I Ladies' Handbags Latest Designs Lowest Prices Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience, in, the large ccn-Ires testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The -Diamond Merchant of the North i ; i ngurea Chrystela . ii Sijiih'1 hi tig new in a figured Hayon and Cotton mixture for afternoon dresses or blouses. 3(5 inches. I'er yard $1.75 West of England Store Third Ave. II Phone 753 SAVE MONEY ? Visit or phone our store and see fur yourself. We have a complete line of groceries, fruit and vege-lahles, fresh meal, candy, loys, dry goods and carpels. Our pries will satisfy yyu. ANYTHING YOU WANT WE HAVE IT Give Us A Trial Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phonos 18 and 84 Prescriptions Your prescription when entrusted i0 our care will lie dispensed liy a thoroughly qualified dispenser from f-hi-mieally . pure materials at a Moderate Price Wo Specialize on RupertPharmaGU 3rd Avo. and 5th Street Phone 94 "AUK MX THE OAIU TOW 8 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgorson Block, Prince flu port, B.O. Offico Hours U lo 0. X-Ray Sarvloft Phono 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hvenings POSED AS HERO WAS MURDERER Couni von Walo.es, Protege of the Ex-Ka'per, Turns Out to be Notorious Jaenlcke l.(i.yl., .ov. i. - Uiven uj special audience at Doom liy the' exiled ex-kaiser as one who had suffered much for the House of 'llnlieiuollern al the hands of the French invaders. "Count von Walges" turns out to he none' other than the notorious Jae nicke, ex-poller, murderer, escaped lunatic and cunning des-j jpoiler of trusting women. For the past six years the I... . I 1. ..111... Ullllll IlilN IH'CII travelling 1 lilV I II I ITfH through (iermany, Austria, and Holland, receiving marks of popular sympathy and, being honored hy German and Austrian nota bilities for his devotion to the cause of the fallen llohenzot-lerns. His tale was (hat he and hit countess were faithful (lerimin restoration of Hie provinces lo Germany, and in that role he was received as a national hero in (iermany. The tale of his sufferings reached Doom, and Hie ex-kaiser signified a wish lo rc- WATER NOTICE. DUsralon and Un. TAkE .OTICE that Henry C. Gleirerli-h asrt-nl for I he Kimlneer Onld Mine Ltd, I nr., whose address Is Engineer. B.C.. will I'I'l.v fur a llcrn-e to lake and use SO ru. rt. per fecund or water out f Winn Itlrer which ri westerly and drains Intu Tatish Lake about ivtn and one hair mile siutli or the Engineer Mine. The waler will be diverted rrnm the stream al a point about two mile from the ter inlnui or tl.e said river Into Tairlsh "Lake and will be used Tor bjdm-elrrtrlc mwer jurnixs upon the Engineer Mine, whose holdinirii are tirerrlljed as eleven Crown (".ranted Mineral Claims, surveyed as Ixt ). 19. iQ. 106, U7. 09, 818, 9J. vie. u, v;r, ana isi. uroiip i LAND ACT. Notk ef Intantlon to Apptjr to Lsass Land In Prince Unpen Mnd llecordinr IHMrlrt or Coast Hanae i, and situate on Sonlli Itachael Island. TAkE MiTICE Hut Alfred swanw.n, of enure unpen, orc.rpsiion Mariner., in lends o applv Tor a lease of tlie follow ina- described lands: - Commeneinr al a pot filanted on Ihe silh polr.t or Soulti liacluiel Island: then around hlali waler mark to tlie (Nil nl of commencement, and rontatnlnir i.u acre, more or less. AI.IIlF.l) 8VVAS0.1. Applicant A. E. Wrliht, Arent. Haled Oclober Jslh. 95. I'linre Honert. B.C. Auditorium Will open fur a nionlirs Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons . . . 2 to KveniiiKs .... 