PAQE fOU2 Yes it whips easily and is delicious! II r fx.. 1.1 1 A favorite with British Columbia housewives I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So often yon hear that remark. It is only because (hose people who make it, have liad their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has np floor troubles. Try fit Floor Varnish next time,, we guarantee it to Rive satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. New Fall Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Ford Cars NEW AND USED Kasy Terms if desired. SPECIAL BARGAINS for the balanc of September. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ff ye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and IManing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olass und during. Bash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and furniture Hovlnn. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMnnus MAWet COIN' WW To THE rOw-MtMCR-l WANT TOO TO HAvE A I! Cood re:t gut dont foqcet to cot (J I'M C.ONNA. HAVE THE. TIME. OFMT LIFE' WORLD SERIES STAR PLAYERS Babe Adams Is 43 Years Old and Was Dropped But Came Back PITTSnriMi. Sept. 30. Sixteen years ago, on a cold October day, there came into everlasting baseball fame a bulky Missouri ploughman, for the moment one of the great moundnien of the day Charles (Babe) Adams.' Detroit had won the. American League pennant that year, 1009, und Pittsburg the. National, but the Pirates' pitching staff had crumpled at the last with one exception. Adams, a first yea rl "31. man. had won two games and stood on the mound at Detroit in the final struggle, facing another famous righthander of that day the late "Wild HHP Donovan, who was killed in the Twentieth Century Limited he went with his father to ML Morialf, Mn in early life. His father was a tiller of the soil and so was Habe until his work as pilctier for his home town Haymakers came to notice. The Parsons team of the Missouri Valley League picked him up In 1905 and1!! won 30 out of JO games, "enough to attract the attention of the SI. Louis Car dinals. After Spending half of the season on a St.. LouiR bench he was sent to Louiseville and thence fo Denver. In the Colorado capital he became a hero, with 38 victories out of 00 games and Pittsburg snatched him away for a short trial in 1908. Then again he went to Louisville and Hitched so well that he came back to the Pirates lo slay Adams remained for a long time in Pittsburg, but finally failed in 1917 and departed for the lower leagues. Hut he pitched rernark-uble ball for Hutchinson of the Western and Kansas City offered him an opporlunily. It was ' j lj w v I nt CKW l-WNT THE CARAdEi-CLEMC- in i r v a The Anyox Hjfle Club wound up the 1925 season last week with a prize competition in which J. Humphreys won first prize and J. Beckett, second. A novel feature about the rifle shooting season in the smelter town this year has been that ladles and men alike, have participated. Miss It. Champion and Mrs. M. D. Mc-Taggart averaged ft.. 1 28 and 85.235 in the aggregate of all shoots. Three medals, gold, silver and bronze, were put up by J. J. Beckett for the best aver ages during the season ami the respective winners were A. W. MrTaggarl 88313; It. O. Cutler, (that Mr. Nickerson declare lit-87,901; and L. F. Champion 8G.-,,as received from Mr. Forke. If One of the most, important things done at the annual meeting of the Dominion Football As. soeiation in, Winnipeg recently was to reach the decision that association football in Canada wreck while on his way to alter:' i-does not need Sunday games to the baseball league meetings in 1023. Ty Cobb There With Detroit was the great Tyrus Raymond Cobb of Georgia, still great after 20 years; the powerful Sam Crawford and a string of other dangerous ba.ts- man. Hut' Adams "carried the' series and the world's chain-1 pionsliip to Pittsburg by permit- ting only six hits, materially aided by bow-legged, fighting Hans Wagner who seemed to be everwherc at once. Pittsburg scored eight runs for a decisive conquest in this seventh and final game. Today Babe Adams, now 43 years old, stands