September 23, 1923. jvv-ednejday r- EWorld Over Discriminating Men prefer Uf Hills r w pi FOR SALE 3. ..J Underwooa London Dry Gin The Gin you will nsk for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.50 a bottle if,, advertisement is ma piiMiMieii or iiii.iycu ny we i.nt.oi Control Hoard or Uy the (Jove rmneut of llriliMi Loliitnbia TWO CARPET SPECIALS Brussels 9x9 $19.60 Axminster 9 x 101 $29.70 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Halibut G Phone 123 "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning -s glt irry l.amler. ami n wilidny morning u inibably (eel like -ingiiifr Hie same thing. S,j vsll)' IH1 ond that mi it'll! dimlgi to-day? THRIF-T SERVICE J i ,, , 111 It I II T SKHUi.K will di. every -de wuslniifr -.ii- ''"' !"' ",k ,,u'- ,,1C v ' wuh .!;. " t' l'' Kp' "P "' '' !""'- ,,ik'-' fpelintr will he rii lor K"I and H-, THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c o lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Chargo $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. ear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills . Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with uilililional mu.buie- lor the m;imiiactuio ui saqu nn;ms. MOULDINGS LUMDER, LATH, SHINGLE'S, VENEER nlso c'iirrii'il in K Save liiuiilling cliurgos Iy buying l"'L',t tro,u ll: supply- iiiroo (if Local and Personal Ii.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. Try 037. Valentin Dairy. 1'honc If Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's! Taxi, 50c. I'hono 678. tf Two cars al your service Sneddon Tail. 1'honc 134. tf Tor the busy man jr woman, a lirown car saves money. Phone 80. tf (loldbloom it bringing back fur coals. Wait till you see tliem! tf J. II. l'ilWbury, manager of the dry dock, sailed last night by the ardena for Vancouver on a brief bus mens (rip, Jliahop Huno and Father Me, lirath returned to the city on the Lardena yesterday afternoon af ler a trip to Stewart. All those who arc not on the voter lints are being urged to register at once . The officer iinen tomorrow and remain open for a week. M. M. MacLachlan, local man aver of the Ilrackmaii-Ker Mill ing ik., returned on the Cardeim yeMerduy afternoon from a bus me trip to Stewart. Tlii Coiiixuvativc Committee llooins are now open al GIC, t hird Aw, West. All wishing in formation or desiring to give any aitattre are invited to call or phone 1 00. 2! Failing to appear in the city police court yesterday afternoon in answer to a charge uf allow ing drunkenness on her premise llaiel .Madin. 817 Third Avenue, forfeit! 50 hail. Catholic Ladies' Tea and Sale of home rooking will he held tomorrow,, from 3 to 6 ut the home of Mrs. Hesner. A c ardial invitation is extended to Mk' ladies of Prince Itupert. W. N. Abbes of the Storm Fox Farming Co.. Cape Fan- rhaw, Alaska, passed through the . 1 1 y on the Princess Alice this iii'Tiiing eu route to Seattle on a liu-iii'--- trip. Mr. Abbes think I he country around Prince Jtupert is well suited lo fox farm nig and will probably Mop over lup'i' in i In return north lo fur-Hii-r. Jiivestigatc the possibilities in jlikt connection. ANNOUNCEMENTS Knights or Pythias Whist Drive and Dance, September 28. Gyro Carnival ahd Dance October 12 and la. Hehekah liaiaar Saturday. October 17. Catholic Cliureh Itazaar, 21 and 22. Hill Itazuar, Sixty Chapter October 3t. I.O.D.F. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, 31. Anglican ember 5. Presbyfcrian November 12. lloyal her 13. Moose and 18. Church Itazaar Xo- tlhurch Itazaar Purple Itazaar Novem- llaznar November I" liaptisl Church Ladies' Itazaar, November 20. m Use Baby's Own Soap. It's "Best for Baby Best for You". AM SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary Itazaar. December 2.. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid Itazaar. December . l I'n (led Church Itazaar December to 230 THE DAILY rTEWl PACK TllRCT Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. lircakfast. Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre llcfreshmcnts Our Specialty is Home Made lee Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itelail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Shcddons Taxi the original 50c. taxi. Phone 13i. tf J. II. Lepage sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver. Mrs. David Hoss and her ion, Clyde, sailed lasl night oil the Cardena for Vancouver on a hol iday trip. Our low rales have been an outstanding suecess and we shall continue on this basis, Drown Taxi. Phone 80." tf SI. Andrew's Society will hold a social evening in their rooms on Friday evening. SetHeniber 25 at 8 n.iii. Musical program. Re freshments served. Admission 50c. II. N. Delmonieo sailed this morning on the Princess Alice. for Vancouver where it is $ intention to locate. 