AO KIT ran daily mrws Diamonds III the Laics I I)csin Selling Finest Quality Stones from $25 up Value Guaranteed r Money Refunded Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience in the largo centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North A Big Bargain on Heinz Products Combination Specials I hoi lie Meinz Tomato Ketchup. 1 bottle Heinz Sweet Mustard Pickles. 1 butUe Chille Sauce. For $1.C0 1 bottle Heinz Salad Cream, i bottle Heinz ('how Chow. 1 bullle Heinz White Pickled Onions. For $1.00 i Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Will Save ou Money. Phones 18 and 84 CREPE DE CHINE Figured Scarves New Designs Just Received special, each $4.95 H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9. Special Value $10.00 Girl's Wrist Watch 1 We offer this litllc watch as. a nice gift for the little girl. Tho case is gold filled green, white or jellow with n 15 Jewelled movement and we guarantee it to he a reasonably good John Bulger Jowellar SEASON'S PLAYS ARE DISCUSSED Psychological Themes are to be Given Preference this Winter as Tryout NKW YOHK, Sept. 30. Psychological plays, a new kind of sex play, and a slow come back for Shakesneare. these rlassi- Ifications cover, in brief? what producers here say will bo offered the theatre going public during Hie coming season. It seems thai the spotlight of the stage is to be turned away, for a time at least, from the scantily clad human form and (rained on tho menial contortions and gyrations which animate (hat form. With one ey on their own rehearsals and the other cocked to . walch closely their .contemporaries, the hi? producers of New York are "feeling their way" into the new Almost without exception they plan to open the season wilh "light, frothy stuff," saving Ihe heavier dramatics for the. tint" when they will have had a chance lo judse how Hie public will receive Iheiii, " Speaking of Hie coming season, one producer, known for handling high tvpe dramatic productions, said: New Mental Kick The education of the public. ,,w,in(' and particularly its increased understanding of psychology, is bound lo have an effect upon the theatrical offering this year. Hein? able lo understand why -a certain character acts in a certain way under certain condi tions, they will analyze each play for themselves. Thus they will look for a new mental kick. Tin., lead me to believe that plays having plots based upon psy chology will receive recognition." Several producers agree in 26& TIMBER SALE, X70S1. "SVre will be offered for f-ale it rublkr ih nun, ii noon on me in day of September, I9JJ. In Ihe office or thr Korent lunger. Burn tike, the Licence XJuSt, to cut Tt.vov Jackpuie Ilea on an area ulluatcd about S miles .North of Decker Lake Station, lunge S, Coast Olsirirl. Three year will be allowed for removal of timber. Trovliied any one unable to ill end tlx-auction In person nia Riibrull a ealrd lender In be opened at tl. hour of auc tlon and treated as one bid." further particular! of the Chief Forever, Victoria. B.C . or District Forester I-rlnre ftupert. ANNOUNCEMENT DELIVERY TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 30. 1st delivery closes at D a.m. 2nd delivery closes at 10.30 a.m. 3rd delivery closes al - p.m. illi delivery close, at 1.30 Wharf and lloal Orders Excepted All order laken between i.30 and closing lime will go out on first delivery following day. Last delivery Saturday evening closes at 8.30 p.m. Rupert Table Supply Co. Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons ... 2 to Kvenings .... 8 lo 10 Good Muslo both sessions Competent instructors lo leach beginners. L. J. Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. New Shipment Fall & Winter Coats Just Ilecelved. On Sale at Moderate Prices Bents Third Ave. Phone 651 r r i You can save money and lengthen the life off your shoes by . shining them yourself with"Nugger. You get 100 shines for 15 cents. Did vou "Nugget" your shoes this morning? "NUGGET Shoe Polish Ktait In Blac, Tan, Tonty ReJ and Dark Bmn. JUm Whltt Drtuinf (c(t) anJ W'hiU Cleaner (liqulj). forecasting the doom of the "box office sex play." This type of play, wlucli relies upon over abundance of sexmaterial and number of daring scenes to at produce a new type of play hav ing probably little less of actual sex material in it, but having such material proportionately i it itrwoven with the story of the play, and assigned its natural place in the action. If idaes ad vanced by such producers a! David Helaseo, the Shuberls. Wiulhrop Ames and oilier arc 'orreclly interpreted, these plays also will be a throw back to py- hology with the glorification of asion as tlieir object and it great motivating power as their plot. Foreign Plays Most of the more intlooiiliul producers expect the coming sea son to be a well balanced one with an adequate number of each type of production at Ihe larl. An increased number of foreign plays, English, French, Norwegian, Hungarian and Italian, arc expected to invade this country. This internal ionalizalion ol the slate is receiving much attention front producers. A keen watch is being kept upon play taken from the Russian. Producers here express themsel- ve (iisatinoinleil so far. In the riaterial from this source. In the matter of costume play mile cltange. is suggested, lhi Shuberts indicate that much at tention will be given to smooth ing out effects, costumes and Tcnery, but tho scores arc ex pected lo remain about Ihe same'. A (iradual come back of dm Shakespearian plays and tho orobability of extremely capable iffering in thU line are fore- easl by more (ban one producer As seen by one promoter tho subconscious desire of every serious actor to play Shakes peare and thus fest himself in role which call for every bit of his arl, may have something lo do with this. LAND ACT. Notlea of InUntlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In I'rlure ftupert Land Recording; ntitrle or rnnre unpen, ana mtuate al Yea talton liar. Mansett Inlet. TAkfC V)Tli:F. that Kurene II. Slmnaon. if Maotett, H. . wi-upallon canneryniaii, lurnci.. io inv inr a ieae or me roi- owing aernnea tann. Cofnmenrlnr at a poit planted atsiut n rhaln eterly from the X.E. corner or i-nt taitu, nan re s. Gout lilalrlet liencj) et tlx chain: Ihenee north three nain. more or ie, to hlrh water mark 'nrn-e eaitrrly alonr hlrh water mark t rxiiiit of cowmen, fluent, and rontalnn arrei, more or ie. EUOE.1E II. SI.MrSO.f liri MIIV ,WT MINERAL ACT. Appllrar.t Cartlflcata of lmpromnta. tpokane Mineral claim, altuale In Ih Ainu Miiiinif nirltlon or ;ait fiiurn t. on the wrat aide of Itlir Horn nivrr io me easi or aim ailjolllillir til r.owiu ?imerai