jfi.r.ff.o'- September 14, 1985. LAND ACT. w ,( intention U Applf U lun Unit ., . Blixrl Land ItrftMdm '.: , t f'riiire HuimtI. and iltuiir .1.. . utlmi-M Ihmt of Wil.i i.- i.i,! H I"1" ,,"r"1 '"Wile fn.ni wanu. " mm from ,, , . nit. sitkun Maud. .At- I'K "' Anilolirlllh Cot . .. i i . ... " . - ". hi (M-riinalloii I'lrkfr. in, fur m irm.m -t.t Hit r..fl. '"V : latlda. -' ".. ,t at I poM planlrd fil.h IU1I' ..... - ... . . . n lit otiinwM tiuire i.f ,;,) m poaition iwarini norih fi in lliyntirk l.land and true i, tD Hind I'oliit, . Sltklan Mland; " ........ r.. .,,.(, hi... . - - i.-ij - ntirr "' a . .i.tit hlinilrffl ffl. ftlfiM ... , I i -I markrd .Xo. t.K , itwnm hm. mora or lt, to iu , . tiwn.e .v.rthwuterly aluiirl mark ruriy-nani numirrn jet, t. tfwtifi. northerly to rhaln., . (., point or mniiiM-iirfiiii'iit, i . ir acrra, trior or lta. XM,W BHITIH 00l.lMHI. rAfki.vo at, ltd.. AMillcanl trr Waller T.. Walker. Art-nL wr 1 mn. tvia. LAND ACT. jllcl af Inlt'tton to Applf to Loaa Lan . ftiiMfl Land Rwirdln fi :, f I'rinrc liuprrt. and aitiial mi ir- : itmM at or nrititn (.oiiim I . i tiand canal, and brlni at But Y I ..riliixl canal, and twrin t, i maini-tie rrwn irt t'otnt. I'fll i-nno. . V3 ' j 'Iflf ' "tuimuj I iiiiih-i. n n, i ' of Hie follow . a : iand - i i nt -en 'mi, roriuna inai; i-IitU alnnr hllh atr ri - iriu numirm irri ii tat ' J.r..; iirmr miinm fi ' nf Ifl UiW 1 i lft v norinirit ai4tr towiuirrfironi if. . nortMTlr in rtiatn. ntor : nt "f rninrnrriiirnt. ai1 .i. iiiiii 'Jim ion i'rno a i.Tr tvr Walter r. Watirr. Arnl ll4 ) t'M tI LAND ACT. X f lalrntUn U Apply U Pvrchaaa uana. Ur, ..r.lliit fiturtrl of Vtittt ailualr at Um mnuib of, i..'k hlrh rtot Into Ihr i. r alMHIl If till in i' r thai John v. mlib f i n r . orrUfttHMI hMklwr j i.. araly for nnton l; f ill..ln dilt UMdr- i il t t't trfaiitod at lh:ee trr itt tAit 11; Itanr four; m n- nittrlr; IhHHw i - mm ur la, o th jr-m rlulna aitnruri ii- ftrrAr, and cnoulMor -e .r lr. J0IIX A. SMITH. kMiMraM rr C. r. hl. ArU i it inn itri LAND ACT. tait litttrin of OMiar. n. r thai I. rjtptuol Holt V rk. 4.V. orru l niruua Ut M4f for lt' ''i-r Ihr (ullilof 4m- .' n ( l pUklxl aUxil ! : lU'tor a snt i lit ri 1 i ik. auotit lfrfi nrflM - l ik' bound try bnr; tktrtirrl . itxnrr mum i rnaie ' t MIO. lbrM Mllhrtiri i iiir bi.r Ho ut Tallin I i HllHirt-ml. MM T ! rm. mutr or tr. I ' ii III.ET XliIT I'ltTTI H. m in:, itv is.boa HiMial AH-lwaPLi run I J ion. Ata rt uth. ill; TIMBER SALE X7420 mill m- riM-rited by Ik i"l Utrr than noast ui -1lnnlrr. twrl for Ihr K X 7 If". Mil f Ann. I It . to rut 17.' ' r. ntr. Ilmifcak and ill b alios l tor te- illf oT lr CMof ritrl or Pi'llirl l'irlr. TIMDER SALE X 71045 ffid for afe al rublH ii Ihr IM ilar of irt 'rrinr i4 llw fWel fop TIMBER SALE X7201. r A.ri ' "i 1'ilini on an arra ailjoli iMih-rt Isivlto ar. m t, allow M rr 41 ant m? iiiuLIi- In altMol v i V f . " rrrlvt liv ' ".' ! Vlrtorl. tsil n. ,, V""' n llw loth tlar or .p-i t ":'..r".,'."M, I'Mrrh of l-lriticn ii.i' '.ouii irr or Mirnr, n an arra f'ty.'V'WIi'lr ons tnltr sou III of iin'l V,,,n r"'l. H"e S. ' ?mibX?r' m u m,ra ',,r r,i !.' rniHilari of th r.hif rnrri- .!"'. ur lUttrtrt t-orrslrr. TIMBER SALE X734S. r,r l t rrrrlved hr the "' i hi i.,.:.,..M VK-lorla not later, , ih ',"n y or rp ernbwrt. it i Int. r I Irrnri! X73I3. ""m ami ii.. i T" '.''dar, Sprnee, Ih. ti.'. "i an arra alluateii 1 , in. ... . A rm or liratlPV tulol. llanm th,4!' 