1 Sfondar September 1. 19?5. THE DAILY IfEWl PAG THREF ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! All Models VICTOR VICTROLAS On Sale at Approximately One Third Off S MO Heg. price, lludu.ed price i:ip.OO $ 07.50 ;M1 $irT.(io N . lar.oti n i; mmiah) j?a25.ui jt porlahle $ 07r,0 All other model redmcd proMirtioiiiitely. $107.50 $ 07.50 $137.50 $225.00 $47.50 i turns IF DESIRED. MlT' Tbr-f rPlfll.linll- ( lit i. oy (,! ,t,. ' ' ' 'leared'oul. h. . nrg,.,M-y uf immediate dcci-uui mi Hi.- nrt of hner. Some Specials in our big Clean-up Sale Rigo Nurses' Fecto Disinfectant, Meg. priee 2.V. P" " 10c SANITARY NAPKINS I i -h-k 'ii-. -tii.il!. if.- pine H.V. Hale Price 40c i ) - N.ipkm-. in' '. in. ivy. i:ii f -. Siili- p.n-e 45c I - V ipkin'v bust . !. i'lin- s.Mil. Sail- priee 50c S --' I .iik ii-. ! g. I S.ilf pri. 50c Porter's Food. !! g. :. Sale pine 15c Herbert's Barley, ri k' m :.o. . S d. pi n-e 15c ORMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists FOR SALE Third Avenue. Halibut Gear mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmemwmwmc $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" 8 Hurry Lauder, and "ii v.ih'!.i nimning ou probably fen I like singing 'I"' l,n"K-So why not end that .-hick nt .Inidgerv tn-day? THRIF-T SERVICE J 1 ' II nir tmr TII1UIT-T SKHVICI". vvhuh will tin every 1 ' r Hie V(ising mid irm Ihr H d work loo. Willi Hie ' Ii out ur wash d.ty llial " h.tle i t-'i'l "P ,lll Krn-mg" leeling will he gum' f'" "m' i'ml u11, THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a ploce. Minimum Charge 51.00. CANADI4N Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED l" tiding next door to FruxHI Hnb-hcr Hhun. uuuss from the Empress llulel Wo curry n full Inn' f C1GARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES nM ,N C0NNECT,N n,.Zttrcm0C,AL Proprietor Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Plione 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. Phono G78. tf Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi, l'honc 1 3 i . tf When hack from the holiday, try Valentin Dairy, Phone 057. If For the busy man jr woman, a Drown car saves money. l'honc BO. tf Our low rales have been an outstanding success and wc sha'.l eonfinue on this basis. Urown taxi. Phone 80. tf J. A. Smith, president of the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills, s.ail- 'd rr Vancouver on the Prince II -I I.V.. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Paul ami family sailed by the Prince Ru- i-rl on Saturday night for Vic toria on a holiday trip. Dance tonight in the Auditor mm at 9 o'clock hy Stewart's in-he-tra for1 the citizens Nof Prune Rupert. Admission: (Jen iI'Miifii 75c, ladies 25c. J)fiayed by fog, Union steamer Cardena, Copt. C. 1). Smith, did mil reach IkjK until 7: 15 last night, sallffig at 10 o'clock for Aiiyox. Alice Arm and Stewart. All members Huperl Temple No. 2, Pythian Sinter, requested to attend meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. Visit of the Grand Chief Knights of Pythias Invited al ::) p.m. The Ridley Home plant is not yet finished. Three houses are huili, occupied and paid for, but liirei more bave yet to be built. Do your bit by helping with the gnteeneti. A Veranda Tea and Sale of llmiie Cooking will be held at Hip Imhih' of Mrs. Dawson, Hays Cov'e Oircle. tin T'ufida- (tomorrow fnnii 3 to 6 p.m. by the Itaptlst l-adie.' Aid r- - ; I . A. Stephen, assistant dis trict engineer for the provincial department of public works, re turned on the Princess Alice on Saturday afternoon after a trip to the Allin district and pro-i e nli'd I i t night on the Cardena to his headquarters in Anyox. Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Cameron and family, who have been pending the past couple of 'tioiilh in the Maritime prov inces on a vacation trjp. return ed to the city on Saturday even- rig's train. They are spending a few days here as the guets of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Parker, Sec ond Avenue, before proceeding lo Yiincouver. where Mr. Cam eron will probably enter business ami where Ivan will attend I lie t niversiiy uf ll.C. t ANNOUNCEMENTS Kuigh!s of Pythias Wlilst Drive and Dance, September 8 Gyro Carnival and DancO Oc tober 12 and 13. Rebekah llaeaar Saturday, Uc tidier 17. Catholic Church llataar, October 21 and ti. Anglican Church Jlazaur No-vembcr 5. Presbyterian Church llaiaar November 12. Moose llazuar November and 18. pNMMmbBl -mm mmk a. i w n . m m. tmmmt hi? UM4Hi.kt RtWff CATARRH .I ik BLADDER UK t Ktwinl tUvunafeounttrhtU V, Royal Purple llazaar 18. Haplisl