8 to 10 Good Music both sessions Competent Instructors lo tea eh beginners. L. J, Marron - Prop, Phone Black 449. ! I 1J Was Nearly Crazy From Headaches Miss K. Brill, 579 ltedwoo.1 Atp., Winnipeg, Man., write! 41 1 wai troubled with such severe headaches that ome time I w&s nearly crwy with them. One day a friepd told, me about, and adtiacd me to use in o I tried it. and it has done me a I wrld of good. I just took two and a half tattles, and I haven't had headache for a Ion;; time, now." Put up only liy -The T. Milburn Co., Liniit-1, Toronto, Out, ceive Ihc "hero" who had refused to submit to the Idack shame in the reoccupied territory. The coint was received as lit" residents in Alsace-Lorraine, r ",0 "t'u,, of 1,10 ,lm,n who lia.l hern forced I., snl.ii.il l' uoiieiizoiiern, ami uiey speni to French rule when Hie lost '""' 1'U" iogfllier discussing i.rovinces were taken over hv,"ie ""pposetl iiiraiuies or irenell France. One day one of the rule in 11,0 occupied territories black Irooi.s in the French armr (,n " """alive of a pnnre ailacke.1 the countess. n.i the r tl,e Prussian imperial houi amrrv husban.l killed II... nres-il'ublic subscriptions were raised sor on the spot. For this he and;Ior ?oum 10 marK, iwpuwr ,. t..ii.,i rr.... appreciation of his sacrifices for French territory, and their goods ! "IP f l!urlam). and von Wafer in,! i..-......Miv o,,.,ri. i moved about from mansion to Received as Hero mansion ofv the nobility, beirtj: His first art on rtvaching (Jer- "''CivrU everywhere as a er.ii -n 1.1 r:.is ii.. r.r ll hero for whom no honor could expatriated Alsatians to work for "l rl oisiriei. This notice was poied im the'nier io secure ner property. II' rrSS o? ,'h' liMd0'., ' ,,"a"' "' nam thereto and to the .Water Act. 1911,' wail !Ug Ur execution, he lle will be filed In the nrflre or the Waler lleeorder al Atlln, fix. Objerllon may be riled with Ihe Mid Water lleeorder or wllh ihe Comptroller or Water Itlghts. rirxauieui nui.ainir, irtoria, II. C. with pa lion bnker, Inu-nds to apply tor per-lulaslon to purchase the follow Inir de scribed iauds: Comn.enrii.r al a ruixt nlnirf iK.m ,. ehalnj outh or Haclne'a I'olnt on the west iue -ji larisn ijne, aiHiui eleven mil--south or the Yukon boundary line; thence west 10 rhalni; thenre north 0 rhalns; henre east to chains; thence noulherly follow fnir a lour the shore line or Taalsb Lake lo point or commencement, said parrel t'oiitaininr HO acrea, more or leas. n.iriiLtr noTT pottkii. AppltraiiL Fred Law ion, a rem lilrt iiru ! MINERAL ACT. Cartlfkat of Ifnorar tmanta Spokane Mineral Claim, iltuale In Tie Atlln Mtnlnr nlrltinn of Caular District, nt the west side r.r Blr Horn Htver pj tne eal rr and adjolnlnt ttw Edwin Mineral Claim. TAkE NOTICE that I. Fred l.awtoii. iRent for Ante Law son. Free Miner's Crrlirieale Sf ?0?l&r. Intends . slits dava from the date hereof, lo apnly lo ihe Ti.n.na necorner rnr a irurieate or im-nnivement. for ihe pwrtvrte nt otitalnlnt crown orani or the atiove rlaim. And tiirther lake notice thai action. undir section J7. must be romnieneed tie rore the Issue rr such Certificate or Im provemenst. oaieo inis lain nar or snr.ii s i Behind Prison Bars A few weeks ago soiiielhinp lnppened lo oa use both the French and Ihe lterlin police lo make inquiries into I be past of Mho "Hero Oounl of Thionville." as he had come lo be known and it' was ascertained that vim Walges and Jaenicke wen on. and (he same man, with Ihe result that the "hero and mar-lyr" is now once more behind prison bars iju l.erlin. Twenty-five years ago Jaenicke, who was a poller, began lo dabble in spiritualism. This brought him into contact willi a young dressmaker named Louisa Hergner, whom lie poisoned in veloped symptoms of madness and was removed lo a liin.it i asylum, where he remained uni t In thirty day arter the at apitearanee imlilical Ironliles iniiniis in in lierm.