PAQK FOUK TITC DAlLi .V2V13 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui n 1 FiveRoses J Chance Vvg m so now fi TMKT Vie WtRC coc iVe N LU MA.VC Trt J wanted to Teui 3 YOQ TWO VEEk?) .o cit Dewco POMPONS, ,T f Flour i ts jhVf ifeTTT If for Breads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries Thriving children 'prefer the broad you make with Five Roses Flour. II is stored with the flavor, vitality and easily-digested nourishment of prime Manitoba wheat. Nutritious, Wholesome and Keeps Well Agent John L. Christie I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So often you hear that remark. It is only because those people who make it, have had their fill of waxes, oils and cheap .varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varntsh has no floor troubles. Try 61 Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee 1t to give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wo aro ready at any lime to receive jour phone call, to take your instructions, to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS Fowl Coupe ... S400.00 Fori! Sedan .... $500.00 Ford Truck. . . . $200.00 Chevrolet Delvy.. $300.00 Terms if desired See the Ford Marine Motor at our shop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye -Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olnss and dazing. Sash, Door nnd Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 RUPERT BEAT KIDDIES' RACES : ANYOX AGAIN! HELD SATURDAY: Deciding Baseball Game of the Series Resulted In Local Victory by 9-to-4 Score Prince Ilupert won the third and deciding game of the base ball series with Anyox yesierday afternoon by a score of 9 lo I. Dan Lidstone pitched a steady gauie for the home learn and had one strike-out to his credil n each of the nine innings. He was accorded good support wi'h Stan Moran playing a particu larly good fielding game at second. Jack Cody, captain of the Anyox team, who played behind the bat in the fjrsl two games, took the mound for the viHVr but proved no problem to the local batters. Dooly Dean wa catcher. Off with a Bang An yox starlet! off with a hang in the first inning and made four hits two of them two-hag- gers, by Cody and MeDougnl! with the result that three mas were scored. .Vot I he lal daunted, I tie locals eariie to bat in the second half of the inning and made two runs, Farquhar and Halfour making lwo-bae hits. Dan Lidstone, the IochI tiurler. got down to business in the second inning and held the visitors until the seventh hitles and runless. In the meantime. the locals again scorn! twice in the second through three-base and two-base hils by Farquhar and Yallance respectively. Prince Rupert added another run in the fifth as a result of two safe hits and two more runs in the eventh. There was a double play from Farquhar to Moran lo Menzies in the seventh.- In. the eighth an error resulted in two more runs for the locals. With he score standing 9 to 3 against them, the smelter town players came to hat for the last time in the ninth and touched Lidstone for three hits, but were only able to make one run out of it. Soon after the start of the game, Kahideau, catcher for rin-e Rupert, suffered a pain- ful injur' to a finger and had to leave the game for medicat Mention, being replaced by Dav Halfour, who played the position with his usual effect-, iveness for the balance -of the game, in the , eighth inning, iiui.lfe Farqilfcaf wi "lilt-bn the leg by the pitcher while al bat. md Chel Solflcnker finished the game at third for him. P. Laporte and Ralph Smith were umpires and the game was watched by a large crowd of fans which filled the stands to ca pacity. A substantial collection was taken up in place of the usual admission. t he teams lined up as follows nyox Hrown, ss; Smith, ef Sheen. 2b; Cody, p; MrKcown, :iii; McDougull. lb: Ilenulieau. rf; Dean, c; McColl, If. Prince Rupert W. Mitchell. If; Moran, 2fc; Friuell, cf; Jones. rf; Rabideau, e (Halfour af'er first inning); Menzies. lb; Far-j quliar, 3b (Schlenkor afler thei I . I . i 1. v . l riiim. uiiiiiirc, ss; i.iusinne, pitcher. Score by innings: " I !' 