PAatf twit V1VIIVU9 AAaiA "Mr a Nir ro.mcur' Days Or Money Back Women who wish to stimalstt th growth of their hair should use Van Ks Liquid Scalp Mssu. A glorious bead of wrong vigorous bair surely lollows its conns, tent UK, and consistent use is easy because Vaa I'm coires fitted with a patent rubber applicator that feeds we ocotoament turecuy 10 tne roots ot tlx aair. Ana tiie uciiow itifpic ui iac applicator onng m aeaiuij v circtilatxiBof blood to feed tbbavigpts. buy your Vaa Ess oo 9(wlay treatment plan. iKatr tftfk If it fails. For Sale by ORMES LIMITED. The Daily News PRINCE RUPE11T - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince t Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ' II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivers-, by maij or earner, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOJf Monday, Sept. 14, li)25. Two Men In Field. For Local Contest. 1 There are now two men in the fieltl for the local contest in the federal election campaign. Both are excellent men and either would do credit to the city and district Personalities cannot enler into Hie right so il will he for electors to determine questions of policy. Fred Stork, who was nominated Friday night by a representative gathering of Liberal delegates, has already .secured some experience in parliamentary practice. He knows his way around at Ottawa and has the ear of the Uoveninient. In the' new House there will be 22Z numbers and il will be worth .something to have a representative who can approach the !ov-ernment at any time and secure a sympathetic hearing. Who Will Form V Next Administration? There is little doubt that the Liberals will be relumed to GRANT'S Best Procurable SB! KTMLUCt V.-r i ! (TMl OtldMALI Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINTST HIGHLAND MALT UmtiUt mU nsnslM it WiBwat C-s.l Sms UaiWd CWxUxk m4 Balmw.CinsWN DmiWnM, Dall- J ,it-1Ei This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. MANY ATTEND Prophecy and There wa a large attendance and an Interested audience list nigh! out to hear the lecture given by W. K. Van Amhurgh of Brooklyn lecture at the West-holme Theatre on "l!!" Prophe cy and- Fulfilment." I'll, it I ':.'. "i is pregnant with great possibilities no careful ob server will. deny, said the speak er . What il will finally bring forth is still uncertain. All the world is watching. When .Martin Luther was summoned to the diet of Worms in I5:M, little did the actors imagine that they were starting a movement which would shake the religious world lo its found- dations, nor did they know that the dale had been foretold in divine prophecy 3t''0 years tie- lore. When the writers' of the Declaration tif Independence met at Philadelphia in I77l, little did they realize that the momentum of their action; would increase until it would rock tlie foundations of ttie political world. Focussing. Interest Not only are the strenuou events -Kissing before us focussing interest 'upon B'i year and its outcome, hut prophetic statements in the ltible throw a search-light upon it. Ominous signs portend that IU25 will stand out a one of the prominent landmarks for the future historian. The year is but little over half gone, yet movements are already under way which power at the elections. Canadians will wish to give thenw aUhreaten the destruction of ores 1. ........ ...:n ., : :n. i r.. i . . . . . .. . ..t . .... ' cnanee wuit a real majority.-- fco far they have not had that. It was only because the Progressives on the prairie were keen on getting competition "on the pacific Coast that it was possible to pilot through the million and a quarteii dollars necessary to erect the elevator here. Everything had to be done subject to Progressive approval. This meant that many good measure? were either killed or stultified. If Mackenzie King is given a majority at this election be will bebltvto cayryi-otlt his policies and he will present a much different fifj'tireJ'as' a! leader from what lias been the case in the past four years. Even as it is, his conduct has been beyond serious criticism except by those who are hoiielosly biased against him. Local Conservatives Much Encouraged. Local Conserva fives have been much encouraged at the fact that they have a