PAGE rOTJl Bread Hip, wholesome nutritious loaves of delicious uut-like flavor, downy lightness and excellent, keeping qual-ilies, FiveRoses Flour For Breads, Cakes, , Puddings, Pastries John L. Christie A pent Phone S34 I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So often you hear that remark. It Is only because those people who make It, have had their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no. floor troubles. Try CI Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to Rive satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. New Fall Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Ford Cars NEW AND USED Easy Terms if desired. SPECIAL BARGAINS for the balance of September. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 515 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Offico Fixtures. Hand-sawing and IMaiiing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 288 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone St. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel Wi Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bovlnn. Thrr-d r, Oflj,ti'r I. to.'Y BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus hello- oocxN - loo "ooHt oovr Tue TO MrXCWS TELUN1 MtR TQ HE THE. FR.aT COY COY I "WAT, vo CWu-V a. r r? I mo ifl m j r i i mi " morrow MANAGER OF THE PIRATES BUI McKcchnle, Product of Sand-lots, Brought Pittsburgh Through Successfully PITTSHUnon, J'a., Oct. 1. Hill McKechnie, a third baseman of parts in his day and a native or Pittsburgh, has attained a national .league pennant (after approximately three seasons as a manager, McKechjiie- is a product of the sandlols and a much travelled nail player. His life has been entangled witli several of baseball's squabbles. Early life found him playing third for the Duller and Washington teams In his home slate and in 1U07 he was pur chased by the Pirates, making uls first appearance in t he majors at about the time Heinie vCimmerman cropped up at sec ond base for the Chicago Cubs. Habe Adam also made his bow hat season. In 19(18 McKechnie was transferred to Canton, O., and a year later appeared with Wheeling where he played remarkably and was adjudiged the hest man at his position in the Central League. In 1910 he rejoined the 1'irates and played very little, the same holding for 1911 when the presence of Jack Miller, lapse ,or the Federals and for a time McKechnie was out of work. He filially went to the Giants in a .jeltlemenl which Harry Sinclair hamlleih In New York he played brilliantly but the Giants lost eight straight battles, only to swing through the West for the first time and capture every game, with (be mauling bat of their third baseman working overtime. Heturiiing (o the PoJoGrounds McKechnie was Ihe hero of New-York, only lo be traded lo Cincinnati two days Inter along witli Christy Mathewson and Fd- die Koush for Charley llerzog and Wade Killifer. At Cincinnati he alternated witli Heinie Groh until he suffered a broken hiiml in the second amc of the 1917 almost the entire schedule Succeeded Qlbson Hugo Ilezdek, now I'enn Slate athletic director, but nl dial be tailed in 1922 as coach and assistant manager to George, iibson, recently named manager! of the Cubs. He succeeded Gibson as Pittsburgh manager on June 30 of lhat season and has remained in rontrol since. Three times before this season, the Pirates, under McKechnie, have been pennant threats but no more. Each season they have faltered in Iho strclch, usually in tackling their main rivals but this year it has been a different story. McKechnie, with Fred Clarke as his adviser, has Hobby Hyrne ami Hans Wagner U'nrM'' Sorio, nf io-i i.uti., prevented any aspirant - from! fnhnnv . nt ,hn breaking into the infield Many Changes St. Paul received him in 1912, and in 1913 (he Hraves drafted him. He played only one game in Hoston and drifted to the New York Americans. . Once again he went to M.. Paul -on AugustJ 22, 1913, to play alongside a youthful shortslop who was iles-J lined to creito records in the majors l.verett Scott, of the lied Sox and Yankees, and now with the team that will fight McKechnie's band jn the world series, 1 lie Senators. The next year the present Pirate manager was among snv eral who jumped lo Ihe Gianl forces then, even at thai lime a veteran whom Ihe Hrave had cast adrift.