ExtraSpecials for Fair Week In Every, Line WatchA from $1.50 up. Chains from 25o up. Pockel Knives from 25c up. Non-Destructible . 1' c a r 1 Heads from $2.00 up. Uracelets from 25c. up. Special Discount on Odd Cups and Saucers Real Money Savers Watch the Windows Save Your Eyes Our Optician bas bad over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. v Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant the North Coats! Ladies' and Children's Coats LATEST STYLES. REASONABLY PRICED. See Our Windows. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 of Fruit Special Mackintosh Apples. box $3.50 Itarllelt Pears, doz... 40c crate $3.75 Peaches, dor. 40c cra $1.90 Primes, lb. 15r., crate $1.40 Watermelon, pound . . 6c Canlitop, lare 15c Bananas, per doz. . . . 50o Take advantage of this Special. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 18 PHONES 84 417-423 Fifth Avenuo East. Do Your Eyes Bother You? We have recently installed the most modern optical equipment. This, added lo Ihe ycat s of experience of John llulger. Sr., and with the assistance of Jark llulger, who hns just graduated from the ll.C. Uptjeal College, Vancouver, places us in an exceptionally pood position to takp caro of your eye troubles. We are positive we can give you an optical service which will assure you the utmost satisfaction. Lonsf.8 Ground on the Premises John Bulger Jeweller. FOUR MILLION BUSHELS GRAIN WAS MARKETED Season Opened Well Amount Handled So Far Well Ahead of Last Year WINNIPEG, Sept. 1 1. Willi! good harvest and threshing! weather prevailing Ibrqugbou! the prairie provinces during Hie week which ended at midnight September 3, more than four million bushels of gram were' marketed at points along" the C. N. II., according to a report is sued today by that company. Ihursday, September 3, with 550 cars containing 722,000 bushels, was Ibe heaviest day s loading during tho week. Total loadings during the week wen l.aafi cars, containing 2,592,000 bushels, against 611,000 bushels n the corresponding year, and U7 1.000 bushels in 11123. In the case of the two former years, however, a holiday inter fered with loadings. A total of 21,828 cars with 3,708,000 bush els have been loaded at CN.lt. points since August 1 of this year against 1,100,000 bushels for the same period of 1021 and 2.20G.O0O bushels in 1922. Inspections for the week were 1.120 cars against 501 in lU2i period and 736 in 1923. Deliv eries of gram to Vancouver since August 1 totalled 212 curs. Grain in store at midnight on September 3 totalled 2,030.onn t i-s h e 1 s as against 987,000 bushels the same date in .1021 and 1.010,000 bushels in 1923. Manitoba farmers didi most of the marketing during the week, WATER HOTICE. TAkE AOTICE Hut HmlJ 11. 9. . io. ?07 . muKiiiK me TAKE .MITRE tbfl Eurrne II. SlIiiPiM.n. of MaisetL B.C.. urropatkjn ranmrrinan. mtriHls " atily for a lease or tbe folio, inr described land. i.itfiinH-nrlnc at pom nlantrd abnut i rbam plerljr from the X. eoiwrl ;t 11 io. mnre a. coaii i)iiinet:i ihenre el all rbaln: Ihence nortb threel DANCING At the Auditorium Changed this week to Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, beginning at 8.30 p.m. 1 Dance 10c 3 for 25c Free Admission. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6, X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxquisile Slock ot Fur Trimming in low prices. B. C. FUR Co.' Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave, S soasiisiouearsi "X mWWm cuts-Saw ..eSsWT"" eauisia l ' VW ( L s g mis eiirii CIii l OtV- muxtritH scuttca citic issue ICS Mil ! SAt - - m - with over w m .ivion marketed in Hit nrovm I I katehewan markd-d I.8G9.000 bushels iu tin neriod. white Alberta market-. only 321.000 bushels. Saskatchewan loaded just short of half a million bushels on Thursday, and loadings in that pm. iihv are now showing larg'- daily nu t ease?. NEWSPAPER COMMENT ON APPOINTMENT OF SIR HENRY THORNTON i Edmonton Jurual Coming as it did with the news nf lliu "in,r:i 1 ftietinii Ilia .in- p-ni for the thrtneer Gold Mine Ltd.. r,r, mm v-ir If l.U s..rvii.. e.nue aaares is uigiiyer Mute, Ainu. - j ne. ui ipiy rur likens lo uke ami could only be retained by this in- Franri.t Millnl. hfaii of the who act. jpd on lhp 1rilKe Charles this Notlct of Inttntlon to AbdIi to Lcaa Land ! .nm-ninn fr.w.i - l.iwinn Irin In In I'rinrr Ruprrt Land Hwirdinir Uiftrtc j' " " orrnnre nupen. ana mtuaie at in i Vancouver. talbtn Ray. .Metl Inlet. I . . LANp ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply Lease Land to 'halM. trnire or le. lo hlrh water nurk:j . , . . . , , nenre eattrriy airnir nirb water marc to' in uanu itecorumg insinn ui j'Trrei" ronum,nf iTince Ilupert. and situate atj el'geme ii. simpso. Ij-crguson Hay, Massett Inlet Applicant. , . Dated tird inu. its ; U.C. Islands, H.G. ; Take Nolice that Gosse-MIU ,lcrd. Limited, of Vancouver, H.f... 'occupation Salmon Ganncrs, in-lends lo apply for a lease of Hie following dcscHbod lands: i Lomrnenciug at a post planlt-ri approximately 20 chains' east I from northwest corner Lot 1571; llicnce south 3 chains; Uience west 10 chains; Iheucc south 2 chains; thence west 10 chains to west boundary of Lot 1571; thence south 8 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence cast 2 chains more or less, to beach; thence following meandering of shore line to point of commencement, l and containing 22 acres, more or less. .flpSSK-MILLERU, LTD, I , Applicant. ' Ier Wm. 0. Milohcll, Agent Dated luno 2Cth. 1925. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE oTli:E IS JIKIlEBV lilVCX Ilia! tlw rewrvr etitliiR nn-r .i,i lu, Itauire i, ".at Uuu-ul, ii i-aiicelkd. U. .11. AliE. Hi'4ulj illnolrr of Landi. Land lifirtiii)t, Virluna, li t. Hud Srpt.. ot LAND ACT. 1 Nctlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Purtnaia Land, In llw ljnd Herurdlflr IHMiirt of rinre liniM-rt. and Ultuie al Mr I'alU itreek l which flow tnlii EeHall lover alxiul l inM frt-in ll nwulh. ' TAkE MIHE lint Clifton p. liui of Trine lluirl. B.r... orrapalbsi -iHiiiber- .nun. liilen. t ipflr for prriuilnn to ipurriuM- iw iirtKiwinr aenrniied linl: Miiiiriirinv at a runt planteat al the iMMJtliwr! ennier ur Lot lunire fiwr; llwnr to rhalna nnillierty; itienrn tl lulu welrrl : tlwlire fo rlulli nnh-erly. tlwiK'e ii lialn ranirrlv t.i iminl r "HiiiiK-n.