PAGJK TV0 BBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBMBBBBaBBBBBalBBBBBBBBBBBB The Daily News PIUNCB RUPERT - URITISll COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Ruport Daily News,-'Limited, Third Avenue. II. V. PULLEN, Managing- Editor. DAfLY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Si. 00 Mates, in advance, per .year , $0.0t To' al other countries, in advance, per year $7.f0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Thursday, October I, 1925. English Company To Operate In North. Willi the object of imeraliiiK iii'thc Porllaid Canal dis trict an English Company, "The Porcupine (loldfields Development and Finance Company Limited,' has been gazetted in thi province. Its head office is in London and (he capital employed is British capital. Lord (iisborough is chairman or the board and Colonel V. (Irani .Moi ilenv M.P., of Loudon, is one of the directors. The head office for this province is at Vancouver. For a long time it was difficult for British capital to invest here owing to (he differential in exchange. Now that English money is. at par in Canada, dial -difficulty is', removed and the tendency is for capital to move, this way. The mure of it comes here, the heller foe the. iciinnlrv. New Minister On Tariff Question. 'iv;, ;, i Hon. Vincent Massey, head of one of 'lhe largest niamifac-Jjiring companies in Canada, who recently joined the Mackenzie King administration, has been giving his views on the tariff lie says he has never been a believer in high tariff. He views it hot li from the point of view of the student of economics and also from thai ofi'the bpsine'ssniaii, and' he thinks high prulective tariffs are a mistake. More than (hat he believes the pendulliini is swinging agaihsl high tariffs in other countries that "have adopted them. . If there was anyone who might fiavebecn. expected to know Mimething about tariffs it would be (he head of the big manufacturing firih. He knovs;and The is, not barkwanLin expressing his opinion. , No Apologies To ' '., Make To Readers. If this paper gives a lot of space to discussion of the political situation during Hie next few weeks, it intends to make po apologies lo its readers. The one big issue today is (he Dominion election and it is especially important lo Prinze Rujierl to have the situation made clear. Next week Hon, II, 11. Stevens will he here and opportunity will Ihen be given to set the Conservative position dearly before the people. Doubtless the Nickerson- position will also have ils opportunity. Everyone is asked to read all the reports in order that he or she may he informed regarding the. issues. Ve believe it would he the best Ihing for Fred Slork to he returned again but we do not wish to hide anything or to get him elected other Ihan Jhrough the reasonable will of the clec tors. Let everyone have a say. The. letter published today in criticism of Mr. Williams let ter did not arrive in lime lo use yesterday. It was nearly noon when it was taken from the post office. As a rule letters can not be published Hie day they are received. Mr. Williams' Id ter was Held several days. Down Sheltered River Across Open Sea The St Lawrence Route to Europe Spend part of your voyage to Europe on the delightful, picturesque St. Lawrence River. The Anebor-Dooaldion and Cuaard Canadian route offer the advantage of two to three iayt' journey down one of the treat waterway! of the world, rich in acenk plendor and famous In historic interett. Nine great ttearoeri are at your aervtce all CaWn C1m boati, sxxt ceneroutly equipped to afford ewy comfort and cooveniefice for U perfect enjorment of your trip. They add to the bttutfe cf the St. Law. rence route, all the pieaeurei of ? Travel tie laic " oo both river and tea. Ask your tooal titamiSlp afnl or information, or apply to THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED anchor- Donaldson CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICES HOSPITAL GRADUATE 5" " fjftfr '?a y'OctoW I'v-1 2 5- paie iuiik sve?i peas, . ana ner the Itupert Hospital slatf, was dressed in hrouze sal in 'with be-r-oinuig bat to match. Iler boti-i j 1 1 was of white lilies. The Kriyiinsmau Was Ivan Frank, brother of the bride, while Sam Kircably acted a usher. The ceremony was performed by Hie !tev. W. J. Parsons, pastor of (he church, in the presence of Ihe