,y October 3. 1925. Special Value 00 Watch V fr- r tin IHHn watch : p gift for the little Tlic cane i gold ftll-. fi wliile or yellow .' jewelled Plote-i we guni-nnlec it lo i-niiably good tlmo- John Bulger JeJkeller You Had Better Cet Your Name on our list For Dry Kindling t kiln dried and Large limit 96.00 i j bundle) al- I .U0 do- "Tail" Call 112. i and rnly tp ill hour. One ' ... riper anjr-Wc 1 'n rWnn, COAL V. ,i nm coal on $11.00 ir ton dellv- ami vry irfpcl range and Mtreniely it iin now! ' ill klndt at-mptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Alio Sal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phonaa; 189, 112. Taxi 75 Taxi ' have the bet Phone 75. ' ' Hudson Super-Ik-dire. Flrnt and . i i-in(K-r Sedan in A i iii-w closed earn. RATES ' ''nssenger . . $1.00 3 " 6 l'arngrrs . . $1.60 S l'nsengerA . . $2.00 --nngrr Sedan. er $4.00 wv..'m Sedan, per r r $5.00 To Cold Storage and Acrote Hays Creok Bridge, I nr 3 i ., x.'nayra $1.00 1 ! niil!i..iml passenger 50o each. TAXI 75 TAXI New Shipment Fall & Winter Coats Just Ilecclved. r ale nl Modernlc Price Bents Third Avo. Phone 651 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An FxmilMto Block of Fur T'lmrnings al low pricos. B. C. FUR Co. Nt Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. r ii flvSJ D,n ot " Mo.qulto Fleet which iTthel Wffi i .... . nuiiini! tamling (hm week Inez II. ween nave 1 ii 1 1 tdil while . prices ..ffi-ijnjr on I he ri,ii Kx-rh,mge for ln.u, American mid Canadian firm u;u second cla utehe hnve been well maintained. The ratine of the reduced volume of halibut j given by incoming MkipporM ait due to . scarcity of finli for one thin and alo due In Hie fael thai lUere ,a lieen quite a bit ofjof fish luiiclilu(t iiu uf the boat, of. bolh fleet r;cntly. Thin week! American have received a I high a 15c and I fie for find class and 6c and 7r for ecnnd da. drawing dowji around IS ami I le for first eki and 7c nnd He for second ela Jlh. Willi the fall .eoiifretienre. Miipjani- nave nnn receivusr a rrM flf j number of repair order and kiwed ..... a . L. . . i . it.. i . LAND A0T. Notlc of InUnllo to Apply to rurh I a. mi4 In Ilia l-aiiit nrrnrilin nlntrlft "f Prlnro luipurl, n.t nl t '".'" "'."i1 Hit Fills l.rt'aK wntrn w " KMtill lilvrr bm.l IS mil" from T.uit Notice mat i.n a. ?. h or prinre HillH-rl. B.C. orrupMlmi "'"'bpL; tn.Vi. ii.teii.u io ippW for p1;"Iy'1'1,.w 1 "irrlioa Ilia follow Inr ''rViirli 11 he CmiiiKlirliiK t ,PiiP,,'"Lr0,r iiithrl rninar of lot MJ; l;l,I.rou,r1! :L"'"r .I. .k.m. ni.illicrlv: thiMir SO Iftllnr. W rhlln .MerlV. ""'' to teres. mr or ""J0nN A MITir, Appllrml, Per C. P. met. Atrot Dlltd Autuil tttb. t9il. The schooner Kaien, Capl. 11. I'uderliali!. iimvil in port on Thursday morning with a heavy ealeh of '1,00(1 notind of halibut which was cauuhl in about I wo week absence on lli high spot. Ileiiijf oh of the only two boat. arrive ou ilia) day Cap got in on a good price, for both clause A He's a "Cap" Now Th I'rhice ltiiKrl Hoalliouoe premie have been ajrosr wilh excilonionl nil ihi .. ...i loir Canadian,, have ,eH ,,lllIlby f torm Wllp,oye(.' of th won known Mahajre house, lia been Ihe cause of all the jubilation. JelT wa reeenlly tUceenHful in murim liU weather ipiwnii inriumi huiwh umi n.u ni proaehing. a number of the Ht, mitXeU u, lh(, ,h)lpr bn of mallr rraft. wliiefc have been'.j,,.,,. MBfiy nallljeal mi tm ivmi I r Ii, u,ti,.n i -1. !. . I . . (Sir, il wa one of thone nemtible ifeift lo a aflor man thai ha to l.al Sunday wa Mie hnlelih. -pn ,,, ...nM-uiwi ti. day of Ihe- eaon al Ihe l'rlneelKf( 1(M,k its. fnrm of a wonderful llliperl laehl Uuli noat. Ihe MMi0r' hal. in farl il ua morA fraMiirnt .