- With Hoston he failed lo scintillate for there was little opportunity for starring in such a club as Ihe Hraves pro- luced after the halycon days of 1914. Hut his lime came and hi looTc full advantage of 'It. His bat and fielding were big factor In the first fliant victory over tha Yankees. Ilawlings might be well termed a money player, for if has been in Ihe crucial moments that he has risen to Ids He will be missed when Ihe Pirates, go inlo Federal the World's Series, although ft I Leaigue. He proved to be one of din Moore, now scheduled for the the onganlzal ion's greatest in-,poilion, is a capable fielder and fielders with Indianapolis. That i heavy hiller. Johnny was injur year he batted .305. In 1915 the ed at Forbes Field while sliding team was transferred In Newark; in a base, only a few weeks ago and-McKechnie succeeded Hill In the morning he had been at Phillips as manager ami won. the! pennant, Wont to Giants " Another season saw the col Hie Oakmont Country Club, a fan hfrnsrlf before the golf prowess of the national amateur cham pion, Hobby Jones. Ilawlings obtained his degree in law at I.e land Stanford University before lentering professional baseball. He was born In Hloomfield, Iowa, in IA92, but makes his borne in California. BILLIARD TEAMS IN LEAGUE ARE ENTERED At the meeting or the Hilliard League last evening two teams Prince Ilupert Hilliard Parlor ami Great War Veterans were en lered In the lirst division and in the second division four wer entered Cold Storage, Great War Velerans, Prince Rupert Hilliard Parlor and Grotto. In view of the faet that further en- li-io n n nrwplnil 11 urna AnoiAnA season, and was out of play for (( ;.xp,1(1 , ,,, foP f.nlerng unit next Tuesday when the schedule for the season will be drawn up, play starling soon t hereafter. time the Pirate manager, obtain- J In the absence nf Secretary J. ed him In 1918 and McKechnie F. Hutchinson, Dick Howe acled participated in every game. He as seerelary al 'Ihe meeting last left baseball in 1919 to enter, nigh! and Her! Morgan was In business. The call of Ihfc diamond, Ihe chair. The deb-pales were: was loo strong and he was back! George Waugli, Hilliard parlor; in uniform In 1920, Ihe year that War Veterans, Fred pyle; Cold Harold (Pie) Traynor appeared Storage, Jack May; Grollo, Ilerl on I lie pirate squad. I raynor, Morgan, came fnsl and McKechnie was sent to St. Paul the next year, to Advertlsa .n the Oilly News IN THE LETTER BOX BENEFIT FOOTBALL Editor Daily News: The Cold Storage Football Club would like to publicly voice through the mi-ilium of your val uable paper their appreciation of the support given by the public of Prince Ilupert towards the F.. Hye Henefil Football Match. Our especial thanks are given to the players ami friends who were in strumental in disnosimr of 103 kept the Pirate to the fore ami' tickets, also to lien Self who do- wnen me crucial iesi came wiin noted the sum of l.50 and John il.- rt a i ' v mi- i iiuiirintMi mam mn long, nurran the sum of i.00. To A ago. the I'Hlsbunshers came w. Kdpe for donating canvas for i ii rongu triumphantly. posters rfnd the Prince Ilupert SPORT CHAT II Johnny Hawlings, one of hU legs broken in his never ending efforts to carry his team to the front, will view the coming World Series' battles from the grandstand. Hie Pirates owe much to the little, second baseman who arose to greal heights in the cmcial series in .New York which saw The Giants collapse for the first lime in five years. His fielding was sensational, his balling timely, 'and well it might be, for it was on that same baseball field in New York, the Polo Grounds, that! Johnny Ilawlings was recognized nc llin r.lAnlnal nt'irn. nf ilin j 1'rapsfer & Taxi Co. for display ing s a nte The following statement speaks well for the sporting element of this town who rose so nobly to assist such a splendid cause. Receipts Sale or tickets $201,50 Gale receipts 35.50 Donations 5,50 Disbursements Advertising . . Tickets ... TERRACE NOTES 1.25 $ 9.50 Hhlancc..." 233.00 ei2.50 Thanking 'you, F. W. GRIMHLC, Secretary. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE GIVEN LAST NIGHT BY MOOSE fcome 200 persons attended a successful whist drive aud dance (hat was held last evening in the Melropole Hall by the Moose l-odvp. There were 22 tables of oanls and the winners were: Ladles' first, Mrs. Alf Christiansen; ladies' second, Miss D. Fraser; men's first, Tom Dybhavn; men's second, A. Sunberjr. Refreshments were served and lancing followed, music being furnished by the Westliolme trchestra. Mrs. Field was con sener of the refreshment com mittee. Gillis Rover, was master of -eremonres and the cflmrAillee in charge Included r'ml&'&iUden, A. Ohnesarg, Ham: iAiilo., jSam Ilaudenschltd, p.' Cameron lames Haeon. and Mrs. T. J. Marsh Js soending a short holiday al Memo as the auest of Mrs. A. V. "Wilson. Mrs, N. Sherwood returned home on Monday aNer having spent Ihe last I wo weeks as a palienl in the Prince Rupert Hospital. Mrs. L. Skinner or Copper Cily was In town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cha's. It. Gilbert, made a business f rip lo Kaltiin Lake on Tuesday, , T. A. McMarlln who has been renewing acquaintance around town for several days returned to .Sinilhers on Wednesday. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert. A. V. Glands, Toronto; S. T. G. Garrell, W. Allen Hodman, A, O. young, A. Farrow, Gordon Owen. W. Stewart and W J Campbell, Vancouver; W. Van-derlip, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. p .M. .Moncklori, 'ierrnce; D. K. Kennedy, Victoria; Mrs. I.. G llussel, Taeomt?; Mr. ami Mrs. T Shackleton, L'sk; E. R. Wolf, d2 r'j O'.MS or Int u FToit Stvice. Ic. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTEB AGENTS wanted in all parts of H C. In. sell Geurke's Christmas cards, manufactured in Vancouver. Littoral -enmmissions and exclusive districts. Positively best cards in Canada. They sell on sight. Writ Gchrke.'s Limited, 5C0 Sey-tuour St., Vancouver. 23C WANTKD. Young girt tohelp wiiu Housework aim rare or small children. No cooking. Phone lllne 53. 229 WANTKD. Furnished house or suite cent rally local. 'd. Phone Hod 112. tf FOR SALE FOR BALK. Dining room suites. bedroom suites, Chesterfield sutles, range. stoves, bed linen, lowcls, window blinds, inlaid linoleum and prinlei ltnoleumn, lounges, chairs, ChllTkinioros, Dresners, lied-steads, matlresses and springs. Dming tables, kitehen tables, table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie, Furniture House. Phone "?5 FOR SALF.. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear business in Prince Rupert. Fall stock just arrived. Inclusive models. Must sell owing to ill health.' Apply Mrs. R. Goldbloom, Third Ave. 225 END or Month Wean Out. h reduction on all cash sales Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 052. HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. Apply 519 Seventh .Avenue East. FOR SALE. Itufrot and ehlna cabinel. Phone 311. U TO RENT FOR SALE. I'.iithlcen root V-botlomed covered launch, 3 b.p. Caille perfection engine, tiMMQ Phone Red 202. FOR RENT. First class apartment. Monarch range ami waler free, Clapp block. West-enhaver Itros. ' If FOR RENT. - Pianos, player pianos, phonographs hhd sew Ing1 machines. ' WAlfcef Music Store. If FOR RENT. Large modern roomy apartment with fire place; close in. Apply Max lleilbroner.' TO RENT. Furnished house keeping rooms. Phone 18 or 81. tf FOR RENT. Modern house, five rooms and bath. Monro Urns Mirfmi, Florida; .1. A. Hoivln and Mr. and Mrs. H. Champotowii. Winnipeg; J. C. Smilli, Edmon Ion; .Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Forbes, San Gabriel, CaL J. P. Martin: Dr. William Saper'and family and Miss H. Sager, Port Simpson; W. J. Service, Smilhers; W It. Hurke, Seattle. Central J. "If. Hrieker, Vancouver; George Held, Claxlon; F. E. Peterson, Smil tiers. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 . Thursday, Oct. 1, High .. . 0:23 a.m. 12. 18 fl 12:18 p.m. 21.1 " Low C:10 a.m. 2.8 " ' 19:09 3.2 " t Friday, Ocelober 2 High 1 :09 a.m. 21.3 ft 13:27 p.m. 21.8 " Low 7:27 a.m. 2.7 " 19:52 p.m. 2.3 " MISCELLANEOUS KXSERVICE men and dependents inN'resii-d in Ihe forthcoming Federal election are invited to mail their names and ;nMrr--ses fur particulars nf ; na tional movement to sei-ure justice aud fair play by -in use or your ballot. S1e. 2., North West lluilding, Vancouver. II.C, 230 CARPENTERS WHEN having your house repair ed, see A. II. MacPhersoti. Phone Iliack 187. . If DOARD HOARD The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD and Room or Hoard only. Phone Red 707. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Surgical and Obsteirlcal 323 39 Hi Avenue Wes (Kerris-ilale, Vuiii'ouver, H. C. Dr. Ernest Hall, superintendent. CARS FOR SALE. 1-1920 Nash five passenger touring , 850 1-1921 Overland Sedan 1700 1-1922 l ord Sedan t2 I -I ton Ford I ruck, panel body ?.i;r 1-1918 McLaughlin light 6, 5 pass .. S50 I -Ford light dfllvery chasis rebuilt I75 All cars guaranteed in good mechanical condition. Make your own terms. KAIEN GARAGE Ford ami Chevrolet Service Sta tion. Goodyear Tires, Gas, Oil and Greases. WRECKING .SKiyUCK DAY OR NIGHT. Phone 52. If KINDLING WOOD All dry inside wood, kindling and blocks mixed, 10.00 per load delivered. Outside wood. l.Rll per load delivered. Norwa-gian style S;dt Alaska Herring in 30 Hi. and HO-lli. kegs, 10c per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone Hlaok (A) COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Rjjcordi no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world rained artists. Call In and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MU8I0 STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Slttdo-bakers al your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmprei Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B C. Taxi Service CARS MEET ALL TRAINS. Tours arranged. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Hot 099. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. We Huy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Goods. ' GEO. PAPADOPULI8, 639 Third Ave. Phone 010. Articles Loit and Found, &c MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOINO. Fop lh Lall MntHfcni. Wttily in4 Slur4r rln.M it i :o in. To Vntuf SiiimU) . ... ... 9 i :. p.r TiKHMwyfl 4.1 r. pjn. Thnr(UJ I i: p.iii Slunly i.u: Hfl 1 1 iut . To Anjoi, Allc Arm, SKotrt A rftmlrf. SumUyi T i To Perl Slmptea nS Nut Rlitf PolaW ThurMhjrs IS it T AlttU rolnl Hi ll. Srpi IS lOd f i To 0 Ctitrlfttt Iln4 pM sii. . it in I T Aft 4 Allt Arm Wrslnrxlo . . . To (Uwtrt nd rrmlfr sinrur . . IN-COMINO. Frcm tho Cti Monday. WooWmIi) iml rrkt SI J- From Vcoytr iinilar i Worfntwttys loi triitar Solurdtlro sH is ati.i From Aai, At'ta Arm, Itawart A rn:f TuMda From F-art SlmpMn ana' Naaa Rltar folnu Saiurtl a trim .Alaila ralflta - rpn sen I an.l ti Fram ,QMa Charlatlt faint SafK, ... . t , From Afai aatf Alica Arm 1 hitnxla) a ... s Fram Slaaart an rrmir HtMMt . S i BOX COLLECTION QratMflt l A i tin Attn. . IM Aie. a lib Si. .. th k ("ullon i. . SIN Avo. S Tbafnpoon A.M. ( oo al 14 t.ll S t It k Sharttruoka Ataa. to ma nr omn4 a I. t fs ih a Mar five Art. s.ia Wi k Htn nrria 9 r. Hi Aro. k union si n tin AM. it Mrfliio si. i is Pro. Ooi. nUr I io Pre. Ooti. vviiarf ... tu O.T.P. Wtarf npo 0. T. I'. SUIlun . . . .iiMiii ami mn In An- a fiH st to is int va. k Fuli-m si lo it M . 4 Mh st is as Bnn.'s J r V r '' TXS til Tti T 10 r T.ti r 1 70 r . r. i : IN S.'J S "1 s I 10 1 its S i s ill SIS I 110 II S II HI a. 1 a ) STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vancoimr sumtay . i-niwa nitfr I" p Turxtif ta. rntr-na i TnrMla.r a. Tfranr nxri.. in r salartlaf a. Uui iu a ' " o. l-rtweoaa Utry .. I .. 1. Srnl. f . Vriiir.. tn,. ti- From Vancautar SuiKtay a 1 tnteM p . Vaitneata v l-ranrs lluprrl to .111 s. FrMiy . 1 aula ;i Satnnlay M. ptiimw nmra sainnbi' . rnnm, v a Srpl. I aa, Prlnrna Allrt- . I. SBI. 1 aa. Prlni-ru Alirr .1 For Port Simpaon ana- Naaa Rltar ri(M aa. Catala n From Porl llmpaon and Naai Rltar saiunu) aa. f alila 1 For Ataika WariiinKlajr -aa, l-Hnro Charkra I ir Sr.l. IS aa. I'rlnrraa A Urn Sept IS aa. TrtfiPf" Attre 1 From Alaiia - Sunday aa. I'rtiire rinrlri . n p Si pl. It- a. iTturpn. Allrt. n For Btawart, Anioi and Allco Arm siiiwlir -at. Carilrm an From Sliwirl, Anioi and Allca Arm Tueaiiay -, csnieM iv For Anfoi Weitiiairtaya -aa. Prlncn Imtwrt 10 n From Anifoi Thurailayn prinra ni i,iri a n 11 For Stawart Salnnlayi aa. 1'rlnre nra.. 10 p From Stawart Siiinliyi aa. I'rlnra Onnrirn . . S p ti' LAND ACT, Notlca of. Inlantlen to Apply to Laaia lani 11 rrnirt- nni-ri I ami llnmrillli 1 1 1 1 1 i 'it liriil.h oln, iml aiiuain al inmiih nf Mmrlt Inlri. alu.ui rrmina nnrlli frnm Ihn tmrlhrnt . nrr nf Indian lmm No. tnr, Oraii n TAKE NOTICF, that I, Fiitrna II. Sim ami, of MiMrll, lirlil.ti CulunrliU, ii.-.-.iiu Hon pirknr, Inli-liili In apply fur 1. v iirarniirn ianil: Cfiininnnrlinf at a t-i.t plinind ahmil I ... n..i..n iir-,-r m, nnn, nraliain liai I ii-nm tinrlhnrly S rlialm lo low wai; llH-nrn rminwrnr low wamr mark 1 rtialni In 1 wMtrrly dirrcllnn; tlirsi -iiiirriy 9 rnainas nmnrn nilnrlv I ' tmliit nf r.mmnvirmnnt, an' a in niTi-, nmrn ir iiia. KUHCMF. II, SIMPSON, Kvminl D...U Jun. iota. ;mi.