rtav.Or1obrrl.i02S. . - . ' "' J iii TTTP. nXttf fTKWg jeB i You Had Better Get Your Name on our Hit For Dry Kindling '! piece kiln dried unit t , v Hit. Large load $6.00 ;jl red, or 'j bundles al- .'Taxl"Call 112. Vu open iiml rwidy to . i-iri' all hour. One , passengers any 50c, Clean cdaii, ,l'lf'l'S. COAL V, have a now coat on $11.00 per lull dellv-V . dirl nnd very Will'? A perfect range 1 1 ire nml extremely 'i dcr it Ion rinwt i r nil kimU (it- promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Alto Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones; 189, 112. STRIPED FLANNEL ; i M. Warm rn.y . or iii a nice. ring, full 51 ud $2.75 West of England Store Third Art. Phone 753. Faxi 75 Taxi imi the bct Phone 75. Hiidol Super- 1 '. f irt rikI 'hUrr Sedan in .. -.v I'lii.cd cars. RATES tiger . . $1.00 P i.etiKcr. . . $1.50 8 iv nfiri . . $2.00 .it Sciiari, wr $4.00 ' -' i i-dan. er $5.00 To Cold Storage and Acroit Hays Creek Bridge, I or t - arm $1.00 ' i l l i -niil passenger 50o carli. TAXI 75 TAXI New Shipment Fall & Winter Coals J i-i Ileecived. ' at Moderate prices Bents Third Ave. Phone G51 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgereon Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. "fitr.o Hours 0 In 0. X-rUy Service Phone 6SG. f,I n Tuesday, Thursday nd Saturday Kvcnlngi Fur Coats & Jacquettes 'xqulslln Stock of Fur ' "timings nl low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Nt Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. FEEDING FOXES " WITH WHALES " r Nine Have Been K'.lled In Western Alaska and Sold to Farmers i XI iip whale have I n killed thti far ,y l- rri'w of n.e whalcboal lliinnar, Captain I.oh li.iip, lliil.ar.l llullm.ok ami jAxel llnimcn, all partner , u. I new fm feed i,jiurprtw. wl1(.( hn been carried on f hiH ,mi.,i, .hi a maimer .pilfc pii..,,,, I owner, ay he Kew.u.l Halfway. iiMiiraimiiH pomi f 1 f ij. til prle will ,e ,, fllini.ni. I)" nml according n. j,wiier. who arrived in .inward recent lv from Kmliak where they have been hunting fur the, pat iwo months, Uu'y will r el hi-from the south next sen ion ami orlp in thf nm viruuiir.. Located at Kodlak The iiiiinar, -aid h. . . stnallc.i niriMiiliil tun! w!i. :. in I lie world,. firl arnvd Si-ward from Seal lie I ho f,,,-,. j, ,. of July, leaving Spward -h... fr KiKliak winch point ha- upI it Hip rrafl'w hae iIiimiiu wlialniK iM-rul in. Th idi-a of tiunllnv ttliale for (.. feed wa- ''oiiciivei by Chilian) l.oui" I.aiw. Alio i one f the Ornlory h ; i"uJmjt aulhorilie oti fur. lml-iioeol m ronnulerrd I lie natural I food for Kip tux and due to ill-ilow rol, wliieh i litw-r than jooy other form of frd. it ' iMifii'lenlly MlPVftd a good tiu-iiic will pcnlually he realud tv I he pioneer and orixunaior ,of itf indutr'. The Jilne wbale killed to dalPj werp killed without any narticu-i lar inrideiil of itnmrtanre in the way of Krileiiipul. Hood weather wu marked al all limp. Stored In Tanks Fox rancher who have tanks iw- them for lorae of the mc-l Imi other, to whom whale men! ha ! deiire and bavins; I no lank or harreU, burial the ntvat in ordr to pperve il. In delivering a wbal to the W hite A Walktn- fox farm on 4ooe itland, the wtoal went aicmund during te night and tte iie HMrfiHia; Ihe owiwra dta-eovpreil ix foe a-orsing ttiem-ele. In feedinsr hlublier to foi nn it ha Iteen notippl thai aftr "Mlinv II the fos would torn -nr lo the fe4er and liek hi hand in order lo gel Pvery par-i ..! of oil off. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ViTK'E l lllhRBT ilt. Owl I nmn cimiim ..! lul I till, lunfr i i . Dirif l. l raixrlUit lMfV' Hitilrr u( Luid t-a IWtXHIMIH, Vlrturw. B fe. f!ttl LAND ACT. alk f liUnliM U el l Lou lul In rrlo Bawl l-M !.: Iflrl i.f Hrtar HaiMli. ihI MKMlr m tlx illtrl ! .t Wale Uad. P.' . briM aorth mtrni tr, IUUrk lUiwl. and in rl rrun KIllHl pmhi. miiiib iiwnu , TAlt NOTICE llul Anilu HrHOh Col I jmbU I'lrkutf i:B-n Unillrd, ! VtfrMtnrr. Ii.i... urni4iiuo I'itlrn, in ; till wwni-ni -. rutiiiDnvinr r rMUi t . Mfb . ilrr mik the lhMl r vt Wllr OMIH in iui-i i an i-w-iii niaollr from lUrtlart IttanJ iftd irvt . ... .J ll filtfclft IftlBwlt . iim." imw .. DIWI." ..-., (bfur aunllwolrrljr aloiir UU water . . . i i.Hmiw.l rl linn 1 fir !. 4i a pi mrtPU i w... im-tKr Miutlirrlv IU ruin. ixtnrr iir i, 10 mw aiar mark. Uk-ih j.H-HilHjr alii h. alr .iark Pi -wsfcl bamlfwl fwl. ItKiMi or lhi-" lHrlbrly 10 rnW IUIV tr f . in i" " i. -- ixl rvnummr 71 a i. mrr r . asoi.o iminn coli'mhu l-AHklNO r.o. LTD.. Applicant Per Walwr T.. Waikr. ashii. nil July SI Hi. ISli LAND ACT. Nolle el Intantlon t Apply to Laaaa Land la l-nni- Uuporl l.anl liwnlinr I-irlrl of I'rlnr Hiirrl.il allualo al llartlrit I'ulnt, Walra Mlanil. Ilrltltn Cnlumhla. . .... , mi. I, id I'uklni luiliDaHV I.IHllKHl. til Vaiwwiver. B :.. orrupallon reker. lu-lemH lo awilr ir 'e int drvTifiPit lamia:- Unniliwnrlni- a hiI plamejl nn II Miutb lKrt liarlltri Pninl. UiW t-land, al hlah alr mark: llwnr In an ratlrrlr (1liv'llnn a lout tilth walrr mark rnrlr-rlrlil himilrnl feel. Iimrc or l. lo a hm markiNl n. I.K.: ihcijro oll-erlr 10 i haina. luor or lr. in Inw water mark; llirnr In wnlerly dirwllon aknt luw water mark roriy-rlthl him.ln;l fret, more r Ihenr nnriherly to rhalna lo fwilnl nf numwnrMitriil, nl rntiuinlnr J arrra. mor ir H. AOL IiRITIH CI'II MIIU PACklMO CO. tm Applicant Ter Walter E. Walker. Arrnt. LAND ACT. Nallca of latantlop lo Appl to Purchase Land. In lit lJtn.1 llernnlm MMrlrl of rrlnre Hunerl. ami alluaic al (he nij"illi or nir rail t:rrrk wrh rioJ mi' t ' rmlaU lllvor about IS mllo frwn -A't.'"".. . h i Omllh nf prla.- 'MHiwrl. ' B.r.. (.p.-ntlin man. IiiimhIi to apply for ieriiillon W aniilliwrnl rornor or IjI ! 1f".f n llifniK SO rlialni norther y; llienee SO rtialii WMlrrlv, mor or lr. to tl all nlrrri thi'tire SO elwlna neriy. liiUnre Jo rhalna rterly. ami cnnlalnln-so .rir, more or InM. . Aiilli'ant. Prr r. i. tiifl. Acnt Dittd Auiuil liio, ivn. il Healthy babies thrive on Eagie Brantl and doctors recommend it in stubborn 'ceding cases. I t is the naturel food when mother s milkis not avaiU nb!s because it is pure country milk with sugar added. Always uniform, digestible, nourishing. For Frt Baby Boob wtllm . kc 73c?t&iu GxJlmiUd FLYING BOAT Expert Tells What he Thinks Will be Like In Few Years p"OI THAMI' tiet. I. At It eelionJl mci-iinii of the llritinh AMiaf ion here O. K. SimmoruU M.A., drew an interextiiiK picture of lite fhlllfl boat of the fultm' Operationally a flying boat, tie aid. may be treated preeiey a a ship; it may be left on the water fur veral wek and, if deHiraide, the cre can live on hoard, alulli-envinp boat can hp manoeuvred with preat on the water, and larsm hoaU may he operated by experiencod