ready to pilch his heart out for another Pittsburgh triumph in world's series combat and the rent intent of the Pirate fans very likely will draw him into action in at least one of the games. His arm has not the stamina of old but his courage and skill remains. Notable Record Babe has had a notable career. Horn in Tipton, Ind., in 1882. keep up its jtopular interest, in regard to the refusal to allow Sunday games, it was felt by some that this might tend to give impetus to the professional movement is the Dominion. John Easton was re-elect! president of the Association and Sam Davtdnn, secretary. Jimmle Adams of Victoria was the British Columbia member chosen on jlhe provincial council. STORK OPENED CAMPAIGN WITH SPEECH DEFENDING PARLIAMENTARY RECORD. (continued from page one) of Mr. Mackenzie King had been tremendously increased tliougli it was possible that Mr. Meighen, too, might make a few pains as a result of the dissolution'of- the Progressives. Coming West, the Conservatives might gain a member or so but the prairie provinces could never be expected to support Mr. Meighen and bis high lariff policies. It was difficult indeed to find where Mr. Meighen was going to get the 75 additional members he would require to train power. Progressive Party Referring lo the Progressive party, Mr. Stork staled that in 1921 they had nominated 120 candidates ami elected 05.. Now they bad practically disappeared in Ontario, and lo date, there werri only hi Progressive In tbo field in the whole .of Canada Last, session the Progressives had had a smash up. A group of ten members in Ontario had broken away enlirely. The partv had attempted In discipline its members who had supported the ! government on the budget and. in caucus, the resignation of all officers had been called for and they had all been replaced with Ihe exception of the leader. Rob ert Forke, who held his position .fler his remarkable work in, on the casting vole of the chair the world's series of 1909. man. Could anyone imagine Mr. Advertise .o the Dilly News King relainlng his leadership in that manner. Mr. King had already stated that he would refuse lo carry on unless he was given an adequate majority hi the House of Com mons nut wouw take his case the road back lo fame, a road back to the people few major leaguers have travel-J ed. The veteran conquered Columbus twice in the season of 1918, allowing one hit each time,' to show be was back in form. Returned to Fold The latter part of the season saw him return lo the Pirate fold and remain there. In his career in the majors he has pitched in 2,170 innings, equal to "75 full games. This season he has participated in the credit for n dfinzen contests, winning as many as he has lost He had had USE iMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughneu which makef them bold their keen cutting edge under every uxge. 44 stum asm uv ca mmitm MONTntAl jCELL-OM NV CklLLA ETC SPORT CHAT 'm ush of the guu being held his head by the Progressive The situation had been inloler able wt(h the Progressives in Hi position of being able to dictate on nil policies. Mr. King had come to the conclusion (hat it was utterly impossible to carry on me government without a good working majority. Nickerson's Credentials t. Mr. Stork then dealt with the candidature of Mr. NickeriMn who had come out ar a Progres sive candidate with the endorsa tion of Robert Forke. the lead"r of that party. "Mr. Itushby and myself come before you with our credentials having been duty nominated by the two particv Has anyone seen the credential' he actually had those credential would (hey not have iwpii published? I am inclined to doubt if that endorsalinn is actually forthcoming." Mr. Stork stated that a grea. deal might be said about taxa tion, finance and other matters dnring the last parliament hot he would leave the wider field for a future occasion. It was his 'intention at this time to give an account of his stewardship during the past four years and talk in an intimate manner aboti' local conditions. Mr. Stork then read a partial statement of various items that be bad been instrumental in securing