i.iaim, TAkK .OTIt:e Ilia i I. Fred Lawnoii, nent for A me S. I.awxm. Free Miner' Certificate Ao. TOUiC. Intend . iliti Jay from the date hereof, to apdy to Hie ilium iirnjiurr inr a eriiricaie or nil-irovinicnta, for the iiirHe of olitalnlnt i thrown i. rani or the aixive rialm. And further take notice that artlon, unner aection 17. inum lie commenced lie tore i no iaue or aurn certifiraie of I in inivemenai. Dated thli SOlh day of Auiruit. A.l) LAND ACT. In the Allln l and DKrlrt of Haaalar TAkK XITICK that '. Kllphlct Noll I'oiier, or new voir, pt.y.. V.X.A.. ncni nation hroker. Iniend to apply for per iiiilon to purchase Ihe followlnr tie crified lamia: Commencliir at a Mt planted about ttl 'lialna aoiith nf lin hie'a Point on the wel lde of Tarlh Ijike about eleven mlle south of the Yukon linrimlarv line; thrnre Wet 10 chaln: thence north n rlialn: thence eit 10 chalnai thence southerly followlnir alonr the adore jme of Taitlh Lake lo point of rninmenrement, Mid parcel conlalntnr so arrea, more or leaa. ELII'IILKT 'OTT POTTFn, Applicant. , Fred Lawaoit, Ajent Paled luaniai tutb, tn. QUARTER OF MILLION POUNDS CONTRIBUTED Restoration of St. Paul's Cathedral Fund Exceeded Amount Required LONDON, Sept. 30. Thanks (o a heavy response from all parts of the world, which re-sulled in contributions continuing long after the time had officially elapsed, the funds for restoration of 81. Paul's Cathe dral has now reached Hie high mark of a iiuarter of a nullum itcrliiiig. The Time announces: For weeks past a small hut per sistent aftermath of conlribu- 'ions to Hie Fund for the Preservation of St. Paul's has contin ued, and at the end of August the grand total of subscriptions received since the appeal was launched in January amounts lo a iuarter of a million pounds. A iuarter of a million is nearly twice as much as the Dean and Chapter found it their duty to ak for at Hie beginning of the year: fur their commission of experts, who had taken over three years to consider the problem, put the required ummiul at 130,1)00 or 110.000. The tract paironage, is alrea.Iy losing !.,.,. , , 5'J.i I. out in Ihe popularity race, In ils place Aicy expect to j appeal would certainly not I tin ilal on which money would be 410.15. collected, and from then until ,",!, a,,u IU bKKk J2 now in. contributions have flowed er, 7.u eacii. j Lot 2 and 3, block 30, (. C. (Walker. SttS.MO and K1MK1. j GOOD BIDDING AT TAX SALE (continued from page jne) '115.81. Other lots selling for better than the up.-el price were: Lot 7, block I, section 5, lo William Putnam for lt5, 1U3 upet price. Lot 31, block U, section .McLkirklndate, ?U'.U.5, price. $!2l.iS. Lot fi, bloek IK, section A. McCorkiiulM,e, IGO.?5, prtee, l:i.2a. Lot 18, block 2, section A. II. i: au for 1 55.38, price, I-M.23. Lot l(i, block M, sitIiou C. V. llvitt rr 153.57, price 1 08.57; the same chaer also bought Ihe adjoining lot lot 17 17 $108.57. KI55.UU each. Lot II, bloek ii, section I'., t:. Walker, IS 1.1(5. Lot 111. bloek 7, seel ion K. Ii. (iibbons, 9IH5JJ5. Lot I'J, block it, section IL U. Walker, (01)2.70. 4 Upe' 0, to I. I. 1. Lots II and 15, block 20, 1, to C. Dasso-licrl al 927 L- 07 and A210.MS. Lot 21. block 20, section M. M. Sleiheiis, I55.0G. Lot 15, block 33, section 1, fo I, to i:. ('.. (iibbons, at 1 15.5 1. Lots 21 and 22, block 35, sec-lion t, lo 4i. i:. Walker at 8317.