'AOE SEC ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In u few days vc will lie moved lo our new store Willi the largest ami finest slock if JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA . UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc., tn I lie North Our Mnffo as in die past:- -QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician CHRISTMAS Temptation Sale WATCH THESE COLUMNS For SlarlliiiiVf llargains in Men's and Hoys' Wearing Apparel appearing in large advertisements. erne Impor ers Third Ave. DRESSES for Evening, Party or Afternoon In great variety at most moderate prices. "Demers" We aim to please. Phono 27. P.O. Box 327. WOMEN'S CLUB i SUFFERED TERRIBLY HEARS JUDGE Mr. Justice Murphy Addresses Local Organization This Afternoon Mr. Justice Denis ' Murphy of 1 lie Supremo Court delivered a most interesting address today at a Innclieon of the Women' (Jan-' adian Uluh on the subject ofl "International Problems and W orld J'eacc." Mrs. J. C. Mc Lennan, president of the club, presided and (here were about fifty ladies present, A vole of lhanks lo Mr. Justice Murphy was moved by Mrs. V.. A. F.ggerl, past president, and Seconded by Miss s. A. Mills. The luncheon open ed Willi Mm sinpinrf of "O Ran ndu" and closed wilh the Na lional Anthem. RAILWAY MUST PAY FOR INJURED MAN IN ACCIDENT TO SPEEDER KDMONTON, Dec. 5. Finding ilhe K. D. & 11. C. railway com pany guilty of negligence a su Ipreme court jury assessed dam ages of :i,30U ami cosls in favor Jol Sam Stephenson, a section hand who was thrown from a I speeder lasl June. Stephenson hail put in a claim for $15,000 j lor injuries received which in-I eluded fracture of a leg in Ihree places in wldilion to cuts and bruises. The action lasted two days with Mr. Justice Iloylo presiding. For the plaintiff, who was rid- j ing on the front part of the speeder, it was alleged that the car was going from 20 to 25 miles per hour near Sturgeon LAND ACT Nolle of Intentlcn to Apply to Lti Land In Ihf Ouwn i liarloite IsIjihU District. I and llprurdinir DIMrtrt of 1'rlnrr Hupert. mid "liiutc- on tlw Fireh"r of Yeialton Hay, Matt InM. TAKK INOTICK thai F.inrine II. Slinpwm. r Mnsflt. orrupatum ramifry tiianafrrr. tnU-niM to apply for a lease of the following: lie-rillie.l laud: rniiiiiieni'inir at a pM planted on tin Mltli water mark about 90 chains writ fnnn the nirttiMt mrnrr of Ijnx 1S50' thenre north Sl0 feet to low water mark: i them e northwesterly 590 feel more or less; llieure weM I fill feel tu the north west forwr or k. h. Slmp-tona turn to lease; thenre miutheasierly lnwlnir the hlKh water mark to the poirt if coiiinieni iniriil. and containing two : ue n's. mure or less. ! El UENE II. SIMPSON. Appllrant Per Fred. !ah, Arnt. Paled Viromber th. IS. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al. kinds of MAFIINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS dm cuniplete -toi k of Hardware offer many gifts thai combine heunly wilh utility. l. will pay yon lo visit our .tore. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Aluminum Roasters. Electric Percolators, Irons. Hot Plates. Pyrex and Fry's Oven Glass Dishes. For the Boy Rogers Silverware In latest design. Stainless Steel Cutlery. Carving Sets. Useful Household Tools. Skates, Quality Tools In Complete Chests, Pocket Knives "l.el Your Uhrislinas (lifts he Ihe Useful Kind." STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. FOUND COMPLETE RELIEF AND HEALTH BY TAKING "FRUIT-A-TIVES" MA. J. BEATON "It is with great pleasure I recommend your medicine. I suffered terribly from Constipation, Hiliomnes and Kidney Trouble. I read about "Fruit-a-tires" in the newspapers and how promptly they relieved these diseases. I decided to try a box; after taking only one box all my trouble was gone. I continued to take thin splendid Fruit Medicine and now I am enjoying good health. I believe "Fruit-a-tives" is the best remedy in the world for Constipation. Liver and Kidney troubles." John J. lieaton, Mabou Alines, N. S. "Fruit-a-thes" a.re Nature's own ! remedy for Constipation and other j distressing troubles due to a weaken- I ed condition of the liver and bowels. . They are made from the intensified juices of apples, oranges, figs and J prunes, combined with tonics. They will always relieve Constipation, HiI-iousness. Headaches, Kidney and Liver Trouble. 