for l'ie district during tb period of hi membership. This list contained a multitude of lesser Hems sue1: as post offices, floats, wharves, lights, increases in mail grants, etc. Secured Tie Contracts In 1921 he bad found that very few ties had been cut for the Canadian National Hallway in Uie district between Terrace and. Mnllride. The great majority, it was Mid, were being mil on Macfcenzie-Nann limits be- Iween lied Pass Junction and Kamloops. Such a metier af fecting the railways bad not come entirely in his province but he had taken it up with rail way headquarters pointing out that settlers on this end of the line were in need of such assist ance as might be forthcoming through tie cutting. 'Hie result was that in 192 the contracts in this district bad been increased from to 1,600.000 nDd in 1 923 to 2.000,000. Subsequently it had been found that the pro Uoetton of He, bad bn v'tfrenter than ihA'Mttwfirfk WfirrrtieBts ... . . mi .' ' . . . .viHiinw tkmitii no the district had been realized as a result nl the fisheries investigation carried out by the Duff rnmntinaion of which he had been an active member. Mr. Stork declared Contrary In what seemed lo tie Ihe custom as far as the most of royal commissions were con rerned, the report of the Dutf commission had been instantly adopted. It provided for n re duntion of to per cent in gill net licenses lo Orientals In 1913 and a further reduction of fifteen Iper cent in J 95 1. The use or gasboats for fishing on lbs Skeena River had been permit- ted nnd further, with rcferenrs to gasboats, ihe last budget had provided for a reduction of duly on gas engines to be used for fishing purposed of 12 Mi per cent. Nautical School The Halibut Fishermen's Union had asked that a nautical school be established In Prince Rupert for Ihe benefit of fishermen during the close reason. The department, had sent an officlul here to make arrangement for the kcIiooI which it was nnw announced would open on October Regarding dry naileries, for- merly conl rolled almost exclusively by Orientals, legislation had been enacted wliereby the first twenty five per cent of tho slutr in such opcrulioas must bs Wanted For SaleZ For Rent : WANTVD ;KNVS wanted in all parts of ll.C. to sell (iehrke Christmas cards, manufactured in Vancouver. Liberal commission ami exclusive qitrict. positively best card in Canada. Jbey sell on siirhl. Wrtt-liehVke.'s Limited. 6 (in Vev-mour- St., Vancouver. 230 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Dining room suites. bedroom suite, Chesterfield uite, ranges, love, bed linen, towels, window bltod. inlaid linoleum and prinleJ linoleunih, lounges, chairs. Cailfionieres, Drrer. Iled-laads, mat tresseo and prina. Dining' table, ailetien table. Unle oilcloth. A. ilackearte. Furniture House. Pbone 771 FOR SALE. Ladies' Ready-to- Wear business in Prince Rupert. FaH slock Junt arrived. Kxrlusive modeli). Must sell owing to ill health. Apply Mrs. Jt. Hotdmoom. Third Ave. 22 K.N'D of Month Clean Out . ti redact ioa on all cash sales Prune Rupert Rsrhange. Phone 6S2. FOR SALF- lllack Rimliah Haby buggy tu gMMf condition. Phone Illue SI I. W HOt Sr.HOLD Furniture for sale. Apply 519 Seventh Avenue VMnt. FOR SALM lbiffet and ahina cabiuet. Phone 311. If TO RENT FOR RUNT. First class apart- meat. Monarch range and water free, Clapp block. West ennater Ilros. v- If FOR MINT. IManoa, player pianos, phonographs and tewing machines. Walker's Music Store. . tf FOR ttF.NT. iJirge modern rbimy anarlmenl with fire-ptaee; eioae in. Apfrfy Max ' llellbroner. 10 HUNT. Kurnlshe.1 Iiirose- keejilng rtmm. Phone 18 or ' y ' 81. tf FOR RKN'I'. Modern house, live rooms and bath. Munro Ilros. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALF. will be held at 930 Ambrose Ave. on Thurs day, October 1, at 2.30 p.m consisting of small showcases, soal"e, stools, chairs .beds, springs and mattresses. bureaux, ete. Pliilpotl, KviM ti Co., Auolhmeer. 