-mv uinil.iuy in in Ihu notire in a loeal iievfpir. The', . date or the first publication or this n 'I'JIH, enabled him to escape lite It Ihe S (til day of October. 185 l-..Vii;hhll liOLU MI.UKS LTD, I.NC. Henry C. i;ieirrrlchf Agent. LAND ACT. In the Atlln Land PUtrlct of Ca.slar. TAkE .NOTICE that f. Mlnlilet w..n Potter, or .w York. iis.a M-m. while a llouiinuiiisl mob was raiding Hie asylum. II was shortly after Ibis Ilia he turned up in (iermany as tne "hero," uiovins about lo receive recognition for his "heroism," he made the acquaintance of a lady who was a countess in Iter own right. He assumed the rank of count, and look over the care of (ho children of the counlPs as well as Ihe family eslats. Until I lie police inquiries revealed Ihe facts of his pas! laeuicke wa one of Ihe leaders of the monarchist parly in tier many, and he was recognized as one of t lie uieitiums for direct communication between Ihe ex kaiser and his sympathizer. TIMBER SALE, X 7475. healed Tender will lie reeelvetl liy tile Minister uf Muds al Vlrtnrla mil la-.er ilia n inxn chi tlie lilh li) uf uvrmler, I Dili, fur tlie nurrtiase uf l.lreiu e X74 7I, tu rul ,!(, UOV feel uf Xini'r, lleinMk aiKl Cedar on an artu situated nil tlin south side of lwm Island, llirhanlstin ! Inlet, oueen charlotte Islands. Two j yiars will lie allowed for removal nt limlter. Further partlrulars or llie chief Fores -ler, Virinria. H.0, or Instrlct Forester, I'rlurejtuperl, ll.c. TIMBER SALE X7475. Sealed Tendi rs will lie . received by llie Minister nt I.ai.il al VlrtorU IKil later than ihhiii on the lfth day of Vovemhir, Itii. (Tor llie purrliase of l.lrenre X:i75, to cut J.U06.0OU reel of "pnjre, llcrnlork and Cedar un an are:i situated on Ihe south, side or Tanoo Island, iiirriarasou imet. ijueen i.naruiue isundi Two (in year will tie allowed foi re iimval of tlmlier. Further naHlrular of the chler Fores- ler. Vlrtnrla, B.C., or District Forester, I'n'iire Hni'erl, nf.. TIMBER SALE X7427 hKM.i:ii TF..MFII4 will lie received lit Ihe Minister or Lands at Victoria not later llian noon on llw I21li day or .oveniiier 1115, Tor Uie imrclMse or Lli-ence, X7ti7. lo cut 1.:) It, Oil I) reel or Somen, lleiiilmk, ana Cedar on 1,01 tain, l.iua island, Kkide vale Inlet, oueen Charlotte Island lilt irlet. Two Oi years will lie allowed ror re moval or tllulier. Further narilrnlnrs of the Chief. For esirr. Vlrtnrla, li.C. or IMslrlct Forester, rrinee niipert, n i.. . CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. Recording District of Tslsgrsph Craak. TAklV MITI'.K thai John Jacoh Fowler, or ureal uiai-ier, stikine, rancner, in tends to apply for jierniisslon tn pur1 rhase the ' follnwlnir desrrilied lands: Cninnienrtnir at a rxist planted nn the west hsnk or the Sllklne lilver. near the flreat dlarler. at sninlieasl coiner; thence runnins north in mains; thence in a westerly direction jn chains; jherire In. a southerly dirrrllon Jfl chains: thence In an easterly direction 10 chains, to coin Inenceinent post. Dated A.UKUU flit, 1955. JO H.N JACOB tUVVLKB, PUNISH PARENT ! NOT CHILDREN Visitor From Canada to Russia Sees Great Changes In That j Country j IIAFFOIU), istsk.. Nov. 5. Ie- . . i ..t n.. the ciglil-year