ft II n r i t ii ill ?! i: : If ID - i i i 5 - ?z Machinery For Sale From Rocher de Boule Mine . Including ,'Oti H.P. Pelton-lHbte Impulse Water Wheel, with ceneralors. transformers and IS miles transmission wire; 2 12-ton Steam Dinkeys, 21 gauge; Electric Motors from I lo 100 h.p.; I 175 h.p. Eastern Standard Engine; Pipe, from H" 10 V": 2 Aerial Tramways; 100 Tons nails, 1? lb. ami 20 lb.; Klerlrie. Air ami Steam Hoists: Marhinc Shop MaeJiioerr; t No. 2 Portable Sawmill, complete: 30 11 t-t T i 1 1 .uwing linns pnvrgers, urmers.j slopers For further information, appl) B.C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. I Skeena Crossing, B.C. m -1 I NOTICE 1 I - I! We have Just Ueen appointed selling agents for Lacq HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID llay to apply. Watch it Dry Dries ready fir use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors, Furniture, and .Woodwork. Kaien Hardware Co. 60S Third Ate. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load S6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50c DRY BIRCH Ter load 56.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. ! MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM i We spe aily r mmend our Tai'!-- r- atn at le for Half Pint Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stork of Fur Trimmings a- l-w prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave IMPROVED Ford Models Will he in iinh iini about Nn I'lnUi-r 10. Prii-e- t t ti : ! S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tl. Carl age, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Molor ServJre. Coal, Band and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Cevlnn. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; " .. r in 17 II 'iW " i Laval fcK---. Itlllt ' Cfe-r DAwDOY. COfT TVUMes NEW LEAF" AOS' tSJR.PRi'bE YCVTO HOr-kc TQvsiOVvT . b - a,- w t- - - w COMFORT- I III f t -K-TWV 1W? - 1 II I I I LLHI -j r r " "i J r-tjs .o home - i av w- a au a. j 1 1 j d v j w w . . . . n i I II XJnL J II - II SLIDE SMASHED EMPTY HOUSE Harold Parker Tel s of Condi tions In Interior Result of Recent Floods LAKES HIGHER THAN EVER Washouts at 32 Different Points Between Prince Rupert and Pacific There are 3t wabout and iidA on ttte line of the Canadian Xaliooa! HaiKvay between here and Pari fie. At Kwiirt!.s ; near 'he eat wrtrh a Iremend- i'us slide of muskeg and trees -ane down the bare side of e mountain ami filled n between the base uf the wooatain and th-'raek smashing a two-storey house into nialeirwond. Suoa akrs as Kitsumkaluan and likelse are sis feet higher than I hey were eer known lo have been before. These are vime of the feature of a report matle by"H. S. Parker, representative of Stewarf A Moa-l-y, who returned to the rity last mglit from the interior after having walked 5$ mU of the distance iM-tween Paeifie ' and Khyex River In order to get hne. He was aeeomiiuaied riiin Terraee' by W. Mcl ennan of Yaneiuier. a traveller for ream -parators. Where they ould. IIh'V got lifts in siieeders te. and walked and scrambled around 'lie impassable parts. They lef: Terrace at noon Tuesday, arriving her- last night. Mr. Parker says lltat be never saw anything like the conditions now prevailing ahmg lue line a a resiiM r recent hipa wafefs. Some of the wa-boats ttetween here and Pacific are quite large The worst point are around jKwinitsa and between Vanarsdol and Hannall. It will be at' least two weeks b f"re repairs can W made and service restored, Mr, Parker believes. With bridge out at both ends of the epace, the line is lied up light ietweer hliyex and Hanall. 