i torv l.y . war" va an impossible thesis fur I lie Labor! Parly Li m pd. PREMIER URGES ' ! A UNITED WEST ? Want to Appoint Westerner to Position of Minister of Immigration HI. (WW Scui. 30.- tn rciiew-j nut ih appeal for ProgrUcj riii'"il. 'twill lion. W. L. Mur-K:i'i' King last night declared In ml Pillion tt have a nituWler ,Cu4iuii livwitirpVJlituvloiiio- ! rmii."i and expressed a Iuh'p I.-- i i-.- Hint Hip norllolio Id v l n wfl-riier. Itolh Premlpr King and Pre-. i Dunning "f Skalclicwaii i mled Hip necpsslly of hearing mmc of Ihe we I In larger :r asm-p. I'ipiiiht Donning, who i bein? in' iii uuipd h a cabinet (HMftibil-oiaif.l that no one re? re I led in. m than hlinpf the division 1 Hip low tariff forer In vvet- l miH'lii "Divide and rule - nc ..l .mv avn'iii" lie urged, . ;.i lP iM'illriplP I beilW ful- '.vetl i.i in.- tunii today." , PITCHERS FOR il WORLD SERIES Johnson Covlleskle For Senators and Meadows and Yde For Pirates Ni:V YOliK. sp.t. an. I'Uih- tnu i (iPiierally miirnlpd t" he 70 per ci'irt of Hip world !prlej Hal He ami I beini. ?iven eri-dti ponlilpriilloii by both Wnh-O'jjton ami l'illxbiinr nwnat:crs. I I RPiierally belleed that NVnl-i' i .lolniiion ami Stanley tJovlW skip will hear the brunl of Hip work for Hip Seiialorx while Ht M'li'iun McadmvM and I'.mil Ydp. n lever voniia- Miulhiiaw. will be 'he mam cholre of Ihe Plralpc. l NOTICE. I'm-Miunl lo the Muur-npal Election Act all pcrxon deirintr to be entered on Ihe Voter' I.i! for Hip forthcoming Municipal Ktpcllnn u, llouM'holder or Holder of Trade Licenses, niusl register llieir name with the Cily Clerk during tho mouth of October on i statutory fonn to be supplied by the City Clerk. The Clly Clerk's office, will be open from U a. in. u 5 p. ni, each and every lay during Ihe month T October with Ihu e.tcep-lion of Saturday, when ll will be open from V a. in. t i.ao p.m. K. V. .I O.N US. Citv OIM-k. ? FALL OF SNOW IN SASKATCHEWAN AND MANITOBA REPORTED UKiilN.V Sr,.i. :io. A fairly heavy now fell in nurllii'in and miuIIiwcsI-itii seclnm of Saskatche-wan lasl nr.'ht. It will delay harvesting in those tflku for about twi !-.. WlNNIPEO. tp6l. 30.-- Smw fell 1 1 rip nielli te- iHnppilurc -is iumm:iI ficfiiij;. MOVEMENTS OF FISH BEING INDICATED BY . TAGGING OPERATIONS VH l UU A. S-i't. '0. yalua-j ble informali'm n-giinlinj: Ihej iiiopiiipiiI "I Milmi'ii off Hip pat i" I'l'inj: i-purpd a a re-null of Hip laiiK'Or tiperalion condurled by Ihe lUtnadian and American antlioriHc aceordins In Jobu llNbrorL. ibi'Uty com-iuilonT of fiidierie. Up aid had bpi-ti .li"vn Ihal fi'li from Mm' (ii'puni) and California rirr had ruiiu' i" Hi'' wati'i! ol un ;-i evince. MORE CARS REACHING VANCOUVER WITH GRAIN WINMI'Kii. Sept. :t0. UU a null of jjruin lo Hip IipiuI of the lake tdill poliw on HipVp i a sllsht hierpap in the movement to the V?t. So Tar .'HI can of grain have been ilelivered ill Vancouver over Cnnadiau (National HhPe. BIRTH. A sou. I'ri'derirk Hoy. was born al Hip Bute Street Hospital, Van. rouver. on September "0 to Mr. and Mis. Hoy l.ipseu, lormerij of Prime ltupcrl. , STOCK MARKET II.C. Silver ... Dutnvell HlniMonc .... llaellon I.. & I Marmot premier poller Idaho Sllvererest ... Terminus .... Surr Haly Alaska flranby Howe Sound Sllversninh Lucky J tm Hinder - Hum Indian t ' fe Kir 'jiayv ,w Hid. Asked. .'JO 1. 05 I..0 I. Hi .'.Mi .01 .01 Ti .17 .'.'0 .12 .'