Me 25 Vitl XV., NO, 2.10 Mir Liberal jjvtM-niti.enl ' I. IH ,. tin ko ndilMl I" f f llting by VaMnii." 'I Ill y CONFESSION BY JOHNSON READY Candll Said to Absolve Rosa Walton and Two Others From Robbery Partici pation m ri i.i.. net 3. A coitfen' I'V T. . JollllsiMI, " -r ami bamltl that he i the It.btlO i1'.iIm ltos til son, Clar-II St, n ley and William II. - lev rutin participation In Hie STOLE JEWELLERY Three Men Held up Store ' and Got Away With $160,000 Worth of Precious Stones T PM'L. Oi l. 3. Three men 1 up a Xew York diamond 'linnl and seven oilier per-', t AI,. ii 11 Stand Royal M 4j'"artm IL ' " and 6th St. "u,,'Mir. WATT VIDECK, Prop. Wlulc lie slated that there was no parti' ulur signifo amr .,i i .-Iift lo ln b Prime ltnj.1,1 nt this lime. J. A. ,i'(t ol Mm-c Jaw. riJrnl of the S.i-kati hew an liti-iijHjr- 1 am1op Co.. together with hrn rrrlicnie. manager ol . - fpttlur. Vancouver, have come mirth iroiti Vancouver r the lornl m! ii4i I iuii. Mr. Maharg said Hii inorwiijr ,. .i- v toiling Prince lluert In lMk IIiih sr over gfiierjilh in imrl alum! It become a grain hippnig t-eitUr. jail IM i lMt I leeriiilier is ev i lodav. Sheriff Malt Star ll .1.1 l.v Arthur, bead of lite euntitauy carry on sun way. Economy His Motto which deiBiie mid I tmpervi-j Dttlnrtd Brief Address at Klck-!iwr lite ronlrtrlion of the He- Ing Morse Pa Railway j valor here. Mr. Howe will re-1 Town Yesterday Worn- wain Iter fr a wrvk ami Mr.j ng I Matsarjr and Mr. Trehenie will' jrHttni hauiIi lotiMMfiw night. ' i I Ih l. J. Stopping This afternoon they hoH iittw whll Ht lae elevator .it. ..-.J 1. ill ir iiit.tibv took ut the four iuuIii items enteriiiK ilo flnan rial problem or r.anada. sttilniK ii...) the .Irlil wa M.ISS.WWUMMI ralliim ror an annual inlerest of tu iv mm mm 't he revenue wa inil.noii.tMUl and the ordinary ... II... 1 .ll.... I...MI ..,ll.lull.l lIclllM . . i-n ... expenses bul ie-, ni 1. 1 hf flalinetl Hie Irtilnncr wa all Rial was being applied to in-(eresl rharges. and Hie (ileal mnlloitN of Interesl wa being piled up under the lieau oi eon - in uie jewciicij pi in i: in - ., i .i ii...... i.iiitii Inleienl eharses could iiiiiruiiiK ami escuii wim hit. . ii.m .i.,.,i v..l,in.l nt mure onlv be paid by cutting M 50,000. GRAIN AT VANCOUVER WINNIPEG, (hi. 3. (liNiln hiluiienlK In the Wesl ate ln- rcaning. So fur 117 earn have' arrived al Vancouver . ' "iiHiltiin National Ha vviiVj r '01 innre tliun hud urrlved up Hi's '.uie last year. He rlMimed thai , I'.I....mI lieorge li. lihhy. Conservative tor Skeena rrtling in Hie torllo oniiug Federal election m teakiiig at er tbi week, slated that Ihe elewtlor at lnme Ruert wa i never eoiurufd Willi the idea or helping the Rnlkley alley or Prince Roiert but wa merely a imlitical s"l weld the npKirl ol Hie nigrei.ive Parly. This country, '' w read for an ekvalor. ' ex. . .t ... i....... ..ii,, mi pene, wiitrn nun "-rn I,, bla riiruie by both l.lberaN and Conservative alike. 'I his, he claimed, must slop. ' Htcrr were a lol nf people who did no-IhliiR but live oH Ihe govern. .......I in nieliinhor. Mr. Buhlr remlii.led the audience Rial when ...ii. i.i,.u uMiiled In own a car ,0'und cnultl ui'l afford a llinou1np. .'Continued on Page tour BEST OF CALIFORNIAN VIC'IOHIA. ttri. .1. Jack Xew- tbf I'alifornta bantatn- iwaifrbl tat nieht Vanruer. NR.' Mr1. Iratira w PAtiINA'tUK DIED AT VANCOUVER . . . Markencio Kin. NtiliiMl. "''"R 1 deatoml lo gather Mme tlmirtvOna Boat Received as High as. .... .litii-t .MMsrbef. bul 14.60c for Catch This Morn- ! !hai gtvtftt He alleitHit up. Jump- ,!ii Into railway matlern. lie stal ed Htal Ihe road wa dobta Ihe .t'vtjry iel it oould uuder the rlr-! eaini.laiiees