PAOK TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. K. PULLHX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance per year . $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, .. .$1.10 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front page. ........ .$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion .'25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 1 5c per agate line DAILY EDITION Storke Gave Account Of His Stewardship. contract Hales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 88 86 Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1925. People who attended the meeling at the Empress Theatre last night ai which I-red blurk was the 'principal speaker, wer much pleaded at the frank manner in which the member gave an account oi ins stewardship. He took the people into his confidence in a great many mailers which must have opened their eyes ami given Ihem a new slant )n ''political life. Mis ex position of tho system of letter writing was certainly illiitniual- ing. Mr. Stork,' while telling some of Hie things lie had done, did not lake undue credit to himself in connection with anv of the . . . . I 1 ,1! I It'l i t a a f S iiiiiut-rs uiscusstMi.- wiat lie tint snow, although he did not so state it, was that there are dozens of sections of this constituency which had to receivo attention as well as Prince Rupeil . l 11...1 :.. i . ii , . . uuu niiii iii .1 Kreni iii.niy ui ineni wnarves or post oiiices or other improvemenls had heen secured. Looking nfler these was rt part of his work as well as looking after the interests or Prince Rupeil. If Not Stork Then Who Got Elevator? The question was askeTl at the meeling Iat night "If Stork did not gel the elevator who did?" Did the Conservatives get il? Did the Progressives get il? .Mr. Stork showed Hint Robert Forke had not only not helped but had criticized it. He also showed what a crifiral time there was.when the estimates were being considered and how nearly llie elevator vote escaped being thrown out as a result of the onslaughts or the enemy. Conservative and Progressive. Good Thing To Have Purpose In Lire. It is a goqd thing In; have a purpose in life, Tito ners'On who lives jul from day in day wjlhotil any idea of 'doiug"ahi-thing grealer or .heller than is being Unite today, is not in-line with evolution. .Such a life does not help the race Irt get anywhere. . The brain is developed just as the mucles are developed, by use. The person who exercises the mind will grow in mental capacity. His cranium will enlarge and if he keeps on developing he will become a superman. While only a reV have Hie capacity to concentrate and the physical strength to carry on the development, everyone can do something. Everyone can iiave Some aim grealer 'than .merely carrying on anil gradually Mling go nl,J,he end. Making Business , A Recreation. To Europeans, business is a serious, steady grind, says the Vancouver Sun. When relaxation is necessary. Hie European hii4iiie, man lakes to cards, to social conversation or to cultural pursuits. With' the American his work is his play. 1 Business becomes a sport wilh him. He is obsessed with il. He gels into the habit or regarding everybody he nieels, even casually, as a prospect. It is a spirit thai has inspired greal movements in the past. It is the instincl thai sent the Phoenicians (n Cornwall for tin, that led Rome lo destroy Carthage, thai built (he British merchant marine, llie (ierniau cartels and the American economic organization of today. It is the mainspring or industrialism, the basis or Xorlh America s civilization. But 4f the North American exhausts his capacities ror nlnv in his devotion to business, wha,! insliovl will ever drive him lii culture.;! : . - Th;1l U 'he olhcr side of llie question. aT'RealMen we woM-QJlmnna Hills & Underwood LondonDryGin 0. . Distilled by the famous London process the gin you will ask for again; The standard of purity for over 160 years'. ?3.50 A BOTTLE This advertisement is not published or displayed .by the Liquor Cdulrol Hoard or by the Oovermnent of Uritlsh Columbia. Premier of Saskatchewan Claims j Meighen Would Rob the Farmers measure of maximum freight rales ror years guaranteed by statute to this part ot Canada under the Crow's Nest Pas agreement. Adverse Conditions For the past several