ii 3l n. K l 11 'fn l(it riMilv fo Mr, r . I M..il t a f 1 1 1 i LJ -1 J I Vancouver on September S, 1926. V M;ill Vl.U, Nov. 5. f Jtic tn 1 1 ed Church con-yesterday decided thai h: ::pt i..kn r.. ..a v.-in in iiiti.i Vancouver on Sepleinlit'i' H I u sing the nlloliiii'iils of 1 a ions presbyteries fur the 11 ,f ii s four million dollar ctiuicu fund, Is was an-"u: im Mini the Sunday xchools 11 J 'he young people' a noeletten "I 'cached an aureeuienl lu iu - ''I'1 a 1 1 1 ii i inn in of eight per l"M U4 limit iiiiioiiiiIm 0 COMPFNS&TinN m m.u.ll IH1I. liliPIOI'HI miiiinui-. position Itroiwrlil about hy the re-.mw ojVPr in the Legislature. rnii general election was fully replying to an attack by II. II iiic'im Hnu ho aiiii"" Pooley. opuostlion leader, on dences of Good Work In '. PodHlty of a4.yilng.Hit i--,,ieiilire of 1.5(uj)ltli on the Court Cases rlletiey to Minmion Parifamenl; Cnhercily of U.C.uevv buiMliweJ . II... Ml tiMi.liil Jain a. .a .hi 'a : ' i J al. Li had Ni-wi. i,n ,n,,rr ,H ,hP al,,l,,,e ofrnment' plan of nlin? uu .. &' trenilr nf ,hr l1aniinarjr reprmenla.. u,rtty for the .iniounl oer a.-. mI i li at iahi lti tuari Jl II I . 1 .. I ii ii ii...,Mt 1 " ' ,:: ftirrni fir iirr-iiirun ill iif" ttir Vainomoto ll"l,,,n rail ly the mimeririil nouvm tIP "miroii.titulional- 1 icfim-nic rui..i- ,iy oi uie Bovernnieni pcniiiK Ute leaal depart-! ir -M-rnnienl with the;' j money hy urnii.t of the I.icu- Accept. Advice tennid overnor . a,li,rK iii-nUl ex-1 vlnr.. ,u p...-; "Hie Kxcelleiiey ha- Ih-cii !. Ilr. Sutherland promised if... n.i-n.i.l ulcaxHi Lit aeeem uii anico. .. I In di-alh. -.aid! Attar relewlnn three po-ble Hon .. ii.. i..- ..u.,a.iiroomr of itroeeduri. each i v 1 1 1; iaw " " . v.. -t - - .... .:. . . a . ..a .... a FOR ROSS WATSON VIC TOIHA, Nov. S. In the Npl or lUm Watson, who Ik l,uHed of a charge of parlicl-"Hon In f 1 1 o Natiuiiini hank rnli-cry nsk.i rdiupeusatiini for the veral montliH n which lie was rid uu ii .ii .1 i.. ii. ii, .i i I ill 11117 i ucii am "Quest, vvil he lorused, il was of --'aily stmcd hero today. " Po (Munition Parliament ami to r.wry askeo wneiner sum inipp MMmv Hie House ej tjainion toiiver-axpenditures had arisen he-.i.i...- :i- aitiiii.n. noon the di- fore around election lime. "Ws iion a procedure warranted alo want lo know, but we'll tiv eoul H ul ional preeeilent and never find out. how much the hy the pifseul eireuinslaiiees. To huy sol nut or if." take any other entire wiuld he1 'Here the Government an- failto reengnije the xiiprcme, nonncivi n woinu answer in un- ri'ui.i ..r Ho tieotdc lo (rovejliiiaii any i.ueMion aooui ouhit- Ihriii.ilvis in the manner whirh; eilv financlnsr lti.il any member Iho eonstiliitinti provided, name-; wished to have aimverei!. i, ,.r ik. nm.fn.'lv hv esnre-liir their will. - Mr. Mauon'a iiWfi- thrm.gh their duly elected repre-, i. t,..,i shoii. mwl'iaenlatlxes in Parllainenl and In NkkUkNI'k Ilk m. m m. MM 1 I J I m Ml M w M Mmm UNITED CHURCH acconlaiice with reeognizeo pur-, liamenlary practice." j No Appointments The slalenienl also says: "ln the interval until Parliament a-, semhles it is the intention of thel a . ..rtrMnlii fniltll iMiveriuueiii 10 unii makiiiB appoinlinents beyond cuch as are essential for the nroper carrying on of public business." Mclflhen to Reply III, Hon. Arthur Meighen. leail- . .. .. .i. .. Ill ij er of the i;onserviun-s. sue a statement late today in answer lo that of Premier Mng. CoiiMTvaltvcs have asserted that Premier King should call parua-0...11I lo meet 011 December 10 ii... .iii lenliiiivelv sol in the Canada (iazelte vvliieti iloes nol commit the governineui. VANCOUVER ISLAND MURDER CASE ENDS NOT GUILTY VERDICT vwaimii. Xov. 5. .lame Killer, a while man., and George l.eobar. an Indian, were yesterday found not guilty of the murder of Louis .lainiesnn, an Indian,, in a small village on Iho wesl roast of Vancouver Island liml Annus!. the Crown alleged thai tho two accused struck Jamloson following a drunken row ut his home. GRAIN GOING TO VANCOUVER 25 TAX,. Boston Grill Ambula' "'"m,,.. ' SI?' main ml Large Upstair .Dining Hall, Servica with newly laiij dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and Qth 8t. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best fdr the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 4B7. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI XV NO. 258. I'UINCK IIUPKHT, H.C., Tlll'HSDAY. NOVKMIiHIl 1025. Vfiltrdif' Circulation 1BI1 trtil (! 51 PRICE FIVE CENTS. ACKENZIE KING IS TO MEET PARLIAMENT 1 m mmr mmmmmmr . mmm -m mm m mm, mmmmmm mmm mmm mm aaiv mm m mhb wm BM mmm aiw mbb a U KLUX KLAN BEING FORMED VANCOUVER. MEETING SHAUGHNESSY HEIGHTS I if- yi acRenzie Aim? iiovernment tn KJ Meet Parliament and Allow It to Decide Who is to Carry On Mil' ' t I i . f Ililiftnnnitnit rime mimsier aaopis constitutional practice UlNlVtKull I iiifiirri ic nrronton hv I .nt)arnnr etmrama right of people recognized : UNDER FIRE DTIVWA. Nov. 5. It n of filially announced Dial I'rc-Mm i.i'iizu' KnifT wdl mce- Parliament und that Parliament iliil ul the earliest xiible dale. In lii statement he i T' ' te-t oflinul returirV having Iteen made it t apjtar-e-ui of Hie general election thai ao no one of the i Turn nrrpi np I II L IIUUU 111 nen itself he lie Hear dear majorities majorities in in the Ihe' Opposition Criticizes Provincial Government For Expending More Than Authorized FULL INFORMATION SOON f riie vvonui oi Insinuation by Pooley That Some tumuli vviicu r.iriinmciit assembles, il heeanie my; of Money Went Into to i' Muiioter ti aiipiauit Hit Kxrellenry. Hie (Jovernor, al Election Fund I i r it 1 1 i .i r. it i.i ntbUVfcKMfcNl lirnenil. of the situation and to advise Ills Kvcellency a to the) Special to Daily New .. . ' ... . .1.-. ..I f a 1 I '"" miuiiiii iif ursutii. VIGTOHIA. iNoV. o. We are "Afler ciera interview with1 .,r,.iVarcd to lake full oone- Ili4 Iwllenry nt whleli the, ducnee of our error." -ail Pre We will lay all our cards of on the table." ho faid. -iwated d rom-ihleh wa-roni.idere.1 hy thecah-i "llml a naty in-luual ion. I. . ... i I.urloil Mm liromior. when Mr. "tn'rnld Hie ' any wmtip dninjr. ii. inn i. In and 'Hnk rae wre in- ..-ood work d'HH1 tiy the (liee. : flitter ald In' wi Miai I If farli whirh 'ui' iil in eoiineeliiiiii to W "uu Foon s?iti(r ahdur-' in Vnni-oui'r would Shipments Being Made Through That Port lo Oriental and European Ports VANCOUVER, Nov. 5. The grain movement through Vancouver Is now very active and an estimate places the shipments during November at seven and a half million bushels. The grain Is being shipped to the Orlont, the United Kingdom, and to various points on tho contlnont of Europe. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal lU.. Silver Daly Alaska- . Nat Ional SUvei Premier Silvercrest . Sui-r Inlet Ilulli Hope Howe nund . Dunwell L, (V La .... Mnrinol , Terminus Purler Idaho . llnxrlloii ........ III,). Asked, 1.31'. 1.35 1.15 .It .HH .15 2.25 2..0 .07 .08 li .071! .37 .10 31.00 33.00 I. GO lOVi .12 .00 .30 .18 .02 .24 M .20 tMMkVA MBfjajMHMajBBjHHHajaHajBHMaaapjraajHMHpjajV A new die has tarted n Loudon kinig the kiiorker un Uu1 door of 10 Downing Street, offuiul reideni'e of lh" prime ntiuit'r. Forty-nine Ounce Nugget is Brought from Atlin by Geoige Clothier; Valued Nearly $700 Yesterday (ieorge Clothier, reidenl mining engineer. waJ wandering around (own with a little sack inside of which va a big pebble. Hie biggest gold nugget on record in northern Hrilisli Columbia. He brought il down from Spruce Creek, Atlin. and is showing it