'nrt: yara ., ii ,if n..:i: will Ji klhiairil Mr i.f .. '""" 'iiara of tlm rtitr ror if. - ii... " or It atrlrl ti.rr.lrr. .'rl. TIMBER SALE X2G93. 'ru!!!-.TF..Nt.! It vl I,, r.-,..i iiv "f tin... nit, at Virlorla. luil '"l, ait '5 '"'il" tuti dav or si. i. "T Pnrrliaw of l.lrrnrr "il k ..... 'i,iin tft nr Si "i in ... iv . ' "'I " n ni :v 'i'- i.r.t,,i" " T"v" "'""t ir 1 -ri -t vHfen flirf Clurlnlltj Snnirr naim Manit ( nc huptri, V.'c, u,,'f' roritr IS ENTHUSED OVER RUPERT Mrs. C. E. Cullln Gets Interest-Inn Letter from Vltor Who Was Here 8EE8 GREAT THINGS Even Rain In This City Prefer-able to That In Other Places She Says A I Irnal mm vinilnr In Vrlnro IJiipTl linn liernr plHMi. Mii C.'H. Jilininn of ,w York City whs lir-if ilurlns I he minmi-'r ciipnilintr a ItnlMay at Urn gwi of Mm. fi. K. GiilHn. of v.HM, AparlrncnU. S5i. wroli. Avnlly iniionM, nun i.nkf j.oiiIup netier ir werr on my mrtrl to 1'rlnre It u perl lnleail of Imrk I never went In a'v place where I fell mi alMnluielv iM-arti to Point f risiilnrnrniirnt conl.inlnt . Vffftt- Ii rrrn "". .n'K,r iiwir 0OSR MlLLKUti fulfil Ml Tth. and LlMITEti. Applicant rr Win. 0. NllrOHl AicnLl LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon t Applf to Purchaa Land. . In th Und IVMiirilliir lllrrl of I'rliice HuiVri? ihI P"rllotj or l.ol twrnty roiir mn. liana five it. TAi.ft1, i"' "- '!'",'""! ... i.,,::rm iiuiirrl. II i inerrrwnU. Intnul l.r f,'r i'Mii k.lfii li IirrNe lit follulviiir UMrrllHil laml: northraM mrn-r of M ,J1; ...... ii.. i i nail UlatrlPI;, tlienr Vlilrlv lialn: llienre vrt iu, iti is" fortv rl it"-: Ih-nn- norm eulil rlwlna, l"'M ... hi.h wairr mark: Ilirtirr ..r imiivi il. ami ronlainiiiir rignty tf l"01 rnJXi V UMITKIt. nitd iifni l'Jh. V n . mra MINIRAL ACT. Appllranl. Oartlflcata of ,''"Pf'.r;nU;, niinio - . .-i.i.ik in ,iif "P"nr. ,,,L' ; ' i.m or Cur M" ,,f "".r" I. .irlrt III Ml w 1.1 ihV . f "", 'ioliamr ttte -ill VitTIf K . a I fltt 1 II aitri.1 . ror inl(-n,U . alxlv .ii. "... .. ... -.,1,. .i,A nn- itiT rrom i'"1, ""'r , , ..riiricaie or or ' Mlnlna nw.rjrr ,;, '. !"', ..inili ,l.ltnl.i .... f'" r,.,, in, ' " : nnivrnirlit1- iniiiimm- . -k.... ..i.i... 1'iaiin, r'i.'V.fr.' ilki ., n't" ir,vp Hit' '.. aiih i'"'"",. .....a !, .inniiiiiiiiTil l ' rur'X 'r " V..rttrii nr .. i,r?y.,,.,srn:i.. ao.t. or aui.ui, a.d Mall CM iii lilt. rauaf ihoy am such prnml bnot prpuiiai i .y attract t It a wealth frntn a nv,r lh(, jn(Pl Stall's. I! havft horn ilrivon along Mil- lionnireV How n JaaiJona. A, "lore heaiitiful collection of lioriioH H i imiipxHilile lo con-j "eive, lliiMiyh iheir value in leas-' r-neil hy tltrrr lieln(? loo many of them lotfHIier. 'J'liey io lookj rallier more like a collecllon' of , Iioiiup limn a Mireet of homes. i The niof slrikins thincr al.onl lBn, however In the facl thai btjnlly one belongs in n Califor-nian. You are tolil, 'This ono hHonjrn In Mr. of .New York; IhU f0 Mr. , rif Phlla- le,hia; Ihiir In Mr. offihl-l "You ieo;ile ilream of a I'rinre ltii.eri willi tall faelorjen ami machinery anil harlerini? In I he anil eleelrte rnr on. I lelllnir how l:ixii-iih I tv-htali I, ,11.. I. Ill ....I muel, Ahe appreela... Ihi ,i a ntle that '!'"''Y'i , , , raumiig (raffle regulator sleep- Lerlnlnly l.o.tue w.M, h4 niffkU), thl 1 ran't feel I il luriir.e wler ami h....U,, PWt ,fk1 Ut fian rnttniling ntounlaltM U the InxeJir,.,, t(lsl. W(H1i,l mi r.ttiel, ? .. aV" "V'1' '" i'""'"'- U ?row xlnwlv. for I out I Nhntili nrnhnhlv eninv it' flow yrnwlh in the hent. Into a (wp. t)f eoure yon'e nevw heen llmre, but in eommon