~ ! CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS a — mine nee Classified Rates SITUATION WANTED een anny "" 1240 Kilocycles Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- EXPERIENCED steno graph vious to publication iesires position peneeralt n RADIO DIAL word per es 10n¢E m charge 50 2 20p) (Subject to Change) " ana na an eaten Maa aaa Cards BOR SALF TUESDAY Nic cas Pp M nate FOR SALE Small coal and! 5:30 The Music Box 7 a wood cook steve. Phone Blue j ; New Weather ;Int ulbs, 814 220p) | 6:0 : mn hamber Program FOR SALE mit Knowledg 50 cents; Death play double pzxice. . AA Roundup ANNOUNCEMENTS : Broadway General Electric y machine 90.00, Roll spring, mattress $ $4.00. Phone Blue 19n SALE McClary Escc enamei kitchen rang Db0.UU rreen 6 ——-—|_ wartime 6 with new pembroke | Chairman, Civil Service Com- | FACTORY experienced repairs,, bath, Bendix washer and) toria, complete and return to and marine engines. Fishing same, NOT LATER THAN Oc-| rods and reels. 1337 First se : a | dick-up. (2 HELP WANTED—@EMALE | — teeta OS SOME cx ag bis - E evenin APPLICATIONS will be received) WANTY we rae = Permanent position. Apply| batteries and radiators. Phone utility Fishermen's Co-op. Phone 681.; 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, Basement, hot air — - ane te ee near school. Price $7200. or WANTED—Experienced grocery | |\WANTED — TOP MARKET | closest offer. 315 8th Ave. East. clerk. Phone 581 or 582-~ PRICES PAID for scrap iron, ac Honest grading. Prompt pay- FOR SALE—Harbor view home. STENOGRAPHER for ‘city office. ment made. Atlas Iron &| Two lots, concrete basement, Estate and Insurance. 213} couver, B.C. Phone PaAcific| back and front, Fully modern. Third Street. (219) | 6357. (tf)i Owner 32 11th Street. (219p) Athona Aumadque 162 (218) i ane. 18 Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smel)ters return of : taken : TRANSF ER Quebec Little Long Lac VARIOUS Box 497 balnce monthly. possession. bungalow and knowledge of and experience! Separate beds. Red 471 Tax specialist, 8. G. Furk, | saws, lighting plants, marine en- (219)| AL are given preference. Applica-| ——|FOR SALE — Very. attractive mission, Weiler Building, Vic- gunsmithing, outboard motors) other miscellaneous furniture. | | TOBER ist, 1952 (1te)| Overlool. Phone Green 304 for H. G. Helgerson Ltd., 216 6th for position as stenographer.|CASH for scrap brass, copper, FOR SALE — furnace. (220) City. (tf) Lot 1%. | ( Skeena Grocery. (218) | steel, brass, copper, lead, etc er Apply T. Norton Youngs Real} Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van-| furnace, garage, glass porches | fruit crops. 5750.00 with $3,000.00 down— | Immediate | Apply or phone} Phone 96 or Black 899 | (219) | Modern 4-room | room. | Centrally located— | 4/ Donors Add to Red Shield Fund Collections for the Salvatio: Army Red Shield campaign tota $1,889.95 LO date, more than hal: of the objective which this yea has been set at $3,500. Yesterday's donations of $175.5 were made by the following: Wallace’s Dept, Store $25.0( Variety Store ........ 10.0( Kaien Hardware : 10.04 , Scott McLaren oh 10.0: Watts & Nickerson 10.04 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wilmot 10,0( Chandler's Studio 5.0( Mes. C. Laurie 5.06 City Transfer 5.00 Helen’s Beauty Parlor 5.04 Macey’s ‘ 5.0( Superior Radio Service 5.00 C. Brady 5.00 Kae Stein 5.01 William Fowler 4.01 Olaf Tunold 4.00 Mrs. G. Hangerud 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. & © ‘Cromp.. «3.0: G. R. Brett 2.50 A. P. Crawley y 3,00 Mrs. E. Lund 2.00 Mr. & Mrs. A. Kingerski 2,01 D. Pettenuzzo 2.00 Flora Petroff 2.00 Helen Van Pykstra Mrs. L. Astoria John E. Fowlie LD. J. Dowsby W.S. Noble E. MacNaughton S. Chaprun Mrs. E. Pedersen G. D. Ronson M. Martinson Mrs. L. Williams Mr. W. Kuzyk Mrs. J. Paul B.C. Messenger B. Sumner N. Rodseth Friend Rains Delay Harvest