Ladies' Handbags Latest Designs Lowest Prices Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician lias had over 25 years' cspericncc in the large centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Marabou Trimming In all Shades, Finest quality, Per yard 60c. West of England Store Third Ave. Phone 753 Big Bargains on CANNED GOODS DOLLAR DAY Tomatoes, 2Vj"s, 0 for Si. 00 Tomatoes, ', 7 for 81.00 Corti, 2's, 5 for $1.00 lleaiis, 2's, G for .... $1.00 Peas. 2 s, C for 1 .00 Spinach, 2Vj'. 5 for Sn bier's Toinaloe Soup. flood value, O for . . 1.00 Check up your pantry and phone order Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Firth Ave. East Phones 18 and 84 When in need of HOUSEHOLD MEDICINES Phone 94 WE DELIVER Rupert Pharmacy 3rd Ave. and 5th Street Phone 04 Dr. E. S. Tait ' DENTIST Holgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 to 0. X-Ray Sorvlcs Phone 680. Open Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday hvenlngs CITY COUNCIL NOT PLEASED Protest at Refusal of Railway Company to Build Road Between Government and C.N.R. Wharves A letter from W. It. Toby, superintendent, staling! .that the city's rcucsl for u road, between the (ioveniment wharf and I he dock had bceuj gieu full consideration by the railway company and it had beenj found that the traffic ocr such! a roail would not warrant the' expenditure of $1,500 in building it and therefore the reiiuest could not 'lie entertained, failed to find the approval of the city council at Inst nipht's meeting and it was decided to inakc a reply to the railway company setting out emphatically hut politely what the city council thought of such an attfUide on the part of the railway management. Aid. Casey declared (hat it cost the citizens of Prince Hupert a trood ileal more Mian SSITiOO . In " J -- year to make the detour that was necessary to go from one wharf to the other, lie thought I Ijc letter was a "prclty shabby turndown" and he moved (hat the! cily council reply lo the railway Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup km Vlt 5f tlmelr nse TOU mar SftT yourself many Tears of suffering from some serious bronchial or lung troubles. "Dr. Wood's" has been on the market for the past 37 years so you are not experimenting with some ne and untried remedy; put up only by The T. MUburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. around and meet us in this way with such a small expenditure involved." Aid. MoKeeJinie seconded Aid .Casey's motion which Mayor,:, , CWId1i said met entirely with his ., ri. ..!,..!,... ...... U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 . i 1 1 V MIUVIUII I T ........ 1.. :i i.Ai.. also decided to remind the rail- way company or exemption from. taxes and other concessions al- .mUlll 1V ' ready pranted by the city and all; have the promises on the part of Hie!,,,,, company statin? that il did not c..nipany that had never material-view the spirit of the railway; jze(j company as a fair one and Ihali it still pressed for the buildinsr of such a roadway. "Here wc are." said Aid. Casey, "all of us trying our best to hoosl business: for Ihe C.N.n. and they lurni CANCELLATION OF RESERVE JiOTlCE IS lltllKttV OIVE.N that th reserve eilsiliiir over Lot 1810, Itanre 4 i.inn District, Is rautelled. O II. NAOE.N. Iieputy Minuter of LanJ Land Oepartnient, Victoria. B.C. J lid Sept.. 10iS. HOME KILLED Meats and Poultry from Bulkley Valley You will appreciate our meats. We will appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Smoked Fish a Specially Sealy 8 Doodson Sixth Street Gossard Corsets BRASSIERES and COMPLETES. Let us fjl you. Competent fitter in iitlcndance. H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Phone 9 3rd and Fulton Thursday Half Holiday This store will close 1 p.m. Thursday of this week. Watch this space tomorrow for week-end specials. Rupert Table Supply 4 Phones 210 - 211 212 and 298 The Slight Cold Of To-day May Be Serious To-morrow On the first appearance of coti(;h or cold, do not neglect it, but get rid of it at once before it has a chance to grow worse and becomes settled on the lungs, for once it does become deep-seated you are going to hare a lot of trouble in getting rid of it. Our advice to you is that on the first sign of a cough or cold you should procure a bottla of UiTUT YEARS AMn TWENTY LASHES FOR RORRINfl NFKOM RANK NFLSOCS'. Nov. II Joint Ward, who confessed lo robbing the Imperial llajik here three weeksl ago, was sentenced to eight years' and twenty lashes . yesterday.' Want's companion is still at, liberty. land act. Notie. or mt.ntion To lipx, to u.... L.nd in I'rlnre llupert Ijnil llernrdlna District. 