-'-iipriil. and i-Milalninr to acre. im'tp ur. ict . I r r niEL 1 Ap'.ilcaui Daltd iutuit Uta. 9I. THE DAILY NEWS THOUGHT MURDERED BUT EVENTUALLY WAS FOUND ATHAMILTON Robert Fled From United States and So Did His Family WATr'OIUi, Onl.. Sept. II An' Merest im; sloiv is told of the 'first settler of Hamilton, Hubert j jl.uiid, whoso descendant, Mrs. Mary Jane Slapleford of this, place, has just celeb nit oil hen lOOlii birlliday. Her direct descendants number 120. Mrs. Stapleford, speaking of llotrt Lund, says thai lie Jorn ' the banks of tho Delaware Hier, took sides with the ltritish when the Revolutionary War broke out. Carrying despatches, he was i severely wounded and the same ! night Indians burnt his cabin. His family searched in vain for hmi and then followed Loyalists ' to New llruiiswu k. while Lund, j believing his vvt.'e and children uustiets murdered by the Indian, fled to Sas- i.anaua. ne semeii ursi ne:ir Niagara aud then, in 1778, taking up 300 acres on the site of Hamilton. Several yean lal'r his family moved, to Niagara ami heard of Lund, walked to Ham-! lilton, and found the long-loll ! father. ; VETERAN PRINTER IS RETURNING TO STEWART; J; Peck MacSwaln Says he Met Fred Stork Thirty Years Ago at Bellingham Peck MuoSwaiii, the veteran I,rttr Stewart, Who has feeetl nnuneemenl nf the reem.airen.enl ., ., - .... mere looking after the mintog ex-i er three years did not receive the attention that it would under or- Idiuary conditions, lib salary is Uuurt.1 to be advanced from 50.000 lo nibil, is returning lo hi home town ibis evening ou the 1'rincw Uiarles. Mr. fcSwuin has been u print er for 15 years but he finds it; difficult to work at Ins trade any u io rubir feet it mtuihi ut i?ri ... . . . j "'" iiHire. " He " ha s been in nearly J all lfri Vk'lll Itllfj ulllW.. I ,.nl ..T U'.nn U... ut.1,1. rl.u . .-.In ITM llf mini ilrtin. It.ii. Tlh .1. .h.inl i.a! . tad uiie-biir mll Mtuib ot Ibe Euziiwer! "un lo it. Sir Henry is in the!"'' " ,T" , . , june. ine ir iu De aiTenm rrtnii! mnlst or a creal tn-k atlil Ibt slrtiai it a point about tmu Uii-I. iRn T u teminurSi r iiieMd m-r wio be a misfortune ... if ..... this were in-lTr" -"V'" - ifjsii Like ilia ui DC uco i or ojnnni, rrllni i ii i -till f.-i frnm U-.-!rli ni.ttor r.nrtw it lh lr,rinr tlTmpieil. lie IS SVIll IUr llTJIII Vine. 1kx boMiDH k-vt-D l4?vn cniwo l.n.wn UriDI Onoted iirveyed li Lai So. re tienijrti attaining his objective, that of1 Mineral ClaUu.' government owned It was just atniut 30 years anv that he met Fred Stork at Itel- VirWxk91W "Til'"" rnlher than a liah n to " nwn to vote lor now r;ti on ti jT-Mind on the tit day uuidlity t the country. Hul. in y July. ts. a copy or ibi none and' ' ii..i,i' ,ki i.v- He says what lie I kes about Fred of the difficulties that have Ppiiranoo puruam tbervtu and to the spite ii ' idst in nairr .ri, win or in in Olltrt ,i.i.,i,ili.pf.,l in i.r tiu. u'n.r n.riini.r ii ii in, n r lih. i Deen uu, eilCUUliierru ill jerllitns may be riled vilh tbe ald Wale months, pngre- towarils recenl iiiirhn. rariiintrni BuiiJmr. vivtoria,' end has been made. It is aceord- H.i . wlihm llilrly days arlrr the aptxar-lire or tills ixilire in a loral neixr. Tlw date of Ibe flrM putiliritioo of tbU outlre s tho tllb day or Aii-ruM. HIS. LGI.VtER GOLD -MI.Mjs LTII, IXC. , AppHraat, Montr H- Moure. Arent-i ingly (gratifying to learn that he will remain al the helm. is that he is the same hi Jlwt! "tl'tude lo his okl friends as be was wnen ne met in in ursi. 1'eck is a native of Waterloo county, Ontario. PEOPLE RETURNING FROM UNITED STATES OTTAWA. Sept. li. lo Onriada for the first three month of the present year, that i. from April t lo June 30, 11; in u rrjMii v iuri nj mo uc- Itortnienl of immigration. Of, tills total ifi.o'Ji eiune from dreal Uiiiled Stales and 11.018 from of imtnigrali -n and colonization began to k' ;. a record of these reluming ilanndians on April 1, 1021. a total if 52.010 have eoinej back up In ue end of last June. