V i: i: IS:: v. I I. Wflrrnity. , Ann two Rich in Fragrance ii SALADA Disturbing Force In The Dominion. H623 Has & flavor unsurpassed. Fresh, pure fit satisfying. Try it. Black, Green or Mixed Blends. The Daily News PHIXCK IIUPF.HT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year . $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.1)0 Transient Display Advertising. .. $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Pnge... $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 2."c per line Classified Advertising, per -Insertion . 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion Ue per agate linfr Contract Hates' on' Application.. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should 1 e in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION We Are Just What We Think. ednes.lay. Nov. II. 1925. If we think sun-ess, we -.hall succeed. If we think failure, then failure looms ahead of us like a dark abyss that is bound to overwhelm u. lr we think joy we become joyful and life pleasant for ntirselve? and opr friends. -If-we think sadness and dwell on that which is sad, (hen .sadness will be our lot, few our friends, and woe to those who cleave In ns, for their put It shall be saddened with the glooiii of otjr 'companionship. If we think evil, then evil will be ours as sure a. night follow day. There i no esciqie. The mind is in control. It may not be the impelling force-iit. it, N-ihe guidliig force. It is the instrument through which, tiiir destinies are sh.iped. What Will Happen In Parliament. 'Many people are -till speculating a to what is likely to ha-pen iu Parliament when it 'convene. .Nobody knows. Yet we can all gues. Our guess is flint Mackenzie. King's (ioverument will beAustained and that it will carry on for a jear or two. We may be wrong, of eoiir.se, because this is only n, guess. If all the independent groups line up with Ihe (overnmeut they will have a majority of eleven over 1 he Omservntives. dive the Conservatives two of the independent, eliminate Bapot. take out the speaker who haw .to be elected and still Ihe (ioveni-nient ha a majority of five over all. With that majority they can carry on. 11 looks reasonable that the men who were elect ed to carry out a similar policy should work together iu order to prevent another group with ujiothcr policy controlling (he (inv erunieiiL Iu dicuiiig this Hire 1 no iule.ntion to re-introduce poli tical controversy . The election is over and we hope there will not be another for some lime to come. The convening of Parliament mnl Ihe fate of the (ioverument is something (bat v can now look at from an evjiartc point of view. We are all spectators. We have cast our voles and can sit back and look at Ihe result and talk over the possibilities. Drunk.. Loving Cup With German Ambassador. ' A"f tin Chamberlain, one of the mol prominent member of the British (lovemmeiil during a bampiet at the Cuildhall, London, ijjlnik from the, shine loving cup with the, Herman ambassador and referring to' flfi. Mr.' ChatuhcrlAiu expressed ,hc wish that the people of (Sermany and Britain would also forget the war. The (iiiildhall bampiet is an annual event of greatest im porlance in Urilish public life. The custom ha grown up foe prominent statesmen to make important public, announcements on that occasion. Policies "are outlined or pronouncements made. The policy of the British Government, it would seem then, is (o be one of conciliation and friendship toward Ger many. . The K n IvMnx ICIan, if allowed lo proceed with orvanualion promises, lo become n disturbing force iu Canadian life, wherea what is needed jnl now is a -eldiug force that will bring lo gether the different fad ions, nationalities and groups and make them one. We shall be sorry lo ee the Canadian people broken up into fad ion- out! 'lie Man ban been a fining factor in bring ing nbont sii' h a condition wherever il has operated. iiiiiiiifKHiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinir You'll b proud of your shining stove when you use ZEBO LIQUID STOVE POLISH Oana trtry Utile corner. Givra a denae, black poliah. Sold In convenient, air-tight can. Ak your dralrr for Zbo. If you prfer a paste, uaa Zebra. MU Wf d luktn of lUctla Ulna mm HA TAX REVISION I CONTROVERSY Coolldge Administration Trylnj to Lift Burdens from Wealthy ; and Place on Poor SENATE FIGHT COWING j Democrats and Progressive Re-j publ'jeans Likely Thwart Republican Move In House ! WASHINGTON. N'v. II.