i v tVAPOWTtO niL i4 favorite with British Columbia housewives HOME KILLED Meats and Poultry from Bulkley Valley You will ari-ciale our meats. We will appreciate your patronape. Freh anil Smokwl Fish a Spec ialty Seam 8 Sixth Street WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced by experts lo le the greatest advancement made in shot shells in the past to year.". 12 gaupe only. Kaien Hardware Co. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 60o DRY BIRCH Per load SG.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. IMPROVED Ford Models Will ho on exhibition about November 10. Prices Unchanged S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. Cutaxe, Warehousing, and DistributinK. Team or Motor Service. IIor, Hand and Gravel We Speolallte In Piano and furniture Coving. usual allrai'live nrfiTin nf useful an. I fancy arlit-le.4 and lea is :ilo Immii !.erei. Tmiiirlil lliert- will lie a wul-t autl trrule lri iml danee. Mrn. Fre. (iilhuiy i in peneral charge with various deiarlnieili iMidurled a foflow: Fancy wxrk and plain sewin?. Mr. Ii. tUcroiie, .Mrs. Join' liulzer. Miss Pulmira Aslnri ami Mrs. lieorge Friiel. Hume IjMikin?. .Mrs. L. i. Fuller, .Mrs. W. llaiaziKt and Mr-. K. A. Hood. Tea Tables. Mrs. W. Hftid. Mrs W. P.. Willisrrnfl ami .Mrs. Men Self. i:ard Tables. Mrs. I.. M. Fuller and .Miss Pulmira Astoria. Mrs. Frank IWapp i acting t i-ashier. WHIST LEAGUE Knights of Pythias, Oddfellows, St. Andrews and Knights of Cotumbus Won Last Night fiatnes in I Ik itiefO neUofi. Die Fraternal Whi-l I j'apnie la; nixlil resulted as follows: Knights of Pythias Sons of Canada i. Oddfellow 8, (Jreat War Vet era ris I. SI. Andrews 5, Mnoe 1. Sons of KngLind 3, Kniglils oil ColOnibus C. ! Klks vs. L.O.L. osipoii)i until Tuesday al Wks' Home. The1 -league lamlin? to date is! as follows: St. Andrew's k. of p: Klks Moos Oddfellow . K. of C U. I. W of of .V. c... K. v W. 5 . t . 3 . 3 . 3 . I . I . I . I HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert I.. Pis. (I 5 1 i . I 3 2 3 2 3 3 3. i I i H. F. Jtavis and 4. II. .Mane Calgary; C. W. Harrison, Ma are! M. Smith, F. I.. Housle) and William . Milchell, Vancou ver: Miss j. I.. F. Fair, Fred Nash and Mrs. (. I). Kirkald, Terrace; I), Tredway, Dorreen h. Woodworlh, Sniilhers; .1. I). Sinilh, Claxlon; J. Kerr, Victoria h. W. Scully, San Francisco; T. I.. Williams, Purl Clement; M and Mrs. .1. H. Milne ami .Mr. and Mr? . W. howling and son Massed; 11. M. Hcid, F.verel' Wash.; K. Sanilerson, Cily; A Fisk, Prince lieorge. Central II. F. WooNey, C.N.H.; A. W Hales, Cold Storage; p. J. O' Reilly and II. Jackson, Quee Charlotte Islands; Viclor Xygard l.ockeporl ; Mr. and Mrs. .1. llage man, Massell; p. Slieelian. cilv Mr. and Mrs. .1. Iallas. SlewaH PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, November 13 High ir,33 a.m. 19.9 ft Low 5.22 a.m. 0.5 1H.03 p.m. 5. " Saturday, November 14 High 0.01 a.m. J8.0 ft. 12.07 p.m. 20.7 " Low 002 a.m. 0.2 18.11 p.m. i.l " Sunday, November 15 High .... 0.13 a.m. 19.2 fl 12.il p.m. 21. i " Low 6.11 a.m. 6.1 " 19.18 p.m. 3.0 " BILLIARD PARLOR , A TUT pTIf C TflD DriT rnin ctad i rr' IIIIjLi 11 vvJ 1 vll The Parlor FMi A DErtI jJLU JlUfAiiUL Second Division Billiard Tournament Last Ntnht Resulted In Score of 745 to G13. Prince liuperl MiHia! defeated ihe llanadia' Odd Storage Co. by an aggregate score of 715 to (il3 in last night's second division bil liard tournament. The UoJ.1 Stor age won only ime game. ImlivMlual srores were as fol lows: P. Uejmn (Prince Hiiiert lt Hani Parlor ,T5; W. Unjr. 150. W. Sliekncy. I5r; A.Harvey. M. Andrews, 150; J. May. III. W. Mitchell. 