.'7 2.35 .2 1 .07 '.10 .10 .07 '-I .07 ft .20 10.0(1 ',',00 .21 .2 m IHi .10 .20 Vft .28 4 .J .01 .00 .ov .nv,4 .05 .00 i BANDITS ARE i ALL IN JAIL' Three Rounded up Following Bank Robbery at Seattle Yesterday SKAT ILK. Srpt. au. T. II. Jithuxlon, who wax wanted in Kiitioh KoltimJiia for parlicipa-lion in the .Nauaimu bank robbery and who escaped with fhe others from the louiily jail and was recaptured jeterday with two rompanionK after the trio had rohMvl a bank here of 5,000 made a bold dah for liberty. Th roiber. eirappd from Ihe bank in an automobile but Ihe rar ntniek a Iniek. Janirn Ken-ull "u-talniiK a broken Icjr. JillUtWU flil- tu uiv nUl.woo.l- Mip.1 afi.l Wflliam1 Gnltift hid under a liooe. but the (wo and JhhJ" lliirn wre rounded up by Hip police who arrived and reinforced Patrolman )tuh, who had rhuPd Hip hamliU in?le-tiaudpil from the fcene of the holdup. The money was recovered anil Ihe men are iow in jail. FISH CATCH For Month Over Three Million Pounds Halibut Landed Here During the month of September there was 3,067,000 pounds of halibut landed at Prince Rupert as compared with last year's landings for the same month of 2,732,000 pounds. There were In all 19S trips of which 122 were American and 76 Canadian. While the eatch Is a million pounds less than for August It Is considered a large one for September, GOOD BIDDING AT TAX SALE Some 330 Lots Offered and 75 Were So d to Private Bidders Some 330 lols were offered at (he annual municipal lax sale which was conducted this morning by Hip Cily Treasurer D. J. Malheson, assisted by Frank Vickers. 'This is about flfly le lots Hunt were put under the hammer last year for taxes. Of the 330 lots, 75 -Were sold to private bidders. The most of I lieni wpre at I be upset price althoiiuh in a few cases there was coiupetllive bidding. 'The sale Is adjourned until tomorrow morning when bids for lols nol already sold may be submitted. A far as bidding was concern ed, lot 17, block I. section 8, saw Ihe most activity. 'The up scl price was 9115.81 and the properly was knocked down lo V. 1' ii t n it it i who yol Ihe adjoin lug lot IH for the upset price or continued utt past six Dominion; htl 25 TA Boston Grill Ill "".ley flmou ance Scrvlco Large I p. lair Dining Hull, Anywhere at Anytime. with newly laid dancing Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI XV . NO ' riu.M,r, hlim-,ut. H.u, vVrHLNKSDAY, SCPTEMBEH 30. J'J'-'O. rt.umf. cire-tot ws smi 4ia. PRICE FTVK CENTS. BRITISH r UBORlDEfJ . THTCOMMUNISTS - i - T STORK OPENS HIS CAMPAIGN DEALING WITH, LOCAL BnYfsi Labor Party by Vote of Nine to One Refuses Admit Communists; Object to Thesis LIVKMPOOL, Sept. :il. By o majority vole of nine to one Ik' I'urli.iiuriilHr.v Labor Parly lasl nighl reLi-ed to rotinleuanri' hi' admis-ion tf the Communist Purl) to their rank. ILilnay ManJooald. leader ol Hit' L.iliur Parly in the House r Umnoon-. declared the Communist' thesis "that workers houhl prepare, nol (.r uu vu-y parliamentary viclorv. (ml for Capt. (ieoffrey Hiltler. ol Ihe Itoyal Field Artillery, travelled ITi.tion rnile from Taninuia lo wed Mi. Constance Kec, of (iloiireslt. Mas. The romance began in I15, when Mis Lec vnte lo an iiiikiiown soldier. Ciipt. Butler, then wounded in Egypt, -got the letter Premier Oliver Says Big Issues iii Federal Election is Unity of YICTOIWA. Sept. M. Addressing Hie Liberal cuiivenliou here when itliani Ivel was nominated us Liberal standard nearer lu cHjnUt Ihe constituency against Hon. Simon Fruer Tolniic, Prtiiucr .loliu Oliver said iii his opinion the lug issue at Hie present election was Hie unity of the Dominion. Since Ihe day of confederation rerlaiu influences had worked against unity and today, he said, superficial cra ks could be seen in the dominion structure. I nless a sound government was elected aiid sound policies followed lie develop further. Tie only other nominee for the honor of leading the Liberal, forces in Victoria was Henry C. Hall, a