ruiiruay, nrpmmjffr .111, 102! PAGE flTE B aeJ You Had Better jfQet Your Name on our list r For Dry Kindling I'.very piece kiln lined and easily split. Large toad $6. CO tdcmereil, hi j bundle al- f jr inly xtilii lor 91.00 do- litercd. "Taxi" Call 112. Always open ami readyto ivc service all hour. One two passenger any where 50o. Clean Sedan. Jolile timers. COAL nave a ww coal on mil $11.00 per t oi i dellv-rd. Nil dirl anil lery lilll Mimki'. A perfect range, mil ize and extremely 1ml. Order a ton now! Drayage 'if all kind al ien. led (u promptly.. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seat Cove The Prince Rupert ransfer & Taxi Co. Phonee: 189, 112. . , V - ' I . ;i t in r. . L , . I " im.'- tit riiiiii 1 11 1 1 $2.75 est of England oiore nird Ave. Phone 763. axi id laxi ii like I ' have the best Phone 75. ii i i j i'ii"' iiMri . iuii iii My. All new rloed ear. DuTrc ' I Passenger .. $1.00 or C Passenger . . $1.50 r 8 Pas-rnger . . $2.00 "a-nri'trrr Sedan, per our ... . , $4.00 Passenger Sedan, per lumr $5.00 o nnlrl Nlnpin. mnn Ane . Hays Creek Bridge, 1 nr 5 paengcrs yi.ou a- Ii addilimal passenger 50o each. TAXI 75 TAXI 1 rrn hone lo i iil.-ttR llrrr. per lb. . . Go 'i llnasl. per III lOo und Steak, per lit. . . 20o t . . . . t . . 111 250 fa of Spring Lamb, per Id 35o None Better l nm. per lb o ''iron, sliced, per Hi... 45c print? Chickens, per Hi. 35c '.. .1-1 .1.1. .AM uriiver. I'ny uie uiihi. nil -1m. tVAr vLrtf' J den. V. Kerr Phone 178. ' . i . n ur oats (V Jacquettes n Exquisite Stock of Fur riintnfnm nl mlnri -aaataifiipt ( UV JV-VC- . C. FUR To. xt Q.W.V.A. Third Ae. STORK OPENED CAMPAIGN WITH" SPEECH DEFENDING PARLIAMENTARY RECORD. ! (continued from page i customs officer appointed in- jspeHor in Mich mailers. I The F.rh company al Hie dry, Idock engaged in ship rnnslrur-' non nan ten oems toiallmg 2B0,00. To relieve this 1.10.'-) 00(1 liad been plared in I lie en-! Minnies by Hip government. ! The biological board bad been i j re-organized and John DIi1ihwi. a Prince Hupert man, bad been, appointed to It. ' j RaJ.way Board : A mailer of signal importance' an far a I'rince llupeerl wa: concerned bad been the appoint-! menl of 1". (1. Dawson to Ibe C.N.R. board. Mr. Slork claim-; ed I luil be bad bad a great deal In do wilh (his. From all (be lerrilory between Winnipeg and Ihc Pacific roast, Mr. Dawsun bail been Mecled a Uie director.1 True there could have been no' Mr. liawsnn bad not done all tha dubbed a WR1GLEYS EVERY Probably one rcasori for the popularity of WHIGLErs Ii tht It Ian o long and return! tuch great divLJendf for k mull an outlay It keepf teeth clean, breath fweet, appetite keen, digettion eood. Freth and full. flavored always la it wax.nrapped belter material for such a poi- j Hon found in the West. The ap-!a "' ,,"'ttl '''ff-nlly were the pointmenl bad been uppreciateo '"r,w.,or a Vancouver ralbervlban in Pr.nce Hupeii but had betnja ' f,T ,nan- V protected (.Irongly in the e.Milr,' f"r a" hl own POHion and el.ewbere. 500n a move- w,,h ,',P,,, ' '" railways and menl gained ground tit Ollawa lo 'lP vm concerned, Mr. have Mr. !)awon retire,!. ""-k hoped, flial it would not be learning of thin, he Mr. Vtork n'c,M'ar' t"' Mm to give aur-bad taken ll.e mailer up and bad ant" ,l,a'' UP af were all hi? Mif.irrned (be aulhorHle Ih.i. if "w" in Prince Hupert i esizniilkin nt month- f package. Mr. hauson uns rl.r,l hi Iui io no nis UllllOSI 10 brougtif from China fhan white labor. One argurfien! viould be JiiMt a roniient a the other. He bad rone furdier Into the mailer of fhe Helgian cernenf, Mr. Slork Maid, and an analvnU bad lieeil innIn nf flin nrniiiii-l til - I .1 , (!.,.. . .. ... .. ' ;uau iifen ioun inai u wa coarsely ground cement and would not pa. fhe Mr. Sfork Ihen dealt with fhe accusation made (again! him 1 1.... t. i ... . . . . nai ne nau jiocKeien a resniuiion passed by