pilot, even in rongeled water ways, wilkMMit Pilernal alt-anee. Hp would eeiiainly feel that propre had beta iaenlin-alely liw if I hey had not 00 n- lniPlPl a boat of IO0.00O h ro weutht by the end of the neil iPrade. Suppoinu tbi wa to he for commercial purposes, ihe machine would probably have an all-lee monoplane tXHty of ome fi.ooo nure feet wins area and HO feel pan. The tower unit would be houefl in paaine room hulll into the thick wins tiMif feet out from the hull, and the output from each room at full revolutions would hp omp 3.000 brake hrare power. Once the boat wa in the air they could fly pomfortably on fl per cent of full powpr. and the fear of a forced landinR mialit therefore be dimie1. The hull would be arranged in two decks and provtdp apaciou aecommtt- lation for 100 RApmzrr. The -peed would axftppd 0fl knot. and the boat would tindprtake IikIiI up to 1.500 milfe willinul ili-lit insr. Ily ulisrlsl ly iducin? Hie Miiniiier of papnBPr., thprc- fon. fiirh a boat could fly from Kurnpp to America with only one! .too. at the Asore. and ftccoin idih lln whole flteht wlllitti 36 hour. Mr. Siinmond. prtsllelPd that in the future the Jlyltiff Jioal will prove herelfva tntMrM'',')y efftcipni. and deiralilp mean of tranxporl for rommprcp and pleasure, a neriou compflilor with Hie liner and the alr.hip for the world', ocean traffic. NETS BUSHELS OF FLIES TOKYO, Oct. I. Hesidenls of Aakua ward cauuhl nearly fifteen buhel of flies on a fly ci-tariuination day. One hundred and pIpvpii street each had H inaenioii device of eaplure and offpred prires of one sen per 20 flic. rIh fly -catcher, n silver watch, cotton piece good and n paper umbrella. Advertise In the Dailv News AUSTRALIAN ELECTION ON Contest Between Nationalist and Labor Q roups Over Treatment of Communists Mlil.llOl KX:, AuHlralia, Oct. 1 Ily 4'anadian Pre. . The uiiralian geileral election, which will lie on November ti will he .vai In it with conxidei alde inter- sl in other parts of the UritiKli lapire a w-ll a in the inland mi i iii-nt in view of the lii-'ti! .eiwei-n (he llrucp NutionaliMl' ovpi'iiment and the Labor Parlyi i (lie remill of. Hie iiiiofltcial! -ttrike of Itrilt Alt neanien in An-, ralfaii water. Imleed the elec- ion ha been preidtated by the Irike, and Hie appeal of the 'renner, Stanley Melliyiirne iiuii', to tlie1 eotinlry i in the laii'f of a challenge to the x: :emi-!i of the fabor Party. Tlie recent iwnsaife in the uMraliaii Hoiikp of lleiireenta- i.' of Hie amendment lo the mm iiation Act irovidlnt? for In- deportation of any peron Alio Pi not of AiiMtralian hirlh, a'Iio ha iein found guilty of oineniing labor t rouble precip- la'ed a crii. The bill had a lonny route throiuh the llouac iiecaime of thp opposition of the Labor Party, led by Matthew Charlton, member for 1 1 nn 1 jr. New South Wale. Incidentally there was a wholesale isuance nf warrant for the arrest of A00 trikiikv IlritUli neatnen. All thi roii!iel nci lronr critirium of he governrrtent that Premier liruee decided on the dissolution of Ihe Iloue and an appeal to 'he country. Aimed at Seamen's Union The bit! providing for deporta tion anu the appointment or a deportation board to carry out the measure i generally regarded a having been aimed chiefly at Tom Walsh, president of the Australian Seamen Union,' known a an extremit in the Jtbr Parly. Walsh and J. Jo- aanueii, another