-70 and 15207.05. Section 2 Lois 13 and 11, block 17, Mrs. J. Uiiwin, 20.0.1 each. Lot 03, iblock 20, lo O. 12. Walker, 01.28, Lot 71, Idocft 20, lo J. A. ltd-anger, 83.00. ; , Section 5 Lot 8, block I, K. (2. (Iibbons, 103.02. Lot 2. bloek." (5, M. M, !;lediens, 107.87. Lot I, block 10, 12. II. .Mortimer. 177.7K. Lot, II, bloc'hi 22, W. 11. Deny, U71.30. Ltd 21. block 21, IS. 12. John son, 807.01. Lot 11, block 27, M. M. Sto-phens, $70.77. . Lots 15 ami 10, Henry Smith, 25.02 and 2l,05. Lot 15, block, 1 1, W. Hchf,- 52.-37. i: Section 6 Lot 18, block K, U.:,g. Walker, i?172.20. v i Lot 10, block II, I'. Oamiila, .l 18.71. Lot 21, block 12, T, . "mIHc, 120.05, ',: .1 Lot 10, block 27, (Lli. Walker, ?H 11 .i i . i 14 10. block 3C. M. A. Ixl-wnl, ' ' 7tf.lW. Section S I lls S3 and 21. Mock 3. O. C. Walker, 35.3I each. I l.otfl JV. 30, 31, 3t. M and to. bloek 13. W. M. Wright, II3.'JI each. i I)ls 3 and I. block ti. (i. C. . . Walker. 35.31 enrh . lOi . . . . . upwtl Lois I. 2 and 3. UUh 3'.'. II. !C. Walker, $35.H2, 29.57. i6.tS. Lot 15, 28. It nml 15, bhxk () j, vv . vvngni, sia.rii, iv 1 1. and ?I5.M5. I.ol 7 and 68, block U. M l tJULlmn. HI 111 .....I a l l II I ""l"i"" V-".W" v.. .". U llllil I I IJlit ll, 20. 21 and 22. I...r 'lu VV- l V ..1..I.1 I in ). Upset IN THE SUPRfKC COURT OF pur- herein witfriu tltlrt . '.. . . .. Sli", '! 'man. I ty flaira tar the puitiiraiHin. i.tuerutw prmern herein. Hit tlih day I9fi. BRITISH sWlwren Wfmt W . i Urk-, rUlnlttr AbmI Tjttmlr UiJicrlMiii L.n iu.f..l..uni for the upset price of, rviit m. umi an 'u-u n I cetoiiMAHtd aml yuu b the alx.te Inaiurd I'laintin ihr f.ia dat i.r sit Lot I, block 10, svotiuil 0, lO . 'el' t i u ArrrrUM-ut f.w saU 0. V. IMtt fur S220.00. Upset reetwl l Ihe ale ail Tyrclii V.r nrir price ?to.uu, 1 71 (iff . Ilu nit h:iiii same iinr-' pur-,n Slle , Mi. , Block . i.rwt. Three iimn (J.. scrlHM1 v.u chaser also bought the adjoining . Mcn moi Ain-etnent i daieu. lot mi - 2 for ll"! the upsel uj"l price, " ii vi SI1M..I.I '..( ami. takI: r.VkK .lllTM't. vitlf umi IMI bt bf a a order The following were purchases 'VuTj.'T.'f, n' at Uptel priCVSj jdeteit that puMlealliiu of tM K.H uaiei lue .1 1. It. a I i.l- IT It :ni,l I'. Iilnitk ;"l"r puutmmn ai rnmv iiutuTI.I I.OlH 1J, 1 1 all'l 1, IHoOK O, nx, i-nce a wrk fr fiHir week alMli section I, lo L. II. Mortimer, -f) " ' rtuiaairwnHi ill utfw Vtl IUIX.B ; A.Mi It a flirther ordered . Iftal til- nine for muetiug an apearare, l" by you In Ute xt i,r Simiiiikkm In ( ct(.Hi lie within iMfly day after tlw , Ma.t fwbllrtUun .f umii notice. lo, ir It i your InteiiiliMi Ui itereml lhi. Ilntlull ym wilt Imvc lo enter an appear i lance hi It Be.lMry orriee of lhi ll.w i (h! oitralite O.on al the (jirt ll.c. prince 'wi-i i. n.i... hi ine rii or iiiihihhii of Hie la'l 1'UU.tlff n.a; of September, M. novzAi ts. Sltetlar for I'Ulntirf. To: TetMpUr lMjertaon kerr. Iieentlawt, LAND AOT. Notlta of Intantlon to Apply to Purthaaaj Land. In the Urn liec. rtimr fiiatrirl of Prince! Itupert, aiKt aituate on lily Falla Ctrtk wldch flow Into the Lcilall ltier alxiul IS iiiilen from lt mouth. TAkK MiTICK Ilia I Prime Hiipcrt spruce Mill. Limited, or Prince liuprl. occiipa tlon lamlier manufacturer?. Intend to apply for perm)ln lo piirrhaoe the follow Inr iaerlhed landa: 0mmenrln at