tbe local fishermen asking that tbe porf be dosed lo American mat inslrad of taking il up with OtlawTi as he bad been requested fo do and another accusal Ion thai be had forwarded sudi a re.olutlon accompanied by a cfiverfng telegram urging that no heed be paid to il. Mr. Xickerson bad sent a leiier along tbee lines fo fhe minister of marine and fisheries. Ii had been asked in the House of Common, i bat communications on this mailer be tabled. The result had been that Mr. Stork' communication submitting tbe resolution oon after it bad been passed and fhe reply of Hie minister had been 'produced. Neither that resolution nor any other resolutions submitted lo him by any bodies bad been pigeon holed. A false attack had been made and Ihcreby fhe cat had been le1 oul of Ibe bag. He wa now confident that 95 per cenl of tbe ; I UriTiiMl with respect to the elns- n "r. i iing oi me pan nau iteen ot a Krena wouiu ;mmjialejy he jpollflcal nature. Al Ibe same handed to tbe Speaker. "If Ibe The Elevator timn Ua, (hf. requP.t was ,ein, MeiKben government should be "l.aJ and ierbaps greatesl of made (bal Hie porl be closed placed in power, yoo may be us-lall Ibe development so far as'anollier request was made askinc sured lhal Mr. Itawson would noi Prince lluperl is cflncerned thai an Alaskan cannery outrit remain long on th5 board of come the elevator," aid Mr.'be allowed a permit to nrosnee lairecior oi tne ianndian a-'Mr. .Mr. Mckerson. in bts'fnr shrimns in Prince flunerl nonai ttaiiways nor Mr nenry inannesio, said that the Pro-rbornlon for thai rnaller." jgreive party had been mainly The Canadian National Rail- responsible- for the Prince Itu-wayi were now disassociated! perl elevator. To reply to Ibis, mm iKi. iirs .mi ne .Mr. MorK .ir. mo reiw irom HansaM lo'par,jhlr lhp agitation to permP bad nothing lo do with Uieir how the con- bow line-up bad befln'n,,. use f rui. i.r.4 in ni.t-i.t duel. He did not winh fo pas a!in eommille for and agaiusl the .n. ; Last year seventeen au-burden to someone ds but the elealor. The Conservatives had i.iiTL.r,-' i..t i.0fln m,i ... n. railway came more in Mr. I)aw-;ben absolutely oppose.1 lo il in department for Iran licenses in soh phere than hi . Perhaps. I heir remarks. harbor. Fish Traps Mr. Slork dealt at lenglli wilh the situation that bad arisen re- ii nau neen-ii.!- district. The aimlu-nnU ....J1I f I - a M 1 . 11 IHjimrai rir,H,r eic. ila,i nfnrmei! t.i- ll. rt miglil have been desired bat lie by such men as MMghen, Sir ,Mrmr.R hat the licenses would bad undoubtedly done the belHenn liraylon. If. H. Sleven be forlhcoming as soon as the that be could under diffiealt and Mr. Manion. They had trap, WPre ra)py Tnij, was llie cyidilions. There wa not en- worked np such an opposition to situation that he (Mr Slorki bad lire appn.balto Iw tbe work wf.the projwl that it appeared foun,, wj,en ,ie Brrltwl in 0Ua. Mr Henry Thornton but il must 'likely thai il would be struck oul 'wa fa a,end Ibe Session IJe 1. remen.bere.1 lhal. with grow-Jof the estimates. Then Mr ad fbereuiKin lold the minister ing comiK-lillon, tbe running of'Meighen. a was a habit of his,'anj officials of tbe deparlrnem railways in Canada was a very , slid oul before Ibe vole was that be would not stand for fish difficult mailer. Ken Mnmla) taken and the result was lhal no traps in Disiricl Xo There-night Mr. Dawson had done a j resolution wa offered lo eul out'nM,n u,P wa ,"na(,P tha"t greal pir f w.irk for Prince the item. Then lo consider Ibe o license would be granted. lUipert in conned nm with the allilude of the Progressives wilh There had been a veril-ihle av-i- elevator. Thn.i miglil happen respect to the elevator, Ibe local npj,- ,,r ipUtrmm CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MITICt IS IILIltUV (ilVtt UMI Ut imnt cilnlinf m l.vt Iflu. Mont I C4l l"lirirU It rimrllFd. 