- -Tliej iax revision emilrnversy. wlur'ij ha begun before Hie House; Commit lee on Ways and Mean.) and which Will continue for inns'; of the winter, is already Imk'ii niuir to take ui import air poli Meal asiMM-i. He fore il is Tin istied, it promise lo arouse a are.-fl political controversy vvlt.rlt may have a bearing on the campaign in t!2fi, for Ihe control r Oonpress. Il mayy reach into i C next presidential e.ihiii.-tiiiii in 1U28. x j Secretary af the Treasury Mel-1 Ion has put forth a plan for tie-revision of Ihe existing lax !.ivr which provide chiefly for Ihe reduction of the surtaxes o. lanre income, and Ihe repeal of the estate lux and inheritanm lax. It ha ottier features and comprehend considerable re ductions in 'the income taxe iir (ioed on the small taxpayers.. What are fctfltwH as the normal income lax rate would be reduced as welf as tie surtaxed. Tit plait of Secretary Mellon would lop off about jtfmt.niMi.nort from the present tax burden of I hi country . Relieving Capital Dot while Mr. Mellon vvihiM avowed jnirpii.se of liis plan is primarily lo relieve capital and wealth of much of its present tax burden. His argument i that the public would tius lie benefitted , by relieving eaji.i,il of burdens which ii"'v lend to hamper it and prevent it from ensrazinj: freely in industry. President Coothtge is backiiu tlie Mellon proposals ao.l Dm' "Old liuard" republicans in lUm-gress are likewise Parking litem On the. other hand, the democrats and progressive republi cans are already tending lo mm- bine lo fight the Mellon pro trram. They are calling for re ductions which wiNild total more fhari 30fi,oon.uun ami wlocti mild, first of all, relieve the mall taxpayers. They are will ing to make some reduction in (be surtaxes but not us much as under the Mellon program. A for Ihe estate hixes, Hie demo crats ami progressives, with some exceptions, strongly oppose repeal. They maintain the Mellon urogram is part of a pro- ram, whoe purp" I ' bring nboul, inside of a few years asl transfer of laves from wealth lo (lie banks of the people if small and moderate mean Agricultural Elements To a considerable extent, the agricultural elements of tlir iMiinlry are lining up ag':iiiitsttie Mellon program. Already, tin; American Farm Itureau Federa tion is nut openly against rev peal of the estate lax on round that lo repeal if would mean the farmers would, Jiaye to pay tuoiq (axes. l tie nouse win pronatuy pass the lax bill about as Mellon ami Ihe administration want il passed. Hut not so the Senate. II is probable that combination of lemocrals and progressive re publican in the Semite will le feat Ihe Mellon program and to a large extent shape Die lax meas ures lo suit themselves. They will not only assail the Mellon plan as the plan of "big busi ness" but they will strike at Ifu Coolidge administration on I hi. ground Ihat il voice is the voice, hot of the massMs of the people. but of the classes. LIQUOR SUPPLIERS v TO INDIANS FINED! Stiff Penalties Meted Out Yesterday Afternoon by Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. McLeod WRH2LEYS AFTER EVERY Probably one reason for the popularity of WRIGLEVS U that it lait to long and return auch great dividcrula for K malt n outlay. It ker tmh clean, breath awect, appetite keen, digeation. good. Freth and full. flavored always in iti wwrarPi package. ARMENIAN RELIEF FUND OPENED HERE City Council Authorizes City Treasurer to Take Subscriptions for European Orphans The city enum-il derided la: it lit to on a subscription list in the eily treasurer's office for the Armenian Belief Fund. Tliej matter eante up in the form of h report front the finance committee. rocommeiKliiiK that a straight smut of 1 00 be made by the rounetl instead of permilitnt: a; subscription campaign to be rur-rfed oti! in the eity. Such a pre cedent was not approved, of by cut taxes all abunr the line, tliei " ' ' ' li-ll mill nil- ripnii ii uai iiti n i - thorily to vole the people's money in this manner. After some further diseussion, il was decided lo open the subscription list for voluntary contributions. THE MAN IN THE MOON iay: o(T. - liO.VT Miss Jnno Says a reader ml. Don't miss her, IHse you'lj sure feel bad. .lane is a iflrl That you seldom ep, For. miss Jane- knows That my .lane tnisies me. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert ztt TIIK only girl Who should lir cepl rings from strangers ar ' telephone operators. JAKK says if he vvete a idione operator be net twM know a whole lot more than h'e doe today. TIIKY sat together by IA fire And whispered or Hie days When he and tu wnflbl jol i their fates And Nt each other gaie. il-' there is work but no pay iir heaven we eaft se exactly wher Ihe person who thinks of nothing hut the salary hck eomi- I KNOW Adotpbu has a cold He's curing il in lied. I Itke Adolplms. h$Hpr shire Hi- melfiin In, his head. IIF.I.I. is a place where lb people I do not' tike are going. i M IIOU , times; qliaiit:.! remem- ft h J - . .' im; . m - m t . . Ibe wen nrt tpmWifu)IWKikrl vvii in ..eoMimon f tf-'Sfifr fmVeJia lasinti Till' other day I met a yoniu laity who could sew. I turned my money and spat over my shoulder jus lo keep my run of luck. IT l hardly any wonder this Ikis or liday ncenuie wild, with so few razor irop left, .n, those good old ilays. November 11, 1915. Canon (. A. Ilix has arriiiiKeil Three suppliers, of llmior tojwllh the Iik-hI hank to keep im Indians were each assessed ik200,o',,n acciuinl lo receive sub and cosIm willi the option of itlx'scripliomH lovvanls the Klnu Al- monlliA' imprisoiinient iu the cily.bert Fund lo provide fund fur police couri by Stipendiary Magistrate II. McLeod yesterday three mill ion destitute people on November U, Kihtr Albert' n afternoon. They were Ncl birthday. Amoth, John Doherty, and H. Igaraslil, Japaneme. Lee Yock, The American liner Ancona similarly charged, was remanded has been torpedoed by a Herman until today (submarine. Life bouts laden with BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,382,05:1; Lode fi,, ITILM'O; Silver, oS,821.!i7D j Lend, $70,M8.r,7 ; Copper. 1K7.1Mu,;ts t , 171,407; Miscellaneous Minerals. $l,Wll,34U; Coal and Coke. $2.0.8K0.i)l8 hV ,),',, Slnne, Hrick, Cement, etc., $12,225,811; making it Mineral Prodiicluui h, ie t 1 1 1021 how an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the ffea lower than .h;.,t tj any other Province in the Dominion, or anj colony lit the Hnlish Kmpire Mineral locations are granted to discoverer for nominal fees. Mtsolule Titles ore obtained by developing such nrojiertie. the erunty c,f wv h t guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information together with Minjng Hepcrts ail Maps, may be obtained g ,: addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X.H. Practically all Hritish t"oluinbia Mineral Properties upon whn h r work ha been tlone are described in some one of the Annua! Itejort of itj. . of Mines. Those considering mining iiiveflmeuU loiild refer lo uch reimr - T are available willioul charge on application to the hepartnient of Mine.. j,, Uevorts of the fleological Survey of Canada. Pacific ltuilding. Vnm-ouvrr. mended as valuable source of information. women and eliildreu were shelled and there was ureal loss of lif - Word lia teeii received in ' eity that lr. James T. Wall. f" nie'-lv liouse Piirjeon in Prince Ittipect lieneral llospi'iil is now Miryeon in h mi'i'irv hnut at Sliorncliffe. LIBRARY BOARD HOLDS SESSION New Renulatlon In Regard to Fine la Adopted; Not Enough Booha on Shelve The Library Moard had a long session last evening willi atl Hi- member present except Alder man ?milli who was at the env council meeting. A number o: mall mutters were dealt with connected with the administra tion of the fllslillllHJU. Mil ttrutkshank, the librarian, hud el numtMr of suggestions to mak; and particularly urge,! ilia niore tMMiks were needed as tlif old mies were wearing out fas! In her nirt lli libranai staled that ?.K.V. Isioks dad been issueil during October which wa an average of a day. There had been t? new registrations. II of wliteh were juvenile. Kiev en borrowers hail eaneelle.' their meniberstiip leaving now on the list. Muring Ihe month four liook had been added by gift and It; by purchase while t bad been Cancelled leaving now on the' helves or in circulation i volumes. A number of I lies,, arc iu bad condition and some will, tie