fi t , - ,t PAflK VVO 753 OAiLY 'fifiwS ' " T J rCha$G$anborn$ I WbSL Coffee Ipig? , Is more Deliciouf I 2222 than any otter J The Daily News PIUNCE nUPEUT "BRITISH- COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PUIiLRX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month' $1.00 By mail to all parts of the Rrilisli Empire anil the United Slates, in advance, per year , $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year , $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. ..$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page..:., $2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion .,"..'. . svi vjf ... . . ... .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion.... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ,..lfc per agate lim , Contract Rales on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Getting Into Wrong Heaven. 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 0 Thursday. Nov. 5, 1 925. Lord Byron, according Itt Ihe novelM,. Mrs. Adams Beck, is credited with having remarked that he Was a fool fur having got inln the wrong heaven where he had, to coiiurt wilb men ami women lasles were different from bis. Re calls it an "ingenious hell." Heaven is largely a mailer of companionship. While cli uiuic uiiu iui)rupny ami mauve tenuity oji toe .-on an eel a person's life In some.-extent the mil thins that, affects him is the lype iifpiJtip?ti"ire asoViales wiHiTf'TefrfiysUn mala' 'urieTOf hi characters say, "I am a part of all that 1 have met." (liven congenial company and enough; to eat anil drink and wear and there is heaven, (liven all the riches of Hie world and uncongenial company and there .is hell. Because of Hie fact that our friendships are the grealesj factors in our lives, thoy are life last thing in the world we should neglect. We may let thing? slip in business, we may become careless in dress or speech or in any other small detail of life but to become careless of our.real friend- is fatal. Guy Fawkes Day In History. " " This is Ibe Fifth of November, Hie day on which discovery wac, made of a plot to blow up the liou-es of parliament in England along with Ihe King ami bis chief slaje-meii. The plot was discovered and as u result a great many hut their lives, the innocent with the guilty. II was supposed jlo be a Catholic phU against a drntetuiil king. Asa result Protestants for nianv years celebrated the discovery of the "pltil by the selling off of fireworks, burning liny 1-awkes in effigy and manifestations (ml speeial services ,were held churches appropriate to the occasion oilier similar in Pndeslant The (lunpowder Plot was on incident iii Ihe political life of the times and had no special significance. II was political as welt as religious. Today the young people know nothing of it, and it is well lhal they do not. In those days Catholics and Proleslanls were equally reckless. There was a religious hal pervading the almo-phere of Hie country which is wholly ron-trary In religious precept. Toilav-we have largely forgotten Hiatl and we now recognize Dial it is Ihe privilege of. any person to warship lfi-;ii own wm or;iiol to worshin at all if he sees fil. The reign jif Tceed'Mn isnolJ. fjtll- iiiauguraled but it is being ushered in and a fev(iii'oW'ke'neraHoiis or development should see religious oppressioi'ii1e1Uffr' ;(iJthojic jr PrIle-lanl or any ' tdher wholly removed. "' '' ; ' - " Ku Klux Klan Not Wanted Here. According lo an article. Inken from a Vancouver newspaper and published in Ibis paper today, a branch of the" infamous Ku Klux' Klan is being formed in Vancouver. The organization is one lhal in some parts of li Hulled Slates has taken the law inio its own bauds and Ihe result has been anything but beneficial oire development of the democratic spirit. Injustice is often done and the passions and prejudice of (he people are aroused. H is hardly reasonable to expect IJint the Klan will get much of a foothold in this couulrv. II orieinaled in Ihe neurit stales for the purpo-c- of prolecling the While residents again! Ibe negroes win. had just been freed from the bonds of slavery and who had had no Induing in self-government. It is not suiied to n free people and should not be 'tolerated in Canada. lis introduction