in Max lleilbroucr's window mi Third Ave. The nugget is estimated to contain uboul half gold. As il weights ill ounces. Mr. Clothier says it is valued ut between six and seven hundred dollars. ' ! The tiuggel was found by the been saved and would never have owner of Spruce Creek on the been found had il not been that In mp. II' was so large that in the man happened to see il on Hie hydraulic process it had not Hie lading dump. Montreal to Vancouver Made in Three Days by Oil Electric Car on Canadian National Ry. VANCUlVVKIi, Nov. 5. All records for (raiiscoiiliucutn! travel were broken yesterday when Ihe new Canadian National Hailwavs oil electric car No. l.S20 arrived in Vancouver after making the trip from Mmilreal in three days. The Irip was mil onlv a record breaker so far as actual' schedule was concerned but il wrole a new chapter in .Ihe railway history of the world is marking Ihe longest nun-slop run ever made by an engine. During Ihe S.U.17 miles covered by Ihe cur engine, nol unco did it stop running. There is also ihe actual run ning lime which again provide an unequalled passage In Dom inion Iransporlaliou annals, for eliminating detentions due lo nieeling trains and ylher delay. incident lo modern transportation methods which came lo 300 minutes, the actual running time was slmmy miner m uour. From Ihe first to the last Ihe trip demonstrated the superiority oT the new oil electric, car. Arranged primarily, as an en durance lest for the engine, nol only did it prove lids point hut also il showed Iho speed possibilities of the car over long distances which previously luid not been proved. At one point on the western region 22 miles were matte in les than tho saiueiium her of minute. and one nf the sleepest grades in 1 lie Ioeky Mountains was climbed at an average speed oT 10 miles per hour. The average speed for Ihe entire Irip was slighlly under I3',ii miles per hour. ZIMBALIST IN VICTORIA YICTOHtA, Nov. 5. r.freui y.imhallsl, famous violinist, will give a reellal here In Hie Km-press Hotel on N ovember 11. IMMENSE HAUL OF DIAMONDS Young Man Walked off With Wallet Wh'Je Expert was at Telephone NKW YOHK, Nov. 5. -While Louis Steiberg, diamond expert in a building on the Howery, was answering the telephone today, a young man, who had been lit vnled behind Ihe counter lo ex limine some stones, walked otT with a wallet containing i 100 (too of uncut stones. BAGLEY TRIAL GOES ON NANAIMO TODAY NANAIMt). Nov. &. Tho trial or William Kagley. the sixlh man charged with participation in I ho Dank robbery hero last De cember, opened here this morn ing. Advertl" lu Hie Daily News, Ku Klux Klan Meeting at Shaughnessy Heights Vancouver to Organize Objects of the order expounded at inforfnal reception and delegates present from State of Washington Sliutigliiic:y Height, home of Vancouver' iOO anil high society cenlre, i to he headtpiarlers for Kauadian Kuighls of the Ku Klux Klau, which. Iniilt up along Hie lines of the hooded order in Hie United Stales, is lo he organized from the I'ueh'ir to the Atlantic, says Hie Vancouver Star. Inside two years there will he one million o'f the Klausmeu in Hie Dominion, according to "lli Kxcelleucy" Major I I, l'owefj. Imperial Kleagle of the InvisiMe Umpire, who with other K'lansnieii has been organiz- ing liere for some time. j - Aliiiougli rumor of the aelivi-' 1)1 AT) I? PUADrTC ties of Hie Ktan have heen heard i If II IK t1. I .H IX KllY.Tl fur several month. I lie first, semi - public organization work loiimienced Friday night las. when aboul fifty men and ten women, resident of the city, met at the Imperial Palactt. "lilen-brae." Hie old Tail residence al HiVO ..Matthew Avenue We'.. Shaughnessy llciglilft, in ro poiisc lo a .special iuvitalion sent ut hearing I lie cul o; the Klan. The