-traehme wa taken , tuaU jt wa, a ha, ntlinz mil avaniae or by every mem-uli ..im.r.i r ih riMt nf r. vitr viiiir v l ra t anarifi n n iiaai iiaa .... ... m be completed about the mid. lie of October. Schooner I.ysekil, Capl. Pela Jensen, which i parking- for the Somni.-rville minnery from Iho Oueen ClHirbdlo Island, had the mieforltine to break her crank- Notic of iM.niio to Apply io 1mm t.nd sliafl while in port mis inp. IIIH 'irSMiSru ttTri.Bi"iiVTir -rliooner was moving down to lururll riilnl, wtift iiii. eiuiu, t;ow I lily 10 lie Ut ir me iuhhi ,;"lu",l,u' 'when Hie Accident occurred. He-j take notice h. Anrio i.riii.n " i ,,n r w be made Imiiicdlulciy. umtii rrkin uiipny U"' ..' 1 Ytiimnvcr. H.f. orrtiMUon I'wl rr. Ii W Sheir Thompson, the genial un.t. it him ir mr; h,nr assistant commodore of the Mimrly direrihin .lonr hi.J , jaier r nirt I'". . forly-rlclit hiimlrfil firt, morr rrlr 10 rlimnv tnor or lr. l" l " mrlf tltrnre In WMlrrljr tllrerllon lon l.iw lr iiurk forty rlhl timiilrr(1 rrrl. wore r lm; Ihrnrf northerly to rlmlns to point of rominatiCMiirnt, anil rpnuinlnir T cits. timrj A.OU)-niUTIH 't-VM?,T, PACkl.NQ CO. I.TD.i rrr Wtlirr K. Wtlker. Arrni. nmwi iiiiV i. lt I I IIHV ,!," I ...fc... , on a ix monlli's visit lo his old home in Sheffield, England, on lo-nirrow niglil' boat. To say that Ihe members of the club will miss ShelT and hi. merry smile is only pulling It inidly. Hut Shell says that "Canada belongs In him" and has promised to return In tlm spring. IIU waterfront pals, mid that Includes everybody who knows Shell1, wish him (Sod speed and a safe return. Well, Goodbye Shun", old timer And hero. to you and yours. Mnv your port and starboard lights keep bright, 'Till you reach again our shores Not Northern Lights There has been a lot of talk reeenlly about the Xorlhern Light in the sky and the beauties thereof, bill ill formal ion htm roiiM to hand which make the Wlii If roan llilnk they were nol I he Northern Light at all at all. It 1 nol generally known that Ate. MardnnaM, the man who put Hie uleani in "leam laundry. hai had a new umpteen candle power te.irr.hli(ilit filled on Ihe launch Vaijuert but nueh is Ihe ri.e. ow it I iiuilt feam!e Ili4' brilliant lilitt ieen ill file ky wece Jut re f leef ion fron the new Aearchlixbt, and if , we lhank Alex for the rnlerlaln-inenl nightly. A very enjoyable holiday was fpcnl over lat feels end al Met-lakalla by lh Miei Weather-head, Merrer, Hdhwell and Myrtle Senlt, who Journeyed there on Ihe power buat Ktizabctli last Friday niirhl returning on Sunday evening. I.nui Ainadio ami I.ouifl A-(oria are leaving on Sunday for Hank Inland on i Iwo weekn holiday jaunt a Ihe uel. of Antlo O-tachio, who own a bijt ranch Ibere. Th trip will be made on Anjrolo-'s power boat Venelo and lb visitors will in-ilulxe In filiinp and hunting In Iheir heart' content. and other cannery work, l.ave!