is Imuml to arouse ill-feeling. BLACK r as (he Ace of Spader BRIGHT I as a Damond with less labor and clean hands I ArJBrB WStov Polish mm Get a Tin To-day and Try it. it If you pritr a past, uf Zebra. MADE BY THE MAKERS OF; RECK1TTS BLUE too 9 KU KLUX KLAN MEETING AT SHAUQHNESSY HEIGHTS VANCOUVER TO ORQANIZE (continued from puire jne) nulo from Hellinphsiin arrived wllh American Klaimiien, who pave I lie American salule m the flag, nn'l then Hie l'arili or old Itoman salute, with extended arm, to I lie Klazik Later the American Klansmen donned -their, robes and liooils. Oualiriealions for tneiuberslilp in Ihe Klan were explained (o i. of ihe while race, Cenlile, a Pro testant, poiol morals; reputation- and vocation- respectable; ex., enudary habils: sound mind and an aye limit of IH yeirs The oiiler- was described a 'an inslituii ui of i'liivarr, llu- iiiatMly, Justice and I'alrioltsiu, embodying in its genius and principles all .that is chivalrous In conduct, iMthle in senlimeHL generous in manhood and pal riolie in purpose," From Ihe lectures it v Kalhereil that Ihe Klan will he slronirly anti-Oriental, and will make a special drive a?ainsl rrs of Hie tnte, Vi-rk ,0 'luonch inv lisht and still'iny voice." "I anv ii bulwark and bell-invver of Democracy. Williin my: realms Hives rrllnimihes hi million and t.axuriii hi land located at the fool or ItWIlie poor man .Jiere i a ricn n Irruss was resliiiK :i drawn stvnrd.lhe rirliesr, and Ihi rirli man a and an open Mlihle. poor the pauper, kiiow im, distinction, anil lhal un-ui- n.,in ii. v..,ii.te ..ver.i: 'ie drnp traffickers. Conies of an "Imperial Pro- Mama I ion" lo Ibe "lovers of Law, Order, Peace and Justice of all .Nations. People, Tribes and Tonsrues of the Whole eaiib." inviting all wjio could ipialify to become citizen of the 'lnviibl Km pi re. were banded out. lo-pelher with the Kanadian Ku Klux Kreed, which reads as fn. lows: the order of the Kana diau Knilils of Ihe Ku Klux Klan, most humbly and reverently acknowledge the majesty and supremacy of Almiplily (Jod, and do acknowledge His fcoodness ami Kraciousness tbrniiifli .lesuj Christ our Lord."' "lion-eious of the ploriolis heritages whieb have isuue down Ihroucli the apes lo u who are of Ibe Anglo-i-axoii race, and appreciative of Ihe proud position we bold anions. (he nations rf (lie world Ihrousli the right which has been obtained for our noble land by the idood of her people, the4 umpic-tiuued -freedom and supremacy wlrich foiighla. and conquered." "We shall ever devote., our tuns! valiant effort in Ihe de fense of the ideals for which our glorious Kinjure has fought for and conquered." "We recognize Ihe distinction between Hie race of mankind a decreed by the Creator, ami we shall ever be true to the mainten ance of 'While Supremacy,' and strenuously oppose any ronpro-mise I hereof." We avow ourselves steadfast in our respect for law and order, and shall ever strive to uphold lher precept n part of our creed." We pledge ourselves honor ably in practical fraternal rela tionship among men of kindred lliouiriil. purpo-e and ideals, and appreciate Ihe infinite benefits act-min? (herefrom." We shall faithfully devole ourselves to the practice o f honorable elauisbuess that Ibe life of each may 'lie a constant ldestng to other." "Xon Silba l?ed Antba." Another hixlily-wordrd docit nient, headed "I ain.llie Kauadlau Ku. Kins Klan' sayl:' "I am the searchlight on a lofty lower." "I run my relentless eye to and fro Ihroiuihouf the land; my pierciiiK slanee penetrates tlm brooding place of fiiiipiily. I plant my eyes and ears In Ibe whispering corridors of crime. Wherever men pal her furtively logelher, I here am I, an austere and Invisible presence. I am the Ilecording Angel's Proxy." "When I invade the fetid den of infamy there Is a' sudden scampering, as of rats forsaking a doomed ship. ( am the haunting dread of the depraved, and the haled Nemesis of the vicious." "When Ihe Law 1 weak, then I am strong. When Justice stands Impotent, and dumb, then do I pcak with majesly ami power I am an oiistrelched arm lo Society's tinieijuited victim Ibe Hwifl avenger. of innocence' despoiled." "My voice l Ibe sound of many vvalers. Sometime It rises in mighty wrath until it muffles Hie thunders and roars' of Niagara. Soinelimes it sinks lo I fie. still, sad music of consolation and sympathy. Always and ever I speak for Ibe sanctity of the home, for a Malnless Flan and for the preservation of these benign tnsliliitinns of the free." "Corrupt politicians, despoil- lied manhood. "I am the burning: beacon in Ihe uplifted haiidjvf Liberty. It ajii t In sword and'ijuckler of lhal inighly iiivis!ldef.5riiiiprror of all WrVe .ly symiioi jirr me rinj (Jrns and Ihe scinlillVtl mg. slain jess Flaii.