Sa'arday. Pei-ember f. 1025 Three Big Specials ' have jnt ,.in-h,i - t , ntip oi ;n.Ho Prunes, urw i')rk, ;it an Vf(T i,,i rdl.v low price. We ofl.-i on - i'.- for $2.50 pourul . II Hi", roe $1.00. Palmollve Soap, per il... 95c SO Uones of California Table Figs hnv- .jun tu iivil. Ileg. prirr per Hi. 25c , lh for $1.00 Id lb-, for $1.7B Tit -peeials an for one week only nml nr eioep-i'nnllv K'""l value. Don't fnrK''" to voIp in I'upolarily funlest. BUY NOW. B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phone 45. MAMMOTH Special Sale of Shoes 41 Pairs Only Ladles' Black Kid High Boots, ai per , , $2.S5 Men's Black and Brown Dress Shoes, tioodyear !'. -uliii leather, rub- heel. Thi is a win-Snle prire . . $5.45 - 1 1 wH!.jiiw for MTI(I s i 1 1 iii Mi ' anil i ii , Idri-n ' Shite. ! i i - iii llovs' and S04W. Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357. Fish Dept., ,i' ii.-i ir.iii. . al h i i in;. l-.a-lern "' - i. Ii.iII.iii.I Herring. i k"H- ' " ',,, I ... Sail Cod Ki-Ii I-nil : lladdie. lUark Cod, Kippprs, i - Hooked IUhck r.'xi. . S;llm"ll. !., etc. Order Your Christmas Turkey and Goods Early Sealy 8 Doom TIip Ilo'i 'i of totality Phone 455. Wo Deliver COAL COAL I (js p'H i" your coil Wi!v for the winter. Have ti 1 1 jciI our Hero -oal f A . lean hot coat at $11 fir i ton. nut site. Slovc coal $12.50. Lump coal $13.50. This coal will not HI yuur pipe Willi soot. n can quole you low pi irrs on lumber, also al-tend to small dclivcrios liinraptly. TAXI Ncvv Clean Sedans a1 your service day or niRlit Cbarjres, 50o for one two passpnKcrs. Call 112 The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue. Phones 189-112 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Offico Hours 9 to 0. X-Bay Skrvlos Phone 680. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvenlngs Doing Business III Mill.' Ill lilt i.' halibut season Iii'ihv in elTeel there i mIHI I 1 1 -: 1 1 ( ' lining on I In- water - front ultliiiiigli laily. .... ii. course I In- ol.' ImmI lurk- it lot of animal ion iwtv. Hint I ln Uf schooners are mV of commission imlil tin middle of nx t February. Tin1 majority of Mir halibut kipjwres ami crew . ami veveral lnal- are kepi em ploypil on filniiK rratit lirimp while it i ronlriiiplat.l oi her will be "ill immiii for fla' fih. Interesting Letter , Ci.iilanline Mirhaloff, at 'he Akerlierin-ThomMnn WATIR NOTICE. Olt.rtln nd U. Till Mirnl iimi HiMM-Mlled. I iMillml VlhlM' I- Its ll'iwr miri. anriusr. s... sill Mly for si li.inn i lakr mhI um lua.oon Itll ,u.i ,iii i.r uair hi r rnimHsm. kiwu I nsmisvii. wMrn ri.s nunncrir ml drain mi" shsnnmi Bay. o.el.. laHit I Hwla. Sfirr r !. w.-.lsNy Inmi imrUtrsil inmrr 1.. MU (TX. 1M' . Tlir wslrr sill tw dlrnl IMS nlantton to Applf to Lim Lanaa In lrmr' huprn Lwvl IlrnoKjlrr -DUv .,..1 iiniti ai iite. Snlrrr Itland. alu.u'i on rhaln milhiiHrlj' f hail HUM r.k. .fiM thai WaP ntlwa i.i,...i nr Vanruiivrr. H.C.. iMH-UPttkMTu ,.nii.TMm-ii. inirnil t i,fly for t I'nel i the r.illiiwint I'n ai iilHMl Iswli: - Cnmiiirneln at lt plnll about it, - &..ttih...nirlv ittrMkin Do'nK of the Mosquito Fleet which is the UBMti HilSS chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity WMF- i ' i i fruit orrhanl, ftower. pret! ' !liou ami iM4inUiiu. Hp Lypd Walrrfront thipyanU are lili osemifchl in Santa Crtiz and hud tinny on ovrbaul work ami iherr a nwim in I hp ra. The barh i. lalk of new ki-rU tu in- lail;wajt wonirful init the walrr wa down Hum winler for ImiIIi halihuPa IiMIp cold. Constantino ny ami Irollinv lioalf. H'-niodellnw-work ami inlallalion of new power plant in various boa I- i' aunllier phaP of