years (he people of (his part of Canada have been strulim: against adverse economic condition. It i well known that the inflation consequent on war benefit last of all the primary producer and that after war deflation hits first and hardest the same individual, 'llie producer and people gen erally of Western Canada have demonstrated courage and faith in their country during these dark day to an extraordinary decree. They have practised thrift ami hard work in an endeavor lo gel their eol or production down to a point which would leave a marpiii of profit In the selling price jit thejr product. They have embarked upon co-oprati enterprises ot a type ami magtifludo never berore attained, all ii-ordcr lb ' sohe tfWr own economic problem. I am not prepared to nay thai Western .Canada i out ot the wood and on the litgh road lo prosperity but I can say that the efforts put forth by our people along these various lines are bearing fruit today in improved conditions throughout the West, in increased buying power on the pari of the farmers an increased buying power which, in my judgment, will do more lo stimulate industry in other parts of Canada limit any high protrcic tariff system yel devised. Proposal to Rob Yes, wo in- Hie, Wesl can begin lo see drtyllifht and Just at the lime when Hie first ray appear, along come .Mr. Meighen and hi parly with a definite proposal lo rob u of the fruits or our years or struggle by an all-round in crease in thai part or our htxa THE MAN IN THE MOON snya: r c r V - -r'-itfA J .... '. doing UI riUlld UI 1 CUI 5 UI kUJUgglC it usually ny. REHINA, Sept. ;J0. Ron. 11 A. Dunning, (frontier of Sas- Here to the lady hikers j kalchewan, speaking on behair of the Liberal Parly of Canada . Who daily tut the ties charged that Hon. Arthur Meighen was trying to rob the rami- They sure are some sped artists ers or the fruits of Uieir long struggle by proposing to increase And Tin telling you no lie. . Iheir taxes in the form or higher import tariffs oiii articles which , , I they use.' He declared it to be llie mo4 critical election since Jake says he lizard fit. two, fhe'onenin uo of (he West. 4 jioittf people eiHt.K .lot the Mr. Dunning t's one or the leaders of Liberalism in the West'olher day. What lie l wftmirr mid his taking part in the campaign is looked on here as-n source, iP is. were holli of litem lnl? of strength to the party. He said: . . I , , i : ' should take a lot more in- , - - - f would rait in my duly as ni eitiien and he unworthy of the! j, ,,f the rest of the conn-1 ,(iMI tn ""at l'"klfiR bylaw If, confidence which llie peopk' ol; try. All jmrUtof Canada must'""1' ' nn'' n car this province repose in me It I; make, concessions in onlpr thai diil not speak out plainly In' all may share in the benefit tlf connection with Hie preal Is'Sue a United country. .Matty parti ot the 'present Federaldeclioiv ot Cunaila, especially (ho WVst an issue which af reels rto tntl-jnud the Maritime province, are inatety Hie welfare or every eili- making tr day under the prenent en and every family in thi pro- tarifr very sreat 'sacrifice, vince. There are. of course, a Critical Election number of issues nut Hie out- To n mind this i the niosli slandinc one in rotation to Hie critical election since the oicn-ino'' welfare of our people Is the pro- in up of this part of Canada. It'Hial posal of the Conservative, parly will soon he sixty years sine1 it returned lo power to bring final arrangement were, made to about an all-round increase in create a nation in ItrltMi Nnrlhi T,,K P'eliwe September Morn the custom tariff. Amerlen extending front llie At-.! ' hfek a ltd of petpe. Pure and Simple Tax ll.trilie lo the Pacific. After years bid today il seem tame even lif I someliihe? wonder tt the 0f struggle and llien only at a stiuhm rm . people of this part of Canada; rasiiU or mutual coHeesdfton. have yel fully grasped what thi. ConredrraUoii wa elafdlslle.l A MATADOIl ha nved a mil-proposal means to Ihem. .What- upon the principle or unity in dollars. He certainly threw ever the lariff may mean lo; diversity, recognizing lh di-'",' bull tn some a.lvanlape. oine sections of Canada, noli verse interest of llie. vnfiou dividual lax now borne by Hie people. Whether or not the able but it is beyond debate Kiatifst no possible adanlage can aceruei Irom il to the