Church Ladles' . Ai l llazaar, November 20. St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary llazaar. December "2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid llaaat. December t. L'uileil, Church llazaar Decem ber in, 230 Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. Hrcakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Homo Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Detail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi Hie original .)0c. laxi. Phone 134. tf II. II. Rochester left on Him morning train for lerraeej wliore he will attend the full fair opening tomorrow. Russell Iiulger saiied Saturda) by the Prince Rupert for Van rouvcr, where he will resume his studies at the University of Jtrilish Columbia. II. Milburii, afxi-dant general manager or the C.(i.M..M., and 11. C. Kevley, Paeifie cflar.1 manager, are passenger gjilng south on the Prince ieurge loday after having made the Alaska trip. Miss Helen Solloway, R.N op-t-raliitg supervisor hi the Prince Rupert (ieneral Hospital, returned on the Cardena last iiighl from Vancouver, wbere she has bo'ii spending a idonih's vara-tion. . C. N. R. ft earner l'i ince John, Capt. K. Mabbs, trojii Vauoouver via the Queen Chaib'lte K-lands, is due in port tomorrow morning. The .vessel will tel urn south by the same route tomrorow night. The Ocean Falls football leant! which was here during Fair week returned . home on the Prince Rupert Saturday night, and the Anyox baseball team wenl north last cvettiug n the Cardena. Hev. Professor Shortt, who has been relieving pastor in the lo eal Church of England for the past few months, will sail n Hie Prince John tomorrow njglil for Vancouver via the Queen Char lotte Islands. The well-known old steamer l'e?s, pioneer in coast service for the Canadian Pacific Railway purchased by the Pacific Salvage Co., is fo be rejnimed th? Salvage Chief, replacing the former .Xilinat, which whs lost nsl February. "., William A. Pound for Ottawa director of fisheries tor the fed eral governuiHiit, is visiting the port on official business. He arrived from the Fast on Salur day night's train and will bo south on the Prince George this afternoon. - Coastwise SleamshTp X 1 targe IX. s steamer Onffrq1irrivVd in port jestenfay- nflerntigu from vnyox ami ieu me naTgO Haroda at the drydook lo he Wdel w'lli coal for Ibe smelter ifiwii. The Griffco proceedeil (a Taeoma w ilh a cargo of ore. hig Progressive. unMer tr the Heculo Slratls Towing l.o., arrived in port Salurdav night and proceeded 'south this morning wilh the scow Gulf of Georgia No, 11 laden wilh 300.. (Oil feet of box lumber from the Prince Rupert Spruce -Mill for New Westminster delivery. Col. (Iiiscoigne of Forbes, Kng-laml, retired Jlrttish army officer, was' a week-end' visitor .In Ibe city. Ho arrived on the Print cess Alice Saturday afternoon nflor visiling Alaska 'ami nro- reeded this morning by train lo t'rinco George, in which district he will visit Willi friends. Word was received iii'ilic cllv this morning thai Harry Atkins, vho has Just undergone n sVc-cessrul operation for his hearing in. Vancouver, now a proud unele, a son havliur been burn In Ins brother- and sislor-in-law,1 Mi', and Mrs. Robert Atkins, alt Ihi- Vancouver General Hospital on September ia, ' DOMESTIC SCIENCE WINNERS AT FAIR Prize Winners Are Announced In Sewing, Cooking and Plant-Growing Competitions, for Children The following were the prize winners of the domestic science competitions for boys and girls al the Fair last week: Sewing Cardboard mount, Ii e m in e d patch and slocking darn 1, Nel lie Lawrence. Doll's apron, as per prize list 1, Dolcina Guelpa; 2, Jfeiiie Lawrence. Hand-made undergarment 1. lirenda Allan; 2. Nellie Law rence. Pair hand-made pillow cases or towels 1, Dolcina Guelpa; 2, Mabel Ivarson. Three-piece underwear, band and machine work 1, Dolcina Cuelpa. Knitted sweater or cap and scarf 1, Doljina Guelpa; 2, Ma bel Ivarson. Crocheted or knitted cap or milts I, Nellie Lawrence.' Teaeloth and set of four nap kins 1, Dolcina Guelpa. Machine-made coll on dress I, Kitamaat Home; 2, Alctta Mc Kinley. Useful article from flour sacks I, Dolcina Guelpa; 2, Al- elta McKinley. Cooking Loaf home-madu while bread 1, Alella McKinley; 2, Lois A McRae. Dozen plain lea biscuits I, Doris Candow; 2, V. C. Riel. Half dozen cookies t, Lois A McRae; 2, Doris Candow. Half dozen muffins 1. Aletla McKinley; 2, Lois A. McRae. Fruit pie with double crust 1, Doris Candow; 2, Annie Smith. Lemon or other pie with erusl and meringue I, McKinlay; 2, Dolcina Three kinds canned fruit-i