good candidate to uphold their cause. They have started the campaign with a new energy and there is likely to be a stiff fight as a result. The difficulty with the Hustiiiy campaign is Me handicap it starts out with in having the Drayton policy dragging him down. He is tied by the policy oi ins icauers aim, niucii as ue may protest, he is a Conservative and they are the ton sensitive leader.. Their fluty is to lead and his is to follow. Drayton, Meighen and Co. are oiniiised to Prince Hiincrt and opposed to northern B.C. generally. Thev are onooed to the progress of the Canadian National Railways and would stifle mat road. I hey are opposed to all capital expenditures on the railway, wuicti, means lliey are opposed to the Peace River road. l;nder these circumstances it i not surprising that the Drayton party is finding the goiiik' difficult in this constituency The surprise is that o many jieople are willing to uphold a jMiiiry wnrii is mimical 10 an progress. Salmon Eggs To Fraser River. Salmon eggs taken from Lakelse Lake arc being transplanted in the I'raser River watershed. In that way the local supply i .being depleted by just that much. R may not be a serjniis depletion but it is more than we can afford In lnso. especially , considering RiaUmosl of the Kraser River fish are taken by American. UtU$wPrnVngvX .S$Jni;-.wile'ry Some year or two ago irw;lsproMsfrl cjjg.i were taken from the Skeena an eipial quanlity of eggs would be replanted in tin watershed from the Kraser system. We hear of the Skeena eggs going to the Fraser but not of the Fraser eggs comiugUlu way. We have protested at various times against Mils system and shall continue to protest. We obiect most strenuously to salmon eggs, which should be hatched for Mie .-sKeenn mver oeing taken lo the Kraser where they are lib erated to supply the American cauners on Paget Sound. cut political and religious struc tures so completely that Ihey can never be repaired. In their places will have to be. erected Itetler and nlbre1 stable The boldness with which the Hihle foretold future, events", and In many cases also gave the dates thereof is startling to those who have never Investigated. The fact that history veri fies every prophetic event due up lo the present time places the stamp of divine approval upon ltible prophecy. Jeremiah foretold the destruc tion of Jerusalem and the 70 years desolation of the land. History records that the Jews were privileged to return just 70 years later, by order of Cyrus, whom Isaiah had named a hundred years before. The prophecy of the .destruction' of ltahylou was fulfilled so completely that even its location was lost for centuries. The olace. dale "and manner of the 'birth and death of Christ were foretold and fulfilled, even to the details. Great Pyramid Alexander the Ureal, Augustus (.aesar, apoleon and many others are so clearly silhouetted by the prophet Daniel that Ihey arc easily .recognized on the page of history. .Several Hilda prophe cies focus on l,J2.'i. The Great ryranmi oi iizcn in r.gypt, a Hihle written in stone, gives he dales of llUland. DJ25, beside inatiy others ''" The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and echeriah foretold the. re jeellon of their .Messiah by the Jews, to be followed by a period of divine disfavor, equal in time to their special favor. The period of their national favor began at 'the death of Jacob, I HI 3 R.C.'and ended with their rejection of Christ in the spring of 33 A.D., 1815 years. It was 10 years later, 73 A.D. the last vestige of their nationality went down. Not until 1878, at the Rcrlin conference, did the Jews receive any evidence of returning divine favor, just 1815 years after 33 A.D. In 1918 Ihey were permit ted by the ruling- nations to again celebrate their national passoyer at Jerusalem, which had Just been freed from Turk ih rule. This was 10 years af lei 1878 and 1815 years after 73 A.D. Jewish National Flag The law of Hie Jubilees outlined a still grealer movement of Hie Jews towards Palestine in IMS. This last March the Jews were again permitted to fly their national flag, for the first time for nearly 1900 years, on their own ships between New York and Palestine. Few recognize the hand of Provident-it in this or I know that