1 5 6 7 8 0 Anyox ..3 n 0 0 0 o 0 0 I- i P. Ruperl....2 2 0 0 I 0 2 2 x 9 R. II. - K Anyox i h 5 l'iinr Rii)ert 9 9 i ! Slrike-ouls -- Ry Lidslnr.e, 9; by t;ody, 1. Haes on hall Off Lidstone, i. Hit by pilchcr Farquhar. Three-base hits Farquhar. Two-base hils Cody. MrDmi- gall, Jones. Halfour. Vallance And Heaulieau. Double play Farquhar lo Mo ran to Menzies Chief Vickers Was In Charge of Program of Events In Connection with Fair The children's races in connection with the Fair Week program were run off at Acropolis (Jill grounds Saturday afternoon-, r.hief of Police W. II. Vieker was in charge with W. D. Yance. Ueorge Rudderham and Frank Vickers as his assistants. There was keen competition and the winners were as follows: 27 31 31 it OHM inr Iwt-v FtAtumt S(ct Ik Cmt Bmm I (1H, 0 years and under 1, Lillian Rogers; 2, Dorothy lilake; 3, Hoy Smith. Oirls, 7 and 8 years 1, Mar- saret Johnson; 2, Alice MrO.lin- ehey; 3, Rdna Ireland. Ctrl. 9 and 10 years 1, Mtt- na FuHer; t, May Jtyrne; 3. F.r-ma Thome. Oirls, 1! and 1? year I, mi nor Tit; 2, Muriel Vance; 3, Hilda Murray. Ttirls, 13 and II years" I, An nie Smith; 2, Muriel Vance and Heulah MeKinleyi Hoys, 6 years and under I Severino Dominato; 2, Martin Eriekson; 3", Frank Williscrofl. Hoys, 7 and 8 years I, Millie Thorn; 2,, Hilly WillUrroft; 3,' Ilupert Fong. Hoys, 9 and 10 year !, Roh-bie Moxley; 2, Jack Mcllae; 3, Roy Fong. Hoys, II-and 12 years I. Ru dolph Nelson; 2, Walter Johnson; 3, itarflcjd MeKinley. Hoys, 13 and It year I, Kd- die Smith; 2. Hotter! Irvine; 3. Harold MacDonald. Hoys, 15 and 10 years I. Henry Heilbroner; 2, Kddi Smith; 3, Robert Irvine. Hoys' bicycle race, under Jo years 1, (iordon Mere; .. Walter Johnson. RIFLE RANGE Scores were made as follows al the shoot of Jhe North H.C. Regiment Rifle Association on the Park Aenuo range yelerday afternoon: M. M. Lamb.. (I. Lemon W. Hrass It. Wilson .... (I. Wilkinson 200 500 GOO 28 33 3091 29 28 28 23 3389 2180 2180 23 60 One of the mflsl important shoots of the year will lake place "next Surfd.iy when the Royal Vrms cup will be put up for competition. OCEAN FALLS WINS SOCCER Defeated Prince Rupert for Second Time Saturday Afternoon and Captured Championship Cup Again outplaying the locals, the Ocean Falls football team de'eated Prime Hunrf by two to nothing in Saturday afternoon's game and raptured the Fair Hoard's euji, significant of Northern H.C. soceer championship. It was Ocean Falls' gam all the way. The visitors had Hi play in their control and excell ed lb locals m combination. O. K. Lord scored the firl goal for the paper town In the first half off a penalty, and W. Smith mail th .ond for the visitors in the second half a do shot. The gam whs featured with a juxmI deal of rougbne. and three or four men were knock ed out and forced to leave the field for a few minutes. Tom Jon refereed, A. Clapper! on am! F. Wnram were linesmen, and the teams took the field as follow . : Ocean Fall -W. Marshall: o. K. Lord ami R. Main; J. Gunn, I (. Hl and W. Chapman; J. Paul. T. FaK'hwn. J. Mimro. V. Smilh and W. Mitchell. Prince Rupert-A. H. Howlett; Fj-skin aui I). Jack; J. Har ris. D. Scotf ami R. WimmIs; F. Russell. R. Mi'Dnugall. t'.. Wier. W. Mitchell and i. iiikIoii. JAPANESE WRESTLER FLOORS LOCAL BOXER Mixed Wrestling and Boxing Bout Was SUged Saturday Night In Empress Theatre The mixed wre.tling-hoxing lout on Saturday hunt in the Kmprs Theatre between Professor Takahnshi of San Fran cisco and lleiek Skinnr of I'rineo Rupert rsiilted in a win for the Jap in the -'cond round when lie pinaed the local man down with n double wristlock. There were preliminary boxing exhibitions between lli-rbie Morgan and Joe Chctmki and Ted and (Jeorge Jlowe. litni'e I'.ochrane referees! Ihe main event and p. Laporte,, the preliminaries. 1 Its . A 1 I IV.. T 1 1 V? iirr'i"r in iim "tujr icw. p aiaaai m mam mi h hi i 1 if jYeiu Dfshes !?'