and Ihe reeewt UM of. IT. u. ing j One American boat was paid as hicli a H ' for bis catch this iHon.inn at 8a le were: the fish cxcbaiife. a5.iMM t. Mr tienrv hiwhiw-i American kularv was IHTfeell.v jusllfietl., ...... , .lull) UMLJ.I sili.r. . ' for Sir Henry IU -11"" " t..n.. I III lUI I.. IlllUlll KtMll. " rounwi win vet atui hf wa. ,,unr m fa- thin arte, no,.,,, winch MJ J.',lwW J ,.,,! is ready lo make. , -t.,,. cir Hetwv lo1 lerslo,! thai Johnson v,iutll ilaU erie at I t.lno and ?e. Lumen. H.immi. to Allin rtsh-eries ut 1 tr and e. Canadian Murineac. ll.ooii. to Atlin Fisheries ai l:i :io.- and 7c. E. Lipeii. u.noti, to C.old stor age at 12. We and tic NEW PASTOR FOR LOCAL CHURCH HAS ARRIVED IN CITY Itev. Waller Mien, graduate of liiimaimcl College, Saskatoon, ha HtTivtil in the cily lo ncl a assi'laul to Arehdearon L A.( Mix in' SI. Andrew's AnsHicuu Chtiirh during Ihe winter mouth ufler liuvliw sieul the glimmer at Pouce lioupo. -Mr. Allen will be ordained into the AiiBllcau Church mliiMry here a week from next Sunday ley Bj$hop He Pender of Vancouver who w ill he here then in the course of a tour jliI tLit dioove. BIG RECEPTION PREMIERKING iHan. Yatieuuvr balder, won a letl rtttltMl i-fioll er ! p!.. oilr M.oiTvIop anrf Provincial Ministers to Meet Him . nad. -MhI a VVNCfU Viat. rt. MIUam - , iir.-. r.trJ in irfttns rt. . -OWItapr. iMilrtil iiiMrW rWl. tMrranMI lttjr pcl w.t)l Australla Designed I IhC r.M l dir- wislntr. U -mlina tin. nen-Uniartl -iffirial. ,itl li.-rr lliif Benefit British Columbia '''( II tjtiMda ami IMS nj IW ITiiu-p tmrfr lor niurimm nifc a n....u for all iaillri tr- liwa-l n offuml rn'e Mrnlr. Hr a- yar f a?r.l fl " wtlli llif Ha ft "f 1 da a a wftole. Tl 'trrlarrcl Hut all H.r ' tlir miailHMi raiwr Mir aiM f tbr i i-fn i.i tt la"""" a-iM. uu Um iitdti- George Bushby Gives Address at Smithers Saying Prince Rupert Not Ready for an Elevator Yet DISCUSSING TREATY Very Much to tOliver. Mayor Taylor ami several of the iirovuieial inini-lers. The Premier is dealing larely wilh Hie Australian treaty in hi addresses here, wliich will be of much inleret ! Hie people of Britih Columina. particularly lo the rishinjf and paper industries in relum fi preferntl treatmetil lou Australian oihis. toe owasi will derive lliucli benefit, the Mr. Rti.hb ieerli at sniillicu wa- in tirM uitti i ,ake ar bc i. ir, in lite Ms ince Hi campaign ..peiie.l. I lie , rw prMnil.r will tenor Nrw. Uie Smilbem paper. ,-,.ull.i Hial any con- T'r,''llV h,,l,,rt.d;.rrs. Mr HALIBUT ARRIVALS keson r,,,,, .Ins .., r, w,U In upeiHns In- aiwrrs". wr.i unlI1(j (,i ulredfold. Ilu.hbv alated that Ue na VA.MIl VI'll. Oct. Premier William Lyon Maeleiutie Kin? arrive! here tbi morn ins and wa given an enthusiastic re ception by large crowd ai me latton. He was met by Premier, BAYCHIMO MAY BE RELEASED Message Sent by Hudson Bay Trader In Arctlo Saying May Round Point Barrow VAXCOl VEIL Oct. 3. A mes- LiHixiln. tfi iioo. to Iknith 1 IsIi-Ikhi;.. scut out by the ice-impris- ertes at 1 1. We and Tc. joueil BaycUimo Thursday niglitl Praherlly. SI.immi. to Cold; said: "OH Point Taugeiit and Slortfn at I3.1W' anil Oo. liirotects jiooti ior rouiiuiug Point Barrow. If Ihe vessel PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE HI PERT. H.C., SATl HBAY. OCTOBER a. 1083. OTTAWA. Orl. 3. lo visit wilh Frank Sailer. YMUrtfiv'i Circulation 1C13 ANNUAL FISH DAY Event Will be Celebrated October 28 This Year is Announced Canaila f.uiui ii. r Maitlaiul. rrnresentin national fili day will be eeh-1 liralfrt imi Orlulier 28. the le-liartiwiit of marine anl. fl(litM'ie' announce. ' Mr-' olive Waffon : frffveiiTnl her dealh. i Oiiinpr evidetiue In hU own de-feno, l.ower dlarl lie ub- li-lieii tlii coiimilcnt baeil oil; a rtatrineiil made ty onv Barbara, (Irford.iwbo profrstsed lo hae clairvoyant powers. i Xo not ire nf appeal wa ieii i by defense r.iunsel who applied; Tor hi clienl's liberty a soon; as the xentiri wa given. Mr.' Jnstiee Mrlina!d akel if thej I iiroerulion had any objection! F. L. Baker, replietl: "We are not anxious lo exact retribution for Uv crime. My Lord. My client are more eonerrned 'with clearing their iiaines of scandal and rniKW?r Hi WMpQes-wlioie wa?