150: A. Mac- donahl, 1 15. It. Howe, 150; II. Parr. 108. The league standing to date is as follows: (allies. Til. Aver. P. It. It. P. Cold Storage Orotlo 0. W. V. A. ... P.H. Fish Go. ij; I'jr.y IJHi 1163 t I F. Pyle (V, J i85 W. J. Nelson (V) 2 t7 Andrews .(V; 1 230 IM. .McMordle (V 2 125 D. Hrnwn (IIP, .... I 20U Aldridge (IIP;.. I 20U P. Tinker (V).. 2 ill Mclliuftyle (HP) 2 inl Halagt-(HP' 2. ton. Second Division R. How (HP) .... 3 W. Iing 3 AM ridge. (HP.. 2 Morgan (('.... 2 Howe (V).. 2 Slickney(HPi 2 Judge (V) Hond (C) Mclnald (0S ZieHKin (HP; .... W. Milchell (111 O. Howe (O) S. IlJiles (F).. itailey 4Vi..i:... 31. Andres (HP '.i W. J. Nelson (Vj I. Jlillman (0)-.. Ir:AVeP (VVl... A. Harvey (OS) .... I. Krause (Fj J. 0. I : I. S. S. A. i. May (OS) Parr (OS; I.. Yoiingman(V; I Heesiey (OK... 2 Oorlietl (Vi 2 DarUm (V, 2 Snga 'Oi i Carlson 'F ... I Fleming 'V,. 2 150 150 300 300 300 300 150 150 ii5 2t5 i!2 293 Hi 277 ill 271 ' 267 25C Ifi'J 2.18 355 350 MO SIX I'Ji 1 08 Hi 70 70 73J 05a r.ti 5H? Sin BILLIARD AVERAGES Individual Average to dale ii Ihe second division billiard I .earn e are as follows: First Dlvl-lon Oames Til. Aver. Sgl. Jebson (Y .... I J50 'yjerfian .'MP..... I 250 J. WaHgh If Pj .... I 250 W. Slflrkney (p; 2 i8tl 250 250 250 211 21.1 238 210 213 im ;oo 20) 20 1 20ti 150 151)! I ' ; 150 150 l.-.t 150 150 I ? IIS M7 117 lit 123 111) lit u; 110 109 HIGH SCHOOL Provision Made for Use of Old K. of P. Hall For Children's Games The use of H.- obi K. of P Mall in the llefc.TMiii I Mock has been secured by the SIihIciiI Council of the Itiah Sebool for Ihe purpose of training in vol ley till, basketball ami bad m t li on. Priueijial Hrady reporlel lo Ihe school boaril last night. For thi Ihe rent will in- 7 a month for Ihe season, the light and any required fixture to tie paid for! by Ihe tenants. n reipiel of Principal llra.h the loard de- rideil to nwel he cwt nf the rent, the stutfeni s cmuieil to pity all olher expen-es. In reriorting the mailer, lhi prineital of Ihe High School ex plained Hint there was no provision at tlie High School for indoor game nnd he thought "the hoard might took on Ibis a part of the education of the children. The pruoa! wa to use the hall in the afternoons between four and sit untr siiterishin nf the teacher anif alo on Saturday. SPORT CHAT Aiinounceinent i. made thai llrick Skinner, the UmmI Itoer and C. McNeil, the F.duiontnn colored man, will uieef in a six round hou! to a decision in Jhe Fjupres Theatre next Monday night. There will also be thre. ood preliminaries. Skiunei' i well known here and McNeil, who r employrd al the elevator, i saitl to Iwve a pretty good reputation as n tnixec on Ihe prair ies. The impending departure. c( Frel Oilliuly from lrinee llupcrt will constitute a mailer for general regret in doeal albelllc elr- cles for Oil has been n consist ent supporter of sport tu the rily for many years. Oonfininc himself to no .particular branch in seaon and out lie has actively mlerested himself in football. 1 39 i baseball, buskelball ami hicrosse 187 He will leave football and liaskel- 1 ;)(,! hall trophies bearing msname I3j,as mark or W"la!'?Jlp ?X"l'r-128JMx'lWII"5i?ni J'il "port, He was also one of the main fac tors in pulling lacrosse on the map here and actively partici pated in the game.' luteal sjmrl will indeed ie a goo. I siipMrlrr in the person of Fred Oilliuly. 