ia TF, | * | i } a Anglers Talk After Annual Tourney — JACK BRAYLEY Johnny Bright is st« Ipped by the | Football Union a‘ Calg: Bright ff t ana by ternational Tuna Tour name over, talked today of.the ones! that got away The winning Cubans boated two bluefins in an exeiting- cli max to the three-day angling POURNAMENT une ead ( A Coetzee CP il Tuna bo lersized fish for e 303 pot Commonwea “ VW a met British Tournament tne the most Duncan Hodgso ic bringing ir us points Tor ‘ommodore sisting his of South from NS E Information “€ Africa, Briti nt Bureau eral Shake-up Lands ! as Blac i 4 on With a shake-up from top he draft, But other player ay de laimed by other cl for ie $10,000 draft price Once drafted player n not traded o1 iid for a year HI n-| if a club wants to drop a draft- n it, ed player it, must first ask ij}, Waivers and the player if four | claimed, can bought for $7,500 te ure The plan becomes effective den yf Wovoper oO here the ~— pains Scent as ae ACQUIT BYRNE’ a ee Nor (Continued from, page 1) " sah “ ‘ eros, 8 ”" th4 Rew. oReOGL Laem oedema | Boxing Clu he stair o the Benyon piace ie t major) sald .George Allard mei . of Witness then procuced a sheet N Hey aNd! of paper which he said listed his d © up thelr | calls fo rthe day. On it the dis- the deal.| pateher had listed his last call, AYS | the one from Cow Bay to Piggott inction as} Upon cross-examination by ird while} Mr. Hogg, witness admitted h