- Hie Prince (Jeorge Ibis morn inciting ba d'ne so much harm. I tier sister. Mrs. am perfectly content to follow 'tlie snai;eliin nf Hie defense Board of Trade Hears of Efforts to Clear Way for Shipping Grain Through Port of Prince Ruptrt Al the regular monthly meeting of tie board of trade held in Hie council chamber last evening, vice-president J. II. Piliv-burj in Ihe chair. M. P. .Mi Carrery reported on behalf ot the gram committee. oT which lie is chairman, that the grain committee would operate the elevator but would not go out Toi business. Action of that kind would have to come from brokers or from the citizens or Prince Rupert. One of Hie chief difficulties jut now -Mr. MrCaffery found, was the lining of gram ship. Seasoned lumber had to be used OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Bolion 1, Westbam C. 0. Burnley -', Liverpool I. Cardiff City 3, Bury 2. Kverlon Huddersfield 3. Leeds l ulled 2, Manchester U. 0. Manchester City 1. Sunderland 1 Newcastle I'M Med 7, Arsenal 0. West Broinvvb-b I, Aslon fua SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Scottish League, Dlv. I. Airdrionian 5, Celtic I. Clvdebank C. Dundee I'niled I. succeeds in Uoiig so sue win o ... ., .. M1,,il01.Well able to make he, way south it '? ,luldM ,( earl(, 0. " I'elieved. I Falkirk 2, Aberdeen I. " 'Hamilton 7, SI. Jolinlbn 2. DIED INSTANTLY ON ini.a o. . Mine,, 2. BOARD SUBMARINE Queens Park 2, Pari irk Thislle I jltanyers 3. Kilmarnock U. Ni:W LDXHOX, Oct. 3 Divers, have made a full, exploration ofl the sunken submarine and round that all aboard met will, instantj denlli when Hie craft was rammed, every purl of Ihe ship be-! nu flooded. Work is now con-! fined lo raisins Hie hull. The! fiHh body hn been recovered. STRIKE SETTLED ATLANTIC CITY. ftct. 3. -Bricklayers' anil plasterers' strike Ihroiwihoul Ihe country. which Red up a quarter )f a billion dollars' worth of contracts, ban been ctiled. . STOCK MARKET Bid. Askci li.C. Silver R" 1-03 (iladstone 23 i .27 'i llurellon 01s .01 Ti L. & 1 15 .20 Premier 2.30. 2.35 Silver Ores I .07 .07; Surf Inlet ........ .07' ,07?; Daly Alaska U20., Dunwell t.J0 I. id , Marino! ' .10 Porter Idaho 20 Terminus .10 0 ran by 1C.O0 Uovve Sound 21.00 . and this was not at present available nor was mere anyone prepared to do the work. Also there would have to be a port warden and a doctor appointed Mr. McCaffery said he had taken this matter up with vari ou parties interested. The Pa eific MevcdoriiiK tJwini'any was talking or vroinn into the ship lining business here and h would lake the mutter up further with them. He understood broker Notts. County 2. Leicester UM.v from Vancouver would put ship Slietbeld I'nited I, Birtmtiphaiii t bere provide.! Itiis lining problem I I'ollenliatu t. Blackburn Hover 2iVo0M .e solved. J. 11. Pillsbury said he had interviewed Capl. Cravvfonl of the Stevedoring Compauy ami he un-dcrstood from him that hi company wa eoiisiuerinK koiiik intintie shin lining business, lie Ihousht it mrzlil be well to com muuirale with Capt. CravvfonJ further iu regard to it. There was a mistaken idea as lo what wa meant by linint a ship. It me'uut imttiuir in bulk