iuitiieiljale relatives and friends it Hie contracting parties a well as a large crowd of IlilercsU ed on-lookers. During the sign ing of HiP register Miss )n- lalee tJrtfig very sweetly sang 'Because." Immediately after ;. the cere mony a reception was held al the home of the groom's mother on "hurci Hill where Hie happy couple "received the hearty con gratulations of the guests. A buffet suppvr was later served by the bride's mother, assisted by girl friends of the bride. The toast lo the bride wa. sriven ly V.. T. Kenney and suitably re sponileit In by Mr. Brooks. Bolh Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are well known and very popular here. Hie bride having lived here practically all tier life until she slaiied her nurses' training course, while the groom has lived in Terrace for Hie last ten years, except for a time spent overseas iluring Hie war. He j assistant at Hie C.N. It. station here and is also a memlx'r of the firm or Agar and- Brooks, Hard ware Merchants. Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are tak ing up their residence in Hie collage recently occupied by Mrs. J. Haven. In The Letter Box REPLY TO W. E. WILLIAMS Kditor. Daily New. W. Jd. Williams' Idler of .Monday 'on Ihe political silualinn is a rather curimi one. Your eoiiuuent li eading the same that it is logical" and that il deal with Hie subject from the "broadest aspect" is even morti curious. Mr. Williams refers to the 5olf Courses and !tadio on Hie H.N.H. syslein as beiiiff expected by the 'Millionaires" using the line. Well the amount or rare from "Millionaires" will never make the road pay, and estab lished paying roads like the C.IUt. and Pennsylvania do not find radio necessary In hold their palronago, and Ihey run afford il Jl nicy so wish. lie Hie expensive "ScWJh Holel" headijuarler of (be G.N.Il in I'arH. The O.p.ll. willi her enormous (Jonlinenlal Kuroiwan businesK for H.S. fleel on the AHunljc, huill up over forty years; ,has not -in Paris miylhing but molest quarlitrt. Hurely Mr. Williams connot deny that Ibis critieiaiu of Mr. MefKljen'i i fair, mid in linn with the tmmtry wjde demand for cutting ltmn expenditure. Conaolldatlna Railways Mr. William jrlve Mr. King rfrM fur rniKolidatlfig Hi tirHtiit TriiHk ami (J.T.I'. hallway into the 'alloiil y teni. Purely h brio wit thai Hi In arialgamaf ion took place in premier, rind' incensed the- CP.n. i niiil Montreal financial inlerels MARRIES AT TERRACE T' " ttmr?i rr: ship I" fiirh an exonl Hint luey , . openly opposed Mr, .Meijflien in M'"ir; C'fLank.Be"?" ?rld llto ItUI election, nnd lie vol not wi imr' ' Canada J mld Mr. William trots out Hie .,.,...,,." , . IGtieslnur that Ihe ll.P.H. is jnnre I hi I Ay.K l et. t. Knox arliilt lo ,ll0 conservative parly n V '" I,n'aT; Vi,S II... may t.e scorn, or an unusually prclly , ,,,, , nol mk it veMiiws, or interest to maiiyu, f t Wlls ,n ial Ihe friends in Prince llnporl, wl.eieiwas ni1M1 , ),e Liberal party ll.e bride spent (I.e. Jn vi-Py ct,Y!iUW at no time, vIji. years on the nursinp staff or Hie ,,,,, . ,s,0jf 1r !908 gen- (iereral llospilal. as well as to pI(c,ions, Unwed ji slu numerous fricndA in Terrace ami vicinity when, on Tuesday at 8 p. in.,. Luella Catherine, eldest ilaiiKhler of Mr. and Mrs. Jl. L, Frank, Terrace, was nulled in marriage Jo Tlieophilus Klwood ltrooks, also of Terrace. The bridal party entered the i liureli, which had been artisti of it. Freight Rates He freight rales.. Numberless public bodies In 11.(1 ami the prairie nails have fi persistently foujiht for years for belter freijthl rales in Ihe west, that it has borne last in a meas ure of relief. In this campaign cally .leeoraled t.y or Mie.,,1(, .ii,(.raH ,avi. staled thai bride willi a profusion of Mili'ii is oi)sfil li lhf! lowu- shadcil asters and iniich fernery lo the strains of l.'ohenjrrinV Wedding March played by Miss Onalee- (Ireijr. rousin of Hie prooin. The bride, who was siven away by her brot.ber Floyd, was very becomingly atlired in a (town of ivory flat crepe, ilh rinnninrs of radium lace ami wore Hie rtisloinary bridal veil caught with orange blossoms. She also carried a bouiiuet of rates. A Canadian Press des patch from the Miiritimes last week quote Hon; Aiihun Meigh-en as denying absolutely bavins made any such statement and further thai a plunk in the Meijrhen's platform i for hiore