111 i.ihii iiiiikp ... anu miuaic will Smitli narliael Inland TAkt: NOTICE Ibat A If ml ftwanson. or I'rlnre Ruiierl. ocrupatlmi Mariner,. In-:enrt li apply fur i lease of the follow -nsr (lerrireil land: Ciiimneiirlnr at s rtt nlanled mi ttw :..uih .if soutn nachael Hlanjl; iiiii .iiioiiu ii.sii w.f-r m.ift ti lliv piilnt or niniiiienceiiienl, and ctmtaliMnif mi acres, more or ie. AI.Ff.LI SWA.NSO.X. Appll-nl A. E. Wrlrht, AKWll. Palert Ortnlier J6IH. 18IS. I'rlnri' lini-nft. B. ".. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Nolle of Abdication for Btr Lleonaa. .MlTlCE IS HKFIKRY OIVEM thai an1...,,,..:! .....i i , r, ,..OJ Hie i:.lh day of Ormber. 115, ttw uii4ler-,tou"el1 Mr- he felt wa iruin inienns lo apply lo the LKiuor tn rrenil4i-. iieinr fart t ihe builillnr known a ki(lrate Bnardlnr lloue. Miu-1...,,,,..:! ii .. ,i . all al Sklderale. npon the lands le1c,,ul" plesl to see scriiwd s i.-.t in. BWk t. a.cordinir to.ial Mr. Stork had seen fit to a reftlli red map or plan depmilted In the' , Land lies-miry orrire at ihe city nrilakc ul the matter so soon aflui Prince ftunerl and nimitxTeil tit. for llw'ii... ..i,,,.!;,,,. ale or lnr bv lh rl or by the oin ll" eit i non. u,vr.,rTk,!dneV.,;en. "s.r"rri Mav,,r -ywin - t,r day of Sepiemtier. ipjs. opinion lhat , it wouhl be beltfu, . kwiv 4 pp l'"t LAND ACT. u'lvr'ur '"..rdmr m"1 miieli moro neatly ,tieiithened ' nrth Ji" narliael J1".". Inland. .:'' J,n'1 n 1 if 'Ihe proposal . ' for Ihe fisner- take wmr.K Alfred swanson. or men s wharf i-aiuo Jroiii a Joint !:rnr.,,,,r,;o:rT?e.,: r --ou..eii. nard in dwrriiied land: lor Trade, boat owner muL fuh- i.oiiunenclns at a pnt planted on tlie' .. .. . -mill point of N..rili llarhael Inland: 'CnilCII ttlUll if it Wa ktlOW'll III tlien amuiid tilth water mark to the point of riiiiimenrenient. nul rontalnlnv ill,." :io acre, more or lemi AI.FIIEI) SW'AISON. AppllranL , . . A E. Wrlrhl. ArenL Oaled Orlnlier JRIh. B. fHn'. pitrt n Three Big Specials Itohin Hood Ilupid (iookiiiK I'orridKe Oats, reg. 10c. Special, per pk;r 25c Malkin's llest Jelly Powder, re. 10c. Special . . . . 5c llliiebeiries and Loganberries, 2"s, new stock, rest. 40c. Special 25c These Three Specials Apply For Tiiis Wvrk Only Phone 45 B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Third Ave. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxnuisilo Slock of Fur Trimm)n(c at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. HOME AFTER AN EXTENDED TOUR Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClymont Were In Portage la Prairie , Election T'jme ! Police .Magistrate ami Mrs. I .McClymont returned home on Hie I Prince lltipcrl this niortiiiiK after' a seven weeks holiday trip. liie visited in New York with then, nephews; at Perth, Ontario, .Mrs. .McClynionl's fociuer home town;! Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie and spent the past week in Van couver. Mr. McClymont reports fariu- hip conditions in Ontario in good shape and ovcrfUial part oT the prairies through which he pass-ed by train .threshing seemed In have been completed although In, Southern Alberta the situation 1 was reported to be ml so good. At the tinio of the election. M" j McClyuion was in Portage la (Prairie. There being no Libera! in the field ' for that seat. Hi ' ' of ' the my wen? sup . . . I'lllg Hi. IIOII Vtiliur Meiglieu the Conservative; leader. There (imI .,,., tor Mr Me , , rl,i,,(..e(, it .,.,. , . 