.''! r,,v,, o51- 11 MM eduiayinilk,(iTc( a.w .n4 II 'ciMtl.TMla.ndMkMllMl U milk. 9rm Fim MM L S4. Ck.rl.t R.cip. Boole o4 MM Vancouver Sport Chat 1 Prince Rupert's Fair :ek visit rs have i-..uie and gone and now it might In in order to make n nv oliser (lions as to how we found iti-11,. on the whole spirit of guild fellowship was observed among all the players although t b-re might be n few criticisms it- to how some of th isiiors I,, iiaveil. Certainly a tar as Min-.- of Ihe four teams Mial were iiere during Ihe past ten days wre concerned nothitvr tun Ihe highest prie can he Jgiie mis t. ihe way they onnducl- d tliernsK.-s when tilings were g"in agiinst (hem the time Mjal real -forlmanship is put to the lesl. One of the. visiting ' ams was inclined to grouch and express il feelings perhaps a tittle too forcibly. This rerlain- Wanted For Sale For Rent BOARD HOARD The Second Aeru. Phone Red 707. TO RENT . .. i H III Inlander, 830 Phone 137. HOARD and Room or Hoard only. FOR RFNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing marhinea. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT Unfurnished room. 10 x It; hot and eo4d water. Apply Itox t, Daily News Offie. 211 FOR RUNT. Two room furnish ed apartment by day. week or month. Phone Red 607. K FOR RF.NT After SepL IB. bur- galow. 708 Fifth Avenue West. Phone Red 512 mornings. FOR RF..VT Modern up-to-date flat, Rand Hloek. Apply Max Heilbroner. If FOR RF.NT. Moderii house, flv rooms and baili. Munro llros 75 TAXI ALL NEW SEDANS First ami Only 7-pacnger Sedan in City. RATKS: 1 or 1 passengers $1.00 5 or 0 passengers $1.50 7 or 8 paasenvers .$2.00 5-passenger Sidan, per hoiir tS 7-passenger Sedan, per hour 5 To Cold Hlorage ami across Hays Cn-ek bridge, I or 2 p.issen gers $1.00 Cach additional passenger.. 50c 75 TAXI 217 rnngemenls for iiting sporting nggregations iluring Fair Wek has always been more or lss of a vexetl question in Prince Rupert though it was carried out belter this year than in the nasi. N doubt there has always been the desire lo treat our visitors in the besl way possible but, with ihe ;ruh of Fair Week, plans have sometimes miscarried. 'Hie visit ors have sometimes founil II mo ly did them no Pood nnd did nnl( hanging heavy on their hands and raie them in Ihe estimation ofjhave not known which wny lo hur hosts. Hating made onr.turn. The susifeslion made hv "',M'rilli lo 'he slraiigersiHcn Self, president of Ihe Fair inai. nave Keen in our nitdsi. ti Hoard, lhat an official he an might be well for us to lake slock poinled and paid to take charge of ourselves so lhat when U of arrangements Tor accommoda-comes time for us lo do the vill-ion and enlerlalnment of vlsll- nig our conuuci may e such mat ing teams voul. seem In be n our hosts may also jmbre us a good one. n n,ni wny nnv ,11,. WrWJ l!i ipiiuiii ui MutHi inmi nun ui naninPrion onjriii to be ro mo voir Iliyh m. .ireo HHn .,, ,an( WOllJii A M'llVH ho tnmn. ' v . . . . 1 tilutv I i AAA II. .. a m.. ' ' . "'" cre go il.ow jiic inuring ui suuuuie r- ing smootn, I I' I'll ?7 touring . $860 ! I W2 1 -Overland t, Sedan 700 1 1922 Ford Sedan 425 I 1I8 '.McLaughlin Light 6, 5-paenger .... 250 I Ford light delltery lorrie, rebuilt 176 KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Slat ion fSOODNKAK IIHKS Wrecking S-rvic l4 and Nifhl All. dry inside wood, kindlinf and blocks mixed, tQJW per load delivered. -Outs id woL MJ0 per load delivrl. Norwegian style Salt Alaska Herring in 3)-lb. and 8-Ih. kt. IB pr lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove Photo- Htack ICt floods. Phone 52 KINDLING WOOD COLUMBIA RECORDS NIIW Process Columbia Record no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (CoJ! Ueorge, Paul or Oust) :peeial 6 and 7 pa-naer Ktude-bakcrs at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.iupre Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B C. Taxi Service CARS MKKT Ml TRU.V. Tour .irrangd. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Ho.x C99. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl ure Store. We lluy. Sell and Hx change New and Secondhand OEO. PAPADOPULIS, 830 Third Ave. Phone i KEITH'S CAFE. When in visit Keith's Cafe in hlng I!i!wnrd Hotel now re-modelled. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH . Msnsosr PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, September 14. High ... 11:18 a.m. 17.0 ' 2.1:37 p.m. 1H.I " Low . . . 5:33 n.'m. 5i0 " 17:51 p.m. 81 " Tuesday, September 15 High 1 2:20 p.m. 1 7.8 feel Low r:09 n.m. 1.8 " J 8:29 p.m. 7J " Wednesday, September 10 High n: l(t a.m. 18.7 " 12:51 p.m. 1 H.n " Low (1:13 a.m. 1.2 19:01 p.m. O S " Thursday, September 17 0.53 n. 111. 10. 1 " 1 3:2 1 p.m. ID I 7 In 11.111. 19:32 p.m. 3 8 6.V - CiyjriNtjPi DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. A 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTVB W A X T K D -- Woman f.r light housework, V to .'. Phone 572. FOR SALE FOR SAI.K.-rDining room suites, bedroom suite, Chtrfik! suites, ranges, stove, bed linen, towel, window blinds J inlaid linoleum and printed linoleuuin. lounges, chairs, Chiifionieres, Dresers. Heil-stead, maltresses and uprrags. Dining tables, kilelren tables, table oiloloth. A. Mackemie. Furniture Houe. Phone 77S. FOR SAI.K Upholstering and furniture repairing done on the premises by expert workmen. It u quote you on repairing your old furniture. Reasonable prices. Call and inspect our workshop. Furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Agents for the PRF.-MIKR RANOH. Prince Rupert .Ksebange. Phone titt. If 3ttih dale WOMEN'S HOSPITAL UIRL WANTKD for genera! Surgical and 1 H.i i ri. nl .TMI4 houwirk. Apply Frinell, at store. to Mm Avon Hi' -Vani-oiix it, It. 1 tmmw. WTia NOTICt trnett Hall, uiniilf ntlni. iit im fi r-.. CARS FOR SALE S 'Hn.rr 19?0 Nash. 5-iiaenirer I irv-t rc-in i:ir .tr., I Ilk UMn.l,. 1, U. til. l.l 'H hr ,tnl ur mi 0 -Wtivrr r - fit. iu .ihi mi rh 41 IlK tr. ufcl m 0 ISfl. V ru. ul tkx pMrali purJM .. Wr VI. I'M i 1 rfm r u vv.i-r h. . oMrrOun. i. lit 4 I iM im- 4 W.i. UM t'tmptrt'Hrt t4 H i atMll li...' Iinr-. V . i. IH nut-. llttP .f t M pt.l la lh i III. I ' . JIIUMI1 Articlei it and nd,&e IkHO CT HtXH f Ut.fitlss U lf ti 1mm M In l-ri' Hufi 1 . -lrw ft !'" I' Txr toncj: umi rrinf 1 .: VniMr. ' "'? irnN In (r I ' mc 4MHfv land! rjunam n ml l ; mil) ..r airi'-' itnd. ai biii HtrtU rtlrrriit : . 1 ; -t ".rd "rV ll.lw frl imirr .. W .. - rat1! In fi.-ir! nt VII O Rftl ' Vf walk- r Jan- 11. mi LAHO ACT (! f UU.tkMI I Sel In H ImI ai.iii r -fvm vj,M.f nr. Tt SOTM His v St Slruw. f Swtmi-inatrli 4 !'" ww In 1 urrtj" wrtM taut iimmm-tuinw it 1 1 (W Hurt li". IMS M f rk4 ri.rt.. - rata. .: Ok a ke 1 haMw it"' It rfca f. iml 90 vaa. Jvvjrs n 1 rr n rtr ih tAMD ACT Ntl. f IkUsUmTu Apalf (I lW r a open I .1.1 arm . .it.n . l ( RwaOl of vi, tttim n- nh fr 111 brr lu ilan H-. TS.KI V"TI' K II"' ' ! M. af ".'ll. Brtii-'. ' Ha aSCfcri mlraiN I of Mr full 'i it", ' i rnaMnvnrmt 11 1 HMIIf mirtk rriam o.. of Hmuhi S"" i. tasfK rthwi) 1 it tkmer iMkiwmr i- qhtln In writer It MMkvrly 1 rk!n: lr.. rhiias, la pMni ir " ' i-tsiiunlat IS irr. n- ekiim: !! nied inn saih. -tt LAND ACT Li4. In lb l4t illll ! nnrri, iivi nu'-hlrn tiii- hnni i mtlr. ( TA k li SOTICI IImi I Vlllri. Ilntlfd. t I'm. Hon HllSMT nMim'" i ilV ttT SHMMlull I lnwliur ce.rrtkil uu.i-risimiciii-lsr ii i i rhllM norrlT frutii '' m-r ir Uil J. t' rhlr WitllirrlT. ItiMi'" Iy; Ihmer rlMln -' ' imhm Miriy in p- tnrnl, nt canuinliir I ' ls- .. I'liixr.c nrrtiiT .""' rr ' r K rill viitiol ik. l'k LAND ACT-Nolle Of IsUnlltrTu April in rniM nsr-ii umi " til'lrlrl nf I'riB'-e " si Shsnmm n. B ill', Uiwl TAkC OTI't: ou Slniur, of Siinn-"i' " rtnnerriitin. InlrnU ' ;l' lon le pnrrluie lh r 1 ' limit: Ojininwnrlnr al i P1"" ' With Jlrp. MI. mihvvel ronw-r nf ' i , K.uih it t-hiin: llM-n" nmro r !. In ! . . . . fi.ilowlnr nwsmlrrlnr ' .. . f "I rmnnirnrriiirnl. anil sin1--" iiwm or le. ...mi jas, UM.!" u v,t wm 0. Dlltd luly Ha. IMS. A