labor agitator, have been aked lo bow caue why they should not be deponed for their aetivity in the enmen' Irike. Labor leader Charlton and hi supporter in thp Hon of lteprpnlattve. tn opMiing 'he hill, declare that lbt wa an uifriugeiHent on lh liberty of the subject. .v I The outcome of the election may have a far-reaj)iiiig effect, and the reult may depend to n large extent on whether or not the seamen' strike i spIIIpiI in the meantime. Against Communists Premier 1 truce eludes Pres dent Tom WaUh of the Austra lian seamen's Lnioti a a tMim-i mum st. A hort time prior to. ihe Iremier nnnouneinenl that he would dissolve " jiarliamentj and appeal to the people for mandate he made a .speech Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? EVERY day new inventions appear to save you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought1 out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you up to the minute on this vital news? , The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will know about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advertisements tell you where to gel these things, how to get them and how much lo pay. For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. 1 Don't rob yourself of the. benefits thai come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether too important to be missed. Read it every day. It's a profitable practise jeBBBBBBBa PAGE' rTVK ring In Ihe seamen's strike, saidjas "tae- "I he viper of Communism has raised ils head," declared thai Ihe press and many public men were endeavoring to overshadow "the real issue" by lryin to If you (xaVe noi iasicd a real treat awaits you. Let us suggest that you try it today. are the peo.ile into believing! Now both in flic National Park at that Australia was on the brink: Yellowstone and in the still iar-of a social revolution. ger reserves of Canada, lie Criticizes Government species is multiplying. On the m -I... ..ii.... nuiiiniiinn 11.0 nlhcr li.itid llic Ki i ni i ie :i il bison i -m r. t.iiuiiiuu, . i iiii.niip !. - j m government for ha'ving passed M in greater danger than ever referred lo WWI Hie American species, bill, In deportation ul.ieh he ailicked tl o ( ommu-l Z Sectare thS lZ ZJ the fact that the J.ri.isl. sea- There are very few examples in lie Iliai y II.IU. m IIIIS. lleUPCiartll llllj .... .... . ; nnolivllv ami lh n..io ii cas! men sirihe uuu oc-iirriNi iu !. i-- ,jUoiiiI eonlrol of trades union-' . allien coniroi 01 iraoes union ! i,nn.i .i,.- t,i Ko i. n. in ViiMiriilui aii, i wre iisinii reai lirnain, .ew AeaiuiKi mini - - , 1 bilnl 1 'li Africa, as well as in An, in restrain!. The wild herd are it t to aid aid in 1 brinum? ,,oul . . l.cUeved lo be extinct or reduced social revolution and the eslab-i ,r,u,a uml "''"j Illal' "". s. . i ,. ..,, , .li..:.!,,. Iishnteiit of a dictalnrtihip by them over Oie whole oMlje tiim-monwealh. , The Premier said (lie tlpvtjrnnU'nt . wasl'jiclerinined to Jlgbt Communism Avitli alt the irieali at its disimsal, and tlie government would uot permit any section of the community lo arrogate to Ht-elf the power lo enforce ils vv.M on the- people against their lonsent. Ite le-maudcl a nvaiHlate tn enact measures "necessary lo nvalntnin the supremacy of parliamentary governmeiit and law and onler." Matthew Charlton, liio Labor leader, in an add res replying lo u former . och of 1'riMnicr llriice denouncing Uolshevism in vvlileb sneer 1 1 I lie Premier, refer ilr.ialir IcciKl.ilinna ns mi IUU'" .