23c and 50c a box. when Karl Lull, the foreman, threw on Ihe brakes loo quickly .-ausing Stephenson and Another hand lo be thrown off. Lull staled his speed was only about 12 'miles per hour. Mr. and Mrs. Denny, CHIT, pioneer residents of l'orcher Island, sailed this morning on the l'rineess Ileal rice for Vancouver enroule to New Zealand where they will in future reside. Fe some years Mr. CHIT was engaged in fisheries patrol work in the Naas Hiver district. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Laaa Land. In I'rliu-e Rupert Laud Ilrrurdltia; i r I'linra IIuihti. and Rituals no north shon- f shannon Uar. tieen :iiarlottr Inland-, D.i:. IS K K XiTICK Hut JanifK I'leldliir stinnr and IIoIhtI :. r,ur. of Vatxrouver, II. iiVlt"M caniieryiiirii. IiiIi ihJi lo ail Tor a er, of the pillowing lit -rlll fiirei'liori' at Shannon Day. yueen i.tiirlitt lland:-- I'tiinieiii iiiir at a po-l planted oil tlw -n..n- r Miannon nay auoiit iou irri in a nitliw)"!erly Ulrrrtlon rmm luiiilh-r-I roriirr of lt Ilia, naid ll tirlna tHirtti'at corner of an amdlratlon lo tur- tUM' h.v It. Fleldllir SlraiiK; tlietire ."iiihttp-lcrly rollowlnir liiirti water mark or Shannon I'.ay about 700 feet to a pot una rwi Hotun aim 767 reel ni or (oiiui went rortier of l.ot lit; thenre el li r. feet to the huh water mark or an Island being; an awillralloit to lra.e tiy l'Iiri l ... II' .ffw-, ulr lljl .iiti IJ r- erly and wnilhwenterljr rollowlnir Ihe litarli water luarv or nam i.iana to a ini rv reel soiun aim iiu rert writ or tnnn et romrr I SIR: llienre went too reel: Ihenre north Uu feet, nxire or leni; thenre a-t vift reel, more or n'.-, lo imiiiii it rotnnienrtiiient, and rouUlnlnir 8 arres. more or le. II'MIT. OdSSK and JAS. flKl.ltl.NO STH.V0. A(llratit rer VV. M. O. MIIiIh-II. Agent. Inled Noveinlx-r mill. Ittit. LAND ACT. I Notlc of Intention to Appy to Laaa Land in tne i.ann nerorninir niftriri or entire. Ituierl, and Kltnale on the jmhiUi nhore of snannon nay. Ma.clt In lei, (,'ueen charlotte lland. TAkK MiTli:K that I. Harry Kobln-ton Front, of MaiMlt, ll.C, orrupatloti l'ln i.nrer. Intend to apply for a lease of Ihe loiinwinr iiexrriiiea laniK: oiiKirriii liiir at a poii ultualed at the MHilhwetit rorner of Im li8 (TX. RSMir..; thenre eat to chalnit; Ihenre north in rhaliK. more or IrM. lo lit arti water mark; theme MitilhweH it rhalna, more or lesn, followInK the hlKh water mark lo point or roiiunenreiiienl, and ''ihjiiiihk d irrri, more or lea. II. II. FH09T. Iliell. ll.C. iMIe-l Mrtohe M 1JS Week-end Specials on Ketchup Iiei Monte Ketchup, Vfit. iOc, J hols. . . . , . . 95o t'larkc'a Ketchup, reg. 30c i hols 95c hibby'.s Ketchup, re'. 30c, 1 hols 95c lllne Label Ketchup, reir. i5o. 3 bi.ls $1.15 Small Wihilo Means, retz. 3 lbs. 25c. 15 lbs. . . $1.00 No. 1 Jap Mice, 11 lbs. $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avo. East FREIGHTER DUE HERE TONIGHT Norman Monarch Coming In to Pass Customs and Quarantine Inspection The It. I.. Johnson-Wallon Co. Ltd., local shipping agents, report the Muiia'tvli Steamship Ui.'s (Glasgow) freighter Norman Monarch. Cant. Kane, due here from (he Orient late tonight en roule to Queen Charlotte City where she will load one million feet of lumber for the Atlantic. coast before proceeding to southern ports lo complete. Capt. 0. W. Wearmoulli, Vancouver pilot, will leave this afternoon on the I'achena for Triple Island where he will pick up and bring her in here. The ship is coining iulo' Ihe harbor In pass custom and quarantine inspection and will anchor in Ihe .stream while thai is being done. She will probably not stay here for more than an hour or so. I The Norman Monarch is a vessel of 5,h(K) Inns pros and is 100 feel long. She was built in; 11HMJ by Napier-Miller of Glasgow. ! THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: "The suspense has been terrible" Iihs taken the pluce of " This is so sudden.' lr il.. ........i ,.r it... .luMi ....in1 itn- nil. 1 1. ;u tin: .