1 he iowu ol Terraee cMue within that space The larger points are well sup plied to meet the emergency, hut Mr. Parker is of (he opinion I ha1 sonie' people at isolated point may go hungry as far as certain articles a last rr owirerned liefore a freight train ffc-et; through. j A repo: wa liri'iifbt i ti t Ter race. Mr. Parker say. by a liatrbery man I bat unie of the houses and sheds at th I akeUe Hatchery had been wasli- I away. The water had started t. re de on the Skeena IlKer. Mr i P.tiker says. ! SALES MADE AT i TAX AUCTION1 Number of Parcels Sold and Sum! of 52,333 Realized Yesterday I . ; The sum of $2,393 was r't- j ifd yesterday at the pri in.-iall government tax ..ale of lands, lift about tlMi parcels t hat were of-, fered. tl were sold. There was. mo spirited bidding, surpluses ver upset prices beins offered in only three cases. The snr-' tdus a a result of the sale was 35.f.3. Sale were as follows, all le-ing at upset prices exoept in ae wlifre surpluses are noted: Lot :tk. Range 5. 131.12. to H. nbala Lol U0&. NT.V,. nange 5, tt -:5 to Nellie Hill. Lot 1717, Range 5, 1161 (iur- plus, 2.;.i; , to Olof Hanson. Lot tt3t, Haiwe 5, Stl3.ua. t.. r.litaaetb M. WbiUow. I-ot 5n;, llange 5. 916.36. toi M. M. St-paens. Lot iat. (ssiar. $31.91. to YJ It. Mortimer. lllock I. .NH. IHan 966, I3l.lt. io M. M. Mepbens. Block i. Plan 9tH. sSt.65. to A. Akernerg. Itlock 5. Plan 967, $137.03, to E. S. Allistone. lUock 36, Plan 970. 84.85, lo K. II. Mortimer. lUoek 1. Plan 1016. 19.65, to M. M. Stephens. Lots I to ; and 16 and 17,: IHork 34. Plan 1079. to W K. Mack. loi 3. Illoek I. Plan 1052, $139.18. to E. Hi Mwrlimer. to lilook 1. Plan 1075. 25 sur-plos, 3.49 u o K. H. Mortimer. no I .of 11, I and 13. Itlock 31. $16.88. lo W. F. Mack. Lot 1 to 5 and 8. Mock 26. 420.97. to Horatio Rons. Illoek 15. Plan 1103. $20.62. C. lo .. H. Mortimer. W. Illoek 16. Plan 1103. $20.62. to K. H. Mortimer. Lot 2. Plan 1126. 30.?n, to Agnes 1 1. . (ilennic. Lois 31 and 35. Work 13. Plan 969. $19.65. to Robertson A Dumas. Lot 13. Illoek 20. Plan 818, lo $20.73, to James Stewart. Lot 3. lUock 21. Plan 818a. 20.86, t0 Sam DesV-bamps. Lot 16. IH.wk 16, Plan 8l8a,jagam $26 (surplns, $4.6 to M. ion- of lales. l.t 18. 1Utek 2, Plan 905, $18.-19. to M. M. Stephens. Lot 5. Illoek t. Plan 972. $19.- 67, lo K. H. Mortimer. Lot 6. Illoek I. Plan 972. $19.- lo 66. to K. H. Mortimer. Lot 21. IMoek 7. Plan 972, We $75.58. to K. H. Mortimer. a Ia.I 5. IMpx-k A, Plan 1260. 419.65. to Peter Keays. Lot 2151. Range . $31.48: Lot 2I5L Range 4. $37.94: Lnl to ttl. Range 5. $44.i8: Lot 2282. Range 5. $45.65; Lot 5120. Range 'ed 5. $32.05; M 3061. SF.4. rs siar. $32.91. fo H. M. Dingam Dloek 3, Plan 1065. $19.07 HI X. Sherwood. Iil 2133. Wit, and Lot 2128 XH. 37. lo C. F. Duke. Lol 610. W4. Range 5. $579.-i7. of to A. Y. Wilson. Lot 1322. KH. Cassiar. $31.85 lo M. M. Stephens. Lot 3. Plan 1016. 1 9.65. to J A. Klrkpatnek. Lot 8, Plan 1016. 9t.3. lo J A. Kirkpatriek. ' a Foe the Good of Trade "Who orv:riated fonlbnll?" "I r-n't fci'l 'he surgeon' " i:mie a an 1 MIDGET F. t worn, (iW .00 f MIDGET RADIO LIT B Tclu ume in the iuk , $5.00 Other Mtxkls 2-00to 13 ONLY ONE YET FOR MAYORALTY Aid. McMordle so Far Not Op- Dosed In Field While it seems i- le considered quite possrble that either Mayor Newton or K-.lt S. D. Macdonahi may enter tlie field. AW. MeMonlie today is apparen -ly the only candidate who is definitely oui for the 1926 mayoralty. Sim;.- men whose name-. hove been menlioned were n.ter Some jravi- imlefinite an-wers as their intention while several slated emphatically that they bed intentions of entering Ike rare. Among tlioe who said definitely to a' they bad no intention of see iking mayoralty were H. Omie. Ki-Ald. tUtllart. 