senl away at once lo be re bound. A new regulation was passed! by Ihe hoard in regard to fines i II was decided to levy two cents j it day for the first five day' overdue and one cent a dax nf-j lerwards. No renewal will bj' allowed on new fiction us there I is always a long waiting list for I lint Hum of literature. Adverti in the IiIIt fiewn WATER NOTICE. Dltcrtlofl tni Uti. TAkE .OTIt K llul llriirr I OlefrrlrK unit fur Ihr Klirtnerr (IhM Mini l.ld .l Iik., Ihi (ilitrens l rndnrrr, H.c. will; I1l fur Ili-rtiM) iu ukr ami iim :o rll. ft. prr nerimil i'f water unt f Waoii lilvrr whirb rii wrsurljr sihI dram lulu Tilluli l.aa atmut lu ami on hair Inllra K.sili uf III F.niliM-rr Vllno. The water will be itlvrlrd fnin Die tlriui at point tbnut two mile from Ihe ter Initios of live all river lulu Talh IJke ami will b Um-I for tiilni-rlei-rlr Mirr IMinrnwa i)m Ute Knaliieer Mine, lioi liiilillinr ar ili-srrllml as eleven Chmn Uriiil-il .Vllneral Claim, urcjfit a IdI o4. , , M 107, t, ls, 7, OA, U70, tit, ami li)i. Oruiip I, i:alar UMiriri. TliM IMiIIre a pnlr on th .Mil... innitr lir lefM, in.i. ........h.., Furniture Bargains! 3 ONLY OAK DINING ROOM TABLES Oblong. V- iS I. I $21.00 2 SETS ONLY, OAK DINERS Shp Jathcr Sea'- ei $32.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue .'"M i.ll'., litem ,il l ll ph. Hi. llenry C, llherlri. Altetil. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land III ijnreii Chariylle lllilrlrt t.Mlt.1 lie-nirdinir IHlrlri of Crime Ituiirri. ami ilnale at Shaiiiiini Hay. TAkK .MITII K that lli-hert C, Omm ,f aiiii.iner, H.l... irriH.aiiiai raiiner)iiian. InMid to at.i.ly r..r a lae ol the f.d-.mln ilenrnts'il liiidn: u-Hiiiiriirlii at a Ht phmied .,n an iji.;a n.ow ilea-, v. (II PD004 IS Sportsmen! We arc lleaibpiarler for Sporting tiuml Vc earry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONQ RANQE SHOT SHELLS See it for Hand Logger's Supplies- L "' and Parts Gable Axe- Sow, etc. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue ' a Phoniiw Steamship and Train Service . MINCE RUPERT wilt ! PRINCE RUPERT ' H'MOlM VICTORIA, EEATTLK ami Inleniiedlali s int ra h FRIDAY at " B E. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART Hid ANYOX, WEONHBaf, H .. prince John fiirinirtniy f Vancouver na ouiin cm"" IELAN0I. PA1IEN0ER TRAIN! LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY ficapt luMir II J am. for PRINCE OIOR0E, lOHO"" WINNIPEO, all pointi rtern r.anala, Iniieil tatee AOENCV ALL OCEAN ETEAMIHIP LINEf. Cll Tlckal Olfka, B2t Tklrtf A., prlnta RuptfV. LANO ACT. Nolle ( Intanllon U Apply t Laataf uinoa In lrln lliir.arl I .ti.l li.Mhli. Irlel, ami alluale al One. spirrr lOaiirt. arwgiMl mi the tmh day ir nrm-r. I9ty'"',mx ouo .V""1 ""Jh'""''' A ii.ny f una m it Ire and acnUlraiu.ii i,ur.f,rM!w .n"r.1,.',', r1"' W. Ulandl uaul llien lu ami Iu Hie Wafer Art, ' MM I,1 "," 4 ! ' "" s, """a will he r I l. d in the ..rflre of ihe Waler; rrTl'' iirrnriirr at .vum, n.i.. i'i)ji.i-o.,n may Im filed lltl Ihe aahl Water llerurdrr or that Wallace Kiiherlea rohver, ll.C, ornipailun In llilrlr ! .n.i- Ih. ..Zj...?...? " . IJllllllielirlnr at a IMM lilailted ilale i.f the flr.l lHihllr.H.,.i J i .i. l"r L" 1 "". Mlrrlne nurlhwe.t nr. i. ii.. nt. a.'. ..r r.,....J. ' :l'!"r iiano. aim yi.uu riiain rail i vinvi i n mi i i. u AiZ'r,.. si niH.irr l'a: Ihenre a h t.ftl fk!' leae atMiul direr tli hi riid nt fnun rnaln: alrrlr liM'am lerlnar aluiir n.e tine ..f lilyll tide in (mat uf riHiiiiienrrinrnt. ami riKitalNlnt I. in arre, imire or leas WAI.LACK FIsilKlllf S LIMITED. A,''l",m tut.Hl .-p,.iirr taih. Mitt CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. Ratordlng DUlrlet of Talafraph Craak. TAkK .toTICK lhal jnliii in.h Mwler. ff Ureal OUrirr. Hllklne. ranrher, in lend m ai'ply fur pennlliin to Mir flume the r.ll.iu III itearrlhed landa; u.iiiiiieiirlnir at a imiM i.lanled im Hie iter ut Uit ma. oni ii.7... T. l. ' ,M n mver, near l ha ri.nlaliiliia , arre. V.'.'Hr tlrertliin 0 rhalna: llHtlre In a IIOBCIIT .I. tilMAR. mrVrl "K''K. ,".1nr. J." r.".."''.."."1'''1- ."' Iiii Auillkt Auiuti Uattd OctoUr Ho, mi. tut, ms. ioH.1 iacob rowLsu. II ...mvi rlln I I I IIUUUUiM'i nancy I: VHI1IUII When You We ONYX Shoes Canada'R IWl for Women ni.d Womeu. Ctrl -IM Family siwTsiore I Mil U