Machinery For Sale From Rocher do Boule Mine Including 200 H.l. Peltou- 1 !! Impulse .Wetter WhepJ, with (generators, transformers mul 15 miles transmission wirej 2 12-lon Steam Dinkeys, 21" gauge; Hlpclrle Molorw from 1 tn ion li.p.; 1 175 li,p. Fwtsterii Standard Kngine; Pipe, from ' to t"; 2 Aerial Tramways: 100 Ton Hails, 12 111. anil -20 lli.; F.lectric, Air and Slennv Hoists: Machine Shop Machinery; 1 CS'o. 2 Pnrtahlp sawmill, complete; 30 Mining Drills 'plupgors, drifters, si opera'. For further information, applv B.C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Skeena Crossing, B.C. NOTICE Wc have just been appointed selling agents for Lacq HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID Lasy to apply. Watch It Dry Drips ready for use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors. Furniture, and Woodwork. Kaien Hardware Co. G08 Third Ave. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY'CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone SS0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at Lie for Half Pint. Duality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave IMPROVED Ford Models Will he on exhibition about November 10. Prices I neUaneil S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tf , CaHaien. Wtrhnii4n. .nd . Distributing. Team or Motor Bervl'je. Coal. Hand and (travel Wa Specialize In Plino and Furniture Eovlnp,. BRINGING UP DON'T WORRV OH! do" MACOE I'M IN FE.R. THE. r CO TO j ! AllfcNDtD WtLl! Splendid Selection of Low Priced Goods Attract Crowd of Buyers Thai Prince Ituperl shoppers are keen buyers and recognise weuiune values wlien lliey seet;nm.n. nresidenl. in the Hrooks- ihem has been amply denion-jbank si rated at the Acme Importers' affairs Annual Temptation Sale which opened yesterday morning. In spite of inclement weather the slurp was crowded all day and i sales reached the highest peak! .if llio vciir " Fur the past three years ij has been I he custom of the Aeme Importers to put on a sale just prior to Christmas, when shoppers are looking for bargains. Ttiie procedure has proven to be an excellent one in clearing up M lie new year. For this play winter stocks ready for spring'some additional alorn will lie re- ami .summer deliveries. The Aimiip Importers' stock omprises wearing apparel for 'mill men Mul boys and every single article, including a new slock of I'.hrislmas novelties, is lieinR nfferel for a!e. A 4ig feature of the sale Ihi year is the bargain tray in which many odd men Is are placed al ridiculously low prices, II ft Well ffl vHil the sale which will continue over the holiday season, while ies and natterns are complete. Advf. LUTHERAN BAZAAR SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Sum of S330 Realized Proceed ings Closed With a Concert I Last Evening The annual beiaar of the l.udies' Aid of SI. Paul's Lutheran Church held in Hie Mi lropole Hall yesterday proved to bo a very successful affair. the sum of 3:10 having been realized. The proceeding closed with musical program last nigh I and, while the weather was very in-deefiint, (here was a good at tendance. Those contributing to the program included -Miss Aletta MeKinley, piano solo; Walter lolinon, ' violin solo, accom panied, by