-niu . n had as some of the acting, it's hard lo conceive how rolten il would he. 'lliere.'-s one jirt in which nil eem to excel at Mns time of year. Thai is the art of spend- in!?. America send llnpland her, movie films and Kiiplaud semis, America sweet. clothe.. i m lk'vcnpo is I know a yotiulfhvly who lilliplh Tthe takc-lli all kind of rithklh If you give her a tliiam I'the'll antliwer you dam A th round yoir lthe lauplith and frilliklli. SHOWER FOR BAZAAR AT UNITED CHURCH The Ladies' Aid of Hip t utted Church held their annual bazaar shower lasl niuht at 8 o'clock in Hie basement of the church. The atleudanco wa ?ood and many useful and ornamental pifts were brouphl for the forthcoininp bazaar. The eveuiup was spent very informally, the ladies domp fancy work and eekinp to he-! come better acquainted. A short ppram of musical and literary number was .-really appreciated a also were the ahuudaiibe of, dainty refreshment. which were served. BATTALION ORDERS Uy I.leul.-Colonel J. W. NicholU, Officer Commanding, 1st Ilia. North ll.C. Itegl. (1 02ml tin. O.K.F.) l'arailes.- The fiillow in; parades ami elasses of iiislrueliori will be held in Ihe Armoury during Ihe week enilliiej December t:', IU25. Lewis tu section, Tuesday al 8 p.m. Hirnal section, Wednesday al K (i.tn. First Aid class, Thursday at 8 p.m. Musketry. Miniature rano, practice shool, Friday, 8 p.m. Orderly officer for Ihe week c.nillnx Saturday, December IS: l.ieul. II. Floyd; orderly sergeant : Sorftt. A. Murray S. D. JOHNSTON. Major and Adjutant Attached f l N.It.C. Ilcul Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert December 5, 1915. The I'orl F.ssuigloii murder case will, t:o before the Supreme Oourl Assizes tomorrow. The jury will comprise (Jeorge 1'. Mc-Coll, I'. II. I.liuey, J. T. Duller. S. Harrison, J. ifarnsley, II. J. Illake, J. nasso.Ili'it, V. (Irani, F. Ilriichu, T. ji;DavIdson, and C. T. Ilewitrd. , Major r 1'. MiMonlli U now itt cumjiiaiTd ul'Tulkeslone, F.ng- aJ IV E SAW it with a SiMONDS SAW Stay sharp longer IHOND CN0 tW CO. LTD. MOMTKtll VtNCOUVI M.S. j -mm land, of the draft from the tUthj llattaliou which was sent from Vernon lo reinforce the 18th. Capl. I'elliprew nnd Capl. Agnew are also there. The Sons of Huplaud have elected officers for the year as follows: Past President, (Scoiwe Hill; president, Steve King; vice-president, ;i. Darluti: chaplain, V.. t'nwin: secretary. II. Hirch; Ireastirer. S. M. Newlon. CONFERENCE OYER QUESTIONS AFFECTING ALBERTA AND DOMINION i:iMiVH.. Her. ft. --In nrder lo cu-ordiuale the efforts of Ihuj provincial and federal forces' icpresculinp Ibis province, h iiieellrks has been held a I which such mutters as eonlrol of nat ural resource. Iln extension of the l'eace Hiver Iluilway and other mailer of particular con-! cern to Alberta were discussed.' Premier Hrowolee Is anxiou to' have fediMal aid in u number of inal! "is ela ttK o 'hs proviin'c' CANADIAN SERVICE FROM HALIFAX TO PLVMOUTH-CHfltlOURQ-LONDON , Avama li. . il. !;;. . i . TO QUCCNSTOWN AND LIVIRPOOL I Auiama Jan ta ' ino:ua Krli. I-FROM MCW VOnK TO QUEENSTOWN AMD LIVERPOOL -an. hi i. . i V"aio In. (9 AUnnn J in mii .m i Jan is TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON VUnrrtiii'a li- '!) 1 7 Apr 1 Viii!taiiia Jan " I'.'b .'" Mar T" I'enoajri ... ian Mir. li. SI TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW Allienia I..-.. I'.' 'am in Jan. t TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURG-LONDON Ariiiiu . . (h i . u.' to-.'