nieclianieal opnai jon duriav the wintrr. Orlain repair work, clean ins and paintinir. i- litiK rarrii'd o:' at Hie fih hue hr Ihe nkele-inii i'iew reiaiiiPii until the lial'-imt eain Tnnienie- attain ii I ehruar - Huftinm i heing csrrietl oi a- uiial by the Haeon Fmbern'r.; "Sail FraueiMMi Mure in a bis eity. If Vnevir could b" p I ar eri inwuie it you wouldn't t-ep Vwicativcr." The weather wa fine and warm down mouIIi at the lime the letter wax written. Jack MoimI hiM rei'ently pur-chaseil a 7 '4 b.p. Vulean heavy duty eKMi from IWHy liwiir and will uavp a t rolling hu'l huilt looaily realy for the prina finhing. Capl. IliifUM l)Hbtwart, owner and ami nkitHter of the power boat Diary l. wa in pn ihii week from Port Simpson lo jtei wjn-ler supplie. While in irl Uv I tail a new how iron fixed on In era ft. t Iir. limmy Thomas, skipper! If the wer bwal Viner, has. afHutuisI other meeltauraal repairs on his boat thin week, had a new eSlwHel filled. The fleet seerel service ar try in l o locale Hie naulieal MCientiM who uagesl1 that If we ale eat pie we would be able ON- .irasm it fini " Hst rhstitK'i,, (W. jn l( rk and save on 'rrirt iTiVVsJajlhe winter tight bill. Informa-r::VUV",,'J.Tr'lel''' wh.wab.wla wHI nts it i. s&i" . Iii' Ihankfully receheil. Ilu. u.. ii"' - imwUnI ii UK' tnnHHl Hh- isth d nf SuvriBlwr, ttl. A i.m nr nil lliiin ami an afjN" - i.iinani Uwrrl" inl l" tin- "Wstrr Art- ; uill Ih riH-tl III thr wfrirr of Ua Wtrl Musical Pete Capt. 1'eU Lenhlon, who nf- hXT n' .."iw'..n n if rihsi win. illy sold his power boat Yerna !ll:..Jil.vv!.!''wirSl,:lLJ5;'l-. I" Jimmy Woods, has decided liuiiiiiiiiv viriuru. R . within join the ranks of the famous "ir'T XJrt"rT u?t! musicians. With thai ond in vim n I tli ri . i .iilillraUoll or IMS PHlr' l; v...m,.i I'l IUS1. Notit r aiSK !IU.KMI ILMITKO. Win, n. LAND AOT. Amillrisl. mUrhi-IL iat. he purchased a fine piano lhs week and ha lransportel it (o hi palatial home in .Mellakallo. role bad origlually iBtendcd tak ing up Ibc "jelljstring'O," an in- si rumen I enj larity n naulica joyinj; .inucb . vwpu-ical ctrilesJi'fsUn'ft' ami which i made by strelrhiiia. lWin'i7 risiSri nSdSlT-'i- f lrin across a jelly fish. However, Hie rignt species of jelly fish are hard to procure so I'etc i tfoins to seltle down in earnest to the "domino" board. trnm on- ninim- nortnt" t ef The intrepid skipper is pontctn si.iirr Inland, ami l nn -hnlns e" 'CL'J! frlnHSirr ra; wmmi a., vuun thrnre st I.M rhllnn; thrnrr ..nortli-wr.ifrlv nifimlrrlnr aln th ll'J ej liUrfc lid" U r"l f cwniiwnennrnl. sifl ......i.imtt nil apifi innrf nr Ims. WALLACE FISHEME. LIMITFO. ,Mlv aa.h s LAND ACT. Applicant, Nollci of InlanUon to Appl to Laait Land In Oni-rn r.harlnlla Dlilrlrl lnd JOs-rordinir Pifiriri nr I'rlnri Hnprri, and aiuilr It Slianmm Bay. TAkK MITII'K tint nnliiTl C. 0oa C.f Vani-oiivrr. H.C., ori'iipaUon panneryinan, Inli'nil t apply fur a leaae or th fio low inar diTilied lands: Cniiinipiiilnit it pp' pljnlnt nn n linnainrd laland lyltf S. dfit. . (M rhln, morn or Iran from miuiliwril tor nrr or Lot t5l. 0.C.L, Han ; Ihenrj rollowlnir inpsiulrrliif or tmr llnf of laid Island to point or ninmirncpnii'nt, and fH '"5-oJlSSi AoSSB. Appllrant. Prr Wm. O. NUrlifH. ni oft ao s i LAND ACT. I Nolle! of Inlantlon to Apply to Laaia Lan In rrlnro ntiprrt Land rcrorrtlnir niMrlrl or Count lunitK &. 'and mtiiale en .North narliarl Island. . ' TAKE MITICE that Altrrd Swanson, or Prince Hupcrt. iimipntliin Marlnrr,, in ' ti nd to apply ror a lease nr the follow In. ,.ll.wl Infill.'