4. Xiekern. S. K. Parker and Vld. Ueore It. tlasey. Kx-Mayor H. H. Rochester said lial he not serUuisly think ing of entering the context ami ex-AMI. . it. Montgomery was non-cdaimittal. Mayer Newtoa gave hi answer1 the question as to whether or not he would be a candidate fm re-eleeium the statement thai lersontiy ne hart no wish in aMume the re-pinibilile. tlie mayoralty. His Worsh'p has deelarerf on more than one occasion in public lately that "he would be through"' after IbU vear. It is understood, however. that Bin friends are attempting induce him In run again. Kx.-Ald. S. D. MaodonaM said wa not yet prepwred lo make definite statement as to whether or not he wetdd be a candidate for the mayoralty. Some posible candidates seem he holding back lilt the situa lion Iteeomes mtre definitely lib U later on. SPORT CHAT S Nevi H-k -ee the closing various sjmrl schedules uu'ii after I lie '.hristiims ami New Near vacation season. First hal- e of the sebeilules will be com pleted in the men's and women section of fltss Waist league ai.d the :ribbage league will wind up week fram Moaday. Tlie see. wtid division IriaUard ieagui fin ished lv1fJs,Jtva4i; Ibe JJrsj division on Tuesday of this week. In almost all the compel it ions, inters' will be keen afler lite liri ..f the year for none of the li:i.tii' litamt liave bv mi v m.fin. ciiii'h on honors. It is under-! 'od iat a determined effort is lo be made to hae league ba - started afler the first or :he .-.,r. The difVoity that ts Vtil! in the way i llir failure to oM.-tm suitable premise fur the piaiiig of Ibe games. Despite mi) efforts made to protect tbetfi, inclmling the spreading of straw, salt and and, 'here were many player 'injur-.l on the frost -hardened jgroi.i .1 in laet week's Old Country -'. cer malebes. On areount jof tlie rondiiions, players were '- iuIioiis ami the attemlance at th' game wa down. Anion; the eaiisualtie were: Mooneyt of Newcastle, broken leg; Hopkins of Liverpool, broken eolltir bone; Jennings of l.utou, lrainel groid: Wells of Arsenal, broken leg; Osborne of Tottenham, Parker of Sunderland, ami Eyre of llournetnoiitb, carried ofT Ibe field. Shame on You, Glrlsl "Too manv girl play hrhhre in the parlor while mo)l-r plays' Irid- t m the kitchen," observes a witty exchange. I , T . Wanted For Safe For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WARTXB WK1X knowa tea and roffe t hosf require specially ale.-man working Prince Rupit t and points rasl to Jas per on commission basis. W'-I!it established connection avail able that rvn earn good nianey for right man. Reply, slating other lines carried, number of trips made annually and fn'l details. Ktperiefce not necessary but desirable: reference required. Reply to Hos 2t, Daily New office 2t$ I OLD Artificial Teeth Baaaiit. any condition. Highest prices nl by return mail. R. Ininat in. P.O. Hoi 30, Vancouver. B.i:. rlatablished Ihirtv three years. WANTF.D If yon want a ear-lenter write Ikn J 85. Dni'.y News olice. 2M 4.1ft I. W ANTKD to aist with! boH-ework. Phone 44. 28 POSITION WANTED K.'PFJIIF.N:rn LADY leaoa-ra-position. pher desires Paoaw Red 719. 28$ FOR SALE FOR SALE. Two storey house, seven rooms and bath eooiale'e on tiraham Avenue, past elevator, faring harbor. Low price for immediate sale: terms easy. Apply T. McClymont. OIIINCIIIU.A rabbits fur aale from registered stock, at the price of good pells. Apply ftox 283. Da illy News Office. (3 FOHD SEDAN for sale. Only used seven mont'ae. $5S9.0. Apady . E. Parker. Ltd. KOH SALE. Man's dre. sui. like new. liar gain. 8jih' WmmIs. tailor. 2M7 TO RENT FOR IIF.NT Small store or o-flee, Ttilrd Street. IVo roen: below, two Irving rooms aboe. Weslernhaver lleo ' FOiritKNT. Modem four ruom-ed flat with Moaareh range. Ctap Illoek. teihaver lira. if FOR, RUNT. Piano, player pianos, phonograph and sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf HOUSE for rent, three rooios and bath; also furnrshed suite . ... .. .ppiy caimer nonw. irOril Room SuMe for Real. Hot water beat. Apply Smith Malletl. Lid. MODERN FLAT for Rent. Apfdy Mat HeRhroner. t( BOARD HOARD The Inlander. 