But Crops Good WINNIPEG—Weather in the western grain growing regions is varying from heavy rains to showers, light frosts and seas- onally warm days Harvesting progress varie from southern areas where all threshing has been completed and fall ploughing is now in pro gress to northern aneas where a good start at threshing has just been made. According to the weekly crop report of the Canadian National Railways, the rains have gener ally delayed activities, but frosts, while affecting some of the later maturing fields as well as same low lying areas, will not cause ch damage Yields are generally exceeding earlier expectations and the majority of this crop will grade well up, in the top contract grades. | OKANAGAN From the Okanagan Valley come reports of fair weather with cooler showery nights. The apricot movement now com- pleted, shows great imerease over | last year. Peaches; pears and | prumes continue to move in volume. Mixed carloads of onions | and tomatoes are also now roll- ing. Some Wealthy apples are starting to move and heavy movement. of McIntosh should commente. any, day. No damage |from any GCause ‘is reported to | MILITARY HISTORIAN—Capt. B. H. Liddell Hart, British military historian, is in Can- ada for a series of lectures to various armed service groups at the invitation of Defence Minister Claxton. Capt. Hart, author of 30 hooks on military) topics, including “Defence of the West,” will visit Ottawa, Toronto, Kingston and Hamil- ton. In an interview in Ottawa he said he believes Russia does not want war. Otherwise she would have attacked before | the western build-up of defen- sive military strength. (CP Photo) slit MANY PLUMS | MEAFORD,. Ont. €P)—Harvest | Of a bumper crop of plums got | under way as September opened in this district near Owen Sound. |The plums this year were .des- | were bands of HMCS Donnacona 2 i heed beth yt BM ee tuesday, September 16, 19p2 BLACKWOOD on Dridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Mr. Heinsite Botches Up Defense, Loses Contract . Heinsite rates right at the top in analyzing) ah nds all 52 ecards have been played. He was) in his analysis of the defense of today’s hand. didn’t go quite far’enough. 1 fourth best spot. The six) south dealer Ly r ummy and) North-South vulnerable ‘ A lite North won with the king and (Mra. Keep) ed the nine. Mr. Pale won S—A 6 ond trick with dummy’s H—Q’ 4 3 that he would have = rood nd luekv to West rig But ne (Mr. Helnsite) | 8-J 87532 5 9 3 H—K 8 sure. He had ral tricks in the club) po 6 5 have a chance. Hoping; c—Q 9 2 enough to find (Mr Date) Abel with a doubleton hon- s—eQ 10 4 he led a small club from H—A 976 yard. Mr. Abel played the D--A K 4 nd the ten was finessed rhe pueden dle ; Heinsite won with the| South West North East another spade 1 os “ae i. 2NT Pass Mr. Dale won with the|_~ ~~. “Aa I Next came the ace of and when‘ Mr. Abel’s king ( t w all over. M club tricks, two diamonds and a was lucky South and fired both ends of a conversation all by himself This irked Mr. Dale who came to Mr. Abel's defense. “If you're| going to expect these tough de-| fensive plays to be made, Hein- site,” he said, “how about mak-| ing them yourself? You, too, could have beaten this cantract merely by letting my ten of clubs hold the first | club trick, rather than winning | with your queen. That's a tough | play to make, too. But no tough- er than the one you expected | Abel to make.” Sale Draws Started com- plaining ediately You hould have beaten him, Abel, aid. “Just play your king on the first lead of clubs. If Dale ts you hold it, return your last pade and that will set my suit while J still have a club stopper If Mr. Dale plays his ace and leads another club, I would lay off with my queen and win the hird club trick. Now, how could get to the board for the clubs without letting me He couldn't Heinsite, who continued Mr can