Lrsday December 10, 1025. i utrc i- full of lii-.mtiliil Hung- .in- -ml.ilile li;r Christmas Gifts I' ... p.-! I.iitll. . hum 25c In 512.00 I1 . in ni lt lliilllr. eii'ii ... . 50c .mil 75c P. llillli- Hot tier. .ill. I AliilllUi-l- ... 10c lo $12.00 Water-, littlh llrvMal-. S . iifl. Fremii lor. i. n Pone Kwr!nir, AInrv tiauK'ii, DjerKi-- I' ili n i v Cut l"r'tl. ,,-. in ; . ; unl i .i iii liulnliix paekiige-, from I, ... 7 . . . G5c lo 55.00 V. wiiiilil like von -Hcmh' In nor ili-tln of Hed ' ! tittl. we helieve tlie art'lmt the thing you have ikmtt for. 3rd 8 MEM'S: Comfortable and Sturdy WORM: BOOTS For fiald, farm, or ganaral work aik (or Laekie'a at your thoo ttor. J, I.JX.KIK UK I.IMITLU, VANCOUVI'.R, B.C. irr He anmr e u am ihr bvlt NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, LLC M ... mum -elei'liuii now, we will willinglx cl aside lilt I tl il i required. Orrcies Limited P .lien llniitKKl" llrxiill Store Avenue and Cth Street Phones S2 nnd 200 Hour-: K a.m. t" ' I'.ni. i!ita - am! Molulnv- I rum 18 lo 2 p.m. and 7 t 0 p.m. Steamship and Train Service . .. mince RuriBT m i. .. rniNCS Rupert i vancouvcr, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ml HitvriaM' point- rRIDAV it 0 a.m. . . PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART au.l ANYOX, WtONtlDAV. 10 PJn. M. PRINCE JOHN f .rlnilhlly f. VANCOUVCR tia OUglN CHARLOTTE IILANDt. PAStENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE KUMRT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY mil SATURDAY HI K I' in I'" PRINCE GEOROE, rnDnr EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, JI piilt haUrm Caiuitd. I IHI. il -mi" WHEN REMITTINa land Canadian National Eapreta Monty Ordtri and oralon Chaquaa. WHEN TRAVELLING tarry Trallara Chaquaa. i In In t'aiMillai. N m. .ml lit. Il.-ket Aneii.t ami YOUR NEXT EXPRESS SHIPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL AOENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. rf CH Tltkal orrio. B2S Third Aa, Pflnct Rupart. ZBU iIcanadianI Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f inCHIUN. WRANCELL, JUNEAU, SKACWAY N.tlw 16. 30 Derail" M ' VANCOUVER. ViaOKIA sat SEATTLE . nWlf 3. 20. tWiWr 4. IS sy rRiNccss Beatrice rep Dutadals, twanson Bay, tail lla Btlla, Otaan Falla, Namu, Alan a, Oampball Rltar, and Vancouver atary Saturday 11 a.m. ny for all Staamahlp Llnat. Full Information from W. o. orchard atntrai nu Oornar of 4lh Straat and 3rd Atanua, Prlnct Ruptrt, D.O. Local and Personal U.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. 75 Taxi. 50e service, day ami night. It Large safe for sale, Max lleilluijner. cheap tf Xina-. Tree decorations and bon-hm-, at Linzey &. 1 (avion. If 00 Taxi ami Transfer. 50 service. Day and night. T. Dybhavn. tf A-k your butcher or grocer for Tin-.Hi ' brand cartoned eggs. They're good' 200 Meeting of Trade A Labor Council tonight. All member riii.-icd lo attend. S Mnra'i i book i'il lo Hail on the Priux't' IUijmsM tomorrow morning for Vaueonver. Daughters a fid Maid of Hug land! Nomination of officer I i-uluy niKlil. Pleaae attend. Mii .Mai; Ili'tln'11. daughter of llev. T. (i. Iti-thcll, ijastor of tin rmli'il Uliuifh al Catpur, Sank a:iii-i in tin- cily jrexti-rilay to I'i'iiil a few montliH vimlinf; Willi ln'1 aunt. Mr. Waller Sliaw. Iti-Kular nioiitiily niretiiiK of St AiiiIii-w'k Sonii'lv will w n;lil ii I ho nuiinc on Friday, DirmiitNa II. al 8 iliari. l ull at nilaiic- rciii'lHil. Sm'ial wit! i in MiiiiPWf will follow llir IIU'I'! Illg. ) A II. KdwaiiU, manager of I In1 1 i.m.ula PiimIwI lumber mill a 1 1 -r. reiurui'd to Hie city yiler-, I . iiioricng after a hiiHiiiPMf irii in Krimoiitoii. He will pro-. i'imI to lie interior at the flrnt j'iiiortunily. I nitio leamer Uatala, Gapl. A. .lolniMloiie, in du tonight from Vancouver and wayporl. Tit-i.i if xftpctetl lu tiring Kal-ern mail