0. K. tl.N. lirfNiir VialtWr ut Lawia Ijndi tiiiruiH-ni, Vlflorla. B.C. . fsil Mjl. Illl. TAKE tnnlila Virouvcr. n.C- oerunallun Parker. In-1 -Invnlor lend to apply for a lean of tlw follow-!, in oernwa wiioj: Cnmn.enrinr at a pot planted on the wnrth horf nf lUrllrll Point. Wale l-land, al hlfh water mark; tlienre In an eaiierly dirrrtlmi alonr hifli water mark forly-rlrlit hundred feet, mure or leM. to a mii marked No. I.E.; thenre. aoulh-j erbr 10 rhain. more or lees, to low water mark; iheiire In a westerly direction alonr low aler mark torir-elahl ttiindrrd feet, more or lr; thenre northnrly in rhaln to ptlnt or mmmenrrment, and rontalnlnit 7J arn. more or le, ANCLO nnlTlSII COIl'MMA PACKING CO, LTD.. Appllranl Per. Walter E. Walker. Airnt. natM Jnt a. mv LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to furchai l-ana. In tlm Land nerorrtina nistrlcl of Prlnre nufwrt, and fltuate at tha nmuili or Kir fall r.rrek whlrti nv Into the Frstall Itlvrr almut tl miles from It month. TAkE Mil ICE that John A. Smith or Prlnre liniwrl, B.C., orroiisiion inmher- - i Itrarf1 g9 'Pfta A A K o .1 muni . wiwuiuin- oi proiesi. -io itiese Mr. Stork jcaled wilh Mr. 1'orke seking hi had replied frankly that he was ..... n.s retiy nun ipcn:.n0 n favor of Iraps and would "Mr. Slork i alive In tbe inter-not HIIM lU(i applicants in gel-el of Prince Huirt and any,tiK ti,fm. one of these pro-support 1 can give will be freelr tPsl!, nafj bet. froIll Mr .jcker. niven.' Nowhere in Hansard, "Without son. passing on (he however, could be found where ierjts or demerits, of (,,, lie. Mr. Forke had opened hi moulh ojises." Mr. .'ickersoit,s leller in favor of Ibe elevalor. Speak-i hail said, "II would eem unfair ing lo the hudgel, however, he that you should nullify lh L!?!J5 tue government Toricense afler large expenditures Nctkt of muntien to appif to lum u' was, of moni' on the Prince had been made. These people m rnnce norfT. ndm nu-j "H,,,. E!"' 'uM b" aMmvPd cP,nsalion tnrt of mm niiperi. td Huwi me elexaior wa attacked .v hy,n . js such action a these thai on Hi xiulUwrri lKr ut Wale the ",r Conservnlive ''"'''er.umc and anu PrnirpAssiva i rogressue . .i . .i ... und. n.c. tmr north nwnwtir rrtmi make capitalists timid about m-luvtum liiand. and tru eat fnu parties and now il has been made vesline their monev " i.iiiMi I'.rfni. s liklin Inland. . . ... "-'""b nirir inunej. taie .iotice urn Antio untfth ccl i' consuiuie n scandal on which. All resolution and telegrams vanwavoVr ir;'. I..f,n raTkVrt S government subihillel lo him from conslit lind io apply for a of tlw Is being al lacked in almost every uenls Mr Slnrk K said ,In 1 UWn uun m drrilM-d laiKla:- . !,..liiinnl ,c' iir. 01 f n. n. . . . . C..M.m-nrln al a rnl tlaottd at hilt' Pv'" piUlHirtn HIP tippOS-;nrepnteil nl ll.eir fu ml.tu ol irr v ihc wvuiuwr.i mmit wi III 1I1P lS. i wln KUnd In a nntlilon brarlnr tmrlb marnrllr frcuu lliyttatk lland and true Nlckerson and Cement rant rnm lland Coini. Sitklan Inland;; ...... inence aouiiiateriy hmr nifh waurj Mr. .Mckerson, now running a mail forly-rlrlit huiidr.'d fret, niort ori. a prorrelA ' "igressno for -lofi;i ri.lini. I.. to i iwl markt No. .; thene-. iorKeeiaridJ.nj; xsiihpriy in rhim. more of ir. to kw Ihen in Ibe, cenienl business water mark; llH-nre .nirlhwMlerly alnuc , , ...,, ' . ., , , b." water ...ark n.rty eim hundred feet,!"'