- ' "The foe of Vice, Hie friend of Innocence, the rod and s'iiIT of Law. I am the K.nuobaii Ku Klux Klan." Tn iiniiirie Maior Powelli Tslaled that Hn Klan already had' a large membership, i'u' ;bat be could not divulge Hie names id any member, ah hough they themselves. wer yriv ilcged to do lid. if I bey thought necessary. During Ihe evening, however.! one sneaker declared thai "more . than one of those elected on Thursday were ineiolei,s of the Klan," but did iiol say whether Ihe word referred lo local seals or not. It vva announced that a publb meeting in Ihe Hotel Vancouver ballroom would be held -liorlly. ami that an oM-n-air Konklave, at vvbieli Hie Fiery Crns would he raised, vvonld also he held in Vancouver. .A second Konklave. at which Kanadian Knights will le invited, will ato be held al Lyitden, Waliingloii, in the near future. Application blanks banded out bore a pledge under which Ihe applicant bound himef to a "lricl and loyal olwdieliee" at all time In ibe Klan, and to "willingly accept a my portion whatever penally your authority may impo-e" if Ihe signer prove "untrue as a Ktansiiiaii." Laeli application mut be accompanied by I tic "required donation," which was stated lo be Sin. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: i The Sky Pilot A LITTLK bent with. Hie care of lime A little worn hnl with faith sub lime The preacher passe with cheer fill air And MTsonality most rare. Pilol of soul ami helper of. men. Where shall we find hi like again. We shall look in vain for Ibe word of cheer For anecdote we iove lo bear. ky pilol who for. many a day. lias heliH-d It on life's loilglie! way, llelie.i sinner and saint with a grip of Ibe hand. The mnnJiest man in all Ibe land. OF all the sad lots The addel f know "I all dreed lip Nowhere lo gn.J!.-,,, i .Was a yotipg, niaii wllli llil.-iiii'dbetvinilnw? ''I.-- ' Utitf Hill sadiler still - Is be I ween ' Who does the lb'ngs He didn't mean. Then why be sad In thl world of Joy . Lei us have a good time Tonight, Oh boy! TllK modern ynunir plrl Is she who can stive her bobbed curl Hie proper kind of shake lo attract altciiimn without being GOOD-BY STOMACH GAS No mailer what you have tried, you will be urpHsed , t Ibe 'Jl'ICK action of simple buckthorn burk, magneium siilpb. c.p. glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adlerika. This remove OArf in (en minutes ami bring out old waste mailer you never thought was In your system. Adlerika i uch an excellent iiilesllnal evnciiant that it I wonderful for constipation ami slouiach trouble. )iiips lhul full, bloated feeling, and makes you happy ami cheerful. Don't vvale time with p op tablets bill let Adlerika ive your bowels a IHvAL cleansing today I Ormes Limited, Drugging. ovei tisi'i nous lif -Li I k Till-, ui 'dirn yoiiiii? man i be who can live without sleep or; work. SOMK "f ibe young folk Oi today arc so speedy they could owigliikc a rumor. TllK modern girl i she WIrr shake her curly hair In Jtit Ibe proper wny The mixlern man tn nare. Hut I may tell yon now Her charm are really ran Hut Ihe way she show tlio.ej charm Should make Ibe hoy heware. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Novtmber 5, 1915. The residence ol Mr. ami Mr. Mayuard. Kleveiilh Ave, was -completely destroyed by fire! last night. Mr. Mayuard i fit Kngkiml recovering from war wounds. Mrs. Maynaril was in town when Hie blaze hrtli,iMit. I . It. I'allullo and II. L. Harri of Itella CiHila will be speaker at a Liberal meeting In be held tonight. The 5.T.I. sieamer llenrielle brought mi three carloads of blrsler copper from (iranby ye-lerdHy" for Iransshipincut Lat. The consignment represented about I (HI. mil) pound. CASEY WITHDRAWS HIS ACCUSATION AGAINST NEWTON Al the jecial meeting of Ihe city rouueil yeerday aflernoon Lbl. Caey staled lhal be wished in retract remark made liy liiut on Monday night In Ihe elTecl thai he bad Iteen overridden by Ibe inayor ami cily lreaurer wilh re per I lo city financial af fairs. Iln said lhal be bad made an investigation and bad found Hut his accusation vva uncalled for, there having Iteen a misiin ib'rslamliug. In view- of Die cir cumstances n w:n desirous of apologizing. 