-t.in. i i mini mi. been passed by any of these other . countries, lie said ho CALF OF BISON IS BORN IN LONDON ZOO European Variety In Danger of Total Extinction but American Dolnn Wo'.l A fine bison calf has been born at the Zoo and gives every prospect of doing well. The American bison is no longer in danger of extinction I lint threatened it a quarter of a century uro. Alllioiicli the wild herds in Hie l iuled Stales had almost been wiped out, I bore was a sufficient remnant able lo recover under Ihe slricl protection given it. Al tho same time Ihe Idood was reinforced by sending In Ihe reserves some of Ihe finer you tie bulls bred in zoological gardens. l'lie, European International Hison Society, an association with thought the ordinary penally fori heftd.iuarlers at Frankfurt, has i- i.rnktti. tthmil.i crv witliin insfiluled a stock-book and is AHio, .,nginjii(iweaJh, without re sort to special measures. The llrtico goveriunent stic-ceeil.l Ihe adnlnistration of William Morris Hughes, K.C., after Ihe last general election, and the tlrure cabinet was form- oil on February 9, JU23. with S. M. llrtice as Premier and Minister for Kxlernal Affairs, llufrhrs was Premier of Australia from October 27, 1015. until his government wa overthrown in Ihe general election and tlruce succeeded him on February 9, 1923, collecting information as to all the individuals in captivity with a view lo securing exchanges and in giviug the greatest possible opportunity for breeding. FLATTERY WASTED. Tereiu'i 'Tis a fine lad ye have here. A majrntficenl head and noble features. Could, " ye lend me a couple of dollars? J'al I could nol. 'Tis mo wife's child by her first husband." London Telegraph. TIMBER SALE, X 7468. j Sealitl TmleM will be ren-lvnl by Ihe; MUilsirr of lanrti Jv Vlcioru not laurj I ha n iiimiii in Ihe ttfiKl day of October, !&. Tor the mirrhaiiF of I.Iiiiici- X7U,. to rul ICS, 000 ft of Sprurv and llrni-, lock on an aiva sltuatrtl un Maxell Inlrli HnnmiatHy 7 nillf- from Porl Clfiwnls, Y.I..I., rrinre mijri iiinnri. Two ( years will be allowed for re moval of UiiiImt. KnrtUer partli-iilars or the Chief For esler, viriorla, It.i:.. or lonrlrt Fore ler, 1'rlnoe Hnpert. BT, TIMBER SALE X7106 There will be offered for aale at Publlci Auction, al Doon on the 1st day nf Ocluo ivts. In the orrlre or the lrorrt Sup-ervl.ior, siiiIUmtk, H.C., iim Llreuie Xlut. lo rut Sio.ooo lineal reel of Otijr Pvle and I'llln on an area adjoin-lur Lot f?n, nortli wet or lliellon, t'siar DKtrlcl. Three (s year will be, allowed for removal nf tliulier. i'rovHhHl tint any fine unable to attend Ilia aurllon In person may HHbnill a rnialed lender to he oeiied at the hour of auction anl treated one bid. ( nirlher particular of the Chief I'oreM er. rii Victoria. I n lul Mi DC, or Dlilrlci f'ortiter frlnc nupert, B.C. CANADIAN STEM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. S. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wc are ready at any time to receive your "phone call, to take your instructions, tn take personal chargo of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Garss Mackinaw ti STAG rts 8 Goats Pure Wool i Ilensouable Prices ENQLISH TRENCH COATS dust Arrived Steve King Phond Green 85.