! written a letter urging that more r le; tlienre norllierly 10 rlnlns ' 1ps r,',,n jan rement rr"","l be used useu in in ll.e llie more ir le. to polnl or comnienrennt,i and eontalt.inir lb arret, nnire or , construction of the elevator. Mr. Aui.o-enuiii ni.v.Tiiiis PACKLNO CO. LTD.. Applicant rrr Walief P.. Walker. Aient. Paled lulT ttil.. toil LAND ACT, Korke bad Inuuehed an atlno. against the government - on the, ground thai Ibis would be cheaper than the home product. This i titltlfid ir.Antiulaf Ant i!lli ...n. Nolle of InUnllon to Apply to Ltaia Una . . . , u,u in iyiw imperl Land lirrordinr ui-;inent that hciiiloek lumber trlrl or Prlnre IiuihtI. and alluate ' shnnlil iw.,l iiwlni.l r riw 11 1 1 us HarlUt Point, Wale IMand. n." N1 nui aa or IIP. It ouuinuia. ... ...... .inigni as wen do. arsned that il ,S Srrwi-""W H.eaper to build lh wilh Coolie labor TIMBER SALE, X 7468. Sealed Tender will be received hv llie Hii.uter ur Uiuth at Vlriorla not liter man in "ui on i lie KKiui nav or Orlntirr, 1fT. ror llie iuirhae nr Urenco XTacK. to cut Vi'ifl.iMiu ret i.r Sprure and llem-lsk on an area situated uti Metl Intel jp;rjilniatel. 7 miles rrom Port Clement, V1.. i . .... e t.iirr. limirin. Tn itf- year, will l.e allowed tor removal of llmtier. r Further particulars ut the r.hfer Forester, Victoria, ll.e.. or District Fores-tei-ai Prince llnwit, B.C. TIMBER SALE X7106 There will t Arfered for sale at Public Aiiriioii, ai m h. n on un t, a,y f (it(0, lUit, in the orrire of the loret Sud erUor. Smtthera. B.C.. the Llceni-i. man. Intends to apply for penulMlon lol i. cm no.tmo lineal fret or purrhne tlte rotlowlnir lefrll.ed land: ; euar roies anu mint on ait ana adjoin. Cmiiinencina at a pn.'t ntumed at the. Hiir Lol n, noria-weiit iT llasellon. southweiil corner or Lot (ISS: rtsnre four;' :alar District. thenre so chain northerly; thence JDl Three s years will be allowed for riinin westerly, more or iea, in ine r.c. , n'..i,. n. i......rr. tall lllveri thence SO chain southerly. , Provided that any one unable to altend thenre so rhaln easterly, and ronlalnlnr! tne aocilon in person may submit a sealed o acres, inoro or less. tender to I ieiied al the hour of auction jiiim A, p.miiii, in-airu aa one inu. Aiipllcanl. i nrlher parllriilar of the Chler Forest Per C. t' lUel, Aftutler Mru.rfa, ii.t or Ulstrlci loresur Dated Autust lltb. ttll. frince Uupert, U.fc. though it wa necessary to he carcful,to avoid political bear . s.. v . . nL ' . ...... i raps hi I'liuneciipn-wiinvsonin oi JJkSiiif- ror instance, titit ManT ago one nau neen sent signed by the Hoard of Trade which he did not think tbe Hoard bad ever seen. Given Best Service "In conclusion," Mr. Slork said, "I have fought for the. clly of Princo Hupert and Ibis dis trict and have given it my besf service. All my interests aro here una 1 am prepared to carry on the work. In view of, my record and the results I feel safe in leaving the case in your bands and 1 look forward to the twenty ninth of October with a great deal of confidence." Dr. W. T. Kerflln In hi opening remarks Dr. Kergin referred to the fact that there were two classes in the country, those who wanted work carried on and those who cried for the strictest economy with no expenditure.; In any going coit-cern It Was Impossible to b6 too niggardly. Kconomy nnd wisdom were, needed but It was impossible io shut down on all expenditure. Tbe country was crying out for Improvements In every cnnstiluency. Speaking or Ibe railway, the Doctor said that things had improved sadily under Ibe guidance of S?r Henry Thornton and ho had been appotnleil by the -Miickenii hing government. If wan linplrlutit to support the right pariy So fur as he bad Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? CVERY day new inventions appear to save ydii tihie, iriortey and effort. All the time hew comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you up to the minute on this vital news? The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will kno'w about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advertisements tell you where to get these thingSi how to get them and how much to pay. For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Don't rob yourself of the, benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether too im portant to be missed: Read it every day. observed Fred Stork had been on Ibe job in season and out hu' some