7 ; 81' Spain is developing a prosper Hi live world's champion heavy 7 weight boxer who will visit 35 America tins winter. I lie new TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE Hai ewM racouci or t0un "I fcla'Ml M4JvflwlM.f m11 PV' IOn Th Oriin.l LaLtl luoU for it t Ih. Vrndor' and Intitt on CHANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE This mlvertisemeiit is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia Wanted For Sale For Rent TO RENT FOIl HF.NT. Ooing concern a. (jiw Hay including 3 rooms and. bath, (iiriiishe.1. loin giMMl business. Owner mu' leave city on business. Phoii--lied 70. f I'O HUNT. Four roomed, fur- nisbeiL modem ho, with piano t4 large pantry. Also three ntom furnisheil, modern. PIhmw lllue IBS. tf FOIl II EXT. Warm furnishe i room, suitable for two geutl-mcn. Clo in Phone I Hue 727 or call 131 Fifth Ave., We.i. TO IlKXT. Newly dcoral three roomed Immi; hot an t cold waler. Apply rear 22 Second Avenue Wcwt. 201 FOR IlKXT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOIl IIF.NT. Large two slorev house. Third Avenue near Mc-Aleekin's iin-er. Weslen-faver Jtr. f ti 10 HUNT, New five roomed rmxlern flat, bealeil anil electric range. Apply Dybbavn A Hanson. If FOIl HKNT lek nwm in office and storage spare in rear. Apply Douglas Sutherland, 2nd Avenue. Sot FOIl MINT. Four roomed hnu- with hath, furiiUhed. Iieceinber I. 5.no. Apply (i. P. Tinker. f i FOIl IlKXT. Five roomed apart ment, completely furnished. No. 7 Wjildron. Phone 407 FUItXISIIKI) HOUSK for HenL Itange ami other furniture for sale. 215 Fourth Avenue Rast. FOH IlKXT. Two room furnish ed apart men) by day. week or inonllL Phonellwl 607. MOItKH.N FLAT for llent. Apply Max Heiliironer. tf MISCELLANEOUS IIIO PAY WOIIK FOIl MKN. To Ihe unemployed or mn wh" work for laborers' pay when the world's greatest imlulrv needs thousands of men a 05c to 11.00 per hour, city and country shops. We train you for jobs an truck drivers auio-meeiinnies,' ignition .ex perts, battery welding and vul canlslng. We also teach brick laying. Illeselllrig nnd dalerk i ii it. iaii or wrne rur tree catalogue. Hemphill Auto Kn gineerlrig Saliool, to llnOings sireei rj! vaneniiver. H.f! hope is Paulino Fcuinhmii, Spanish heavyweight flui iiipiitti. who knocked out Marcil Nilles. I rench he.-jvj'veiglil, m ,. t,trvl roiinii or a scbeiiiiieii fifteen round Ixiul in Paris lal week end. II was his seven) h straight knock-out. I eii.liin.la will figlil Hans llreilen.lraeler, Herman heavyweighl chainoion. in llerlln on Xovcmbir 20. and will then proceed H (he I inle.l stalp. witf (leorjfiia Oarpeniirr vvlt i- ilun to appear for a bout next month in Lo Angeles. By George McManm i BRINGING UP FATHER JvliiDY i i i i i l 1 ' i ii 1 1 1 . " " "" "" i ( BBnBWT7 i ii ------- -w-r-,fc.fW,i sv- n. ii i i i i - i v i i i anuLi Hi . i i ttra-n i I II J - II H ta E3 a . 1 I k .... . I I I r.H. - II nrr.1 A W-v fc A. W.- I Tt ' KaQsn 1 V 1 n ii-" ii. ---i i m i i . . - i i Avrv iMr y 1 " "' " n i i-u inx.i i i Msrsinv vjhit . vai w r i i r i.r j i icatw. - Yet it whip i r ir-?r?w-rnH ,j ij toTn.w r. :.::r rasa i : easily and is 1 MC w v m MlifOm. Ill I V .. J I I "Wi I I -ik o-....sn. II. I . r ii I KlttiM f.--" 'J 1i delicious! awntsrw tLrrrn pouhirco racu : .Tr1 i i'"- cv 'i isRaf- ' r m m ' a. . r !feaai . ii imiHi i iiii i v .viH v raHR i e ri i . i . w 11 i u 'H i Doodsnn LADIES OF ROYAL PURPLE BAZAAR IS IN PROGRESS TODAY The annual tiazaar nf (lie Ladie nf the lioyul Purple ojmmi-ed lln aflennMn at 3 o'clock in i he Klk.' lliKiie. T!ier ii Ihe DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c HELP WANTED. FEMALE MHN ami Women wanted to learn barber trade and beauty culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady hair 'iriier. Special tow rale now on. Too In free. We have thirty-two school in Canada and U.S.A. Write or call Mnler Syntem. of (Udieges, to Haittimr Kaal, Vancouver. II. C. WANTYa iil.Ii Artificial Teelh Houghl. any condition. II ik he I prices sent by re' urn mail. It. Hunlan, P.O. Itos 310, Vancouver. IML rXaldmheil Ihirly thr years. WAXTKIi. Canvassers to lake orders for Christmas cards. .Mrltae Bros. FOR SALE Foil SAI.K. One Ford ton true. first class r omit I Ion. spare front and rear tires. Has gowl cord lire ail around. lloOaash balance to arrange. I Hodge enclosed model, food tires, now in storage, !?