citorday. October 3, 1925 S From Pay Envelope to Dividend Cheque laid by in youth i -worth double the MONEY savings of middle age. Many a rich nun today bought the right to his dividends with the savings he made once out o! hi pay envelope. Anyone with determination can do the same. Tht Din ho mvm U Ui mn with money. The Royal Bank . of Canada Prince Rupert Branch Rent a F. E. Iloliertson, Manager Remington Don't be without a typewriter just because you don't wish to buy one at present. Just phone and a machine in first class order will be delivered $5.00 per month $12.00 for 3 months We are, prepared now, as never before, to clean, adjust, overhaul all makes of typewriters promptly and thoroughly a service that satisfies e (omfortable This Winter V .v i. t lie lune tu look oer "r llrddmg Heiiiircmcul Wo rnrry a lull hue of WOOL BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS and BED SPREADS BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE IS. rRINCt RUHRT PRINCI OICROI will .1 fr.ii rRINCt RUPERT VANCOUVtR, VICTORIA, SIATTlt, ll ml' '' l"""l ,H SUNDAY twl THURSDAY (t 10 00 p.m. tt ANVOX Wdd. 10.00 p.m. 'or STIWART Sturdf, 10.00 p.m. M. PRINCI CHARLES r..r KETCHIKAN, WRANOELL, JUNEAU, SAAOWAY, , h WEDNESDAY, 4 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN f..rllllll f"T VANCOUVER ill QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAN0S. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT 0AILY opt Sudy II In.' tur PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, III pcinm : - t n uU. I tilli il Sllr. AOEN0V ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, Cltf Tltktl Offl, Third An, Print Ruprl. fc(ADIAN Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Uinrmiiv wnsrrii niNfiu snitWU SpirW 7. I. 2. Mancouyimictom ii4 suttu l" bK.M. Omm AI.M . Uf OuUd.l., tw.n.on B... J.ll.. full lnform.ll... from- .n (H SL.m.MP Llntt. W. O. OR0HARD 0nrl oM. , Oorntr of 4lh lrtl nd 3rd Ainu, Printt Ruptrt, b o. Local and Personal li.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try Valentin l)airv. lh one 057. if Scandinavian Dance MatroDole Hall tonVjht at 8.30. Hummel at (lie L'nifcd Church Momliiy evening al (5.30. 1 . Women of Mo-jchcart Legion Whist Drive and Dance October SO. Goldbloorii Ik tiHncrlno- ti.irk fur coals. Walt till you sec liicuil if We call (In heiiLlfiEr nl liH riml Uian fuel oil. 1'liOno 303. Casey linage and Fuel. , If J. 1'. Duthie va lasl ni;rht elected a member of Hie I'rinee Itujiert Hoard of Trade. .1. II. mflh, C.X.Il. engineer, returned on the lrincp fieprpc tin morning after a (tip south. lUtkethall .Wo-iatiou Annual uiecliHjr. I'iiIich tUiurl, City Hall Monday, October 0. at 8.15 .w hxeculive at 7. 15 330 Wliiat and Hrid;je Social al Kltt" Home on Monday, October 5 in aid of I he new Catholic school l'.ard at 8.30 (Mil. hart. Eisltt lrie. 231 W. Vaugban Davies cuil lo mormw evening ui the Pflnee in v inning with relatives al N et Vancouver. The Literal committee room i'irne- Sini Ave. and Fourth Slri'.'l. npl'" to the Walker' Muic fiore are open every afler- noon and evening. 361 Don't forget Monday night for a good liuie nt Ifae FJkV Heme. Four fiiee rclielrn, whit, britlge, da nre and refresnrnentf. Card at 8.30 liar p. Walter niith of the C.N'.lt. eity ii kei office left hy thi inorn- ing' train lo npeml hi annual varaiion iiling at the faifii of in brother near Winnipeg. Mi-. II. Mst of Terraee, who ha been on a trip south, return d In the city on the Prtiier lieorge iln morning and pro reeded to the interior by train. The l.ii.ll.i:. Hall will be open d oii Tuesday afternoon al '. iiVloek by Mrs. Du Vernet. All members, past member and i tie I r friends are cordially invll ed. T' will be sened. A letter received by the Hoard of Trade from the Vancouver Hoard thanked Prince Rupert for the splendid hospitality shown oi the occasion of the. visit of the Viwiromer people here. A MmmunieH(ion from Hie XssiN'iated Pnperly Owners of Vai uer objeriing lo the in- I'onic lux, I lie personal irowNy lax ii'id I In' succession lax was pushed In I Ik l-iiiance Commillee f.i repori. ANNOUNCEMENTS Gym Carnival and Dance October 1:' and 13. Reiiekah Hatnar Salunlay, Oe-'obei 17. ' Catholic Church Haaar, 11 and ?X. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall. Oct ' ober 30. Hill Sixty Chapter hO.D.K. Haiaur. October 31. Anglican Church No- venibcf 5. Presbyterian Church Hatanr November IS.. Royal Purple Haxaar Novem- l In iter ii. Moose Hazaar November and 18. ber Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Urcakfaftl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Ilcfreghmcnls Our Specially is HomotMade Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 Two ears al your service Sheddon Taxi. I'hone 1 34. If Oct the lucky 5 gold piece at the Callies' Vhil Drive next Friday evening. He-opening Services at the liuled Church tomorrow, fcec notice in Church column. AV (.amble, who lias been a trip Mouth, relurnei home on the I'rince (ieorje Ibirt moniinjr. Mis Moya Uailey, who hat been on a holiday trip -oulli. re- limned to the city on the Prince George this morning. (I. K. (iulick, local manager for the wift Canadian Co., i sailing tomorrow night on the Prince George for Vancouver on a busines's trip. Whist, bridge, dance, four piece oreheslra, refreshments and wturt a time at the Ivlks' Home Monday nighl! Cards at 8.30 i.iii. sharp. The Liberal coniiiiitlee rooms. corner Second Ave. and. Fourth street, next lo the Walker's Music store are open every afternoon and evening. 251 J. A. Smith, president of the Prime Rupert spruce Mills. Ltd.. arrived oii,'Uw. J'rJfoe u George Him morning to pay one of his for the western region with headquarters at Wimtlpog. The Moresliy Island Fislierle- HnUu Ltd.. whose saller.v al Jed- way gave way on Wednesday, is a registered incorporated coin- 1 lap t i st t Church Ladles' AMipany of Hie provinco with head Kniaar, November SO. (office, al Vancouver and whil directors. Most of the employee St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary however, are Japanese. II is ( llamiar. December 2. jonc of Ihe concerns that comes --' under a recent iederal ruling Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid whereby 25 per cent of Hip ein- llaaiif. December 4, Iployees this year miisl lm while. :or Indian. 50 iter cent next year, Not a dead minute Monday night at the Klks' Home. Four piece orchestra. Cards al 8.30 sharp. " C.lMt. steamer I'rincesn Hcal- riee, which Iihk been olT the run for several week, i due in purl from the south at 7 o'clock Itif" evening. The vesper will t eluru south about an hour lajcr. Lieut. It. 1'. Ponder and Lieut. F. P. Quinn of the local Royal Canadian Volunteer Naval He- nerve, returned to the city this miming after having taken a course al naval headquarters iz Ksijuiinall. Mr. Leo Waugh and daughter and Mr. II. Maedonald, Mrs Waugh's mother, returned to the city on the Prince George llils morning after vpendiug cveral weeks vixiliug in Vancouver and other points in the south. Hen Hraulland failed to appear in Hie city police court this morning in answer to a cliargf thai he assaulted It. Itaxmucn by striking him in Hie face oii Second Avenue jarring loo.e oome of his teeth. Hail of 'io wa!Netreated. Fie Chief and Mr. D. II. McDonald and sou returned home on Hie Prince George this mom tag. Hie chief, wbo re port having seen many for incr Prince Rupert people in the south, attended the Fire Chiefs' convention in Seattle and sub senuenlly spent five days in Vuncopver. Mr. and Mrs. James Carthew, whose wedding took place in Vancouver last Thursday, the bride being formerly Miss Hrew er of Los( Angeles, arrived in the city on I life Prince George this morning, to take up their resi deuce. Mr. Carthew, who spcnl several months al Sin it hers Ibis year, has taken u -position wilb McCutcheon's drug stores sue-' reeding George Shaw who plan; on goinir south. Church Notices I i a 3 Baptist Church Church ami Sunday School combined in Rally Service al 1 1 a.m. Subject: "Willi Sword am! regular of inspection to j Trowel." F.vening worship at the local plant. CorresKnidepce in regard to a projtoscd aerial survey of the route for a highway lo Terrace was read al the meeting of the Hoard of Trade and il was showr. that the survey would not likelj be made this year. A small boy was committed for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. in the city police court this morning on a charge of theft. II is alleged that he stole a lire uptown and sold il as a boat fender on Hie waterfront. l the meeting of (he Hoard of Trade last night mimcrou- communications on the question of freight