people wanted a lol and were hard lo satisfy. Referring to Ibe elevator Dr. Kergin said it was here. As to who built it all were agreed that the Conservatives did not help a bit. Mackenzie King was in power and Stork dad worked hard to get the elevator and had succeeded. L. W. Pat mo re L. V, Pal more referred to Ibe fact that all were being drawn Into the vor(ex of a political campaign und must decide wllttPilPPorLA All had4 Hie same objective in view. All wished to vote for Ibe man who would bring the greatest prosperity lo the place in which they lived. Three candidates were in tbo field. There was Fred Slork who was nominated at a regularly called Liberal convention; (Jeorge Hushby was nominated at a regularly culled Conservative, convention; and there was (.eorge Nickerson who was nom inated by himself, certainly not by any convention or parly. All were -srood fellows and first class citizens. There was nothing against tlicm In their private lire. Mr. Nickerson, like Dr. Clayton who was here years ago, had served under many political banners. He had been a Liberal, an Independent and now a Progressive and possibly next tbej would hear of his being a Conservnlive. He gave out ail Interview that be would be in the field in case Ibe wrong- man wa nominated by the Liberal convention. Thai was not playing lite game. S.O.S. to Forke Later Mr. Nickerson sent an urgent S.O.S. to Hubert Forke asking for endorsnttdn and wa accepted by Ibe Progressive Party. Having found a parly he Mien stole the Liberal platform. Judging from Jus published statement one would have thought Liberalism as put for It's a profitable practise ward by Sir Wilfrid Lanrier wa! dear to bis heart, yet when Si. Wilfrid was here Nickerson was against him and supporting an independent. Now he took issue with Mackenzie King who was Sir Wilfrid". political child and a grand-, son of William Lyon Mackenzie.' King had been a close friend o i Sir Wilfrid anil bad imbibed' Liberal principles from hitn.i Mackenkie King had for the first lime in many years brought the I ordinary expenditures within the! ordinary income of' the country.! The Progressive, Mr. Pat-( mpre, characterized -as, the rump' end of a party and a spent' force in politics. He bad re-cently been in Alberta and was told there (fiat the Progressive party was a spent force and that most of Ibe farmers were going lo vole Liberal. They could never hope to be a party in power. Against Pr'pce Rupert Turning then to the candida ture of Mr. Hushby Mr. Pal more I said a vote for Hushby meant a. vote for the leaders of tbe Con servative, leaders Mcigheu, Dray-: ton, Stevens and Manion. Dray-! (on wns the ablest of these and everyone knew his position on the elevator. He quoted Mr I Dray n as saying that tho Prince Rupert elevator was1 another instance of political waste because the Ideality could not grow yrain. Meighen spoke siniiiarlj' and so did ManlOn. Stevens suggested that a foy elevator should have been buill here. "That- wa all the sympathy vie girt from (he Conservative leaders." Hushby was asking people to vole for those men. Mr. Palmnre said he could not sen how any person with lh good of Ibe district al heart (could vole for any but Fred Stork. (Much enthusiasm Any-'one who suggested that Sfork did not get Ibe elevalor must think people here were a lol of simpletons, "Did Forke work for It?" CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Sertlce, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any time (ti receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. hoe Choice i is Easy when you look over tbe ONYX models for Fall, bo-cause the styles anticipate the IitikI of fashion and there are shoe for each occasion that women ami young women want. Onr Fall stock I how complete. We slock A and AA widths, also wide widths. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue. Phone 367,