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES i FALLING INTO ELEVATOR SHAFT 0FC1R. HOTEL ' LDMON I ON. Sept. It. claim for it. images against the; (rand Trunk Development Corn-' pany is bronchi by the widow ofj former Crown Prosecutor Knihl ' of this city amounting to $70.-, 000. It is -luted in (,e claim that Knight fell down Ihe elevator shaft a- the result of can'-! lessiiess of !tie maiiagiiueul the Maciloii.tid Hotel. ROBDERS BROUQHT BACK of VANCOI VI II, Sept. il-Alfrwl Castro and Kd. (iormaii, arn-st-j ed in Seattle In connection with I the Naiiaiiiio hank robbery, have been broui-ht back lo stand trial I ver for the jal fortnight receiving treat uutfil al Sliaughnes-sy Military llospllal, relurned to Ihe ci.ly on the l'rinre C.tiaiJ.s tins inoriiv Phone 123 BETTER STILL- CALL AT OUfl STORE. We wilt lie only loo plea-ctl to ht-w yon our large stock nf House Furnishings including Willon and Axiniiiler nig, inlaid and printed linoleum?, draperies nod rurtniii good, bedding' and lied room furniture, dining room mid living morn furniture liatiy carriages ami gii-enrU. ' We prepav freight la your nearest station. Remember the Store BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Third Avenue and First StrecL LOCAL NEWS NOTES Garnet Watt is sailing on 'elne.dav by the Prince Charles he i1 or lb. bound fur Ma)o, j Yukon Territory, where he ha First, mining uilered and where hi-: will probably abend the winter J. S. Itimer- is -ailing Ihi nr-Irrn'Ktn on the I'rinrr lieorifi' for Vanr.iuvr mill Seal tie on buiiirs in roitmiction with Ho- Huiiert Murine I'nxtucls fk. He I expect iu lie away about u week. (Jeorge llurie Jr.. who haw h-ii spending the MiiM few mouths iu Ihe Windermere eoun- tr. in (be oulwetttern corner of tbe province, returned home on tbe Prince Charles this morning. Nicnl ThmtipMin. well-known Vancouver liuoine man and prominent member nf Ibe I loan I, of Traoe of thnt eity. i a pa-e tiger itoiim tlirough on Mir l'riuee I'harle.. iim!- iionnd fm Si wart. SYNOPSIS OF LAND AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unrooerred. unrtyej Crown land a may Lo rro-tmptwl by r,....,il l'rtUh vubjeeta over II year ot . llSldl -Km.. An rfL.rln ImImMah to tecm Ilrklsfa aubjeta, tondl- 1U25. totalle.1 32,tty, acconl- u1, J?"!' IS"! purpurea. uU information conrrnln reru 4Umm recnrtilnK pro.etnpttona la i rll-M In lU,ILf In V. 1 Mrla 1 1 rt la in, noriliern Ireland, and Ihe -iiw to Iiorrapt In4." cepiea e( Irish Free Slate, 5,307 from the! Wch ean U obwlnad freo of chra 17 iwiTwina i ir yftrimrnt ot Landa. Victoria. II.C, or to anr Uov- other countries, almost entirely! trnmrat Atcant. from northern Ikirope. I In the same three months ,- lit Canadian who had been in, Ihe United Slates for six months or lomrer. and who went lo that country lo i tle, returned to the dominion. Sinre the di-iiarttneiit llocortla will Lo crmnted covrrlnc onlr land aultabto (or axrteulturai purpoova, and xhlch la not Umber, land. Lo. carrying over l.00 board feet ter aero wt of tin Coaat Itans and tJieo frt pr arr ut of that Kane., V Appllrattont for pro-emptlona ara to te a4drrael to tb tJind Com-mUaloner of tho Land lUoordlna It-vision. In which tho land applied for la