Fdward Ilaisler; vocal m1o,, Jlrs. .1. Field, accompanied by Airs. J. A. Ilinton; piano olo, Miss Alary Wallers; (nanlonliiRo; 'Old Folks al llmne," by Misses Margil Haliierg, Aleda Ivarsun and Ague- lvarson. Itev. P. F.. Ilaisler, who "pre- siileo. gave it lirief address on I li- work of the Ladie' Aid and i,iled thai the proceeds of the liazaar woukl Ir used to furnish the new church wiucti u is pro posed to build next sprine on SivHi Avenue al lunsinuir Htrcel AMONG NEW BOOKS IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Among the new books recent- ly added to the public library may be found: "Adventures in Uirlhood," by Temple Hailey. "The (ireat Society," liy Wal-ias. "Lighter Side of School Lifp," by Hay. "History of Piililical Ideas," by Morris. "The Huilders: A Study in Freemasonry," by Newton. "Studies in Murder," by Pear son. ' "Christmas Program Hook," by Sindelar. "Creolive Socialism." Iiy Townsc'ud. "Mttler- m Science ami In-venllon.' Iiy Harrow "Hull Down." by Hayes, FATHER aun .1 t0 CL.NO t roo mind c" i IfS ND LJVTEN. THE R.DiQ' I I j i PLAYERS CLUB WILL . PRF.PARF FftR SFfflNn ! PERFORMANCE FEBRUARY Meeting of Executive Decides to Start Work on Another Play: Museum Benefited by Last da The executive of the Priacn Ituperl Players' Club met last eveiiinjj at the home of Alex. Mr- Work. Third Avenue. The of I he first entertainment were settled up with the result I ha the sum of 4trit.:5 will be placed at the disposal f the Prince llupert Museum Itoard. A eonstiluHon for the club was finally adopted, one of the chief features being that a fee of a dollar a year be c halved nieinlMjrs. The cliib is planning to pu' on another play in February atnl will commence practices early ii luired. W. 11. WnIIoii. ecrtarr of the elub, undertook lo receive applications for inemberatiip. A committee, appointed lo choose a play w;is jpirinted to consist of W. H. Waltn. .1. S Wilson, Miss I teat rice Iturke and the piBiMdtMil. The Mcretary already has been preparing data with that ud in view. A general meeting will in called or in a few days. a LADIES WHIST FyUhlan Sisters and Orange Ladies Were Winners of Last Night's Games llesults of games played last night in the Ladies' Section of he Fraternal Wiiut Leagu were as follows: Pythian Sister. 0; Moose in Ladies, 3. Orunpe Ladie-s, 5; Daughters of Mnglantl, 4. The league standing lo date ishi as follows: W. L. Pis. ..6 0 5 ..2 3 2 ..2 n 2 .. 1 1 Orange Ladle Moose Ladies . . Pvthian Slaters I), of F. .mtt iTi'inr nnrp W. Brass Was High Man Last Night With 92 Out of Possible 100 ?wrs nl I be shmt of the North H.C. ftegfmenl nifle Association at the miniature range al Mnrkel Place last night were as follows: W. Hrass . . 02 M. Al. Ijflinh 88 It. Wilson . . 8fi II. Iialinan , TS II. Floyd ... 