330 Second vnue Phone l.TI LOST LOST. Marten neckpiece on 3rd Avenue between r.oiuiHMlore jife and Sleete Hi.k. Lift-era! reward. Re' urn to Iteilv News offire. jgg) s 4 ftt e 4 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, December 10 Higti 9:?t a.m. 18.1 ft lllgb Low 2l:iH p.m. 6.2 - " 2:41 a.m. 7.7 " 3-i? -n 41 Friday, December 11 l9.-o a.m t " ft 22:41 p.m. n.9 ' II am 7.7 16 16 p m. 6.6 " CARS FOR SALE. ly.'. iiiiismoinie t. t, 5 a paen ger touring 90iHl IH:o Nash 5 paMMger lour p ni . l:.o i,i. It. l Overland Sedan f Too on ti't'J Reo seven passengc touring 1700 Oil 1935 Ford Coupe, iMllewa tires ear lte new (650 0$) l'..'2 t r, lud r se.lui. iin.94 I9i.a lord :..npe I356.AC 1921 fordone l..n tni'k, panel body 137 i 00 Ford light delnery eJusaai. rebuilt 1175.00 All irs guaranteai In god me.-'. jMeal conditio!. KaM ferio- r.n be arruiwnsl KAIEN GARAGE lord and Chevrolet Service Sia-ttoa. Agents for Meljiaftillm Oakland, (ml mobile and Caev- rolet car. Ren. U.MC aad Federal Truck. wm::KiN; srvici? day ami xioht. AUCTION SALE We are instructed lo sejl at to iic'Htn. ThiirMlaf, le :i' ? h Ae. We-'. oppOsPe iit;ttriuMi lok for red flag commencing at .' ; pun. tlf following household furniture, consisting or Krbler Dax en-port, leather c.enst. Rrohler armchair, krouler nr.er, Morris eb.iir. fumed ak atntaa-rixtni uite consisting if keif-fei. i chairs, roun l table. Imuis i .ise. 2 rug, gram r''iek, heay lfras s!.id with coil sitrxig matin-.., sit ... r l-moniy noige. renter table, f iiswl oa'. ' i'tnn;i -abiael. J ' mabaganr r-k'rs. sewing mar lime. beav enamelled bed ith Way ag-le.s .pttag iiiattreoa. rte.. eii. Prierc Ruiert Ktckange, Auc- tion'er. a ;h5 AUCTIONEER;. City Auction Room .'19 Second Street iien tor business to receive -on!SMimcnls and jobbing of all deu-r;pl!ona. Household furniture and farm sale anyvAbare in the ru) or province. 4 sftcialty 1 win ouy lor eaa. or sell on t-ommUsJon. Prmnpl returns. Satisfaction guaranteed. TVewt) ears experience at your service I solicit your patronage. i t G. F. BRINE I Expert Auctioneer. Phone 771. p.o Ho, 149 Prince Rupert. H.t'.. FURNITURE AND RANGES. FI RM r I RE AND HANUrSS. new and second hand for sale. great many customers hae,r taken wh ant age of earl i Christmas buying and have re doced my Obrietaaaa stock. Fresh stiK-k will arrive bv Ibe next few boats, that no aa) will be disappointed. Prices are reasonable. A. M M'.KFNXIE. Kumttuee. Phone 775. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue Sole agents for Columbia Reeonlf We repair . Phonographs, Ilicyclea, lluggles, Raeqnets and Muteal In. strument of all kinds. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. H you want anything tent for. or delivered, phone us, P.O. Hoi 899 TAXI Pr.r-J 67 Tt - - a: 50; Sc . -j, "WIS PCT, tj Acro - ROTHWELL'S Trum Coat - Wk Furelturt knf Has - ta4:l.n 352 M - FURntTUFL New j tor ) efcans-e Md GEO, ppiroe? ja l9 Tti - uuvtnsntsi uv-vs 1 a otic t o UCtM OT S.SV J ' taswia 1 r S iMr'- : I ia 1 - w 1 .. 'w Si.tO. ' r lUll llfc- r VVSTIS SCTttC TM V-V trw.i !'- r . . t 1 Ml f '" t s S 4h tr si : -t" ,aer 1 ' ii- ' - rl r- -.1 f1 dir.. r t- .' Tt.. -4 m ' Hi 11 e' 1 ' mill l" 1Ur.' bST''- ' M I lb-hr K Kill' 4if. ,'i.r r XI' ! ..f o.. 'r' . ... .- ( VI ft ir. - r-fit. tv vm Oil I ' 1st ' Ov 11 i. 1 hi k r i LSD C -1 ttZ-i w frsl CSV t n- ---IM'I r ns Sf 5 l i-r.i. a-i- . r nr. v.ti ' arr" f ill ! -CjnSer' St " rl V. IM14 Oe'- ts set ! i.i- "f1 ' la eee sa- 4 fnMl S- ' TWr VoTT ' MI- ' t,M ss yej CMl SsSJIk J m. awe .IV O.UJ Y- rruM