. Tl TO PLY M0UTH-CHERB0UR3-HAM BURG Andania lo1'. I". Jan. it. Mai'li IJ FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Samaria lie. I Aiiiania Jui ti Money ..rrter. and drafu al loweal rate Full Information from Atnti or Company nrrirea, lt llaltnt St. W Vtiwmf. ) We Save You Money Special values iii Toys Trains with Tracks, from hoc to $i:i;t Aeroplanes from ?5c to tl.00 Mechanical Autos from 33c lo $1.25 Sail Moats and Canons from 25c lo 75c Mouth Organ from 10c to 00c Dynamoes from $1.00 I,, II.'. '5 Dressed and Kb) llody Doll, n larjfo assorlmenl a' peeial price from 50c lo $2.U5 I ami 0 cup lea sets $1.50 lo $2.5(1 Aluminum Tea Sets $1.00 Aluminum Kilchen Sets from 75o lo $1.00 Assorted (Jiiini's from 25c lo $1.00 I tot I i n k Chimes from tOo In $1.25 Celluloid Toys from 15c lo 35c Saving Itanka from . .' 25c lo 50c Fancy Hlbber Halls from 20c to $1.10 An!mals from 25c lo $1.00 Pictures and Slory Hooks from . . . . 10c lo $1.00 Christinas Slocking (extra special value , 25 t per cent reduction this year. Don't fail lo (ret pup price fin Fancy Chlnn, Dlnnerware, Dutch Silver, I'apelrle and Chrlslmns Tree DernrallotM. No need to send out of town If you buy from Gordons Grocery Svonth Avenue East Phone 447 .... Saturday December x 19iJ -ataatMtalaMaMBBsBsMBMBn, WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Lillian & Dorothy Gish In "Romola A -rreen pri'-icnlaloin or tieorg.' Kind -.Suldime "pirilnalily. h.irli.irn pii'Ui. poign i. Miiil-stiri'iug drama, 1n1111n1l.il rom.ui. e. the i. dour and picliircsque .jualor of (he Itenao-.m v of the days when life hh lichl cheap and li tn roguish pea sail I Inh ami a liigli-hrmj uim .m.i n, hirer who wed them Imlh. The Ireitrhery 4f a in. ' ami (he loe of a )wccl girl. .M.iiiifit'vnl ren . uchially in Florence, Italy, llallles wilh pn high sea, spectaciilnc inula sceiie- and, lu-l .. (iish sister together again for Ihe firsChmc . . ( phaiis of (he Slurm." Huge nisi: Lillian Olsh, Dorothy Gish, Ronald Colman, William H. Powell, Charles Lane, Herbert Grimwood, Amelia Sum. merville, Tina Rlvall and many others. PATHE NEWS. GOc and 25c It Is Not Too Early to make your CHRISTMAS SELECTIONS We have ,i fine range ol op l l.it- .ci aide for (litis. ( ionic in ami look tln ni m t l,aihc' llaiulkei'i hief- hi .iriini pine, .oi.t . 25c to 52.75 (ieiil's Linen Imliat ll uidken hiefi. in toe. Tnhle I. men Hel in (ancy lwxe fmni jcI 53-50 Fum y Towel Hel in hoxe fnnn pr net ..... 51.25 Hand Hags in greiil ariclj from ... $1.75 Children' I'or-es fnnn , . . 50c 51-23 Slampei) tiood of all kinds. Fam y Tea Apron, from 75c Drcsed Doll from 35c Xmas Cards 5c and 10c enrh; packages of one t 25c (ilovcs hi Kid. I'ahrii or Wool. All Ladies' Coats at Sale Prices The H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 0. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Small Sulto to Rent In Wallaco Apartments UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnit from Cnoca nuprrl, or VANCOUVIN, VICTOm. I tn lart !, Tut.atr. sea 'or VANOOUVtR, VICTOHIA, Atari ,, an UiniM B. HWi. ,0 " for ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa HI tar Cannarlaa, Thur.mr m. rer PORT SIMPSON, AN VOX, ALICE ARM, STCWART, Sundaf, S p.m. US tna Ataaua. j. raala,, ,MU Prlaaa Ruarl. What would Christmas mean without Santa Claus & the'kiddies? Wlpi is Iht'iD Ihal does not fondly recall the , years when we really did helievo there was a Han; i Who is lliere thai does not lake keen tlclighl m v P aling that ancient legend, wilh Ihoir children? Jl is Sanhi (JlaiLs and Iho kiddies that repie"1 ,hi true spirit of Uhristiwis cliecr. , (Jome, hring Ihe youngslers in, lei Ihciil look handle our loys, it will give Ihem u heller idea to what Ihey waul before writing Simla Cluus. Hee our aisorltnciil of loys. We Jiave ti wonderful vtiltie in Sleeping l'"s' A "special piiichuso helps us lo offer '"' u sle"'"" Doll for 25c. Jabour Brothers. Ltd. Phone 045. Corner 3rd and 7th