with all the re! of the wnrhl vhii'va al home. Mark rny wur.lM, fair heart! of Cowe Jtewalla, far II in i!y. t'rlnee IIuihtI will nome Jay loom large upon the man. Wltere now are vacant -lois ami the .immI eenl nf Ilia world, kuIIhtiii iu participant fiittn not I It, oulli. eat a h1 weal. open pee will be hoteU anil t:.w". ha oinelhing of Ihe IllinifX mill AllOtl ami Of'lecJ rlurm .f lli.i.w. lll.rvA.I I.., I li When thai ilay eoiitf il w!l la.k the mountain-., ami when it have ot notne of il charm for'mm. iherf (ami it iln !it all ine, but nothing will nh H ..r ii - ...M.n of the year; a iniat beauty. There will mIwu I .romc ihrnn, a cohl elanimy Ihe water innl Ihe h.-nwnly 'mint, which ei through your, lieauliftil htll anil Ihe lory of i.un.'. ami chills Mir very foul. Ihe Minet. X eoiiimerri..! sue-: They arc not tutor. Ihe people of can rob it of Ihesc gifl. i:,,.,. un,l oii- of them are though factories ami elevators wealthy. You might womlerwhal tiwy mar ti somewhat. ihey ilhi for a livlnff if you wonl "I siipMe the rain grow there. I marvel at their ability tiMinotoHiuis. but it seen.-.! to to apparenlly live, on nolbing me a mtteit nlrnr rain than I Hut if you happened lo know have seen elsewhere -il w:i -o ome of the nalJvns vnn mitrlil clean atHl fresh Imiking. Ham discover thai the man who wants (In big elites is a eombinali ni of a first-class launch Is verv ant mini ami rul. Hain in ,Hup rl lo have it built al Cowes: thai or it an nm nunr ami pnnie.i; J(,ys are so inlertiinrrteii, as tl everywhere, as are pictures of i were, that il is almost imnossi-i nnMfnniia. And ynl, ll.C. In nil lutltiral beauties I ran end California, with Ihe addetl ad van - number of It it pert children would, I believe, tell a surprising liry on Ihe subject of health. California i a beautiful place, and everybody knows il. !llrilih Columbia i a beautiful LKers-r' niare ; r.ii mar "iiliinll oMia there and only a few people Vnow il, for even some of the ones who live there don't. .Native California!! are rarely rich lhere are almost no opporluni- for making millions). n- mi. bid. but Ihey proer exceediiigi be H'niar. ..f iim i:iat rri 1 1 -H ' r PUtnrt irrtr. LAND ACT. II I TIMBER SALE, X7051. 'II I nftrml for sals at rubllrl '' m iiw arirr or tiw ; ' Mrn l.akfi, tlH Urenrn Natlca of Intantlon ta Apply t Purchaia ian. In lh land ReeaMtKf Platrtrl f rrM Hoport, l"l iliil at snaitmw nay. lit';. Mattl Intel . U.i: IslaniK. It.C TAkK XUTK K Utal Uoaiw Mlllerd. Lltn- T nrtl, of Vanroiivrr fl.C. ixrupaUMt Ml i..; i,rvx:r: "v"-? .v. ra..i,er. umii t Miy nr tr stailon. lubtV i7 lllHla ...':"r,'""" lh ' ill l allowmi for re-1 1 'inlir. ' i aio nn unable to altmiil llw " t'prMin may Milium a arabi! l ihh-whI i tlm iHittr of a nc i ' l"d a iiiik bid." i4i ti niara of tt.r rhlef lorcal , N h 1 or "!" l orTter. M-rllwl roiiuwinr ()' i:.nmwstriHr at a ll ptatU"! airnxl-matrly 1 1 chaMi west, worn r ls, Ttihii the tMrhit rornrr lot l4 .(T.I-Attll'); IhMiee wmih t fhaltWi thnr in .h.iiit ttmurr aoulh I rliauui: ..... 