easily handle Circus Type \PRECISION SAW FILING aT cL TRit GRAND ‘laa Man, Ch 4 six-foot bear which frequented the business section of this com- | munity for three weeks was fin- ally cornered by a party of sharpshooters at the town dump, |and killed. iia oe aT ‘yi les & Prohesia sha John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Ceinent For Less Phone Blue 939 Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215—I1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beuuty Culture in all its branches 204—4th Street Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Hees and Wurn Soles Box 774 Second Ave, MAC SHOE HOSPITAL P P.O. Box 1679 HANOVIE HOME Sepyig GENERAL co Building and Ror kinds” ROOFS — Cry OL BURNE HONE: FRED E. Dow OPTOMETR ny Room 10 Stone Bui Phone Blug ig Open Friday Byq i in, H. G. HELGERY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & Jygy Phone 96, Ev 2nings LING THE TA Tailoring ~ Aj and Clothes Made-t 220 Sixth st Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 HE, Huge Crowds - | A Montreal department store} acded circus atmosphere to a sale recently with Its ths : 654 25¢ per dozen paid for empties Please have them ready when the driver calls, This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board os by the Government at- | of British Columbia, 2. ‘ates — : gaiety | oe GEORGE DAWES and Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal | AUCTIONEER which entertained nightly dur-| phone Black 846,and Red 127 ing the three-day show. . | brought the its collective The barga end warehouse Henry Morgan an suct a i Company w company | hopes to put on a bigger | better show next year Although a maior section of the Sale was carried on in an’ area Set up within the warehouse four tents fanning out in cres- cent-shape on the warehouse grounds provided a carnival mosphere “to proceedings. adding to the general ane Radio and newspaper adver- | tisements also lured prospective shoppers. Morgan’s, considered | ultra-conservative in the field | of advertising, blossome d out | With such “shocKeng?:\a& “Prices! } | Slashed,’ and “It's a Steal heron || DINING . PLEASURE DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe _ For the MEAL that REFRESHES Phone Green 136 Box 478 FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE ‘OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE PORTRAITS Films Developed and] PROMPT SER CHANDLER'S gf 216—4th Street Phone Green Prince Rupa SCOTT McLAg CHARTERED ACO0Y James Block 608—3n Prince Rupert, Phone 347 PO, Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN } WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations | Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT | OFFICE PRINCE. RUPERT, | BOC. CANADIAN NATIONAL USED CARS 1951 PREFECT SEDAN The real economy car °4285 1950 MONARCH SEDAN Ride like $1995 a King 3 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, er, sect Ootaee tune 295 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Only— 1950 MONARCH Convertible Every extra, $ a dream car . 2975 When shopping for a GOOD USED CAR—try “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Ltd. Phone 93 BLONDIE Youth Will Be Served! « THAT'S STRANGE--1'D SWEAR I HEARD. SOMEONE CALLING MY me MISTER BUMSTEAD | crib as large and of good quality. UWI Gir (All Times Daylight VANCOUVER and VICTO SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8} FRIDAY SS Coquitlam $ ALICE ARM, STEW PORT SIMPY Friday, Camosun, 2 FOR NORTH QW CHARLOTTE Aug. 27, Sept 0a 8S Coquitiam, ma FOR SOUTH QU CHARLOTTE If SS Coquitlalt Aug. 20, Sept a FRANK J, SKM Prince Rupett a Third Avenue. iff CLingse L Chop Suey - $M Open 6 pan. «3 HOLLYWOOD , For Outside Ordes™ JOHN 4 BULG Optom John Bulge” phird Avene ena —-eer ene eeinnnteninetamntaerineaannnnmnmme eran n 9 Bl ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRING lg