heail to prevent the cargo shift Jug. To line a big ship employed about two hundred men two day Mr. Pillsbury intimated thai If no other firm could be secured lo do the work the Drydock would probably undertake il. Tie work hail lo lie none, lie ttiil not sec any great difficulties in the way, D. (i. Stewart said the board wa fortunate in having Mr. Mr Caffery to take up this matter and he suggested that it be left wilh him to carry on and try to overcome Ihe difficulties. John Bulger, who ha beer south on n business trip, returned to the city on the prmcf 'teoive this luormng. Boston Grill Large Ipslair Dining II alt, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and beat for the least. Phona 457. trt.i sit 632 PRICE FIVE CENTS. COWPER CONVICTED DEFAMATORY LIBEL PROMINENT GRAIN MEN ARE VISITING IN CITY INSPECTING THE ELEVATOR Prominent Grain Men Are Visiting Rupert Inspecting Elevator ... .1 In commit himself a lo the khmiIiIiUo of -,hiv - - - ; romjtaii) beaming interested. PREMIER KING FIELD SPEAKER ' here. , Mr. Maltar? mid Mr. Treltertie' .trnvetl in the city on the steamer! Prince ' iHir!r tin morning accompanying C. Ii. Hwe f I'orl VANfniiVTP FinUTPP R:.:.:::d ji dehorned Hertford on JUr Matador Ranch. Swifl Current S : The herd numbers 2.."MI. Cowper is Convicted of Defamatory Libel Janet Smith Articles VANCOUVER. O.-t. a. J. 8. editor oi the Tribune, :i weekly jubli' alion. wa last night lound gmity by the Assize Court on h charge .of del ainatoi-y libel, lie lore rt iiinung llieir jverdirl he jury deliberated evernl hour. U-jwier va remand on; ed for !eiilein-e but lail was gramea. The charge aroe from article. apieanng in the Tribune iu connection with Ihe dealh of Janet .Smith, complainant being K. I. Raker, in whoe employ Janet Smith was at the time of STORK MEETING GREAT SUPPORT Llberal Candidates Addresses Electors at Mining Camps and We. I Received AXYOX, Oct. 3. Fred Slork, '.Liberal candidate for the federal constituency, accompanied by tSeorze Casey, is holding public meetings here and is getting a pood reception. Tomorrow he IvriU jeak at .premier, mine and Monday will address u meeting at Stewart. Speaking at Alice Arm al a well-attended meeting, Mr. Stork outlined his policy locally and also dealt with national ipies-tloiis. including (lie tarirf, show-iiiK that the IJlieral policy was the only one that made for real progress. i Everywhere Mfi, Slork has gone so far in this district he has met "J wit It unexpected support. He has been urpned at the way m , which not only Liberals bul in- i dependents have rallied to the ! Mackenzie Kin banner. I.O.D.E. HALL : IS COMPLETED1 Formal Opening Takes Plaoe Tuesday Afternoon When Mrs. Du Vemet Will Officiate Mrs. Parkin, reuent oMhe Municipal Chapter ofj.ihe I.O.D.E.. announces that I he" new LO.D.E. ball is now completed and that tle formal opening will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Du Yernet ofrielating. Tea will be served on that occasion. II was plaunei! to have a for mal jla nee for Hie opening but arrangements are being- made for liiui a nine later. The firs! event to lake place there outside the LO.D.h. activ ities will be the reception follow- inm Hie wedding of Mi Violet Mortimer lo Pant Yelton of Cal ifornia j'M Thursday evening. BIGGEST CARGO SALMON CARRIED NOWAT SEATTLE SEATTLE, Oct. 3. With 175.-000 rases of canned almou. reputed to tie the largest cargo of its kind ever floated on one vessel, the Northwestern Ftherie Company steamer Eastern dale arrived here today from Alaska. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League SI. Louis 1, Chicago 3. American Loue 'Vevv York 0. Philadelphia 10. Washington 2, Bottou 11. is