1 N .h. In. rmhi n- iMM. tA ble ( write of one without bringing in another. "Itrilish Colunihin Is lovely tage of a good Hnuale I mean I The memory of its beautiful hills an enjoyable, healthy climate.! will always sUtv with me, but I A haphaiurtl half a dozen of l.os A ti (teles ohihlren ami a similar shall always like Prinee Hupert heller than any oilier town be-cause the water ami the hill arc together and the sea bill a stone's throw away. I nm loo good a llrllishw lo ever llvo contentedly very far away from Ihe ea. "I suppose tiii would scorn the idea of, tourjsts in your miiNt, bill 1 am terribly tempted' lo write lo Sir Henry Ihorntnn suggesting a scheme for sending you a thousand oryso pent summer for a little fishing and boal-Intr, etc. How much would it col lo put up a golf course? A golf course overlooking Ihe wa rier would be a Irtlietulous al- trapliou, a would' a swimming-pool o nalnrnl one I mean. thai I'rineo lluperl needs lo have il fortune made in a few year is a little enterprise on the p:-rf or the inhabitants and intelligent publicity not (lie kind that screams through a tin horn a i.iaiii; weiioe rmiowtn mrand-rinir ofjtirnilc of adverllsiig slogans that have no foundation in fnc!, but I ho kind thai stale. plain facts (o people who ought lo be Interested therein. Tourisjs would WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Harry Carey in "liiymid the Honler." The (io - (iellcro, "The Sleeping Guile." International Xv. Wednesday and Thursday "Cheaper to Marry." Comedy, "The V1M loose ' Chaser." - Topie of the Iay. j Friday and Saturday The sloriou naval epie, "Zetimgge." Co me y, "All Sijrht Long." I'alhe Review. that will oiiteals seen before. It theatre offering. BEYOND THE BORDER BRISTLESWITH SNAP Story of Deception that put Hero In Queer Predicament I lien Hob Smith, sln-riff, rmle i nt towi with his iiri-nncr, Itott Smith, ami ifiscov erdl that lie was no longer sheriff. In- su-pecleil imilerhaml work m whicti his prisoner was unwillingly io-volveil. He eurreadA'cd him lo. the law. however., ami determined to help him. The boy asked one fax or j would Smith pretend to Molly Smith when she arrfvpd the next morninp thai he was Iter brother and lake lrer l his ranch Molty arrived and Hoh, in the rush of events was Accepted as the unknown brother, ami fearful that iltr truth would break the pretty little thing's he.vl. he allowed llw deception and (that's what started thing bumming. From there on two, tirv race on wilh rapid-fire action gather ins speed wilh every Rew incident until it end np Ih n whirlwind Is Ihe earth's showT-baUi ininnny of the launches attached: punch Ibal fairly bw-ies wilh which Man l permitted In -hare, to the expensive yachts owne.ll '""P- ' humdinger western . I U'M several ende abutit by royalty and Htilliotiaires arc lluperl on I he boat, and I hey bull there: lhal Ihe iml tMau- were all o rry not to hiiveliiful silk ami woidlen underwear stayed there. They had neverthe ilrilisN Isles rMluces I- sold heard nf the place hofoee. I hey i there, and so ah. At limes I aid. eirnt a JurteMon for tie, pnder on these things boat and train. That is exnctlyj " suppoe it seem quaint It: In Ihe eat of the I'.S.A. Mnl-'lhal I'm writing a bout Cowes ish Oiluttibm is jtKi West. II when fuy real intention ws to Isn't the 'Holden sf a isjiell you how much I enjoyed Iheir own California. Picture ! Prince lluperl, hut nfler all our inyllii'ia you've i to-night's "ZEEBRUGGE" FINE FILM SPECTACLE IS TO BE SHOWN HERE Although Ihe litle war is rela,.