rales were read show ing the local board was backing up the movement for equal rales. Thomas McMeekin Is chairman of the committee having the matler in hand. 1 Slaif Captain Carrulhers of Wrangell and F.nvoy Newton of Kake, Alaska, arrived in .tliccity on the Princess Alice yesterday morning and will proceed by train on Monday lo Winnipeg Kvliere they will nllend the Salva tion Army Congress. Knvoy An drew McKay of Port t Simpson will also make the trip -to Win- ntpejj J. Sullivan of Kdmoiiloii, dis trict superintendent of Telegraphs, arrived in Hie city on last night train mid re lumed I'-iM this morning. It wns Ihe first inspection trip hern of Mr. Sullivan who recently succeeded 0. H. Stead who has been appointed general siipeiiutcndeu 7.30. Subject: "An ancient ab sunlity in modern life." An ad dress that will prove of consider able interest to you.. Soloist. Mrs. K. i. Turner. The usual secial singing. A most cordial invitation lo all. Presbyterian Church Morning worship al 1 1 o't lock Subject: "Great Days of the Past." Sunday school al S:30 Hvening service at 7.30. Subject-"Moses." Preacher. Rev. 11. H Grant, D.I). Lutheran Church Sl. Paul's English Lutheran Church. .Metrupolc Hall. Thinl Avenue. Rev. P. K. Uatsler, H.D. palor. Morning service al H o'clock. Sermon topic: 'The Cull to fully.' Sunday School at .15. Lullier league at C.3( Julia Waller, leader. Kveninv service nl 7.30. Sermon looli. "Huilding for I'tertiily." Soloist: Mrs. Cullen. Congregational Hireling after evening crvire. Salvation Army Slalf Caplain W. Carrul Iters. astisled by Knvoy C. Newton, of Kake. Alaska, will conduct sie- ial services this week-end. Saturday at 8.30. Praise meetlmr. Sunday at 1 1 a.m. Holiness. Sun day School at 2.30. 7.30 p.m Salvation. A hearty invilalion Is extended yon to worship with, us in llie.e meetings. United Church Formal re-opening- of the Culled Church on Sunday morning. Service al 1 1 o'clock, speak er Rev. Kviin Haker. Specla! music by choir. ' Afternoon 2.30 Rally Scrvico in Iho Sundiiv School. Promotion exercises and Pageant. F.vening scrvico 7.30, speaker Rev. W. J. Parsons Soloist: Miss Adele Advant, an F.ngliMh professional singer has kindly consented to sing. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH It will bo 'Thanksgiving Day at Ihe Church of F.nglaud on Suit- day first. Services will be held at 8 and 1 1 a.m. and 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. SI rangers w ill be w elcomed and Anglicans are urged lo bo present. There will be special music ami decorations. Donations of flowers, fruits, vegetables or canned uoods are soli cited. Articles suitable for tlio United Churc'h Haiaar Decern-,75 per cent the year after aiidjRIdley Homo -will afterwards be f 10 10. 2 .HI lllll inn- cent lint .ill hi- llml 'xi'lil lliei-u V'lll guilder ' Supplies Send us your nnmsanloi S3? iru$ tuJir4iea. fa Hones Dislributors for: (fDham K9L9RED -3HINOLE3. M MM in ft PAGK THBFF Lumber . Brick Cement Lime Plaster Slock yjurlwinier't sapply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Harry Lauder! and on washday morning, you probably feet like singing the same thing. So why not end that ancient drudgery tu-day? TnRlF-T SERVICE Just call for our TII1UFT-T SKUVICK which will do every bit of the washing and iron the flat work too. Willi the wash out of wash day that " hale to gel up in the morning" feelinr will be gone for good ami all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge SI .00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. Sportsmen! We arc Headquarters for Sporting Goods of all kinds Wc curry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us for Hand Logger's Supplies Uilchrist Jacks and Paris Cable Axes Saws, etc. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue ''A BEST PROCURABLE 0t1iU.tM MOOUCe Of SCOTLAND Phone 143 . H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional machines for Iho manufacture of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock. Save handling charges by buying direct from life source of supply. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." The Original Label look for it at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE.' This advertisement is not published or displayed by Iho Liquor Control Hoard or by the Guvernmeut of , British Columbia