vUicb Waw prevented ?rum rearaint turn direct on ur- ouut uf the lie-mi on the railway line. J Mi-. Norman Wait of J'rince! , llupi rt. who Iim been vi!iling ir.j jVH iuria a the anient of the Man. ;T It. I'Mttullw and Mr. Patlullo. ' t ... ......... .. t. ttUM i. .i'Wniri .ttrriiui-, I" leiiMiig loniormw for Vanrouver .ii route lo br home in lit? ii.irth. Victoria Tihiea. , - I'he C.H4P of Joaeph Ha rues Native Sons of Canada, has arrived in the cily in place of S. K.lttin Johnston o' Victoria, giainl jiresideul, wlm was ex- TOR DA.LLT ITXWB WV3t THRU Her Heart Palpitated She Had Fainting Spells Mri. J. Wlaon, Tort George. N.a, writem ''I auffered from palpitation of the heart and fainting ipella, and, at timet, I could not be left alone I waa ao nervona. lly trouble waa earned from over-work and worry, having been left alone with a large family. I had tned everything, without any relief, but I know, to-day, that I would have been a nervoui wreck but for your wonderful Theae Pill are for rale at all droit-giata and dealer j put op only by The T. Jiilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. tiiirrii.1' Taxi ainl McsseiiKer Phone 500 night or day. U Alwuy good rvire anil ijua! Hy at l.iiuoi & 'Davie. tf Two car at- your service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 134. tl A thing well hounlit it half sold. (Jet it nt Linzey & Da vie . tf Private Christmas Cards lirinled by Hum, Uowau & Lalta, ttli Street. tf P. K. Jloiuiey. iiiriet forester, who ha hei-n oillh on hi annual vacation trip, i- cxecled to return to the ctljr early next wt-ek. HtWiger It. (Jrittt'ii. who lias been conuecteil with the local forestry utaff. will leave at tbe end of the vek on the Prince John to take chargr of ranger work on the (Jueen Charlotte Irtlatrd- with Iteailipiarlers at Oueen Charliitti' Cit. Hanger K r. Calvert .if Purl CIimihmiU will collie hep- lo lake plare. VICTORIANS LOOKING FOR BISHOP OF LONDON . Victoria Ttuies Vicinriaiis have learned considerable ali faction ntance the distintfimluil prelate has arranged lo visit this country and the Fulled Stales next !ear, on his way to the Orient. (lecieo. lo assist in me oraauizR-; . ! 1 1 ol a local assciiiiily. A rD HIWP V CIL7TU will remain here about a week .! UKALIllIU Ul Mr ill Mr. Cuiiimiugs js a painting con tractor of niiciiuer. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dkguy island Clomlyi south east wind; baromelwr,; i.......... . l..; A WILL HOLD STEAMER FOR SOUTH DEC. 18 Prince Rupert Will Sail at S Li p.m. Instead of 9 a.m. for Convenience of Christmas Passenners For the accommodation of li-achiTM and oIIkt local citizen who will ho going south for lh" Chriiriina hoHdayn, arratigi1- iimmiU have ln-en made thai the -iipamer Prince Huper!. nailing for the noUth on I K a wiM.k from tomorrow;. will he held until 8 o'clock tha' evening. J he vesfel will -till arrive in Vancouver on fc'unday nrorniirg to make connection with jioaU and trains to Victoria ami iSoattle. It wax reported at the, city ticket office thix morning that the accommodation on the ve eel its already heing hooked up fa4. TEACHERS' MEETING HEARD ADDRESSES Need of Middle School Discussed by Speakers at Booth School Last Evening A meet iug or the Prince Hu-pert Teaeherx' Association wa held last evening in the ltoolh School, wild the president, .1. C llrady, in the chair. AddresseK were given by Miss Ituth Stewart and Miss l.auder on the need of a miilil'.e sehool as reeommended in Hie recenl report of the Edu-eatioual Survey. HALF-PRICE SALE" AT B.C. FUR COMPANY To give Christmas shoppers a opjiorltiiiily to purchase a beau tiful fur coat or choker al hall Hie regular price Hie manage ment of the. lt.C. Fur Company.1 Third Avenue, have decided I" put on a sale commencing on Saturday morning at D o'clock. In this way it is intended t i clean out all