-lively out u' favor a: a screen topic, and has been for some con siderable time, no stM'h ban could possibly apply to n filrq spectacle like Zeehfiigge." a Jtritish super production that comet loJl'an-nla eiulorseil by Ihe Sovereigns of Creat liritain and the Inghes! jiaval authorities. II will io- seen here at the week end. There is universal agreement that the picture is a truly remarkable achievement fji realism It is a marvellous reconstruction nf Ihe Mat lie of .cebriujig, which occurred on St. fieorgoV Day of 1918. ami was one of tl)a Uecisivi operations of Ihe (Jreat War. The opening reels are con cerned with the preliminaries of Ihe attack, thp necesaity for whicU is explained by means of striking pictures of the sinking of liritisti shins hv Herman "L loats. These views am actually fi-om nhrinaui pnmerasand won olifalnl by the Itrilish when an enemy submarine uns; captured on the way to Ihe I'niliM Slate Following this comes a series of scenes that show the units in (raining and the life of yotin volun'leei during the wailing periods. Then' comes the. drama proper. The story is unfolded vividly' and Ihrillinply. H is i moving sighl lo watch II. M.S. Yin-iliclive sending marine over the Mole in Ihe face of denth-dealiiwrl provide Ihe publicity and Hupert fi,.0 rrom Herman batteries, wonld fonii find, like the dairy- jani ,hori, ar p,,im,M n,n, invP main oi otii, i mil us nice wusu,,,.., jnons(, roam (na, tm. its fortune. watcher half forgets he i not "It is iiinner iiino. .vote imoii.u,.plnR a,.,ual (lljnp UWM'.. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert September 14, 1915. Y. kMuAdam, lata editor of the Kilmonton Capital, has turned his attention to mining mid arrived in Ilic. city last nighl to go prospecting In this dlstrcl with his purlncr, John 1'. llognn, niso of Kdnioitloti. F. 8. Wright, secretary of Iho Fair Hoard, has been nollfed hy Mr, Duff of Anyox lhal a football team will conin hern from the smelter town during I'.itr Week lo play wilh u local all slur aggregation. CHEAPER TO MARRY IS RATHER TRAGIC STORY Immorality Shown to be Costly as Well as Wrong and Ending In Much Suffering Jim ICnlghl and Dick Taylor, life long friends, slarl a new business. A partners they argeo that neither Is to assume Ihe fi nnncial responsibilities of mut- riinony unless the olher .con Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? EVERY day new inventions appear to save you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and ' new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? to the minute on this vital news? (iarduer, a music store clerk. He keeps this relation a secret from his partner and Ihe world, and though l.vilyn hates her position she accepts it because cf love for Knight. The friendship ami music of a young composer aid her in concealing .he wound. Money and Marriage In order to secure new credit for Ihe firm. Knight arranges a party at Kvelyn's apartment for Kvereti Uiddle, an elderly bachelor who is a hanker. Florence Lowry. who admits her quest for a husband; Diok Taylor and Doris Parker are 1he other guests. Dick reveals his deire to marry Doris. Knight is furious al first hut later he consents, and admits his affair with F.vclyn, thinking Taylor will in turn accept ' her as a i member of Hie firm. Taylor in anger refutes lo al low the girl he loves lo associate wiih r.velvn hut Doris cen sures him for Ix'ing ohl-fasfp'oii-ed. The business is saved when Hiddle, believing both couples in tend to nmrry, grants ncedcdiSlcphcn oredit. The old bunker, ciling his lire, declares it is cheaper to marry. What follows proves his theory. Cash Before the Crash Dick and Doris wed, but Knight continues hi arrangement with Kvelyn. who, fearing the day when she may be cast aside for another resorts to familiar frauds lo gniu financial Independence. 1'rlde forces Knigjlit lo accept her reckless extravagance. He draw on the business heavily and finally Ihe crash comes Then the difrerence between wife and mistress Is clearly shown. 