ill' Ii: next week and on could not. In it practical wmk- Hiii s!ic will ad-liug. the outcome is a victory or all the I.O. O.K.' for the opposition to Wit mil ii l ' Mvs Jlie Pencier Ihe Scnalc. Senators who np- 'iil I tie south imposed Warren are juhilant mid ay i i m a! and will return J supporter of the ailin'iuislra-dii I ' iday mnrniiig.llioii xv,,re not pleased over the ." irial . fund , inns art h's'ii to take place tu tvtnif she visits Ihe outcome. Next Session Looking forward to Ihe lie si essioii of t'.oiit'iess, everybody who is concerned in what may eveiiluale in dial session i pcc- ulalim.' on the aliiiineul of the various rones, ii iooks ai tins dislaiice as if the rejection of Warren foreeasled a cir.ililion hi die Senate which would be nble to diclale legislation. Tliii coalition will be made up of Oeino-crals and Progressive Itepuhli-eaus. The Progressive Hcpubli-caiirroup will be led by Senalnr-i llorah. .Ntii-ri. .lobnsoii and oilier of their way of diluting. Thai uroiip will hold the balance oT power. This menu dial President Ooolidge, In order to gel Hi rough Hie lecoinnieinlalioii be will niiike ns to tax revision, tariff revision and other in.iller will imv.. I., consult the view of the Progressive. Ibis is not saying thai lie will i-onsiill their view. In fact, he m'ay choose to ignore diem ami lo follow along slriclly con servative lines. Hut if he doe mire the Progressive group, die probabililie are he will imu ... l..ll..u many or m rccoiiuoviniaiiuu.-' shipwrecked. '..:.... i L lulu I, u Hit. l ie ""- " ; V ,. oil, ...ii.... i,,,t,,v u mil mi ike I lie i one pjesiilenl Tafl faced in I'.'O.'. lie chose lo make war on uio Progressive or "insurgents" as I Imv ii rn hi i 111 l' times called, and the' outcome was Ihe wrecking of hi poliUeal rorlunes in IUI2. Iliiwever, it is too early lo speculate on wliii! niay happen in lli-JH In Mr. doolidge. What is iniicli closer nl hand i the bigis-lalive outlook and (here Is practically no ilouhl dial Ihe liilcxt events have revealed die weak-noss 0r dm Old (iiiard in Iho Senale. The Old (1iihi;, senators, who are die adininislniliou seiia-lors, are not in die saddle whoa it come lo legislation. Advertise In the Daily News NARROW ESCAPE MORNING FIRE Damage Dono Home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Gamula In Morning 3laze KITCHEN WAS GUTTED Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hainula and their Ihirtccii-mnnlh old child had a narrow escape ill a fire early this morning that partly destroyed I heir residence a' I.V.' Seventh Avenue West, Kng-lish Hill. Aroused about -M" a.m. hj the cries of Hie child, Mr. and Mis. iamula found .smoke Issii iug into their bedroom frjin a fire which had gained headway in Hie kitchen helow caused, ll I Indicted, from an overheated sloxc. They made their escape frolii the house liy climbing mil of the secoiid storey window of the bedroom ami over Ihe verandah to tin; ground. I'lit stairway ipside was blocked by smoke of suffocating density. wl ii... r: i i. ....i .... i 111:11 tin, in. ie ji.ii urn in cti rive-j .on i lie scene, i in? names had gained eonsiderahle headway and Hie- rinr-of--llte neixhborin'f house., owiifil liv ,1. Hanson wa. itlso mt lifW? A hose line 70(1 feet loiig vyas'niid'Wilh .some ililll cully up the .side of Ihe lull from a Sixth Avenue hydrant this all Inking some time. First Ihe fire on t lie Hanson house was pul out and then efforts were devoted ,lo extinguishing die Man-in the oilier residence. This was done bill not before the kitchen had been gulled, the roof burned ami other rooms ami furniture ilaiuajjcd by water. The damage, il is eslimaled, will run over I. UlH. The house is owned by Mr. (iainula and there is some insurance. TURKS CAPTURE KURD CENTRE Thousand Casualties According to Constantinople Despatch to London LONDON, April t). A despalcli from Uniislniilinnplc says Hie Tm-ks have caolilied Ohenilj in Kurdislan. The Kurds lost ilniusanil men III killed and wounded. THREE MEN KILLED PREMATURE BLAST Fatalities Occur In Quarries of the Michigan Central Railway Near Hamilton i HAMILTON, April V. Two workers were blown lo pieces in Ithe Michigan Central Uaitway near llauc rsvillc last nighl following a preinaliiru ex nlnsion. A third man died in I Hie hospital. NOTHING DEFINITE YET IN PREMIER DEA VANOOUYKII. April P.