long ago Jehovah Iliad set the dale 1925 fur tho beginning of thU work. They are returning in 'rapidly' increasing numbers, under their own mm V I PsOTlTDP fla,r- vr ,0nu returned during, f I PI I IIKP'liitl Jiii'.c. anil Jerusalem tsl UlLTLLLLVlUnU the centre of Jewish ha- " Itionnl activity. Eloquent Address Given In West-j The Lord couples this freedom hoime Tneaire on "iz& r" """"" the Jews with world-wide inimical disturbance, great distress and perplexity of all other nations. The Jews'are going bark and all nations "are in distress and increasing -lerplexily. The daily news and editorials are filled with forebodings. Religious Revolutions The prophet Zephcniah add that great religious revolution will he connected with these world-wide disturbances, and that Jehovah will sweep away alt mixed religions, "That all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve him with one accord." The trial of Professor Scopes, at Dayton, Teiin., a small local affair of itself, has aroused the. so-called Christian world to intense interest. Nothing like it lias ever before been known. Under the extreme nervous ten sion manifest everywhere today. who will presume to say what, the outcome may le. Condition are ripe, for a religious explosion such as the world has never yet experienced. The Bible has much lo sae about the Kingdom of lod on earth, and the great change to te expected, politically,- religiously, socially, governmental! and seisiiiteally. Jesus said,' lllessrd are the meek for they; shall inherit the earth." (on) tid not prom! to lake all (lie meek lo heaven, but to over throw every form of unright-eousnes and to re-establish his, authority here, and restore; Paradise, under Kdenie conditions, and have homes of their own with joy and prosperity and' none lo molest. Increase Averaqe Lift II is no longer rare lo hear of a centenarian. The Bfblei ays the lime is eomiMg when ' die under 100 years of age will be the exception. The average span of life Is rapidly increasing. It is now 3n, wherea a few decades since il whs but 33. (Sod did not create- the earth for a cemetery, nor as a target for a celestial bomb. He created it The Desirability of these Bonds is well Established As more thnn our million citirens have already purchased Dominion of Canada Bonds, It Is unnecessary to labour the omt that an investment in thcin is thoroughly secure exceedingly desirable. The present issue has all the good features of pit-viom loans to commend it, plus (lie favourable interest rate of 4.75. You will be well advised to send in your order for bonds immediately. i 1 4 Dominion of Canada Fifteen Year 4V4fc Bond Due September 1, 1940 DriMmtirutions t SI 00, $100 and 51.000 Price: 97.25 and interest, yielding over 4.75 Orders may be telegraphed or telephoned (enllret) through your usual bond dealer or tkrviih any brunch of any chartered bank in Canada. PRINCE GEORGE I he reopening of school ml for Uie eternal home of man, and!I,rinr" week found nri,mU...I the linw wmiM emiiel- pupils enroiie.1. :w leaeil- when "There shall be no mor death, neither sorrow nor crying. neither shall there be any more pain; for those things shall pa away. J Hal promise is to be fulfilled literally, and Christ taught- his followers to pray, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth." l'iie great increase of scien tific knowledge, Hiblical ers on the public scbol staff! are Mi Mary Williams, Ms little liavi and Mls KHen Ol- t-on, and in the High School, Miss Mona Thompson and Douglas Stewart. F. M. Element, silean of agri culture in the University of Hrtt-ili Columbia, is a visitor here and " a mission to promote settle- otherwise, the automobile, the ,n',nl ,n central llrlllsh Coluin aernidane. the rnriin. and II... bia. The Hoard of Trade has thousand and more wonderful i" peiM meeiing ior lo inventons of the nasi SO Uighl at which Dean Oijcnutl are but foretold adverlienienljw-' f""a'i- of the Kingdom of God, said thl .- sneakfr in concluding. The limn1 n Canadian Hank of t.oni is clo'sn by when funerals will ' a building be unknown, and nur de.a.l onelhere on a lot on Hiird Avenue will also be returning to life t!djnfning the lbpior vendor s enjoy the blessings of God '" -Ainru u nrejiuy rMircnas- Many now living will see and nl Irom Halrd. The build- enjoy these things. We there-. ' " he ready for Urn bank fore confidently announce. Ihel0 fW by the end or the year Kingdom of iat hand, l.etj all thehwdrlit rt-jnir' vl Link, aged fiO, is a pa- .