(; , Swan.oll-s ,MwpMaMl. aUo.le,,rfOW n whirh,U' put into port and lh Cow Itev , ,,.,, iMrll .i.,u J,M'r w to. I-'wU Uland wilt l-ina. are necoming cnireii.,j .,, ,jon , iU, . .kior nf lb- Ike wtorfront -ja, - inuneh whUr wmir. hi naulieal prnwex Ibelr reseU in Ihe mi-mr tmHwtiy ! j f,.rm of a beautiful Rifl. Ye. I'lrkiiiy up rupiiMj. LouU Locker, the Porcher Island louirer, arrived in port on Wedneihty brinzin? in an empty which to build a new luinkliouie, Doc Savtd the Beer It i with regret we report an accident to oW old friend lxe Clapperlon. and aa a co id en I that doet not happen to a iiuib every day in hi life. While aUiin; to unload beer from the Cl'.lt. boat lat Satunlay one of the bar rein became umoanasable with the reutl that it rented her who coiiUl nuree a ark of lini-rr,..i .. tk. ...'rallier forcibly upon Ioc't left ... ... . .. . -" ..... . , ..,.. ,1... Hie nai ol lll ensilie Mil me.... ih.. k. in ..I penal eiiitinuj. wwmmri un- fk.at. were depfele-l of craf. -. ,iu.itv i.it ii nne of Doc' fwit prevented from early mo raise uatil Me at ' tn.. ii i. rui n 'n. Hie barrel from beomins? dam tilahl. The majority of hoat!rMi ..r it,, k-i i K..nf..i'ase.l and thereby spillinK any of were out on hunlintr expedition !,nwork aeroll print, the rankj""" valuanl,? "l11''1 -ul -usl tl,e in variout. locaiine wane ijuue M,,,r . f captain wa neally wti and N few intrepid picnicker wer(UWfern,riit) (b imiiie of hi new . atr In (be Salt l.aka ad- Cooimnd "Oh ftaby." Wnen the jaeent beauty po. Arrival From M wid ay noon tint it ye- terday noon Ihe following a Ik.t lti.ii I a i. mv- ...!.,. rfnnnM !. tl.l ill A "" nauuiijt itiaui lias tr h. inn,, rr .n.i. .f ,n.fly been in-lalled at the Hay- ptoue aud abu.e. molly lhe,r' "- -, w';ral lotii!-laaer. There wa ju.t one out- rr.a. '.M .b?'.. Ma',ar l,uu", .lnHi f-Hll u-ilh ih neu .W MMirw MMIipaiiy. .ruoniter had marketed clrhe;had?e of office. Hie tailor bail Hit wek. A menin lilad- otMilled lo put elalic with which alone. tUMtm, June, Arctic, Ma- to fasten il under Ihe chin. How- je-tic. Wabah, Keltance, Main- ever, etm thai defect wa ijuick- H r; KaiMga, llrik, illy, lol ly reiuedieij with a dab of pine on an. Allon, L'nimak, Mlh iill.;Je(T lovely hair. Now you'll' Wav. Wetern, Mar. Eureka,, know he" nuile a af)or co he4 Valonui, (iUdy and Eai era, upon a alior nai I'oiul. Canadian Pair f Jack. K.. Chief ibaa. He Spit, R.W., Wbilr I.ily. Ternen. Aiken. Tusboat M.T.3., Capi. IleK HreflU, left on Wednetlay morn in? for Wark Canal to low down for the (teorgetown mill a boom of log eoniling of 80,000 board feel. The tup arrived in I port on Thursday wilh lhrer ixcowdkiui of lumber for Ihe Itig t;aUiurj,,a' fe fur lMal e0 The troliins boat owned and kiptMrl by John;'u,"Pnon- . Jame. I. ..n the Susu wy. for! ...,.. Nerna. N. ,V S.. Hher. lKdhln.conMeraWe n-umleWnK. The;.. " "7-7.7. Maralu e. Kalen. Inre,l H. and rraft U lo be made deeper In " '"" , elei " " LAND ACT. oritur lo inlaU a heavier plnnL The original 5 h.P. Yale engine i .( f utniia u ir u LtM ui 'biig tipplanHsl by a new i In more Hutwrt Hwrdwi w- n.. ivihi niimr, IfUl uf PW Hllfl. IKl tllUtWI i XI Itw Hithrl hrr of WtlM ll-l Und, B.i... IMut north mnrlli rui llrlark tlfKl, ami tru frMU IMaiial rami. !! iii New Seine Boat new eine lioal i in the fortbcomiiiK federal lion, left port aboard Hie lug -IP.H.T., Capt. Harris Kerr, on Wednesday night for Ocean Fall where he will meol II. H. Sleven. M.P. Mr. Ilu.liby in . . company wilh Mr. Steven, wi'i "'" ''speak al Ocean Falls. Itella Hella" mw. rirV,, :.pW uhiiw. luui al iw mm jurg lor .! , ra Cttmlsi in ,,, inteu in.uir. h i . Ilrovn or the allare Usherie. irnat i I1 ) tr i f ! j. . . . . . or ni ...n.ii.uinr anuiiiaiure. .nr. Mr iiusnii) itushbv VJ-VuiKi. - ihl 'slaff. .