2J7 wtnle, the second year SO per cent, Ihtrd year 78 per cent, and Hie foil rib. entirely while. "That Is the way the fishing Industry s now being beaded In British Columbia," declared Mr. Stork. There had been complaints n to culling of fish nnd the scales used in weighing them at Prince Rupert. The go eminent had remedied this through having n (continued ,m pngo five) PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, Sept. 30. . High 12:08 p.m. 20.2 ft. Low 0:02 3.02 " 18:25 p.m. 1.3 " Thursday, Oct. 1, High O .' t n tu. ? 18 ft. 1-J 18 p.m. ? 1 Low C (i n tn 2,0 19:00 pm. 3,2 " . -i i IDAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c MISCELLANEOUS FNSIIlVh'.K im n and ileMndenls interestfd in the forthcoming Federal election "are invited to mall tbeir naiues and adrires-se fur particular tf a national moveiiHMit to seciir" JtjMlice ani fMr play by Ue ue of your ballot. bm. North West Duildmg, Vaoeow-ver. ll.C. 10 CARPENTERS WIIBN having your house repaired, see A. II. MaePltereiM. Pbonr lllack (H7. If BOARD HOARD - The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 13. BOARD and Room or Ikiard only. Phone Red 707. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Surgical and Obstetrical 323ft 39th Avenue Wen Kerri-dale . Vancomer. It. C. Dr. Ernest Hall, superintendent. CARS FOR SALE. I -I MO Nash five passensar louring g&0 I-IV2I rlaad Sedan 79 1-1922 Ford Sedan HC6 I -I ton Ford truck, panel body M75 I -191 8 McLawfblin light 6, ft pas .. &S0 1-Ford tight dell vary eiiasis rahnllt ..: fflTS All 'ear guaranteed m good mechanical condition. Make your own terms. KAIEN OARAQE Font and Chevrolet Service Sta tion. io4id)rar Tires, Has, Oil and Ureases. VRKCKLi SKiyUCF. DAY OR NHJHT. Phone i2. tf KINDLING WOOD All dry inside woml. kiwHtng nnd blocks mixed, ttS.u ter load delivered. OHtaide wood. IIJKI per load delivered. Norwegian style Salt Alaska Herring in. 3n-lb. and HO-lh. kegs, I Or per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone Black 161 COLUMBIA RECORDS VKW Process' Coltimbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed, artists. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phons (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Stude-bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B O. Taxi Service CARS MKKT ALL TRAINS. Tours arranged. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Box 099 FURNITURE. New and (Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Buy, Sell and Hx. change New and Secondhand floods, QEO. PAPADOPULI8, BOO Third Ave. Phone 016, ttonisjrs Stur4y MMfSlll . wal ... Articlei Loit and Found, 4c MAIL SCHEDULE out-oio. Tor U T Viiw I i ii I IB I it T !, Atlc '", (Matn A CrMMW- sasasy T ert SUnpMa tn4 Nui ttr riM TSely i - i- Tt AUI eln i- ea sf.i MO . , . T Qmm CIHU Ul4 SttaU Wwas ' fiSlKMkll . . ; M-COl. tttm tk Cut Msaao. ww ' im M ti i St . . ' ! it ....... i r w"' ..... f rm Sri, Slt ', Swwlftww TlnSiy trm et SlyM Sm I m S, u estassHy ... . frtm ! eii OeerfH f r trm Qfn CM'IU UUM re- ffm fl 4 Alt Arm TSJMiaM Trm Surt i fmiie- BOX COLLEOTIOh Onham Ittta se IM Al. A tUl St ttk Art. i. fwnia US A. A 1knK lit A lketirji " tlta A. A ooarM ata a lur os h A IHr Cut rrk m Aa. A cmum Sib A Hi. A M(rMe i St. Issh. hMr. Fr. OML WUff . C.TJ. Whsrf . . . a. t r. suikki . M ltd Ate A fn4 si Utt a riiii Si Inl A tb t Sept. !-. frl" Frsm VtiiMor WMtMwiiir i'S man ftu tmrrtr- . erii" sttMntar . friii' IK It ll , : r "W " If 4 ll 541 ' ' ' ' 4 C ... fH y . t , . , . i e ' v ft f" , .,, !, M I 1 1 l Mi Hrt. ISSS. I'rliiK SiL fi--. ITIhi- 1 fr rert SlmpMii S" rrwr m. cjtu " from Port SlmpS slor1r -. C411111 rf stMks , Wixlnesdtr- M. Ii' " ' pl IS I'ihi' Srpl, t I'rtli" from AUikt suiKi4r-- i''ii""r t it STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS tt VntF SaBd m. I'rtn TiHMHr Canl" IMlMtt e. Vtit. Miarrty in. uu' i !. : Ul Hi for SUwtrt, Ai " ,lt' , , m SuiMlr- -s. ranb-m " rrom SUM, .m Tutmlnjr-. i i'i""i for Soi ,, ,,.m .lnrHy 1'"" from ni , m 1 S'r ' "'' ThiirtU - m. lr Slwrl Stsr1y--. rrni" n From Slwrl- Siindiiyt- I'rinre ;nr,i: LAND ACT. I m ; Ml J Ml !H , III .1 III I W. If J . t Il ,111. , 1 W ,111 (i I' 1 nt N.tleS ef isustlss u asstf . JJ'JariJ Tr ofhirtlsn li-rvf " lm parlor, inlrlidi w , , rlini.i" imrih 'riiin .'Tmr ui2 v "' irk wjsift J;- r-Ch- ptUd iuu !.