a rt planleil bout ts elulna lAirllierlr rrirfii Die aoulheaul corner uf lil Alt. flanre four: llienre in rhalna northerly: thence tn chain ealer- y; inence u rnaina aouilierly; ttienee 40 ha Inn weaterly to point of romnienre-meiit, and containing t6o arret, more or rill.NCK nill'F.IlT SI'IllCF VIII.S, i.iJtiTl.n J.Ol V, blOCK 2V L'd.w ' "(-r,j ,,,rl.,iie the followlnir iwlnir drrlneil dearrltieil Inmta iii8.yo. Seotlon 7 fiitwt loeo' I'er C. p. ail, o4 ipnllrani rtief, Aaent LAND ACT. Notlea of Intantlon lo Apply to Purchaaa Land. In the Land liecorrtiny DlairM or prlnee luiliert. and beinif a Mirllon or lil I iwenly-ronr ). liauye fhe It'. kiM liltiriel. TAkK MlTICK that rrliiella Limited or I'rluce lniert, ll.t:., inrrrhanta, intend to apply ror HTinlalon to ptirihate lliu follouinir dearrllH-d landa: CommencliK at a ihii plan'ted al the liorthcaal corner of ut tuenty-ruur (fit raime rive (a), conn .nintrlrt; ihenre oiiiii iniriy iwo rnaiin: nieiira went forty clialut; llwnre norlli eltlil rhalna, more or le, lo lilrli water mark; thenre tioilheaat atona- high water mark lo point or i-iiuimeiiri'ment, and rontaluliif eighty low, a,,v, iiivit- ,rr ii-i.., FniZZEI.L'S I.IMITffl. Haled Aiirnal 18th. K.tK IQn!P"Cnl I AND AOT. Notlea of Intantlon to Apply to Purchaaa Land. In the Land llennrdinr Dlatrlct of prliir ii'iiHTi. aim aiiuaie ai nil ran creek wlilrh flowa InPi Krutall Itltrr iIhiuI is ml lea from III mouth. TAkK moi:k thai r.iiri-t p. niii of Prince Huiierl. Il l ., occupation lumber- Intend to aply ror n-nnlon to andar-- Cniiimeiiclnr at a not! nlantnil i n, aouthwenl rortirr of Lot ASS. Hunan four; thence rhalna iwiiitherly; thenre fij ,.i ... ... ... vv M Welo-lil '"'inia weteriv: thence jo riiaina north. Lot block fll, riglU, 01, 1, Ny. inence n rhalna eaaterly to- point 25.50. Lot 32, block I, W. M. Wright, 925.00, I nl rotiimenceiiient, and rontalnlny 40 arret, more or icaa, Dated AU.Utt lilt). C 1995. IV ftlKL. Afpllcaul Wednesday, Septtmhfr ao. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals as follows: -Placer (iold, $77,382,053; Lode (iiM $nK 173,100; Silver, $8,82i,570; Lead, $70,048,578; Copper, 6 1 K7.lM,:i7M: '..r 171,1.07; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,101,340; Coal and Coke, $200,80,018; llml! Slnne, llrick, Cemenl, clc, $12,225,811; making its Mineral Prodiirliun lo Ihe .; 1021 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of Ibi Province arc more liberal ami Ihe. fees lower limn lim e m any other Province in tho Dominion, or auj colony in I lie Kiupiru Mineral locations are granted to discoverers or nominal fees. Absolute Titles arc obtained by developing stirh properties, the serurity of wluh guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information together with Mining llenorl an Map, may he obtained gr.r. addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.M. Practically all Hrilisli Columbia Mineral Properties iihiii who Ii dew , work lias -been done are described in some one of lite Annual lleHirl oi tii- of Mines. Thoc considering milling iiicIiiiciiIk should refer lo in h renorN T . are available willioul charge on application lo the Department or Mine. ut , HeMiits or Ihe Oeological Suncy of Cinada. Parifir lloildiiig. Yaiuoicr, ore v mended as valuable sources of iiifornialion. appeal had not been before the U1 Work A- ,:- Ha'-! public longer than a fortnight -,J- uimn i:,nr ii;,v II.,. Jones. ? 