. Ciiiiiinnlii'lnii at a post planted on tits south point nr North liachnH Island! then around hlh walrr mark lo tin point or rnininriii inifnt, and cnnlalnlnt hu arres, more or lis. ALFRED 8WANSO.N. .iipllcanL A. E. Wrlilit. Uint. Dated October th, fruica Huficrt. H.C. plating liuilding himself a new lMial Ibis winler on his ways at Metiakalla. I Capl. Larvig, owner of Ibe halibut schooner llrault, has re Jceully had a new shoe and bow iron filled on his boat and has loft Hie dly lo winler at his ranch on Kitkalla Inlet. Tug Alccslo, Capl. Heiuo, left port on Sunday last with a I.OOu ton scow in low for Slewari. The leakhig of an oil lank at thr Pro mler made it necessary lo wir hero for Ihe scow lo be despatched immediately. The oil will bo transferred to the srow. Bob's Head Cheese Hob Hanna, the scribe nf the salmon fishing fleet, recently brought in his scow house from Ihe Vort Kssiuglon hot springs and now has it siiugly I oca led on Ihe waterfront near Iho Pal llurns aballoir. Hob has de cided In spend the winler' in Iho city during wbicb lime, be wil overhaul his gasboal. Spey, pur chased from Slim I'aton, and Hi up hi net In readiness fof tin? big lime In ill spring. Hob's Warp in niwfllir popular rpnde. von o' local :nanfiral wlirrr Iii. genial hospitaljly i iniirli enjoyed, Ouo of the many nut standing features of Hob's Place is Mn remarkable fine lo-ail ellPrsP roni'OoJV't I here wliirb, ae i-oi-ilm to expcil- on Hie subject, tastes something like a rrs Iwv. iwern Christina- turkey am! Scotch haggis. Capl. KJiort of "Just It" fame, is busy fixing uii power boal In-- iiop. wiiii r : I tic rily recent Iv longing lo - Frank Lundy am! vin In- ij.tliT in Han Fran-j Jimmy Woods. The Iwo laller 'icu. Iia- .iiiln'sc., a ory in- I !.( iitsr li-iii-r lo hi.- iriii'iialM. In lui li'tici- Coiiiilaiiliiii' nayi liv lufi lillli' liouhlc in xflliMi hi lifriiill in Vmii-oiivi'r lo procnJ lo I lii ioliii'rn iiiilropoi. Hen-n'ihiiiy llii' city Iip May Hip IiiIU "ai'p Ii;umIiI up ami down" liavi pfl )lt I'ily on lioliilav i ami thai Ilu Jrpp cim arc violin lo lhir rpprrlivp Inonf- oppralnl by cablPM umlenii'alli in Ilu- xoiilh ami phi, wliilc the roailway. I(p wan lucky in irfliuiirfr ami nffn'ial- of lorn! Ih-ihv aliU lo rnt a cahin On loiiitacl fih Iiniiw havi followi'd Kiiil. o( lu' aarliUPiil Jtlciok in wliir1 Howi'vpr, lhop ciMMirlPil will' Inn iilpr ami lrotlir-iu-law ro-ili" fi-lmiK niluilry rPinaiiiiny inHiip, uml frtNn wiiWi the view tin- i'ily arr fimliiiir profilaM!of Hip i-tly i inaRnifieipnl. Hp fn'lil-" for winlrr AXploilalion autrprpiiliy wpnl on a trip in a For. I I In' fur trapping inifunlry si-pim- cur lo Saul a Cruz, .ilualel alioul i ir i In' must popular ami al th I Itm hiUp ontli of the rily. Par .!),, 1 1 mi' I hp mot profilaiib jliruuirly lpp riuiib were pii-Aii'Milv a number of both Iar? ii'"tintprJ wIpii rroinr Hip ami niiill lioalx Iiiivp Irfl port ! mounlaiiw ami in otnp illllieul! for ilinlanl Ufiisil' In phsk off pl he hail lo 'puh poor oh I oiiip of I hp wnndr of lh" furjKortl ut I bo hill." Thr ener? world, ami oIIht arr leavuixlwa- jraml all lb way taking ! wpII knownaul icali an con- Ipinplaliiij; JOlniiiv force un IrappijiK Ppctlllion, One on Bert II in willi.ii ceilaiii amnunl of i vrp) lhe ,Whiir inaH ii foireiJ lo ilraa I lio il)u.lri'ii name of I he hero of lbc Qiippii (Jiarlollp In laml packing flei l inU the pot-Uhl of piblksilv but farU aro t old mother lluhhanl Mailt ami hero kop for on on lleit Ilaiioiui, Mpular skipper of the iVmadaian Finh A Cold Slur aae juaokiiiK ImmI Lord. On Tuesday timrninK Hprt was bny an-lhe1 ''lioni" fixing up Hie prtfkeM and fradxil of Hip i-leriwU when be wa KUihh-iilv broushf baK lo earth by the