-.. The boat, when completed,, ... . f v accom- no asiin -ti iei i ioiik uj a iimra Ui''' ",., , and wil. tar iMrt an IIV IBwa,i p Stevens, ar 1IIIIBJ III -amii"M -ai w . I fHII fK'aill 1 I WHI J' pni-Mi S-rrTOaS. 7..n" iiUnSlKvilh a 20 h.p. Atlas heavy duly h-iL to ewi nuikru a IX tnmref,nn p wlh the boat which will otllrifrir ' rn:n. imur "r i , w lr mill. Uxuc jorttiwrttaru' ua( uiw ilr ..tr forty WMI lwiiilral fttl, nmr or !; Ihetw iHirthrrly l rhm. iiiir ir I" p"lnl f ctnninrni-mieBI, oil "ii cunliiniii' . 1 erre. mom r t:oM:.VHM l-lCliINO CO. LTII.. ApfllCinl rf Wlllr E. Wilkr, Ar-nu nti luiy tuh. uti. LAND ACT. be met there by the P.Il.T. for Hie reliirn IrijC ; ' Union freighter f.hllkool arrived in port on Wednesday and unloaded a carload of shingles. pipe and lumber for Ihe Albert McCafferr interests. 'Iwo seow load of coal, per Iho tug Cape Scotl, arrived yesterday from Xanaimo containing 1,000 ton of roal. Capl. John Koskie, owner am skipper ot the power boat Kiju.i- lor, ha been In port Ihi week In have sonw welding done on bis. cylinders at Hie Akerberg- Thomson shops; Capl. Fred iHidoward. who ha been skippering the fish packer Horseshoe for Ihe Inverness cannery llils season, Is having a new brass lailshnfl Installed In his power boat Mary I). Kmie Maynard, keeper of the The Color of Soap The white color emphasizes the purity which has made liaby's Own Soap so popular in Canadian Nurseries. Its soothing fragrant lather cleanses and refreshes. It is impossible to bi7 a purer soap than - Bskby's Own Soap ' "But lot you and Ujfcy loo" What s in a Name? have changed since the Bard of Avon put his TIMES famous query, " Whars in a name?" In Shakespeare's day the most successful merchant was the biggest skinflint. His name meant nothing. You entered his shop with your eyes open and your fingers crossed. You haggled and you bargained. And if you were especially astute, perhaps you retained your eye teeth. Modern business ideals and modern advertising have wrought the change. Today, the biggest asset of any successful business is a good name built up through fair dealing fair policies and a good product. Advertising creates reputation. Makers of advertised products and merchants who sell these products frequently value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardise the worth of these names by selling anything but good merchandise of full measure and fair price. A merchant or manufacturer does noi dare to advertise wares that will not give service. He has his good name to protect. Bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That's why it pays you to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised goods. Advertising is your protection. Read,, it Lucy Island lijilif. wtm has been in Ihe city Hiis week f ir medical treatment, reii.rnej to his post ot duty aboard lighthouse leude; Hirnie on Thursday afternoon. MISSING STEAMER IS SAID TO BE OPERATING : COASTOKALIFORNIA YlCTOniA, Oct. 3. The ltd-, gian steamer (iertrude, posted in Antwerp a missing with a 81.