&eah. balance to arrange. Fine assoramenl of lugging lieds. Oilchriet jacks awl part-, fall-ing and bucking nw, filing I00U, sledge and wedges, wire splicing IimiIs, carpenters tools, etc. I Nine inch Star la I he with self centering chuck. I Full set steam lire vt Jennifers 3H to t inch and IS to S inch, with hand tools. (iood assortment of piston ring for auto and marine engines. Springs for Hodge and Foed ears. Some extra leaves for Chev-rolels. I Ford engine in pood eondilton. I 5 cyl. Studehaker engine. t A li.p. Vivian engine and clutch. I tf hp. IIuITnIo and clutch. I &n hp p. 3 cyl. (lorbnm engine. I 50x11 work boat, 38 h.p. I 2ix6 pleasure boat 16 h.p. I 22x6 pleasure boat I h.p. I F.vlnmde jnboard engine. Wharfage for basis Caretaker in ! tendance. NORTHERN TXCHANQE, 213 SectMid Ave. Phone 23. FOIl SAI.K. House 2 1x30 puddings; 150 acres anl bordering lake; good view, waler. soil; near sawmill, slalioti, school, rink. $1,500. I.. Hotchkiss. Alexa Lake, Oenlral It.O. 270 FOl'H roomed houne for sale on Ktghlb Avenue West, near Mc-llride. Apply 133 F.tghUh Ave West after five o'clock. FOIl SAI.K Seven rosnoil limise an I furniture. Apply. 120 Fifth AVenue West. Phom Oreen 8UI. ,f FOIl S.M.K. Healer; also laby buggy. Phone (Ireen 196. llANiiK for Sale, practically new. Plume lied 396. AUCTION SALE AFCTIOX SAI.K. We have been instructed to sell at public auction on Saturday. November Ii, al 717 Sixth Avenue West. Sale starts at JJI0 p.m. sharp; consisting or the following household cfTects; (Jur-ney Oxford rane. 6 hole, Challinni kitchen cabinet; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen utensils nnd dishes; couch; tapestry covered Haveiiporl, walnul finish bulTcl, diuiiu room table and chairs, unlioi slered wicker chairs, inlaid linoleum, bookshelf and bed mom rugs, ivory ilresrr witli bevel plate mirror; two boys beils complete and mlscellan-eovm aryb'les loo numerous ti mention. Prince riuperl Kx-eliange, Auctioneers. 261 LOST LOST. Parker Dunfohl fountain len. llewnrd f5.00. Apply R, llaolt Jones. CARPENTERS WHF.N havlnt' your house repalr-. see a. H. MacPhcrson. Phone Hlaok 187. . tf Artlclei Uttnd round, 4c CARS FOR SALE. I 1922 Oldsmoi ger loin 1 Ha I 19X0 .ah .7 inn I 191 OveiUo.l - .. I 1919 lleo louring I 1924 For.) 1 ...... car tike 1.. a 1 192 Ford lii I 1922 Ford 1. u I 1921 Ford body I Focil light .1. relHiilt All ears Km . mechanical terms csh Im- KAIEN QARACE. Knl athl Cbe 1 . lion. A mi - vj Oakland, m rdt cars, it. Federal Ti n. i WIUiOKI.VO SFHM Mi.fu BOARD IIOAflU - Th, Seeond Avenue Special 0 and 1 pa- 1 DOLLAR STOIt Sr.- i:, tt Christmas cira lleni-lii. I. . Swl4) ill'.- ' THE DOLLAR ST0RL Pli.o.e R. PRINCE RUPERT WUSIC ITOtt 303 Third Acnui Sole agent f.i We Phonographs. H ' llaequels n 1 n! sirtiiiieni ' KINOLINO WOOD All dry Inside w. : . blocks mixed. ' delverei. Oij - ' per load de. giun slyte ' ring in 30-10 a 10c per lb. ISAACSON Sen!, Cove. P ' TAXI Tail 87 Phn (Pall fSeorne Pa t f . ii bakrrs al y ' f day and ' ROSS BROS. POOL HOC Meeker Bhc Across from Ffnrj2i FURNITURE AND RN6l. Home Furmtiir. suitable for Olirislmas s dally. Kvery my store rait most welcome Furniture Hune ROTHWELL'S TRANSFl" Cosl - Wood and Furniture Moving Itaggage ru l1 , ,a .-. . v.... . a: I Mniiu:i.iiue s . - , 352. Hes pln!ii tj CAMERON TRANSFE" ,,hone. Molrf Bsogsgs, Furniiur. - If you wnnl nnyMiinit or dcllverru, p"'- P.O. Una "99- change ixew Hoods. FURNITURE New and Heconuii'" ,f I ura Store. We Huy. ,j jpUt'1- GEO. PDr: (1m 939 Third A. "