'Doris offers In sell her furs and jewels In aid Iho firm hul Kvelyn, although she has senls. Jim, heennso his parents: thousand oT dollars will not part hud been unhappy in their mar- wilh a rent, ried lire, does not believe in mar-i Why It's Cheaper riage, Convinced Mini mnlunt she now loves Ihe youne com to have her arrested for fraud. Kvelyn tells. Masters her story.' While willing to lake her as a discarded wife he spurns her after learning her true position. Now she hales the money she wanted for the young musician's sake and, after forcing the firm lo accept it, she. leaves alone Sadder and wiser. Knight ha learned, al Ihe cost of Ihe woman he loves, thai it is cheaper to marry. The picture is lo he shown Wednesday. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert It. W. Chambers and F. H. Ooodenough; Inverness; K. O. MfCullagh. William McKibbin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrary 'Clout. fi. J. Ilowliolham, Morley Shier. .!. H. I.illico and X. Murchie, Vancouver; J. H. 'Milne and family, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Lade, Stewart; Wm. A. Found, Ottawa, A. H. May, IMinoiiler.; D. II. llae. Premier: Col. P.as- coicne, York, F.ngland; J. A and Willard ltruce, nox; William Sagrr. port F.s- iington; A. D. ltalllle, city: Vic toria wlenshaw, Massell; II. K Davenport, II. ft. Klntiy. J. Mae- Aslin and A. S. fioburn. Digby Island; Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Miller, Port Hssinstnn; Dr. and Mrs A. 1.. I la it, Omaha; II. C. Hyrum, Tacoina; A. Ww Mcl.eod, New Westminster; J. M. Peregrine, Hamilton; W. II. Manuel, Prince (leorge. Central F. K. Peterson, Smilhers; Dorothy Median, llyder; On Weber, Aiyansh; W. C. Heckell, Stewart; J. Ponlliik. S. Shefskey and J. Ar It's a profitable practise Smith, fi. X. H.; Joe llurdettc, Ketchikan; J. A. M,cKay, Vancouver; W. S. Duncan, Woodcock; (S. (irais. city. John 1 just bought a new suit wilh two pain of panls. freedom is Hie onty solution or,poer nnd plan to go away wi'h Jim Well, how do you like lit the sex problem, ho provide n him. Knight kills the Inst sparM John line, only its too hot luxurious apartment for Evdynur her love for him by threatenlug'wearing two pair. e you up The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will know about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advcrliscmcnh tell you where to get these things, how to gel them and how much to pay. For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Don't rob yourself of the benefits that come-from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether too important lo be missed. Read il every day. paok rm j Kindling! When you are buying kindling why nol gel something lhal will star Iho fire in a hurry? Wo handle only the best there is "Bone Dry Kiln Dried Wood." Should you order a load of this you get Value. Full load $6.00 or nicely tied bundles, 5 for SI .00. Our Taxi number is easy to remember, "112", and "Service" is our molto. If you use our cars today you will use them again. 50c is our charge day or night "all the time." Dray work of all kinds attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. Now Is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load S0.00 Hair load $3.00 Large sacks , , . 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $0.50 Hydejransfer 139 Second Avenue Phona 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. I