13.57. ' I fiiinl li.iiiiUmii,') v iTimlnl Hie Lot . block , V. O. Ful- a' e ii i..... 1 was evident, however, that ii ton. 3O.M0. 1 ii... I Lot 20, block III Henry Sinilli. l.ol .1. block Si, Henry Smith, WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 0 p.m. Raymond Griffith "The Night Club" All adapluliou nf William tie Mtllr'. .I.ig. "Afler Fiv." A rerreslnug gnu fm .erved : (ihffilh, the tiinii) felhm wild the nlk h a I ,in otiietl) e.t. . nuul, inerrj Uielaiiige of girl- lirifltth. Peppier Ihan h IiimI, tiiwidi-i " hare, fiinniep Ihnti In-t enr' lpvv lint, it gur. laugh. A lwpp. napiy phoU-ply runUiiiiii g low, buely ladie hiiiI riinuiat raxr. Jmn i Club" mid grin with (rnffilh. The nil Imi. -keeping a Mt.isght l.u r. of prellv girl- l i ul. Raymond Griffith, Vera Reynold, Wallace Bttrj, Loulie Fazenda and other. COMEDY THE 8 PATS IN "DEAF, DUMB AND DAFFY." TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 35c and 10c Dollar Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October lit, 2nd and 3rd. Il.ive ou h moment to .mre? Well. ; over. It might mean u lug saving lo von. I'tllow Ctition. iu mid 'j mrlies wle. rtg. Hale, 2 hhIs lor ?UMI. While Flaniielclle, ;ju inche wide, rg, ar umi 1 arils lor $1.00. (irey Slrtped l-'laiiuelelle, reg. 30r hikI :i.V. for $1.00. Hheeling, rcg. HT,v. Sale, jrtU fur $1,011. 20 dozen Maud Towel, rcg. Jiie. Sale, A wiir. i teuton Flannel, reg. tUc. .Sale. 3 arU for Kimoim tilolh, reg. el.2.,. 8ale, '2 yiinN for 1."" Prints, suitable for bouse tlrossos oml tinm. - Sale. 7 ynnl for $1.00. Heller quality PrinU, rg. Inr. Sle. 5 ynnl. s Wlule Oillon, ineie v ,-i whlc. Sale, ,i ynnl tirey Cotlon, 30 incbo, reg. 2.V. Hale, 0 v $1.00. Heller gnalily (Ircy Ddlon, reg. ar.e. Sale, 1 v . $1.00. 20 Piece. of llfebiniif, reg. 35c. Sale, 1 anl f-Unrk' SlroitdetJ Hiilbroitlvry Coldui, nil color-. fur $1.00. Arl Silk Flo.s, reg. .00. Sale, 3 fur S1.00. Mooart h Floss "Wool," reg. 30r. Sflle. iO for " ' " Monareh Silk Hosiery, reg. Salo tjl.oo. Penman' llo-iery, (Ircen lleallier, reg. 81.25 Sale $1.00. Lile Hosiery, reg. 75c. Sale, 2 iwtlr for. (jl.oo. 50 Pair (Jorsels, reg. 8l'..i0 lo $5,00., Sale, $1.00 i adiijsj FbiiiiieleUe .Nighlgowns, feg. $ 1. ll and l Uiildren's Fbimielelle Nighlguwiis, rcg, $1.2"'- s Chiblren's Ve-d ami Drawers nil Jlxs (20. ;s. reg. $1.25 a piofo. Hale, $1.00-per noil. LhihlreiiV Conibiiialioiis, sizes Si lo 32, reg- $1.75. Sale, $1.00. Ladies' Ve.s, 75c lo 85c. Sale, S for $1.00. Ladies' Silk ami dillim III iiiirtia-tiM miip tit I "alt S.itr r.hiltlren's Dresses, S, anil 0 years rcg. 75c! S.ii-$1.00. SHOE DEPARTMENT To iniike room for New I'nil mvln' in nnr Mi"' p.irliiii'iil, we have rleiired our shelvos of odd sizes ' ' "' "ffcriug Ihese nl a price al which no tuniiiiriii lni" " afford (o inako. '' 'J l"''''s. values iit lo $0.50. iMiis gifnl pairs, values up lo 7.50, miisl go al pairs, values up lo 7.85. must g.Mtt r pairs, values up lo 8.50. must go at 1-' pairs, values up In 8.75. nnisl 'b? Wc Imvc u large nssoilineiil of Fell Slippers in t " rcn's Lfidle.,' and .Men's sizes to Hear nl $1.00 a !'' ' Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 045. Sl ''I' III Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7lh SI.