70 A. Hunler . r,r V.. I In win . . . ir Advertise on the Oillv Vw Keep the Skin Clear By the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment 5 ' Dr. Chase's Ointment is so delightfully soothiog and healing and so certainly effective in kwping the skin soft, smooth and clear that it only has to be tried to be appreciated. You may know of its value as a relief from czenu salt rheum and. other serious akin diseases. Hut havo you realized that as a means of clearing and beautifying the skin it has no equal and no rival. Pimples, blackheads, roughness and redntsw of the akin, irritations and eruptions yield rt-udily when this soothing, healing ointment is applied fre-ouently. Atcn use Dr. Chase's Ointment after thaving to relieve the irritation of the tender fckln. In scores of ways it is uiwf ul In every home and soon becomes a household necessity. VQV vjitu now tbtl.OA.OCA'aT THE OA,MCt MOtC F01 CAy,e t MAUU where the wov.u r-entj SC HOUOIMC, TUCtCi AnriUU ALU 4 Br- CARDS AND DANCING AT EI.KS LAST NOT Enjoyable Event or Christmas Cheer Fund: Bib Cabaret Dance in Near Future The second of a series of noes l.emg given by Hie Kiks for limn Christmas t'ber fund wm put ii last evening aud proved Verv successful. Iliere was a good allendanee and every one mmiiisI lo have an enjoyable lime. Whiiil and hriiUje tables were provided and the winners of the 'games were a" follows: Bridge Ladies first. Mrs. (Ititich. Ladies second, Mrs. W. Ilal- MSJIIA. Men's first . O. liulicli. Jlen's second. W. Yaneo. Vhlst l-adie- t. Mrs. Frank Olapp. Ialtos 1', Mm. Paton. Men' I. Charles lliggert. Men-V .1. Fortin. For the dance music was pro vided fcy Kenny Hood's orchestra amU tk con)mille in eharire consinted of Kenny MeUuanc. have I la I four and Andy Honakl. Itefn'sliments were served. The Klks are planning lo make their final Christmas Cheer party outdo everything heretofore at templed It will lake the form a cabaret and it is expected ill be a lop ecnl. SALVATION ARMY IS HOLDING SALE TODAY Fancy and Other Articles Being Disposed of at Citadel; Ladles In Charge The Salvation Army is this afternoon holduiK a sale of work the cilAdcl. It. wa opened by Mrs. Ilich. wife of the commis sioner, who is here on a short visit. Mrs. Ilea is in charge and j bejnjf well atleudetl and look- (ry attractive. Those in charge of Hie department are: Plain sewing. Mr. T. Carlyle, 'Fancy work. Lieut. Kenny and Lieut. Newberry. Home cooking. Mrs. . Smllh Tea room. Miss (iriffiths, as- steil tiy the girl xiiards. l'a'"i stall, -'ill Hoards. JOHN LINDSETH AND MISS SORENSEN WED Quiet Coremony Took Place Yesterday Afternoon at 1150 Hays Cove Avenue In the presence of a few friend-., ijie weddinx took place ipiiellv nt 2.30 vetterdny nflor noon at tue residence or U10 uroom. HftO Hays Cove Avenue, il Mis JCIsie Catherine So rep sen and John LiniUelh. Ilev. p. H. Haisler, p,ilor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, offiekitftig. I lie witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. i nns iinvmotier. in 1110 even- ing a weilding supper and reception was held. Mr. Lindseth is well known In Prince Ituperl having; resided in Hie cily for Hie past twelve years Hp is ngJigcd in Hip loggin in dustry.' Mrs. I.liiilsclh arrived here a few years ago from Den mark. They will inside on llnys-Cove Avenue. BRIEMEETING OF BOARD OF TRADE, --- Annual Meetlnn Wll) be Held January When New Officers Will be F.lected The Hoard of Trade al'.iosl mane aroconi lasi 11 mn 1 ior 1 no I WOtsOCi IP" HE HCLM THE Wanted r small aiiuinl of work done ami lug when officers f. n,,. Hie tmc taken lo do H. Irtataad'year will be elected. TVM) t3 ( Trs.T 'vwnOUfNONt, - I For Sale For Rent By