PAGS WO', The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the'Prince Rupert Daily New. Limited. Third Avenue." H. F. PULLF.X, Managing Editor. Difficulties Attend Hudson Bay Route. Condilions Changed Since Railway Begun. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or rarrier, per month t.Ot By mail to all part of the British bmpire and the united Sfale, in advance, per year .. fO.OO To all other countries, in adrancet,per.year 50 Transient Display Advertising. 1.40 per inch per Xnertion Transient Advertising, on Front-Page. 2.80 per inh Local Readers, per insertion. 23c; per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c ner won! Among the phical diffiellfe Uml altead the Hudson Rav The railway wa commenced before Ihe weslern ronte vra developed. It wa- not theti realized . that mot of the grain of western Canada would go out by the Paeifie port and through the Panama Canal. The cfaattjre Jia- for Hie time beirnr made m v- latel move, which is directly opposnl to the firl, we liave ihi sympathy. We do mil lelieve it i tr plare for a pulriie park. Ill wteibl e pineh better to lime the rtirk farther from the trrain thoroughfare. eecilly if rhildrerr are to be playing Iheret A UHanS W MmW 1 Half -Pounder m '1 You'vt bought Kraft L Qiec$e by the slice, pound JLf k and 5-lb. box. Now the j(HT k Half Pounder at youtJJ Hkh grocers I JmmWw 20-23 HaaanWv. LmWWw IHBhnnnnnnnnnnme 1r iz Legal Notices, each inerUon ,. . . . . l.c per agate line-Uf the present day to depart from spondoUily Contract Rales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - SS S6 All advertising should he in Tin- Daily News Office before I p.m. on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDmOJI V. nine Jay, Sept. SS, 1925. Effect of Prohibition in U.S. on Young People is Reported aa !bel anthoritie on by the Research Committee wfisnrvnviYX St-ni An exhaustive discussion oft the effeet of prohibition mi crime. rotidrrwnt in eeiru"rit neighborhoods drug addiction, the moral the young, ami n-' pert for law in general wa mde public by lb Re-eafrb: ati'ej firbieation Itepartmetit of the Federal OoucJI of he aj ihird section of its peentl reiorl on the -orbM rsm-eutiic of. IHOhtbitowi laws. . ' ! While ponding out that a lack of compare data make fe-. finite Mi-lHa- mijible, the report made Uec serthn: The tewdener f wuwsr o'pfe ' " T- .onveiiiional ndes of liai I'" j..ruiwiii. i- rannot be laid entirely al the intMrgn otiew suve ea lor door ,.f prohibition but "the fart eocem, re-t fk.u a gumdr , thai pndHbition has made no' nasi Mnw laJMrVlariiy of a afore (Mi( effeet m h-ialtten-, single la, tweiy owe lake. m ins: their moral tun ?rs food,taw more ermly than other, tor earnest thought." , !d necessarily v. All law ' Crime -tailzie htdicate a have not the saaw importanee rapid rnreie in violation Of i and m.w have greater octal law. chiefly of the i -demeanor, i.-u than uUim.. For this eta, but it - "jrratnMou"' to reason it would -m to he a bhMo prohibition, and -aM thai mi-tak.- to re-4 ihr apooal for can e asserted is thai prohaW- observance of gtohibitkNi taws lion ha Unas far not prevented aeceiy po lft etKval daty to inerra ta weh ofieies. ; oory ,nr nwr, mm - Less Drinking (ItMiaV of iafteHhrrat ayaapathv ailaMe informatwa iH- firart lae hnv MhMt he !-al. I hat in lilenvnt aftfcrh- bHt u if it to he gnaerafty Itorhiwd there i les driatiaff ofc-errd r,. w i-rmrr nupen mnning nan u ie tiooe except hniWjfc(- lif hll iapree.: Effect on Schools Hie docks. At Port Nelti Hie- water is shallow and has to lejunr oroMfcition bai that the -Report of eh.l adjnhai-dredged and an artificial Maml built up with the material taken, law weeHheie i whjetr'- vie- tra official attt of leeehef who out. The refwrt r mf reeent v$-itnr to Port .efon a: j !! "t hootlegaer I pet- he aa4ej6w teete.i af The :t.rH root loi brklge rr..m the north to the '"1? " . ' !JSi?Snt llSZLt .. . . , . , , ..... AHie iW that , Brohihttioa tkJt nk tittle 'pport to the fhtofy crib work fotJhe t aHiRcwl ,lnd which to ,rovide the dok-h trfMM lo lRfreaVthe ase thai mohahW m Mlf a age, was found to