equitable frViphl rales for. tin-fur west and far eastern extremities of Canada. In conclusion promises are nothing Mr. Williams. Did you not yo'urseir write .i b'ller in the .only ornament Was a striuj: olWs al n. Premier las! visi' pearls a iu or the groom. The bridesmaid. Miss Lee,, of here railing upon lilm to inijdeJ nient his promises made here ir 192(1 or IS2I. Kurlbr. wp bav bad lots of priniises from Sir Henry Thornton, but tn bis prin, ejpal utterances re western port development be harps on Van-couver all the tjme. The iMNiple of Huperl and ijis-trfi'l are as capable as Mr. -Williams in deciding on Hie merit of Ihe men running and need no help from absentee owners in Vancouver. Gold Bricked The U...K. employees wen "gold bricked" last election b: promises of hetlerment of equipment, Irafrie and a real develop incnt. Well, they .have no sign--of same unless you may point to Ihe "Palatial" workshop envied lo replace the ol.l shack des troyed In Ihe yards about Hire years ago. rimnkiug you for Hie span necessary lo publish this letter. Yours truly, OLD TlMKIl. THE MAN IN THE MOON aaya: x 1 : r A Xt'MHKIl of people read tin.-eoluniu regularly so I am tobl 1 often wonder why they do il An out of town reader got a: inspiration from It and sal down and wrote n verse and here it lit 'I'll i: Man in Ihe '.Moon sal ealini: green cheese. A book in one hand and one ot itis knees, lie Ihumbeil their page ro something new Hut rhymes were scarce and jingles few. A He racked his drain but all in vain, Nol urn a. joke, aboul the rain! 'fi.'titiFtirl teer ,In and And Jlmse about Irlshinen 'taller. ea)aiHl.fooi.Ui)5 Al hfsl in MespairV'hr ried "Oh HadesI" Mikel dish up a dozen about llif ladies. IT's a great thing In ei ourselves as others see uxome limes. If J was wrltitig about I In man In Ihe moon I should put h. something like I Ids: Till: man in (lie mnnn'ft In a heljuva sjew llecause Hie poor chap Has nothing lo do. He sits in a clialr And chews his nails And between each bite His fate be bewails. J'or hl readers refuse To laugh al his jokes And not even a tmlln His bed sally provoke. Who then of my friend Will have plly on me. tnd fend in a rhyme Thai Is wrfl wittily. TIIK worst, holdup I know If a galer that ix worn out. ' PIHXOH Itupert w be rtlng her rephlalloii If (his aorl of wealher keepn on much Idnger. Vol! Judge n person by bis deedi but a goodinauy of, thorn are mortgage deed. I ll 8-Il50 before Mr. Kin.' wail HOMK children nay they like lo WinrhpcTPr read only Ihe funny pages of the newspapers. Which are the funny pages? DM", of Die things that won't get you anywhere is rrtllriJing a flapper's hair. I AXOTIIHIl thing that wmi't get von a'nywliere is criliciiing anything about a flapper. XOW dial the opening gun in Hie campaign has proved In be a cannon, it is time for the gat-ling guns to get busy. Til Hill-: should bo a rattling barrage from this lime on, speaking politically. IT is wonderful how trivial a lot of ordinarily sensible people can be when they begin In din-cuss (he political situation. ADVICH to-politician: Save your wind In mot your soup. TIIK eternal triangle I a three cornered fight at election lime. J ART! says there Is no differ enw belween a local three nr-nercd fighl and a love triangle He says the tork wins in either case. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert October 1, 191b. The Paisiric Xei A Twine Co of Seattle, one of Ihe largest dealers in fishermen' supplies on the ebasl. will open up business in Prince Huperl in con junction with Kdwanl IJpclf. Word lias been received Ilia) i It. W. Cameron Is in military hospital in France suffering' frm shrapnel injuries principal I to his leg. .Mrs. Cameron hasj iusl left the hospital in Vancoti ver atler an operation for ap-lendicitis. Ihe final lest of Hie new dr dock will lake place Ibis aflwr-aoon, .1. II. Pillsbury, manager of Ibc plant, having had bis staff busy this morning making arrangement for tbe event. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. .;n.