'Mrs. Delmon-ico and family are already in Vancouver. The American halibut Commonwealth, which run on the rocks off Dundas Maud al I lie first of the week, was taken on the local dry dock last even ing for keel repairs. It. V. McNaughton, CN.n. dis trict passenger agent, left on to day's tVain, for Terrace. II azetton and tler interior points, on railway business." Tic wtlt" be back at tliu first of next week A. Plant, vIm is severing his connection wilhhc FUcctric Window Dairies nfif re, returned it . tf i . . j ... i .. rt ditorium last night. Many have already joined the classes or instruction and both ufternoon and evening the Instructors are kept busy. Roller skating- is un doubtedly becoming very popular this Mason. Having been delayed by storms in Lynn Canal, C.P.R.V steamer Princess Alice, Capl. .Arthur Slater, which was dujj. In... port last evening, dfd not arrive hert until 7:30( this morning sailing at 10 o'clock for the south. The vessel had on board; sonio 11.0 passengers going south' from Yukon and Alaskan points. The Alice will be in port again Mon day morning uOrtlibouull.' Delayed by thick weather and heavy freights at intermediate Voinls, C..VR. steamer Prince Rupert, Capl. D. DomiM, did not arrive from tho south until '? o'clock this arternooii. The Prineo lluperl will sail for Anyox at 10 (i clock . this evening' and Ihe Prince Chiule's will. sail for j Alaska at I o'clock 'The train' for the eus, waited the arrival of the steniiiMf fr. the solillil i(u ni.'i'iun. ' Ilev. T. J. Terrace on train. Marsh returned to this afternoon's A. Allen was fined 25 in the city police court today for in toxication. Mrs. A. II. Hailey and little Steve Ureniner returned on lh Prince' Jtupert this afternoon af-. ter a trip to am.6mcr. A. ilichuioud or the li.C. Fur store returned urn the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a brief business trip south. Capl. Lionel H. Lindsay, exam iner of masters and mates, ar rived on the Prince lluperl this afternoon from Vancouver. A. C. H. (Jerhardi, manager of I he Homestake Mining Co., Ltd., is a passenger going through to Alice Arm on the Prince Hupert today. ' J. S. Rogers of. the Huper Marine Products Co., Ltd. re turned on the Prince itupert this afternoon from a business trip south. Women of Mooseheart Legion will hold a Silver Work Tea at the home of Mrs. Unger, 225 Fifth Ave. West on Thursday n f I urnrif in '''. Mrs. G. A. Hix, who has beei spending the past three weeks on a trip to Vancouver and Vic loria, returned to the city on the Prince Itupert this afternoon. Mrs. It. L. Meluloxh, who has been spending the past two or three weeks in Vancouver am victoria, returned to the city on IhuM'rii.ce Itupert this afternoon T. W. Falconer of Alice Arm has returned to the city after spending a week hunting on Porcher Island where he was Uif guest of Ilev. VA.'r. Hushbrook He will go north to Alice Arm lo-nighl. E. L. Tail of Vancouver, mem ber of the law firm of Robert on, Heislerman & Tait and bro Iher of Dr. K. S. Tail of Ihi city, arrived froi the soulh onl the Prince Rupert today. He wilt! spend a week or so here and has come north especially to enjoy the hunting. Flight Lieutenant Karl MacLeod and Corp. II. Davenporfi wlio-e plane was damaged in a severe gale aL Delia Coola las? week, returned lo the city this afternoon. Besides damaging f ",J , Tfttie Plne. which has now been noon. fterfa h Inn to &Icwart.l ... .,(:.. David Wilton is about -lo join the staff of the Electric Window llakeries. . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Connor, wh. were married Here on .Mottuay, Hie bride having been formerly Mrs. F.thel Condon, -sailed las! night on the Cardena euroutu to Xelson where Mr. Connor has been transferred in tho Railway Mait Service. Mr. and- Mrs. J. T. Jack of Palnicrton, Onl., who have been visiting for the past three weeks with their son nml daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Joe . lack, Stork apartments, left on Hie morning train for home. They will stop over in Ikliiioiilon and will then proreed east via the, Stale of Miuucsota. The roller skating1 season is now in full swing and n crowd of people thoroughly enjoyed tin sport of roller travel at Uj Au shipped bui-k lo Jericho station, the blow turned things loue generally , along the Iiqlla Coola waterff6nt.