be ;s firm ajtd level a- wfccH it wa- boilL Oii;., rfne .irfiniWi oroof aad eaue of aaaral hfhdvala, it shre Ihetv tand.lhe building- ii-ed for IwHi-ing the I.IMO officials awl workmen who were here in 1P1S. and the stipplie necessary for cotitmctioti piirpo-c. There are the machine shops electric plant, and a network of narrow gauge railway. Eight locomotive for the railway are carefnlly boiled and prevented from niling. Material- and etpiipmeat are everjAvhere in evidem-e. Large timber for the crib work: a Milliliter of floating steel con- dnits for rarryiHg 1 material raised by the Miction dredge and innumerable lifting crawes, dump car. teel rails etr. Outide the rribwwk Ihe water in the harbor i only a few feel deep at low tide. It i- propit-d to deeten thi to W feet. won lt appear to be outre. "The peeeral imreioa which would enable the largest h5p to rome in. The male rial I mcnavnt raisl by the.dredge ould be etoiveiiiently dumped inide the rribwork to form Ihe proved iiol. Thi inland i plaaneii to le three mile loug. extending iitream. and will be from loo to .1M) TfeTwinV. WorK I- vvelf aJvanred on UiTksf t.7M feet WImh the i-Ud or a jKirtMm of it Iia been baiN Hp, elevators and freight shed will be em-fed on it and Avilf pr-vile a terminal for railway tram-. Record kept here for the pa :nvm years show that the river wa open o an average, for five and a half raoslh-, with out the ue of ice breakers. The ice poe out between May 2H and Jnue 7, and the river freeze np again, all except a narrow .strijt out in midstream ome lime iu .N'ovember. in is a' and ribs of ore eonitin? of Ie.. the silver being the important vahie. lt year the eonrjn-esor, put on the ground the previous winter, wa erected on the Cherokre Fraction ; the drift east on the vein into the hHI was extended K0 leet, niaklfti,- a total distance of I in feel from the shaft. There was a deeided imnrovement in the ore a depth wa attained in the main shaft, due to the ; ls(.iunjj of the oxidation, am me ot suiptiidr con tents. lenis. i Hie lie drift iriii east, east, however. however,' eeotiiwed. "II way aerhaa jn: that a tratr he atfl that H ifet aat tespeet lor WW I ieril!i!H? tesm appear wa mw sr- w ....... i inanv ardent importer of pro- latniy, ine aoo-ji.eraae m uie hibilkw lo believe that it foe law by parent ha a rather are imdermintmr all rHiaenhip, trazie effeet on bay and Ctrl, while the laMer assert very poi- ' Ip the eolkare. aadiaMa1i . toely that prohibit ion ha le- some alarmfH?' eoaHraM' hate lnyel re-pee t for alt law. For- .teveped. Rvatt ha a eon-erva-tuat!y. neither eontention i live deaoatfnnhwiBal ewttepe a . fullr nAanrti hv fart. The' tavtesl ha psyeholezytbi way thrd7h school by boot and adoration azree that a per- bteghrr. The wrMenee, hmerfr nn atlitode toward law aad eeai to indicate a i 4iot determinetl-trend at the present iwith referewee tn tn2Se leat tr the Hnn Of aeTTv ide. and that bili!y towant one all the rnllejce rt-an eonulte.l. law itoe nH earry orer into the and it reeehye .ne nteavre of iole fHl of the ritiren' re- ttppnrt frnm other eaeee. Ruffner Mine Near Atlin Is Reported on in Annual Report Minister of Mines Hi ti. A. Clothier. Resident Enjineer) The Atlin SUver-Lead Mine- property i ompri-ed of fil teen mineral rlim situated on Vaughan mountain, alKMit ! mdes up Fourth of July creek frxon AtJin lrk- and II mile by wagu ruod from Atlin. The firt i.x miles of Uiis road from Atlin is in fair condition, but Ihe balance, up Fonilh of July creek, i at best only a temporary road, rshonbl the pruperty drvelop iulo a hiiper, which eem?. very probable, a nsad Iw !eeii cnned up Ihe wvt Mle of the creek on a good grade the Uud-on Ray ronle nnnece-(r-, esjcwUy in view- of lliej thM rtmiil Ih. lMttt4 roHitMratively efaeaply. The property i owne t eotlj undertaking it i- likely do iwtnre to le. At Prince RuMrtiitnd 'jner the upTv:-! f J. the port i open all Ibe jear aol grain ean be shipped from there! M- hffn,r- wf A,l"n at any time, the upkeep of the harlior is lo the orean etMihl not le beller. uolhiflg ami the miflel! l' Wf? ,b pr', City Council And