31-.-...- ' , .., k'-.'y'.ayor .Aewuw , graceiuny. ac cepied AM. tlasey's explanation saying lhal iniiinderlanding were iMiun.d lo occur ami. a far a he was concerned, II was his desire al all lliii- lo keen ibe commillees posted. Aid. Caey' resignation n cbainitan -uf the finance coui- mlHee which was baed on hi charge of Monday night has also been withdrawn. RArrt.ii or aMi or chanck PROHIBITID Ml TICK IS lirtlKRY OIVKX tlit I hnvr ihh-ii iiKirurleil i nirirliy rnriirre Srr limi nr. i.r Ills i:rl1iiliMl Cmle nf Clilt which ni4kM II mi liidlf liblit offenr m niiMliiri mr m-lH-nie, niiilrlvturr, ur er Ihm nf utir kind for Ihi imii-imko i.f m Ivrtiiliilnir wh.i r, Hi IwiliU-r nf ln( iiinri, itiimiH-rii ur riivurr hi iny pm frrly tieinK ol. ur lliril nf, or ill. inioi- ut iii) msnU, rr ur nrrlMiill liy iiiy iimkIi nr rlimiif nr inltril rlunrp imI skill or who ImlurM my wrMn l uke iiuiiicy ur nilr vlull.- prupciir or lliMiff mi Hi rriilt "f my mine nf rlrnnic, liy wlircl ur utlierwlne. ur In lull-iliwt any lullrry ur ftfflr. Till erlluii itiM-i mil ipply to ruMe or prlie ur I Villi lint to rtreeil liuuu In my htr hclil fur rrlinlini ur rlmr'lt-Ills .t!i-Ni.., iruvlii-il irmln.Uui h flrt nl.uliiHil from the Miyur i,f n,0 cilv In tiolil Hie Mine. 1,1 Chief ..f l'olli e. NOTICE, IX rilR .MATTtn of in .lrll..ii f,,r IIk lue nf ITt.vlsl..nal Ceruririlri tit lllle f..r l.t 3. III.Hk f; " , li.l IU llloek i; l.;.t. 7 lint , llliik J t lil i. n. 7 mil , Umk li: l.,u I iii i IU...I t&: I., i, 3 tml t'lUiTk rt.U 3, 4, 7. . II tml (, l- lit, ii ihi ir, iiiork ui i.uii u im'i U auil Hi U.I. 111. It in.) . n"".?, i- ,Tt, I. S mil 4. Ill.irk H ; n, (., j i Iih k . .11 III Ihe Hr.t A.I.IHI.mV 'tT.wwIiJ ,,t tun striii.;.. ,. Mm i livv : I'iMriri. v inc -1 v. lunm s. siiourinry proof of the i..a nf . cutiriciif It 'l inn clmiu, iu hester CIGARETTES enj U5 your none end m utH ?nJ you Uui ltluitrjtcd book cf hejubful ncmes Pistribulorj fort K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3J 8 A NEW STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE" Supplies Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stok your winter's itpplj ot Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 1 Ssltt Phon" 116 ani 117 1 WICKER Chairs and Rockers rrrllflru of Tltl am Hmni n ji . ),"l"l"A,.i,0' ,r'' ''inry. IH, mi Hie Itlli .Xi.Vf ihlior. lim. .!. iv in. .rr uuiiMN-rril IP4fil., Ill imoii,. lwiilliy orrire, lrinr D.C flik Sriiitmber, lf&. II. V Url.F.Oi, n.ltr.i- nf T.. WATIR 0T. ?niTli:f is m in hy nivt:x imi in. Ilutlulir. the l.lf.i'liiilit.ll.ikr.i,ii. ,.r hi. I.ll f i.liiiiibl, liy ami h the ulrlre of hi Klerilllre Ciinrll. I... im-u nii...i ... urT; Til VT .iir.nnl in the of srr lion n, hi'inr rhmter 171 i.f the lie tl.eil SIAllltea uf 1 0 I. Ita r linrrcuiilfit water uf IIoiiim niver. nr. ham Manrt. In the Prlnre nni-ert Water ni.lrkl. e.ubll.lied piir.nani to nnter lli riillll. il No, D1. iM.rovril on II. I til. '"if .'!?. ",l'!,'iil"r. loa. I.e eaneelle.l. i..i i r ii una nun nay or nrtoiier, KU f. I. I'ATTIll.l.i), Miuiiur t Lamia , and- Wicker Library Tables We niut make room fur Full Goods urn! are off (his line of rurnitiire at Reduced Prices BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. New Phone 123. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to budding next door to fYijell Hotelier Shop, acrns from the Kmpress Hotel We, carry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jams Zarelll Proprlf" Unit. Iiavlnir Iwen nrisliired li. m ii i. niy Inteiitlmi In, rier Ihe rilrallui of one iiioiitli fn.iii llm rird imliiirdlM, li-reuf, frovl.luixl Urrllflraie ur Till. to I III- HtMlte lllllllH III lh ruiua ... IIMIII.KS M. jOII.HSii.1. TIM. orltln. tuuii, ftUUVI. liiipen, fall )resses UP-TO-THt-MINUTE STYLES AND (MATERIAL Moderftttt .Prices "Demers" Houae of Quality Phono 27 P.O. Box 32T