- OOQ.OOf liinior cargo, was repor'-e only ten days ago as operat ing o(T the southern California coast, areordins lo a l.os Angeles dispatch. The Gertrude lias been refueled from Vancou ver, and is now attempting lo unload her cargo, the report lays. j "Leaving Antwerp for Vancou ver on February 22, the Oerlrude passed up the Panama Canal on March 2. since which lime, nothing has been henrd of Ihe craft. Her owners believed the. vessel. had been lost, but inquiries made al local and Vancouver exporting bouses proved their fears were unfounded. Movements of- the Oerlrudo wore watched from the lime she sailed "from Antwerp until she passed through Ihe canal, it being taken for granted by United Slates coaslguard officials, because she sent out no wireless movements, thai she was a rumrunner. Where she discharged part of her cargo, and what he future movements pf the (tort- rude arc to he, is a mailer of mjslery In local shipping circles, nllhough il had been reporten that she would change her retr-istry on arrival al Vancouver and enler the liquor carrying- business. The Norwegian tnolorshlp Mllohorn, which nlsn left Antwerp about Ihe same time as the Gertrude, wilh a cargo of liquor, and bound for Vancouver, has PAGET 'FITS TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. CEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. not been heard of since sjip, pin into St. Michael's because of dynamo trouble. The Gertrude is a vessel of 6GI Ions net, and was built' in 1881. She i 222.3 fret loiisr.i wilh a beam of 31.3 feel, and n .la, .11. r. r 91 1 Co.. I I mi illl 1 . - LAND ACT. Notlc of Inttntlon to Apply to Lull Ln In Prince Rupert Land nerordln Ms irlcl tit I'rlnre Import, and llutii on the nnrthwFH cat of British Coliiiu bla. Portland Canal, and bring at Spl Point, Portland Canal, and iM-arm north niaini'tlc rrun Trea Point, l'ars Island. TAKE .NOTICE that Anrto-BrltUh CC- unibla Parking Company Limited, u Vancouver, U.K- ori'iipatlon, parlor. In inula to apply tor a Ivase or the follow-in described land: Coninirnrlwr at a pot planted at htrh water mark at Spit point. Portland Canal; thoneo omheatertT alonr htfh wate mark Pur rortjr-elrht humlred reel to nnt marked Mo. 3.S.K.: I hr nee souther! to. chain, more or less, to low water mark; thence northwesterly alon low water mark forty-eirht hundred feet, more or less; thence northerly to rhilns, more or less, to point of commencement, ami containing 75 arret, inure oc less. ANGLO BIUTISII COll'MlUs. PACKI.NQ CO. LTII.. Applicant 1 rer Walter K. Walker, Ajent Osleil Inlv Unt. igaj, I AND ACT. Notlc of Inttntlon. to Apply to Pure has. Lana. In the Land flerordlnt District nf Prinre niipert. ami situate at m rails r.rent which flow into Erstall Klver about t tulle from Its mouth. TAKK MUCK that Clllton P. Blel f Prince tluperl. B.' occupation lumber man. In lends tv apnlr for permission to purchase the rniinwinr oesrrmeti tamis: C.nmmenclnr at . post planted at the southwest corner or let SJ, Hat four; thence til chains southerly; nr chains westerly, thence to rhr.ins north err; thence, go. chains, easterly In rolnt of commencement, and containing 40 acres, more or less. C. P. MF.L. Applicant Dated Autust Uth, 18l. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Garss Mackinaw Shirts STAG 8 Goats Pure Wool Reasonable l'rices ENGLISH TRENCH COATS Just Arrived Steve Kino Phone Green 85. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST wHajiMi aaiiaipai nui q, ,a ,Tg"BaWifalajy';