- ... . j,r, - tient in the hospital here. The !Thc Man in tie Mood VA.NCOL'VKH asks which you would ,rather have a pugef. sound or a false, creek. A question like that puts one In a helluva strait. A WORM may turn but who cares. He still crawls. TIllsj is lite time to. buy your coal, Huy your coal, buy your coal; This is the time lo buy your coal And lay in your winter stock. Hut my wife she wants all Ihe cash I have, Cash I have, cash 1 have; Hut my wife ho wants all the, cash I have, To huy a new parly frock. T1IK only thing that pti..lcs me Is why I was not sent to a lunatic asylum many year ago. MY Mary had a molor car; I bought it with a nole; Hut .now I'd Map that darned old thing For a second-handed coat. FOLKS all like him, He's mighty wise. He knows lie can t sing, And ner tries. amputation of his left foot was necessitated,!, following an acH lent lat week when he tried lo jump a moving train near Dun. sler. Judge Robertson left today for the peace lliver district, going in by way of Summit Lake. V. V. Hurden is accompanying him on the trip. J. D, Glllis has relurned here with his bride following an extended honeymoon trip south Mrs. ftlljis, formerly Miss C. Ilogers, was at one time in the I'rlnc George office of the Land Settlement Hoard. HAZELTON The basement of the nurses' home at the llaielton llospltnl has been completed and the forms for Ihe concrete walls are now being built. Arrangements have, been made lo start hauling ore from Four Mile Mountain, where Duke Harris has been doing development work. An soon as llm weather clears the leanis will start work. J. H. Ilodgers, mining engineer Of Denver, Colorado, examined the Silver Slandard properly here last week and then went to Kmllliers to look at other properties, Mr Ilodgers represents ICMUOUUtf VACiric Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE s.s. rmnct n-oetHT nd mines atoms tsin mo rm rmsci nurtsT f.if f C0-VIR, VtCTOMIA, StATTlt. 4 ..,- ,, SVSMT llMl THUMSOAr St 10 00 S)JW. fsr AftfOX V44it 0 ft STSyyssT ssufs, io js. S.S. PUflNCS CHARLES ti,r KtTOMIISSJ, WaSNOILt, MIKtSU, s, rsrl) WIONIIOST, 4 SMn. S.S. PRINCC JOHN f..rlf.lHlllv f,,r VAHCOUVSS1 tls OMIIN CKSnOTTt ISLANDS. rstiiftarn Tfuoss ttsvi pnincc hupctt DAILY sisspt SwnSsr II am, tar ruinct OI0SOI, SOSIOHT0S. WlMMieia, sll tss)lc I H-rn Cansils, I nll-Ml s:n. AOCNCr ALL OCCAM STIAMSHIP LOlCS. CUr Tlsksl Offks, S2f Tklrf Ais.. rrlnes Mstsrt. fttMS r Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fsr inatntx, funcm, jimv, jiactut $u 7, ti. 21 f TAicomi, tiaotu $anu Srsk.wr s. i v S5. niKta Hill for aulrtslt. Sosnsosi Bsr, bst 4U Bslls, Ottn Fslls, Nsmo, Alsrl SO. Csmptsll Rlssr, snf Vsst.utsr sisrr SstvMsf 11 s m. Agsaei 'or l Ststmshlp Llnss. FmII Infsrmsltoit trsm W. & ONCMARD OtAsrsI Aasflt. Csrnsf of 4th Strsst 4 3r4 Aissss, Prmes Rupsrl, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Ssiimri Irun rriocs Ruprt. or VARCOUVSR. VICTORIA, Ivmhi Ssi. s Alsrl Bsf, Tuss4Sf, S f or VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Alsrl Bsr, H Swsksss SUi, SslurSsr, 10 " fr ANVOX, ALIOS ARM, STSWART, Sundsi, tejsl. fsr PORT tisjflON sn Nsss Rlssr Csno.flss. Prldtr A.. UtS ttMit, 4. BTMlsr, Af Sfll. rrlses Ryssrt. capitalists who propose enlerintt this field, H. W. 1-kiwardson of Victoria I In charue of the New llaxelinii school which reopened this term with 26 pupils enrolled. Miss Vera Orren of Smlthcrs and Miss Mary Cast HI of Kvelvn have Joined Ihe Harillon lloi-pilal nursing staff. Utile. Marlon and her nexl- door neighbor Donald wero- engaged in an absorbing conversa tion. "Whul are anarchists'?" asked Utile Marion. Then Donald swelled wilh wisdom. "They want everything any one else has got, and Ihey never wash themselves," he replied, 'Hi. year cried little Marlon wilh enlhuslasm, "I sen- Ihey lx Just llllle boys urowed lint" fJulf Coast Lumberman Big Assortment of Flnert Quality Silk, Satin Velvet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, clo, at reasonable price West of England Store Phone 753.