people or the West. The leader ol the Tory party admits Ibis when he offers a species of horse trade by way of alleged but very indefinite compensation in railway rates to Hie West and the Maritime for the extra taxation involved in his tariff proposals. That form of compensation so "fulile ami impntcticsit-i le unworthy or serious discussion and no one atjywherr in Canada is diseus-sitiK it as a serious proposition. The very man and parly making Hie proposition have been op posed and are today opposing the! Some folks ar? always parklt Where they ihoubln't ought to bt Hid 1 draw the line at anyone Who tries to park on my knee. Ml'K ill EN'S sneeche seem In be made of "I am not," "1 did "I am not K"inp lo do and the lal and final Build higher the tariff wall." een Mr. Meighen will iiuctioiii part or Canada, providing fnrj R,TT "ie ue of i Dial to tne people oi esienij tnem so rar a? pnsstwe ny inn "" Canada it 1 a tax pure and Sim pie ami is in fact the highest in eslablishment Of province w1l!i' "' ' l"wr ot e,joymeni wide powwr of goverturtrHd.- here more fun in throw inn Hie I rom Rial lime forward the :reat bolt than in spendimi a million, problem of Canadian statesman- tarifr brine advanlapes In souwUlitn hS been to iiiaintain unity AM sihiib to nk Hie elif(- ollier part of Canada Is dcbal--tn spile or divergence of inler-l'r I may write llie n loritim lo the Iwo detested, candidate. I'n my mind lhe.prinals of' the Umsen alive party in this! ' HAVE been wondering which election lend i0 foster sectional : '" be beaten at an elec- divislon and disunity because "on or tor the other ehap lo gel they tend to force the less populous part or Cnoada. more especially the Maritime and the Annual meeting of crib league Hon which at present bears known pfoncor buffu'ss man of most ncaviiy upon us. Western people, generally, re- for Vernon where ho will take un nwnlc (hat Canada in spile or IiIk commission iii the CHh Its greal area 1 on. country and, Hallallon In which Major Hul-therefore. tmtst have one fiscal lock-Wehsler and Major F. T. syteni. Ileconciling the varied Lucas are also ofNcerA. economic Intercut or Hie varioiisl parts or Canada represent a real, W. T. Donnelly, designer of prohlnn of la(cmiinhln. the the drv duel- nri'li'Kil till imirii. the girl ITIIIF.H my wire or I i lo West lo make even ' grealer a "'w hat Mns rail. Itue coiieesns In the form of ti!gh-iwl,n li. er taxation than lliey are now ;!o!""S:M wmmi,,r eZ:' ,ND,AN PETROGLYPH ""' oise-ncnces " Hiei.! if) MUSEllM COLLECTION peiiplc Reproduction of Prehistoric Stone Presented by Harlan I. Smith I One ot the recent girt In the George Johnstone Elected Presl- Prince Iluperl museum colleelion dent Play For Season Will iWa the cal of an Indian I'elro-Start About Two Weeks glph whlrli wn . found a few nence er ajrn on Hie Kispiox lliver I near llazellou and i said lo le The Prince Iluperl i:rlbbag" ,,r pre-hilorir origin. The or-beague will start the iJ2S-2f., ialnnl i of granile and I Mill season about two week hence1 t aellon although a number with nine team entered in the nf museums would like lo gel II competition. I he annual meel- n. plster WH mad, byi Misr of the league wa held last Harlan I. Smith and presented to evening in llie city police court. the museum bv him. ami omcers were oiecieu a follows: Presidenl (ieorge Johnstone. Vice-presideni r Frsink Abl-ridae. Secretary Fred WVrtnig. The team en ml led ore: C.S'.lt. Clerk, represented at the meet- Ing lat night by Fred Wermig OWNER OF RACEHORSES IS KNIGHT OF LEGION PAHIS. Sept 30 Pierre Werl-heiiner. owner of Kpiuard, ha been created a Kniglit of the I- C.X.H. Shops, Mr. Fortune; Loyal' Kion of Honor. Mr. WWIheimer (irauge Iwlse, II. Smith; Knights did no receive tins illsltiiclion or ColjiipjM. Mr. jl'tine; Sonl from Jhe Ministry of Agriculture of Canada;' lieorgo ' 'IHidderiam;J in connection wilh his breeding S(r Aiiilrew'. Soeiely,,jllen Fer-lff famon race horse, 1ml from guon: , F.IU, W.Ji hllfcmfl; Hie Hnller of Aeronautics. He Moo Lodgi I'altAMacdnnald:! is , H! president, of a cyinpn coinnany Prince Jtuperl Hotel Club, Tomlwltoe motor have b'eeii ffidlrfl- Jone. I mental in bringing several avia 'I'liere will be another ineeliivti'lnn record back lo France. next ttiesday to. arrange Hie schedule tor Hie season and play will start, it is expected, on llie Monday billowing with weekly meeting thereafter. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert After nllcmling a convention of American harbor boards in I.os Angele. W. lln, president, and M. I. Fennell, T, Pattie and Col. I.ahelle, nieiiihcrs of tho Montreal Harbor Commission, arrived from I lie smith on IIm Prince Hiipert Hil morning and proceeded Fast by Iraln. I.ieut. A. O. ' FOi'sle.r. well LAND ACT. Nstlcs el Inttntlon to Apply to Lust Lsa In Prince ttUDerl Land llrr.linr in. irici ui i-niire unpen, inn (Uiuia t,n the nirllimet eot of Krillth Culnni Ma. Portland Canaf. and tx-inc al 8nl I'oint, Cortland :anal, and Ix-arint Dorlh niasnvtle fn Tmi Conn. I'rame ItNnd. TAkE .MlTIlt: lliat Anirld PrttUh CO-iimliia rackioar lUonptny t linllcl, i, Vaiicciuvcr. B.C- orrmmilon farkcrs. In lends lo anpiv for a ltae of llie follow-tne trrilwil land: (iiiinrnrlnr al t punt pUulcd at hlafi water mark at Spit folnl, Cortland Canal: llH-nrc miillieamrrlr ilnnr hltli ai mark fur rnrlr-rlatit Jiundrrd frrl in twwl niarkril Nn. j.s.fe.; ihcnre aoulhrrlj 10 rnaina, nmrr or to low waier mark; tlienre nnrlhwriflr along luw water mark rorty rlrhl hundred feet, niort or iMt; ilMMire nnrlhrrly 10 iliain, more or IrM, to point nf riimmrni-ement, linl rontalnlne 71 aere. inure or le. A.xoi.o-nriiTisti couiMfiK rsCKI.XO CO. LTD., o.,m ,,,!y'lff.tii.W',l'"''?l! NOTIOI. t.V TIIF. MATtKIt Of ai; i , ann 'in: co.Mrtjur.s I'rfifi'n lliih.ief liri IliN fttniti trier I TIIK WATTKIt Of IXV'KST.ME.XT COM " .: " .T ca;?...-'? ."T''v eiiiTimt COMJMniA, IIMITH". TASK NOTICK thai me ahnt Crmieaiir. wlic nirl'lerrd orflrr U at I'rlBre In'' erl. fl.C.. will anly m ll ,i.r Jmur V1".1.'!.,1 '."J. ,.""re, "f lh' SnrrnM. conn nf Hrillh Cnlniiihfa al frlnre Iluperl, li.C. mi Tlitirmlar. tlw ISlli dr .f nun! Ir. I0J, at Ow iMiiir nf rlevi-n o'rlnrk III the al the Uw C.nurt. ijjiiri lliine. frlnre fluix-rl, li.c , for an order ivatnrliir ili ald Cunipauy r ib ..-pi..rr m iiii.MiiifH in in,, nrrire nr IIH1 solution or which cannot pn. ing frritii New York lo he present ''J ,,r?.rc' ,f ,'';rt"' 'l'?,,?''"'?!11''-, x,t bly (nvohe that anv one ecllon al Hie officii leslinv nf ttm ' cmu,,o- ut nr hmii.A T'r,.i ri.i."r ,h or Canada can hao Un own In- siruclure whihe will lake plac i ,!!iVTiay .V ImmhJr" n' tti' ,h" Icrests served regardless of llicl'his week.' I 1 Solicitor for Company, U My clothes used to be yellow - now they are snowy white" "I always had trouble with my clothes they used to come out so yellow. Then a friend told me about Rlnso. I found It mllces a wonderful soap solution. This removed every bit of dirt and then it all rinsed out completely. There was nothing left to yellow the clothes as there w as no -soap to stick it was all dissolved. "I am now delighted with my wash my clothes are always snowy white." - A letter received by the makers of Kbiso. Jut shale some Rintolnlo a Mucrput, U hot ler, ml puH gtt the onJt(ul Kupy solution tkrt b iht onljr sojp you nmi for four 1 tufa, yout botlr, your trtuV ing nuthinr. Riiuo tin out. Lrrrr Ikothrrt Limilrd, Toronto. Rinso "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Harry Lander, attd on wa-hdav niormng .. feet like singing llie same lluug. .So why not end that ancient drudgery o dv ' THRIF-T SERVICE Jnsl call for our TIIHIIT T HKHVICK who h w ' ' bit of Hie wahiug and iron lie Hal work wash out of vn-li day Hial " hale In gel op m " ing" feeling will be gone for g"d d THniFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and lea piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone t. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND, SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer), Machtniiti, Bollermake'rl, Blacksmith, Pattern maker, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant Is emiipped lo handle a kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to I'riMcll idilcher Shop, across from tho Empress Hotel We carry a full lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll proprietor E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street Vancouver wilh uddilloiial niiicltincu for tho inniitlfncluro of 8ASH( DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SrilNQLES, VENEER also carried in slock. . Save liatidlitig clinrge.t by buying direct from tho source of Biipply.