invitation. theniselve caused comment, and by many were taken as a hoax. However lliey proved lo be official. Type written on official Klan slalion- ery in black and red type, Ihoj read a follows: "Friday, October 30th, l2.r. being the Fearful Day of the. Weird Week, of Hie drcadMl Month, of the year of Ktan One, Kauadiau Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. an informal reception will be held at the Imperial Palace, 16110 Matthews Avenue, West, at 8 p.m. All Genii. Dragons, Hydras, Greal Than. and Furies; Giants, Kxalted Cyclops, and Terrors will be present to meet. under the kindly light of Hie Fiery Cross which will illumine the Klavern." "You are peisonalyy invited to attend. Upon iireseiitalimi of this letter al the door, the bidder will be conducted to Ihe Aulik of the Imperial Klazik. who will be glad to give details as to Iho oh-; jeels, ideal. and purposes of the! Kanadian Knighl or the Ku Kluxl Klan." I "Done in Hie executive oT Ills Kxcelleucy, the Imperial Klazik, in. the Imperial Palace, in the Imperial Uty or Vancouver, Prov.nee or Hrilisli Columbia, Dominion or Canada, on the day and dale above writ-leu.' . Hv His Kxrellenry, L. L. POWKI.L, Imperial Klazik Invisible Kmplre, Kanadian Knight or the Ku Mux Klan." Those who obeyed Ihe sum mons round the door guarded, and showing throiuh the lighted panels were Ihe hooded ligurei oT two klansinen on duty inside. Once in Hie visitor was taken by the hand ami registered, follow ing which lectures as lo the ob jects for which tho Klau was formed were given hy Major Powell, who hails from Portland. Oregon, and Dr. Keith K. Allen, of Los Angeles, whose card shows him to be a National lecturer for the Anti Narcotic League or America with heaibfuart cis al 583P La Ml radii, Los Angeles. ' One or the flrsl objects si ilk-lug the eyes or visitor' was Hi fiery cross, which was erected inside near a rta;pole from which the Union Jack wan flying. On a tnble, also a flag draped, Continued on pae two: IN WONG CASE Summons Issued Against M. B. Jackson and Others Yes- terday Afternoon VANCOUVER. Nov. 5. -On Ihe information of O. Htl V. itobin-son. summonsed were issued yesterday afternoon charging M. It. Jackson, Mrs. Jessie Slralton. J. A. Pallon and H. P. -McCraney with unlawfully conspiring In "kidnap without lawful authority and wifh intent lo confine Won? Foon Sing in Canada against hi will." Mr. Jackson who is chairman of the Game Hoard or K.C was . appointed tiy the Provincial Gov- eminent as special investigator ; in connect Km with t he case. Ho wa member ror Ihe Islands in ; the last Legislature being defeat- ed by Col. C. W. Peck at the last i election. ; llobinson pleaded not guilty : when dialed in Ihe Assize Court this uinrnin with the ab duction of Wons Foon Sin?. The case is proceeding. LEGISLATURE DEBATEOPENS Poolcy Attacks Government and Oliver Replies and Asks People to Judge YICTOIWA, Nov. 5. Criticism that the Government a an administration hail failed to provide anything more substantial than promises, unless it was taxation, was made in the Legisla ture Wednesday by Conservative leader Poolcy during the debate on the address in reply to tho speech from the throne. Mr. Poolcy condemned Ihe administration of justice as controlled through Hie Attorney General' department and declared public confidence had been shaken in the integrity of justice here. In a vigorous reply Premier Oliver outlined Ihe policy of the government generally and asked that the public bo permitted to judge. Full particular fn' regard to expenditure on Hie university will be given, Mr. Oliver slated. SHIP IN TROUBLE. NKW YOHK. Nov. 5 The Independent Wirele Telwraph Co. reports lhefeceipl today nt an S-O.S. call 'rnrn an unidentified vessel In mid Atlantic which s.iid "All ads gone."