hlowinx of tb nown lime whistle. Not havin? Ulken neeeario fit Hip inner man from home that mornm? tiie .kipier decide It would be a good idea lo o up lu tin Iioup and try his luck. Vaulting nimbly up the leps !o the deck Hert xaily commencMl his passage from the boat to terra finua acros a plank. WIiph half way across, and with land clearly in &ut, the plank it seems ceased to function in the proper manner and insisted upon Iwislinz thltway. No I haviiis; tudiel the art of sticking lo a twisting plank suflkienlly, llerl continued lo slide and eventually ank serenely in the depj of the pan. llobbimr up litr a porx in a volcanic eruption Hert moo, Mcrambleit out aud amidst the. plaudits of I hp lunch chasprs. proceeded on his way to rlumire his rlntue and pHae a wbet-i ted appelite. Capl. Olaf IHim ,kipppr of. the Westerner was b litis vvk from bis Porefeer ljt'ind ranch for wtmVr "upfiiiftMf Bushby Fleet The tuybont Tblp Hip, Captain 'Handsome" .lim Morrison, has been in keen competition Uiic week with the M.T.3.. Ontain li. flrcen, fla?sbifi of the Huhhy lowinp fleet, for towing honor) and has mine in a rood sertwul. l-sl week end the Tble II in hooked on to a boom of logs at Fnvenipss nml .shot I hem over lo Port Rs.sfcrlon in douhlr quiek time. The logs inv for use in bultding A breakwater at the Skeeira river port. There was ipillp a lot of exellemrnt on lli trip when a deer omuiitleil sui cide by swimming to the lug mid endeavoring to Ifjnli .alioaitl. Al- Ihough Jim suiackeil its fare a couple of limes Hie d:er refused lo desist jn its urjgenllemanly of. forts aud it was uUiiualely found necessary lo Hi fofipfl.ln onter to PoUil the-.'lives o,i thus Tus P.H.T., Gnpl. Kerr. left perl on V" for Dundas Islainl on a secret mission. T'i lug was also up to (icorgelown with two empty scows aud re turned to port the same night with a scow of Inmber for tlni Cold SliH'atfe and a carload ot lumber for eastern shipment, Ihe bain nee for the Hig Hay yard Tugboat M.T.3, a-pl. It. fJreon, arrived at Mellakatla Inst Saturday with a Ikhiiii of 100,000 fee from I)uis Locker's camp wher Ibey were lied up owing lo in clement weather conditions. Tho I utf continued the, tow up lo licorgetnwn on Wednesday. Ungrateful Seagull Capl. Hurry Ormislon, masl.v of the lighihouso lender Ncwinv ASTHMA HEAD snd BRONCHIAL COLDS Me Smoke-Ms Jprm-Ho Snail Just Swallows RAZ-MAH Cifsule Ruatorea normal breathing. Quickly atopa all choking, gasping and mucus gathering in bronchial tubes. Gives long nights ot rettful sleep. Contain no injurious or habit-forming drus. 1 1.00 per bos at drug stores. Send 6c for generous trial Templetons. Toronto. RAZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF The Coupe Color Dark Mu with Mcl rnimrl nn tun gar. All-fri body. Nkkctetl rmdU ittf mU mnd badmp rim. Onvpicc rfOuanag wtndahirkl. UnutumUf ww m wkh. tkniblsrij comDirtmcnf CftpauTMy. Latiser-cluth tbtJCbcsMU. titer, Otd I L ' A lh Mia viaor ciotxd equipment inclulc i tire. dcinounObleytiM. mirrvr an wuusuwm i wtpr. wijwjr, rear scar vttrw w I 4mh lamp. I'rusi . b tmtd. Ion. lells of a peculiar happening with a seagull when proceeding to Xaden Harbor. U.C.I, recently While crossing to the islan l-Cap nolhi'd a lot of forlorn anil hungry seagulls which seemed loo weak to fly very far perchin:: on the masts aud rigging of the boat. It is presumed the reason for (heir condition was due to Uie nuumber of Scotch boats passing in that direction hu. sucli on assumption cannot bo proves!. So wretched did tho birds look that Cap tried lo pick hem up ami eventually succeed ed in catching one which was hung up by its claws on the awn ing. Kind hearted Cap took Iho poor bird on to Ihe bridge with him and endeavored to nurse some life into ils ill nnurisho.1 body. 