i Alalia McKinley; 2, ltculah Mc Kinley. Three kinds canned vegetables I, Aletla McKinley; 2. Ileulah McKinley. llox home-made candy, four kinds I, Aletla McKinley; Annie Smith. Iced cake i, Annie Smith; 2, Dolcina Guelpa. Dozen doughnuts I, Dolcina Guelpa; 2, Aletla McKinley. Greatest number of first prizes Alella M.Kinley. P.'ant Competition Pink geranium I, Rupert Fong; 2, Tony vDussanich. Red geranium I, II ir dell Jack; 2, May McDonald. . Itegonia 1. Dorolhy Hallin-ger; 2, F.tna Strand. Fuchsia I. Maxine Heilbron- er; 2, Xorah Rudderham. POST NUPTIAL PARTY Dr. and Mrs. Eyolfson Entertained Saturday Evening Presentation Was Made Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Kyolfson, who were recently married in Winnipeg, delightfully entertained a number of friends at their home on Third Avenue Saturday. The evening was enjoy- ably spent in dancing and card playing. During the festivities the hosts were presented with a beautiful upholstered rocker chair by the guests present, as a token of their esteem. Delectable refreshments were served al 1 1 o'clock under the supervision of Miss Margaret Kyolfson, and dancing was continued un til midnight. Coastwise Steamship & llarge Co.'s freighter Mogul arrived in port al noon yesterday and is discharging cement al the elevator. This is the first voyage of the Mogul since her recent stranding in Grenville Channel! and subsequent repairs at Vic toria. For Colic And Cramps Pains In The Stomach THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL It has brn in use for the past tight) years; its action is pkaaant, rapid, reliable and effectual, and relief comes promptly. Re sure that you get "Dr. Fowler's" when you ask for it. Put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited. Toronto. OaU; uil&erx, i SuppMest 5nd us wur nan? and oiJI send you' this iHustratedX boob of beautiful) liuiifD....... v .v vu Pi Pistribulors for.- (fdham K9L9RED -3HINOLE3. Lumber SOCIAL HALF HOUR FOLLOWS SERYICE AT THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Peter Kelly of Nanalmo wasi Preacher and Due. was Sung In Evening Following a custom inaugur ated of recent years and carried out at intervals, the Union Church here last evening livid a "get acquainted service." at which, after the regular preaching service. lliere was a half hour devoted to meeting members of the congregation and getting to know each oilier belter. The preacher at the services yesterday was Rev. Peter Kelly of Nanaimo and in the evening Peler Kelly and Alfred Adams of Massett sang a duet which was much appreciated. Refreshments were served before dismissing. " CHANGE IN C.N.R. STEAMSHIP SAILINGS See display advertisement this paper for Fall Steamship schedule effective September 17. Note thai sailing of the Prince Charles southbound on Wednes day, September 10, has been cancelled. .Effective that dale, this steamer will take up her Alaska schedule, sailing from Prince Rupert for Skagway each Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Full particulars from Cily Ticket Uffice, 528 Third Avenue, Plione 2C0. , 210 j In the Letter Box . ALL LIBERALS a Editor Daily News: I would like lo draw your attention to tho fact that in spite of the statement of the present incumbent of the federal seal, the Union Government is responsible for the issue of tax-free bonds. The dominant men in that government were Sifton, Carvell, Calder, Howell, Mew-bum, Crerar, Italian!) no and A. K. McLean, all Liberals. GEORGE llUSUHY. Stipendiary Mngislralo H. V. MeLeod presided in Ibe city police court Ibis iiptrning in plnco of Magistrate McClymout, who is on a trip Jast. There were five eases iof prunkenuess, tines being meled out as follows: Steve Shepherd aud Paul Price , Indians, $10;. Ambrose Wilson, Indian, $25; Charles Anderson, while. 25; Nellie McDonald, Indian, MS. Brick, Cement Lime Plaster Stock yoar winter's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. nmis 116 ml 117 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Eggs ArrivingDaily Every Egg Guaranteed Gainer's Ham, none belter, half or whole, per lb. 40o Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Fish and Fowl. Al Usual Low Prices. Bulkley Market Geo. W. Kerr, Manager. Phone 178. New Fall m Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DFMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Fall Millinery COATS and DRESSES Bent's Third Ave. Phono 051 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. ratrtage, Warehousing, and 'listributlng, Team or Motor Service. Coai Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bovlng.