--v The halibut schoonenSenlinel, which was sunk al Casey point, Monday night, following a collision with the schooner Republic lias been grounded on Dighy Is land, temporary repairs are being made o lliat the vessel may be brought to the dry dock. The tug R.F.M. has been conducting -ah age operations in conuectioii with the Sentinel. Mrs. Farrabee' of Montreal, president of the Dominion Women's Auxiliary of Ihe Anglican Church, arrived in the city from Vancouver today in Ihe course of a tour of the West. She was the speaker at a luncheon given this aflernoou in the St. Regis Cafe by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church, her subject being "The Forward Movement." NOTICE. Having purchased tho interest in the Hleclric Window llarkerie held by my partner, A. D. Planl t wish to thank my customers for their past favors; also to as sure them that I intend to main tain the highest standard of quality in all products which have been under by personal supervision in the past. May I ask for a continual ion of your esteemed patronage. THOMAS AND11KW. i':Ji Proprietor. CrMnl Ground 3wti lhii toihrol Mfi thlckn throughout lhtnlir lniK of lha taw. tht Mukinahindinaiiithakarf tmpoMtbi. CraaconlCrind' i ia aa osuumto Uaruro. tINONDS CANADA SAV CO, LmtTtft VQUVa NKHlTMkAk TO0V t. MM, CrtMttt Crtiki' (mi Cit Jllil&eIr, Supplies Send as your none endue trCi (Jul send youEfr this tllustrarfS' ' . Homes &m Distributors for: (fDham K9L9RED 1 llcANADIAN PACinc Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock yjurlwinler's supply of NanaimO'Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 ' jiff Y-'.iil WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS FOR Sweetest J(aid fhocolates "The Candy or Better Quality" which are made with fresh dairy cream and are guaranteed to give satisfaction to the most critical. There are no conditions attached to our guarantee, your money back or a new box. You must he satisfied. Assorted Fancy Centres 1 lb. hox $1.00 Assorted Fancy Centres '2 lb. box $2.00 Nuts and Fruits - 1 lh. box $1.25 Nuts and Hard Centres 1 lh. hox $1.25 Cherry Cocktails -- 1 lh. box $1.25 Little Bits from the East 1 Vi lh. hox $1.75 Peppermint Wafers xh lh. hox 50c Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists. Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue and 6th StreeL Phono 82 and 200 Whole -ale and Retail Druggists Sportsmen! YVe are Headquarters for Sporting Goods of all kinds We carry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us lor Hand Logger's Supplies Uilchrist Jacks and Parts Cable Axes Saws. etc. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue Phono 143 Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT tint PRINCE GEORGE will sail m.m PRINCE nUPERT fur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ami llitriiniillale jint each 8UN0AV aiul THURSDAY at 10.00 p.m. For ANYOX Wadntadai, 10.00 p.m. For STEWART Saturday 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES Oir KETCHIKAN, WRANQELL, JUNEAU, 8KAQWAY, eai'li WEDNESDAY, 4 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN trtlil-llU.v fur VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ' DAILY aictrt Sunday It il a.m. tot PRINCE QEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill points Eastern 'amdj, I'nltod Slated. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CU Tlekat Offlca, B28 Third A, Print Rupart. Phono 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far inCHIIAN. WRANCELL. JUNUU. SKAGWAY 7. 18. 28. Fat VANCOUVER. VICTORIA aaJ SUHIE &itkrr 5. 12, 22. Si. PRINCESS MART For Butadata, Swanaon Ba, Eaat B.lla Balla, Ocean Fatla, Namu, Atari Bay, Campbell Rlnar, and Vaneouier ar Salurdai 11 a.m. Aaancj for all SUamahlp Llnaa. Full Informalloii from W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral Agent. Cornar of 4th Street and 3rd Avanua, Prlnco Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings truin Prinra huperl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bat, and Alarl Bay, TueeOar, B P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alar) Bar, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A. For ANYOX.. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naa Rltar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. US 2nd Aenue. J. Barnalay, Aml Prlaaa Rupart, B.O. r I ;