'Hie bird came round after careful nursing whereupot. tii Ii lei it go. Hu! here's th. peculiar imrt of Ihe story. Whcr Sroing into Xaden Harbor, Gap who was on deck, fell someHon tugging at hi cap. and before be could ascertain what was go ing i hi. he saw a seagull fly into Ihe air with bis cap in its moul.i the hctdpiece beiiiR dropped well Httea.wUapJ. Orriilslon l of the opinion that it was lhe same seagull he had befriended, which to say the least was a very ungrateful bird. Anyway that's the story as relaled by Harry. launch Joy Hinl, owned and skippereil by .lack Cook, has been busy for the past week 1n connect inn with repair work on Ihe break in the cily water main. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Leea Land. $665 In Prince Rupert Land Rerurdluir Ms Irlrt or t'rlner Hnpert, and Hllnaie alj siiannou Bay. ui-en Charlotte islands. Hi'. I TAKE NOTICE Hut flnsae-Mlllerd,. Limited, or Yaneniiver. B.C. Intends t, apply ror a lease of the folliiwlnn deserllx-d' land: I Ciiminrnrlns at a puit planted about IS rlialus. limn' or less, west frtmi north-1 east iiirner of Lot 1518 T.L. SJaSC) ; thence north 1 feci; thenrs Kouth 5.lcr west o reel, more or lei; tltenre south 400 reel to the hlrh walerl mark, in a norlh-easterly direction oo' reel, more or less, to the point or coin-: ineiicriiirnt. and ronlalnlnir (A acres, imur or lass. 4 UOSSK MILLERP. LIMITED, , Applicant Per W. M. 0. Mitchell, ArenL , n.t1 Nnmbe I'llh fS , CASSIAR LAND DISTRI0T. R.cordlna Dlatrlct of TalaasaDh Oraat, 1 TAKE MHH'.E thai John Jtrub Eowler,, ir ureal uiaeier. susine. ranrner, in-lends to apply for permission to pur-! rliase the rottuwlnir descrllied lands: I tiiiiiuneni ,nr at a tusi planted on uie west hank of the Sllalnn River, near the Ureal Olacler. at aoulheast corner: theme ruimlnr north 0 chains; thence In UM.i.rlv fllririlnn to chains? thence In a southerly direction 10 chains: thence til an easterly direction to cnatna, to com. Iiienceinent poll, Paled Auiull tilt. tttt. johm jco rowLxa. 6 The Improved Ford Coupe improved Coupe is a lower, roomier car with THE interior refinements and outward appearance that bespeak the really fine automobile. The all-steel body, finished in dark blue with nickeled radiator shell and lamp rims, and mounted on the lower chassis, has given the motoring world a car of rare distinction. The seats and steering column are lower, providing greater leg room and an easier riding position. The front pillars are narrower, reducing the possibility of "blind spots." The doors are wider. There is a one-piece windshield, which, with the cowl vent, gives improved ventilation control. A parcel panel is provided within the car, and the rear deck has been re-designed affording greater luggage space. S. E. Parker, Limited tfrmvirveifjKuti ama watch Truly a Lovely Stock this Year Our Chrilnias stock is about all here now ami in a few days we will have everything arranged so thai you can; look it over easily, Yc have many cute little novelties this yaar such as-small china salts and peppers from o0c to $1.00 a pair ami many oilier new china pieces. Our silverware stock was never heller ami the' values arc excellent. We arc now in touch with a good firm of diamond cutlers of Antwerp, Hel-gium, antl can. offer very low prices on diamonds. i John Bulger Jeweller TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 530 Gr. 238 Black 735 Use Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Your Grocer has it a