former member of the Legislature. A ballot of the con-, veuliou was taken and as a rc-j suit Ivel secured 200 voles and 1 1 nil UKI. On motion or Hall the nomination was made unanimous, i KILLED SELF WITH A GUN Hrtuio Mauro, Italian, died in Anvox Hospital at Hie end of lasT week us a result or a shooting accident near Hip Holskeish mine earlier in Hip week. He aeci-i dentally shot liiniM'lf 'with a shot gnu. An iiuiucsl was held by Coroner McOusty and il wa es-! lablished that death had been due lo initisliol wound accideut-i ally self-inflicted. j Mauro was in n rowboat with; a loaded shotgun lying in Ihej bottom lowing along the beach, and in making a landing tho boat struck , a rock, and the vibration discharged the gnu. The iifortuualc matt received tne lull charge. the shot fracturing:, thc'-pelvi and. penetrating the! bowels, carrying wilh it pieces or clothing, lie was taken with all pevd to the Auyox Hospital, where he died. lip was of Italian nationalily. aged 32 year, and .was rmploy- n at Hip liolskeish mine. LAFOLLETTE ELECTED WISCONSIN SENATOR MILWAt'KKK, Sept. 30 -Hobert Larollette Jr. yesterday was elecled in Wisconsin as llepubll-can Senator, succeeding his father mid dercaliuv K. Dithmar, Indepeudenl. by more than 130,-Oiio majorlly. 'dverHe In Hie Dully New Contests Victoria feared thai the fissures would THREE LEFT FORRUPERT Two Grain Commissioners and Deputy Minister on Way Here WINNIPEG, Sept. 30. U H. Boyd, chairman of the board of grain commissioners In company with Commissioner James Robinson and F. C. T. O'Hara, deputy minister of trade and commerce In the fepral government, fall last night for the coast prooeedlng by way of Saskatoon, Edmonton and Prince Rupert. Mr. Boyd stressed the Importance of the visit of Mr. O'Hara to the West. forestIrT UNDER C0NTR01 POUT HANKY, Sept. 30. Ab-uabled sence of wind 000 five fiubtcrs. who battled fin' two I.,. in mie or the lower main laiul's serious forest Hres Of tho season in the cleared lauds of here, to bring the blaie under control this morning. CHOLERA IS RAGING. MANILA. Sept. 30. Sjx death have resulted from the cholera plague ami twenty new cases ur." reported within Hip past "- SUBMARINE STILL UNDER NEW LONDON, Sept. 30 All efforts to raise Hip submarine has been suspended owing lo rough woalher. John Bulger returned on llu Prince lluperi this morning frnn H iiu- nc c 'rp "o Va"'-ouvrr ISSUES AT Stork Opened with Speech Defending Parliamentary Record Deals with number of matters of more or less personal nature, leaving broad issues for later meeting The opening gun in the federal election campaign as fur as Prince ltupcrl is concerned was fired last evening when Fred .-jioik, member of the House of Commons in the last parliament, and again Liberal nominee for Skeeua riding in Hie forthcoming onlest, addressed an audience which filled the Empress Theatre to capacity. Mr. Stork gavejui account of his representation of the constituency in (he last parliament dealing more particularly with local mailers. National questions such as finance and taxation he announced would he taken up lateV in Ihe campaign. Mr. Stork ' was - givfn an attentive bcaiiifg wh c.i was 'not without considerable' enthusiasm. Dr. W. T, Kersin was chairman ami an address j was also iven on behalf of Mr.: Storks randidature ami the I Liberal cause by L. V. Patmore. It' was an auspicious occasion in Hie hist Wt Urince ' Hu.lrt, aid Mr. sTork In opening ni address. The Mackenzie Kinx government was appealing lo the MEETING country for a renewal of conn-, thai il was contrary to all pre-dence. He liad been a supporter cedents that the railway commis-of that srovernmenl during