line 01 y,. s. fonditivjiis in llussia a e V'Ty tuiscllled tlay, na M. Voloshin. it newcomer " -om Soviet t krfime and a jtrad-itai' ol one tif tlie Soviet IhkIi c(uols. ! l'nsonal properly, lie says, ts still rather insecure on account of ilepiadalions id bamlits and thieves, while Ihe juiu'ruincnl is almost enlirery under the control of the communists, the vast number of whom. arcordiiiK lo Mr. Voloshin ufe youths. The villase life, lie said, is enlirely different lo what it n.ed to be. Instead of a "slarosta" or overseer, the villas' now is ruled by a society. In the communily there are" various political organizations, ' chiefly pro-eoinnuinis-lic and which exercise a powerful influence over the populace. There are Hie commttees ofi small land owners and the "pioneers" both bodies operating as a kind of elementary school of training. To Ueconw a full-riodgeil Communist, a youth niifsl have served his apprenticeship in either of these Junior parties. These tw political organizations. .Mr. Voloslnii asserted, are all-powerful fit the villages and cities and aUhough they are in- deiMHidcut of the government. exercise a slnniK influence I hew. Teachers' Position Instruction in the schools is now giveu in bolli I'krainian ami ItusMi.in. These language are usel for extensive Communist propaganda. I'tinishmeut of pupils in or out-of school is pro-bibileal Jiy lavvj but the teacher or parent can lie punished uion the ctiilds owft complaint. A goml crop this year, and a recent edict bringing about a drastic lax reduction. Mr. Volo shin said, has greatly slrcnglh- ciumI the morale of Ihe peasants generally, but farming method in Itussia. he intimated, were very anlupiaieii when eontpare.! with those li Iki ,-ilready ob-! served in Canada. JAPANESE LAND GREAT BRITAIN Fl by Way of S bcKa and Rus sia and One Makes Bad Landing on Arrival Tlr' fimr Japanese aiiiiit'ii wli.- have ien flyiitK from Tokyo hy way uf Siberia and Iluiia reached Kiislanil on Monday after dark ami were enierhiiiied al a oine- vvhal delayed dinner nl Ihe Japanese Kmlia.ssy in the evening, nay.i the I.nmlon Time. The la.l lafre of Hi! Journey were allemlcii by a distinct atpice of adventure and moiiic risk, ovv- ink lo Ihe late Jiour at which Uiey leii I lencii coll lo eroi the (Channel. In the gatlierini? dusk ami m i I they iiiistnok .tlien direction, and, instead of arriv- iu; at about 5 JO at Croydon, where, a larae rnlherins of offi cial icpie.eiitaliv3!s of the Alp( Min.i.Htry and of Ilritiiih aviation were awaiting them, fhey landed al Karnhnrouzh. where one of the marines turned on ilis noxa in !omf rough ground, IhoiiKti fortunately willmul injury to the occupant.il. Major Abe, vuio i accom panied by Mechanician Shino- vvara. laudctl nafely un llie larvte aerodrome of (he lloyal Aircraft IvHlaliiislniii'nl, hut hit compari-ion, Mr. Kawachi, with U mech anician, Kutafiri, had lo land :n a .mall i-oukIi field. Tho pro peller was smashed, but Other wise no iiariutiso was uone, ami Captain I'. T. Cntirlney. who hap pened to be lost Ins a machine al ''ariihorouh, av the mishai and at once molored out lo the field. Then, on Icarnin? thai the visitor were duo at llie .lapaueoo l.mhiUMy at H, promplly ed lo motor the parly up town, and by thin mean Uiey were able io join their compatriot) find other yuestH at llio Japanexe AiubaMHitdor's rcHlence in Gro.