- "There have been certain coiiinuiuica lions wilh the parties mentioned but u far as I know nothing of a definite cliiirneter lias oeen ar coiunlished ns yel." said A. II T'riles, one of the largest shim holder In Ihe Premier Mine, rr fending to reports of the Selukwe Mining 'Company seeking In ac ijnlrc die properly. ! '4 i W'jZ Beverage ,Peddler in Cairo Beverage i-pddierin the Calrp Bazaars photographed on Canadian Pacific S.S, Empress of France during h liVorid tour v;hich concludes May 2 and then goes on the "Round America"' trip via San Francisco, Balboa, olon. Havana to New York which is reached May i3. A number of sdians will take this lattTiiirt. of iK n'ti Shot Woman and Daughter Then Turned Gun on Himself With Fatal Results Two Cases WLNNli'HO,, April D. Two persons, n man ami woman, . ... I I ..III -I. I V fl ire tleait ami I lie iwcive year oni uuuguier oi toe women - -wits hoi in the knee, I lie hogtinK being done allegedly by A. . Merger. Hungarian tiwner of an unto repaiiv slioi here. . The dead woinuii is Mrs. nose iiemicrsou, il years in ugu. I'lio sbotiliiig is belitiveil lo have been Ihe .result of it jciiltnis iiinrrcl. After sliooling Iho woniaii ami her daugliler, Merger liirned die gun on himself, dying almost instantly. PREMIER HERRIOT MAY RESIGN NOW ' PAttlS. April it... -.premier llerriol has decided to make a declaration both lo Ihe chamber of deputies and the senalo Ibis after- noon. If Ihe position of die government ' looks dark. il is learned, he may resign immediately vvilh- out wailing for a vole. 4 HERRING SHORTAGE ALASKAJEPORTED Good Pack Locally Will Make up For Lack of Bait at Other Ports lienor).- received from Kelc.hi kan are dial each .of the cold sl'orage plants there is, short more Mian a lliousand barrels lor' bail purposes, Shortage are reported id olher' place so dial die rucl that tbe local cold storage plant has aiiMinnsitally large pack will mnke 'gooii me slum oSo. Tin man Merger ami Airs. Henderson set out to igel mar' lied. They had been looking at a suite in Ihe north end of jhc city when, emerging from Iho rouiu, Merger started shooting. : FIREWORKS AT RIO EXPLODED Eleven Believed Killed and Near- . ly Fifty Injured Result of Accident UIO Dl". JANF.IIlO, April P. is believed thai eleven people were Kllleil aim nearly nriy in jured in an explosioa yesterday on a vessel uiidnadiug Jirrvvprk for the coining feast oT S. John. The police were unable lo sup plv a list of fatalities as inosf offTwo the bodies were destroyed. .'.The cargo of Ihe vessel was, being Iransrcrred in the Harbor to a small steamer for .cons twist? '" ' shipment. ' SIRTH ' i At Hie Prince Hupert (lencrul Hospital on April 9, a Vice-President of Canadian National Railways Suggests Leasing Elevator if Possible "Without knowing anything about the plans of Ihe flovern-iiienl in regard lo die I'riiice Hupert elevator, 1 should say that if a good live export linn could tic induced lo lease it on term .air in everybody with proper prolcclioii for the independent dripper, that would be Ihe Jiest way lo liandb the situation at I'rioei: Itupeil, especially in a new port' where Iniiiness has to ue established.'' Thai was Ihe view i-xprcssed to the Daily News usl night by J. K. Dalrymple, vice-president of the Canadian National Huilvvuys, who arrived yesterday afternoon wi'h pariv jf railwaymen and proceeded at iiiidiiiglit to Slewarl and Anyo. l omoriow be meets the Hoard 'of trade, executive in die afternoon Hid later leaves for the Cast. Mr. Dalrymple discussed the gram .situation ai some i'.muiii and said lite small amount com