George McM; j DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTRD til. I) Artificial Teeth llought, any condition. Highest prices scut by return mail. It. I musl in, P.O. Hox 3 to. Vancouver. II.C HstabHslted thirty three years. HELP WANTED. FEMALE MHN and Women wanted to learn barber trade and beiotv culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady hair-dressers. Special law rates now on. Tools free. We have thirty-two Mhool in Canada and U.S.A. Write or eall iloler System of Colleges, 10 flattings Kl, Vancouver. i:.C. FOR SALE KOIt S.LK. Walnut dresser ami chiffonier. 9&0.A0 each; M-Clary heater IJO.imi; Kilison cabinet phonograph with I Hruaewiek altaehinent anil Hi recortls $I3&.IM); eleclric vacuum 20.O0, Phoof Ureen 191. - If KOIt SALE. Two storey houe. seven rooms and bath comple'e on (irali am Avenue, past elm--lor. fuein harbor. .Iw price for immediate sale; terms easy. Apply McClymont. CHINCHILLA rahlyl- for sale from mistered tork. at Hie price of good pelts. Appiy llo 283. Ihiitly New Office. !2h:i KOllli HKHAN for sale. Only ued seven months. &afl.oo. Apply S. K. Parker. Ltd. FOlt HALK.--Hlaek Wbllney baby carriage in excellent condition. Phone 7t2. If TO RENT FOlt ItH.Vr.Small store or of free, lhinl Htreel. Two room Inflow, two living rooma above W4lrnhaveT It cos. ' FOlt HBN'IV Modern four rtKMn- etl Hat with Monarch range. Clapp Hlock. Weslenhaver It row If FOlt III.NT. Large two slor-v hMie, Third Avenue, near Mr Mee kin's Oroeery. 135.00. Weslenhaver llos. If FOlt iUHvT. PJttnos, player pianos, plionogroptM naxl eew ing maelilnes. Walker's Music Hlore. It FOIJH Itoom Suite for tlent. ol water heat. Apply Smith A Mallei!, Ltd. tf lluo.M for Iteuijn private home 22ft Third Avenue. 2H MODKItN FLAT for llent. pply Max Hellhroner FOUND FOUND. Hell of lady's overcoat. Apply Daily News office. PA I It of Kid (I loves found. Apnl Dally News office. of the usually voluminous correspondence, there was none lo read, no reports of committees In receive mid ho discussion. It was decided to refer In the work eoinmillee a proposal H ask (he Provincial OoverniNenl to procet! with conslruclion of Hie ivaien island mad during Hie ....... . ... . U.'lltlff II SIV m. I - I the mud there was vet deep und Oiai days were short. As no one; in'KII,'w liy I lie work .... hail aliiNiicil " ; hip commiiiee win invn n, ma ler in hand. I Mention was mail,' .if id., r-i. r llhal the nevi iiie.hnu of the uoani wni tie tin u,,,, ,, ! Illee' 1 "OH 11. T JcOrC. ewCK MISCELLANEOUS ItHi PAY WtillK FOlt M F.N To! the uneHipioyeil or men wiii work for Jaburer' pay when the world's yreateat industry, ueed liioiisHitds of men .V or- I.. l.o per hour, eiiv' n;id country sliops. We train you (or job.) us truck drivers ' aiilo-niei hanics. ia-nili' 1 ex perls, h.tttery weblinp 1 vulcanising. We also teaeli bricklaying, t ilesetliagiand plaster-1 ing Call or write fur tree catalogue.- Hemphill Auto Hn-giiieering .'hoil, 10 Hast lugs titree- Vaiirmivar. HX. BOARD IHJAltli The Inlamier, I0 Second Avenue. 'iuar 1ST. CARS FOR SALE, I vTi Ohlsmohllr 4, ft p as sen- gcr louring tMLlnlgtand I Iti.'o Nash & passe nirer lour ing itftO.tfdl I U .'I Overland Heilan.. 