-venor eitiarc at, 'J o'clock. Major Ab68 Story Later Major Abe pave an explanation of their uiUadventiirn, mid it in nviijcjit that considcr-able ttond forttino had allcndcd them, for Ihey had no idea when RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. lias produced Minerals as follows: Placer Hold, $77,:i8!,t).,;i; Lode Ooid tiu ,7a,IOO; Silver. $iS,S2i.rj7l); Lead, $70,51 8,578; Copper, t87, .Hti,;i7H; ,, ?, 171, 107: Miscellaneous Minerals, $I.WH,:t 'itl; Coal ami Coke, 2lll),8H0,0i8, Hitild'" ' blonc, Hrick, Cement, etc., $12,-,2:,81 1 ; imikiiig its Mineral Pioduclitui to n,,. ,M."I? IU2J .show an Ja Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal ami the fees lower thaii Uic.e ,r ' any oilier Province in (lie Dominion, or an) colony in llie llrilish Umpire Mineral locations nru granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Alisolulo Titles are olilaiue y developing such uo.erlic, lliu secnrily of vvliirh guaranleetl liy Crown (Jrants. roll information together with Mining lters aril Mapv may lie obtnincd gr l i a-ldressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES . Victoria, British Columbia. N.H. Practically all Hrilish Columbia Mineral Properties upon which .t. work ha been done are desrrilied in some one of tin Annual lleporl of t!i ., '., of Mines. Those ronsiileriug iniuiiig invetiticiils slimild refer lo un h repm j , are available without charge on nfiplicalion lo the llepartinenl of Mines, , , jj, llcporls or the (Jeological Hurvcy of Camilla. Pacific Huililiiig, Vniicoiivei. c mended a valuable Miurrcs of information. they landed in the dark at l am i iHiroupli that they were not on n preparesl aeroilrottie. Major Ah; !aid it was more misty and fojruy over Hie Kn?liih coast than Ik-' had aiilieipieted, aid he aelualtv ciMie-ed the otKistline otit ol Hover with the Idea of working up to l.ondoti a Ion? the Thame Am Chalhuiu, hnvvaver. io a forbidden area, he kept well to ; oulh lo avoid it, and flew hy s1 compHHs roatvse. i nroriunaicir j wine lo the fof lie was uiihIU" lu pick up any landmark!, in any ca-.c a difficult IhiiiK fur a Mumper flyinv in the dusk, mid lipth he and Mr. Kawachi had ne idea where they were when ihev wi-re actually over FariitturutiKh II wiiti then 5.i&. if not after, ami both decidd In laud on Ihe firxi likely xput. Mr. Kawachi. unfortunately, made the dermioii a few miituiex loo mimiii, and landed in a Mtiall fiuid without satficienl Apace. Major Abe, however, thought lie would fly on a little hi tin- hope of fimlinK mure open'' pa'c, and. by good luck, came down art nutty on Furiihorotwli Aerodrome, where he made a good laininiij in the du-k. NATIONAL VIEWPOINT IS MOST DESIRABLE Yam-inner Province ', If ' anaila ih to liei-ome a ua-I Km in reality n slic h in name,' he must learn tu think a a nation and art a a nation, and Hiis means that tier iolitician,' Iter newnpapei-s ami her Hople iiiu-sl cultivate the national' viewpoint, mmsi put national in-j teresdH flrl ami refuse to allow them to be (ibcurei by provincial, parochial or parly nutter' that only seem lo be more important because they are close at hand. They must, above all. eeaise their fearch for reason why we nhouhl pull apart, and concentrate their minds on the (efforl in find reasons why we filiiiulil drive in. the same direction In the fame common end. LAND ACT.' Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Ls Land la Uueen (.hsrloiie lilslrlrt IjiwI lie i-onlinr lilslrlrt or I'rlnre liutrt, and sltujle at lufiiHiii Rav. TAkK NoTU'F. that llols-rl C. Ilosse ot Vanrotiter, ll.c, oerupallon .raniieryman. intends ui apply ror i lease ur the li low In ic deseniied lands: i;ixiiiiienriii at a tit plautel n an unnaiueii isiano lymr " " ner w. in cltalns. iiMire or less from soiilhwest etir Iter or Mil III. )X.l.. Iiainie I; thenre follow In i iiieaiHlerliiK or shore line or said Island ft point or rtiintiieiireinent, and resitaliilnf tV aires, tnore or less. noBF.itT c. nmsHi:, Applleanl. Per Wm. 0. Mltthu'l. Akenti Haled Oetoliee kill. 1 LANO ACT. Notice ef Intantlon to Apply to Laa Land In I'rlnre Iiuiert l and Iterordlnr IHslilil of Coast Haute t, and sltlule on ortli llarhael Island. TAKE OTIi:F. that irred Swanson. nf I'rlnre lluperl, occupation Mariner., In tiii-l lo apply for a lea.se or the rolluw mr deerrllied lands: - Comnieiirlns' al It planted nil llie south iHiliil of North llarhael Island; Ihen around high waler mark In the point or rniiitnenreinonl, and containing 30 acres, rnoro or less. AI.FISKft SWAMsOX, Applicant A. F.. WrUht. Aini.L tutctl Ortolier Uth, till, f-lrii MiifM-rl M C IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREMS COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA offer-! In "'" Mailer or the Administration Art; ami In Die Mailer or the F.itatft of Georire. all, liernased, llllrstilc. TAkK MiTICF thai hy nciler i.r Ills Honor, i . nru, lounir, the (lh day or ortoher, A.n. IVii. I was iHiirilei1 Administrator or the estate or lleorun li, ilereased, and all parlies liavlnsr clslms atalnst the aald estate are hereliy re-lulled In rurnlsti aaiue, properly vuriried. Pi me on or ln-mre the mni day or .No-irmlier, A.li. )tt. and all panic In (h-hleil tu ihe eslale sir reiiilred to pay the iiiioiint or their Inili hteilnesa lo me fin lli llh, MiltMAN A. WATT; i orriclal Administrator, ITIiich IIuimtI, II. Cj lf. ' f 0t,u'J,;r' AU' Week End Dozen SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Item 1 Ladles' Jaeger Vests, -Imp li.ui.i. KUaiiiliteeil. e have lieeu nn i' ' nig a (urtlier snppl) of thee vest- S Item 2 Jaeger Pure Wool Rib Hose, in lii onlv. Ilejr. .l.7." fur pair . . . Item 3 Jaeger Brand, Infants' Bootees, p W hite mil. I'er pair Item 4 Jaeger Knitting Yarn in rouge ol . (.n kagi fur Item 5 Shetland Floss Wool, in range uf fin- Item G Misses' Wool Caps, diglilh -idle.i Item 7 Monarch Dove Wool, all color. W l Hem Item I'er ball 8 Ribbon Remnants, u liket full aloe. to i dear eai"l 0 - Ladles' Home Journal Patterns. -- Item 10 D.M.C. Embroidery Threads, in Item 11 Coates' Crochet Cotton, u r ball Item 12--Fancy Ribbon and Plain, to r. u. i aid . JUS US S1X0 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 0. tit tk 3St 3rd Ave. and FultM WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY nt 7 and 0 "The Dixie Handicap" The racing classic of the car. A re..l Hi race VourM where he.irN and reputation .ir (Jreal day in Old Ivenliickv. laud ol moon ki--- land uf thundering hoofs. You'll place n- . Judge!, mare. More than jusl n vn-lury'i a " gill' honor, u liuy'n loe can be mhimI hi v , . r . . . Y hang hicnllilessly on every gripnig iiioin. iil derful screen eiiteilaiimieiit. pliulo -play of . cruvvded tlays Willi Ihe genuine duvvti-ui lux : NnliiMe rasl: Lloyd Hughes, Clalro Windsor, Fn1 Koonan, John Salnpolis, Otis Harlan, Ruth King PATHE NEWS 35c and 10c. PATHE REVIEW Royal Society Stamped Goods There is- lime yet lu eiiiliroiiler n ci'iilrepio ' m'I or a pillow ruse mid have them ready fur If" ' W'v have u very nice variety in packages ax well ' " uie; filch n M.iliy tiarrluge lluhe, Hairy tjniringc l'' f piere lliiffel Sel, Pillow Tups tiiid Hack, Scurf d 1,1 piecen. ' Colestla Thread In any color required Jabour Bros., Ltd. P.O. Box 1545 Phono