ing ivest this ear was sijnply l.be result of the .sinallnes of Uo? crop, especially in die west ern province, ii was not a con dition which would continue. He looked lo see a great development of western shipment'' of grain through Pacific ports, and Prince Itupert. should iget a share .r that. Belter Than Last Year Mr. Dairy tuple said a a result of hi (rip ffiuii what-he bud 'seen aud heard everywhere, tie was ery optimistic for the. future. The railway was doiKg belter than it was at this time last year and .the tendency was for belter trade conditions lo obtain with consequent improvement to the railway. The development of die Alaska service and improved rail service soon to be inaugur ated here should prove nulually beneficial. In connection with shipments of grain to t lie Orient, Ihe coun tries across die Pacific were not in the market at present for high priced grain, generally Hih.v purchased the inferior grades as Ihev were not yel educated' lo paying the prices for the better qualities. Proltobly dial market would develop. Mr. Dalrymple is being ac companied lo Slewarl and Anyit.x by F. G. Dawson, one of die di rectors of die railway and Hie olher railway men of his parly mid will spend most of Friday here, inspecting die vvbrk tut the eleviilor iiinl nciicrallv pleasure at die opening or din lumber mill or this district ami looked rorward lo a development of that business. NEW FISH CONCERN ON WEST COAST OF VANCOUVER ISLAND VICTOItlA. April P A. II. Car ter, fertilizer manufacturer, hasj organized the Ksperanza" Fisher ies Lid. and purchased a Iwenly- tere sde on die west coast of Vancouver Island where he will erect a modern plant for the re duction of fish meal ami oil from pilchards ami also salt herring ami salmon. SEAPLANE PATROL DREDGE REPAIR WAS DONE WELL W. C. Arnett Pleased With Both Work and Scale of Charges Hers W. H. Arnett, whose dredga went ashore and was badly dam aged recently aud who got the repairs made locally at the . dry lock, expressed this morning to the Daily News bis en jre satisfaction willi the work done here and the charge made for it. He tnid-f hat the dredgi:Ti'kl 'heeti docked quickly, handled properly ami he never got as good a Job anywhere before in any port. Ttie dredge was four or five days on (lie way and is now in excellent shape and workiing well. In connection with his contract Mr. Arnett says he has ap proximately 50.000 yards mor--fill lo bring across the harbo'' and he is handling about 2,0C yard a day. EXPLOSION OF Five SHELL IS FATAL Killed and Fifteen Injured on Italian Sattleshlp HO.MH, April 9. -Five sailor are dead and fifteen others suf fered burns, when a shell on Iho battleship Cairo Dtibto, inauocu-veriilg off Speia exploded yesterday owing lo .inlerpal com- lookingibusion. The condition of several into conditions. He expressed jof these in a tlttrncd condition is ALASKAJISHERIES Bla Douolas Machines to North In, Summer to Bristol Bay SKATTLi:, April 9 Twt large Douglas seaplanes will leave here (his summer lo patrol (he sal innn grounds in llrislol May and provide air mail lo Ihe towns in son-'wus Southwestern Alaska, ' Frank born lo Mr. ami Mrs. A, U. Lfve, Wright, president pf (he Carlisle Kiglitli Awniie lias'. ll'aekiiig Company, announced. considered serious. INDIGNITY ON LORD BALFOUR Mob Stoncij the Hotel in Which he was Staylngt)n Damascus, Palestine. DAMASCUS. Palestine, Aprtl 9-A mob gathered outside Iho Hotel Victoria where the Karl of Malfour is slaying" and slotted Ihe building. The police forces were hastily suiuiiioio'.i -nut prevented furl lief mischief. EARLY FOREST FIRES IN EASTERN STATES Five Thousand Men Engaged In Rhcdo Island Fighting Flames Which Are Gaining Headway MOSTON, April 9. Forest and brush fires in New "F.ngluiid, which broke out two ilayi ago. have increased in number ami Intensity especially III InV statu of llhode Island.' 'five thousand men are now engaged litem fighting the flames over a three mile front. m pi