ma. I e-up goods be fore the new year and to make room for raw furs. During the sale every coal ami ..l.nkop will lu ...1.1 l I.:. If i.fiee with Watch these columns for to-: that (morrow's advertisement, in which (he Hisliop of London has pro-lsome startling low prices on fur nil scil to come to III is oily nexllgoods will he iiinle.. adv t iseulenjber ami lay the corner-1 -tone of the new Anglican Calli-' HCW I IIMRFR J'i)LI HULL Mill wlral. Hy liv a loriunale loriunale circuin- circum, eoinmeiieert till- arternooi,; wm, lUnurmry CrllveiiienMy hefi.reJudjre Aming in the County ,,;,.e pi't'iuiis mlU Um, mm ,(1 lo ,w ne uere ul ui a a Court is ailj.Mirneil until tomorrow morning. I he defense not being reaily to proceed. Ilarues time which fit" m with that ar-langed for this important cere- i miinial I will lie a red letter liar ,s l.e,g tried for forgery. haMiW.jn ,,, n8U f Ule A,ltfiouil been ent up from the police Vancouver Ulnml and and take,, trial. curt speedy ,f ,., MKI1jflPantw. as ,in , ; ,. I event in itself. His Lordship is rrau nominm o. "- ,.xtwlnPv popular with all de- ver. vrraiol vice-presiueni i me AT PORT ALBERNI PIIT ALIII.IINT. Dec. H. ; Work has been commenced oil the new lumber mill al Sproatj Lake which is to be erected atj the end of the Lakeshore Itoad. Tor Messrs. Collins & (irecne. of New Mtmiiister. Mr. Miiligan. of New' Westminster, who is to he superintendent of the new plant, is on the job at Sproat Lake and the work of construction will lie hurried through '"" " ","V,V,,,".T"!wtlli as little delay as poss.hl. his tour of this coittrnent will he . . looked forwarn lo I ban usual interest and laity as a whole with mora by church AVENUE WEST STARTS Pour Hundred Feet of Hose Placed at Sorden Street School for Emergency Use temperature. 50; ea smooth; 0 (trading of Fifth Avenue and . m spoke steamer Latouche.'Honlon Street West from Fulton Ketchikan for Seattle. t'.Mi mile started this mnrning ami the trom Ketchikan: 0 p.m. spoke road will he closed for the next sieaiucr Alaska. W3 mile.s north three or four weeks. Itelore ih oT Wrangcll. nurlhhoutid; 8 p.m. htnet was rinsed, the fire itc-spoke steamer (Irtffo, Anyox for parlment look too feel if hosj Tacoiun, :0 miles from Anyox; lo the vicinity oT the Month to p.m. spoke steamer Mogul Soliool lo be used in case ot lefl Anyox for Stewart. emergency, Hull Harbor Maining. strong southeunl wind; barometur. 21).- HOTEL ARRIVALS 38; temperature, &: 'ttf?h; Pr'nce Rupert it. I u p.m. spoke Hteamer Charlie! Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Strang. J. Watson, Pelersburg for port'c. Harlon, A. M. Morgan, F. L. Wi'lln, , 8 2 milivs from Port t'.uiuininns. H. Keeley, P. V. Wells. Haldwin, F. Louden and V. Mc- DchiI 'I'.ree point Overcast, l.ennun. VMiicouver; O. 1. Ilrovvn, calm: barometer. 2t.'J2; temper- Seattle; Capt. K. 1.. 'I'wlfoiil and ature. :t'.; sea mnootli. D. tlarswell, Monlreal; A. II. Ki)- j Noon jwuiJs.. Usk; Mr, and kMrs. 11. Dlghy Island' Part cloudy, (li'aflnwood and Miss I.Miirilonalil, I light Houtheust wlnil; iliarometer, MYplc lshind. 4 I .'it.ri'J: te.mpora.ture, 18; neair, Contral. , "' Ismoolhl f A. i Wilson, r Trolhe'fT ? -Alia. i Hull llarhor LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Purchataj Land I In Prlure lluivrt Laml flrrordinr tils- imrl h i of uf Print I'riiiw Kut'erl Kuperl and situate nu Ibe Mil hrf of Bit-turd Cove. I'riucrasi luiyal Ulaud, lianrr four, Citasl Oitrlrt.. take. .MTn t mil suitiemite uauuerj" t laoimnt Limited or Vancouver. 