Government Property. A ihort time ago the eily rnuirH aked the Provincial Oovernnmit. to ell it properly in lh centre of the city. This wr fefn-;'od a the government dil md Ihink the time oppor tune. Failing jn, thh tMiy now ask the government to donate the property for park. lajriBisj, warns, ii ( willing to io from the govermnenl. anything to get the properly away We -yniiaatliize with the firl reMdofion beeause orrty had a confute ralHe amount f exploratory and develonnient ork by way of oen-rutiiiis. btrt tunnels, aixt a shaft sunk lo io feet aiwt drifting therefrom: The .surface work has li-eloed in the prevailing eountry rotk of massive granite a number of well defined fiure vein up to II feet in wi'flh. much bi- Hlitol on the surfaer nd. rer. I i.t oa. to the tan; and lead. ti per cent. Work whs then started on a drift lannel ii feet hetow the collar of the tiaft, wbtah wa driven feet th roach a heavily a v Mixed vein fitlinK about i feet in width, tlw faee aayinr:i T CT",T- !Tvi ".xaloe other than a rac Ihe .4M 1-1 ..per cent , , ,, a ,n ,r Important Discovery I Later in the -eitoi. wbt toar w the extmviTi wayward of Hie It would eem that the -rouiteif Ttes not ' know what 1f1sjf-iietit work ha shown, to a vrtn Pr'"J "P ' xrrx considerable denlb. In the ,,'t of 3o r od feet above oxidized material i found lump ,rv''1 frni it assay ): ne a iiiatl' to slur! ;i that w i e-. went through Ihe ore shoot and t A at the face the vein width is jfCisS. V feet, assaying 'manager's samp- " llnjr .- Uobl. it) retft; silver, 2.3 x. io me ion; ami icau, 3 prr leenl. A fhiiimeut of 30 I on sent) to the Trull ml!er. which was sorted from the drift and thej dump at the collar of the shaft, aayed fiold. n.lft oi.; sllveT.j T57 ot. to the ton; lead. 29.25' per cent; and ilne. 12. t per! cent. ' The shaft was sunk 55 fpet ilei-jier in ir tD, showing mixed ore. assa j; across 3vi feet the bottom Gold, 12.80, sil A crab ample) i-'iint fntn which' sper'-njr funnell t 'a m f f i-i.-nl I WRKLEYS i U EVERY rt& ii;rrj. . - a i: s-II art MEAL affords benefit as well as pleasure. Hcabhful exert Us for the teeth snd s (pur to digorion. A fcoa luting rtfrethmenr, soochlne Co oervT and stomach. The World Famout Swtcrmcat, nnroochej dHr.aJa by band, band, fall fall of of TaVrT:: mOMlsW THE NAN IN THE MOON ;to Ihe swiftest. says: hardhi lor tin , it I.. bve the soveni teul nav no taxes. Yetinuarts minerlieH :iih eatena !,,l"r- I ' to Hi ton: and MnKh ""didales wiH lino up the government tre;,t the rit orelty w. II in other wav whichi,he-Wende. and uvrite ,,a'( P ' cnf. Thi -'! ,h' barrier on nomination day to a large extent make up for the o of lave. Willi tlieltroo.1 value in otd ilee a.i0very is imp..rtm a if would re ?" no1 """'"arily b- rilK end of the month i an- !lroaehitie and the balance in the bank account is jt elfins smaller evry day. TWO of the Jbree iori eandi- dale will be able lo explain why it liapinetj on October .'9. THK more I see of (.nhitpn, th. , imwrr i iijuj nains my teei m ja pair of soft slippers l.efore a ld.iiinz fire with nollnny lo to i hut enjoy a good book. A C,MYI)ATK wonl.l be rather sweet. ITS a jood job the candidates in thi ronslOiienry desteHled I from the ape. Two of Iheni will ake in the tall timbers the day ;af'er election day. IX nnb-r lo let some loea! penfde know how rnueh Ikev j.r N wife very njis. MANY a woman thi week t eooaJna; her nlmnds poose. MR peofde are nWer fat tcept when they are asleep. If FRF are a few santnle head line for the e-J Inr fa os dor- na the nejf few weeks! "Xrk-ero jMiur hM hoi Into rank! of both enemies." iterk leiU( Hw h got Ihe Elevator fori eee Htsfrrrl." "Ros-Uli e- elares kf i the Only Man for' Prrnee Itopert." Ten Years Ago lo Prloco Rupsrt 3otmbr 23, 1915. There are ttt ib.I.vmIimI t-hibilor at the Kvhn.'M.'ti th year as aimiat til last veir .The exjklhits have lieen sent in from an area nf i5m nnlejn tior ii and siiulh and ?3A mile east an. I The football ?ame yesterday afternoon between liranby HJ and Prince Iluiiert reufle. in a win for the local boy by U t The goal seorers were: Rrirh-lon. J; Hardy, 