-fii Airivd W. Clara, I'tahillff; TrmpUi ItiHnM Imjii Lrr, lii'r'UUiil. T.Vkl. MiilCK thai an ai'tum 'iniuiirnri'd aainl yi by Uh atxitr jaiiiril Clalnlirr i4i lb Jth ilay ir May. Ir., in rrjH r uf an Airni nii iit fur Sale uiadr bits-n )nn and ill Clilutltf Willi '1 I in ulr ami inr lia t l.oi Hlxlr. ii r. . . HIiM'k Tlirr. ScrlUHi Hnlil mi i.ltjr or I'rlur lliirl. Map wiiuu aani .tarrrjiu-ui it naii'ii VuriKl I Oth, I v I . AMI TAkK MITICK tlial by all rdif ir IlK lloimr Jmlae Visnit. italcil Ihr I i day uf Sii.uiiiImt. ivts, il a or ilrrnl Ikal uiblirallnu ut tM ihiIK' III a iwttilr iiiiiitinliiHt al I'rlur)' ImiM-rl, B.C.. mif a rli rr fmir fk fball tm iliMnrd fund and uf fli'lriil nirvlif t tlir Wrll of Siiliiiuiiiu In UlU anion i"HI vull: AMI It wa fnrllur nnlr..l 'liat I IK- llini- for iiilrrlnif an pi'inranc 'j j "ii io mi' t or niiiiiiiiisi in una iriMi li within thirty dava after Hi i iuuiii'aiinn r u-n iHiiir. U II la your lntiilluii lo ilifrml ihlii tIIoii on uiu have to nli-r an ahinar mi' In ih lirn.irv orriri' or on. ii.hi. 'urabl limn al lb Court lloiu. prlnrc iihti, u.i... io in writ or summon icrilii nlihlii thirty daya of ttu kjat ulillratlon. otlwrwUc iIm' I'lalntirt iay iriM'wa hi-rrln. ITK" ,lh ',,13r "' lAHuX"'r-m. noxr..M.l:!. , . ... ""Ilrllnr fi IMalnllff. toi rrmidar liulirrton Krrr. ifinilant. LAND ACT. , Notlta of Intantlon lo Apply ta Purchaaa Land. n tli IjiihI liiTordiiia iilalrdi of I'rln Imiirrt. and hrinj a porllon of i iiiiy.foiir mi, nana rive (, .im.l in.iriri, TVK Mitii:k ttiat rrlill't l.lmltd if rrlnro lliiirt. ll.C. mi-rrliaiit a, lntnd n apply fur iwniiUabui to iHircbae ih follow Injr diarrllH-d landa: coiiiiMPiirlna at a ihi.i planled at Ih iorUiiat rornr of lot lnly-four 'III, ana flvii Hi. Cnaal Pl.trlrl: tlinr uiutli Ihlrly iwn rbalni; Unr t 'orty rliaim; tlMtif riirih tiht rhalna, itNir or Iraa. to III ah walr mark; thrnra nnrilina.i a lour tilth air maik to point if roinninrriiH'nl, and rotilalnlnt rlahty ' no i rr. morr ' i. FiiirzKi.i.'s i.iviiTfn. . Ajplutnt itxt Autun mil, a.u, in. CIGARETTES 'Tinest American 0 Turkish Tobaccos" I A "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Harry Lauder, and on wnhdny morning yon probably feet like ringing the same Hung. Ho why not end thai am-ieiil drudgery To-day? TriRIF-T SERVICE Just call Tor our TMHHT-T HKltVICK which will do every bit of the washing and iron the fbit work loo. Willi the wash out of wash day that " hale to get up in the morn ing" feeling will be gone for good and all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and lo a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. IIcanadianJ PACinc 'j.aaivaiaTX Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE f t. PRINCE P.UPIRT mil PRINCE 0I0RQI ll all ''4I PRIMCI RUPIRT r i VANC0UVCR, VICTORIA, IIATTLK, Hi"! intriUx-'lotr . inl. ttr U10AT nwl THURIDAV t 10 00 pJn. rof ANVOX W4M4if, 0JDQ a jr. for ITIWART lvrr, tOXK) .m. IJ. PRINCC CMARLII rr RITCNIHAN, WRANCCIL, WHUU, MAOWAr, frb WtDNIIOAy, 4 aA. (i. princc John runoifbti) rr vancouvir i quiin cnarlottb ItLANDt. PAKUlOlR TRAIN! LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY (ictpt Swn4(r II in a ID. ''r PRINCE 0IOR0C, E0M0NT0N, WINNIPEO, 111 ilnl rtli rn (Mill. I nllnt Snlr AOENCY ALL OCEAN ETEAMIHIP LINES. Cltf Tlcktt Offlc, St( Thlr Att, Print Rprt. Ph 20 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far inOliUX. WIAKttU, KMM, U1CWAT J, It. IS. rr tiwtti, nnom aU surru s.nWi s, 12, n, si. riwctsj tut for Butadala, Swanaon Ba, Eait Balla Balla, Ocaaa Palla. Nana, A I art Bar, Campball Ritar, and VaAcevta ar Saturatf II a.M, Atancy for all Staamahla Llnaa. Full lurormatlan fram W. C. ORCHARO Oanaral Agant. Oarnar at 4th Straal and tH Aanua, Prlnca Rsaari, BjO. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. allinia trim Prioc liupari. ar VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, sanan Bar. an Atari Bar, Tuaaaar, S PJi. .'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bar, and Swaaaan Bay, Salwrdar, 10 A.M. For ArfvOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, tuntfar, S FM. Fa PORT SiatPION and Naaa Rlaar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. ISS tM Ataaua. 4. Barnalar, AaaaL Prlnaa Rat, IA LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Krizzell Hutt-hcr Shop, ncrnx from the Kmpress Hotel We ertrry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James larclll Proprietor E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with uddiliouul ninrhincH for ihe in nun fur. tun? uf SASH, DOORS, MOULDINQ8 LUMBER, LATH, 8HINGLE8, VENEER nso curried in stock. Hnvc linmlling chnrgen hy Inlying direct frnm (ho source of supply.