altualcd. and arc mada on prtnlad forma, eoplea of which can La obtained from tho Iind Commlaaloner. l'ro-eniptlana tnuat to occuvled for flvo rra and linprovementa mad to talue of tie per aero. neludtn clearing and ctitUratlnc at loaat flta acre. Ltfora a Crown Orant cn ba rev4vod. for mora dUIIod Informallcn the flullcUn "How to Pro-ompt Land." PURCHASE . Apptleatlona aro received for purchase of vacant aiid unreaerved Crown Umla. not bolna; timber land, for aciieultural purpoaea; minimum prlco for flrat-claaa (arabla) land ta li pr am-, and aecond-cUuia (rai-Ing) land II i por acr. further Information mraiUIni; purchaao or loaaa of Crowi, landa la given In llulUtln No. 10, Land Keriea, "Purchaao and Leaaa ot Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or tndualrUl altoa oa Umber land, not exceedlnc 9 acrsa, may Lo purchaaed or I rased, th conditions Including payment of atumpaca. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurf ayed aroaa. not icellns: 20 acra. mar b leaaod aa homaaltea, conditional upon a dwalllng btlng roctod In Uio first year, tit la bolnc obtalnabla after residents and Improvement conditions art fulfilled and land has boon aurvayad, LEASES for graxlnc and Industrial pur poaaa areas not xcaadtnc 140 acre may bo leaaad by ona paraon or a company. CRAZINQ , ... .. . ! L'ndar tho Grazing Act tho Prov I.. Slei,t Ui. CUsloillS Of- .tnea la divided Into rrulnr districts ficer, who has been in Yaneou ' And toe raeca aaminiatared under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are Issued baaed on numbers ranged, priority being given to established ownera. Stock-owners may form aaatclattons for ranee maaagemenL Free, or partly free, pormlle are available for aetUera, eaxipera and travellers, up to tea Advertise m the Daily Newi i Monday, Sep!,?-,, WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. HARRY CAREY In Beyond the Border A pn lure for thoe who love hie and m lion n. ; the west means adventure and (Uriiig. Slrinw' lianl-rnliiig, l.il hi lion llnrrj in the lirrie( - vivid rareer. The -ti.rv of a lovable -henll u my priiMiner, acrii-ed hy raM-U. aud br bandit In iMtok. A h'rt-griing photo 1. 1 . (Mirtruveil hv a gnal evpsiifut of the elem.il N cast. Harry Carey, Mildred Harrli, Tom SnUchl, JacV Richardson, William Scott Hid -THE 'GO-CETTEnS,, SCRIES NO. 10. CEOnCE O'HARI AND ALBERTA VAUGHN Iu "THE SLEEPINO CUTIL" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc, ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIMQ. Our plant is equipped to handle at kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 3S E. H. Shockley Planing Ml the new hh.'tde nl moderate price rai'r Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, w ith additional inai huies for Ihe ni.inuf i' 1 1 SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER hImi carried in slock. 1 Have handling rliarges hy Iniyuig direct from 'lie supply. Ladies New Fall Coats One of the most important purchase!, u wom.m the course or a yenr is her full rout. Itt'nlixiiiB we alway. eiidenviir to secure gnrnienls that .i the iiiimitc and tailored to fill Ihe deuuiinl ol llc.. If you have occasion lo Iniv your roul now yon x it splendid choice here. $15 to $65 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Agents for Holeproof loiery, Nemo Unnei- I Meview Patient Tunihiiirn W iiUon . I Ar h Defender Mhoei ami Ihiiiiiinoii M