Hip' slon should decide a case af-past term or parliament and a feeling interest throughout the Liberal for many years prior to country ami without those iu-thal. In 1917 be IiikI been Lib-jieicsts being heard and that it ral nominee for Skeena and; igain in 1921 when he bad car j leu uie nanner m. victory ami, the Mackeniie King government bad come into power. Again on Miis occasion Hie Liberal parly, bad honored him with its unani- mous emlorsation. Strong Leader The Mackenzie King govern uieiil. when it came into power, 1921, Mr. Stork said, bad iti-t ented a lot of trouble left b ihe Borden and .Mciglien ndminis- rations. The government had bad a difricull time having had ' no majority in the House of oiutnons, However, lite igov- erumeitt bad had a wnitilerlui ader in the person of Mr. Mac-! be business of the Dominion lit a manner without a parallel in the' history of politics in Canada.; .Vol only had he been a strong leader but be had been a diplo- malic one. Mr. Slork then proceeded to u.alyze the membership of tho Campaign BEING HEARD Charged That Recent Order Was .Contrary to Precedent and Ultra Vires OTTAWA, Sept. 30. Charging was ultra vires or the power or two commissioners to issue such an order, neurirs or Hip appllca- Him for revision tf the recent,-, freight rate award granting the ' west equalization, was openeij ', yesterday with Hip province of' New'Brtinswick. Nova Scolia. Hie . cily of Winnipeg, and the Mon- j treal Board of Trade presenting , llieir argument. K.reit on a preliminary point i raisci ny i.. i,. jm.eer ine v es( ; " "'' "ru l"1. H? sa- Katchewan. Alheria ami liriitslt .omnium case is ueing nearu tcnluy. FISH PRICES HIGHER TODAY V" ,""'e u lflh? "V , Itigl.ef , again , today, best Ameri- Ki" "H '" f'""- "'i1"" ,n a l t d r.,!; l7u,,J American Alton. 57,000. lu Allin Fisheries a"d Booth Fisheries at 15.V0c Hnd 7c. I'nimak. 7.0U0. to" Cobl ijlorag al 10.50c unit 7c. ' High Hill. 8.1)00. lo Iloyul Fish Co. at 1 0.30c and 7c. Wave. 3.000. lo Cold Storage ut 15.90c and 7c. Canadian Fisher. 12.500, to Cold Storage at 11.30c uml Oc. Dolphin. 11.000. to Uovat Fish House of Commons. During the!,l'u v" ",r "Vp-C past term I here had been 235 members 118 Liberals, 05 Pro gressives, an Louservaiives antf lvo Labor. In Hip new parlia-, ntent to be elected next month there would be 215 nietitbers.i One party would need lo have 225 members to have even nl emhlance of a majority in the. House. 'The Liberal would need seven more member or tliC Conservative, 73. 11 was not probable Ihal Hip CiMiservftlives I would be able lo make Ibis gain. Where were lliey to gain jliCo. members? To tip generous, they might gain 'two or three seals in (Juebpp. ami 7 ur 8 in Nova Sco - i tin where il did nol necessarily need lo follow that because lltere. at 11.10c and Oc. ririrrrnp rlGHltRb TA 10 MCrT If I Lb I ti crrtTriinrn urvr 111 JEf lCilUDLtA HEM had been a turnover lu provin- Jack Dempsey and Harry Wills rial arfairs there would a similar Motored to Nltes Michigan swing federally. In New Brun-' and Signed Agreement wick Hie Conservative already' had all lite" member except four.) NILES, Michigan. Sept. 30. Even in Brilish Columbia, where After a 2t hour eonrerence at there had been a Liberal provin- South Bend. Indiana, Jack Demp-eial government tor ten year,1 sey om Harry Will mnloxed there were only three Libera across the stale line In e and member lu Hie federal house.) signed an ngiVeinfrit to mept In With the disintegration of tholu ten round no-derlslon route' Progressive parly, the following! at Mtehigan f'lly, Indiana, In Coniii ued on Pajo Four sfpudiPi . 20. 3 '1 I 1i M 4 1 :1 f 4 1K 4 f.T I. 1 m