7 04) AO IVIU Heo seven pneeetutf touring . t780.M JV2& I'onl Coupe. Uallaon Ursa car like new ....6U)i lJ2 Ford Tudor eJ m. t'.l.' .' I onl luope 3&0.0A t I ton! one ion ma !io. .I750 ford igtit .!-! 1 t chassis, r- It .... AH cart aiiarintead In sjuod me.'iianiciii comiiiion tcasv Icruis can be arranged. KAIEN GARAGE rord and Chevrolet Service Sta tion. Agents for MelHtahlln Oakland. Oldsmontle a ad Chevrolet cars, Heo. O.H.O. ami Federal Trucks. WKKCKINO HKHVICF. DAY AND NHIIIT. AUCTION SALE bo'ciidid opportunity of oh Uiniiog ClirtKliiiMs jlfte. The entire contents of Hie Mrilice Hupcrl Floral shop will be said al Allelic auction on liecember 5. commencing at 2.36 until ft. and continuing at 7 pj. Prince Ituperl KxchaiiiP'. Auctioneers. 281 O. F. BRINE The City's Fjpertenoed AUCTIONEER 2o Second 81 real Cali paid in emergeMoy maw or Auctions arranged on hor. -' 1 notice. Hales conducted anywhere in Prince Ituperl. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 774. P.O. Box 449 PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue Sole agents for Columbia Records. We repair Phonographs. Hicyrles, HilggiOjf, llaciiels and Musical Irunienls of all kinds. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baooage, Furniture Movlno. If you want anything icnl for, or delivered, phone us. P O Unv fjno LAND ACT. Notlts of Inunllon to Apply U Lists Lsnd. In ITiiM-r iuiirri Utvt lifrerJiiir His inn. simI miiiaic i .iviuiiiu. iini.ur I'ltt IsImmI. iliuMi hh milt isirilii'ssi fnmi IS IWIrseer In I rlrM l.lninil, i. ittoill um Klle ..iillwrlv fniiu Hh lsrllwsM ciirtwr of l.iii 103 )p Take neiiri- thai Waiiir ri4hiris ''isUril. ut Vinrnioirr, II. 1: , m'fisllsi s amn-i jifMiM, iimvihi Ii jBlriiy fur t !' nf 11.- rdiowmr innuTiMd fnmim CiSHiiieiii'luii 11 1 HM nlsnlrat slxml ,uii-s m 1 wmtlwrly itirnttlim mm ilw n.iriln 1-1 coriMir of sMti'i linnet li '.' ! ' clwliK; Iheiiffi writ ft.QO rhuiM. ihi'hir imrili 11. 16 rliiln: Ihriiie isiitJv tniiSAilFrinc itiitar Din. Iiirli wsirr murk " itl of riiiiinriiM'iiii'iit, suit "Mtiiiituntr l.eo scrK, imimb .r l-. j WALI Mi: itSIIKMES MMIIHI. Al'DllCint I Dsied Scuieiatisr liia. im, mm Ml FUHNITUnE Alio His Home 1 aiiMsim Cbri. d -a- TAXI Tail 67 , 4 I io i 'pf t i ., 1-. ROSS DR0S rOOlMti Aeross ' t R0THWELL S TltOti Coil - MH Fum'.lurs Mr II.. FURNITUttt ISow an ; ure Store W L' change N'ra 1 (OOiit. OtO, pisxooeuui 4S0 T. i Fb,1 nnUERNMCNT liQUOX MOTICI t' i&.i T' 1 Hr t ,TI Mil'' .ni 1 I Ik 1 rut-kiw.oi ' nr ibr . tali r ' Hus ' I ' Uw I'' .- fcw' IH.OI- l II II II'. Lao act in ' rift' OKI 1 I -IH''-(i - 1 l- Mil. im 1 ' w rn ih.( .. Ill I ' 1 'ii.ttt. In B, ,11.. .1 M" I'Oi Ikri" f ..'IiIIk'I' 1 f.'tl. ! "' ttf . . r ! ' mil. n it 1 ' ml ir fliw 1 Hin.i Ulr- IIO" SO M i. 1 I wma aonct 01. t t 1 1 1 t, l.kf 4' Ot ' i,;"?'".--. ier I 1 ' riuMi uw- rhsin '" " rati rim Ur4 l" ' ' nn li" "" snp "f mrini v. Wl i.r II" 1 fc., 1' Ui.ii. Ui III- I. .IHH HMI.IPiill. ' llllillllf'. Mil.. "I flf llM' fO-l MulruilH-i Mil ' tso set p'"' Nollts . fw'i: la irm;; " 1 irirl of Aen nsv. '."'' TAkt. Von- 1 llnni. "f iiiarriisl "''"', , Wmw nf ui; ' , I Aeii" M' Ji.c... CMiaii. i" '" USUI l'"'l" 1 fM.; then-' ' llldicr S"liO" '. , ' f.ll(lS 1"'1 ', ri. in"" " . vwlrrly f'; , u,iiiiii,.iirMiiriii ' 1 in 1 liitU- III Oiled