2; Murray. I.' Kin ft born, I; Huater, t. In connection vvtlh the F.xhih-ilion. a concert was (riven In the Agricultural ILvll lat uigbt under the direction of J. Ii. Ilavey. Auiohk those taking part were the Metlatalla Rand. Miss Lilliai. Kin, Mr. F. S. Wright. Melh Ifavies, Messrs. Jones, l.anraslcrrl dapperJon and Ravy. Private lwrence and Fnnelpai Rmdy. j ltm! lo (ml it no act. Nslk f ltiitlss U Spplr Is L tin; Irirl et rrlfirv Rtitsrl, tut Oluile l sreil mini, l.UrM, trttokj savasirrrrrv JpW rarkiaf Comstni 1-mni.s, .,f .. renu rtttm las (VwrtUd iin1. n. a f b fo'H.w SSJIIb t SfllU rvOll. VVilf l j JZh JL1 "'e "": taenes is sa J2i.Tr2 ?;nTt" " rsrii elrhi kumtred leri aHiee sr Imp. I It. "O'k'J t.r. ; IhMMW KSlth I"1 "iw r e- i hw saier mr; l-r la , -r.trtl 1lrMTM worth in f he eommuni.r. 'JgJ' TuT. TAiZFlt e well to ak t he ' 1 falva ion rn -t enoins-.. rm. ni. ind j -"iidoet anor'ier auc.o., , .!si 'iv.ii.l ssiftiTT Vlo... I' s lered MiouKhr Ua l:a n.-e . f for some wo. 'iiy din -;n I' A- UN f. I ft . Ari'1 t fer Waller : Walker Airnt. tattj JbIj is, iti vdt4feT. gpr. depth an the veaa to prove coa-clutvety eendtthMH hetow the oiidiaed born on. Another crop-piag wa found, high no on lh-aomntain. that umr be the ex- bean known to earn i,, raMward of the No. t vein. oU values vp to ? J3 to the tan were obtaiel at tht favorable (koml further w.h wlt b. tisae; al .inn Is mrn Ihe eia nest ea- son. It ha apparently been demonstrated py the amount of wrlae. work tne. Mo4 rm the depth attained in Ihe shaft aaJ drift and drift lunoeis from the ssjrfaeej that a eon Mi rahty arenter depthi fs neeemtary to prove the property, and that ueb work i fully warranted by the ftndinfs af-i ready nmde. The Cornerstone timup. cn-tslins of the Cornerstone. I'riace tthl, Matboorne 'up. aad (iobfen Link mineral claim i owned by J .Held of Atlin. The rlainv are iiaaled on tfte w ead of Manroe mountain. The iteneral met foraMtlon Is aia-he Kranite, within which u a bell of eoare. kooe trained, more or le deeonipoed granite, in which oeenr oetnuatile ein. Some vrork was done on Ihe fare of a Muff on Ihe north blc of the mountain in one af these pegmatite vein. It -how it to he about i feet wide, miner-allied with a IHtle dieminatel ,pynte and rlaime.1 . the owner' lo carry value in aold. trver. i Alwap iuc roouch to ttt Uwint mJi after the cbxbc arc la This New Laundry Soap m. ant inn?ien. a sample jt arrns reef failed to -tiow an saves you the hardest work of washday SfKiks dirt out no more hard nibbing Simply soaking in rich Raoo oap-uds take the pLicr cf robbing-doc the hard orh foe yeo. The kxKcnrd dirt come out ratily. Even grimy place here dirt i pmnd-ui come clean with to Kttle trouble to yea just a bght rub. Because Rlnvo dkvoh r completely, it rime out thorooghlf. No bit of op left to torn your dothe yellow under the iron. f gold Yon need only Rino foe your Monday wah. It U made by the nvtkm of Lux, dvr targcrt aoap-nulrr in the world. It i perfect for all type cf washing nuchinr fine in the boiler and jot wonderful for toaking in ct tub. Get a packagr for your neit wadi regular we or big new me from yxir grocer. Lever Brother! Limit rd, Toronto. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo budding next dor to Fr if tell R itrher Sh i frora the F.mpre Rote! We Tarry i full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jainei Zerel II Propm'r on lit make thirl ren it i f"S atlHt. i.KK liim. Sh. Uai why. Phone 178 Rollins: Iteef. i pot Roast, p llouad Steak. -ghasHOr wrifw: Leg of rspvlnif I las'. a OalneKs Hams ami None Better Ham. per lb. . . fWon. sliee.1. i Sif'ng 'hirli- : .- ifeln.-r. f n K Phone 178. U Bsceni tSc JSc Bulkley Market Shoe Choice is Easy when you ! ONYX models .-r caue the stv'e-ibe trend of father are shoe ! easlon that won. younp vroinen wnn' Our Foil st... eomplele. W- -A A width. al- Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue. Phont 357 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST , m Helgerson Block. Pr'flt' Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 6 X-Ray Servlc Phone 6S8. Ta -iiJ Open Tuesday