1 j, , lV!. l"l HIV I-IIJ IU r as their was thn! the cily of Porlage rolled up. a majority of over l .00 for .Mr Meiheu, this eu-ily offsetting tlie majority given iiy the rural part of the rM Ins lo Harry Leader. Ihe Progressive candidal- lenl Mr. le,,,i,en in tl. 1 112 1 election. SHELTER FOR FISHEnMEM U'ILL BE DISCUSSED AT MEETINQ OF JOINT COMMITTEE VERY SOON. (continued from page I) suggestion alonjf ilus line had "uanalcd from the 1 tMleral liov erilllieill. He thought the oppor- .. ..... .... .11 . uiiitj mi. ihu (.null 141 fid:? lifil and urgel slnuigly that the cilv council at once arrange lor a meeiing wild Hie bout owners and the fisheriireil. Atd. Stephens felt thai tin matter of providing u fishermen's wharf wdtf essentialh soiuethiiiK for Ihe federal government lo deal wilh. Itespmi-sibilily for such a wharf lie felt should not be shifted tl( (he city ie proper person lo dill HUrli f ineelillk' I'allier 1 1 1 it It the city rf, I,.,,., I iiu...iu . .,o il. k-VW V. VT- (7 W V VO I I II u iiieelinx suggested rattier than Mr. Stork. His hand wouhl be 1.11...,. ,. h,,,i , ai..i i,,i 1. ...... " " .J". F. (diliirei to call the ineeliti him self to formulate a proposal. Assistance Assured Aid. McMordic fell that, now some auranee was furthcoming of assistance from The 1'ederal (ioveruiiienl, it mi?hl he possible lo utilize the 200 feel of waterfront for Ihe purpose desired where before il would have been impossible for the cily itself In embark upon the project. Aid. McMordic moved that the letter (ie acknowledged and that the mayor cull the joint committee together al an early date' l) reach a drcisii as lo what was reijuired. This was seconded by Aid. Perry and carried. ALICE ARM Development work on tho Ti's'er (iroup carried out this season bv Kil. Pickett has estab lished tin- existence of rich veins' tit native and ruby siher. This properly adjoins the' now famous I uric; mine. Mr. Picked has now returned lo his homo in (-alifornia whero he will spend the winler. Mr. and Mrs. It, !-'. Mrdinnl I I .. P. ml tT ii ii n'H tor Vancouver where they will spend. IJio winter, months. 'i he ladies of 'Altt'OiAi in are nl ready makiiiK prcparnllona for the annua. (Ihristmas Trrr rHo- brallon for the schjioj Children.1 Those in chiirtfw" Include Mrs. J.' vi-. . t..t.o.., . j. i.iiiiiiun, mill, cc:oniior. Mr. Blevens. II. 0. Oordon, Mrs. O.'Wi Urug-yy, Mia. Wednesday, Krmmbyr n I9!t An AVALANCHE of Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-wear Owiiik lo ill lieallh and early ilepai tori' from 1 lie nly it is imperutiw tint fice my on I ire lock of COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, LINGERIE HOSIERY, SKIRTS, ETC. REGARDLESS OF COST. II would jiy you lo shop al viiiir p.irlirt roiivenieure . the slock imo.1 ,. , , hefore 1 leao, ulso store fixtures ami foruilore for sale. Never liofore were such genuine bargain offered In Hie Indie of Prime ,j.(i Kvery gHiineiil is plainly inarked. Call in ami -ee HiPin. s Salo Continues Mrs. Third Avenue. li. Anderson, Mi- Al Falconer, Mrs. J. Trinder. Mr.-. F. Moss. Mrs. II. F. Ki'rKi" and Mis. A. Stmt h. STEWART A. It. Morton, M.F., has com-plelwl an exhaustive eXHminutiou of the lUdio Slwirl Mines Mil. on Miller Creek and is now iire-pnrint: a report, on which tiflxt ear - plan of operations xv 111 he hasml. Woni has been reeelvisl from William Watson Hint lie Is r-Coverinn from a eriou operation in SI. Paul s Hospital, Vancouver, and that he hope lo return lo Hlewart lfore lorcr. O. H. Hush, who recently in- 'prpuled stroiig Knjflinh and! South African eapital in hi-niine. Hip Natiomil Silver a' Slewurl, is 11 pae)iii:er on Ihu uleanier Pritwe Itupert tnitn-iMHiml from Vain'oiiM-r to Kley arl. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAHI;NDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vrnt. unrwrvod, sunreyM Crown land may ba ir-einptxl by Biitlali autjei ts over I years of aft. anl by u I urn a on Ueclarlnn Intention to l.eoHnn UillUh aubjects. conditional upon reaklence. occupation, jid lmirovmnt (or acrlrultural urpwai Full information conrernlna: ru-ttiona rtartllns pre-empllons la civ en In Ilulletln No. 1, Land Herlea, "I low to Pra-empt Ijinil." copies of uhleh can tx obtained fre of charsa ly addrewilnar I ha Dciiartment of Landa. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government AjEtnL Iteoorda will ba rranted covering only land ault.ibta (or agricultural purioaea, and which la not timber-land. Id, carrying; over 1.000 board fet txr nre woat of the Coast Itang and S.000 fttt per acra east of that Itanojfc. Applications for pre-emptions ara lo be addreake.1 to the Iand Com mUaioner of ths Land llecordln Il vision. In which the land applied for la situated, and are made an printed fonnn. copied of which can be ob-tilnol from the Land CommUsloner. I're-emptloiia must be occupied for five ye re anil Improvements mada to value of 110 ier acre, Including clearins and culUvatlnit at least five acrea. tiefore a Crown Oram cm be I received. For more detailed Information see ijthe Ilulletln "How to l're-empt PURCHASE Applleatlona are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not belna: tltnberland. for aitrloulluml purpoaes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is li per acre, and second-clans (ijrai-Insj) land 11.50 per acre. Further In formation reicardlns; purchase or lease of Crown land Is Riven In Ilulletln No. 10, (.and Merles, "Purchase and Iense of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites o timber land, not exceeding to acrea. may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of ttum- HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding it acre, may be leased aa homesltts, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and lm Vrovement conditions are fulfilled and Und baa been surveyed, LEASES For graxlns d Industrial pur Doses area not exceeding 140 acrea may be leased by one person or a " GRAZING Under the Oraxlng Act the Province le divided Into graxlng districts and the range administered under a Oraxlng Commissioner. Annual graxlng permits are issued based on "..1 may form s.sclatlona for rsnge management. Free, or partly free. PnnUa axe a-HIable for settlers. calipers sjiu uavenera, up to lea in Until Everything it Sold Including Slnro FUtures. R. Goldbloom WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 nnd 0 p.m. Three A pi lore lor weelliparl. war- mill oioiln (or o u iiiuii involved in ,i low afliiir with its and of a woman who lol n lover a:id guiocil . -,, Tilt lle of n iiiotlipr mid Iipt d'otghtpr. rinl lo, of one ni.iu. t.o h of thelii liftliltn? Ussslli and i , worthless Don J nan. A pholo-pl,i a- t f i tiu.( for xlieer draniHtic mwer, lit'iirl niter.1! uiul I Inn he IimdI to eiiil. SlnniK at: Lew Cody, May McAvoy, Pauline Fred-erlck, Marie Prevost, Willlard Louli, Pierre Gertdron, Mary Carr ami other. MACK &ENNETT COMEDY"QI0DAP. PATHE REVIEW 35c and 10c. Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Siitor VMillH'll. even though lllev li-.ilue win of lime and v!mI u liruifc jolt v.ihing , till II.. , Willi washday liei-Hiise Ihey think luoiidry servo r ; their Humes. Hut if they'd only Iry our Timtl i Service tin how iMoiioinicnl luo ml ry senire fan c. KteryihiiiR whetl rlenn, your Hal work wi'iiruiK apparel just lo iron uiul the roal i ontx lb. and I r per piece. (icl rid of wiodiday ami yun'll have iimuv nr Week to OM- them n- Von will. You il like to h.iv roiioe. mi don't let Ihe penote st.oi.l llo- vv Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to l-ruzell Hulrher Hllop. ar from the Kmjjres Hotel We carry a full linn of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamei Znreltl Proprietor Royal Society Stamped Goods There ts i,lt. y,.i i c,.ol,er eeulrepifer. b ' lC sel or pillow fuse ami hnvu tliem ready for tihri ""i,v We Imvo a very nice variely in packages ts well as ale; such as llahy Carriage llohe, llul.y Carringi' I'ill 11 .icct MiirrelHel, lilliiv Tops mill Hack, .Scarfs mid "'"' pieces. Cclostla Thread In any color roqulrod Jabour P.O. Box 1545 BARGAINS Prince Rupert, B.C. Worn en Bros., Ltd. Phono