11 1... oc-cut.aliisi arker9. Iiitriid to arply for iwrmlssliiti lo purcliae ttie folluwinr d-i iTtlK-rt laml s : CoiHiiienrlns at a post planted on Um liurthrao rliurr of 111 nurd Cove. I'rlmcM linyal llaiHt. Han ire 4, Col DKirlcl. Ihetire ralerly Ittrnly rlialni; tlH-m-e iutlirl.v sUty rliaint; ttieiitT lerly furly rlialn-; ilieix-e tmrltierly five rlialns iniirr ur Im. In high water mark; tlieiuel folliittini- huh water mark In an easterly, and northerly dlrt-rUun lo point of coin-, lueucrtiient, ami ronlalnins one humlre acres, imire or Ims. ! SOMtnVILI.l: CAN.NEUY CO. LTD I Aopliraiit. I Per w. J. Thomas. Vaeni i ltll '. tv- LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. In Prince Itupert Land neciirtllint t)U Irk I. and ulliulr al ,r ttimtilMi llaruor 1-1 1 1 Und, aboul imp mile norlliea! frtmi Hie emram-n to.l'etrel Channel, -aud about one mtl aodlherlr rrtiui the normiasi rorllffr or Lot 8 03 3 P. Tike notice that Wallace Flherles I.lmtlrd. or Vancouver, O.C., occupation canucrxtiwu. lnleiitls lo apply for a Icasa of the rnllowUir nreacribrd land:- ("leimneiiclnir at a pol Planted about aiw mlU In a snuthi-rly direction from the norlhea! -mer of Lot 80131; thence mult 9.1? rlu ns: thence west G.Uu chain: thence north 0.70 chatn: thenca easisrly ineanderinf alonr the hlrh water mark lo rxxt of ctvnimencenirnt, and coniainlnr acre, more or Imw. WALLACE KISIIERIES LIMITED. Vpplirant nl iMmh' LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply For Laata of Land.. In the I'rlnce Itupvrl Land llci-ordinr nislrlrl and imate on an uiinamrd llrt f.iltnlllB- inic of tin- .NaiTS Kroup of llcH ill liuuson nn.v i-as-jon- oeitoKiia tiurr i i '' .tain' Vm". mver; Doggan.; lshmh. .Krr'J, of fresh southeast wind: Intro- oily: meter, 2P.B8; lemperulure, la;t . I -ea moilerate: 0.20 u.m. .spoke, - , Not up to Samplo sleamor Catala off Ivory Lslandi "II wan a ease of love at first j northbound. jsighl yvheu I in tit .luck." i Dead Tree Point -Clear, citlin: Prluce lliiiMrl. H i:.. Malt-r Mariner. Intend to apply for a le of the JTollotMnir (le-r rl licit laud: Coiumriirlnir al a hii mi the ahorr on! I he Knl aide of I lie alsive de-crlbed llcl, thence S.ouil feel iuirlhtel: thence S.OdOi feel northeal Iheitce a.nuii feet mmiiIi-I VMM: llirnce t.UUi) fei-l mulllttenl lo the 'Then why didn't you marry ' M"' "r e..iiimeiicuieiit. conuinin o , baromulcr, 211.0'.': temperature, him." I iiVnius keiui, I 41; ea Duiuulh. ' "1 md Imn ugu.n so ortea." ' DiWll puti Villi (" s-Ul",!CS- Always a Treasure THE Waterman! pen !s treasured for more reasons than one It is perfectly made it writet smoothly it has the beauty that alwaya goes with 100 usefulnexa. Naturally It is treasured, now as for forty years past, because it is a Waterman's. Waterman's dealers will exchange Waterman's pens until the proper point has been obtained. Waterman's pens range from the plain at $2.75 upward, to the mounted from $4.00 upward. Mr (tun and StrYui at But Dialtrs tht Wtrld 0rr if.l.1.Vjlliicldy tK orml d (ww VtBITHlnr m Some Christmas Gift Suggestions The Treasure Chest AT completes the Christmas gift by furnishing a beautiful box for the Pen and Pencil. Every Waterman's Pen has a Pencil to match it. dterm&n's Uirl" (iold Filled lo Jewelled Wrisl Watch , 1 0.0(1 Holler Quality . . $12.00 to $15.00 HoliU Hold JS20.D0 to i5.0tt (JliildiTii'.s Solid JJold Hings, sJI.OO to $1.50 Sterling Silver Napkin Hings $1.00 lo $11.75 MenV 15 Jewellei! Hold Filled YVulclie 15.(10 lu $:io.00 Men's OuM Signet lWiigf from $5.00 You're welcome lo look tiroiind John Bulger Jeweller Give Furniture This Xmas A Few Sale Specials 3-Piece Mohair Chesterfield Suite Walnut Uliesterfield. Tahle and Walnut Floor Lamp with beautiful (ieor-getle shade ii various designs, complete, only $231.00 Walnut Veneer or Old English Oak -Dining Room Suite. S pieces, only $179.00 46 Simmons' Bed Unit Comprising square post Ivory steel bed. W coil spring timl high grade wool uinltress complete, only $42.50 3-Polnt Colored Blankets and Pure Wool White Blankets to clear at our special sale prices. REMEMBER THE STORE. Barrie's Home Furnishings (One duor cast of Daily News Office 3rd Avenue. Phone 123.